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[F04 | R5 Performer | Closed] Morríghan's Descants

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The previous day had been rather enjoyable, as far as Nari was concerned. She'd had a customer, after a long hiatus - something that had encouraged her to return to the passionate work. She had to admit, after a while of not attending to the recording studio, the return had been pleasant - even if not perfect.

It had been a while since she'd seen NIGHT - the other girl having been busy with her own intiatives and efforts. But as Nari wandered into the recording studio, she found her partner focused on the cords that Nari had recently introduced her to, a determined and semi-frustrated look on her face.

"Here, this finger goes here...and this one here..." She leaned over the other, adjusting the position of the fingers on the cords, her words a careful whisper. Content with the rearrangement, she made her way towards her piano, ready to complete her own work for the day.


Date: 2022-06-12
[1110/2259 EXP] Rank 4 - El Quarto Instructor: Able to craft Tier 4 equipment. 8 crafts per day. 
Crafting Buffs
Extended Workshop [+1 Daily Crafting Attempts; +2 EXP per crafting attempt]

Apollo’s Metronome [Crafting Tool; +1 CD when crafting in one’s workshop.]
Dragon's Breath {1} [Crafter's Respite; Resets your daily crafting/identification attempts. Cannot use more than one Crafter’s Respite within one calendar day.]

Crafting Tier 4 [Support Song]
209515 | CD: 9+1=10 | LD: 19 | Rare [Masterpiece; 2 Slots]
209516 | CD: 12+1=13 | LD: 16 | Perfect [Masterpiece; 3 Slots]
209517 | CD: 11+1=12 | LD: 16 | Perfect [Masterpiece; 3 Slots]
209518 | CD: 10+1=11 | LD: 5 | Rare [2 Slots]
209519 | CD: 4+1=5 | LD: 10 | Salvage [Lose Materials]
209520 | CD: 10+1=11 | LD: 7 | Rare [2 Slots]
209521 | CD: 4+1=5 | LD: 7 | Salvage [Lose Materials]
209522 | CD: 2+1=3 | LD: 16 | Salvage [Save Materials]
209523 | CD: 1+1=2 | LD: 17 | Fail [Lose Materials]

Result: +56 EXP (7+10+10+7+4+7+4+4+3) [1166/2259 EXP]


New Item:
| Rare Support Song [ID209518, 209520]
| Rare Masterpiece Support Song [ID209515]
| Perfect Masterpiece Support Song [ID209516, 209517]


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Nari's previous day of work had paid off - she'd made some excellent pieces, managing to create a few masterpieces alongside the perfect quality items. As she wandered into the recording studio late in the afternoon, slight smile on her lips and a bounce in her step, she spotted NIGHT making her way out. A quick passing conversation and she learnt that the other girl would be heading out on her own errands, leaving Nari alone in the recording studio alone for the day. Pleasantries aside, Nari moved into the studio - settling in behind the piano, and beginning her work for the day.


Date: 2022-06-13
[1166/2259 EXP] Rank 4 - El Quarto Instructor: Able to craft Tier 4 equipment. 8 crafts per day. 
Crafting Buffs
Extended Workshop [+1 Daily Crafting Attempts; +2 EXP per crafting attempt]

Apollo’s Metronome [Crafting Tool; +1 CD when crafting in one’s workshop.]
Dragon's Breath {1} [Crafter's Respite; Resets your daily crafting/identification attempts. Cannot use more than one Crafter’s Respite within one calendar day.]

Crafting Tier 4 [Support Song]
209536 | CD: 5+1=6 | LD: 16 | Uncommon [Masterpiece; 1 Slot]
209537 | CD: 4+1=5 | LD: 1 | Salvage [Lose Materials]
209538 | CD: 6+1=7 | LD: 3 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
209539 | CD: 1+1=2 | LD: 3 | Fail [Lose Materials]
209540 | CD: 5+1=6 | LD: 12 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
209541 | CD: 12+1=13 | LD: 19 | Perfect [Masterpiece; 3 Slots]
209542 | CD: 6+1=7 | LD: 17 | Uncommon [Masterpiece; 1 Slot]
209543 | CD: 8+1=9 | LD: 1 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
209544 | CD: 12+1=13 | LD: 2 | Perfect [3 Slots]

Result: +52 EXP (5+4+5+3+5+10+5+5+10) [1218/2259 EXP]


New Item:
| Uncommon Support Song [ID209538, 209540, 209543]
| Uncommon Masterpiece Support Song [ID209536, 209542]
| Perfect Support Song [ID209544]
| Perfect Masterpiece Support Song [ID209541]


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The soft blue sunlight of the evening had filtered in through the large windows, basking the recording studio in a wave of blue luminescence. She sat quietly at the piano, lost in thought as she considered what had recently occurred in her life. She’d gone through so many changes since Sword Art Online had started…

Shaking off the thoughts, she turned back to the instrument, knowing that her time would be better spent being put to work. Her fingers sliding across the keys, carefully caressing the tops of them, before she launched into her work – the recording crystals glimmering softly in the light as she sang to the empty room.


Date: 2022-06-14
[1218/2259 EXP] Rank 4 - El Quarto Instructor: Able to craft Tier 4 equipment. 8 crafts per day. 
Crafting Buffs
Extended Workshop [+1 Daily Crafting Attempts; +2 EXP per crafting attempt]

Apollo’s Metronome [Crafting Tool; +1 CD when crafting in one’s workshop.]
Dragon's Breath {1} [Crafter's Respite; Resets your daily crafting/identification attempts. Cannot use more than one Crafter’s Respite within one calendar day.]

