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[SP-F1] A First Encounter for Raidou (complete)

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"Link Start", the fateful words mumbled by a lonely hikikomori, that he is about to regret.

Raidou lands in the bustling starting city, quickly regretting his decision he makes a break for the nearest exit, finding himself barely equipped for the first floor, having only what was in his starter package. he pulls out a nondescript straight one-handed sword, a long white robe and 2 pieces of bread/bottles of water. Raidou curiously thinks to himself, "how does this bag know what size clothes I wear".

Moving along in his new found solidarity, Raidou scouts for a quick start in this new world, quickly laying sight on numerous wild beasts. Raidou ponders for a moment, saying out loud "which one start with?"

Combat Rolls

1-2: Boars

3-4: Wolves

5-6: Cobold Miners

7-8: Cobold Warriors

9-10: Something larger...

Raidou comes to the conclusion he should start with something small, the boars look easy enough.

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After Deciding his target, Raidou equips his new gear and quickly gets into action. moving up on his enemy it reacts...

Combatants Turn order:

Boar HP: 3/3

Raidou HP: 5/5

Combat Rolls:

1: Enemy First, Raidou Blunder

2-5: Enemy First

6-9: Raidou First

10: Raidou First, Enemy Blunder

The boar reacts faster then Raidou anticipates, getting the first strike...

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Raidou, thinks to himself "I cant die to this, a boar has got to be the most common of enemies." he begins to fly in a fit of rage, gets up drawing his weapon and preparing to end this fight...

Boar HP: 0/3

Raidou HP: 1/5

Raidou used his Fierce

-1 Battle Dice

+1 Damage

10-2=9 Battle roll

2+1=3 Damage

Raidou rips across the field at inhuman speeds landing a Critical Hit! dealing 3 damage, ripping through the boar, producing a crack of wind, and a pop of light polygons as its destroyed.

Loot Rewards:

415 COL

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