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[F8 | R5 Appraiser] Honeydew & Hushwind | PK ACCESSIBLE!

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IDS 8/10/2024


Item #1 - JUNK
Item Type: T4 Perfect Armor
Acquisition ID: 223155a
IDs: 224929, 224930, 224931
LDs: 5, 20, 13

Item #2 - JUNK
Item Type: T4 Perfect Armor
Acquisition ID: 223155b
IDs: 224932, 224933, 224934
LDs:10, 10, 9

Item #3 - JUNK
Item Type: T4 Perfect Armor
Acquisition ID: 221998b
IDs: 224935, 224936, 224937
LDs: 5, 15, 20

Item Type: T4 Demonic Armor
Acquisition ID: 214945a
IDs: 224938, 2224939, 224940, 224959
LDs: 3, 11, 14, 2
Enhancements: Evasion, Recovery, Recovery, Evasion

Item #5 - JUNK
Item Type: T4 Perfect Armor
Acquisition ID: 215741g
IDs: 224941, 224942, 224943
LDs: 20, 12, 18

Item #6 - JUNK
Item Type: T4 Perfect Armor
Acquisition ID: 215741h
IDs: 224944, 224945, 224946
LDs: 7, 12, 13

Item #7 - JUNK
Item Type: T4 Perfect Weapon
Acquisition ID: 221998a
IDs: 224947, 224948, 224949
LDs: 3, 9, 17

Item #8 - KEEP
Item Type: T4 Perfect Weapon
Acquisition ID: 215741e
IDs: 224950, 224951, 224952
UNIQUE FOUND ON 224951 | BD: 10 CD: 9

LDs: 5, 11, 8
Enhancements: Taunt, Vamp(O), Bleed

Re-roll +1: [taunt] ID #224960 | LD: 11 - becomes [BLD] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [BLD] ID #224961 | LD: 2 - becomes [taunt] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [taunt] ID #224962 | LD: 8 - becomes [BLD] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [BLD] ID #224963 | LD: 4 - becomes [HOLY] - (UNIQUE BD10 CD12)
Re-roll +5: [BLD] ID #224964 | LD: 4 - becomes [taunt] - (No Unique)
New Enhancements: Holy, Vamp(O), Taunt

New Enhancements: Holy, Vamp(O), Burn

Item #9 - JUNK
Item Type: T4 Perfect Weapon
Acquisition ID: 215741f
IDs: 224953, 224954, 224955
LDs: 8, 20, 6

Item #10 - JUNK
Item Type: T4 Perfect Weapon
Acquisition ID: 224928
IDs: 224956, 224957, 224958
LDs: 1, 1, 14

Total Cost: 47,480 col | 31,680[ids]+31,000[rerolls]-15,200[junks]


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IDS 8/12/2024


Item #1 - JUNK
Item Type: T4 Rare Trinket
Acquisition ID: 222801a
IDs: 225804, 225805
LDs: 14, 2
Enhancements: Prosperity, LD

Re-roll +1: [LD] ID #225808 | LD: 4 - becomes [LD] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [LD] ID #225809 | LD: 13 - becomes [keen] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [keen] ID #225810 | LD: 11 - becomes [keen] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [keen] ID #225811 | LD: 8 - becomes [taunt] - (No unique)
Re-roll +5: [taunt] ID #225812 | LD: 2 - becomes [LD] - (No Unique)
New Enhancements: Prosperity, LD

Item #2 - JUNK
Item Type: T4 Rare Trinket
Acquisition ID: 224230
IDs: 225806, 225807
LDs: 16, 15
Enhancements: Evasion, Evasion

Re-roll +1: [EVA] ID #225813 | LD: 13 - becomes [keen] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [keen] ID #225814 | LD: 12 - becomes [keen] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [keen] ID #225815 | LD: 7 - becomes [taunt] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [taunt] ID #225816 | LD: 12 - becomes [keen] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +5: [keen] ID #225817 | LD: 14 - becomes [keen] - (No Unique)
New Enhancements: Evasion, Keen

Total cost: 63360 col | IDs [4160] + Rerolls [62000] - Junk [2800]


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T4 uncommon consumables:





Item #1 - KEEP
Item Type: T4 Perfect Consumable
Acquisition ID: 221338a
IDs: 226398
LDs: 3
Enhancements: Antidote 3

Item #2 - KEEP
Item Type: T4 Perfect Consumable
Acquisition ID: 221338b
IDs: 226401
LDs: 6 (Feast found! BD: 10 CD: 12)
Enhancements: LD 3