Crafting Tier 4 [Support Song]
209567 | CD: 2+1=3 | LD: 18 | Salvage [Save Materials]
209568 | CD: 6+1=7 | LD: 18 | Uncommon [Masterpiece; 1 Slot]
209569 | CD: 9+1=10 | LD: 10 | Rare [2 Slots]
209570 | CD: 8+1=9 | LD: 18 | Rare [Masterpiece; 2 Slots]
209571 | CD: 3+1=4 | LD: 9 | Salvage [Lose Materials]
209572 | CD: 9+1=10 | LD: 17 | Rare [Masterpiece; 2 Slots]
209573 | CD: 5+1=6 | LD: 19 | Uncommon [Masterpiece; 1 Slot]
209574 | CD: 3+1=4 | LD: 5 | Salvage [Lose Materials]
209575 | CD: 7+1=8 | LD: 2 | Uncommon [Masterpiece; 1 Slot]

Result: +48 EXP (4+5+7+7+4+7+5+4+5) [1266/2259 EXP]


New Item:
| Uncommon Masterpiece Support Song [ID209568, 209573, 209575]
| Rare Support Song [ID209569]
| Rare Masterpiece Support Song [ID209570, 209572]


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Nari's hand ran along the edge of the piano. The recording studio was dark - the moonlight from the exterior the only cause for visibility inside the room. The silence rang out, almost in an overpowering way. NIGHT had once again been away - for numerous days now, and Nari was starting to feel the disconnect. Her heart called out, her desires left unanswered.

Sighing to herself, and knowing there was nothing she could do to alleviate it, she instead turned to the one thing she did still have - her music. Sliding into the piano seat, she touched a few keys gently, before launching into her songs with earnest. She could hear the echoes of emotions as she sang out, the feelings coming out in the tone of words.


Date: 2022-06-15
[1266/2259 EXP] Rank 4 - El Quarto Instructor: Able to craft Tier 4 equipment. 8 crafts per day. 
Crafting Buffs
Extended Workshop [+1 Daily Crafting Attempts; +2 EXP per crafting attempt]

Apollo’s Metronome [Crafting Tool; +1 CD when crafting in one’s workshop.]
Dragon's Breath {1} [Crafter's Respite; Resets your daily crafting/identification attempts. Cannot use more than one Crafter’s Respite within one calendar day.]

Crafting Tier 4 [Debuff Song]
209583 | CD: 6+1=7 | LD: 7 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
209584 | CD: 3+1=4 | LD: 8 | Salvage [Lose Materials]
209585 | CD: 11+1=12 | LD: 20 | Perfect [Masterpiece; 3 Slots]
209586 | CD: 6+1=7 | LD: 8 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
209587 | CD: 11+1=12 | LD: 15 | Perfect [Masterpiece; 3 Slots]
209588 | CD: 6+1=7 | LD: 10 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
209589 | CD: 4+1=5 | LD: 7 | Salvage [Lose Materials]
209590 | CD: 12+1=13 | LD: 15 | Perfect [Masterpiece; 3 Slots]
209591 | CD: 7+1=8 | LD: 20 | Uncommon [Masterpiece; 1 Slot]

Result: +58 EXP (5+4+10+5+10+5+4+10+5) [1324/2259 EXP]


New Item:
| Uncommon Debuff Song [ID209583, 209586, 209591]
| Perfect Masterpiece Debuff Song [ID209585, 209587, 209590]


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The longing carried on, tearing at her. It had been a long time now since she'd last seen NIGHT - too long, as far as she was concerned. She'd begun to avoid certain parts of the house, areas where they'd made some memories. Her eyes lingered on the spot where NIGHT had begun her guitar lessons, the sound of those first awful strums still echoing in Nari's memories.

Sighing, she turned to the one solace she could still find here - the piano, and the songs that it promised. Her activities outside the house had been lax lately, perhaps the drive slowly receeding as she found herself in comfort. But recently...well, recently she'd found an urge returning - a desire to try for that sweet promise of escape.

"Mayhaps we find upon the edge, the ruins that we created..." Shaking her head, she forced away the dark line of thought and settled herself behind the piano.


Date: 2022-06-17
[1324/2259 EXP] Rank 4 - El Quarto Instructor: Able to craft Tier 4 equipment. 8 crafts per day. 
Crafting Buffs
Extended Workshop [+1 Daily Crafting Attempts; +2 EXP per crafting attempt]

Apollo’s Metronome [Crafting Tool; +1 CD when crafting in one’s workshop.]
Dragon's Breath {1} [Crafter's Respite; Resets your daily crafting/identification attempts. Cannot use more than one Crafter’s Respite within one calendar day.]

Crafting Tier 4 [Debuff Song]
209617 | CD: 9+1=10 | LD: 3 | Rare [2 Slots]
209618 | CD: 7+1=8 | LD: 13 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
209619 | CD: 1+1=2 | LD: 1 | Fail [Lose Materials]
209620 | CD: 11+1=12 | LD: 3 | Perfect [3 Slots]
209621 | CD: 3+1=4 | LD: 7 | Salvage [Lose Materials]
209622 | CD: 12+1=13 | LD: 9 | Perfect [3 Slots]
209623 | CD: 8+1=9 | LD: 13 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
209624 | CD: 4+1=5 | LD: 14 | Salvage [Save Materials]
209625 | CD: 9+1=10 | LD: 1 | Rare [2 Slots]

Result: +55 EXP (7+5+3+10+4+10+5+4+7) [1379/2259 EXP]


New Item:
| Uncommon Debuff Song [ID209623]
| Rare Debuff Song [ID209617, 209625]
| Perfect Debuff Song [ID209620, 209622]


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  • 5 months later...

