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[PP-F4] Jack Frosts ugly step sister (Shark, ???)

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I held fast to my jacket seeing as this was the coldest floor to be on in the whole game.

W-why couldnt we have done this on floor 9? i asked myself out loud realizing i knew the answer to that already. My informant Dmitri had told me that this quest involved a gigantic snow monster that would give off some interesting items if i beat him.

I knew i couldnt do it alone, so i invited a long time friend whom i havent seen in such a long time. His name being Shark, and so i waited for him here by the teleporter in the fourth city hoping he would show up fairly soon, because it was starting to get really cold outside

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Just shortly after we beat the 8th floor boss I received a message from a long time friend, Ryu.

Hey pal, meet me on the fourth floor for a quest.

I closed my menu and made my way to the central floor teleporter. I got on the teleporter and then teleported to the 4th floor.

As soon as I stepped foot on the 4th floor, I got the chills. I opened my menu and materialized my blue jacket to keep me warm. I walked towards the nearest pub to get some hot chocolate. I wonder where Ryu is. He should be here. I then went up to the bar in the pub and ordered some hot chocolate and waited for him to show.

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Upon entering the pub i had noticed the man we all know and love known as Shark. I walked up to him and clasped a hand on his shoulder.

What are you too "cool" to say hello to your best friend anymore i asked him intentionally making the cool pun as i ordered a hot coffee for myself and sat next to him hoping he wasnt offended about joining the KoB seeing as i was in the Galactic red and white armors i had dyed recently for the sake of Heathcliff not yelling at me.

How was the eighth floor buddy, i havent been up there nor have i seen you since like, floor 5 i spoke to him in the most buddy-buddy way i could as i was given my coffee and sipped on it casually hoping my armor wasnt gaining me unwanted attention

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I was just casually drinking my hot chocolate when all of a sudden I felt a hand come down on my shoulder. By this time, I knew exactly who it was. I turn to the side and gave him a big hug. Ryu! How's it goin pal?! I like the red and white. It suits you well. It reminds me of the first guild leader I met when I entered this game. I said as I noticed the Cross like symbol. Don't tell me... You joined the Knights of the Blood Oath?! That's great. I met the leader moments after I got lost in the first floor fields. He is on my friends list. I'll let him know you are with me. At that moment I sent a message to Heathcliff telling him that I was with one of his members.

I looked at Ryu as he asked me about the 8th floor. Ah man, It's great up there. We just beat the 8th floor boss and are on our way to beat the 9th floor boss soon. I said as we caught up with the times between our hangout days.

So what is this quest we will be doing? I asked as I was eager to find out the objective.

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I hugged Shark back being as brotherly as i possibly could.

Well now that im about to get married...not so bad, i have the Knights of the Blood Oath thing going for me, though im not super huge on red and white, the Galaxy Red and Star White look pretty cool on this armor. i explained "how it was going"

I'd like to wish you good luck on the 9th floor boss then, hopefully Heathcliff will nominate someone to take on the 10th floor boss, maybe even the eleventh... i said hoping that it wouldnt be the biggest mistake or my life trying to defeat floor bosses.

Yeah, i was suddenly called to a meeting the other day and Heathcliff was there and said he had noticed my skills and wanted me to join...it was so out of the blue i explained my entry to the guild

When he mentioned what quest we were taking I pulled out a piece of paper and opened it up.

Have you heard? There is a Monster on the fourth floor that gives an item that reduces damage when attacked by impending fire damages. But you didnt hear it from me, the map is located on the back of this page, please be careful, dont die, and OH make sure to wear weather appropriate clothing, its going to get chilly so you best be ready to fight it

So ends the note.

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Ryu explained to me how he was and had some interesting news. You're getting married?! That's great! Congrats bro. I'm so happy for you! I said in the happiest mood possible. I then looked over his outfit that he said he didn't favor. I think it looks great on you. Might be a little bit better if you got some red added just to make it a bit darker, but other than that, it looks great. I said in a brotherly way. Maybe you will get sent as the KoC rep in the next raid. Who knows.Thanks for the luck though.

I looked around and prepped myself for this quest. Maybe I could get Heathcliff to come. I said as I looked over the quest details. Alright then, Are you ready to get going and kill this thing? I asked Ryu as I equipped myself accordingly.

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I equipped my Celestial Gauntlets and my Celestial Blade. I looked to Shark and smiled.

