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An item Managment system would be nice if we could get one. If not, the we could have it so the GM's have to approve that you got said item (that way players dont OP them selves)> However, this will require a lot of work on the GM side because they are most likaly going to be the approval system for the character sheet's themselves.

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An item Managment system would be nice if we could get one. If not, the we could have it so the GM's have to approve that you got said item (that way players dont OP them selves)> However, this will require a lot of work on the GM side because they are most likaly going to be the approval system for the character sheet's themselves.

From the looks of things it'll be a lot of work for GM's/Admins in general as it is. Constant moderation, I think yes.

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Is there some sort of mod that we can use a shop system and maybe have individuals have their own shops too for GP trading? If so we could use that as a means for the shops/item management.


Also GP is called Col.

But an inventoried system be useless on a site where accounts have multiple characters. As all characters each account has would all have the same items and Col.

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Honestly, I don't think we should really worry about it too much. I mean if someone RP's that... example:

Wondering through the shops, she came across a rare item randomly being sold in a NPC shop, A legendary sword! This sword will surpass all level monsters!

^ Something like that is obviously too ridiculous, and won't be allowed, however, your basics like sword buying, potion buying, ect ect, I don't think we need to worry too much.

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Income could be determined by level (every time you gain a level, you gain a certain amount of moolah representing all of the return you may have gotten from monster drops while raising yourself to hat level?) and life skills (if you do cooking, blacksmithing, etc., you could have an according income that increases per level gained in that skill also)?

Then it'd be pretty easy to calculate how much moolah you have for purchasing inventory. Calculate an amount from total level+total life skill levels+drops you've sold (from events/bosses etc.), and then substract every purchase you have made from that amount to get your current amount of moolahs.

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hmm, think thats to complicated there Mythee, We can do a post for Col and that each time you make a new adventure you get X amount and post inside will gain you more. So we could do the field topics will gain you 20 for each one made and 4 for each post inside of it. When we jump to the next bracket of levels, we can double it.

Or.. we can do more work and Grade each completed topic and award Col based on a simple system. Like X amount of words/posts and times X amount like

1500 words divided by 10 posts = 150 col

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Idk about basing earnings off post count and word count especially, as this would once again be a force which may encourage people to post on standards other than quality.

I think mission-based earnings, however, is an excellent idea. Perhaps higher-risk missions would have higher rewards!

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Well you also missed my post/topic for Col Idea Mythee

Levels 1-10: Create an RP =20 Col, every post inside is worth 4 col

Level 11-20: Create an RP=40 Col, Every post is worth 8

But i do see your reason behind the wordcount/post

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Even then, there isn't really much justification for where that money is coming from.

So how about... adding a random luck element? I've always liked the idea of having a lil' reward session at the end of each fight and mission/trial. For instance every time a mob battle ends, people could take turns posting a dice roll for their character using the forum dice roll thing. Depending on what the dice rolls, you could get different rewards; an item drop or money. Suppose each mob on a certain floor is expected to have a certain value ex.: each floor 1 mob is worth 10 kol, and a group fights a mob of 5 monsters. The total worth is 50 kol.

Then we each roll a dice, with something like

1-2 = money.

3-5 = item.

6 = 2*mob worth (would probably be a really rare item for that floor).

So if you rolled 1 or 2 you get 50 kol for fighting that mob of 5.

If you rolled 3, 4 or 5 you get an item whose worth is maximum 50 kol (you can pick from a master list of items or maybe a GM could make up/suggest one)

If you rolled 6 you can pick an item from the master list whose worth is maximum 100 kol (or, once again, GM could make one up)

Then people who got an item but don't actually want it could try selling it to other players or NPCs (though with NPCs you can't get more than the item's worth out of it!)

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How would we keep track of total earnings, and spending's. Would there be a general ledger somewhere?

I think as long as someone isn't god modding what items they have, basic equipment should be okay, but as stated before "Rare" items should require some kind of epic pre approved adventure.

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I think GMS can handle distributing rare items. Like maybe the user finds one and the GM can look over the post and determine if the situation would give a rare item or not (roll a D-20 or something).

As for gold, this can be kept as a profile field maybe? Where the user tracks their own CP? I'm all for the honor system.

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