This was Fae's first time on the fourth floor, having spent the vast majority of her time in the Town of Beginnings with Angel at The Wayward, she had heard that this floor was a permanent winter, but this was more than she expected. Not only was it winter, the floor was in an almost perpetual state of snow in, the snow coming in thick at almost all times. Opening the door to the basement that doubled recording studio Fae sighed in relief, the warmth being a sweet reprieve from the outside air, her black clothes and green half cloak not at all protecting from the weather. The door closed with a thud, leaving Fae standing alone in the room next to a large piano "Is there anyone in here?" Fae called out into the open air "I was hoping to purchase some songs." Not knowing what to do with herself Fae sat on the bench to the piano to wait.



An Mhaighdean Mhara [Support Song - Familiar's sight] Perfect ID: 208975


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  • 3 weeks later...

It had been a long time since Nari had stepped foot into the recording studio. The piano remained silent, the lid open and ready for whomever took their place before the keys, as if requesting to be played. Her gaze passed over the other portions of the room - open, silent, as if crying out for some sort of sound to fill the void that it had become. She wasn't sure why she had avoided this place, maybe it had just been habit. Whatever the reason...I'm here now, which means it's time to get back to work. She smiled to herself as she crossed to the piano and settled herself, fingering the keys carefully before pulling herself into the music entirely.


Date: 2022-12-18
[1379/2259 EXP] Rank 4 - El Quarto Instructor: Able to craft Tier 4 equipment. 8 crafts per day. 
Crafting Buffs
Extended Workshop [+1 Daily Crafting Attempts; +2 EXP per crafting attempt]

Apollo’s Metronome [Crafting Tool; +1 CD when crafting in one’s workshop.]
Dragon's Breath {1} [Crafter's Respite; Resets your daily crafting/identification attempts. Cannot use more than one Crafter’s Respite within one calendar day.]

Crafting Tier 4 [Support Song]
210184 | CD: 3+1=4 | LD: 14 | Salvage [Keep Materials]
210185 | CD: 2+1=3 | LD: 12 | Fail [Lose Materials]
210186 | CD: 5+1=6 | LD: 16 | Uncommon [1 Slot; Masterpiece]
210187 | CD: 8+1=9 | LD: 15 | Rare [2 Slots; Masterpiece]
210188 | CD: 3+1=4 | LD: 2 | Salvage [Lose Materials]
210189 | CD: 12+1=13 | LD: 18 | Perfect [3 Slots; Masterpiece]
210190 | CD: 6+1=7 | LD: 10 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
210191 | CD: 3+1=4 | LD: 6 | Salvage [Lose Materials]
210191 | CD: 5+1=6 | LD: 14 | Uncommon [1 Slot; Masterpiece]

Total Material Cost: 8 materials
Result: +47 EXP (4+3+5+7+4+10+5+4+5) [1426/2259 EXP]


New Item:
| Uncommon Support Song [ID210190]
| Uncommon Masterpiece Support Song [ID210186, 210191]

| Rare Masterpiece Support Song [ID210187]
| Perfect Masterpiece Support Song [ID210189]


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There are many that call the fourth floor their home, and for good reason.  It is a beautiful place to live, as long as they didn't care much about the cold.  Hirru was not one of those people.  Having to switch between his main extra skills and his survival skill, just to not die of extreme cold or heat was a burden for him.  Still, the people that lived here and made shop within the floor were some great people, and some of his well known friends.  He was about to find himself in a shop of someone that he had only briefly befriended not long before.

In search of someone that can make some healing methods for them, the hunter had searched around the shops, but not many were open at this hour.  He was planning something big, and would need some help for this.  Finding a quant little home out on the outskirts, he would find Morrighans Songs.  Stepping into the open studio, he was amazed by the level of instruments that this one had.  Whenever the proprietor would show themselves, or their NPC store clerk, he would give a boisterous greeting before going on to make a custom order.


10 orders of Eleanór a Rún [Masterpiece Mass]  ------------ Cost 30 Mats

Item Name: Eleanór a Rún
Item Type: Masterpiece Support Song - HP Recovery (Mass)
Tier: T1 [HP Recovery is unrankable]
Quality: Perfect 
Enhancements: HP Recovery x3
Description: [Insert Additional Desired Description Here]

Please note that standard descriptions are used, unless specific desires are requested.

10 orders of Eleanór a Rún [Masterpiece Instant] ---------- Cost 30 Mats

Item Name: Eleanór a Rún
Item Type: Masterpiece Support Song - HP Recovery (Instant)
Tier: T1 [HP Recovery is unrankable]
Quality: Perfect 
Enhancements: HP Recovery x3
Description: [Insert Additional Desired Description Here]

Please note that standard descriptions are used, unless specific desires are requested.


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Her return to work had gone far better than Nari had expected, the items coming out as if she'd never left the piano behind. Even the vocal recordings had been more than she'd anticipated, and she couldn't help but feel a measure of pride at her capabilities. "Alright, let's try this again then!"


Date: 2022-12-19
[1426/2259 EXP] Rank 4 - El Quarto Instructor: Able to craft Tier 4 equipment. 8 crafts per day. 
Crafting Buffs
Extended Workshop [+1 Daily Crafting Attempts; +2 EXP per crafting attempt]

Apollo’s Metronome [Crafting Tool; +1 CD when crafting in one’s workshop.]
Dragon's Breath {1} [Crafter's Respite; Resets your daily crafting/identification attempts. Cannot use more than one Crafter’s Respite within one calendar day.]

