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[f27-sp] tarot deck. | <<scouting the labyrinth.>>

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so they paced over to the entrance of the room no longer with a guardian, peering down the hall in which it started to leave through. it did not happen to look back at them as it inspected its new surroundings, to which night hastily queried aloud, hushed, “what’s the range on that thing…?”

“do you really want to find out…?”

the player shook her head. if not having the answer meant that she got to live another day, then perhaps it was worth being clueless in that moment. day’s eyes darted to a position a distance away from them, as night began to tread off in the opposite direction of the creature, and nyanko shifted carefully on her shoulder. the knead was enough to bring the system’s attention back to what mattered most in the labyrinth, and the trio set off into another encounter, for better… or for worse.

ID212754 | x | ld6+17 = 23 | labyrinth obstacle: stealth.
progress: 99/300.
draw order: 5-13-16

NIGHT | HP: 1219/1219 | EN: 144/144 | DMG: 26 | ACC: 7 | EVA: 4 | MIT: 64 | LD: 17 | BH: 67 | FLN: 16 | AA | PARA-V | TXV: 32 | Stealth Rating: 6

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‘for worse’ was the more likely option. because within the next room were a couple of sentinels, though night hadn’t noticed their presence when she walked in. with the walls covered in leaves and vines, contrasting the floor made of some man-made material (night believed it was metal or concrete, though her footsteps on its surface never made her so certain), it reminded the player of home, the green-washed, brutalist architecture made real once again. any other person might have noticed the trees in the room’s center, ordered in a grid, too artificial to believe they weren’t a threat. yet night strolled in so calmly that even her companions, knowing otherwise, might have been fooled to sway into security as well.

then all of a sudden, the woodwork sprung to life with the spirits of nature. big accident for night; because she had seen so many of them during her time out exploring the twenty-sixth with hirru.

ID212756 | x | ld7+6 = 13 

NIGHT | HP: 1219/1219 | EN: 144/144 | DMG: 26 | ACC: 7 | EVA: 4 | MIT: 64 | LD: 17 | BH: 67 | FLN: 16 | AA | PARA-V | TXV: 32 | Stealth Rating: 6

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what was she doing, letting her guard down? she cursed under her breath as she drew her sword. though she hadn’t been certain about the numbers, night did imagine that these sentinels were a lot stronger than the spirits on the surface she had encountered in the forest dungeon. it made sense for the challenge in the labyrinth, after all, but that meant that she should’ve been more aware. 

the sword in her hand, she remembered with a shifted grip on its handle, wasn’t even her oathkeeper.

that was alright in the long run. eying the weapons of her enemy, the player figured she simply needed to pass judgment as necessary in the present moment. at the corner of her vision, she caught day strolling up beside her, weapon brandished, to draw away the ire of two opponents who hadn’t been made for her presence. night’s own foes seemed to carry branches, short as wands, but likely acted as clubs given the spirits’ sizes.

ID212757 | x | ld2+17 = 19 | sentinels be like :^)c
progress: 118/300.
draw order: 5-13-16-15

NIGHT | HP: 1219/1219 | EN: 144/144 | DMG: 26 | ACC: 7 | EVA: 4 | MIT: 64 | LD: 17 | BH: 67 | FLN: 16 | AA | PARA-V | TXV: 32 | VAMP-D | Stealth Rating: 6

ELITE | HP: 1200/1200 | DMG: 280 | MIT: 120 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | Phase
ELITE | HP: 1200/1200 | DMG: 280 | MIT: 120 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | Phase

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the player was first to make a move, as they had always been meant to; a direct charge towards the backline, and her sword grazed the front target, barely making a scratch against its shallow form. her body’s memory began flooding back into her, trying to recall the best method to combat these opponents – the lack of feedback upon their form often meant poor clarity on her accuracy, with the rumble of her blade in her hands the reminder of how much work cardinal was attempting to put forward to bridge the gap between her strike and her marks. the whirl was over before she’d registered the hit on the second, and she darted, shifting away to make sure her enemies couldn’t get a clear reprieve to get a precise attack in.

meanwhile, night hadn’t been paying attention nor taking notes to the way day had routed her opponents to the side of the room, away from the corridor opening.



