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[SP-F5] This Endeavor

Guest Keith

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Suddenly, the blue flame stolen from before lifted from the ground, then rocketing back down the hall to the main foyer. Shade stood up and adjusted his coat. It seemed like this was going to take him quite some time. Shade put Demon's Fang back at his side and he stood up, crossing his arms and walking off.

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Shade walked back through the sandy room, it still being filled with cracks and sand pouring through it. Shade looked at the pit he had sank into and he shuddered. That wasn't something he planned on revisiting again any time soon. He continued down the hall and eventually arrived in the foyer.

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Shade watched as one of the braziers from before now had a cold blue flame crackling in it, returning some life to the dead room. Shade sighed and looked at his options. Red, green, and purple. Where was he to go now? He sighed and weighed the options, before heading down the hall purple had gone down.

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Shade entered the hall, seeing the change from the other drew him back slightly. instead of normal floor with sand pits, it was just sleek obsidian walkways, with dark, bottomless pits below. Shade took a breath and began walked along the obsidian, very carefully.

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Shade then heard a squeaking noise. He blinked and his mind raveled at what it could be. He then looked up to see large, hairy bats flying about. They had sharp fangs and bared them at Shade, who would be unable to fight back on the small walkway without falling.

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Shade began moving double time. He wasn't about to let a couple of filthy air-born rats finish him. Not when he had unfinished business. He moved quickly, taking every precaution not to fall as he avoided bats. He didn't swat them away, as that would aggravate them.

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Shade felt something sharp sink into his neck, and he looked to see a bat had now taken the pleasure of sucking on his neck. Shade began to feel woozy, and the world seemed slightly blurry. The bat was taking blood at an alarming rate, giving Shade the <> Effect.

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Shade ripped the bat off his neck and he ran forward, desperately trying to keep his balance. He then saw the end of the obsidian path and he lunged for solid ground, barely making it. He held onto the ledge with his upper body, while he hanged over absolute nothing.

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Shade felt the bats bite his back, desperately trying to kill him as he struggled to pull himself up. "Damn it... Not like this..." He said with growl, trying to hoist his body up. His arms shook from the weight of his gear, but slowly he went upward, getting a little closer to a foothold.

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Shade finally was high enough to roll onto solid ground, and he wasted no time doing so. He rolled on and crushed the bat on his back, killing them off in an instant. Shade stood up and peered down the ledge one more time, thinking how he could have fallen down it.

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Shade finally got his breath back to normal. This temple truly was more difficult than the floor should have let it been. He took a few steps, the sound of his shoes hitting the ground echoed through the entire hall, bouncing off the walls and back to Shade's ears. Suddenly, he heard the same squeaking as before.

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"Damn it..." Shade spat, turning around and drawing his sword. Of course, the same bats from before weren't so happy to see Shade alive. And they weren't about to leave a job unfinished either. Masses of them began swarming, ready to do a full out attack on Shade.

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Shade felt the bats lunge and start swarming him, biting him all over. Shade's defense alone was high enough to stop the bites. However, the venom in their fangs was strong, and Shade felt it start to seep through his veins, making him feel dizzy and sickly.

Shade: 19/19 [Poisoned 2/2]

<> 1: 2/2

<> 2: 2/2

<> 3: 2/2

<> 4: 2/2

<> 5: 2/2

<> 6: 2/2

<> 7: 2/2

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Just as Shade go them away, they swarmed back just as quickly, biting and snapping at his body, renewing the poison with new found zeal. The pain in his veins burned double time as Shade struggle to keep them away. Shade began to feel sick, and he convulsed, while gagging slightly.

Shade: 18/19 [Poisoned 2/2]

<> 1: 2/2

<> 2: 2/2

<> 3: 2/2

<> 4: 2/2

<> 5: 2/2

<> 6: 2/2

<> 7: 2/2

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The bats were one. The bats were many. No matter how much Shade swatted and slapped them away, they came back with more spit and vigor, biting him all over his body and sending deadly toxins into his veins. If Shade couldn't hit one of the winged rats soon, things would take a bad turn.

Shade: 17/19 [Poisoned 2/2]

<> 1: 2/2

<> 2: 2/2

<> 3: 2/2

<> 4: 2/2

<> 5: 2/2

<> 6: 2/2

<> 7: 2/2

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Shade gagged and convulsed again, the crypt bat poison pumping through his veins. His blood burned, and every heart beat was a reminder of his pain. In the midst of his suffering, he took a random slash and felt his blade carve through something solid, feeling it was a crypt bat, he felt a sense of accomplishment.

Shade: 16/19 [Poisoned 1/2]

<> 1: 0/2 -Dead- 10 Col, <> x2

<> 2: 2/2

<> 3: 2/2

<> 4: 2/2

<> 5: 2/2

<> 6: 2/2

<> 7: 2/2

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The crypt bats swarmed and screeched at the loss of their friend, and they flew into a frenzy. They bit Shade with renewed hate, wanting to end his life as slowly and painfully as possible. Shade had to swat them away rappidly to prevent any real damage, and only to be bitten repeatedly.

Shade: 15/19 [Poisoned 2/2]

<> 1: 0/2 -Dead- 10 Col, <> x2

<> 2: 2/2

<> 3: 2/2

<> 4: 2/2

<> 5: 2/2

<> 6: 2/2

<> 7: 2/2

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The bats were evil. Pure Satan. The swarmed sinking and ripping into his flesh seemingly with never-ending vigor. They ripped and tore until it began to cause actual pain and suffering to Shade. The outside damage he could ignore. But it was the fact that bats were getting the better of him that was awful.

Shade: 14/19 [Poisoned 2/2]

<> 1: 0/2 -Dead- 10 Col, <> x2

<> 2: 2/2

<> 3: 2/2

<> 4: 2/2

<> 5: 2/2

<> 6: 2/2

<> 7: 2/2

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Shade gritted his teeth in anger. These bats were truly starting to piss him off. Shade growled and swatted all the bats back after they had their fair share of biting. "Death to all who oppose me..." He spat out through clenched teeth. He was very well ready to kill off some serious bats, and he was about to make sure of that.

Shade: 14/19 [Poisoned 2/2]

<> 1: 0/2 -Dead- 10 Col, <> x2

<> 2: 2/2

<> 3: 2/2

<> 4: 2/2

<> 5: 2/2

<> 6: 2/2

<> 7: 2/2

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  • 2 weeks later...

Shade launched his hand out and grabbed a bat with his bare fist, not even bothering to use his sword. He looked at it, his ruby eyes glittering with malicious, demonic intent as the torches gave a glow to the room. He then flexed his arm and lurched a thumb upward, powering his <> to only his thumb, snapping it's neck and killing it instantly. He tossed it's body aside as the other bats went bezerk.

Shade: 13/19 [Poisoned 1/2]

<> 1: 0/2 -Dead- 10 Col, <> x2

<> 2: 0/2 -Dead- 10 Col, <>, <>

<> 3: 2/2

<> 4: 2/2

<> 5: 2/2

<> 6: 2/2

<> 7: 2/2

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