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[F21 | R8 Blacksmith] The Knight Shift (Open)

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On todays shopping spree, basically just laying the ground work and checking out potential new talent, the woman musters into a soup kitchen no less. "I've heard great things..." Simmone mutters to Moro and Maru at her sides "Yet, again I find them stuck in some hole in the wall... What is this world coming to?" Moro just shrugs, to which Simmone cant help but rake the top of the NPC's head. All smiles between the two, as Maru starts to peak into a nearby pot. The pink haired girl lifts the pot lid and starts rapping on it with a spoon, as a makshift version of a bell.

Simmone pulls open her inventory and pulls out this gold rapier, clearly ornate or ceremonial. Setting it down where appropriate, she'd await a smith who could make it actually a weapon instead of a glorified prop.

Fusion Material | Using this Name

Name: Lady Luck's Hand - Atropos
Profession: Merchant
Rank: 5
Roll ID: See Above
Roll Result: See Above
Item Type: Rapier
Tier: 3
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Accuracy 1, Keen 1, AA
Post Link: Here
An elegant golden rapier, that might even allude to being simply for ceremonies. Well polished and does not tarnish, the thing gleams with a soft shine whenever there is a stroke of fortune.

Fusion Material (Crafted) | Using this Description

Name: Manufactured Blade
Profession: Blacksmith
Rank: 10
Roll ID:  
Roll Result:  
Item Type: Rapier
Tier: 3
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Accuracy 3
Post Link: Here
An elegant golden rapier with refined blade, what was once clearly only ceremonial has been turned into an actual weapon. Well polished and does not tarnish, the thing gleams with a soft shine whenever there is a stroke of good fortune. On the pommel, a brand of a singular longsword which denotes the maker

Final Result (Fusion):

Name: Lady Luck's Hand - Atropos
Profession: Blacksmith
Rank: 10
Roll ID:  
Roll Result:  
Item Type: Rapier
Tier: Tierless
Quality: Demonic
Enhancements: AA, Accuracy 3
Post Link: Here
An elegant golden rapier with refined blade, what was once clearly only ceremonial has been turned into an actual weapon. Well polished and does not tarnish, the thing gleams with a soft shine whenever there is a stroke of good fortune. On the pommel, a brand of a singular longsword which denotes the maker

A Small Fortune | 178 Materials
Fusion | 1 Demonic Shard + 1 Gleaming Scale

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Although the lad may have been no veteran, his hammer couldn't tell, and neither could any bystander admiring his craft. He made short work of the fusions - first combining two, then combining the third into the first fusion. It was over in a matter of minutes, an impressive feat considering the unexpected complexity of the arrangement. When all was said and done, he had a perfect batch of knives which gleamed vibrantly against the shop's signature warm hues.

"Impressive," Oz admitted with a pleased tone, picking up one of the blades and turning it over to inspect both sides. He gingerly pushed his thumb against one edge of the lancet and found no resistance, pulling the digit back to reveal a small red line where he'd expected unbroken skin. "I'll have to recommend you to some of my cohorts. Not doubt they'd be pleased to work with someone who clearly possesses a passion for their craft."

Oz's hunch had been correct. The man was the genuine article. All the better to manipulate down the line.

"I appreciate you working with me on this, thank you," the verdant-clad shifter concluded as he stowed the knives away where they wouldn't be seen. He removed the bucket hat from his dirty mop and placed it gently against his chest, taking a slight bow with all the grace and care of a drunk sea otter. "I'm sure we'll be doing business again soon."

With nothing else left to say, he turned to take his leave.