ID212805 | bd2+7-1 = 8 | md2+2-4 = 0 | -> Wood Sentinel #1
ID212806 | bd1+7-1 = 7 | md4+2-4 = 2 | -> Wood Sentinel #2

15 + (2*1) -3 = 13 EN

26 * 15 = 390 DMG
390 - 120 = 270 DMG

Wood Sentinel #1 | HP: 930/1200 | DMG: 280 | MIT: 120 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | Phase
Wood Sentinel #2 | HP: 930/1200 | DMG: 280 | MIT: 120 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | Phase

NIGHT | HP: 1219/1219 | EN: 130/144 | DMG: 26 | ACC: 7 | EVA: 4 | MIT: 64 | LD: 17 | BH: 67 | FLN: 16 | AA | PARA-V | TXV: 32 | VAMP-D | Stealth Rating: 6


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skirting the edge of the room meant being able to get a glimpse of what awaited the party in the next area, and night spotted something akin to an opening, a stairwell to another layer of the labyrinth. a thought she couldn’t hold – because if she did, and set the fight to the back of her mind, she would’ve been struck by one of the clubs coming down upon her. the player dodged it, rolling, half-stumbling her way out of the mess, creating enough distance by luck to find an opening to charge the secondary spirit as a counter-attack, rending its form with the dark energies of her blade.

black steel ate into what seemed like shimmering, thin air, and night used her hold as leverage as she rounded the wood sentinel, doing her best to use it, for however temporarily, as a makeshift shield against its companion’s target pathing.



ID212809 | bd7+7-1 = 13 | md5+2-4 = 3 | -> Wood Sentinel #1
ID212890 | bd1+7-1 = 7 | md1 | -> Wood Sentinel #2

18 + (2*1) -3-6 = 11 EN

26 * 18 = 468 DMG
468 - 120 = 348 DMG

(26+16) * 18 = 756 DMG
756 - 120 = 636 DMG

Wood Sentinel #1 | HP: 294/1200 | DMG: 280 | MIT: 120 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | Phase
Wood Sentinel #2 | HP: 582/1200 | DMG: 280 | MIT: 120 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | Phase

NIGHT | HP: 1219/1219 | EN: 119/144 | DMG: 26 | ACC: 7 | EVA: 4 | MIT: 64 | LD: 17 | BH: 67 | FLN: 16 | AA | PARA-V | TXV: 32 | VAMP-D | Stealth Rating: 6


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the longer her weapon stayed wedged, the more it shuddered, as night pulled herself close to her arm. from afar, she hadn’t often heard much, but now, she would swear it sounded like boiling and frothing, despite having no liquids nor heat to show for it. the toss of limbs from the sentinel she’d kept on lock beget her to dodge, and so she did, finally dislodging her blade with one hard tug and a following cut to boot, a farewell gift from destruction to creation, just as night tumbled away and darted towards the foe on back.

stopping before she plummeted face-first into the spirit, she swung her blade upwards and over in an arc, adjudicator’s tip bouncing on the floor behind her. something hissed in the impact, though the player couldn’t stay long to figure out what. the sideways jab from the sentinel was supposed to be a punishment if she’d lingered for a moment – so she dove out of it, instead.



ID212811 | bd3+7-1 = 9 | md8+2-4 = 6 | -> Wood Sentinel #1
ID212812 | bd8+7-1 = 14 | -> Wood Sentinel #2

15 + (2*1) -3-6 = 11 EN

26 * 15 = 390 DMG
390 - 120 = 270 DMG

(26+16) * 15 = 630 DMG
630 - 120 = 510 DMG

280 - 64 = 216 DMG

Wood Sentinel #1 | HP: 24/1200 | DMG: 280 | MIT: 120 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | Phase
Wood Sentinel #2 | HP: 40/1200 | DMG: 280 | MIT: 120 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | Phase | [TXV:32] (1/2) | [PARALYZED]