Item #3 - KEEP
Item Type: T4 Perfect Consumable
Acquisition ID: 221355c
IDs: 226402
LDs: 16
Enhancements: HP Recovery 3

Item #4 - KEEP
Item Type: T4 Perfect Consumable
Acquisition ID: 221355d
IDs: 226403
LDs: 19
Enhancements: Overhealth 3

Item #5 - KEEP
Item Type: T4 Perfect Consumable
Acquisition ID: 222801b
IDs: 226404
LDs: 20
Enhancements: Overhealth 3

Item #6 - KEEP
Item Type: T4 Perfect Consumable
Acquisition ID: 214945b
IDs: 226405
LDs: 10
Enhancements: DMG 3

Item #7 - KEEP
Item Type: T4 Perfect Consumable
Acquisition ID: 214945c
IDs: 226406
LDs: 18
Enhancements: Overhealth 3

Item #8 - KEEP
Item Type: T4 Rare Consumable
Acquisition ID: 226396
IDs: 226408
LDs: 10
Enhancements: ACC 2

Item #9 - KEEP
Item Type: T4 Rare Consumable
Acquisition ID: 226397
IDs: 226409
LDs: 5
Enhancements: LD 2

Item #10 - KEEP
Item Type: T4 Rare Straight Sword
Acquisition ID: 221339a
ID: 226410
LD: 5
Original Enhancements: AA, FRZ
New Enhancements: AA, FRZ, PAR
A broken piece of the field boss, Avalanche. It is impossible to melt and sharp like a sword.

Re-roll +3: [PAR] ID #226411 | LD: 3 - becomes [taunt] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [taunt] ID #226412 | LD: 17 - becomes [acc] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +5: [acc] ID #226413 | LD: 14 - becomes [acc] - (No Unique)
New Enhancements: AA, FRZ, ACC

Total Cost: 40,320 col | IDs [12,320] + Rerolls [28,000]


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Item #1 - JUNK
Item Type: T4 Perfect Weapon
Acquisition ID: 225873a
IDs: 226479, 226480, 226481, 226482
LDs: 1, 10, 4, 14
Enhancements: Taunt, PAR, ACC

Re-roll +1: [PAR] ID #226483 | LD: 3 - becomes [taunt] - (No Unique)
Re-roll (illegal enhancement): [taunt] ID #226484 | LD: 1 - becomes [taunt] - (No Unique)
Re-roll (illegal enhancement): [taunt] ID #226485 | LD: 18 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)

Re-roll +2: [ACC] ID #226569 | LD: 9 - becomes [PAR] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [PAR] ID #226570 | LD: 10 - becomes [PAR] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [PAR] ID #226571 | LD: 14 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +5: [ACC] ID #226572 | LD: 17 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
New Enhancements: Taunt, ACC, ACC

Item Type: T4 Perfect Weapon
Acquisition ID: 225873b
IDs: 226490, 226491, 226492
LDs: 9, 15, 17
Enhancements: BLD, ACC, ACC

Re-roll +1: [PAR] ID #226493 | LD: 17 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [ACC] ID #226494 | LD: 4 - becomes [taunt] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [taunt] ID #226495 | LD: 11 - becomes [PAR] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [PAR] ID #226496 | LD: 19 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +5: [ACC] ID #226497 | LD: 6 - becomes [taunt] - (No Unique)
New Enhancements: Taunt, ACC, ACC

Item #3 - JUNK
Item Type: T4 Perfect Weapon
Acquisition ID: 225873c
IDs: 226499, 226500, 226501
LDs: 11, 10, 6
Enhancements: PAR, PAR, TAUNT

Re-roll +1: [PAR] ID #226502 | LD: 20 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [ACC] ID #226503 | LD: 8 - becomes [PAR] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [PAR] ID #226504 | LD: 8 - becomes [PAR] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [PAR] ID #226505 | LD: 7 - becomes [PAR] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +5: [PAR] ID #226506 | LD: 18 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
New Enhancements: PAR, ACC, Taunt

Item #4 - JUNK
Item Type: T4 Perfect Weapon
Acquisition ID: 225874
IDs: 226507, 226508, 226509, 226510
LDs: 13, 2, 4, 13
Enhancements: BLD, Taunt, BLD

