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[SP-F01-03] Its forgin time <<Earning a living: Forager>>

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The long bow in Fae's hand felt comfortable and it made her smile as she thought back to the first time she had ever learned to shoot one. She had been a small kid, it was after her mother had left her and her dad and she needed something to latch onto in that time of need. An archery camp had put up flyers in their home town, advertising a week long retreat where they would learn how to shoot bows and do other activities. Fae remembered racing home from school clutching the flyer, begging her dad to let her go, and he did. The week long camp wasn't all that great and most of the people there weren't as interested in learning or teaching the craft of archery as they were to just not be in school, but the event sparked a love of the sport in Fae, and it was one she practiced up until Sword Art Online.

Shaking her head for more clarity Fae breathed in and grabbed an arrow from the quiver she attached to her hip, it seemed like they would be following standard rules for competitive archery seeing as she only had three arrows in it. Breathing deeply Fae knocked the arrow and pulled the string to her cheek, letting go with her fingers as she breathed out. The arrow flew straight but steadily started veering off to the side as if there was a strong wind. Confused Fae looked over at the guardian's and it appeared as though the same thing had happened to them, and a laugh oddly sounding like the announcer rang out around them.



Faerie | Lv. 5 | HP: 46/100 | EN: 0/28 (+1,-2)| DMG: 7 | MIT: 12 | LD: 3

Demonic Guardian 1 | HP: 0/60 | DMG: 20
Demonic Guardian 2 | HP: 0/60 | DMG: 20
Demonic Guardian 3 HP: 39/60 | DMG: 20

Demonic Guardian 4 HP: 9/60 | DMG: 20 

Round 18

ID210840 | BD: 5 | <<Basic Attack Vs. Demonic Guardian 4>> | Miss! | MD: 2 | Miss!
ID210841 | Demonic Guardian 3 Attacks Fae | MD: 3 | miss!


Word Count: 274



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Fae leaned into where she thought the wind was coming from so that she could make sure that it hit the target even after being veered so off course. Calmly she pulled the bowstring back her fingers lightly gripping the arrow that she had knocked to the string. Breathing in calmly Fae let the arrow fly, making note of exactly how far off to the side she had aimed so that she could adjust if the arrow still missed. Letting go of the arrow Fae concentrated hard to see where the arrow landed on the target that was seventy meters away she would need to know how much to adjust her shot by if it hit too far to the left or right.

A dull thud rang out as Fae's second arrow hit the target in the distance, landing on the far left side of the target, Fae had overcompensated, or the winds had died down, even though the arrow hit the target, it had fallen on the outer area which was not worth any points. 

Sighing Fae grabbed another arrow, the wind not actually being able to be felt made it hard for her to line up her shots, it was impossible to tell how strong the wind was so she just had to guess, if it was the same as it was before than she just needed to aim a bit closer to the target.



Faerie | Lv. 5 | HP: 46/100 | EN: 0/28 (+1,-2)| DMG: 7 | MIT: 12 | LD: 3

Demonic Guardian 1 | HP: 0/60 | DMG: 20
Demonic Guardian 2 | HP: 0/60 | DMG: 20
Demonic Guardian 3 HP: 39/60 | DMG: 20

Demonic Guardian 4 HP: 9/60 | DMG: 20 

Round 19

ID210842 | BD: 2 | <<Basic Attack Vs. Demonic Guardian 4>> | Miss! | MD: 2 | Miss!
ID210843 | Demonic Guardian 3 Attacks Fae | MD: 2 | miss!


Word Count: 237



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Fae methodically lined up her second shot, she had overcompensated last time, but now knowing where the arrow hit the target she could aim for the exact point that would land it in the bullseye. Releasing the arrow Fae held her breath, she didn't want to be shown up by these monsters, and this was a sport that she not only had a passion for, but was also skilled at. The arrow flew being carried by the strong wind, thudding into the center most yellow circle. Fae couldn't help but let out a cheer as a shockwave blew out from her target and caused the guardians shot to go wide.

