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DarinOrdo journal

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Username: DarinOrdo

Real Name: Joshua Sakarya

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Height: 6' 0"


A recent transfer student from the United States, his father Japanese and his mother American. They lived in America for 17 years, however, on his sixteenth birthday, they surprised him with the move to Japan as his father was being transferred for business. Though his adventurous spirit wanted to make the best of it, he was outraged as he would miss the friends he had made since he was a kid and his girlfriend of two years, Rachel. However it was settled and they left almost immediately, also ending his relationship. Starting off in September of the year 2022, he was unsure of wether or not he would make friends and here this would actually be his last year of school. Then he heard about Sword Art Online, the very first VMMORPG and it made him ecstatic. Perhaps if he could snag a copy it would give him something to do that he could relate to others with. In November he waited all night and picked up a copy. Perhaps now he could make friends here in Japan.


Friendly- His outgoingness and desire to be liked give him an easiness to be around and a likeable personality. This also makes him want to help anyone who needs it. His general attitude of happy go lucky and warm friendly demeanor can make many open up to him and accept him even if they barely know him. His attitude also keeps him upbeat around everyone, even if on the inside he is not feeling happy or positive. He sees that the only way to survive in this death game is to make many friends and party with them to help others as well as himself get stronger and so his attitude is for the benefit of others to include him.

Virtuous- He doesn't mesh well with people that break rules or are mean to others, especially to those who are weaker then them. He will always speak up and defend when someone is clearly being wrong or trying to hurt another player. He will also get into harms way for the sale of another person believing his own life to be worth something if he can help someone else live another day.

Brilliant- A thinker, straight A student and a tactician. His mind creates multiple scenarios before he can finish a simple task. He will plan out his attacks in a moments notice and help others to see what he sees in his mind. His straightforward nature allows his tactics to be clear and precise as well as easy to understand. In whatever situation he is in, he seeks to understand what he is doing until he has mastered it, wether that be when fighting an opponent and looking for weakness, or when he's reading, he seeks mastery over anything that comes in his path.


Naive- Believes in the good of all people. This leads to him being taken advantage of when he hears the plight of just any

person that he doesn't know. This usually leads to situations where he is abandoned by people who used him for his strength and good heart. Also will use his resources on others and will even give his life for a player who may not deserve it.

Bluntness- Straightforward with his speech, has a hard time with tactful phrasing or and takes most things too seriously. Jokes always go over his head unless it's sarcasm. He can be caring but his straightforward nature also makes him unobservant to the feelings of those around him. He always felt that being honest with someone was better then not, so he doesn't lie to someone to make them feel better.

Careless- He tends to push off work for things that interest him, leaving things half done until he is under pressure. Also known as laziness, he tends to only do things when it is required of him or when it really interests him. This makes him generally unreliable in basic tasks. Also, he would rather sit out in a field and sky watch then get things done so if he's not in the mood to fight, he will leave when the combat has calmed down.

Profession- Alchemist





Weapon skills:





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