Re-roll +1: [Taunt] ID #226511 | LD: 20 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [ACC] ID #226512 | LD: 2 - becomes [Taunt] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [Taunt] ID #226513 | LD: 18 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [ACC] ID #226514 | LD: 18 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +5: [ACC] ID #226515 | LD: 13 - becomes [BLD] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +5 illegal enhancement: [BLD] ID #226516 | LD: 9 - becomes [BLD] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +5 illegal enhancement: [BLD] ID #226517 | LD: 1 - becomes [Taunt] - (No Unique)
New Enhancements: BLD, Taunt, BLD

Item #5 - KEEP
Item Type: T4 Perfect Weapon
Acquisition ID: 225876b
IDs: 226518, 226519, 226520
LDs: 1, 11, 4 (UNIQUE FOUND on 226520! BD: 10 CD: 11)
Enhancements: Taunt, PAR, Holy

Item #6 - KEEP
Item Type: T4 Perfect Weapon
Acquisition ID: 225876c
IDs: 226521, 226522, 226523
LDs: 11, 2, 17
Enhancements: BLD, Taunt, ACC

Re-roll +1: [ACC] ID #226524 | LD: 12 - becomes [BLD] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [BLD] ID #226525 | LD: 1 - becomes [Taunt] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2 Illegal Enhancement: [Taunt] ID #226526 | LD: 1 - becomes [Taunt] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2 Illegal Enhancement: [Taunt] ID #226527 | LD: 4 - becomes [Taunt] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2 Illegal Enhancement: [Taunt] ID #226528 | LD: 2 - becomes [Taunt] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2 Illegal Enhancement: [Taunt] ID #226529 | LD: 15 - becomes [AA] - (UNIQUE FOUND! BD: 10 CD: 8)
Re-roll +3: [Taunt] ID #226530 | LD: 19 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [ACC] ID #226531 | LD: 10 - becomes [BLD] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +5: [BLD] ID #226532 | LD: 3 - becomes [Taunt] - (No Unique)
New Enhancements: AA, Taunt, ACC

Item #7 - JUNK
Item Type: T4 Perfect Weapon
Acquisition ID: 226020b
IDs: 226533, 226534, 226535
LDs: 10, 15, 9
Enhancements: BLD, ACC, BLD

Re-roll +1: [BLD] ID #226536 | LD: 12 - becomes [BLD] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [BLD] ID #226537 | LD: 1 - becomes [Taunt] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [Taunt] ID #226538 | LD: 20 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [ACC] ID #226539 | LD: 19 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +5: [ACC] ID #226540 | LD: 7 - becomes [BLD] - (No Unique)
New Enhancements: BLD, ACC, BLD

Item #8 - JUNK
Item Type: T4 Perfect Armor/Shield
Acquisition ID: 225876a
IDs: 226541, 226542, 226543
LDs: 13, 10, 19
Enhancements: REC, LM, LD

Re-roll +1: [LM] ID #226544 | LD: 19 - becomes [LD] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [LD] ID #226545 | LD: 4 - becomes [MIT] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [REC] ID #226546 | LD: 8 - becomes [LM] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [LM] ID #226547 | LD: 15 - becomes [REC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +5: [REC] ID #226548 | LD: 20 - becomes [LD] - (No Unique)
New Enhancements: LD, MIT, LD

Item Type: T4 Perfect Armor/Shield
Acquisition ID: 226033a
IDs: 226549, 226550, 226553
LDs: 15, 2, 5
Enhancements: REC, MIT, MIT

Re-roll +1: [REC] ID #226554 | LD: 12 - becomes [REC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [REC] ID #226555 | LD: 20 - becomes [HB] - (UNIQUE FOUND! BD: 10 CD: 9)
Re-roll +3: [MIT] ID #226556 | LD: 18 - becomes [LD] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [LD] ID #226557 | LD: 9 - becomes [LM] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +5: [LM] ID #226558 | LD: 11 - becomes [VD] - (UNIQUE FOUND! BD: 10 CD: 9)
New Enhancements: Holy Blessing, Vamp(D), MIT

Item #10 - JUNK
Item Type: T4 Perfect Trinket
Acquisition ID: 226020a
IDs: 226559, 226560, 226561, 226562
LDs: 1, 8, 7, 20
Enhancements: LD, Taunt, ACC

Re-roll +1: [ACC] ID #226563 | LD: 20 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [ACC] ID #226564 | LD: 5 - becomes [LD] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [LD] ID #226565 | LD: 1 - becomes [LD] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [LD] ID #226566 | LD: 6 - becomes [Taunt] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4 Illegal Enhnacement: [Taunt] ID #226567 | LD: 2 - becomes [LD] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +5: [LD] ID #226568 | LD: 20 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
New Enhancements: LD, Taunt, ACC