It wasn't much longer until Fae heard a set of three sharp whistle blasts go off, signalling that they could go grab their arrows. Making her way to the distant target Fae glanced over at the guardians. There were no arrows on their target, meaning that Fae was in the lead, she had won the first set which would be 2 points, she would need 6 to win. Fae pulled the two arrows out of her target and began looking for the third that had gone wide.

It didn't take long for Fae and the guardians to be back to their starting points, each with three arrows back in their quiver. If Fae win the next two sets she would win the third match of the competition, and based on the health bars showing above the targets, Fae was certain that meant she would win the fight.



Faerie | Lv. 5 | HP: 46/100 | EN: 0/28 (+1,-2)| DMG: 7 | MIT: 12 | LD: 3

Demonic Guardian 1 | HP: 0/60 | DMG: 20
Demonic Guardian 2 | HP: 0/60 | DMG: 20
Demonic Guardian 3 HP: 39/60 | DMG: 20

Demonic Guardian 4 HP: 2/60 (-7)| DMG: 20 

Round 20

ID210867 | BD: 7 | <<Basic Attack Vs. Demonic Guardian 4>> | Hit! 7 DMG | MD: 3 | Miss!
ID210868 | Demonic Guardian 3 Attacks Fae | MD: 5 | miss!


Word Count: 257


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Back at the starting line Fae held up her bow, pulling the string back and taking a moment to focus, she doubted that the wind had changed enough at this point to make her arrow go too far off stray if she just aimed for the same place she aimed last time. Once again methodically lining her bow up to where she thought she had aimed previously Fae release the arrow, watching as it soared through the air, thudding softly in the distance into the second of the yellow rings, this one wasn't worth as much as the bullseye in the center, but it was still worth a lot for this set. 

After loosing her arrow Fae took a moment to look over at her fiery competitors, their arrow flying similarly through the air, a soft thud echoing through the endless void as it made contact with the target seventy meters ahead of them. It was hard to see from this distance, but the arrow was sticking out in one of the red circles vibrating softly from the impact. The shot wasn't as good as Fae's, but it was good enough that it wouldn't be hard for them to overtake her if she wasn't careful.



Faerie | Lv. 5 | HP: 46/100 | EN: 0/28 (+1,-2)| DMG: 7 | MIT: 12 | LD: 3

Demonic Guardian 1 | HP: 0/60 | DMG: 20
Demonic Guardian 2 | HP: 0/60 | DMG: 20
Demonic Guardian 3 HP: 39/60 | DMG: 20

Demonic Guardian 4 HP: 0/60 | DMG: 20 

Round 21

ID210869 | BD: 9 | <<Basic Attack Vs. Demonic Guardian 4>> | Minor Critical Hit! 8 DMG | Target Destroyed!
ID210870 | Demonic Guardian 3 Attacks Fae | MD: 1 | Critical miss!



Word Count: 205


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A dull throbbing started up in the back of Fae's head as she grabbed the next arrow out of her hip quiver, a feint ringing feeling like it was attempting to escape her skull. With a sharp intake of breath Fae brought the bow even with her chest, holding the arrow loosely to the string waiting for the signal to draw and then fire, the dull aching and ringing growing every moment as if building up to some crescendo. The customary whistle blew out and Fae drew the bow in one solid motion, only sighting for a second before letting the arrow fly. The ringing seemed almost tied to the arrow growing in intensity and volume as it grew closer to the target. Black was beginning to flake the edges of her vision as the pressure seemed to build until finally, as the arrow hit the target it was gone almost with a pop.

Fae stood, her head groggy as she looked at her surroundings, the weird waking dream was gone, and Fae was again standing in the ring of fire, only one of the gargoyle like creatures opposing her, its body bubbling and bursting, cracked dry magma flaking off as the mass of molten rock writhed beneath it. The creature snarled as Fae tried to gain her bearings. Memories flooding through her mind like a wave, none clear, but pictures of her leaping out of the way of fiery whips and plunging her straight sword into the magma form of one of the beasts the customary explosion signalling that it had died. 

Fae had been fighting the creatures all along, the land she had been in before being nothing more than but in her head. She couldn't understand what was happening or why, but it was clear that she was back in the moment and that she still had another one of those monsters to face before she could fret about it further. Fae readied her blade as she shook away the grogginess.



