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Kat's Journal

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» Username: «Kat»

» Real name: Katherine Tanaka

» Birth Date: December 25

» Age: 18 (upon entering SAO)

» Gender: Female

» Height: 5'8"

» About: She had spent her whole life living in Japan, but dreamed of going to far off places that were deemed as wonders to the eye. She's an adventurous girl that loves to explore and discover all the hidden splendors that nature had to offer, though she could never truly act on such a passion. Her parents never seemed to understand her knack for adventure and, as such, she never had the opportunity to go out and really do things. However, she wasn't the kind of girl that just accepted no for an answer and made a break for it by heading up north with a friend. She didn't plan to stay for maybe a week or two before coming back, but before they even arrived, cops had pulled the car over; her parents had actually called the cops. Sixteen at the time, she was placed under watch to make sure she didn't attempt any more escapes, no matter how many times she confessed to it being nothing more than a simple stay with a friend. Two years later and with enough money, she found the world of virtual reality. In fact, her first game was Sword Art Online, something the students at school spoke glorious things of. Little did she know that she'd be "escaping" once more.

» Virtues:

Brave: She may be a girl, short, and whimsy in her choices, but if there's one thing she knows, it's to be brave. This game is something that requires players to not only be strong in might, but courage as well. She's willing to knock on the door to see what lies behind, even if she has to defeat what lies behind it.

Compassionate: Katherine will take care of anyone in the game that is in need, whether it's a shoulder to cry on, a hug to push all the bad thoughts away, or someone to speak to when things get rough. If you're ever down, there will always be at least one person to pick you right back up.

Upbeat: Kat's the kind of girl that's always smiling, always on the go, and quite the chatterbox. If you can't fulfill at least two of those three expectations, you might have a tough time keeping up with her. However, she knows when to pace herself, for herself and others.

» Flaws:

Naive: Unfortunately, this is Katherine's first MMO and VR game. She's having to learn everything there is from scratch so she often asks "stupid" questions, may occasionally point out the obvious, and will sometimes fall for false information about the game. It'll take some time and experience to overcome.

Reckless: Granted, she's inexperience, but Katherine really doesn't care to min-max her way to the top or study skills to determine how she can maximize her potential. She's stuck in here so she's going to have fun going through it, though maybe it wasn't a good idea of the creator's to include huge weapons...

Stubborn: She simply doesn't like taking no for an answer, even from her parents. You shouldn't expect her to listen to you, whether you're right or wrong. If her mind is set, then you best start packing up your things and leave or follow her closely. Who knows what trouble she'll get into?


» Profession:

» Shop:


SP: 1/3







Weapon Skills :

» Two-Handed Battle Axe: Rank 1 (0/4) [2SP Total]


Col: 400









Story Thus Far





» http://www.sao-rpg.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3847 - 1 Experience, 400 Col, and 3 Materials!

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