Crafting Tier 4 [Support Song]
210248 | CD: 9+1=10 | LD: 10 | Rare [2 Slots]
210249 | CD: 7+1=8 | LD: 16 | Uncommon [1 Slot; Masterpiece]
210250 | CD: 6+1=7 | LD: 16 | Uncommon [1 Slot; Masterpiece]
210251 | CD: 4+1=5 | LD: 4 | Salvage [Lose Materials]
210252 | CD: 6+1=7 | LD: 10 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
210253 | CD: 1+1=2 | LD: 13 | Fail [Lose Materials]
210254 | CD: 9+1=10 | LD: 4 | Rare [2 Slots]
210255 | CD: 7+1=8 | LD: 8 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
210256 | CD: 1+1=2 | LD: 15 | Fail [Lose Materials]

Total Material Cost: 9 materials
Result: +44 EXP (7+5+5+4+5+3+7+5+3) [1470/2259 EXP]

Uncommon Masterpiece Support Song [ID210249] + Uncommon Masterpiece Support Song [ID210250] | Fused to make Rare Masterpiece Support Song [ID210257]
Rare Masterpiece Support Song [ID210257] + Rare Masterpiece Support Song [ID210187] | Fused to make Perfect Support Song [ID210258]
Rare Support Song [ID210248] + Rare Support Song [ID210254] | Fused to make Perfect Support Song [ID210259]
Uncommon Support Song [ID210252] + Uncommon Support Song [ID210255] | Fused to make Rare Support Song [ID210260]

New Item:
| Rare Support Song [ID210260]
| Perfect Support Song [ID210259]
| Perfect Masterpiece Support Song [ID210258]


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Another day...another set of consumables. Nari glanced over the recording studio with a soft smile, taking in the overall mess that she had left last time. She took a few moments to put everything in order, before settling in behind the piano itself and beginning her work for the day.


Date: 2022-12-22
[1470/2259 EXP] Rank 4 - El Quarto Instructor: Able to craft Tier 4 equipment. 8 crafts per day. 
Crafting Buffs
Extended Workshop [+1 Daily Crafting Attempts; +2 EXP per crafting attempt]

Apollo’s Metronome [Crafting Tool; +1 CD when crafting in one’s workshop.]
Dragon's Breath {1} [Crafter's Respite; Resets your daily crafting/identification attempts. Cannot use more than one Crafter’s Respite within one calendar day.]

Crafting Tier 4 [Support Song]
210415 | CD: 4+1=5 | LD: 6 | Salvage [Lose Materials]
210416 | CD: 1+1=2 | LD: 4 | Fail [Lose Materials]
210417 | CD: 7+1=8 | LD: 4 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
210418 | CD: 11+1=12 | LD: 19 | Perfect [3 Slots; Masterpiece]
210419 | CD: 8+1=9 | LD: 2 | Rare [2 Slots]
210420 | CD: 7+1=8 | LD: 19 | Uncommon [1 Slot; Masterpiece]
210421 | CD: 7+1=8 | LD: 11 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
210422 | CD: 8+1=9 | LD: 8 | Rare [2 Slots]
210423 | CD: 1+1=2 | LD: 11 | Fail [Lose Materials]

Total Material Cost: 9 materials
Result: +49 EXP (4+3+5+10+7+5+5+7+3) [1519/2259 EXP]

Rare Support Song [ID210419] + Rare Support Song [ID210422] | Fused to make Perfect Support Song [ID210425]
Uncommon Support Song [ID210417] + Uncommon Support Song [ID210421] | Fused to make Rare Support Song [ID210426]

New Item:
| Uncommon Masterpiece Support Song [ID210420]
| Rare Support Song [ID210426]

| Perfect Support Song [ID210425]
| Perfect Masterpiece Support Song [ID210418]


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It felt good to return to the consistent repetitive task of performing. Although it was monotonous, creating the same thing over and over again, there was a...schedule, to it. An outcome expected. It set a precedence for what her day consisted of, and made her feel like she had a purpose. Not to mention, it put the piano to work.


Date: 2022-12-23
[1519/2259 EXP] Rank 4 - El Quarto Instructor: Able to craft Tier 4 equipment. 8 crafts per day. 
Crafting Buffs
Extended Workshop [+1 Daily Crafting Attempts; +2 EXP per crafting attempt]

Apollo’s Metronome [Crafting Tool; +1 CD when crafting in one’s workshop.]
Dragon's Breath {1} [Crafter's Respite; Resets your daily crafting/identification attempts. Cannot use more than one Crafter’s Respite within one calendar day.]

Crafting Tier 4 [Support Song]
210496 | CD: 9+1=10 | LD: 5 | Rare [2 Slots]
210497 | CD: 5+1=6 | LD: 12 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
210498 | CD: 11+1=12 | LD: 6 | Perfect [3 Slots]
210499 | CD: 2+1=3 | LD: 18 | Salvage [Save Materials]
210500 | CD: 7+1=8 | LD: 18 | Uncommon [1 Slot; Masterpiece]
210501 | CD: 8+1=9 | LD: 20 | Rare [2 Slots; Masterpiece]
210502 | CD: 11+1=12 | LD: 3 | Perfect [3 Slots]
210503 | CD: 8+1=9 | LD: 3 | Rare [2 Slots]
210504 | CD: 2+1=3 | LD: 6 | Salvage [Lose Materials]

Total Material Cost: 8 materials
Result: +59 EXP (7+5+10+4+5+7+10+7+4) [1578/2259 EXP]

Rare Support Song [ID210496] + Rare Support Song [ID210503] | Fused to make Perfect Support Song [ID210505]

New Item:
| Uncommon Support Song [ID210497]
| Uncommon Masterpiece Support Song [ID210500]
| Rare Masterpiece Support Song [ID210501]

| Perfect Support Song [ID210498, 210502, 210505]


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Success. Everything had been relatively successful thus far. Enough so that Nari was beginning to feel the excitement every time she thought about the recording studio. Once, it had been trivial. Time consuming. Nothing more than a frustration. But like everything that was practiced, now it was almost easy.


