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[PP-F4] Snowbound and printed.

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A couple of twigs snapped behind me and i stopped humming as i tighten my grip on my sword. Then i shot up to my feet and turned around as i drew the blade out of it's sheath. its blade mirrored the image of both sides of the blade. Come to find out that there was a total. of five PKers coming in my direction with their weapons.drawn

Do i have a beacon or a sticker on my back that says PKers are welcome to kick my butt or something?! I exclaimed.

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Since I was still within my hearing range, I heard him yelling about Pkers.

Lovely. Just lovely. Looks like I have to go save his sorry butt.

I dragged my feet, not wanting to leave the calm clearing behind me.

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Three of them charged at me and i parried all three of them and managed to graze a couple times on them. i made sure that niot one blade was going to get past mine. I burst away for a moment and burst back into them as i broke through one of them's defense and managed to gash their leg.

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Standing at the edge of the scenery, I decided to just watch the show.

After about a minute or so, while Night was distracted, one of the Pkers that had been hiding dashed up behind him.

At that point, I'd decided enough was enough and ran towards the guy.

Just as he was about to turn Night into a shish-kabob, I ran my sword through his stomach.

He looked up at me, shocked.

The whole battle froze.

I smirked.

See ya, muffin.

While everyone was watching the shards fly away, I turned my icy glare towards the other Pkers.

You ruined my day. And you paid. Are we done here or do we want to continue? I inquired, putting a hand on my hip.

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They bared their teeth as they were furious of their lost comrade. Then one of the PKers pointed at her with his stubby finger.

Look lady! We're just after this guy! This doesn't have to do with you! He commanded referring to me. Upon hearing that they're after me and the chance that Shadow might walk out on me roused me a little. My blade glowed red.


My blade erupted in a fiery crimson flame and it melted the surrounding snow as it radiated intense warmth. The PKers were beginning to have second thoughts.

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They're like chickens!

Moving to stand beside Night, I announced, Well, since he's helping me get my familiar, I'd say it would be my business if he was killed.

I held my katana up, as if inspecting the blade.

So, let me ask again. Are you positive that you want to do this? Just so we're clear, I don't mind being orange. Think this over carefully now.

I grinned maniacally.

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Grr, we won't forget this!! He exclaimed as they all four scurried off like rats into the woods. I kept my skill active just in case if they tried to fake it, but i felt both relieved and starting to become fatigued from the usage of the technique.

Thank you for your assistance. I said as i tried to hide my fatigued state as the flames still twisted and blazing.

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You're very welcome.

Sheathing my sword, I shoved Night to the snow-covered ground, effectively breaking his concentration and putting the fire out.

I pulled up my menu, ignoring his protests to pushing him, and pulled out three tangerines and some random huckleberries I found.

I tossed a tangerine down to Night, accidentally hitting him in the head with it.

Setting down the huckleberries for Miliel, I heard my friend coming in.

Well, here she comes.

And, as usual, her 'dramatic' entrance failed.

She fell.

Out of a tree.

The same tree I was under at that very moment.

Seriously?! Again? Can't you land on someone else for a change? I inquired, laughing.

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After watching Aoi and another male chasing the PKers away, I made my entrance.

But it failed, and I instead fell on Aoi. With Charcoal landing on his butt, mamking a soft 'yelp' sound.

"Seriously?! Again? Can't you land on someone else for a change?", Aoi said, laughing.

"Well I'm sorry for being so clumsy."I replied her, sarcastically.

"Anyways, you guys were pretty cool when you were fighting those Pkers." I said.

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Realizing its pretty useless protesting about it, i consumed the tangerine as Miliel hopped down and begins eating the huckleberries. i wished i could laugh when a woman landed on Shadow but i wouldve choked too if i did. so i had to refrain myself and just laugh with my mouth closed.

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I got up after falling on her.

"Big lug? Are you trying to get my conscious about my weight?!" I playfully smacked her on the head while laughing, picking up Charcoal at the same time.

I saw the young male Aoi was with, before curiously staring at him.

'He seems familiar...'

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