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[F21 | R8 Blacksmith] The Knight Shift (Open)

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The white-haired smith smiled as he passed the polished and packaged pieces over to their new owner, neatly tucked and wrapped in protective burlap as added proof of the craftsman's pride at having satisfied yet another order.

"Ah, yes.  Freyd," he replied, smiling with weary eyes weathered with fatigue. The shop kept him busy.  "He sends a surprising amount of work my way, and I'm grateful for it.  That's exactly why The Knight Shift was founded in the first place. Please pass on my thanks and be sure to send others my way, if you find anyone in need.  We live to serve."  The last words carried an almost religious connotation, matching the priest-like cut of his clothes.  Maybe he was a devout fellow, or had simply grown into his chosen theme.  Either way, the price of his wares was hard to scoff at.


Rencesvals gives @Kyot0:

Leichwetter | T2 Perfect Light Armor | MIT II | REC I
Crafting ID 223159
A white leather coat with red trims on the sleeves that go up to the collar. It has an steel plate on the right shoulder.
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39174-f21-r7-blacksmith-the-knight-shift-open/?do=findComment&comment=680460

Schwartzfeder | T2 Perfect Straight Sword | BLD II | PARA I
Crafting ID 223145
A light weight short sword with a black steel metal and a steel hilt.
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39174-f21-r7-blacksmith-the-knight-shift-open/?do=findComment&comment=673288

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It wasn't to long before Kyoto was able to gather his order. Matter of fact this is surprising quick compare to Mac where his order list is so long it take him a while to get back to you... There again Mac is a very well known blacksmith in Aincrad. But this time Kyoto wanted to try something different and thanks to Freyd he took his sights on Rencesvals.

"Hey thanks again these look great."

It was a pleasure to try someone well talented to make him gear and it was for sure that he'd recommend people to this place.

"I'll defiantly put a word out there for you."

Kyoto gather's his things and head out with a smile on his face.

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  • 2 months later...

The man who pushes through the doors doesn't look like he belongs there. Dressed in the simple peasant clothes all the users started the game in, it was a clear sign that if he stepped one foot outside the safe zone of the city, half of the mobs in the zone would immediately aggro on him and stampede over to commit violent slaughter. It was that very helplessness that he was looking to fix, one purchase at a time.

"Hey, is the blacksmith in?" he shouts out over the hammering and din of the shop. He doesn't know if the owner is here or even heard him, but he has time. Looking around, he spots a clipboard and a stack of order forms. Walking over, Hanzoku starts writing down his requests for when the smith has the time.


Item Name: <<Your choice>>
Item Type: Straight Sword
Item Tier: I
Item Quality: Perfect
Draft Item Description: A simple steel longsword, its edges honed to a razored edge that only magic can maintain for long after crashing against an enemy's armor.
Requested Enhancements: Damage III

Item Name: <<Your choice>>
Item Type: Heavy Armor
Item Tier: I
Item Quality: Perfect
Draft Item Description: Steel plate mail fitted to its wearer, it glows softly with protective enchantments to preserve its wearer's life.
Requested Enhancements: Mitigation III

Item Name: <<Your choice>>
Item Type: Shield
Item Tier: I
Item Quality: Perfect
Draft Item Description: A viciously spiked round shield, when struck its thorns rip at the enemy's life. When used to strike, it can deliver a ringing blow that paralyzes the target.
Requested Enhancements: Paralyze II, Thorns I


Once he has the forms filled out, he places them in the indicated location, and after a moment scrawls a note at the bottom of the top form. "Even in the Town of Beginnings, this place is famous - mostly for the cursing of those who try to make money off the new players. But what isn't asked for can be freely given - let me know if there is anything I can offer in return. Either way, I'll owe you a few favors."

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Crafting rolls:

R7 Blacksmith (10 crafts/day - 8 from rank +1 from extended workshop +1 from Lucrative)
Ambition Tool (+1 EXP per attempt)
Ambition Food (+1 EXP/craft) | 170115
Extended Workshop (+2 EXP per attempt)
Hephaestus' Hammer (+1 CD)
Lucrative (+2 EXP/craft, Salvage on LD 6+, +1 attempt/day)
Crafter's Respite | 215825