If you can get Heathcliff here, thats cool, i wouldnt mind him joining us seeing as i dont really know my own guild leader as a person but i hear hes very nice. i said not really sure how Heathcliffs schedule works

Im not sure how i feel about representing the KoC though HAHA, but yes, im more than ready to kill this beast now to look at the map. i said flipping over the note to find the map to the beasts lair.

On the way there ill come up with the plan of attack...are you ready? i asked him nicely

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I got up and walked to the door. I double checked to make sure I was fully prepared for the adventure i was about to embark on. I looked back at Ryu, Ready pal? I said as I opened the door out to the cold. I started walking to the area of interest for this quest. On my walk, I received a message back from Heathcliff. Ok then. I said aloud as i closed the menu and continued walking.

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Upon reaching the entrance to the icy cave in which this beast lay i turned to Shark and smiled.

Im glad you decided to join me on this quest, everyone else seemed busy but i invited my best friend whom i havent seen in forever so thanks again for coming i spoke to him

Inside the cave was frozen over, literally everything was in cased in ice. The icicle hung down from the ceiling and the cave walls were almost completely see through. Fortunately some of the more common monsters like boars and lizard men had been frozen in solid ice as well. But the feeling of impending doom still lingered in the air.

He should be just down this next corridor...one last readiness check before we rush in there guns blazing....or i guess swords swinging in this case i spoke as i tapped all of my armor and weapon making sure it was all accounted for.

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We finally reached the cave that the quest directs us to. Ryu turned to me and gladly thanked me for coming with him. Not a problem, after all... what are best friends for? I said to him with the biggest smile. the cave looked so cool with how encased in ice it was. Crystals were shining as they hung from the top of the cave.

We continued walking up further into the cave towards the beast's lair until we came upon a man just standing there and appeared to be waiting for something. I opened up my menu to see if it was who I thought it was. It just so happened that I was right.

I walked up to the man as I put one hand on his left shoulder. What's going on man? It's been forever since I last saw you. I said to him as friendly as possible.

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O-oh, uh me....haha, Im Ryu, its nice to finally get to meet you master Heathcliff...I was...i was one of the players you called in to meet you earlier on. It said something about the guild had been watching me and noticed my skills so i was contacted by someone and told you were looking for me, and when i got there, you were busy so i was given the armor dye to change my colors and we never got to actually speak i said very nervously to him. I held out my hand to him as a friendly gesture.

So...so...so uh what-what are you doing here? i was so nervous i had no idea why i was stuttering.

I didnt realize that Shark had convinced Heatcliff to come all the way out here to fight with us. Had i known i probably wouldnt have been so shocked. I could also understand why he didnt recognize me, he was busy with so much other stuff. It didnt help that i had Dmitri deliver my papers about becoming the VC of the Knights of the Blood Oath. I was so busy that day but im glad he did it. I noticed how friendly the two were and now was wondering what would happen between us three. Though i noticed something very odd about Heathcliff and his character....might be my imagination...oh well its probably nothing serious, he is quite famous after all.

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So here it was the opportunity of a life time. Heathcliff left me in charge with his smug look and his mug of coffee. I pulled out my blade and began to draw my plans in the ice.

Alright guys here is the plan. Shark i want you to play this safe but i want you to tackle the beast head on from the left side, do what damage you can then back off i don't need either of you getting hurt on my watch. Heathcliff i want you to be with Shark but on the right hand side. When Shark backs down, give it a nice whack in the arm or leg, best the leg. Im going to do what i do best. Im going to attempt to run straight up the middle and strike for the chest or if i can, ill go around the back where it would never predict me to be and ill take it out back there. Remember if we do this quickly we can home in time to share a cup of Joe and a cig....sorry i'm getting all action movie style thinking...anyway if no one has any questions, lets begin immediately and the signal will start when Shark makes the first move i gave all the details to the plan, every inch, every step of the way. I continued to draw diagrams of what would happen if this plan didn't work we would move on to plan B. Plan be being, keep your distance and strike when the moment is golden.

Everyone good on that, or are there flaws and questions that people would like to ask i turned to both of them and asked.

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As Ryu gave us the plan, I started thinking about how the plan will work in action. Everything sounds pretty good. I am ready to go. I said as I made my way to my position. I then looked over at the others and saw Heathcliff make his way to the right side and Ryu making his way to the front.

I got into position and readied my sword. Alright guys, I'm attacking in 3...2...1! I saw as I charge at the boss and activating my > skill

The skill was a success and I was able to connect and deal some damage.

Battle dice: 7

Total Damage: 5 DMG

Shark 45/45

Ryu 53/53

Heathcliff ???/???