Oz Acquires:


Whispersting | T1 Perfect Weapon (Throwing Knives) | VO I | PVO II
"You won't even know you've been pierced. Not until I've gotten everything I wanted."
Fusion ID: 226275
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39172-rencesvals-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=684310


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Crafting rolls:

R8 Blacksmith (11 crafts/day - 9 from rank +1 from extended workshop +1 from Lucrative)
Ambition Tool (+1 EXP per attempt)
Ambition Food (+1 EXP/craft) | 170115-2
Extended Workshop (+2 EXP per attempt, +1 attempt/day)
Hephaestus' Hammer (+1 CD)
Lucrative (+2 EXP/craft, Salvage on LD 6+, +1 attempt/day)
Crafter's Respite | n/a

ID 226380 | CD 5+1=6 | LD 17 | T3 Uncommon Weapon (+9 EXP
ID 226381 | CD 3+1=4 | LD 10 | T3 Salvage (+8 EXP) - Keep mat
ID 226382 | CD 2+1=3 | LD 7 | T3 Salvage (+8 EXP) - Keep mat
ID 226383 | CD 3+1=4 | LD 15 | T3 Salvage (+8 EXP) - Keep mat
ID 226384 | CD 7+1=8 | LD 8 | T3Uncommon Weapon (+9 EXP
ID 226385 | CD 4+1=5 | LD 18 | T3 Uncommon Weapon (+9 EXP
ID 226386 | CD 12+1=13 | LD 1 | T3 Perfect Weapon (+13 EXP
ID 226387 | CD 5+1=6 | LD 7 | T3 Uncommon Weapon (+9 EXP
ID 226388 | CD 12+1=13 | LD 12 | T3 Perfect Weapon (+13 EXP
ID 226389 | CD 5+1=6 | LD 1 | T3 Uncommon Weapon (+9 EXP
ID 226390 | CD 8+1=9 | LD 13 | T3 Rare Weapon (+11 EXP)

Total Cost: 8 materials

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It was reasonable for most anyone to assume that Oz wouldn't return to the blacksmith for some indeterminate, oddball length of time. Such was the case in several similar happenstances across Aincrad. Visits to shops were infrequent and frenetic, and often for good reason. Once an Aincradian was sufficiently outfitted, they required little in the way of further purchases. Appraisers used to be the exception, until that bizarre update snatched the reigns away from them and placed it in Cardinal's clutches. Must have been that too many had discovered some sort of exploit.

At any rate, Oz wasn't want to let a good mark slip by.

"I'm back," his voice sounded again from beyond the counter, likely no more than an hour or two following his previous visit. "No special requests this time. I've come into more wares and want to push this weapon even further. Your particular set of talents came to mind again, and I figured I'd give you the first go at it."

He presented two armaments, followed by two Demonic Shards and one Gleaming Scale.

"Let's make something special."


Two Demonic Shards handed over to Rencesvals.

Submitting request to upgrade the quality of the following item (consumes 1 Demonic Shard):

Whispersting | T1 Perfect Weapon (Throwing Knives) | VO I | PVO II
"You won't even know you've been pierced. Not until I've gotten everything I wanted."
Fusion ID: 226275
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39172-rencesvals-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=684310


Whispersting | T1 Demonic Weapon (Throwing Knives) | VO I | PVO II | ACC I
"You won't even know you've been pierced. Not until I've gotten everything I wanted."
Fusion ID: 226275

Then, requesting to fuse the finished result with the following (consumes 1 Demonic Shard and 1 Gleaming Scale):

ID: 212642a (T1/Weapon/Perfect)
226241    Accuracy
226239    Vampiric (Offensive)
EoT   Accuracy
Equipment Type: Throwing Knives
Name: Soul Siphon (+2)
Description: "Indeed, one may believe they know their loved ones. Their essence. You don't really know someone until you've held their soul in the palm of your hand."


Whispersting | T1 Demonic Weapon (Throwing Knives) | VO II | PVO II
"You won't even know you've been pierced. Not until I've gotten everything I wanted."
Fusion ID: 


Edited by Oz
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Ren blinks, furtively, not really having a clue what is meant to be happening when a noble-looking lady and her two attendants wander into his smithy.  All are dressed for window shopping, rather than metal work.  At least, once they begin placing items and materials on various work tables, supplemented by a vast store of materials and some basic written instructions, he finally manages to get their gist.  

"Oh, uh.  Sure?  Yeah.  I can do this for you.  Bear with me just a few moments."  Returning minutes later with the work already done, the weapon is ready to be claimed, and protests offered for the sum they previously provided.  'What is going on today,' he wondered strictly to himself in his mind's eye.  Business was positively booming all of a sudden.  