ID 223992 | CD 4+1=5 | LD 18 | Salvage (+8 EXP) - keep mat
ID 223997 | CD 2+1=3 | LD 10 | Salvage (+8 EXP) - keep mat
ID 223998 | CD 10+1=11 | LD 12 | T1 Rare Weapon (+11 EXP)
ID 224002 | CD 11+1=12 | LD 8 | T1 Perfect Weapon (+13 EXP)
ID 224003 | CD 8+1=9 | LD 7 | T1 Rare Weapon (+11 EXP)
ID 224004 | CD 1+1=2 | LD 13 | Fail (+7 EXP)
ID 224005 | CD 11+1=12 | LD 19 | T1 Perfect Weapon (+13 EXP)
ID 224006 | CD 7+1=8 | LD 8 | T1 Uncommon Weapon (+9 EXP)
ID 224007 | CD 2+1=3 | LD 9 | Salvage (+8 EXP) - keep mat

ID 224009 | CD 7+1=8 | LD 1 | T1 Uncommon Shield (+9 EXP)
ID 224010 | CD 9+1=10 | LD 5 | T1 Rare Shield (+11 EXP)
ID 224011 | CD 9+1=10 | LD 5 | T1 Rare Shield (+11 EXP)
ID 224012 | CD 3+1=4 | LD 3 | Salvage (+8 EXP) - keep mat
ID 224013 | CD 8+1=9 | LD 19 | T1 Rare Shield (+11 EXP)
ID 224014 | CD 2+1=3 | LD 12 | Salvage (+8 EXP) - keep mat
ID 224016 | CD 1+1=2 | LD 17| Fail (+7 EXP)
ID 224017 | CD 6+1=9 | LD 15| T1 Rare Shield (+11 EXP)
ID 224018 | CD 2+1=3 | LD 1 | Salvage (+8 EXP) - lose mat

Total Cost: 15 Materials

Note: Forgot two rolls and overpaid by 2 mats.  Not going to worry about it.
Note: R8 Blacksmith achieved.

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Ren had gotten so busy that he'd been forced to take on an apprentice.  The poor boy was at a bit of a loss taking in the order, having never been trusted with anything more than nails and horseshoes up to this point, and soon had to call on his master for help.

"Ah, I see the issue.  Here, we'll need to make some minor adjustments.  Just a moment, sir.  We'll have this done in a jiffy."  Wielding a hammer with expert hands and a crafted mastered through the gauntlet of unceasing trial, Ren molded raw materials and assorted bits of equipment soon forging something new and more suitable to meet Hanzoku's request.

"It's a little different than your order, but I trust it will meet with your approval.  As always, no charge for new adventurers.  Godspeed, my friend.  Call on me when you've outgrown these.  It's always good to see another potential tank joining the line."

Sliding the goods over the counter, Ren offered a brief nod and returned to work.  The forge was extra busy these days, which was a welcome change.


Ren gives @Hanzoku:

Humble Aspirations | T1 Perfect Weapon (SS) | DMG III
A simple steel longsword, its edges honed to a razored edge that only magic can maintain for long after crashing against an enemy's armor.
Fusion ID: 224021
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39172-rencesvals-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=682948

Squire's Ardor | T1 Perfect Heavy Armor | MIT III
Steel plate mail fitted to its wearer, it glows softly with protective enchantments to preserve its wearer's life.
Crafting ID: 214420
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39172-rencesvals-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=682948

Valorous Spite | T1 Perfect Shield | REGEN II | THORNS I
A viciously spiked round shield, when struck its thorns rip at the enemy's life. Its resilience restores and sustains its wielder, ensuring they remain in the fray.
Fusion ID: 224103
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39172-rencesvals-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=682948

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Hanzoku receives the bundle of items and runs a finger reverently over the gleaming edge of the sword, feeling the tingle that was all the system would transmit as the skin parts and the data underneath is visible for a moment before the mark fades away again. "Truly a master's craftmanship. Well, even if you won't accept payment, I'll be sure to spread word of your shop."

With a touch, he accepts the trade offer and equips the gear, the system phasing in the armor around his body, the sword sheathed at his side and the shield comfortably slung over his shoulder. The cuirass should hang heavily on his shoulders, but he seems to straighten up, the weight of the armor a comfort - and a promise.

"Yes... it's time to step forward. I need to grow still, but I'll make it - one day we'll fight side by side on the frontlines." he says with grim determination.

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Wiping a seemingly endless flow of sweat from his brow, Ren spared himself a moment to send out an unusual message.  It was rare to have a crafter tell you your goods were ready for pickup when you hadn't even placed one.

