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† Demitry Matter, Stigma of the Wind †

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"Fear is the true opiate of combat."



Stigma of the Wind




Username:† Demitry Matter †

» Real name: Vincent Armasanti

» Nationality: Italain/American

» Age:23

» Gender: Male

» Height:5'11


»Zodiac Sign: Virgo

»Likes: Tactics, Books, Pianos, Cookies, Mysteries, Nighttime, Silence

»Dislikes: Bright Lights, Dark Chocolate, Spiders, Hot weather, Loud people, Pkers(Player Killers)

» About:


»Chapter I » Running From Reality »

It was her, the very thing that kept him from spinning out of control in such a ruthless grey world. Secluded to his small apartment in the eastern side of Akito, Far North of the infamous Tokyo, Vincent sat, starring into the abyss sky outside his window. Crows laggardly sat upon the branches of the old cherry blossom, Vincent hadn't seen her in days. His thoughts ran rampant about where she was and what had taken of her to not reply to his messages he constantly left on her phone. He wasn't surprised by it though it's happened to him once before, Vincent rarely got along with others, probably due to his eagerness to study and his smug attitude. It wasn't that people didn't like him so to speak, rather he was difficult to approach, he almost scared others away. He wasn't ugly, in fact how could he worry about a girl if he didn't have some sort of looks, unless of course he was obsessed. Unfortunelty for Vincent that wasn't the case at all and his answer that he nervously awaited glared at him, the lit up buttons of his TV remote taunted him to tune in. How could he when all he was really worried about was where Zofia was or rather in the lurking end of his true discovery......Where she wasn't. Vincent was always quiet, alone, few friends here and there, and the only other thing than that he had going for him was Zofia, well until now. The thought of her not wanting to hang out with him almost made him crazy, crazy enough to lift the phone from his computer desk and dial it once more.

Ring* Ring* Ring*

Vincent bit his nail harder then usual, the anticipation almost floored him as Zofia's Voice sprang to life.

Hi It's Zofia!

I might be at work! Well anyways...

Leave a message and I'll get back to you!


Vincent tossed the phone onto the table and ripped his nail off with his clenched teeth, veins bulging from his neck. He snatched the remote to his TV from the bed and slammed his thumb into the power button. The TV blinked on with a please wait message, a trait all plasma TV's shared. Vincent impatiently spun around in his leather computer chair and walked toward the kitchen. He pulled the fridge door open and grabbed a water bottle, soda was absent from every shelf, only water. Vincent wasn't just a normal everyday messy lazy guy. He was always organized and almost always thought of his body as a temple, basically he maintained a healthy diet. Zofia also enjoyed his cleanliness, not having to ever worry about dirty socks stuffed in a couch like her last potential boyfriend. Vincent slid onto the end of his bed as the news popped up on the screen. The TV stand had a stack of envelopes almost four feet high filled with papers and potential bills. Vincent wasn't one for really keeping up with rent even with his organized infatuation he some how always fell short. He didn't have much of a job and his awkwardness didn't really make for a good salesman of video games. He wasn't into too many games like most of the population in Akito, Japan, MMORPG'S were something he'd been playing for a while and with the release of the Nerve-gear Headsets a few months back the experiences he's had were breathtaking. Zofia had been going on about the new MMORPG called Sword Art Online. A very huge released. He was at the store two days ago for the midnight Launch, he grabbed a copy for himself but didn't want to start playing without Zofia, who was all about the game. It had been exactly two days since the release of the game and Vincent hadn't seen the news since the day of its release. his eyes scanned the bottom of the screen as he slowly read the moving headline.

"Thousands trapped in a virtual MMORPG game Known as Sword Art Online!"

His eyes widened and suddenly it struck him like a bolt of lightning, shocked by the very thing he read aloud. He fell off the bed and crab walked backwards into his dresser. His lengthy fingers reached his face, sweat poured off his forehead.

"This....this .....is It can't..."

Vincent stopped his heavy breathing formed into a calm silence, he went through the possibilities of it all. He grabbed his T- shirt from the chair and threw it on. He looked at the Nerve-gear on his bedside lamp table.

"Could she be....."

He shook his head as a loud knock reverberated through his apartment, a voice yelled out to him.

"Mr. Armasanti Time is up on your extension, if you don't pay we'll take everything and kick you out! I mean it the police are here too!"

Vincent quickly ran to the door and bolted the lock, if Zofia was one of the thousands in the game what could Vincent do? He slithered back and forth as he searched for an answer, his eyes caught more details following the event that apparently had been plaguing the victims of the Sword Art incident. The news woman grew louder on the TV.

"I'm Verionca Mars urging all parents, and others who have someone within their home using the Nerve-gear to not unplug it, the results so far have been fatal, I repeat....DO NOT UNPLUG OR TURN THE NERVE-GEAR OFF, while your child is within the game Sword Art Online..." Vincent gathered himself as he shut the TV off. He could only do one thing either get kicked out of his apartment and lose everything, including Zofia (if she was stuck in the game) or Jump into the game find her and make it out alive. Vincent snapped into action as he laid down onto his bed and set everything up. Commotion grew louder as he heard the police barge into the room, he closed his eyes with one thing on his mind, Zofia. The words slipped out, cold as ice, like a dagger of pure determination, he screamed.....


