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[F08;PP] Supplies | <<Nature's Treasure>>

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Nari fought rolling out of bed, not wanting to get up, but knowing that she would have to do so eventually anyways. The small fox-like creature slammed into her chest, bouncing as it playfully tried to discomfort the dark haired woman. 

"Nooo....Mio....stop..." The words came out as displeasured groans, Nari fighting against the pull and push of the kitsune as she tried to blindly push it away. "Stoooppppp...come on....just....just five more...ugh, fine...I'm up. I'm getting up...you win."

Slowly, with lots of verbal disagreement, Nari rolled out of the bed. The corner of her eye caught sight of the flashing notification - a message that had been sent while she was asleep. A quick flick of her wrist, and a few moments later she was getting herself up entirely. It wasn't often that Nemo was sighted without being immediately taken by another player, but Nari's material stock was quickly lowering, and she knew she needed to resupply as soon as she could. 

"Not like we have anything else planned today, right? Might as well give it a shot...and you can see the garden, too." She realised that the kitsune had never been to the garden before - at least not while he was with Nari. 

An hour later, Nari was stepping off the teleporter platform and into the central thoroughfare of Ellesmera. The city - if it could be called that - was busy, NPCs and a few players rushing to and from as they went about their daily business. Somehow, though, it still felt empty compared to the higher floors that Nari was used to visiting.


"No point sticking around here, right Mio? Might as well get on with finding Nemo. Sooner we find him, sooner we get to the garden...and then the sooner we can restock those supplies." She smiled down at the kitsune, before making her way off towards the front gates - knowing that Nemo almost never stayed in the city centre.




Nari-Lanreth Statblock Image.png
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Floor 8! I can't believe I made it this far! Just to show you how much a little courage and a little recklessness can get you. Nora silently cheers herself on. She had never reached this high a floor before, and so far, she is not dead yet. Maybe if she keeps this up, she will beat the game and get back to real life in no time (is that how this system works? She has no idea). So far, she has been getting by mostly by hiding inside safe zones, watching for monsters and rushing through floors when there are no monsters nearby. She wasn't able to completely avoid combat altogether, and her supplies are quickly running low from the few monster encounters she has had. On Floor 8, her supplies have reached a tipping point and she will need to restock soon, if she wants to continue relying on the health potion and teleportation stone strategy.

"Ah...this is nerve wrecking. Where can I even collect materials? Where is the information center on this floor?" Nora quietly spoke to herself.

"You want materials? Little Eden is where you want to be." A voice spoke from behind Nora.

"EK!!!!" Nora shrieks and quickly turns around. She immediately backs up a few steps out of instinct only to find a kind-looking gardener??? smiling back at her.

"Ops, did I scare you? You look a little lost so I thought I would come by and help out. Sorry I overheard what you were saying earlier, I meant no offense."

"No no no! It is completely my fault for overreacting." ....And for not hearing you coming so close to me...NPCs on this floor are so high leveled...Nora rubs the back of her neck out of embarrassment. She coughs quietly into her hand. "Hm...anyways, thanks for checking. Hm...you mention the Little Eden? I think...I might have heard of it on the first or second floor...?" Nora tries to search her memories from when she first started the game.

"Oh? You have?" The gardener's smile widens, there's a strange gleam in his eyes as he looks at Nora. "You didn't happen to take any chests out of the garden, have you?" the gardener whispers gently.

"Hm? En...no. I went there with a friend, but something came up and we had to get out quickly. I don't think we encountered a chest or anything like that. But it was a while back." 

"Oh, that's a pity. Would you like to try again? I could take you there, it could be fun, there's a lot of materials there, you could trade them for potions at alchemy shops on this floor if you want."

"Yes, that sounds great...." Nora continued to rub her neck. This NPC is very helpful, and perhaps all NPCs are like that. But something about this eagerness to help is making her nervous, maybe it is her social anxiety acting up again. Nora looked around, and then she spotted another player with purple hair.

"Hm...Ms.! Sorry to bother you. We are about to head out collecting materials at a great location, and we need another member. Would you be interested in farming for some materials?" Nora calls out.

The gardener turns around to look at the new player. 



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Nari's head turned as another spoke to her right, drawing her attention towards the two figures standing there. One, was clearly a player whom Nari had never seen before. The other, however, was an NPC that she immediately recognised - one that she had long-lasting feelings towards, even now. Her eyes narrowed as she spotted the NPC, her body naturally taking a half-step backwards in reaction. For a single moment, she forgot to answer, forgot that a question was even asked of her. When she did answer, her voice was full of hesitation and apprehension.