To: Foyle
From: Rencesvals

I heard that you recently completed the shark bait program, in your street clothes.  The boss asked me to do something about that for you.  Come to my shop in Tomoika, lower level on the west side.  I've prepared a few items that should help you with durability and ofdence.  They're nothing fancy, but should be a far cry from what you've been using to date - being nothing. 

Ask for me at The Knight Shift, and mind the pheonix.  It's a bit peckish at the moment.


Wrapping up the items, requested and paid for by their common patron, Ren wasn't about to declare his affiliations openly unless it became necessary.  Keeping a low profile had certainly helped, so far.  From everything he'd heard, this one was a kindred spirit, showing guile, integrity and promise.  He was exactly what they were looking for.


Ren gives Foyle the following:

Humility | T1 Perfect Weapon (Curved Sword) | DMG III
A polished and carefully kept kodachi, to be used only in the service of others.
Craftig ID 213328
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39172-rencesvals-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=683194

Ashigaru's Bond | T1 Perfect Light Armor | MIT II, REC I
Lightweight leather armor reinforced with carefully positioned hexagonal plates.  Perfect for maintaining mobility.
Fusion ID: 224227
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39172-rencesvals-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=683194


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"Many thanks, sir knight, though I feel completely unworthy of such treasures.  You really needn't have done through the trouble and expense." Foyle had been beside himself since Ren revealed the treasure trove of new gear bequeathed to him.  The more he protested, the more earnestly the blacksmith seemed to feel he was deserving of the gifts.  Not wishing to insult anyone, Foyle eventually had to relent and accept them.

Few guesses had been required to determine the source.  And, as much as he didn't want the charity, Foyle had to admit that wandering the wilds in nothing but clothes and completely unarmed as strictly inadvisable.  Freyd had already shared enough reports on PK activity to convince him of his need.

"I will do my very best to live up to this obligation," he added, bowing deeply, meaning every word.  A man's honour required that such gifts be repaid.


Foyle accepts:

Humility | T1 Perfect Weapon (Curved Sword) | DMG III
A polished and carefully kept kodachi, to be used only in the service of others.
Craftig ID 213328
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39172-rencesvals-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=683194

Ashigaru's Bond | T1 Perfect Light Armor | MIT II, REC I
Lightweight leather armor reinforced with carefully positioned hexagonal plates.  Perfect for maintaining mobility.
Fusion ID: 224227
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39172-rencesvals-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=683194

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The hubbub of Tomioka dimmed as Acanthus closed the door behind her. She looked around, initially dismayed. “Soup kitchen? Wrong address again,” she mumbled. “This is getting to be a habit.” A belch of smoke replied to her. As the sounds of the forge reached her ears, she relaxed.

The Knight Shift seemed like an eternally busy shop. Steam hissed and the bellows groaned as materials made their arduous journey to become weapons. An uncountable number of materials, judging by the worn and repaired appearance of every tool and forge. But their worn nature reflected an attitude of careful attention, repair, and reuse. Acanthus knew she would get along with whoever Ren was.

Taking an order form, she quickly scrawled out what she had been thinking about.

Item Name: Wormwood
Item Type: Straight sword
Item Tier: T2
Item Quality: Perfect
Draft Item Description: A longsword crafted from the decaying trees of floor 13. Its blade is a brilliant, glossy oak, while the haft and handle are adorned with ivy.
Requested Enhancements: Blight II; Bleed I Bleed II DMG I [Hasty scribbles reflect a teaching moment from a veteran to a rookie on how unique enhancements work]

Speaking to no one in particular, she added, “I’m not really sure how the process works. Please let me know if there's anything wrong with my order.”

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His white hair stained and streaked with grey from the soot, arms and chest soaked with sweat through the simple linen tunic he wore while he worked at the forge.  Ren had been put to task without end of late, yet his mood was no worse for wear.  Smiling through obvious fatigue, the young smith greeted Acanthus personally, taking her order and assuring her it would be done.

"Give me about an hour," he suggested.  The magic of Aincrad would bend and give way to what should have taken days or even weeks in the real world.  True to his word, the deadline was met, though the smith looked like he'd taken a dunk or two in his cooling barrel to achieve it.

"A pleasure to have met you, Acanthus.  We're here to help in any way we can.  Maybe we'll meet again in the field someday."  A thumb jerked over his should to his own blade an armor rested on racks.  "Let me know if you ever need the services of a tank.  I moonlight,"  he added with an exhausted, though genuine laugh.

