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[F21 | R8 Blacksmith] The Knight Shift (Open)

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6b1562b3b2dd271ef0981a3bff3662c2.jpg.b1cb36fdb9ac3fbc3ebab3bd09cb8396.jpgA humble shop tucked away in the side streets of the lower levels of Tomoika, The Knight Shift caters to those in need.  

At first glance, it might be mistaken for some sort of industrial soup kitchen, but the constantly belching smoke, hiss of steam and  and ringing of steel upon steel reveals its true purpose.  Whether feeding his furnace's endless hunger, manning the bellows for hours on end, or working molten metal, Ren tirelessly improves his craft.  His instruments are all second or third hand, at least, but lovingly maintained.  Goods, still small in number and rough in quality, line racks on the walls, barrels and shelves, or even hang from soot-stained rafters.

To the great displeasure of his competitors, a sign board leans casually by the door declaring a decidedly troublesome intent:

Starting equipment and maintenance free of charge!

Work for veterans and fusion at cost.

We're here to keep you alive, not pilfer your pockets.

~The Knight Shift

- Ambition Tool
- Extended Workshop (Forge)
- Hephaestus' Hammer 

Price List: (looks to have been covered with graffiti and cleaned multiple times)


T1 - Gear requests are free.

T2 to T4 - Gear made at cost in materials.

Item Fusion: Players to supply their own uniques, demonic shard and gleaming scales, if required.  No additional costs.

Donations welcome to help us support our peers.

For item upgrades and fusions, please be sure to note the crafting or acquisition ID of the item, as well as applicable rolls used during identification and prior re-rolls.

Order Form:


Item Name: 
Item Type:
Item Tier:
Item Quality:
Draft Item Description:
Requested Enhancements:

(Note: The craftsman reserves the right to make minor edits to the item description as a means of 'signing' his work)



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Crafting rolls:

R1 Blacksmith (T1 gear max, 2 crafts/day)
Ambition Tool (+1 EXP)

ID 212985 | CD 10 | T1 Uncommon 1HSS (+4 EXP)
ID 212986 | CD 6 | Salvage (LD 3, lose mat, 2 EXP)

Cost: 2 materials

Rank 2 Blacksmith reached.

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Crafting rolls:

R2 Blacksmith (T2 gear max, 3 crafts/day)
Ambition Tool (+1 EXP)

ID 212987 | CD 11 | T2 Rare 1HSS (+6 EXP)
ID 212988 | CD 11 | T2 Rare 1HSS (+6 EXP
ID 212989 | CD 12 | T2 Perfect 1HSS (+9 EXP)

Cost: 3 materials

Rank 3 Blacksmith reached.

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Crafting rolls:

R3 Blacksmith (T3 gear max, 4 crafts/day)
Ambition Tool (+1 EXP)

ID 212990 | CD 9 | T2 Uncommon Heavy Armor (+4 EXP)
ID 212991 | CD 4 | Failure (Lose mat, +2 EXP)
ID 212992 | CD 12 | T2 Perfect Heavy Armor (+9 EXP)
ID 212993 | CD 7 | Salvage (LD 11, keep mat, +3 EXP)

Cost: 3 materials

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Sauntering casually into the underwhelming shop, it's shelves still largely bare and stock supplies minimal, the Whisper's casual footsteps were lost amidst the din of clangs and pings echoing throughout.  Ren was lost in his work, having shifted his focus from blades to heavy plate.  It was a novel experience with a lot more nuance and complexity.  Freyd, for his part, was content to watch and judge the smith's motives and potential for himself.  He'd heard of this fellow and the uproar he was causing in Tomoika with his goods at cost approach.  Truth was that Aincrad's economy was in shambles at the moment and getting anyone to produce anything was a bit of a chore. 

"Not good for the war effort," he'd muttered to himself in the bowels of the blind, watching the reports come in.  "Getting crushed by an oppressive biased system is one thing.  Getting crushed because we just can't be bothered to give a damn... that's just unacceptable."  Resolve to spike the status quo with a shot of adrenaline, he and Persi has left moments later, and ended up here.

"Hey, kid.  You got a minute?"  Ren's hammer paused as he turned, only just realizing that he was not alone.

"Oh!  It's you.  How convenient.  I do believe I owe you payment for an apple." An instant later, The Knight Shift shuddered in its entirety as volume was instantly filled to bursting with col and precious metals akin to a Scrooge McDuck sized quantity of wealth.

"That ought to do it," said the inky black form wandering away from the a scene that would make Crasus envious.  His diminutive spoopy companion just batted her glowing azure eyes in agreement.