Faerie | Lv. 5 | HP: 46/100 | EN: 0/28 (+1,-2)| DMG: 7 | MIT: 12 | LD: 3

Demonic Guardian 1 | HP: 0/60 | DMG: 20
Demonic Guardian 2 | HP: 0/60 | DMG: 20
Demonic Guardian 3 HP: 32/60 (-7)| DMG: 20

Demonic Guardian 4 HP: 0/60 | DMG: 20 

Round 22

ID210871 | BD: 8 | <<Basic Attack Vs. Demonic Guardian 3>> | Hit! 7 DMG | MD: 4 | Miss!


Word Count: 334



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The roaring sound of fire was all that could be heard throughout the forest as Fae stood opposite the monster guarding the demonic shard that the gypsy women had told her to go get. She hadn't told her that there would be anything like this guarding the fragment of demonic energy, or else she wouldn't have taken on the quest so lightly. The firelight Caused shadows to dance across the clearing as the wind blew through the fiery barrier keeping her trapped in her duel with the guardian. Fae could barely hear the thunderous cracking sound of the whip as the guardian lashed out for another attack, attempting to wrap the flaming weapon around Fae's sword to wrench it out of her hand.

Fae let the whip wrap around her sword, the blade instantly beginning to glow from the heat, the orange overtaking the natural bright blue sheen. Ash and small chunks of molten rock crumbled off of the monster's arm as it jerked the whip trying to pull the length of the fire rope taught. Fae twisted the blade right as the rope stiffened, using the strength of the guardian's pull to bring the sharp edge of her blade pulling through the tangible fire, the flames hanging in the air for only a moment before the scattered in the wind only a hint of smoke being left behind before that too was carried away. The corners of Fae's mouth tilted up slightly in triumph as the final remnants of the whip were dragged away and she was left standing her sword versus the sharp claws of igneous rock on the guardians fingers.




Faerie | Lv. 5 | HP: 46/100 | EN: 0/28 (+1,-2)| DMG: 7 | MIT: 12 | LD: 3

Demonic Guardian 1 | HP: 0/60 | DMG: 20
Demonic Guardian 2 | HP: 0/60 | DMG: 20
Demonic Guardian 3 HP: 32/60 | DMG: 20

Demonic Guardian 4 HP: 0/60 | DMG: 20 

Round 23

ID210872 | BD: 5 | <<Basic Attack Vs. Demonic Guardian 3>> | Miss! | MD: 2 | Miss!


Word Count: 273



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The NPCs in Sword Art Online seemed like they had a life of their own, seemingly sharing the same feelings as the players. Fae didn't know if the monsters in this world had the same feelings as the other creations in Aincrad, but if they did she knew that the monster in front of her would be feeling nothing but intense fear. All of the fellow magma creatures had already fallen to Fae's blade and now all alone the final guardian stood without any weapon while it's opponent, it's prey thought to have been trapped in a way that none on these lower floors would have been able to escape, confidently remained with their sword raised ready to defend at a moments notice. Yes, terror was the only thing that could be running through the monster's mind, an animal backed into a corner with no escape in sight. 

But when a wild beast was cornered, it became all that much more dangerous. A roar overcame the sound of the crackling fire as the guardian ran forward slashing with its claws In a frenzy, the frenzy that could only be achieved when one knew that the only option left was to fight with every ounce of power and passion that could be mustered. When you knew that the only way to survive was to fight without any preservation, when you might be able to pull a victory out from the jaws of defeat. Fae scrambled away nearly tripping over herself at the unrelenting assault of the monster she was fighting. Its attacks were quick and had no care for defense only aiming to end the fight as quickly as possible. Recovering from her near stumble Fae flicked her sword underneath the beast's wide swing slashing across its chest before quickly disengaging avoiding the continuing onslaught of burning claws.