"Huh? Come...yeah. Yeah sure. Uh...sure. Do you...know who that is?" She looked back towards Nemo, the NPC waiting patiently, smiling at the two players - oblivious to the subtle conversation that Nari was trying to hold. She doubted that the NPC would react even if she bluntly made her concerns. It was the one benefit of the NPCs in Aincrad, aside from their almost repetitive behaviours.

"Have you...been to the garden before? If not, I can show you around...err...and, you know...protect you." She didn't add what she'd be protecting the other player from, deciding some things were best not knowing. Perhaps Nari's presence would keep the inevitable at bay. And perhaps we'll all suddenly wake up, as if from a dream...

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!!! Yay!! I got a teammate! "Right! Thank you so much! My name is Nora, and this is..." She wanted to introduce the NPC and realized just then that she never got a name. She turns her glaze towards the NPC and realizes that the NPC is looking and smiling at the other player, and is no longer paying any attention to her. She turns to look at the other player who seems to be staring at the NPC in surprise, and then turns to look at the NPC who is still smiling at the other player. She senses that there's something between the two that she can not understand. Do they know each other? Why hasn't anyone said anything? This is so awkward...

In order to break the silent staring contest, Nora coughs into her hand.

The NPC introduced himself just then. "Hello, my name is Nemo. It is my pleasure to make both of you acquittances. As I was telling Nora here, I am a gardener for Little Eden, a special little dungeon near the edge of the floor. The dungeon is rich with materials, treasures and other wonderful things from your dreams. However, a powerful monster lurks within, attacking players who dare to “steal” from the garden, leaving them gravely injured, or simply killing them outright....But, I'm sure it is not something the two of you couldn't handle. If things get too tough, you could always just run away. I could show you the way, at any time when you are ready." Nemo smiled gently at the two.

Nora nods eagerly, particularly at the mention of running away from a strong boss monster. Somehow, having another player nearby greatly boosted her confidence. "Then there is no time to lose! Let's go, let's get some more materials!" She chirps happily. 

At the mention of that, Nemo turns to lead the way out of the main settlement. 

Nora turns to the other player. "How should I address you? I think we need to form a team so that we can see each other's health bar. If we stick together, we should be fine. I got a bunch of health potions that we can use."


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Nari kept silent, staring at Nemo as he performed his introduction. She had been in the other player's position a while ago, believing that there was some monster in the garden that was threatening...well, it didn't matter. Soon enough they'd find out the truth, and Nari would likely be forced to repeat actions once more. Her resentment towards Nemo, once cooled, had begun to rise once more - and she forced herself to push it aside. It wasn't something she could allow to foster here, not now. Not when they were about to head towards the garden itself.

"My name's Nari-Lanreth, but I go by Nari. As to the party..." She gave a flick of her hands, bringing up the menu interface and scrolling for a single second before sending off the notification. 

Party & Profile.png Nari-Lanreth Sent a Group request!


Her eyes followed Nemo as the man began leading them out into the open areas, heading towards the entrance to the garden that would be hidden until they arrived there with him. Without looking away, she continued speaking to the other player, her voice carrying an edge to it that it normally wouldn't have. "Is this your first time in the garden, then? Or have you visited before? It's...a wondrous place, if you've never been there before. But...well, you'll have to face the guardian when you attempt to leave. Assuming you haven't, before."

She remembered her first time in the garden. She'd gone there, full of hope and good intentions. It had been an easy pickings, so to speak - she'd walked away with an abundance of materials and other goods. Or, at least she'd tried to walk away. That was when she'd found out the truth about the garden, and when her hatred for Nemo had started. Over time, it had cooled slightly, leaving her bitter but not vengeful. 

"Ah, speaking of...what's your plan in the garden? I know you're headed there to collect materials, but...there's a number of ways to do so - do you plan on focusing on one of the foraging or fishing methods? Or are you looking to fight something? Just, uh...so we can correlate and know ahead of time, you know?"

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Nora happily accepted the party request and make Nari the party leader by default, and with that, the three of them ventured into the open area and started heading towards the edge of the floor. Officially started their way to find the hidden dungeon known as Little Eden.