NIGHT | HP: 1003/1219 | EN: 111/144 | DMG: 26 | ACC: 7 | EVA: 4 | MIT: 64 | LD: 17 | BH: 67 | FLN: 16 | AA | PARA-V | TXV: 32 | VAMP-D | Stealth Rating: 6


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night could only feel her doppel shifting away from the spot she’d reclaimed, her eyes set on the enemies ahead of her, while the warrior in white had leapt towards their two deteriorating foes. she could feel the intent, however, of wanting to end their skirmish as quickly as possible, so not sparing her companion’s skirmish a glance, night set her weapon’s pommel to the floor in a harsh jab, its hilt punching into concrete, leaving a mild crater on the floor. 

a modified tempest made the enemies in her peripheral vision shrivel and shatter in a snap. then, she heard day land amongst the howls of the system, and finally had the gall to turn back. from over her shoulder, as the fragments dispersed, spiraling into the sky, her secondary simply stared back at her, blank, spear still manifested in hand.

in the silence, the player tried to read day’s lips slightly agape instead, only to register audibly, “you stole my kills…!”



ID212813 | bd5+7-1 = 11 | md8+2-4 = 6 | cd12 -> Wood Sentinel #1
ID212814 | bd5+7-1 = 11 | md7+2-4 = 5 | -> Wood Sentinel #2

8 + (2*1) -2-6 = 2 EN

26 * 8 = 208 DMG
208 - 120 = 88 DMG

Wood Sentinel #1 | HP: 24/1200 | DMG: 280 | MIT: 120 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | Phase
Wood Sentinel #2 | HP: 40/1200 | DMG: 280 | MIT: 120 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | Phase | [TXV:32] (1/2) | [PARALYZED]

NIGHT | HP: 1137/1219 | EN: 109/144 | DMG: 26 | ACC: 7 | EVA: 4 | MIT: 64 | LD: 17 | BH: 67 | FLN: 16 | AA | PARA-V | TXV: 32 | VAMP-D | Stealth Rating: 6


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so what was the best course of action…? night’s eyes shifted about the room, in a general direction away from her gemini, holding up the palms of her hands just as her sword retreated into her inventory. feign ignorance, the player usually opted, before remembering how to craft retorts that bite; only this time, her thought process was interrupted by the stairwell she’d tried her best to remember. as usual, of course she might’ve forgotten, by accident.

she pushed blame onto that instead, diverting attention when it should’ve been on her. a finger pointed towards the descending darkness. “i bet there are more down there, if you’re so hunting-thirsty for more.”

and there wasn’t a sentence left unsaid in the history of the universe, but even that made day balk, as the entity paced over, nyanko bouncing back out of nowhere across the floor to return to the double’s shoulder. she turned her head towards the next floor, just as night did, before they exchanged a look.

ID212815 | x | ld18+17 = 35 | nothing happens.
progress: 153/300.
draw order: 5-13-16-15-8u

ooc: 1/2

NIGHT | HP: 1197/1219 | EN: 115/144 | DMG: 26 | ACC: 7 | EVA: 4 | MIT: 64 | LD: 17 | BH: 67 | FLN: 16 | AA | PARA-V | TXV: 32 | VAMP-D | Stealth Rating: 6

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“is this intended…?”

day simply glanced towards the corridor whence they came from, along with nyanko turning his head. and night didn’t need to follow along for long, especially when she spotted the glint of jade of the beast still searching for them, from afar. the player simply swallowed her question, head dipped as she faced the stairwell once again, and then started down the stairs just as day decided to stir trouble.

“so i’m assuming you’ll take the next batch of double the monsters.”



the silence between them was filled with the muted steps on dusty concrete. night only turned around once she was at the bottom, feet firm on the floor of the next level. her gaze went upwards, towards the construct. 