Faerie | Lv. 5 | HP: 46/100 | EN: 0/28 (+1,-2)| DMG: 7 | MIT: 12 | LD: 3

Demonic Guardian 1 | HP: 0/60 | DMG: 20
Demonic Guardian 2 | HP: 0/60 | DMG: 20
Demonic Guardian 3 HP: 25/60 (-7)| DMG: 20

Demonic Guardian 4 HP: 0/60 | DMG: 20 

Round 24

ID210873 | BD: 8 | <<Basic Attack Vs. Demonic Guardian 3>> | Hit! 7 DMG | MD: 1 | Critical Miss!


Word Count: 307


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Going on the offensive was proving to be difficult as Fae was consistently pushed back, reaching her limit as she parried and dodged the never ending assault. The sharp sound of steel meeting hard rock was the only sound that could be heard, drowning out the roaring inferno of the barrier that kept Fae from fleeing. Each block and Parry sending a shock through Fae's arm, her grip getting harder and harder to maintain as her hands and arm strained against the heavy slams. Sweat poured down Fae's face stinging her eyes as the exertion of fending off the enraged monster combined with the sweltering heat of the arena she found herself in. Fae parried another attack from the guardian, sending its arm swinging out wide. Hilt slick in her hand Fae took this opportunity, thrusting her blade forward and watching as the health slowly drained from the beast.

How long had Fae already been here, Fae couldn't tell, it felt like she had been fighting for hours as her muscles grew more and more tired and the heat just built. Fae could feel her head starting to get dizzier as the onslaught continued, the monster was so close to dying, but how long could Fae last before she lost all strength in her arm to hold her weapon, before the heat overwhelmed her already overtaxed mind. Ducking out of the way of another attack Fae shook her head trying to clear some of the fogginess, the onslaught not stopping for even a second to let her catch her breath. 



Faerie | Lv. 5 | HP: 46/100 | EN: 0/28 (+1,-2)| DMG: 7 | MIT: 12 | LD: 3

Demonic Guardian 1 | HP: 0/60 | DMG: 20
Demonic Guardian 2 | HP: 0/60 | DMG: 20
Demonic Guardian 3 HP: 18/60 (-7)| DMG: 20

Demonic Guardian 4 HP: 0/60 | DMG: 20 

Round 25

ID210874 | BD: 7 | <<Basic Attack Vs. Demonic Guardian 3>> | Hit! 7 DMG | MD: 1 | Critical Miss!


Word Count: 260


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The fight was practically a stalemate, the enraged guardian swinging its arms in attack after attack, an unrelenting onslaught that made it nearly impossible for Fae to dodge let alone lift her sword up in defense. The combination of the ever increasing heat and the unrelenting onslaught from the guardian was one of the worst situations Fae had ever found herself in. Originally she thought that the creature would be easier to kill after its weapon had been thrown away and it was left with only its claws, but it seemed as though it only grew stronger as it was backed into a wall, fighting even more ferociously than Fae had seen from a creature in a long time.

The fight brought back memories, unpleasant ones, of when Fae was first learning to fight in this game. She had originally started playing at the request of a friend, someone who was much more skilled at video games than Fae, and someone whose spirit could never be broken even in moments like this, when all hope was beginning to leave and when it seemed like their were no more options left. Gritting her teeth in determination Fae shook her head, dismissing the memories wincing as the fogginess in her head made it ache. Now was not the time to get lost in the past, not the time to lose hope, the creature was almost dead and she could do this.



Faerie | Lv. 5 | HP: 46/100 | EN: 0/28 (+1,-2)| DMG: 7 | MIT: 12 | LD: 3

Demonic Guardian 1 | HP: 0/60 | DMG: 20
Demonic Guardian 2 | HP: 0/60 | DMG: 20
Demonic Guardian 3 HP: 18/60 | DMG: 20

Demonic Guardian 4 HP: 0/60 | DMG: 20 

Round 26

ID210875 | BD: 2 | <<Basic Attack Vs. Demonic Guardian 3>> | MIss! | MD: 3 | Miss!


Word  Count: 239



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Exhaustion. The feeling was now a comfortable friend as the onslaught continued, leaving no time for a counterattack, Fae was on the defensive barely making sure that the fiery claws missed her as she was constantly pushed back, drawing nearer and nearer to the burning wall the kept her trapped. It seemed impossible but the heat only grew more and more intense as Fae was forced closer to the raging blaze behind her. Thoughts getting harder and harder to process, movements getting more and more sluggish Fae could barely even feel panic as the fight continued, both her and the monster's health slowly decreasing at an agonizing pace.

