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Kal Denneker





» Username: Kalthios

» Real name: Jerry Denneker

» Age: 17

» Gender: Male

» Height: 6'0


» About: History/personality

Kal Denneker was, from a young age, a very quiet person. Even as a child, he was more likely to be found with a book or portable game console in hand, rather than with friends. As he got older, the gap between him and everyone else, his parents included, widened. By the time he was 15, the only real contact he had beyond the enforced contact at school was with his two friends, both named Mike, which he referred to as M&M when they were together. As the three aged, they grew less interested in the real world, and more so in the virtual worlds of MMORPGs. Upon the announcement of the NerveGear, the three boys made it a point to pre-order months in advance. Naturally, on the arrival of opening day, the boys stood next to each other in line. As luck would have it, due to his being slightly in front of the other two, Kal managed to get the last Nervegear and copy of SAO the store had in stock, though he promised his friends he would allow them time to play on his console.


» Virtues:

Loyal. In any given situation, Kal will defend those he cares for or cares about, regardless of personal consequences. If push came to shove, and a friend was in danger, Kal would gladly do whatever it took to keep them from harm.


Determined. Kal, once he has it in his mind that a task needs to be completed, or that he's in the right, will stop at nothing to see it through. If an opponent had him down to his last scraps of hp, Kal would relentlessly hunt them down until one of them was crystalline shards.


Quick Talker. Kal has, out of necessity within games, developed a knack for talking himself and those around him out of a situation which could be compromising, if not dealt with properly. His skill for witty remarks, tension-defusing jokes, and the like have helped him in more than one scenario.


» Flaws:

Fierce/Reckless. With his loyalty, Kal tends to go a bit overboard. He will heedlessly rush in if someone he cares for or about is in danger, whatever the risk to himself. Also, if someone hurt one of his friends, Kal would relentlessly hunt them down, regarding a wound to a friend as a wound to himself.


Stubborn. I.e. Determined above, taken to an extreme. If he says the mountain needs to be moved, he will somehow move the mountain. Or, at the very least, he'll be sitting there with broken arms and a shovel after failing. His need to finish a task, once started, has gotten him into trouble more than once.


Smart Ass. His knack for talking himself out of situations was usually created by him talking himself into them. Sarcastic, biting remarks and smart-ass retorts have had him at the end of more than one blade. Also, his habit of 'rubbing people the wrong way' with his humor has caused him to view anyone he doesn't know as fair game for his remarks.


Procrastinator. Kal will, once he decides it's worth it, try his damnedest to move the immovable object... on his own time, and if it's worth the effort. Even then, it might take awhile. If he saw a group of individuals fighting, regardless of whether he agreed with any of them, he'd just sit and watch until something of relevance came up. For example, if a friend was involved.









» Sprint


*Night Vision

*X-Ray Vision





*Light Armor - Rank 1 - 5SP


Weapon skills :

» One-Handed Straight Sword - Rank 1 - 5SP




1260 Col

3 x Mats


*Iron Scale Coat, 1 Slot Recovery


» Iron One-Handed Sword

* Wayward Avenger



Item: 1H Straight Sword; Effect: +2 Damage; +1 Battle Dice

Quality: Perfect

Name: Wayward Avenger

Shop: Fury's Forge

Description: This sword is for those that seek vengeance; not on those that have done wrong, but for those that have died. The wielder of this sword shall seek victory and truth, exacting revenge on evils that should never have happened in the first place. The blade itself is a midnight black, trimmed with green along the curve and down the middle.





[PP-F1] The First Hunt (Shizuki) viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3865

[PP-F1] The Hunter Returns viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3876

[PP-F1] Foraging for the Forge viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3902

[PP-F1] Worn Out Welcome (Quest) viewtopic.php?f=7&t=4035

Edited by Kalthios
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