Total Cost: 298,000 col | IDs [30,400] + Rerolls [279,000] - Junk [11,400]



Sacrificing the following:

Bleeding Giant [#219684] | TIER 4 DEMONIC STRAIGHT SWORD | FB II, BLD II
[desc.]: A sleek, silver greatsword with a blade that gleams like ice under moonlight. The hilt is adorned with blood red rubies and intricate patterns designed to look like ice crystals. The name "Kelvin" is etched into the hilt.
[state:] fusion/+5

Zombie Farmer's Sickle | [#220948a] | TIER 4 PERFECT CURVED SWORD | BLD II, BLT
[desc.]: A farming sickle dropped by a zombified farmhand somewhere near Demon's End. The short handle is made of low quality wood and the blade has rusted along the once-sharp edge.
[state:] +5




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ID 8.17.2024


Item Type: T4 Perfect Weapon
Acquisition ID: 223896
IDs: 226699, 226700, 226701, 226702
LDs: 7, 1, 4, 16
Enhancements: BLD, TAUNT, ACC

Re-roll +1: [ACC] ID #226703 | LD: 10 - becomes [BLD] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [BLD] ID #226704 | LD: 18 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [ACC] ID #226705 | LD: 19 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [ACC] ID #226706 | LD: 5 - becomes [Taunt] - ILLEGAL!
Re-roll +4: [Taunt] ID #226707 | LD: 3 - becomes [BLIGHT] - UNIQUE! BD: 10 CD: 9
Re-roll +5: [BLD] ID #226708 | LD: 19 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
New Enhancements: ACC, TAUNT, BLIGHT

Item #2 - JUNK
Item Type: T4 Perfect Weapon
Acquisition ID: 223720a
IDs: 226709, 226710, 226711
LDs: 5, 16, 10
Enhancements: TAUNT, ACC, BLD

Re-roll +1: [ACC] ID #226712 | LD: 4 - becomes [taunt] - ILLEGAL!
Re-roll +1: [taunt] ID #226713 | LD: 19 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [ACC] ID #226714 | LD: 17 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [ACC] ID #226715 | LD: 13 - becomes [BLD] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [BLD] ID #226716 | LD: 7 - becomes [BLD] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +5: [BLD] ID #226717 | LD: 19 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
New Enhancements: TAUNT, ACC, BLD

Item #3 - JUNK
Item Type: T4 Perfect Weapon
Acquisition ID: 223720b
IDs: 226718, 226719, 226720
LDs: 3, 20, 8
Enhancements: TAUNT, ACC, BLD

Re-roll +1: [ACC] ID #226723 | LD: 1 - becomes [taunt] - ILLEGAL!
Re-roll +1: [taunt] ID #226724 | LD: 20 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [ACC] ID #226725 | LD: 3 - becomes [taunt] - ILLEGAL!
Re-roll +2: [ACC] ID #226726 | LD: 8 - becomes [BLD] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [BLD] ID #226728 | LD: 3 - becomes [taunt] - ILLEGAL!
Re-roll +3: [taunt] ID #226729 | LD: 19 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [ACC] ID #226730 | LD: 7 - becomes [BLD] - (No Unique)

Re-roll +5: [BLD] ID #226731 | LD: 20 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
New Enhancements: TAUNT, ACC, BLD

Item #4 - KEEP
Item Type: T4 Perfect Weapon
Acquisition ID: 223720c
IDs: 226734, 226735, 226736
LDs: 9, 14, 19
Enhancements: BLD, ACC, ACC

Re-roll +1: [BLD] ID #226737 | LD: 6 - becomes [taunt] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [taunt] ID #226738 | LD: 20 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [ACC] ID #226739 | LD: 5 - becomes [taunt] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [taunt] ID #226740 | LD: 14 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +5: [ACC] ID #226741 | LD: 19 - becomes [STC] - UNIQUE! BD: 10 CD: 10
New Enhancements: STC, ACC, ACC

Item #5 - KEEP
Item Type: T4 Perfect Weapon
Acquisition ID: 223909a
IDs: 226742, 226744, 226745
LDs: 3, 17, 11
Enhancements: Taunt, ACC, BLD