The only chance that Fae had was to go on the offensive, it was getting harder and harder to keep up with the monster, and staying on the defensive was only going to make it harder to live through this encounter. Letting thoughts slip out of her mind she relied on her instincts, barely moving out of the way of a mad slash a line of red showing on her face as her blade flicked forward and slashed a long line through its torso. Fae pushed the advantage, narrowly avoiding more attacks as she attacked mindlessly, blade meeting air and hard igneous rock at the same frequency, both of their health bars dropping steadily.



Faerie | Lv. 5 | HP: 46/100 | EN: 0/28 (+1,-2)| DMG: 7 | MIT: 12 | LD: 3

Demonic Guardian 1 | HP: 0/60 | DMG: 20
Demonic Guardian 2 | HP: 0/60 | DMG: 20
Demonic Guardian 3 HP: 10/60 (-8)| DMG: 20

Demonic Guardian 4 HP: 0/60 | DMG: 20 

Round 26

ID210876 | BD: 9 | <<Basic Attack Vs. Demonic Guardian 3>> | Minor Critical Hit! 8 DMG | MD: 4 | Miss!


Word Count: 221


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Being on the offensive made Fae more confident, but it didn't make the fight any easier as the both she and the fiery demon attacked with a fury. Fae tried to let go of feelings, let go of thought, let instinct overcome her as the fogginess grew and made it harder and harder to think rationally. Her body didn't want to die, and it was almost as if she could subconsciously feel the flow of the battlefield around her. The movements of the creature, the rocks on the ground around her feet, the air rushing around inside the prison of fire as the burning hot air forced the cold air out. Fae could almost feel it all inside of herself as she continued to swing her sword, instinctively dodging the counterattacks by the demon without thinking.

The exhaustion was pushed to the back of Fae's mind as she let the instincts take over, let the instincts keep her from meeting harm as the onslaught continued, now from both sides. The exhaustion was pushed back, at least for the time being, but it wasn't gone, it was just laying dormant gnawing away at Fae's muscles slowly, nearly unnoticeably attempting to make the fight impossible. But on the instincts pushed, ignoring the gnawing, ignoring everything, focusing solely on the battle at hand.



Faerie | Lv. 5 | HP: 46/100 | EN: 0/28 (+1,-2)| DMG: 7 | MIT: 12 | LD: 3

Demonic Guardian 1 | HP: 0/60 | DMG: 20
Demonic Guardian 2 | HP: 0/60 | DMG: 20
Demonic Guardian 3 HP: 10/60 | DMG: 20

Demonic Guardian 4 HP: 0/60 | DMG: 20 

Round 27

ID210877 | BD: 5 | <<Basic Attack Vs. Demonic Guardian 3>> | Miss! | MD: 2 | Miss!


Word Count: 220


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Subconscious willpower, it was the only explanation for how Fae hadn't fallen yet, how despite the fatigue and fog that was building from the combined effort of the extreme heat and the exertion of fighting against the creature of molten magma, she was able to keep dodging out of the way of the hotter than hot claws that aimed to take her head off. Instincts had taken over Fae's body, and there was no thoughts left, it was just the internal struggle between Fae's will to live, and the need for her muscles to succumb to the mind numbing pain and heat.

Instincts weren't always enough though, as Fae soon learned finding the claws of the creature searing across her shoulder right as she slashed her blade across it's chest. The searing heat of the magma was almost unbearable as Fae cried out and launched herself back, the fog momentarily ebbing as the pain forced her mind into more focus. The creature was almost dead, and all she had to do was last for one more hit and she would be free from the hell made real that she had found herself in.



