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[PP-F1] Lion meets the cats (Eléssar - Yuko,Yuka)

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After the pinning was let go of she turned over on the ground slightly about to close her eyes, unsure where to REALLY properly go to sleep when she did so... She clouds as if she was floating around on them as she let her feelings drift away, her fears killing themselves as she slept a nice, quiet dream.

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YukÅ had decided to randomly sit down on the grass beside her sister. But her eyes sparkled as she had pinpointed some loot across the field. It wasn't something that others treasured.. but she would fight for this type of loot. YukÅ childishly crawled over to what seemed like a package of boar meat, and she quickly placed it in her inventories, before sitting on her legs, looking around as she suspiciously placed the meat in her inventories list. "My meat.."

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Eléssar sighs, looking at the girls with his narrowed eyes. " What are you two doing? Get up.. We are heading to town. Get up!" he said with a mean tone. He gently pokes Yuka as she tries to sleep on the ground " Thia is not a place to sleel. And Yuko.. Snap out of it!" he saya while turning to Yuko.

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Yuka growled for a second as she still felt drowsy yet she had to get up.. Ugh... She had thought in her head as she had done what Ele had said to do and got up. "Oh c'mon it's so tiring to be out here..." Yuka had said before grabbing his shoulder and becoming less drowsy as she then got off of it looking over to Yuko and offering her, her hand.

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YukŠlooked over at Eléssar from the corner of her eyes and smirked before looking back at her sister and taking her hand as she got up. "Okay.. let's follow Mister Bossy here," she nonchalantly suggested with a yawn as she stretched and walked off, her eyes wide open for any boars on the way. Boar meattt.. that was the only reason why she killed boars after all!

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" I'm not bossy.. " he said quitelty as they started walking. He turned and kept walking towards the town. Just like he always doea, his hands met at the back of his head while walking. His eyes slightly open but he curiously walks around, watching the other players.

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"Look at that one!" She said before pointing to someone in a dark brown hood that was wondering on the roofs as if she was some sort of assassin. She sees some light blue hair start to get out of the hood. She suspects its one of the front liners as she squints her eyes at a darker lapis blue.. "I've been told about that one, Thats Ruri!" She said before pointing and jumping up and down at the name, the girl had been scurrying away as if she thought they all were a group of fans that had come to delete her from the game.

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"I see. And I completely understand why she is running. If I were put in her situation, I would most likely respond in the very same way. Besides, these people are low to be chasing after someone. Fangirling is alright, but in my opinion it should also have it's extents. Maybe I'm the only one who thinks this way.." YukÅ sighed in a depressive tone as she would walk up to a water fountain and stare into her reflection, noticing her dull and lifeless eyes clearly.

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'' Yea.. Yea.. A high level front liner, sister of the highest level player. We all heard about themç '' he said quitely while looking at Ruri. '' I've teamed up with her, for once.. She is good yes but in that level.. Anyone could be like that. But then again, we just fought against a lizard.. So i know nothing. '' he says as he keeps walking towards the town

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