Avalanche 45/50

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Heathcliff stood there while Ryu explained the plan. He seemed pretty impressed by Ryu. Definitely a contender for the VC spot. He says to himself and continues to move into attacking position. He listened to Shark's countdown and then watched the attack hit.

Shark managed to do a mere 5 damage and then Heathcliff moved in next with > and aimed for >

Battle dice: 7

Total Damage: 15 DMG

Shark 45/45

Ryu 53/53

Heathcliff ???/???

Avalanche 30/50 Blind for 2 turns

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I watched Shark finish his attack and as he backed off Heathcliff took off, and i began my approach. Heathcliff did a whopping 15 damage and i wasnt about to let myself be shown up. I drew my katana and leaped into the air. I brought down the katana aimed at the monsters chest

HIYAAAA!!!! i screamed bringing the slash into the air.

Roll 4 (+2 ACC) = 6 hit

The Katana cut down the monsters chest and i kicked off the monster sliding across the ice just beyond both of my companions.

After the monster attack, aim for the downed arm, Heathcliff im expecting you to finish the beast, whether you do or not we'll see, so aim for the head, if you cant kill it ill rush in for the final strike at the chest again...let do this i said waiting for the bosses strike.

Shark 45/45

Ryu 53/53

Heathcliff ???/???

Avalanche 21/50 Blind for 2 turns

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(OOC: As per the rules, the players are allowed to control Avalanche so ill be playing him)

With a sudden surprise attack from the players he was caught completely off guard. Players chipping its health away as it stood there trying to figure out what to do. It growled with its large booming voice at the players attacking it. Its health already at almost half and no attacks made, Avalanche was desperate for an attempt to start hurting it opponents. With a fit of rage it threw its fist at the player labeled Ryu. Not being able to see was very bad as well seeing that the Heathcliff player gave him this effect not.

Roll 8 -2 due to blindness = 6 hit

Without the ability to see his fist collides with Ryus body sending him into the nearest ice wall. Continuing to flail about trying to cure its blindness. The icicles on the ceiling began to shake as his growling got louder and louder.

Shark 45/45

Ryu 52/53 (+2 battle mitigation)

Heathcliff ???/???

Avalanche 21/50 Blind for 1 turns

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After I finished my attack, I watched to see what the others did. Heathcliff didn't surprise me and did a great amount of damage. Ryu followed with a decent amount bringing the beast down to little under half of it's HP. Alright team, Let's finish this thing off. I yelled to try and get everyone to regroup.

Just then the beast flailed its fists and made contact with Ryu and sent him flying. I looked at Heathcliff and he seemed ready to end it. Ryu, get back here and stop messing around with the monster! I yelled to my dear friend.

I turned my sword into a deep blue as I activated my > skill once again and bolted towards the boss.

The boss went to swing for me as it heard me attacking. At that moment it dodged my attack and I flew into the Ice Wall. Hit it hard! I yelled as I was flat up on the wall.

Battle Dice:4

Damage Dealt: Absolutely Nothing :x

Shark 45/45

Ryu 52/53

Heathcliff ???/???

Avalanche 21/50 Blind for 1 turns

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Ryu just got knocked around by the boss a bit and Shark yelled at him to get back and kill >. At that moment Shark leaped at the boss and epically failed as he flew into the wall.

Heathcliff stood and chuckled at Shark as he went flying just after he told Ryu to stop playing around. Just then Heathcliff noticed the blindness wearing off, so for good measure, He activated > again and ran towards the boss.

The attack landed right on the head of the beast and did some serious damage. He looked at Ryujin, Finish it Ryujin! He said as he sparked something inside of the player.

Battle Dice: 10

Damage: 17 DMG

Shark 45/45

Ryu 52/53

Heathcliff ???/???

Avalanche 4/50 Blind for 2 turns

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All I could hear at the moment was Shark screaming something about messing around with the monster. How inconsiderate of him, especially after taking a fist that size straight to the chest.

Thats an ICE way to put it Shark... i said standing up and gripping my katana

Next thing i heard was Heathcliff tell me to finish it of, which i had planned on doing.

Thanks Master... i said rushing past him, sprinting past Shark at the monster.

Roll 8, 9 damage

With one last stroke of my blade i cut the monsters chest clean open. It roared with terror and defeat as it collapsed on itself and exploded into a million crystal blue shards. I turned to my companions sheathing my blade and smiling at them.

Well done gentlemen, we did it i said as i walked over to them. Im glad we can fight so easily together, we arent such a bad team after all

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