Re-roll +1: [BLD] ID #226746 | LD: 4 - becomes [taunt] - ILLEGAL!
Re-roll +1: [taunt] ID #226747 | LD: 19 - becomes [STC] - UNIQUE! BD: 10 CD: 9
Re-roll +2: [ACC] ID #226749 | LD: 1 - becomes [taunt] - ILLEGAL!
Re-roll +2: [taunt] ID #226750 | LD: 9 - becomes [BLD] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [BLD] ID #226751 | LD: 4 - becomes [taunt] -
Re-roll +3: [taunt] ID #226752 | LD: 19 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [ACC] ID #226753 | LD: 7 - becomes [BLD] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +5: [BLD] ID #226754 | LD: 1 - becomes [taunt] - ILLEGAL!
Re-roll +5: [ACC] ID #226756 | LD: 16 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
New Enhancements: Taunt, STC, ACC

Item #6 - KEEP
Item Type: T4 Perfect Weapon
Acquisition ID: 223909b
IDs: 226760, 226761, 226762
LDs: 7, 17, 15
Enhancements: BLD, ACC, ACC

Re-roll +1: [BLD] ID #226763 | LD: 14 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [ACC] ID #226764 | LD: 14 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [ACC] ID #226765 | LD: 15 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [ACC] ID #226766 | LD: 18 - becomes [STC] - UNIQUE! BD: 10 CD: 10
Re-roll +5: [ACC] ID #226767 | LD: 4 - becomes [Taunt] - (No Unique)
New Enhancements: BLD, STC, Taunt


Item #7 - KEEP
Item Type: T4 Perfect Weapon
Acquisition ID: 223909c
IDs: 226768, 226769, 226770 - UNIQUE ON ID 226768! BD: 10 CD: 10
LDs: 11, 15, 13
Enhancements: VAMP.O, ACC, BLD

Re-roll +1: [BLD] ID #226771 | LD: 2 - becomes [taunt] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [taunt] ID #226772 | LD: 18 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [ACC] ID #226773 | LD: 17 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [ACC] ID #226774 | LD: 20 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +5: [ACC] ID #226775 | LD: 2 - becomes [PVO] - UNIQUE! BD: 10 CD: 10
New Enhancements: VAMP.O, ACC, PV.O

Item #8 - KEEP
Fusing 226019+226034a (Rare -> Perfect)
Item Type: T4 Perfect Armor/Shield
Acquisition ID: 226777
IDs: 226778, 226779, 226780 - UNIQUE ON ID 226779! BD: 10 CD: 12
LDs: 5, 6, 20
Enhancements: EVA, HOLY BLESSING, LM

Re-roll +1: [LM] ID #226784 | LD: 20 - becomes [LD] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [LD] ID #226785 | LD: 2 - becomes [EVA] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [EVA] ID #226786 | LD: 14 - becomes [REC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [REC] ID #226787 | LD: 10 - becomes [LM] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +5: [LM] ID #226788 | LD: 15 - becomes [REC] - (No Unique)
New Enhancements: EVA, HOLY BLESSING, REC

Item #9 - KEEP
Fusing 226034b+226113 (Rare -> Perfect)
Using Mystic Essence (219684, 219684-1, 220948a) to select S1

Item Type: T4 Perfect Armor/Shield
Acquisition ID: 226791
IDs: 226792, 226793
LDs: 17, 1
Enhancements: VAMP.D, LD, EVA

Item #10 - KEEP
Item Type: T4 Demonic Armor/Shield
Acquisition ID: 223924
IDs: 226795, 226796, 226797, 226798
LDs: 10, 8, 16, 17
Enhancements: LM, LM, LD, LD

Re-roll +1: [LM] ID #226799 | LD: 16 - becomes [LD] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [LD] ID #226800 | LD: 16 - becomes [HB] - UNIQUE ON ID 226800! BD: 10 CD: 11
Re-roll +3: [LD] ID #226801 | LD: 20 - becomes [LD] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [LD] ID #226802 | LD: 19 - becomes [LD] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +5: [LD] ID #226803 | LD: 6 - becomes [RISKY] - (No Unique)
New Enhancements: LM, LM, RISKY, HOLY BLESSING

Total Cost: 306,880 col | IDs [31680] + Rerolls [279000] - Junk [3800]


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Acanthus stopped just inside the doors to Honeydew & Hushwind. She seemed more interested in the variety of plants along the shelves than the items for sale. She recognized some of the plants; others were a mystery. Fascinated, she wound her way from shelf to shelf, leaning over various ferns and flowers, smelling and looking, but always careful not to touch.