Ren gives Acanthus:

Wormwood | T2 Perfect Weapon (SS) | Bleed II | DMG I
Fusion ID: 224225
A longsword crafted from the decaying trees of floor 13. Its blade is a brilliant, glossy oak, while the haft and handle are adorned with ivy.
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39172-rencesvals-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=683257

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Trancing and prancing into the place, her demeanor immediately swaps on a hard spin. A nearby pot seems to bellow a column of steam and causes the woman to lunge up to the rafters. Latched to the ceiling with a surprising amount of agility, she would remain there until coaxed down by a member of staff. Once allowed, the scaredy cat would put in the following order:


Item Name: Fortune's Razors
Item Type: Claws
Item Tier: 1
Item Quality: Perfect
Draft Item Description: A pair of strange nails sharpened to a fine point, as if a manicure made of iron. They seem to adhere to the users normal nails quite readily, but how is not entirely known. Simple and yet surprisingly deadly, if you have the finger strength for it.
Requested Enhancements: Damage 3

(Note: The craftsman reserves the right to make minor edits to the item description as a means of 'signing' his work)

Loosely scribbled and scrawled to a page, the handwriting was the most abysmal nigh illegible dribble. Took quite a keen mind to decipher the contents, yet the construction wouldn't be too much trouble.

Alloted as Payment: 5 Materials (F I don't know)

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"Here you are, dear lady."  Ren provided provided Majineko the sharpened claws, still wondering whether his designs would hold up to intentions.  It wasn't a conventional approach, but he always welcomed a challenge.  "I hope you don't mind, but thought that this might also catch your fancy."  Opening his hand to reveal a pair of crude bells looped into a simple red ribbon, Ren smiled sheepishly at the awkwardness of the gesture.  "It just seemed in keeping with your theme.  I'm no artisan, unfortunately, so they don't sound particularly good, but maybe the sentiment will count for something?" Wiping his brow on the coarse backs of twin leather work gloves, he wished her well, admiring the new claw marks in his rafters with a chuckle.


Ren gives Majineko:

Fortune's Fickle Finger Fangs | T1 Perfect Weapon (Claws) | DMG III
Fusion ID: 224904
A pair of strange nails sharpened to a fine point, as if a manicure made of iron. They seem to adhere to the users normal nails quite readily, but how is not entirely known. Simple and yet surprisingly deadly, if you have the finger strength for it.
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39172-rencesvals-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=683729

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A solemn shadow loomed on the threshold.  No one could say how long he'd been there, pensively watching the smith toil towards his good intentions.  Freyd admired the young knight, full of zeal and optimism.  He'd always been more dour and morose himself, at least until recently.  It made his choice both easy and obvious.  This was a man he could trust, with altruism and hope to guide his way.  Had Raidou seen the same in him once?  Doubtful.  Freyd had always been more ruthless and bloody minded in resolve, than anything else.  Ren's approach was always easier on relationships.

Feeling the memento on his chest, as if its ethereal thorns could sting his heart with both pain and affection.  Freyd was here to ensure a legacy, should the worst come to pass.  He could have left this all with Firm Anima, or even Roisin, but wasn't sure whether she'd decide to join the raid or not.  And the guild had ballooned to a size that made it difficult to wield loyalty and trust with so many treasures.

A clearing of his throat stalled the hammer's fall.  White hair soiled with soot and bits charred and sizzled by embers floating about like angry combustible fireflies turned to face his watcher.

"Hey Ren.  It's been awhile."

Grinning broadly with genuine joy at the sight of an old friend, the smith validated his choice once more.

"Listen.  I don't have long, but need you to watch over a few things for me while I head into the raid.  Should the worst happen, they'll be yours to dispense as you please."  

Rencesvals' jaw hit the floor long before the scale of Freyd's proposition was even partly revealed.


Freyd gives Rencesvals:



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"Nyah~, They're purrfect." Majineko outcries with an extremely rolled r sound, like a motor revving up. "So fast..." She'd sport the things with a glint of gold as her HUD transitioned them to equipped. They drew upon her nails as an extension, and with another trigger of quick change it would appear as though they recede. The trick takes a bit of practice, and she'd need to get used to it. But it was very believable maybe that she was actually retracting them just as the creature she was supposed to be would. "Dank nyu mwashtah owf da cwaft" that tongue quickly transmog'd into a cacophony catastrophe of a real language, as the girl hop skips herself back into the underground catacombs that were Tomoika.