“kill them faster next time.”

and the entity couldn’t help but smile, expression graced with every ounce of disbelief, the same way that nyanko squeaked out his objection in a similar manner.

ooc: 2/2

NIGHT | HP: 1219/1219 | EN: 144/144 | DMG: 26 | ACC: 7 | EVA: 4 | MIT: 64 | LD: 17 | BH: 67 | FLN: 16 | AA | PARA-V | TXV: 32 | VAMP-D | Stealth Rating: 6

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“the nerve of her!” day gestured widely, two arms extended out her sides to let her cloak sway as her boots matched where night had been standing at the bottom of the stairs. nyanko paced across her shoulders as she did so, and jumped off her upper arm towards elsewhere, allowing his comrade to fold her arms as part of her show. she strode over to night, emphasizing the clacking of her gait, just as the player was starting to peer down a singular corridor, and only stopped to give her companion the time. 

they were close, as day leaned in, pressing her index upon the tip of night’s sternum. the latter couldn’t bear for her humor to show, and so she let day convince her with a self-satisfied scolding. “you figure there’s twice the number of monsters, and call it a hassle because it’s inconvenient, but of course it’s upon you to take the glory for defeating all of them in the same. selfish. manner!”

ID212816 | x | ld12+17 = 29 | mimic.
progress: 189/300.
draw order: 5-13-16-15-8u-7u

NIGHT | HP: 1219/1219 | EN: 144/144 | DMG: 26 | ACC: 7 | EVA: 4 | MIT: 64 | LD: 17 | BH: 67 | FLN: 16 | AA | PARA-V | TXV: 32 | VAMP-D | Stealth Rating: 6

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“what’re you showing me up for, night? wanting a rematch on monster clearance speeds already?”

the player huffed instead, pulling the pointer at her neck away. night was trying to suppress being cheeky – she’d almost decided to stick her tongue out. rather, she instead reached out behind day, getting close for a second, right after she’d spotted nyanko’s green eyes glinting in the dark.

“...it’s not that–”

as day leaned in, turning her head, night grabbed hold of the hood of her other’s cloak – 

“– i just figured it was more efficient this way.”

– and tugged it harsh over her doppel’s head, inciting a squeak of surprise from the construct. the player then let herself grin, as day went through multiple processes just to figure out how best to curse, grabbing the entity’s wrist and stringing her along, gesturing towards their familiar. 

“c’mon, we’re going to keep nyanko waiting. you know he’s the most efficient of us all.”

ID212817 | x | cd11 | ld13 | looting chest.

+4290col | 8 materials | Perfect Armor/Shield (1) | Rare Consumables (2)

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“ah, geez…!”

night let go of day’s wrist at some point, after the construct had managed to unhood herself, two hands needed for them to tidy up their hairstyle. and the player, dedicated, was trying her best not to let nyanko go astray, keeping him in her sights just as he beckoned them round a corner at a crossroads, his skittering steps stopping once night had caught up to where he’d been.

in the corner of a small room was a treasure chest, so the player got to working on that quickly.

there was a brief moment, then, that the crossroads were clear, except with the presence of an unintended remnant of aincrad. and she stopped tracing out her unit’s paths, turning instead down the corridor opposite the room her party was in. her eyes narrowed, squinting into the distance, until the sound of the chest’s top struck one of the metal walls, and nyanko peeped as he stood on night’s shoulder, to the player’s complaints as they examined its contents.

ID212818 | x | ld17+17 = 34
progress: 223/300.
draw order: 5-13-16-15-8u-7u-11

NIGHT | HP: 1219/1219 | EN: 144/144 | DMG: 26 | ACC: 7 | EVA: 4 | MIT: 64 | LD: 17 | BH: 67 | FLN: 16 | AA | PARA-V | TXV: 32 | VAMP-D | Stealth Rating: 6

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nothing but loot. and night recovered quickly from the surprise at the reward, looking over to the room’s entrance to make sure day was still in her vision. she was.

except the way day was standing still, almost surprised with her head over her shoulder made night wary – not only about the fear of the entity (when did she ever get so scared?) but also about the way she lifted a finger towards her lips.

nyanko, claws into night’s cloak, finally decided to pounce off the player, allowing her to rise after retrieving the spoils of their find. two signals: the kitten’s glance back towards her and day’s point towards the room next to them told night that whatever it was her cardinal guides had wanted her to do, she was supposed to do it – with haste and with silence.

so she played along, trying to shove her suspicions and her curiosity under her facade. quick steps ensured that nyanko was the first to dive past a different corner, and night followed, only moving ahead at the bend once day’s hands were upon her shoulder, guiding the group to continue. 