Floor 8 is an area covered by a vast a forest, form out of trees stretching out high into the sky and expanding out covering the floor area as far as eyes could see. Visibility is low due to obstruction from trees and other vegetations. Chipper sounds from woodland creatures could be heard from all sides. If this was in the real world, it could have been very relaxing. The gently lights breaching the three branches shining down from above, the sound of water running through water stream and the sound of small animals running in the distant, could all make one feel a part of nature. Nora was momentarily taken in awe by the sheer almost fairy tale like atmosphere of this floor, but she immediately snap back to reality. This is a dangerous game, and the fact that the trees hinder one's perception of the surrounding could mean that monsters will have an easier time sneaking up to them. She reminds herself silently to keep up with her guards on this floor, after all, she has no idea what kind of creatures inhabit this floor.  

Just then, Nari spoke. "Is this your first time in the garden, then? Or have you visited before? It's...a wondrous place, if you've never been there before. But...well, you'll have to face the guardian when you attempt to leave. Assuming you haven't, before."

"Ah, speaking of...what's your plan in the garden? I know you're headed there to collect materials, but...there's a number of ways to do so - do you plan on focusing on one of the foraging or fishing methods? Or are you looking to fight something? Just, uh...so we can correlate and know ahead of time, you know?"

Nora turns to look at Nari as they walk. "Oh, I been to the garden before. I forgot if it was on the first or the second floor. I went with another newbie player, we mostly fight boars but we didn't saw the guardian. Perhaps it was dealing with players elsewhere? If luck holds, we wouldn't need to deal with the guardian this time as well."

At the mention of plans, that's a good question. Since her crafting materials are running low at a startling speed, gathering materials is her number one priority right now.

"I'm trying to collect more materials for my shop, I'm running dangerous low right now. If I don't collect more, it is either stop crafting or buy at the general vendor at their inflated price.  I...have actually never heard of either the forging or the fishing method. Fishing takes too much in game time for me, so either forging or fighting monsters would do, whichever one will give me the most materials would be preferred. Speaking of which..."

Nora attempts to find materials around their location.


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Nari's eyes shifted towards Nemo's back at the mention of the guardian, her eyes boring holes into him hard enough that she was surprised he didn't turn around. Before she could comment on it, however, Nora was already explaining her plans - how she'd never heard of foraging or fishing, and how her focus was on restocking. Nari nodded along, listening as the other explained their intentions, before adding a comment of her own.

"Fighting is always the quickest, I've found. Although...with the two of us here, it might be...a bit difficult. The difficulty of the creatures is set based upon the levels of the players in the fight - which, I mean I can help you out with it, but you'd have to initialise...but it might be a situation where we each have to focus on our own mobs, for efficiency." She smiled at Nora, before adding an afterthought. "Not a big deal, in the end! Just taking out a few mobs will likely set you for a while, though. And so long as you're careful, you should be able to hand a couple creatures by yourself at a time."

Her eyes glanced back to the path ahead of them, realising that their guide had come to a stop before an archway that Nari could've sworn wasn't there moments ago. Beaming a smile at them - and getting a glare of pure anger in return for it - Nemo waved a hand towards the entrance, before going through his greeting. "So, this is the entrance. Come! Come! Let's head inside and see what wonders await us, shall we? I always love seeing people's reactions, it's just...so wondrous!"

Nari stepped to the side, allowing Nora to head in before her, keeping her eyes locked on Nemo. Once Nora was out of earshot, she whispered to the man a warning that she knew would do nothing at all, but made her feel better nonetheless. "When the time comes...just know you'll be facing me, too."

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Nora nods after hearing Nari's explanation. She has been hiding in a safe zone for so long that she is kind of rusty right now. "Yes, fighting separate battles would be the most efficient. But if you see me about to die, please help..."

Before Nora could finish her sentence, the three of them came to a complete stop as Nemo turned around and, revealing two paths, he pointed towards the entrance to the dungeon to them. Nora was pleasantly surprised that it took basically no time for them to reach the Little Eden, now all that's left is to get those sweet sweet crafting materials. "Great! Thank you Nemo! For sharing this little treasure of place with us, we will surely treasure this opportunity!" Now that the entrance was just in front of them, Nora took the last time to check her equipment. Switching out her trinket, she simply cannot wait any longer and happily crosses the small opening partially hidden by the vines. When she got to the other side, she noticed that the sunlight was stronger then she had expected. She turned around to wait for Nari to cross. Just then, she heard some sound of footsteps and quickly turned around only to find a pair of startled looking deer staring back at her.