Freyd provides Ren with payment for the apple he claimed here:


1,000,000 col
1,000 mats


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Crafting rolls:

R3 Blacksmith (T3 gear max, 4 crafts/day)
Ambition Tool (+1 EXP)

ID 212994 | CD 11 | T2 Rare Heavy Armor (+6 EXP)
ID 212995 | CD 4 | Failure (+2 EXP)
ID 212996 | CD 1 | Critical Failure (+2 EXP)
ID 212997 | CD 3 | Failure (+2 EXP)

Cost: 4 materials

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Crafting rolls:

R3 Blacksmith (T3 gear max, 4 crafts/day)
Ambition Tool (+1 EXP)

ID 213017 | CD 2 | Failure (+2 EXP)
ID 213018 | CD 2 | Failure (+2 EXP
ID 213019 | CD 2 |  Failure (+2 EXP)
ID 213020 | CD 5 | Salvage (LD 9 | Lose mat, +3 EXP)

Cost: 4 materials

Rank 4 Blackmith reached.

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Crafting rolls:

R4 Blacksmith (T4 gear max, 5 crafts/day)
Ambition Tool (+1 EXP)

ID 213032 | CD 9 | T1 Uncommon Polearm (+4 EXP)
ID 213033 | CD 5 | Salvage (LD | mat lost) (+3 EXP)
ID 213034 | CD 7 | T1 Uncommon Polearm (+4 EXP)
ID 213035 | CD 9 | T1 Uncommon Polearm (+4 EXP)
ID 213036 | CD 9 | T1 Uncommon Polearm (+4 EXP)

Cost: 5 materials

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Crafting rolls:

R4 Blacksmith (T4 gear max, 5 crafts/day)
Ambition Tool (+1 EXP)

ID 213052 | CD 9 | T1 Uncommon Polearm (+4 EXP)
ID 213053 | CD 2 | Failure (+2 EXP)
ID 213054 | CD 9 | T1 Uncommon Polearm (+4 EXP)
ID 213055 | CD 11 | T1 Rare Polearm (+6 EXP)
ID 213056 | CD 6 | Salvage (LD 1, lose mat, +3 EXP)

Cost: 5 materials

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Crafting rolls:

R4 Blacksmith (T4 gear max, 6 crafts/day - 5 from rank +1 from extended workshop)
Ambition Tool (+1 EXP per attempt)
Extended Workshop (+2 EXP per attempt)
Hephaestus' Hammer (+1 CD)

ID 213100 | CD 7+1=8 | T1 uncommon rapier (+6 EXP)
ID 213101 | CD 4+1=5 | Salvage (LD 6, lose mat, +5 EXP)
ID 213102 | CD 10+1=11 | T1 rare rapier (+8 EXP)
ID 213103 | CD 2+1=3 | Failure (+4 EXP)
ID 213104 | CD 9+1=10 | T1 rare rapier (+8 EXP)
ID 213105 | CD 5+1=6 | Salvage (LD 12, keep mat, +5 EXP)

Cost: 5 materials

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Crafting rolls:

R4 Blacksmith (T4 gear max, 6 crafts/day - 5 from rank +1 from extended workshop)
Ambition Tool (+1 EXP per attempt)
Extended Workshop (+2 EXP per attempt)
Hephaestus' Hammer (+1 CD)

ID 213107 | CD 4+1=5 | Salvage (LD 8 | lose mat) (+5 EXP)
ID 213108 | CD 5+1=6 | Salvage (LD 11 | keep mat) (+5 EXP)
ID 213109 | CD 5+1=6 | Salvage (LD 16 | keep mat) (+5 EXP)
ID 213110 | CD 9+1=10 | T1 rare polearm (+8 EXP)
ID 213111 | CD 8+1=9 | T1 uncommon polearm (+6 EXP)
ID 213112 | CD 12+1=13 | T1 perfect polearm (+11 EXP)

Cost: 4 materials

Rank5 blacksmith reached.

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Crafting rolls:

R5 Blacksmith (T5 gear max, 7 crafts/day - 6 from rank +1 from extended workshop)
Ambition Tool (+1 EXP per attempt)
Extended Workshop (+2 EXP per attempt)
Hephaestus' Hammer (+1 CD)

ID 213136 | CD 6+1=7 | T2 Uncommon Shield (+6 EXP)
ID 213137 | CD 1+1=2 | Failure, lose mat (+4 EXP)
ID 213138 | CD 8+1=9 | T2 Uncommon Shield (+6 EXP)
ID 213139 | CD 3+1=4 | Salvage (LD 19 | lkeep mat) (+5 EXP)
ID 213140 | CD 5+1=6 | Salvage (LD 12 | keep mat) (+5 EXP)
ID 213141 | CD 4+1=5 | Salvage (LD 11 | keep mat) (+5 EXP)
ID 213142 | CD 10+1=11 | T2 Rare Shield (+8 EXP)

Cost: 4 materials

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Crafting rolls:

R5 Blacksmith (T5 gear max, 7 crafts/day - 6 from rank +1 from extended workshop)
Ambition Tool (+1 EXP per attempt)
Extended Workshop (+2 EXP per attempt)
Hephaestus' Hammer (+1 CD)