Ren provides @Simmonewith:

Lady Luck's Hand - Atropos | T3 Demonic Weapon (Rapier) | AA, ACC III
An elegant golden rapier, that might even allude to being simply for ceremonies. Well polished and does not tarnish, the thing gleams with a soft shine whenever there is a stroke of fortune.
Fusion ID: 226392
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39172-rencesvals-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=684385

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The hamster wheel in his bleached brain has been spinning full out for far too long, but something struck Ren as odd at the funny hat's sudden return.  Squinting through a mildly furrowed brow and struggling through system-reinforced sleep depravation, the smith stared at Oz wondering if he was really there, or if his nut had finally cracked and he'd fallen head first into his own furnace.

"Weren't you just here asking to trade because you had no gleaming scales?"  Blinks that should have set off more alarm bells failed to do so. He was simply too tired.  "Right.  Special things make... and stuff... cuz... needed..."

The work was swift, despite intervening fatigue.  Somehow Ren even managed not to stab himself on the dangerous blade, ending up incapacitated.  

"Here you go, sir," he added, addled and exhausted. The forge was going cold behind him, his apprentices ushering him off to bed before he screwed anything up.  "We'll be re-opening in the morning, I think.  Good luck and goodnight."



Whispersting | T1 Demonic Weapon (Throwing Knives) | VO II | PVO II
"You won't even know you've been pierced. Not until I've gotten everything I wanted."
Fusion ID: 226394
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39172-rencesvals-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=684399

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"Weren't you just here asking to trade because you had no gleaming scales?"

"You misunderstand me, friend!" came Oz's boisterous reply, each syllable fed slowly through grinning teeth like gravel through a sieve. "I said I didn't have enough Gleaming Scales."

Perhaps it should have concerned the viridescent info broker that his newly minted bestest-ever blacksmith friend could hardly keep his eyes open. Perhaps, in fact, it would have worried most anyone else. But Oz wasn't the sort to burden himself with the plight of the tired and feeble, of which he simply assumed Rencesvals was neither. So long as he hits the mark, I'll get what I came for. The rest is only noise.

It seemed any would-be goodwill on Oz's part would have been misplaced either way. The boy succeeded! And shortly thereafter, the completed weapon had made its way into his inventory. "Well done again, I must say," he remarked in faux complimentary fashion. "It seems you have sleeping to do. How about I let you get to that."

Oz Acquires:


Whispersting | T1 Demonic Weapon (Throwing Knives) | VO II | PVO II
"You won't even know you've been pierced. Not until I've gotten everything I wanted."
Fusion ID: 226394
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39172-rencesvals-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=684399


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Oh god this was a mistake- god this was a mistake- mistake mistake mistake-

These were the thoughts going through the head of The Knight Shift’s newest customer, pushing through the door and flinching a little at some steam that blew into his face. He coughed as he looked to his side at the sign so proudly presented.

Someone had recommended this shop for players who needed basic equipment, and upon reading the sign he could tell why. Free stuff was always good, almost good enough to make this trip here worth it.

Well, almost. His hands were still shakier than a grandma with Parkinson’s, but he gulped down his fear and approached the player at the counter, clearing his throat to at least try and get a proper sentence out.

S-so I h-heard that you were the person to go t-to if I needed some new equipment… I w-was wondering if you’d be able tomake possiblyACURVEDSWORDANDSHIELDANDHEAVYARMORSOICANFINALLYFIGHTFORREAL-

He cut himself off when he realized he was yelling, and with an embarrassed look on his face he just sent a message request to the shopkeeper with what he wanted.

"T-This please..."