Deer 1: HP 144, DMG 48

Deer 2: HP 144, DMG 48

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Startled by the pair of deer, Nora immediately reaches for her katana and performs an aoe against the mob. The deer have already seen her. There's no way for her to avoid a battle now. Better attack sooner than later. She curses when both deer jump back easily to avoid her attack, and both deer charge back at her. Thanks to her trinket, Nora barely manages to dodge the first deer's attack, but the second deer crashed into her shoulder. The thorn in her heavy armor managed to deal some damage, but it was not much. Nora makes a note to herself that the next time she's out of combat, she will switch her gears immediately. 

Nora:  (AOE I) 216 HP, 27 EN.

Deer 1: 144 HP

Deer 2:  135 HP


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Nari watched for a moment as Nora moved off to engage a few nearby deer - animals that Nari hadn't seen in the garden before, but was happy to notice. They were majestic in a way, and although it was sad to see them be destroyed in any means, Nari was happy the the girl had chosen simpler targets to begin with. 

Content that the other would likely be okay for the moment, she turned herself towards targets of her own. A group of wolves, moss covered and likely having been preying upon the nearby deer, caught Nari's eyes. She gave one last glance towards Nora - making sure the other girl was okay - before shifting her weight and moving off towards the wolves.

They watched as she approached, waiting until she was only a few metres away before kicking off towards her in response. Nari smiled, coming to a stop long enough to kick the bottom haft of her scythe into motion, forcing the weapon into a twirl of blade and dance, before taking off again towards the pack.

Nari-Lanreth | Lv. 32 | P. 41 | HP: 840/840 | EN: 81/98 | ACC: 5 | DMG: 20 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 30 | B.Healing [+46] | L.Momentum: 1 | LD: 4 | Static: 40/24 | -17 EN
Moss Wolf 1 | HP: 80/384 | DMG: 128 | Stunned
Moss Wolf 2 | HP: 92/384 | DMG: 128 | Stunned
Moss Wolf 3 | HP: 144/384 | DMG: 128 | Stunned
Moss Wolf 4 | HP: 144/384 | DMG: 128 | Stunned

Leeching Fang | On a natural MD of 9 or 10, this mob heals for 10% of the final damage dealt to its target.
Nari Activates Concentration
ID212234 | BD: 10+6=16 | <<Tech-F vs. Moss Wolf 1>> | Major Critical Hit: (20+2)x12+40(Static) = 304 damage | Stunned
ID212235 | BD: 9+6=15 | <<Tech-F vs. Moss Wolf 2>> | Minor Critical Hit: (20+1)x12+40(Static) = 292 damage | Stunned
ID212236 | BD: 5+6=11 | <<Tech-F vs. Moss Wolf 3>> | Hit: 20x12 = 240 damage | Stunned
ID212237 | BD: 1+6=7 | <<Tech-F vs. Moss Wolf 4>> | Hit: 20x12 = 240 damage | Stunned


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Nora steps back from the two deer, readjusted her stands and took a deep breath. She forgot how hard it was to fight the mob on this game and the deer sure are more nibble than boars. Her previous attack missed both monsters, if this keep up she will be in trouble soon. Just then, from the corner of her peripheral vision Nora saw Nari fighting four wolves.


That's a lot of enemies...will she be alright? Where did them came from? I didn't even saw them. It is lucky that Nari was here, if Nora was alone and got cornered by 2 deer and 4 wolves without a teleportation stone, it might as well be game over for her. But for now, it is time to focus on the battle at hand. Nora readjust her post and launch at the deer in a single swipe. She managed to hit the first deer, joined by her familiar, severely injuring it in the process, but missed the second deer. The first deer was rendered unable to move, but the second deer seize the chance and counter attack against Nora. Her battle heal barely did anything, but it was better than nothing. Nora grinds her teeth, she just need to hang in there.


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Nora, HP 196, EN 14

Deer 1 HP 30

Deer 2 HP 126


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Nari's side glance towards the other player confirmed that they were alright, if for the moment. It appeared as though they had been pushed back ever so slightly - the deer giving more problems than they'd likely originally expected - but nothing about the situation overly concerned her. At least, not yet. 

Her attention returned to the wolves that had begun to surround her, the stun effect wearing off and leaving them pacing in preparation, as if looking for an opening in her defences. She smiled as she swung the scythe back behind her into her normal ready stance as her eyes shifted over the four creatures. They may outnumber her, but Nari knew that they were cautious of her now - her first assault had left them wounded, likely in ways that put them on edge. If they can even be on edge. Might as well finish this, now.