Fortune's Fickle Finger Fangs | T1 Perfect Weapon (Claws) | DMG III
Fusion ID: 224904
A pair of strange nails sharpened to a fine point, as if a manicure made of iron. They seem to adhere to the users normal nails quite readily, but how is not entirely known. Simple and yet surprisingly deadly, if you have the finger strength for it.
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39172-rencesvals-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=683729

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Shay stepped into the dinky looking smith's place. She really shouldn't be judging the homes/businesses of other players considering her abode is a loft and a piano set on top of a hot spring in the middle of blizzard fields. This was probably the most modest looking establishment she'd ever stepped in. Now that she was coming back from the shadows, sort of, Shay needed to be ready to solo content should it come down to it. She stepped up to the counter, filled out a quick order form and placed Murasame on the counter with the form. Along with the necessities listed, the paper had beautiful Japanese(Translated for those who don't speak or read of course) that simply says "Make a replica, slight adjustments. Thank you." The payment was left with the form and she would take a seat somewhere just outside to wait on her order.


Item Name: Yatsufusa α
Item Type: Katana
Item Tier: 4
Item Quality: Perfect
Draft Item Description: A blade of ebony shinogi and quicksilver hamon/ha, the edge is serrated slightly to dig into the flesh and rip apart anything that opposes it. A beautiful blood carbonate alloy comprises the sheath, creating an exquisite albeit grim looking blade.
Requested Enhancements: DMG III

10 Materials given to Rencesvals.

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Crafting rolls:

R8 Blacksmith (11 crafts/day - 9 from rank +1 from extended workshop +1 from Lucrative)
Ambition Tool (+1 EXP per attempt)
Ambition Food (+1 EXP/craft) | 170115-1
Extended Workshop (+2 EXP per attempt, +1 attempt/day)
Hephaestus' Hammer (+1 CD)
Lucrative (+2 EXP/craft, Salvage on LD 6+, +1 attempt/day)
Crafter's Respite | n/a

ID 225975 | CD 3+1=4 | LD 18 | Salvage (+8 EXP) - keep mat
ID 225976 | CD 8+1=9 | LD 9 | T4 Rare Weapon (+11 EXP
ID 225977 | CD 6+1=7 | LD 14 | T4 Uncommon Weapon (+9 EXP
ID 225978 | CD 2+1=3 | LD 19 | Salvage (+8 EXP) - keep mat
ID 225979 | CD 9+1=10 | LD 9 | T4 Rare Weapon (+11 EXP
ID 225980 | CD 2+1=3 | LD 5 | Salvage (+8 EXP) - lose mat
ID 225981 | CD 2+1=3 | LD 8 | Salvage (+8 EXP) - keep mat
ID 225982 | CD 10+1=11 | LD 12 | T4 Rare Weapon (+11 EXP
ID 225983 | CD 10+1=11 | LD 1 | T4 Rare Weapon (+11 EXP
ID 225984 | CD 5+1=6 | LD 19 | T4 Uncommon Weapon (+9 EXP
ID 225985 | CD 4+1=5 | LD 19 | T4 Uncommon Weapon (+9 EXP

Total Cost: 8 materials

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The white-haired smith began toiling immediately upon receipt of the order, several other irons literally hot in the furnace at his side.  Shaping, stretching and tugging away at the steel, it slowly took on the desired imitative form.  Flaring bursts of shadow contrasting sparking embers soaked into the blade while their opposites swarmed like fireflies in the night.  All the while, Ren's rhythmic clanging kept a relentless steady beat, like some pedantic percussion section with the stubborn persistence of dwarves promised their fill of ale, but only if they kept in time.

Before either party realized it, the work was done.  A sheath prepared and wreathed around the newly founded blade, it was presented to the patron with the smith's thanks.  After a simple bow, Ren returned to work.  There was still so much to be done.


Ren gives @Shay:

Yatsufusa α | T4 Perfect Weapon (katana) | DMG III
Fusion ID: 225986
A blade of ebony shinogi and quicksilver hamon/ha, the edge is serrated slightly to dig into the flesh and rip apart anything that opposes it. A beautiful blood carbonate alloy comprises the sheath, creating an exquisite albeit grim looking blade.
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39172-rencesvals-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=684226

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As with everything on the twenty-first floor, the interior of the showroom was gorgeous - but in a different way. How had the shopkeep managed to achieve such warm light in a place so cool and dreary as this? While the cavernous corridors beyond the emporium stretched on in a monotonous ultramarine glow, Oz could practically feel the simulated sunlight which shone through the establishment's windows.

