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Hey there! I'm Rennat, your average awkwardly between high school and college, homosexual, lazy bum, video game addict, casual anime-watcher, newfound fan of Sword Art Online. I do a lot of roleplay actually, and I have for years, but I usually stray from anywhere that I see crunching numbers and messing with HP. But hey, I like it in actual video games, so why the hell shouldn't I tackle it here. Anyway, I'm really into the character development and plot aspect of storytelling, and if I had the patience and ability to stay on one task for any longer than a week, I would probably be a damn good author or game concept designer or something like that. I did theatre for a while, but that part of my life was pretty randomly shut off from me by this rude guy known as myself who decided that I shouldn't have friends anymore. I dunno. I'm very strange and my decisions daily confuse me. A lot of my own personality goes into any character I make, and the one I'm employing here is basically a copy of me, so enjoy getting to know me through someone who is supposed to be fictional. :D

Also, here I am looking all fab and stuff with my spiderman beanie. And why not just turn it into a collage of the same pose and all my different STYLES?!


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Welcome to Sword Art online, Rennat. If you have any questions feel free to PM me or any member of the support team (Even though I'm not in it... T-T). If you wish to Roleplay, I'm open to that aswell. I know I PMed you already but, once again welcome to the site.

Yes I know I didn't type much to reply. T-T

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Well hello there Rennat! One hell of an introduction. I look forward to seeing you get yerself started around here. I also enjoy a person who puts themselves into their character. When I have time I'd be interested in RPing with you perhaps. Let Ruri or anyone in the PST know if you need any help.

@Ruri: Soon sweetie... Sooooooooon.

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