Faerie | Lv. 5 | HP: 36/100 (-10)| EN: 0/28 (+1,-2)| DMG: 7 | MIT: 12 | LD: 3

Demonic Guardian 1 | HP: 0/60 | DMG: 20
Demonic Guardian 2 | HP: 0/60 | DMG: 20
Demonic Guardian 3 HP: 2/60 (-8)| DMG: 20

Demonic Guardian 4 HP: 0/60 | DMG: 20 

Round 28

ID210878 | BD: 9 | <<Basic Attack Vs. Demonic Guardian 3>> | Minor Critical Hit! 8 DMG | MD: 10 | Major Critical Hit 22-12 = 10 DMG


Word Count: 193



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The ebb and flow of battle was in Fae's blood as she continued to dodge out of reach of the faster and stronger monster, feeling the battle as if it was an extension of her very own body and mind. The brief moment of clarity that had come with the pain from the creature's successful attack was fading quickly, and Fae could feel the fog trying to overcome her mind once more as claws swept narrowly above her head, the hot air coming off the creature singing the tips of her hair as Fae pushed for more space. 

The fight was dragging on too long, and in the back of Fae's mind, subconsciously she knew it, could feel her movements becoming less and less precise by the moment as the creature came closer and closer the raking it's agonizing claws across her body. Fae stumbled backward, narrowly avoiding another strike from the guardian as she fought to keep her footing. Fae couldn't think of anything but the flow of the battle as the war between fog and will raged on, the willpower being overpowered more and more every second that Fae fought.



Faerie | Lv. 5 | HP: 36/100 | EN: 0/28 (+1,-2)| DMG: 7 | MIT: 12 | LD: 3

Demonic Guardian 1 | HP: 0/60 | DMG: 20
Demonic Guardian 2 | HP: 0/60 | DMG: 20
Demonic Guardian 3 HP: 2/60 | DMG: 20

Demonic Guardian 4 HP: 0/60 | DMG: 20 

Round 29

ID210879 | BD: 1 | <<Basic Attack Vs. Demonic Guardian 3>> | Critical Miss! | MD: 4 | Miss!


Word Count: 202



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Every move became more and more lethargic every passing moment as the battle continued to rage on, the idea of giving up an impossible one that wouldn't cross Fae's mind even in her subconscious, but before long the choice to fight wouldn't be something that Fae had the luxury to make. Every attack that the fiery guardian made came closer and closer to hitting Fae as her movements grew more and more sluggish over time. The fight was wearing out every ounce of ability that she had and the beast showed no signs of slowing it's onslaught, no sign that it was growing tired in any way. 

One mistake wasn't something that Fae could risk, but it was getting harder and harder to keep her footing over the scorched clearing, every rock and small rise left her stumbling over her own feet, the claws avoiding her by less and less every second. Bringing her sword up for a counter attack wasn't an option anymore, all she could do was fight to dodge the onslaught, knowing that if something didn't change soon that she wouldn't be making it out of this clearing alive, and then it happened. A rock, and a poorly placed foot. Fae felt her ankle twist and the rush of air as the ground rose up to meet her, sword flying just out of reach as she laid on her back, the creature advancing slowly, it's maw curving into a gruesome smile of pointed igneous rock teeth, smoke curling from it's edges.



Faerie | Lv. 5 | HP: 36/100 | EN: 0/28 (+1,-2)| DMG: 7 | MIT: 12 | LD: 3

Demonic Guardian 1 | HP: 0/60 | DMG: 20
Demonic Guardian 2 | HP: 0/60 | DMG: 20
Demonic Guardian 3 HP: 2/60 | DMG: 20

Demonic Guardian 4 HP: 0/60 | DMG: 20 

Round 30

ID210880 | BD: 2 | <<Basic Attack Vs. Demonic Guardian 3>> | Miss! | MD: 3 | Miss!


Word Count: 254


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The fog cleared in that moment, almost as if to let Fae experience the fullness of her death, every agonizing second not dulled for even a moment before she would be no more. The stories always said in these moments that you would see your life flash before your eyes, but Fae's mind was completely blank, staring at the unsettling grin of the creature as it savored the moment, advancing on her slowly as if it was enjoying watching her struggle. And struggle she did, Fae's hand stretched for the blade that was lying beside her, muscles aching as the fatigue caught up to her. Fingers scraping and scrambling against the rocky ground, she could feel her fingers shredding the pain being eclipsed by the need to reach the weapon. The monster was upon her a drop of magma dripping onto her from it's open mouth as it crouched over her. Hot metal was suddenly in her hand as she finally found her sword, the last ounce of strength she could muster used to bring the blade up and through the monster's neck. Fae didn't even see the resulting explosion of blue as the fatigue won it's long fight against her willpower and blackness overtook her. 