Date: 2022-12-24
[1578/2259 EXP] Rank 4 - El Quarto Instructor: Able to craft Tier 4 equipment. 8 crafts per day. 
Crafting Buffs
Extended Workshop [+1 Daily Crafting Attempts; +2 EXP per crafting attempt]

Apollo’s Metronome [Crafting Tool; +1 CD when crafting in one’s workshop.]
Dragon's Breath {1} [Crafter's Respite; Resets your daily crafting/identification attempts. Cannot use more than one Crafter’s Respite within one calendar day.]

Crafting Tier 4 [Support Song]
210551 | CD: 1+1=2 | LD: 20 | Fail [Lose Materials]
210552 | CD: 8+1=9 | LD: 5 | Rare [2 Slots]
210553 | CD: 8+1=9 | LD: 10 | Rare [2 Slots]
210554 | CD: 12+1=13 | LD: 4 | Perfect [3 Slots]
210555 | CD: 8+1=9 | LD: 7 | Rare [2 Slots]
210556 | CD: 2+1=3 | LD: 15 | Salvage [Save Materials]
210557 | CD: 8+1=9 | LD: 20 | Rare [2 Slots; Masterpiece]
210558 | CD: 8+1=9 | LD: 4 | Rare [2 Slots]
210559 | CD: 10+1=11 | LD: 17 | Rare [2 Slots; Masterpiece]

Total Material Cost: 8 materials
Result: +59 EXP (3+7+7+10+7+4+7+7+7) [1637/2259 EXP]

Rare Support Song [ID210552] + Rare Support Song [ID210553] | Fused to make Perfect Support Song [ID210560]
Rare Support Song [ID210555] + Rare Support Song [ID210558] | Fused to make Perfect Support Song [ID210561]
Rare Masterpiece Support Song [ID210557] + Rare Masterpiece Support Song [ID210559] | Fused to make Perfect Support Song [ID210563]

New Item:
| Perfect Masterpiece Support Song [ID210563]
| Perfect Support Song [ID210554, 210560, 210561]


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It really was amazing how easy a profession became once one had gained some simple practice with it, the entire experience making it all the more frustrating at lower levels. Nari could still remember all the struggles she'd gone through, just trying to get anything that would work, anything that wouldn't shatter immediately or leave her with something horrid. Now, she was able to produce pieces that were near perfect in quality; pieces she could be truly proud to sell to others.


Date: 2022-12-26
[1637/2259 EXP] Rank 4 - El Quarto Instructor: Able to craft Tier 4 equipment. 8 crafts per day. 
Crafting Buffs
Extended Workshop [+1 Daily Crafting Attempts; +2 EXP per crafting attempt]

Apollo’s Metronome [Crafting Tool; +1 CD when crafting in one’s workshop.]
Dragon's Breath {1} [Crafter's Respite; Resets your daily crafting/identification attempts. Cannot use more than one Crafter’s Respite within one calendar day.]

Crafting Tier 4 [Support Song]
210745 | CD: 10+1=11 | LD: 17 | Rare [2 Slots; Masterpiece]
210746 | CD: 10+1=11 | LD: 12 | Rare [2 Slots]
210747 | CD: 5+1=6 | LD: 11 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
210748 | CD: 11+1=12 | LD: 7 | Perfect [3 Slots]
210749 | CD: 10+1=11 | LD: 9 | Rare [2 Slots]
210750 | CD: 5+1=6 | LD: 16 | Uncommon [1 Slots; Masterpiece]
210751 | CD: 6+1=7 | LD: 8 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
210752 | CD: 5+1=6 | LD: 19 | Uncommon [1 Slots; Masterpiece]
210753 | CD: 1+1=2 | LD: 11 | Fail [Lose Materials]

Total Material Cost: 9 materials
Result: +54 EXP (7+7+5+10+7+5+5+5+3) [1691/2259 EXP]

Uncommon Masterpiece Support Song [ID210750] + Uncommon Masterpiece Support Song [ID210752] | Fused to make Rare Masterpiece Support Song [ID210754]
Rare Masterpiece Support Song [ID210745] + Rare Masterpiece Support Song [ID210754] | Fused to make Perfect Masterpiece Support Song [ID210755]
Rare Support Song [ID210746] + Rare Support Song [ID210749] | Fused to make Perfect Support Song [ID210756]
Uncommon Support Song [ID210747] + Uncommon Support Song [ID210751] | Fused to make Rare Support Song [ID210757]

New Item:
| Perfect Masterpiece Support Song [ID210755]
| Perfect Support Song [ID210748, 210756]
| Rare Support Song [ID210757]


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Repetition, repetition and more repetition. Sure, it could get tiring - but Nari knew that the path to perfection was often the one which caused the most frustration. Not through continued failures, but through the continued repetition that came with such a task. Even if one was to succeed, it could still be tiring to do the same thing over and over again until it was absolutely perfect - unquestionably, undeniably, perfect. And so, as she sat at the piano once more, she had a single thought. Am I perfect enough yet?


Date: 2022-12-28
[1691/2259 EXP] Rank 4 - El Quarto Instructor: Able to craft Tier 4 equipment. 8 crafts per day. 
Crafting Buffs
Extended Workshop [+1 Daily Crafting Attempts; +2 EXP per crafting attempt]

Apollo’s Metronome [Crafting Tool; +1 CD when crafting in one’s workshop.]
Dragon's Breath {1} [Crafter's Respite; Resets your daily crafting/identification attempts. Cannot use more than one Crafter’s Respite within one calendar day.]

