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RP Roles

Guest Sarasah

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Does anyone plan on wanting to be a Game Master in the RP? Possibly someone that toys with the users of the game.

Ideas and or opinions on roles to make the RP most twisted >;3?

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Obviously actual GM's on this forum, should be given permission to RP as a GM in the game. I'd rather not have users who might mini-mod or god-mod as a GM. Plus the game mostly showed players, we only saw 1 GM by the end of the life of SAO. Hence keeping it limited to just real GM's only makes sense.

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Obviously actual GM's on this forum, should be given permission to RP as a GM in the game. I'd rather not have users who might mini-mod or god-mod as a GM. Plus the game mostly showed players, we only saw 1 GM by the end of the life of SAO. Hence keeping it limited to just real GM's only makes sense.

Thats what I was aiming for -- any of our current GM's or soon to be, will be given the option to RP as a GM in the game.

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Now on to the topic of retired/resigned forum GM's being able to continue to RP as a GM. Yay or nay?

I'm against fired/terminated forum GM's to continue having the privilege of RP'ing as a GM.

Nay. Thats another loophole for those that don't actually want to be a GM for the site, but godmod GM in the RP.

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^ I'm for this idea. :P

Same here however, what if they have an active RP going involving them still being a GM? I think they should be able to finish up said RP topic and be able to show why they were removed or how ever they want to describe it.

However, here is another question. What if said retired GM/Resigned GM wants to come back as a GM for what ever is there reason. Can they switch to being a GM once more? I would assume yes as it would be about the same thing as if someone was just hired. But still want thoughts and idea's

Here is a good question though, how would a GM be able to RP in SAO if there was only one Staff member in the whole series? The game itself was ran off of the Cardinal System (pretty much its own built in GM System). Would the GM's be able to access this system to find problems in the game or be able to use them to advance the story by finding a rare item once in a while and getting a party to go get it. Hey, that wouldn't be a bad idea for an Event. :D

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Well for a TRPG's sake, some things may have to change and differ-ate from the series itself. If not, the only reason for GM's would be for if battles were to occur and for basic rule enforcing within the SAO RP.

However, here is another question. What if said retired GM/Resigned GM wants to come back as a GM for what ever is there reason. Can they switch to being a GM once more? I would assume yes as it would be about the same thing as if someone was just hired. But still want thoughts and idea's

Here is a good question though, how would a GM be able to RP in SAO if there was only one Staff member in the whole series? The game itself was ran off of the Cardinal System (pretty much its own built in GM System). Would the GM's be able to access this system to find problems in the game or be able to use them to advance the story by finding a rare item once in a while and getting a party to go get it. Hey, that wouldn't be a bad idea for an Event. :D

Not a bad idea for an Event idea if the decision is made to follow said route.

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Only one GM was ever present, but there were system login areas allover the place. One would assume there were people who had access to that that weren't part of the normal game. However seeing as there was one GM the entire game it might not be a bad idea if we just said no one can RP as a GM, but if GMs want to mess with people do it via NPCs?

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I think that sounds fair. No known GMs in game, but still have the title for OOC functions. And as far as using NPCs to mess with people, I think we should only allow a set number at first and maybe have them assigned so if they abuse them we know who to look at?

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If there had been any GMs among the players in SAO when its players were taken hostage, I am sure their powers were removed. Maybe there could be such characters among the site GMs, so there would be a way of strategically hinting plot-related game engine information to the players through the GMs in a way that makes sense. But it's probably not necessary.

As for NPCs, maybe posting the NPC's avatar (made using what Nevi and Sarasah are preparing) next to the post?

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