Faerie | Lv. 5 | HP: 36/100 | EN: 0/28 (+1,-2)| DMG: 7 | MIT: 12 | LD: 3

Demonic Guardian 1 | HP: 0/60 | DMG: 20
Demonic Guardian 2 | HP: 0/60 | DMG: 20
Demonic Guardian 3 HP: 0/60 (-8)| DMG: 20

Demonic Guardian 4 HP: 0/60 | DMG: 20 

Round 31

ID210881 | BD: 9 | <<Basic Attack Vs. Demonic Guardian 3>> | Minor Critical Hit! 8 DMG | Target Destroyed!


Demonic Guardian 1: ID210895 | LD: 16 + 3 = 19 | CD: 8 | LD = 2 MATS + CD = 120 col | Perfect T1 Armor + Perfect T1 Trinket
Demonic Gaurdian 2: ID210896 | LD: 5 + 3 = 8 | CD: 12 | LD = 120 col + CD = 120 col | Rare T1 Trinket + 60 col
Demonic Guardian 3: ID210899 | LD: 20 + 3 = 23 | CD: 3 | LD = 2 MATS + CD = 2 Mats | Perfect T1 Trinket + Perfect T1 Weapon
Demonic Guardian 4: ID210901 | LD: 7 + 3 = 10 | CD: 6 | LD = 120 Col + CD = 120 Col | Rare T1 Trinket + 60 col


6 MATS + 720 Col + Perfect T1 Armor + Perfect T1 Trinket [2] + Rare T1 Trinket [2]+ Perfect T1 Weapon


Word Count: 206


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Blackness was all that Fae experienced for what felt like an eternity as consciousness slowly came back, her eyes snapping open to the light of an early morning. She sat up groggily, she had been unconscious for an a night and half a day, and the chilly air almost came as a shock compared to the blazing inferno that her last moments had been. The clearing was still in ruins, the ground decimated by the heat, though the fiery circle that had enclosed the area earlier was now gone. One other thing was different though, where the large thick scale had been now stood a chest seemingly made of those very same scales, though much smaller.

Cautiously Fae stood up, stretching the stiffness out of her muscles and sheathed her sword. Aincrad was never a safe place, but if she had been unconscious for that long without a monster wandering by then it was unlikely that any would come by now, everything in the area probably avoided this place because of the guardians, and it would take some time still before they would notice that they had been slain. The chest in front of Fae didn't give off as much heat as she had been expecting, the scales that it was made out of were cool to the touch in a pleasant way, in contrast to the fiery heat that had protected it. Warily Fae stepped up to the chest and placed her hands on it, mentally preparing herself for what might very well be another trap.


ID210906 | Looking For Chest | LD: 16 + 3 = 19 | Success! Treasure Chest found 


Word Count: 257


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Fae slowly opened the chest fearing the worst, bit as the lid softly thudded against the main body nothing happened, letting out a sigh of relief she looked over the contents, just a few pieces of equipment that were weaker than what she was currently using and a small amount of col and materials, it honestly felt kind of lackluster for all of the effort that she had put in getting the chest to appear, but equipment was still equipment and Fae put it all into her inventory before taking back out both the compass that Giovanna had given her, and the scale she had found using it. The compass was no longer unbearable to hold, the sheen of the metal back to the dull gray color that it had originally been. The scale was the more interesting though, a hefty hand sized scale that seemed to have came off of some sort of large lizard, cool to the touch and as dark as obsidian. Fae knew that the item was rare, something that only high tier players every had any reason to use, so she put it back into her inventory for safe keeping before turning back towards the dense forest that surrounded the charred clearing. She had to make her way back to Giovanna, the woman had agreed to train her in foraging if she proved herself worthy by acquiring the scale.