Eventually, she found herself at the front counter, and remembered she was not just there to peruse the plant life. Rifling through her inventory, she brought some items out.

“Hello, my name is Acanthus. I read your notice that you are looking for unidentified items. I have a few here that I will not be able to use for some time. I was hoping you will take them in exchange for some of your more accessible merchandise?”


Dropping off:

  • Unidentified Perfect T4 Armor: [#226826] 
  • Unidentified Perfect T4 Trinket: [#226823-b] 
  • Unidentified Perfect T4 Consumable: [#226825-a]

Picking Up:

  • He Who Tamed The Desert | [#212695]
  • In Noctem | [#206718]
  • Meteor | [#207475]


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Fusions (Rare -> Perfect)




Item #1 - JUNK
Item Type: T4 Perfect Trinket
Acquisition ID: 226940a
IDs: 226942, 226946, 226947
LDs: 4, 11, 8
Enhancements: LD, Keen, Taunt

Item #2 - JUNK
Item Type: T4 Perfect Trinket
Acquisition ID: 226940b
IDs: 226948, 226949, 226950
LDs: 5, 7, 13
Enhancements: LD, Taunt, Keen

Item Type: T4 Perfect Trinket
Acquisition ID: 226940c
IDs: 226953, 226954, 226955 (UNIQUE FOUND 226953! BD: 10 CD: 8)
LDs: 16, 18, 20
Enhancements: HB, EVA, EVA

Item #4 - JUNK
Item Type: T4 Perfect Trinket
Acquisition ID: 226033b
IDs: 226956, 226958, 226959
LDs: 11, 13, 5
Enhancements: KEEN, KEEN, LD

Item Type: T4 Perfect Trinket
Acquisition ID: 226116
IDs: 226961, 226962, 226963
LDs: 14, 16, 20
Enhancements: KEEN, EVA, EVA

Total Cost: 9,500 col | IDs [15,200] - Junk [5,700]


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How did Koga end up here? That was a great question. He didn't know either. In fact, he wasn't entirely sure where 'here' was. Or even what floor he was on. None the less 'here' he was. Standing dumbly in the middle of a forest with a massive cabin standing in front of him. So, naturally, Koga did what anyone else would do, and went in.

To be fair, it was a very nice cabin from the outside. Inside was just as appealing. Homey, comfy, perhaps a bit cluttered, but what else would you expect from a witch's home?

Oh no, was Koga about to be turned into stew?

Wait, no it was just Morningstar's shop apparently. The man peeked out from behind some shelves. "Oh, thank god," Koga breathed a sigh of relief. "Uh, well, I dunno where the hell I am, but since you're here..." A trinket appeared in Koga's hand, who held it out to the shopkeep. "Would you mind? Lookin' for a Holy Blessing."


Koga provides:

  • Tier 4 Perfect Trinket [203872]


T4 Perfect equipment appraisal: 3040
  Service fee: 304
Mystic Essence x3: 3000
Total: 6344

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A customer? In Honeydew & Hushwind? That was odd. Morningstar was so used to having nobody around that he'd forgotten the sound of the bell chime installed at the entrance. He remembered Koga, from some place or another, and greeted him with a smile.

It was a quick and easy request: a single slot of Holy Blessing. He had enough Mystic Essence lying around to get the job done in a few seconds tops.

What came out was far from what was requested. "Uh," Morningstar managed, "here you go. Holy blessing... and more." He slid the God-Roll Trinket across the counter.




USING MYSTIC ESSENCE (220856a, 223909c, 223909c-1

Item Type: T4 Perfect Trinket
Acquisition ID: 203872
IDs: 227923, 227924
LDs: 20, 3 (UNIQUES ON BOTH ROLLS LFG | BD: 10 CD: 8, BD: 10 CD: 9)
Enhancements: Holy Blessing, Holy Blessing, Fireproof


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Koga stared at the item blankly. It was hard to make out what emotions were going through his system at the moment, at least right up until the point he said. "Holy fuck..."

What Koga stared at, a god-roll. Koga had never seen one before, let alone crafted one (not that that was in his cards to begin with). He sometimes struggled just to craft a rare weapon. Morningstar might be Koga's new favorite appraiser now.

Koga looked up at Morningstar. "I can't take this. Dude, this thing belongs in a museum. Keep it." The swordsman produced another trinket from his inventory, this one markedly less interesting. Hopefully it would also be useable. "Here, uh, try this one?"