"Cool digs, I must admit," remarked Oz as he approached the counter, his sudden vocalization possibly catching the busy blacksmith off guard. "I've heard that you're the sort of person who can help a guy out. I was wondering..." Oz fingered his slender digits into the interior of his coat, plucking two Demonic Shards from an interior pocket and setting them on the countertop. "I've got too many Demonic Shards, and not enough Gleaming Scales. Do you think we could work something out? I'm trying to get these weapons combined."

The menu was summoned with a chime as Oz swiped his finger through the air, and a few short clicks later had the three weapons materializing. 

"To my understanding, we could combine one with another using one Gleaming Scale. Then, combine the finished product with the third weapon using the second Gleaming Scale. Seeing as I don't have enough Gleaming Scales, my Demonic Shards stand as tribute, and are yours so long as you accept the deal. What do you say?"


Two Demonic Shards handed over to Rencesvals.

Submitting request to fuse the following items:

Name: Whispersting (+2)
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 5
Acquisition Roll ID: 224616-B
Identification Roll ID:
#226054 BD: 10 | CD: 8 | LD: 11 Vampiric Offensive
#226055 LD: 10 Bleed
#226088 LD: 2 Keen (2nd Appraiser reroll)
Item Type: Throwing Knives
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Vampiric Offensive | Bleed | Keen
Description: "You won't even know you've been pierced. Not until I've gotten everything I wanted."
Post Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18214-f10-grandmaster-appraiser-youve-hit-the-jackpot/?do=findComment&comment=684281

Name: Scorpion's Barb (+2)
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 5
Acquisition Roll ID: 224617-A
Identification Roll ID:
#226086 LD: 14 ACC (2nd Appraiser reroll)
#226059 LD: 17 ACC
#226060 BD: 10 | CD: 12 | LD: 1 Paralytic Venom
Item Type: Throwing Knives
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: ACC 2 | Paralytic Venom
Description: "Pluck from plane their touch. Then, the other senses will follow in short order."
Post Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18214-f10-grandmaster-appraiser-youve-hit-the-jackpot/?do=findComment&comment=684281

Name: Neurotic Volt
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 5
Acquisition Roll ID: 225069-B
Identification Roll ID:
#226074 BD: 10 | CD: 10 | LD: 3 Paralytic Venom
#226084 LD: 18 ACC (2nd Appraiser Reroll)
#226093 BD: 10 | CD: 8 | LD: 20 Static
Item Type: Throwing Knives
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Paralytic Venom | Static | ACC
Description: "There are several ways to induce paralysis. One such way is by just tickling the brainstem a little."
Post Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18214-f10-grandmaster-appraiser-youve-hit-the-jackpot/?do=findComment&comment=684281


Name: Whispersting
Item Type: Throwing Knives
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Vampiric Offensive | Paralytic Venom 2
Description: "You won't even know you've been pierced. Not until I've gotten everything I ever wanted out of you."
Post Link: 


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Wandering over to examine the provided items more closely, Ren wiped dripping sweat from his brow to replace it with a greyish sooty smear.  

"Hrm.  That all sounds right and reasonable, though it isn't often I see people bringing in this number of lowest tier items looking for this type of work.  You're sure you want to spend the resources on these?  Most players outgrow this tier of gear fairly quickly."  Realization dawned slowly on the smith's face as he lifted and turned each piece to properly inspect it.  "Ah.  I see.  That won't be a problem here, will it?  Fascinating, and very clever."  A smirk and appreciative chuckle rumbled through the man's slender chest.  Most wondered how he could even lift the hammer, let alone handle the craft.  Fortunately, the system facilitated a degree of gloss over such details. 

Accepting the payment and deal, Ren contributed the necessary counterparts and labour.  Fusions were always fun, as they were most often genuinely unique.  One could only handle the making of so many nails and horseshoes.  

"How does this look?"  The knives were a perfect match to one of the original items, save a more malicious mien.  "I think it turned out well, actually.  Hopefully they serve you just as well in the field."


Ren provides Oz with:

Whispersting | T1 Perfect Weapon (Throwing Knives) | VO I | PVO II
"You won't even know you've been pierced. Not until I've gotten everything I wanted."
Fusion ID: 226275
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39172-rencesvals-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=684310

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