Crafting Tier 4 [Support Song]
210989 | CD: 7+1=8 | LD: 10 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
210990 | CD: 7+1=8 | LD: 1 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
210991 | CD: 4+1=5 | LD: 19 | Salvage [Save Materials]
210992 | CD: 12+1=13 | LD: 3 | Perfect [3 Slots]
210993 | CD: 8+1=9 | LD: 10 | Rare [2 Slots]
210994 | CD: 9+1=10 | LD: 15 | Rare [2 Slots; Masterpiece]
210995 | CD: 2+1=3 | LD: 9 | Salvage [Lose Materials]
210996 | CD: 8+1=9 | LD: 5 | Rare [2 Slots]
210997 | CD: 4+1=5 | LD: 1 | Salvage [Lose Materials]

Total Material Cost: 8 materials
Result: +53 EXP (5+5+4+10+7+7+4+7+4) [1744/2259 EXP]

Uncommon Support Song [ID210989] + Uncommon Support Song [ID210990] | Fused to make Rare Masterpiece Support Song [ID210998]
Rare Support Song [ID210993] + Rare Support Song [ID210996] | Fused to make Perfect Support Song [ID210999]


New Item:
| Rare Masterpiece Support Song [ID210994]
| Rare Support Song [ID210998]
| Perfect Support Song [ID210992, 210999]


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It had taken the longest time to move the piano, settling it in the new studio exactly where she wanted it. She'd never felt herself to be fussy about design, but something about the recording studio required a much more specific hand. It wasn't a place that Nari felt she could simply place things down, and be happy about it. It needed to sit properly, to orient with everything else in the studio - and most importantly, to revibrate with the general amphitheatre feel she was going for. As she glanced over everything, finally content, she settled herself in to begin the true work for the day.


Date: 2022-12-29
[1744/2259 EXP] Rank 4 - El Quarto Instructor: Able to craft Tier 4 equipment. 8 crafts per day. 
Crafting Buffs
Extended Workshop [+1 Daily Crafting Attempts; +2 EXP per crafting attempt]

Apollo’s Metronome [Crafting Tool; +1 CD when crafting in one’s workshop.]
Dragon's Breath {1} [Crafter's Respite; Resets your daily crafting/identification attempts. Cannot use more than one Crafter’s Respite within one calendar day.]

Crafting Tier 4 [Support Song]
211043 | CD: 7+1=8 | LD: 7 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
211044 | CD: 2+1=3 | LD: 13 | Salvage [Save Materials]
211045 | CD: 3+1=4 | LD: 5 | Salvage [Lose Materials]
211046 | CD: 7+1=8 | LD: 7 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
211047 | CD: 6+1=7 | LD: 4 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
211048 | CD: 8+1=9 | LD: 10 | Rare [2 Slots]
211049 | CD: 10+1=11 | LD: 14 | Rare [2 Slots; Masterpiece]
211050 | CD: 2+1=3 | LD: 16 | Salvage [Save Materials]
211051 | CD: 8+1=9 | LD: 10 | Rare [2 Slots]

Total Material Cost: 7 materials
Result: +48 EXP (5+5+4+10+7+7+4+7+4) [1792/2259 EXP]

Uncommon Support Song [ID211043] + Uncommon Support Song [ID211046] | Fused to make Rare Support Song [ID211052]
Rare Support Song [ID211048] + Rare Support Song [ID211051] | Fused to make Perfect Support Song [ID211053]


New Item:
| Uncommon Support Song [ID211047]
| Rare Masterpiece Support Song [ID211049]

| Rare Support Song [ID211052]
| Perfect Support Song [ID


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The new setup was comfortable, if requiring a bit of adjustment. Nari spent a few moments before getting started adjusting the location of the piano, moving it ever so slightly so that it echoed more prominently on her held notes, making sure that the sound was captured perfectly. Once she had settled herself, she began humming a now familiar tune that she had been working on for a few weeks already.


Date: 2022-12-30
[1792/2259 EXP] Rank 4 - El Quarto Instructor: Able to craft Tier 4 equipment. 8 crafts per day. 
Crafting Buffs
Extended Workshop [+1 Daily Crafting Attempts; +2 EXP per crafting attempt]

Apollo’s Metronome [Crafting Tool; +1 CD when crafting in one’s workshop.]
Dragon's Breath {1} [Crafter's Respite; Resets your daily crafting/identification attempts. Cannot use more than one Crafter’s Respite within one calendar day.]

Crafting Tier 4 [Support Song]
211272 | CD: 2+1=3 | LD: 4 | Salvage [Lose Materials]
211273 | CD: 8+1=9 | LD: 13 | Rare [2 Slots]
211274 | CD: 2+1=3 | LD: 19 | Salvage [Save Materials]
211275 | CD: 8+1=9 | LD: 6 | Rare [2 Slots]
211276 | CD: 11+1=12 | LD: 13 | Perfect [3 Slots]
211277 | CD: 6+1=7 | LD: 7 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
211278 | CD: 6+1=7 | LD: 20 | Uncommon [1 Slot; Masterpiece]
211279 | CD: 3+1=4 | LD: 19 | Salvage [Save Materials]
211280 | CD: 5+1=6 | LD: 20 | Uncommon [1 Slot; Masterpiece]

Total Material Cost: 7 materials
Result: +51 EXP (4+7+4+7+10+5+5+4+5) [1843/2259 EXP]

Rare Support Song [ID211273] + Rare Support Song [ID211275] | Fused to make Perfect Support Song [ID211282]

Uncommon Masterpiece Support Song [ID211278] + Uncommon Masterpiece Support Song [ID211280] | Fused to make Rare Masterpiece Support Song [ID211283]

New Item:
| Uncommon Support Song [ID211277]
| Rare Masterpiece Support Song [ID
| Perfect Support Song [ID
211276, 211283]


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"Alright...reorganised a bit...name change done...now just to...get some actual work done." Nothing was left beyond creating the actual songs - an effort that she had been putting off up until this point. Sighing, she settled in behind the piano to begin the real work of the day, knowing that she could avoid it no longer.