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it was in the next room that there was just a hint more to look at, from the growing crystals emerging out of heated walls, to the way that the thin streams of water formed layers of circles under foot had they ventured in proper. but night paid more attention towards their past, the threat they had just escaped from. and she could have sworn day whispered a, “not to worry,” to her, just as they ventured into the room.

the player didn’t need to keep an eye nor her ears out for its presence. the guardian they’d seen earlier was sniffing about, and she could feel its weight impacting the ground with every step; tremors as its presence through the rumble of the dungeon floor.

night shifted into the safety of the room’s confines, and hoped that for a moment longer, she would feel safe. by her feet, nyanko was quickly taking a sip of water.

ID212819 | x | ld7+17 = 24 | stealth.
progress: 247/300.
draw order: 5-13-16-15-8u-7u-11-0

NIGHT | HP: 1219/1219 | EN: 144/144 | DMG: 26 | ACC: 7 | EVA: 4 | MIT: 64 | LD: 17 | BH: 67 | FLN: 16 | AA | PARA-V | TXV: 32 | VAMP-D | Stealth Rating: 6

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day leaned against the central object in the room: a rounded podium, almost like an item stand, holding up a small white chest, gilded with gold and a combination lock. with two fingers, she knocked upon its surface, giving her original a toying look.

“i bet you can’t figure this puzzle out,” she purred. which night took great offense to, because it was true at first glance, and furthermore was she more concerned about the threat that had been tailing them ever since the end of their first fight in the dungeon. hell, it was difficult for night to even say if it was the same one without looking closely at them, and to do so was a sentence to a prolonged, arduous boss fight.

so night folded her arms, instead. fake pouted. gave nyanko a glance of annoyance in hopes that he would be able to help her, instead. but the kitten simply started to cleanse himself from the multiple different times he’d had to sneak down a corridor just to inspect the road ahead.

ID212820 | x | ld12+6 = 18 | safe.

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no, it seemed as though cardinal believed that night could figure this puzzle out herself. and the player rolled her eyes, upon acknowledgement of day’s intention to busy her, so she approached the podium the very moment that her doppel pulled away from it. and that made night pause, too, instead.

“what? …where are you going.”

“oh, nothing!” day lied, and night tried her best not to wince at her failed intentions. “i just simply figured it would be best to give you as much space as you needed to figure out how to solve this puzzle, that’s all.”

“oh,” night returned, through gritted teeth as she realized how much further her secondary had planned out their movements around her,yay.

day shifted past the two towards the way they came from, and nyanko’s head quickly turned towards the entrance to the next room. night couldn’t help but keep her sights on her fleeing shadow instead.

“you can busy yourself with the box,” day repeated, as she backed herself out of the room, front facing towards night. “and i’ll just be right back, okay?”

ID212821 | x | ld9+17 = 26 | mimic.
progress: 273/300.
draw order: 5-13-16-15-8u-7u-11u-0u-1

NIGHT | HP: 1219/1219 | EN: 144/144 | DMG: 26 | ACC: 7 | EVA: 4 | MIT: 64 | LD: 17 | BH: 67 | FLN: 16 | AA | PARA-V | TXV: 32 | VAMP-D | Stealth Rating: 6

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the whole plan seemed to be ludicrous, but it took the span of night turning to an unamused nyanko, the player attempting to protest her secondary’s vanishment, for the gemini to actually vanish from the spot where night knew she once stood. her argument died down, then, knowing that her familiar wasn’t so much a conversationalist of good banter, and with a sigh, she turned back to the chest, starting to thumb the combination lock on its front. and there were three numbers, each etched with a certain jewel above their corresponding digit…

… but night wasn’t exactly the sharpest person, and it took her several nudges over a minute or two to realize that perhaps the room itself might have had a clue to her answer.

nyanko sat on one of the blue crystals in the room once she had decided upon her answer. and there were no blue jewels to indicate quantity on the box, so night figured she must be on the right track as she watched her familiar’s demeanor shift from general boredom and nonchalance to some amount of alertness.