Koga Morningstar
  • Tier 4 Rare Trinket [206277]
  • God-Roll Trinket
  • 3000 Col
  • T4 Rare Equipment appraisal
  • 3 Mystic Essences


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Star took the ring back, in slight agreement with his customer (although, he did feel like it was Koga's to take). The ring was shiny, and exquisitely crafted. He tapped away at the next item Koga presented, this time coming up with mostly nothing.

"Holy Blessing. Only one slot this time. Thanks for your business," he said, "and for the ring."

He flipped the ring like a coin, then caught it and slid in onto his finger. It fit like a charm.

Koga left, and Morningstar realized that he had forgotten to take something with him. An empty wallet had fallen on the floor a few feet from the counter.


8.23.2024 continued


USING MYSTIC ESSENCE (214863, 214863-1, 214863-2)

Item Type: T4 Perfect Trinket
Acquisition ID: 206277
IDs: 227928, 227929
LDs: 9, 3
Enhancements: HB, REC, LD

USING MYSTIC ESSENCE (214863-3, 226777, 223924)

Item Type: T4 Perfect Trinket
Acquisition ID: 226823b
IDs: 227931, 227932
LDs: 1, 8
Enhancements: PAR.IMM, LD, REC



Limited Edition Rolie Polie Olie Watch | [#206277] | TIER 4 PERFECT TRINKET | HB, REC, LD
[desc.]: A watch sized for children between the ages of two and seven. It features protagonist "Olie Polie" on the face, and is about sixteen minutes behind at all times.


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"Anytime chief," Koga said with a grin, giving Morning star a mock salute as he back towards the shop door to leave. He gave one last wave behind him before the door shut, the chime of the bell hanging above disappearing entirely.

Koga didn't make it more than a couple steps before he realized something was missing though, and Koga patted his rear pocket with furrowed brows. Out came a sighed expletive, as he turned around and entered the store again.

"Sorry...forgot something. Lost. Whatever," it wasn't hard to spot the plain black wallet against the floor. "Got it now, thanks again."

Koga receives:

Edited by Koga
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Bee couldn't say what it was that brought her to Honeydew & Hushwind. In truth, she was lost, but there was more to it than that. The woods on Floor 8 were tricky, complicated. They called to you, stringing you along until you ended up in the cave of a sleeping bear, a fiery treant's domain, or a lonely appraiser's shop. The cabin, located far from civilization, was a checkpoint of sorts; it was the perfect place to rest and recover your trail. The owner tried his best to be of help to lost wanderers. He knew the forest like the back of his hand and could point you in the direction of wherever you needed to go. For the unconfident type, he had teleport crystals on hand. He knew how dangerous it could be for a player, alone in the wilderness.

Bee was that type of player. She wasn't sure how she'd managed her way into the forest to begin with. She stopped in for help, and was immediately greeted by Morningstar.

"Afternoon," Star clanked away on a weapon from the counter. "What brings you by?"

"I was, um," Bee stuttered, embarrassed by her situation. "I was hoping you sold teleport crystals? I'm a little lost."

Star nodded, and then ducked below the counter. He rose a second later holding a blue crystal. "Need to do a restock, but yeah, here you go. No cost."

"Oh, really? Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Get home safe. And, actually, take this as well," he smiled, grabbing a green cloak from his coatrack.

Bee shook her head. "No, this is too much. Just the crystal is fine."

"Please," Star insisted. "It'll do more for you than it'll do for me."



Fortune's Wool Drape | [#128776] | TIER 1 RARE LIGHT ARMOR | ENV.D, LD
[desc.]: A dark green wool cloak said to be blessed by Fortune herself. And hey, it's totally legit! Enemies who come your way with strong attacks find themselves afflicted with poison and it's easier to locate items. With a cloak. Somehow.


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The latest visitor to the shop's entrance is heralded by a labored thump-scrape-thump cadence as he laboriously makes his way up the stairs to the entrance. Pushing through the door is a large man starting to go gray. He's using a walking staff to get around and dressed in the simple starter set of clothes that everyone joined the game in. What is out of place is the bandages that are visible on his arms, neck and forehead - and the bright blooms of red that indicate that out in the real world, there'd be a doctor popping a blood vessel of his own at the man's stupidity to be moving in his condition.

Luckily, Hanzoku didn't have to worry about that as he made his way to the counter.