Date: 2023-01-03
[1843/2259 EXP] Rank 4 - El Quarto Instructor: Able to craft Tier 4 equipment. 8 crafts per day. 
Crafting Buffs
Extended Workshop [+1 Daily Crafting Attempts; +2 EXP per crafting attempt]

Apollo’s Metronome [Crafting Tool; +1 CD when crafting in one’s workshop.]
Dragon's Breath {1} [Crafter's Respite; Resets your daily crafting/identification attempts. Cannot use more than one Crafter’s Respite within one calendar day.]

Crafting Tier 4 [Support Song]
211932 | CD: 12+1=13 | LD: 10 | Perfect [3 Slots]
211933 | CD: 5+1=6 | LD: 1 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
211934 | CD: 3+1=4 | LD: 20 | Salvage [Save Materials]
211935 | CD: 6+1=7 | LD: 14 | Uncommon [1 Slot; Masterpiece]
211936 | CD: 8+1=9 | LD: 18 | Rare [2 Slots; Masterpiece]
211937 | CD: 6+1=7 | LD: 7 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
211938 | CD: 12+1=13 | LD: 5 | Perfect [3 Slots]
211939 | CD: 9+1=10 | LD: 13 | Rare [2 Slots]
211940 | CD: 8+1=9 | LD: 9 | Rare [2 Slots]

Total Material Cost: 8 materials
Result: +60 EXP (10+5+4+5+7+5+10+7+7) [1903/2259 EXP]

Rare Support Song [ID211939] + Rare Support Song [ID211940] | Fused to make Perfect Support Song [ID211941]

Rare Masterpiece Support Song [ID210187] + Rare Masterpiece Support Song [ID210501] | Fused to make Perfect Masterpiece Support Song [ID211942]
Rare Masterpiece Support Song [ID210994] + Rare Masterpiece Support Song [ID211936] | Fused to make Perfect Masterpiece Support Song [ID211943]
Uncommon Masterpiece Support Song [ID210186] + Uncommon Masterpiece Support Song [ID210191] | Fused to make Rare Masterpiece Support Song [ID211944]
Uncommon Masterpiece Support Song [ID210420] + Uncommon Masterpiece Support Song [ID210500] | Fused to make Rare Masterpiece Support Song [ID211945]
Rare Masterpiece Support Song [ID211944] + Rare Masterpiece Support Song [ID211945] | Fused to make Perfect Masterpiece Support Song [ID211946]
Perfect Support Song [ID210259] + Perfect Support Song [ID210425] + Perfect Support Song [ID210498] | Fused to make
Perfect Masterpiece Support Song [ID211947]
Perfect Support Song [ID210502] + Perfect Support Song [ID210505] + Perfect Support Song [ID210554] | Fused to make
Perfect Masterpiece Support Song [ID211948]
Perfect Support Song [ID210560] + Perfect Support Song [ID210561] + Perfect Support Song [ID210748] | Fused to make
Perfect Masterpiece Support Song [ID211949]
Perfect Support Song [ID210756] + Perfect Support Song [ID210992] + Perfect Support Song [ID210999] | Fused to make
Perfect Masterpiece Support Song [ID211950]  
Perfect Support Song [ID211932] + Perfect Support Song [ID211938] + Perfect Support Song [ID211941] | Fused to make Perfect Masterpiece Support Song [ID211951]
Uncommon Support Song [ID210190] + Uncommon Support Song [ID211933] + Uncommon Support Song [ID211937] | Fused to make Rare Masterpiece Support Song [ID211952]

New Item:
| Uncommon Masterpiece Support Song [ID211935]
Rare Masterpiece Support Song [ID211952] 
| Perfect Masterpiece Support Song [ID211946, 211947, 211948, 211949, 211950, 211951]


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There had always been a solace in the piano room, an almost mystical feel to it for Nari. But as she sat down at the piano again, for another day of recording, she wondered what it was that always drew her back here - was it the memories, the emotions that she felt when she was playing? Was it the reminder of everything that had come and gone? Or was it the hope, of the future to be?


Date: 2023-01-04
[1903/2259 EXP] Rank 4 - El Quarto Instructor: Able to craft Tier 4 equipment. 8 crafts per day. 
Crafting Buffs
Extended Workshop [+1 Daily Crafting Attempts; +2 EXP per crafting attempt]

Apollo’s Metronome [Crafting Tool; +1 CD when crafting in one’s workshop.]
Dragon's Breath {1} [Crafter's Respite; Resets your daily crafting/identification attempts. Cannot use more than one Crafter’s Respite within one calendar day.]

