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[PP-F6] The Jungle Exploration (Rosalia, Ruri)

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She had known that she had wanted to explore floor 6 for a while now, the last time she had explored it, a weird man had came and interrupted her in a conversation. Some guy that had looked like Indiana Jones. She then looked around the floor as she had teleported, she decided to invite Rosalia to come along, from the PM she had asked nicely if she had wanted to come. She then clicked the send button as she looked around a bit more thoroughly. Wandering around the jungle as she had awaited for Rosalia to arrive.

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Floor 6 huh?...im not sure if im ready but i can try i said to myself as i walked over to the warp gate and warped up to the sixth floor. Once there i messaged Ruri to let her know that i was waiting for her at the warp gate. I sat there on the bench wondering if this was going to be enough to help him...maybe id work my way up the ranks really quickly

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After I made my way back to the middle of the jungle. She then sat next to her. "Hey there, I'm Ruri." She had smiled at the unknown figure. She had wanted to know about this new player, to help her out in the new world. "I hope we become great friends." She smiled at her as she lifted her hand toward Rosalia for a handshake.

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"I had just wanted to explore the forest, This place, near the teleport gate is Amazon." She had smiled at Roselia. She was glad she could make a new friend, weather low level or not it was nice to have friends. She shook the hand she extended, then held her hand back in it's original place as she got up and once again walked forward, looking at the stone statue, happy that she had a friend to adventure with.

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Ruri didnt seem to be having a very good time being out here. When she passed out i decided...it was time to leave. I hid up in one of the taller trees waiting for her to wake up. I didnt want to leave her but she didnt seem to care nor did she seem to want anything to do with me. I watched her wake up and then jumped a couple of trees away.

Forgive me Ruri....you wouldnt have liked me anyway... i said to myself before jumping between trees looking for a way back to the city

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She heard nothing but trees and leaves had been swishing in the leaves feeling the leaves and the wind blow into her face. Rosalia no where to be found, she followed the sound of the leaves. She then continued forward the breeze and noises leading her, as she tried to find Rosalia.

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I dropped out of the trees just in front of the city. I couldnt handle this....not the sixth floor...not friends...i was and am still a wreck.There was only one thing i was looking forward to...was learning one of the ten unique skills available. I had a goal and no one would stop me from it. But i knew i was hurting Ruri. I walked to the warp gate but instead of leaving i sat back down on one of the benches...thinking if what i had done was the right thing.

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But...this was the first time...I... i said very shyly...i didnt like being yelled at nor did i like being scolded. I got enough of it at home...before all of this happened. For the next couple of minutes, the only thing i could do was stare at the ground...saying nothing and trying not to cry.

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"S-Sorry." She had said at last, hoping to be forgiven. "C-Can you please just-- follow me to the jungle, please?" She had asked as she hopes for her to follow as she leads the small group through the forest and jungle as she tries to help her friend out, hoping she had handle having a friend, and being such low level in this place.

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I sat there and waited. Then i remembered something

I cant...i just cant...you're gonna kill him...just like me....you shouldnt even be around me i said standing up and pulling my spear from my inventory.

Orange players cant be in town without the guard attempting to take them down....i will call them...you wont hurt anyone else i said trying to stand my ground

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"Fine then, guess you can't be within my help then. Bye!" She says as she turns around and hopes to be hit by her, if she were to be hit, she knew she could defeat her. She didn't want to become maverick, but-- no one even cared or liked her anymore...

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I thought she wanted to be my friend...not use me...for what i dont even know. Two guards spawned next to me and looked angrily at Ruri.

...I didnt want to help you anyway...we could never be friends..... i said pointing my spear at her That's her guys....arrest her...shes an orange player

I watched the two guards walk towards her. Her friends tried to kill the only person i trusted and ever will trust.

How does it feel to be betrayed? i asked her sarcastically walking over to the warp gate putting my spear away and watching the guards.

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I manage to get out of the guards hands and challenge Rosalia. "A level 24 player isn't that easy to get rid f you know, especially since I have a brother, highest player in the game."She says as she takes her curved sword out walking towards Rosalia. "They had a reason to try and kill him, and if the had done so I would be thankful for it, he is a bad guy, he tried to make someone kill himself, he asked to be killed by Haine, you're just another low level jerk, aren't you?" She said scowling at Rosalia. "Now that you have bestride me I guess you won't be joining my guild anytime soon." She had said as she sharpened her curved blade, willing to kill her if she had to.

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Your facts are wrong...he never tried to get ANYONE to kill themselves he isnt like that...its not my fault that someone fell in love with him only to be told to murder him for something he isnt guilty of i said declining any challenge thrown at me. Two more guards spawned.

And as long as you are in town...these guards wont stop spawning until you are caught...face facts...you've lost Ruri...you cant beat me i said sounding a little high strong Funny thing is...the game was rigged from the start

I smiled and moved just a little closer but not completely off of the warp gate steps. I waved her off and backed up to the warp gate and let the guards handle the rest as i teleported away, i knew i was wasting my time here.

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