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[PP-F1] boar huntting

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i guess i need to start to practice fighting now hmmmmm... i know i can go fight bores that should do it i guess i should start to look for them Z thought to himself but were would be the best place to look..i know maybe i should start close to the city of beginnings. Z starts to leave the city to start his fighting training in the lush fields surrounding the city hoping there are no high lvl players camping the the city.

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walking along the path out of the city Z starts to draw his sword from its sheath and begins to swing it about in a random meaner, i wonder if my skill in martial arts will come in handy or not Z starts to put his sword away as he stops walking and takes a fighting stance i wonder if my fighting skill are stronger then they were in the real world i guess i should start to take things slow then pick it up to more of the advanced moves in my move list. Z starts to do some basic fighting moves felling fine with the basic moves Z starts to do more advanced moves. i feel so light doing these moves like i takes no effort to move at all! i wonder if i can do that move Z eyes lights up as he thinks upon how to do it that move. Z takes a quick look around to make shore no one is around good no one here. "well here goes" Z said aloud then Z begins to lunch himself in the air in a foreword motion flipping his legs forward till he has his one lag fully extended out in front of him till his heal is pointing strait at the ground till it slams into the ground leaving a small hole in the ground for a split second till the ground fixes itself. Z starts to stumble back words from the force of the impact i guess i can do it best keep that in reserve just in case maybe one day i can do that with a sword Z finely satisfied with what he has done counties to walk towered the edge of town finely fight bores.

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Z continues to walk along the path leaving the city of beginnings I wonder if miki is still alive? And if so how strung he is now, knowing miki he most likely found all the easy farm places *sigh* Z eyes pear into the sky as thoughts of how the choice to join SAO mint not have been one of his beast choices. I guess I should not dwell on the past beast i just look to the future and the challenges ahead of me.

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Z starts to walk off the path and heads to fields surrounding the city taking In the full view of the surrounding landscape and begins to chuckle to himself so much grass I wonder who cuts it with this thought Z burst out laughing I guess no one dose cues this is a game, grass here stays the same length no mater what. Hmmmmmm.... I wonder Z pulls his sword from its sheath at his wast, bends over, and with one quick slash cuts some grass. Within a few seconds the grass that was cut- the blades of grass cut now In Z's hand- disappears and the cut grass grows back. Just as I thought this world has a self-repairing setting. So that means I better not get lost for i have no way of marking my path and that is it for me.

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Moving in the Same direction to what Z thinks leads to where the boars are. he wonders if the SAO severs are going to able to hold out till the game is cleared. Thinking how other MMO's need some down time for sever service. If no down time is made for the severs it may lead to major problems such as players may lag or swords may go right though objects or worse though players and not do damage. Man I hope the game will be cleared be fore that happens. Speaking of which I wonder if the game is having any problems right now. Z starts to pull out his sword then stopped with it half way out put it back the stuck a fight stance. there mite be glitches with none sword based attacks time to find out. Z prepares to launch the same attack as before. First movement jump foreword with a summer salt flip while in the air but suddenly half way though the flip Z thinks he mite have blinked because for a split second things went black when he opened his eyes or what he thought was his eyes opening he saw his sword drawn and in the place were his foot should be when finishes the move. Impossible! Z thought when did I draw my sword! Z stood there puzzled with a slash in the ground where a crater should be from his foot. I guess the game dose not like unarmed combat. Better stop before more stuff happens.

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after wondering for hours Z finely finds his first boar with a grin on his face he charges full force at the boar "I HAVE U NOW!" Z shouts in a loud voice. Z swings his sword at the boar hits him right in the head but some how forgot to unsheathe his sword so the boar toke no damage. "oh crap i think he is mad now!''

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before the boar has time to take return stance Z lets loose his sword (with the sheathe off this time) slashing the boar right across his short stubby face. "Take that you stupid monster!" Z screams at the boar. as Z stands up from being hit from the boar he see the boars eyes turn red as it readys itself for the next attack.

boar hp 2/3

Zmans hp 6/7

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Z charges at the with anther full force attack "i will end you with this rwwwwaaaa" blind rage fills Z as he slashes at the boar but do to his rage that filled Z the scream the bore was able to dodge the attack with easy the snots at Z at to taunt him and laugh at him. "why can i not hit this thing" Z shouts in in rage as waits for the boars next move.

boar hp 2/3

zman hp 6/7

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Daeron had managed to tank the boar's attack, saving the player behind him now from imminent death. "Kid you should be lucky that I was watching from a distance." he said as he swung his weapon at the boar which shouldn't be a problem for Daeron.

Battle Dice: 2

The absorbing of damage had caught Daeron off guard however, seeing as to how he usually attacks and doesn't tank. He's an "AD Carry" not a "Tank". Either way, he saved the kid from dying, and that's all that matters. After he had missed, he left the area and never spoke to the kid again.

<> 1/3 HP

Daeron: 42/43 HP

Zman: 2/7 HP

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