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Icarus, The Guardian of Death

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carus, The Guardian of Deathimages?q=tbn:ANd9GcSy7tPNxzsomeaKDe-2cWk


» Username: Icarus

» Real name: Aldes Everett

» Age: 17

» Gender: male

» Height: 6.4

» About:

Icarus is the adopted brother of Argumail. He has always had a great relationship his brother. When Argumail took up the way of the sword, Aldes began learn the shaolin's red eagle spear form. Their bond grew as they trained together but, their was one problem a kid named Benjamin, a menace and Aldes biological brother. Aldes tried hard to keep Ben's exist a secret from Argumail.

The day of SAO official announcement Icarus made plans to obtain a copy. He wanted to be in Argumail's usually clan Cold Judgement. When finally got what he wanted Terrence, Argumail's best friend, revolted killing the supporters of Argumail leadership. Louise hid Aldes and fought with Argumail but, he went to see if could help, but he found Argumail squeezing already dead Louise.

He watched as Argumail exacted his revenge every so mercilessly. Aldes didn't know this person. So he ran but realized that Argumail was in deep pain. But how could he face his brother when he hid from the battle. He turned around and ran to his brother heard laughter in horizon then, he keeped running. And then he blacked out.

» Virtues:

Agility. He can keep up with anyone. His speed and acrobatic are the stables of his attacks. The faster he goes the better the attacks. He is so fast that when he start his attack the shock of the blows is almost like he is super strong.

Calm. Although Argumail might be a little high stung. But, Aldes can always keep a level head he has mastered control of his emotions, the thing he can control is his family linked emotions. He almost seem callous, and sometimes hated for it.

Commander. His people skills are amazing.He can run anything just give him the plans, he can make quick decision in battle. Like, his brother he loves war but, he never shows it. He believes in the strength of command and never questions orders. Unless of course they don't sound right

» Flaws: These don't apply in battle

Reference: http://www.darkworldrpg.com/lore/flaws.html

Naive. He naturally wants to believe what anyone tells him. He thinks the world will function one world even, with it functioning in another.

Arrogant. He thinks that no one can defeat him in the art of the spear. His prowlers can't be ignored but, he far from indefeatable. He can become reckless as well by the same token.









Weapon skills :




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