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«Name» Rive.



» Username: Rive

» Real name: Ryan

» Age: 21

» Gender: Male

» Height: 5 foot 11 inches

» About: History/personality

He was a shy and quiet kid and was always bullied at school and around town so once he heard about the new game SAO and Nerve Gear he saved his money from his part-time job to go and buy it. Hoping for it to be an escape he quickly hooked it up and said "Link Start!" Those being his last words to the real world.

» Virtues:


He doesn't mind waiting for things,especially if something good is to come out of it. He is not the type to keep bugging you about something if you told him you would do it. Being patient means Rive wont rush into a situation and causing everything to go wrong.


Rive will do his best to do the good thing no matter what. Even if it means putting his life on the line.


Being shy meant he could be alone and learn anything he wanted. Rive likes to learn new things that will benefit him and others in the long run. Being knowledgeable will let Rive have an advantage over his enemies when it comes to fights and trading.

» Flaws:


Rive is a klutz, always tripping over himself or things while walking or causing things to fall over. He tends to drop things,causing them to break.


He doesn't like to make decisions especially when it comes to huge ones that impact a lot of people and he also doesn't like to be under a lot of pressure.


Rive tends to bite his nails for no reason. It doesn't matter if he is nervous or not.

Profession:Equipment Appraisal








Weapon skills :






» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle

» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress

(no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

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Story Thus Far (optional)


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