Order 1


Item Name | Angel Wings
Item Type | Weapon (Curved Sword)
Item Tier | 1 
Item Quality | Perfect
Draft Item Description | A White Khopesh with an Ebony black handle
Requested Enhancements | ACC II | Damage I

Order 2


Item Name | Cheese's Protection
Item Type | Heavy Armor
Item Tier | 1
Item Quality | Perfect
Draft Item Description | Steel-Plate Armor with a Cat's Paw as an insignia on the shoulder
Requested Enhancements | MIT III

Order 3


Item Name | Purpleheart
Item Type | Shield
Item Tier | 1
Item Quality | Perfect
Draft Item Description | A Steel Tower-Shield with Purple Swirling Highlights
Requested Enhancements | Paralyze | Thorns II


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It had been a while since he had paid Ren a visit. The blacksmith on Floor 21 had succeeded in making a name for himself by helping out the newer players with free gear. Wulfrin had even gotten his first few pieces here. They had served him well, but once he had finished setting up his own forge, Wulfrin tended to construct his own gear. The problem Wulfrin had run into as of late was the need to have a bit more umph put into his gear than he could currently provide. Without a reliable way to retrieve demonic shards for himself, Wulfrin simply worked off of a hunch that maybe the smith could help him out.

"Hey Ren," Wulfrin made himself known as he entered the establishment. "I've run into a small dilemma when getting my gear together in preparation for the raid. I've got two pieces of armor here that I'd like to make into one demonic level armor to maybe increase my chances of survival that much higher. Unfortunately I do not have the capabilities to harvest the necessary shards myself. I'm willing to put up some mats in exchange for your time and shard if you have one."

A notification hit his inbox, a message from Freyd.
“Nevermind. Sorry to take up your time.” Wulfrin apologized picking up his items. “Something’s come up and I’ve gotta tend to it. You can keep the mats though as thanks for all you did to help me get started!”

* * *

Donating: 10 Mats. Sent to Ren on 8/16/24

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"I can appreciate your desire for as much protection as possible," Ren offered to his latest, yet most notably nervous, customer.  "My instincts went the same way, when I started out."  A sooty thumb jerked over his shoulder to a set of purple armor in similar style and make to what Laika had requested.  "Trust your instincts and keep a handy trinket around.  Missing your attacks is more likely to get you killed than taking a few hits wearing this kind of shell."

Hefting sword and shield over the counter, Ren nodded as the man's brow furrowed, wondering what happened to the shield. 

"They're not that useful early on.  Go see NIGHT's shop in the Town of Beginnings and get yourself an accuracy trinket.  You'll thank me for the advice, I assure you.  And good luck out there, friend.  Come back when you need an upgrade.  I'll be here."  


Ren gives @Laika:

Angel Wings | T1 Perfect Weapon (Curved Sword) | DMG III
A white khopesh with an ebony black handle.
Fusion ID: 226679
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39172-rencesvals-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=684552

Cheese's Protection | T1 Perfect Heavy Armor | MIT III
Steel plate armor with a cat's paw as in insignia on the shoulder
Fusion ID:  226680
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39172-rencesvals-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=684552

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Star waltzed into The Knight Shift unannounced, midway through his shopping trip. He was mostly in the market for generic goods (his cupboards at home were rather bare), but stopped in for a quick weapon fusion. "Hey, how're things?" He greeted Ren, who appeared to be hard at work.

"If you have the time, would you mind combining these two swords together? Need to move the unique over," Star explained, placing two straight swords on the counter.

"Thanks, I'll come back in a bit. Got a few more errands to run. What would you say the ETA is on a fusion like this?"

Quick Fusion:


Fusing two weapons:

laurel straight sword. | [#221252] | TIER 4 PERFECT STRAIGHT SWORD | ACC III
[desc.]: A longsword with precise thickness and length. Brass is used along the hilt in conjunction with silver. The at the center of the cross guard is a small phoenix, the sigil of Sentinel Armaments, encircled by the Laurel Wreath, a symbol of victory in the ages of the Ancient Greeks and Romans. From the center, the arms of the cross guard extend outward as beautifully crafted brass vineyard leaves and silver grape vines.

Vision +5 | [#225876c] | TIER 4 PERFECT STRAIGHT SWORD | AA, Taunt, ACC
[desc.]: Among the lightest great swords you will find, it is made from titanium and encrusted with sapphires.