Crafting Tier 4 [Support Song]
211953 | CD: 2+1=3 | LD: 4 | Fail [Lose Materials]
211954 | CD: 7+1=8 | LD: 15 | Uncommon [1 Slot; Masterpiece]
211955 | CD: 5+1=6 | LD: 20 | Uncommon [1 Slot; Masterpiece]
211956 | CD: 11+1=12 | LD: 8 | Perfect [3 Slots]
211957 | CD: 10+1=11 | LD: 7 | Rare [2 Slots]
211958 | CD: 5+1=6 | LD: 20 | Uncommon [1 Slot; Masterpiece]
211959 | CD: 12+1=13 | LD: 10 | Perfect [3 Slots]
211960 | CD: 8+1=9 | LD: 19 | Rare [2 Slots; Masterpiece]
211961 | CD: 12+1=13 | LD: 7 | Perfect [3 Slots]

Total Material Cost: 9 materials
Result: +62 EXP (3+5+5+10+7+5+10+7+10) [1965/2259 EXP]

Uncommon Masterpiece Support Song [ID211954] + Uncommon Masterpiece Support Song [ID211955] | Fused to make Rare Masterpiece Support Song [ID212075]
Rare Masterpiece Support Song [ID211960] + Rare Masterpiece Support Song [ID212075] | Fused to make Perfect Masterpiece Support Song [ID212076]
Uncommon Masterpiece Support Song [ID211958] + Uncommon Masterpiece Support Song [ID211935] | Fused to make Rare Masterpiece Support Song [ID212077]
Rare Masterpiece Support Song [ID211952] + Rare Masterpiece Support Song [ID212077] | Fused to make Perfect Masterpiece Support Song [ID212078]

New Item:
| Perfect Support Song [ID
211956, 211959, 211961]
| Perfect Masterpiece Support Song [ID212076, 212078]


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Quiet. The mornings were always so quiet, almost peaceful in a sense. Nari had to resist the urge to leave that quiet untouched - unbothered. There was work to do, and that work meant breaking the quiet, no matter how peaceful it may seem. 


Date: 2023-01-05
[1965/2259 EXP] Rank 4 - El Quarto Instructor: Able to craft Tier 4 equipment. 8 crafts per day. 
Crafting Buffs
Extended Workshop [+1 Daily Crafting Attempts; +2 EXP per crafting attempt]

Apollo’s Metronome [Crafting Tool; +1 CD when crafting in one’s workshop.]
Dragon's Breath {1} [Crafter's Respite; Resets your daily crafting/identification attempts. Cannot use more than one Crafter’s Respite within one calendar day.]

Crafting Tier 4 [Support Song]
212079 | CD: 9+1=10 | LD: 13 | Rare [2 Slots]
212080 | CD: 3+1=4 | LD: 16 | Salvage [Save Materials]
212081 | CD: 8+1=9 | LD: 14 | Rare [2 Slots; Masterpiece]
212082 | CD: 10+1=11 | LD: 9 | Rare [2 Slots]
212083 | CD: 6+1=7 | LD: 10 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
213084 | CD: 1+1=2 | LD: 6 | Fail [Lose Materials]
212085 | CD: 7+1=8 | LD: 15 | Uncommon [1 Slot; Masterpiece]
212086 | CD: 2+1=3 | LD: 6 | Salvage [Lose Materials]
212087 | CD: 3+1=4 | LD: 19 | Salvage [Save Materials]

Total Material Cost: 7 materials
Result: +46 EXP (7+4+7+7+5+3+5+4+4) [2011/2259 EXP]

Rare Support Song [ID212079] + Rare Support Song [ID212082] | Fused to make Perfect Support Song [ID212088]

New Item:
| Uncommon Support Song [ID
| Uncommon Masterpiece Support Song [ID212085]
| Rare Masterpiece Support Song [ID212081]
| Perfect Support Song [ID


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The days had been quiet, with no customers aside from the green haired warrior, Nari wasn't even sure why she was focusing so hard on producing new items. Sure, one day they'd need them for facing the floor boss. One day they'd be useful, maybe. But right now? Right now it seemed barren, a wasteland. Which is all the more reason to look to the future.


Date: 2023-01-06
[2011/2259 EXP] Rank 4 - El Quarto Instructor: Able to craft Tier 4 equipment. 8 crafts per day. 
Crafting Buffs
Extended Workshop [+1 Daily Crafting Attempts; +2 EXP per crafting attempt]

Apollo’s Metronome [Crafting Tool; +1 CD when crafting in one’s workshop.]
Dragon's Breath {1} [Crafter's Respite; Resets your daily crafting/identification attempts. Cannot use more than one Crafter’s Respite within one calendar day.]

Crafting Tier 4 [Support Song]
212100 | CD: 7+1=8 | LD: 16 | Uncommon [1 Slot; Masterpiece]
212101 | CD: 11+1=12 | LD: 15 | Perfect [3 Slots; Masterpiece]
212102 | CD: 8+1=9 | LD: 19 | Rare [2 Slots; Masterpiece]
212103 | CD: 11+1=12 | LD: 7 | Perfect [3 Slots]
212104 | CD: 8+1=9 | LD: 7 | Rare [2 Slots]
213105 | CD: 9+1=10 | LD: 4 | Rare [2 Slots]
212106 | CD: 11+1=12 | LD: 6 | Perfect [3 Slots]
212107 | CD: 4+1=5 | LD: 1 | Salvage [Lose Materials]
212108 | CD: 7+1=8 | LD: 18 | Uncommon [1 Slot; Masterpiece]

Total Material Cost: 9 materials
Result: +65 EXP (5+10+7+10+7+7+10+4+5) [2076/2259 EXP]

Uncommon Masterpiece Support Song [ID212100] + Uncommon Masterpiece Support Song [ID212108] | Fused to make Rare Masterpiece Support Song [ID212109]
Rare Masterpiece Support Song [ID212102] + Rare Masterpiece Support Song [ID212109] | Fused to make Perfect Masterpiece Support Song [ID212110]
Rare Support Song [ID212104] + Rare Support Song [ID212105] | Fused to make Perfect Support Song [ID212111]
Perfect Support Song [ID212103] + Perfect Support Song [ID212106] + Perfect Support Song [ID212111] | Fused to make Perfect Masterpiece Support Song [ID212112]

New Item:
| Perfect Masterpiece Support Song [ID212101, 212110, 212112]


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