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[PP-F4] Snowbound and printed.

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Cleo, eh?

Well, sure.

I turned back towards the leopard.

What do you think? Can I call you Cleo?

She nosed my cheek as if to say, Hai.

I laughed.

Well then! Cleo it is!

Cleo finally hopped off of me, getting snow on all of us as she landed. I got up and walked over to the others.

I couldn't have gotten that rabbit on my own so quickly, Kat. For that, I thank you.

I turned to Night, studying his face a bit more closely than I had before.

And- wait. Do I... know you? Like IRL, I mean.

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I smiled, happy for the first time in days.


I threw my arms around him.

I've been great! I have so many stories to tell you! I didn't even know that you were in SAO! I last saw you at home! Why didn't you mention it before?!

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I wrapped my arms around her as well as I laughed.

Well, I didn't know you played SAO either. Although I'm surprised that you didn't notice when I kept going to my room more often than usual. I teased as I felt happy to see my little sister well.

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I thought I already did? Unless you have more you want to ask me. I said as Miliel landed on Aoife's shoulder and snuggled along her neck. I smirked.

Oh you're going to her now? I teased.

Chirp... She didn't even budged and she already looked like she was half asleep.

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I chuckled.

Well, to be honest I didn't recognized you right then, but after Kat made her grand entrance it clicked sort of. I just put all the pieces together and then I knew who you were. You have changed somehow, I can't put my finger on it though. I said as I was trying to find what it was, but I came up with nothing.

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I know exactly what you mean, I mumbled to myself.

Loud enough so that he could hear, I said, Harsher? Colder? Indifferent? Detached from the world? Hai.

I turned my head away, maybe a bit ashamed, I don't know. I forgot.

I raised my hand and pet Miliel, waiting for Night to speak.

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I raised my eyebrow at her.

No those aren't it, you seem like you've grown a couple inches again. I teased, although I wasn't lying. She has grown taller since I last seen her.

I think it's that you seem like you're enjoying things out here. Which is good, despite the circumstances. It's something new I believe that I haven't seen in a while. I said in a more calming tone.

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I'll admit it. I did turn a bit pink at the simple compliment. But for goodness sakes! I was used to getting screamed at by people I knew IRL.

Arigatou. Um.... Well... I have to go turn in my quest to make Cleo my 'official' familiar.

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Yeah, might as well go ahead and get it done now that you have everything you need. Oi, you coming Kat? I called out to her who was rather quiet for some strange reason.

That's odd, since when does she get quiet? I wondered.

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Noticing that she's smiling, I guess she must be thinking about something that were good memories, or at least I hope so anyway.

Well we best be going, or else we might get left behind. I teased with a grin on my face.

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