She sprung forward with the thought, letting her scythe swing into motion with her movement. At the same time, the wolves leapt - some towards her, one off to her left, as if in an attempt to avoid her assault. Nari bounded halfway towards them, before sliding her left foot forward and cementing her posture, bringing the weapon up in an underhand arc towards the first cluster of wolves.

Nari-Lanreth | Lv. 32 | P. 41 | HP: 840/840 | EN: 68/98 | ACC: 5 | DMG: 20 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 30 | B.Healing [+46] | L.Momentum: 1 | LD: 4 | Static: 40/24 | -17 EN | Concentration [1/5]
Moss Wolf 1 | HP: 0/384 | DMG: 128 | Stunned
Moss Wolf 2 | HP: 0/384 | DMG: 128 | Stunned

Moss Wolf 3 | HP: 144/384 | DMG: 128 
Moss Wolf 4 | HP: 144/384 | DMG: 128

Leeching Fang | On a natural MD of 9 or 10, this mob heals for 10% of the final damage dealt to its target.
ID212298 | BD: 2+5=7 | <<Tech-F vs. Moss Wolf 1>> | Hit: 20x12 = 240 damage | Target destroyed
ID212299 | BD: 9+5=14 | <<Tech-F vs. Moss Wolf 2>> | Minor Critical Hit: (20+1)x12+40(Static) = 292 damage | Target destroyed
ID212300 | BD: 1+5=6 | <<Tech-F vs. Moss Wolf 3>> | Critical Miss! [-2 EN] | MD: 5-3=2 | Miss
ID212301 | BD: 1+5=6 | <<Tech-F vs. Moss Wolf 4>> | Critical Miss! [-2 EN] | MD: 8-3=5 | Miss

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Nora stands her grounds, she has a feeling that this battle should soon come to a conclusion. She takes out her Odachi and launch at the pair of deer once again. As she has previously expected, deer one was immediately slayed, the new attack combined with the injury that it had suffered before was just too much for it to take. However, deer 2 once again dodged her attack. When deer 2 tries to counter attack against Nora, she was expecting it this time and narrowly skips out of its path. It was unbelievable how this deer is somehow almost full health this far into the battle, but she guess not all monsters are created equally. The only saving grace at this point is that she didn't get hit either, but her energy has become so low that she will just have to try surviving the next round until has enough energy to form another attack. Taking a few steps to the side, she quickly seize her chance at looting deer 1. 

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Her scythe danced around her as she parried wolf claw and tooth away from her, the creatures suddenly putting up more of a fight as Nari decimated two of their kin. She had no doubts that she'd angered them in some way, their programming likely making them mad at the fact that their pack mates had been destroyed. Not that it mattered to her, she knew she could deal with these two almost as quickly, the moment they provided her the opening. 

Across from her, she could see Nora cutting down the first of the two deer, and felt her worry alleviate somewhat. She'd never seen the other in combat, and had taken a risk not going her in the fight - but she'd trusted in their capability; had no choice but to trust in it. You're not the only capable individual in this game, so let other's act independently sometimes. They'll surprise you. She rolled her eyes at the voice inside her head, before parrying another strike attempt by the wolf to her right.

"Never seen deer here before...nice catch!" She called out to the other player as her scythe continued to whirl around her body in a dizzying pattern, the black steel reflecting another set of teeth away before spinning around to knock the wolf off to the side. Nari jumped on the opening, hoping to slash across the two in an instant, and bring the fight to an end.

Nari-Lanreth | Lv. 32 | P. 41 | HP: 840/840 | EN: 59/98 | ACC: 5 | DMG: 20 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 30 | B.Healing [+46] | L.Momentum: 1 | LD: 4 | Static: 40/24 | -17 EN | Concentration [1/5]
Moss Wolf 3 | HP: 0/384 | DMG: 128
Moss Wolf 4 | HP: 0/384 | DMG: 128 

Leeching Fang | On a natural MD of 9 or 10, this mob heals for 10% of the final damage dealt to its target.
ID212319 | BD: 3+5=8 | <<Tech-F vs. Moss Wolf 1>> | Hit: 20x12 = 240 damage | Target destroyed
ID212320 | BD: 5+5=10 | <<Tech-F vs. Moss Wolf 2>> | Hit: 20x12 = 240 damage | Target destroyed

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