» Virtues:


Cleanliness is both the abstract state of being clean and free from dirt, and the process of achieving and maintaining that state. Vincent has always been the clean type, the thought of dirty surfaces could at times make him cringe. This doesn't mean he won't put himself into dirty situations. literally, although he would rather stay clean and always enjoys a fresh set of clothes. Demitry is almost borderline obsessed with clean shirts, almost OCD. Virgo's seem to be very much like this.....odd....


Faithful to a cause, ideal, custom, institution and or person of high importance.

Almost with anything he holds dear, Demitry will and has always stood up for his friends and potential love Interests. This can sometimes place him in a very bad pickle but what better way to go down protecting the woman you love. The only reason he entered the game in the first place was because of one...Zofia...

Kempo Shift:

(If you don't allow it let me Know)

A technique that is only passed down through generations of a Fighting Style only within the Akito, Japan area. It teaches one to be calm and collected when in combat and focuses on fast swift movements for evasion and attacks of opportunity. Demitry is a natural at such a technique, a technique known as Kempo Shift. With such technique Demitry can use this as a Advantageous approach to any degree.


Orderliness is being neat and living with a sense of harmony. Demitry organized, and knows where things are when he needs them. Demitry Solves problems step by step instead of going in circles. It gives Demitry peace of mind and allows his to assess certain situations better when everything is right where he needs them, just like the real world everything is at the edge of his finger tips..


Self-discipline means self-control. It allows Demitry to do what he really wants to do, rather than being tossed around by feelings like a leaf in the wind. Demitry acts instead of reacts. He gets things done in an orderly and efficient way. With self-discipline, he takes charge of himself.


» Flaws:

Phobia of Spiders:

Demitry doesn't mind any bugs or insects other than that of the eight legged beasts known as spiders. Arachnophobia is a very natural fear, the idea of having to face one in a virtual MMORPG causes him to tread cautiously through areas in which Spiders are present. Knowing Demitry he'd run at first sight, only later to analyze a way to sneak by or kill it with a full advantage. Still Demitry can still lose it in the presence of even a tiny spider.


At times Demitry can come across as callous and sometimes even incredibly direct. It tends to happen in heated situations through out his life. He doesn't mean to be this way it's something he's been working on for a while. Demitry is not one for complication and will come up front with the things others won't say, this can cause a lot of tension, and hate from the public eye,


Demitry had a thing for Sarcasm, his friends seemed to really think that his sarcasm at one point was even a bit much for an old friend of his back in middle school. Demitry has always fired back some smart remark in a manner of mockery towards others in situation rather not needed in. Demitry can easily frustrate even the most self maintained of minds with his overly sarcastic presence in the times of dire situations. It's not that he doesn't care only, he can't help himself.


Difficult to foretell or foresee, their actions are so chaotic its impossible to know what they are going to do next. while he may be incredibly predictable when it comes to Zofia, Demitry will do the most outrageous things to get out of scenarios in which he places himself in. He can be frightening to watch sometimes with his clever yet risky choices and in return rarely seen as smart, something Demitry thought he was..


» Formality with Silence- Demitry no matter what once a day will find a place and sit or lay in complete silence, even if it's for a few seconds at best.

» Knuckle/Wrist Cracking- Demitry has a bad tendency to crack his knuckles, and Wrist. This later on can develop into arthritis and other nerve like damaging long term effects.

»Closed Forever- Demitry has a thing with doors, not a fetish. Upon entering a room he inspects if the door has been tasseled with, and must always close it behind him, sometimes even locking it as much as possible. Perhaps a sense of security....


Smithing- Rank: 1




» N/A


» Sprint: Rank: 1

By investing in Sprint a player gains a passive movement speed bonus to help them get around the map. In addition each Skill Point invested in the Sprint skill increases a player’s chances of evading incoming attacks by 1 per skill point invested. In the event of a successful Evasion Attempt, a player is able to avoid all incoming damage from their evaded attack. In the event of a failed Evasion Attempt, a player will take damage as intended, mitigated by their Equipment Skill.



Weapon skills :

» One-Handed Curved Sword: Rank: 1

The effectiveness with which a player can use one handed slashing swords. (Example: Scimitar, Kilij, Wakizachi, No-dachi)



» A curved long sword, it's appearance is almost mistaken for a Katana. Although its a basic blade, Demitry is more than capable of inflicting severe wounds with such a tool.


Col Total- 1929


Current Rps-

[PP][F#1]Medicine of the Forest... w/ Primrose- In progress

[PP-F3] Sword Art Online Easter Eggs.- In progress

[PP - F2] Room For Trade [Demitry (PM for Invite)] - In Progress


I[PP][F#2]It Doesn't Matter.- Complete - Col Awarded: 675

[PP][F#5]The Traveler- Complete - Col Awarded: 455 Rewards: Survivor, 1 skill Point.

[sP][F#2]Breaking the Unbreakable..- Complete - Col Awarded: 800 Rewards: Martial Arts, 1 Skill point


» Saito Jorn (Even though Demitry has Few, Saito is an extremely close friend.)

Echo (After entering SAO, Echo was one of the first to help out Demitry.)

Story Thus Far (optional)


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