ID 213143 | CD 4+1=5 | Salvage (LD 15 | keep mat) (+5 EXP)
ID 213144 | CD 7+1=8 | T2 Uncommon Weapon (1HSS) (+6 EXP)
ID 213145 | CD 11+1=12 | T2 Perfect Weapon (1HSS) (+11 EXP)
ID 213146 | CD 7+1=8 | T2 Uncommon Weapon (1HSS) (+6 EXP)
ID 213147 | CD 10+1=11 | T2 Rare Weapon (1HSS) (+8 EXP)
ID 213148 | CD 9+1=10 | T2 Rare Weapon (1HSS) (+8 EXP)
ID 213149 | CD 11+1=12 | T2 Perfect Weapon (1HSS) (+11 EXP)

Cost: 6 materials

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how did she get here? ugh, don't ask. but if you had to, she was lured in by the sign, and night would end it at that.

the player dragged herself in, her entrance lead first and foremost by nyanko, once the door opened. if there was a counter, he'd surely had hopped onto it, watching his owner warily with wide green eyes. not that she minded her familiar's gaze, but she was just as surprised that he knew of an active blacksmith. with a sigh, she turned to the operator present, hand ruffling her hair before she set down her items.

two swords, a shard, a scale, and 25k col.

"the donation's doubled if you can make this quick."

item fusion request:

shard and scales sent directly to banker.

memorabilia. | [#210658b] | TIER 4 STRAIGHT SWORD | ACC, BLD, VAMP-O
adjudicator. | [#212589] | TIER 4 DEMONIC STRAIGHT SWORD | ABS ACC, PARA-V, FLN II


adjudicator. | [#212589] | TIER 4 DEMONIC STRAIGHT SWORD | ABS ACC, VAMP-O, FLN II
[desc.]: a dense, black matte sword. it has a separated hilt from the blade, and a thin neck, both made out of glossy steel. black cloth wraps around its handle. there is a small round marble attached to part of its guard.

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"Oh!  Hello my little friend," Ren was covered in soot and sweat, as usual, his modest clothing signaling the extent of his recent efforts.  Simple linen, undyed and now largely stained, the pants were leather and both covered by a thick and practical apron.  "It's nice to see you both up this way.  Apologies for the lack of comfort and amenities.  I can offer you both water if you'd like."  Gesturing towards a large pail in the corner, the thing looked like it collected drippings from the vast collection of stalactites clinging to the cavern ceilings around Tomoika.  "This shouldn't take very long at all."

A shrill and sudden whistle summoned a regal spectral things from the exposed rafters overhead.  It whirled about the shop twice, too large for the space by its wingspan gathering speed, heat and intensity before shooting like a rocket directly into the open furnace grate.  The device instantly roared to life, gouts of purplish-blue fire soaring up into the shop where Ren was waiting with the tools and materials provided.  True to his word, the work was finished within mere minutes, thanks mostly to the inertia of the system's crafting algorithms.  

"There, just as requested.  A very fine blade, I might add.  I'm sure you'll be very pleased."  Jovial and lighthearted by nature, it wasn't until that moment that he realized how badly he'd neglected his manners.  "Oh, I'm Ren, by the way.  Happy to help you out in any way I can."  Wiping a grimy hand to minimal effect, he didn't look at all the part for his trade.  Tall and wiry, his build was lacking.  He looked plain, save the shock of sooty white hair half-hiding a pair of naively genuine-looking golden orbs.  




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all night could do was wince and scowl at the man, her eyes narrowing into a squint. really? she chewed at a cheek just as a throw-away towel was summoned, and nyanko beeped once at the blacksmith, as though for communication, though his words couldn't precisely be deciphered. with the cloth wrapped around her own hand, she shook ren's, noting how much grime there was on the rag after she'd pulled away. "pleased enough," was all she said, before pulling up her interface and dropping another sack of col onto the counter.

with adjudicator in hand, she headed towards the door, only giving him a brief, "thanks," before leaving, with an unease preventing her from chat.


adjudicator. | [#212589] | TIER 4 DEMONIC STRAIGHT SWORD | ABS ACC, VAMP-O, FLN II
[desc.]: a dense, black matte sword. it has a separated hilt from the blade, and a thin neck, both made out of glossy steel. black cloth wraps around its handle. there is a small round marble attached to part of its guard.

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Crafting rolls:

R5 Blacksmith (T5 gear max, 7 crafts/day - 6 from rank +1 from extended workshop)
Ambition Tool (+1 EXP per attempt)
Extended Workshop (+2 EXP per attempt)
Hephaestus' Hammer (+1 CD)

ID 213291 | CD 7+1=8 | T1 Uncommon Curved Sword (+6 EXP)
ID 213292 | CD 10+1=11 | T1 Rare Curved Sword (+8 EXP)
ID 213293 | CD 12+1=13 | T1 Perfect Curved Sword (+11 EXP)
ID 213294 | CD 6+1=7 | T1 Uncommon Curved Sword (+6 EXP
ID 213295 | CD 12+1=13 | T1 Perfect Curved Sword (+11 EXP)
ID 213296 | CD 1+1=2 | Failure (+4 EXP)
ID 213297 | CD 2+1=3 | Salvage (LD 1 | mat lost) (+5 EXP)

Cost: 7 materials

Rank 6 blacksmith reached.

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