Making her way through the third floor was just as difficult as it had been when she was originally following the compass, and she had to do as much chopping with her sword through the dense foliage as she did walking to the nearest town. When she had first found Giovanna she was on the first floor, but with how much she liked to move around, Fae wasn't sure if she would still be there, but without any other options Fae would just have to hope that she could locate her in order to thank her for her help. After chopping and walking for what felt like an eternity Fae found herself back to the main settlement on the third floor and finally back to the teleportation monument. "Town of beginnings" Fae called out for the settlement that she had called home for the last two years and the feeling of weightlessness enveloped her before she found herself standing in the familiar town center.

Quickly Fae made her way through the winding streets of the sparsely populated town, at this point most of the people that had once called this floor home had moved on to other higher floors, leaving the town of beginnings as some sort of ghost town. She could remember when the game had first launched and the city was so bustling with players that it was almost impossible to move around, and could take hours waiting in line at shops. Fae's reminiscing was cut short as she reached the edge of the town and passed through the gate, a familiar wagon sitting close by with a woman sat by a campfire outside of it.


ID210907 | Opening Treasure Chest | LD: 10 | 300 Col + 5 Mats + Rare T1 Weapon + Rare T1 Consumables [2]


Word Count: 512



Edited by Faerie
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  • 2 years later...

Fae approached the woman smiling in triumph at her successful mission. "Hello Giovanna, I'm back. You're compass came in handy." Pulling out the compass and the demon scale again Fae made to pass them both over to the woman before Giovanna made a motion to stop her, chuckling slightly under her breath "You finding that proves that I don't have anything left to teach you. I always preferred trials by fire when it came to learning, and you have learned all that you can. Please keep the scale, though I will accept the compass, I still need that." she couldn't help but flinch at the mention of a trial by fire, the blazing wall of flame and the magma constructs that she had fought the day before passing unpleasantly through her mind. 'Trial by fire is way too accurate of a statement' she thought to herself as she handed back the compass with a nod. Giovanna stood as she accepted the returned item and spoke "Well, I have been sitting outside of town for a few days now, and I hate to stay still for too long, so I must prepare to depart. I am glad I could help you, next time you need to find a demonic scale you'll have to do it the hard way." She winked and walked back into  her wagon leaving Fae alone outside. 'if this wasn't hard than I'm not sure I want to know what is.' Fae thought to herself before turning around and heading back into town.

She hadn't told Angel or the kids at the orphanage where she was going, or that she was leaving at all for that matter, and she had been out in the charred field for over a day. Her steps echoing on the pavement beneath her feet Fae made her way home, hoping that Angel wouldn't be too mad at her for not telling her where she went. The door of the orphanage had always creaked and today was no different as it made a loud sound alerting anyone in the building to her presence. Just as her fears had imagined a small beautiful blonde woman was sitting in the main hall, glaring at the door. Before Fae had the ability to say anything she found herself being leapt on and hugged fiercely. "Do you have any idea how worried we all were when you weren't in your room yesterday?" Angel took a step back a stern look on her face as she looked up at the much taller woman, and Fae couldn't help but smile. The concern was touching and it was nice to know that someone was worried when she wasn't home. "I was out foraging. And let me tell you it was worth it." Fae smiled wider and pulled out the scale that she had acquired and proffered it to her friend, her eyes growing wide. "Is that what I think it is?" Angel's anger was quickly forgotten as she grabbed the black scale and examined it. "It is, and I think I have an idea for how to get more." Fae let her smile grow as she pocketed the scale again, she had learned a lot today, and she would use that to her advantage going forward.


Word Count: 545


Thread Summary


 1,429 EXP: (1,129 Thread Contents + 300 Quest Rewards)

1,420 Col: (400 Thread Rewards + 720 Post #35 + 300 (Post #37)

1 Demonic Shard: (Post #3)

11 Mats: (6 Post #35 + 5 Post #37)

Perfect T1 Armor: (Post #35)

2 Perfect T1 Trinkets: (Post #35)

2 Rare T1 Trinket: (Post #35)

Perfect T1 Weapon: (Post #35)

Rare T1 Weapon: (Post #37)

2 Rare T1 Consumables: (Post #37)

<<Forager>> Profession




Edited by Faerie
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