ID212822 | x | cd6 | ld2 | looting chest.
+ 1430col | 2 materials | Uncommon Consumables (2)

NIGHT | HP: 1219/1219 | EN: 144/144 | DMG: 26 | ACC: 7 | EVA: 4 | MIT: 64 | LD: 17 | BH: 67 | FLN: 16 | AA | PARA-V | TXV: 32 | VAMP-D | Stealth Rating: 6

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another few minutes and the chest was unlocked – though nyanko was the goods’ first inspector, rather than night, with the way he bound up his owner’s clothes and stuck his head into the box himself.

“hey! don’t do that, what if it closes on you…?”

the kitten’s tail waved back and forth, as night held the lid open for him with one hand. his visage reappeared with a small kibble in his maw, and the familiar hopped downwards, allowing night to scoop up the last remaining item: a suspicious looking piece of cake.

she wasn’t even sure she was going to identify it. night was certain that consumables obtained from the system directly were meant to be sold off.

so she tucked it in her pocket and signaled to nyanko that it was time for them to move on. and they did, quietly, with the memory of day’s promise to meet them again at the back of their minds.

ID212823 | x | ld6+17 = 23 | stealth.
progress: 296/300.
draw order: 5-13-16-15-8u-7u-11u-0u-1-12

NIGHT | HP: 1219/1219 | EN: 144/144 | DMG: 26 | ACC: 7 | EVA: 4 | MIT: 64 | LD: 17 | BH: 67 | FLN: 16 | AA | PARA-V | TXV: 32 | VAMP-D | Stealth Rating: 6

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what was the last card drawn, again? night realized she hadn’t exactly been manually fishing out cards herself, but when she checked the box of her consumable, stuffed away in her pockets, half of the deck was already missing. the last draw she’d gotten was a hanged man, and that did nothing to put her nerves at rest. amidst an empty-looking dungeon layout, how else was she supposed to feel safe and comforted, especially without her traveling companion’s presence?

it was at this moment that nyanko mewed, brushing up against her legs as she stopped for a brief moment. they were in a corridor, halfway through traveling between rooms, and they’d managed to skip an empty cavern earlier, while night noticed they were coming up to another crossroads ahead. she scooped the kitten up with two hands, trying to reinforce the notion that he, too, was just as a formidable and reliable companion, even if he couldn’t speak as much.

ID212824 | x | ld 7+6 = 13 | safe.

NIGHT | HP: 1219/1219 | EN: 144/144 | DMG: 26 | ACC: 7 | EVA: 4 | MIT: 64 | LD: 17 | BH: 67 | FLN: 16 | AA | PARA-V | TXV: 32 | VAMP-D | Stealth Rating: 6

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they had made it far without day, and they could continue onwards without her presence, if it ever came to that.

so night tucked him into a cloak pocket, and he stuck his head out, just like old days. even the finger-rub upon his head was supposed to be an indication that she remembered, and so too did nyanko purr in return, only stopping and batting outwards on her clothing if only to gesture for her to move on. and night took the signal, keeping an eye out down the other corridors, just as they found the biggest hall of all.

it was built completely from marble tiles, with streaks of black mixing with gold flecks upon its surface. down the center was a red carpet, towards a large offering stage, where there sat another gilded chest. and night was convinced completely that this was a suspicious room, but was just as focused on the banners on the walls, of red with gold trims, and the pillars that appeared black, to remember more about her safety than the lore of the floor.

ID212825 | x | ld12+17 = 29 | mimic.
progress: 325/300.
draw order: 5-13-16-15-8u-7u-11u-0u-1-12-17-[21]

NIGHT | HP: 1219/1219 | EN: 144/144 | DMG: 26 | ACC: 7 | EVA: 4 | MIT: 64 | LD: 17 | BH: 67 | FLN: 16 | AA | PARA-V | TXV: 32 | VAMP-D | Stealth Rating: 6

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