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With the whole multiple characters, how will we integrate marriages?

Two characters of two different accounts.

Allowed to use two of your own characters.

Same sex marriage allowed?

How to get married

Where to get married

Requirements for marriage

Inventory sharing?

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I- I vote that characters should be able to have marriage and same sex marriage if the users want those characters to! Absolutely! Not that any characters necessarily must have romantic developments, or seal those romances with a marriage. What would the requirements for a marriage be though, RP-wise, so that everyone doesn't get married off the bat?... Though it would be really funny if some characters got instantly married. Maybe two dudes with a bromance. Using the marriage system for the kicks without actually being hubbies. I can imagine that'd be hilarious. Yeah, screw requirements, this is too golden

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It'd have to be separate accounts.

Why would we not approve same sex marriages?

Could use a priest NPC, or have someone take the role of a pastor or some sort of marriage person.

Churches, Inns, somewhere big in the main city, fields? This could be left up to the players!

Requirements: TBD (haven't thought of anything solid)

Inventory Sharing? IF both players agree then yes they can share inventory (I don't really see how this is different than two players trading though).

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Why would we not approve same sex marriages?

Its the Internet, nuff said.

Since it was never really shown or enough information given on the marriage, there could be mini-event/quest that could be used to make it more interesting rather than just waking up to a temple/priest/whatever and hitting just a few options and boom its done.

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• Two characters of two different accounts.

Sounds normal?

• Allowed to use two of your own characters.

Although I don't care for this idea, I think it should probably be allowed. I imagine most people would find it boring to rp by themselves the entire time so I don't see this instance happening very often, but if they do use two of their own characters then it gives them more to explore and write about at least.

• Same sex marriage allowed?

Takes place in the future, and never seen a reason to restrict it in an mmo.

• How to get married

Perhaps there's a registration thread for marriages to make it official, and its up to the player on how to do a ceremony if they have one.

• Where to get married

Wherever the user wants so long as they register first?

• Requirements for marriage

Each user must have a minimum post count? Just to show they've been active.

• Inventory sharing?

No idea what our item system is so no opinion on this yet.

You can show who they're married to in the journal, maybe signature if that ends up being allowed? There's not a whole lot of "I'm married to so and so" irl either, unless via tattoo or ring engraving.

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I can, yes. However everyone but me voted for multiple characters per account so which of your married characters is married?

... oh now I'm seeing a problem with multiple characters per account, going all the way back to the level system, as its currently based on post count. @_@

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... oh now I'm seeing a problem with multiple characters per account, going all the way back to the level system, as its currently based on post count. @_@

Easy Solution, put it in your Character Sig or in your Character Profile.

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Truthfully, I like the title idea -- but I think in order to figure out this area, we need to make a final conclusion to the "1 account for 1 character/player only" / "1 account for multiple character/players"

Which quite honestly, it seems like the "1 account for 1 character/player only" seems to be the best solution for everything we're coming across.

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I like Namine's suggestion in another thread that we all just have one account, but only begin to play a new character when an old one dies- that way, there is always only one character per account. That way everyone keeps focused on playing one character, and all of the issues that have been brought up about people using multiple characters to their advantage would be moot points!

A variation of this would be to switch from one account to a new account when an old character dies.

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Problem is the user name issue. If I had forseen this earlier, I probably would've gone with a forum with a display name that was separate from account name. Unless there's a mod I'm not seeing for PHPBB that adds that. If we had that, it'd make things so much easier on that front.

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  • 10 months later...

Two characters of two different accounts?

I vote yes and no for this one

Allowed to use two of your own characters.?

Yes! If you frequently use two accounts to RP with on the same story and they are lovers then yes.

Same sex marriage allowed?

Yes, if you would like to be married, go be married.

How to get married?

PM the GMs and Admins. (Ask permission)

Where to get married?

Get married in the Town of Beginnings, you should also be able to set the date and tell your friends.

Requirements for marriage?

Both be above lvl 5

Must have posted at least two times on your OWN story.

Inventory sharing?

I think inventory sharing would be awesome! (just like in SAO)

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Two characters of two different accounts?

I vote yes and no for this one

Allowed to use two of your own characters.?

Yes! If you frequently use two accounts to RP with on the same story and they are lovers then yes.

Same sex marriage allowed?

Yes, if you would like to be married, go be married.

How to get married?

PM the GMs and Admins. (Ask permission)

Where to get married?

Get married in the Town of Beginnings, you should also be able to set the date and tell your friends.

Requirements for marriage?

Both be above lvl 5

Must have posted at least two times on your OWN story.

Inventory sharing?

I think inventory sharing would be awesome! (just like in SAO)

There will be a thread created for marriage applications.

The marriage ceremony can be RPed anywhere the ones getting married want

The post requirements are higher than that.

Snow please read the ENTIRE topic.

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It has come to one attention that a player wants to marry in game but doesn't know what has to be done. Where do we stand on this topic?

Two characters of two different accounts.

    [*:3m9ojjgr]Not manditory
    Allowed to use two of your own characters.
      [*:3m9ojjgr]Yes, players can use two of their own characters and have them marry each other.
      Same sex marriage allowed?
        [*:3m9ojjgr]Yes, men can marry men, women can marry women.
        How to get married
          [*:3m9ojjgr]Apply for marriage in the RP thread (to be created by a GM or have post approved by GM)

        Where to get married

          [*:3m9ojjgr]In small towns or cities at a church or inn

          Requirements for marriage

            [*:3m9ojjgr]Must be level 5 or higher

            Inventory sharing?


              Snow please read the ENTIRE topic.

              No need to berate, she stuck to the questions and contributed fairly.

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