"I hear I can get appraisals done here and you can vendor some unneeded loot." he says politely to the person manning the counter, if a bit out of breath. Upon receiving confirmation, he summons a whole treasure chest from his inventory, the heavy container landing with a thump on the floor. "I was out of fucks to give and the game didn't say 'no'." he explains as he uses the staff to push the chest open, revealing piles of shimmering unidentified items. "I just broke through to second Tier, so a lot of these can go by the wayside, but I'm hoping some of the weapons might have some good tierless enchants." he explains as he points to the neatly sorted piles of items.

For Vendoring:

+ (4) Unidentified T1 Uncommon Consumable (227305, 227306a, 228521, 228721a)
+ (4) Unidentified T1 Rare Consumables (227292a, 227292b, 228723b, 228723c)
+ (6) Unidentified T1 Rare Trinket (225954, 227263, 227301, 228523, 228524. 228621a)
+ (1) Unidentified T1 Rare Armor (227262)
+ (2) Unidentified T1 Rare Weapon (227306b, 228721b)
+ (5) Unidentified T1 Perfect Consumable (227264, 228619b, 228619c, 228621b, 228622)
+ (1) Unidentified T1 Perfect Trinket (228522a)
+ (5) Unidentified T1 Perfect Armor (225956a, 227261a, 228619a, 228620a, 228723a)

For Identification:

+ (8) Unidentified T1 Perfect Weapon (225953, 225955, 225956b, 227261b, 227304, 228522b, 228620b, 228620c)
- - - - -
Total Cost: 8 x 704 = 5,632col

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ok ok ok 09.05.2024 



1. [225953] | TIER 1 PERFECT WEAPON
| ID: 229834 | LD: 10 | BLD / PRLYZ
| ID: 229835 | LD: 13 | BLD / PRLYZ
| ID: 229836 | LD: 9 | BLD / PRLYZ

2. [225955] | TIER 1 PERFECT WEAPON
| ID: 229837 | LD: 13 | BLD / PRLYZ
| ID: 229838 | LD: 14 | DMG / ACC
| ID: 229839 | LD: 13 | BLD / PRLYZ

3. [225956b] | TIER 1 PERFECT WEAPON
| ID: 229840 | LD: 12 | BLD / PRLYZ
| ID: 229841 | LD: 6 | TAUNT / KEEN
| ID: 229842 | LD: 10 | BLD / PRLYZ

4. [227261b] | TIER 1 PERFECT WEAPON
| ID: 229843 | LD: 9 | BLD / PRLYZ
| ID: 229844 | LD: 16 | DMG / ACC
| ID: 229845 | LD: 7 | BLD / PRLYZ

5. [227304] | TIER 1 PERFECT WEAPON
| ID: 229846 | LD: 19 | DMG / ACC
| ID: 229847 | LD: 17 | DMG / ACC
| ID: 229848 | LD: 6 | TAUNT / KEEN

6. [228522b] | TIER 1 PERFECT WEAPON
| ID: 229849 | LD: 5 | TAUNT / KEEN
| ID: 229850 | LD: 6 | TAUNT / KEEN
| ID: 229851 | LD: 12 | BLD / PRLYZ

7. [228620b] | TIER 1 PERFECT WEAPON
| ID: 229852 | LD: 20 | DMG / ACC
| ID: 229853 | LD: 17 | DMG / ACC
| ID: 229854 | LD: 5 | TAUNT / KEEN

8. [228620c] | TIER 1 PERFECT WEAPON
| ID: 229855 | LD: 5 | TAUNT / KEEN
| ID: 229856 | LD: 2 | TAUNT / KEEN
| ID: 229857 | LD: 12 | BLD / PRLYZ



+ (4) Unidentified T1 Uncommon Consumable (227305, 227306a, 228521, 228721a)
+ (4) Unidentified T1 Rare Consumables (227292a, 227292b, 228723b, 228723c)
+ (6) Unidentified T1 Rare Trinket (225954, 227263, 227301, 228523, 228524. 228621a)
+ (1) Unidentified T1 Rare Armor (227262)
+ (2) Unidentified T1 Rare Weapon (227306b, 228721b)
+ (5) Unidentified T1 Perfect Consumable (227264, 228619b, 228619c, 228621b, 228622)
+ (1) Unidentified T1 Perfect Trinket (228522a)
+ (5) Unidentified T1 Perfect Armor (225956a, 227261a, 228619a, 228620a, 228723a)

total cost: #####

identifications: # + # = #col
rerolls: # x # = #col

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