To create:

laurel straight sword. | [#221252] | TIER 4 DEMONIC STRAIGHT SWORD | AA, ACC III
[desc.]: A longsword with precise thickness and length. Brass is used along the hilt in conjunction with silver. The at the center of the cross guard is a small phoenix, the sigil of Sentinel Armaments, encircled by the Laurel Wreath, a symbol of victory in the ages of the Ancient Greeks and Romans. From the center, the arms of the cross guard extend outward as beautifully crafted brass vineyard leaves and silver grape vines.

-1 Demonic Shard, -1 Gleaming Scale


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Ren hardly batted an eye, his head tilting to scan the length of the fuller on the first, twisting and turning it to gauge the trueness of its edge.  Returning it to the workbench with surprising care, given its intended purpose. Repeating the process with the second sword, he spent extra time examining the weight of the pommel.  Something about the smirk upon his face signaled that something might be off.

"Give me five minutes."

True to his word, Ren returned almost immediately, face beaming with pride and gratitude that his instincts had proven right.

"What can I say?  I've been getting plenty of practice lately."  


Ren provides Morningstar:

laurel straight sword. | [#221252] | TIER 4 DEMONIC STRAIGHT SWORD | AA, ACC III
[desc.]: A longsword with precise thickness and length. Brass is used along the hilt in conjunction with silver. The at the center of the cross guard is a small phoenix, the sigil of Sentinel Armaments, encircled by the Laurel Wreath, a symbol of victory in the ages of the Ancient Greeks and Romans. From the center, the arms of the cross guard extend outward as beautifully crafted brass vineyard leaves and silver grape vines.
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39172-rencesvals-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=684638

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Five minutes. Not quite enough time to run an errand. Morningstar decided he would stay and take a look around the shop while he waited. Admittedly, he was curious to see if Ren could truly complete the fusion in such a small frame of time.

When he returned with the sword, Morningstar was impressed. "I think that was four minutes. Not bad," he said, impressed. "Thanks."

The laurel straight sword looked about the same, but the system could confirm that the set of enhancements had been upgraded. It was the perfect grinding weapon. He left the shop in a hurry.


star collects:

laurel straight sword. | [#221252] | TIER 4 DEMONIC STRAIGHT SWORD | AA, ACC III
[desc.]: A longsword with precise thickness and length. Brass is used along the hilt in conjunction with silver. The at the center of the cross guard is a small phoenix, the sigil of Sentinel Armaments, encircled by the Laurel Wreath, a symbol of victory in the ages of the Ancient Greeks and Romans. From the center, the arms of the cross guard extend outward as beautifully crafted brass vineyard leaves and silver grape vines.
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39172-rencesvals-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=684638

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Here he was again - this time to exhaust the final Gleaming Scale that he had in his possession. It was a worthwhile pursuit, in that it would likely permit him to acquire more of the precious materials he'd been burning through lately. Indeed, it turned out it hadn't been a lie when he originally told Ren he didn't have enough Gleaming Scales. 

"Back again," he announced with a beaming visage as he strode into the warmly lit forge once more. "Might be the last time you see me for a bit. This is the last Gleaming Scale I've got. Need these two shields fused into something neat, and I happen to know you're the one who can do the trick. Fancy whipping up some more gear for this old, defenseless coot?"

He placed his final Gleaming Scale up for offer, alongside the shields in question.


Submitting request to fuse the following items (consumes 1 Gleaming Scale):

ID: 225124 (T1/Shield/Rare)
226228    Flame Aura
226229    Paralyze
Equipment Type: Shield
Name: Kindle's Wrath (+2)
Description: "And if it doesn't, I'll hurt them more than they hurt me."


Name: Wicked Aspis
Your Profession: Blacksmith
Your Rank: 4
ID: 111922
Roll: 10
Item Type: Shield
Tier: 1
Quality: Rare
Enhancements: Thorns 2
Description: The edges of this shield are honed to deadly edges and any enemy trying to hurt the wielder is likely to get cut badly.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17427-f09-blacksmith-shoprank-5-blacksmith-the-skyforge/?do=findComment&comment=567947


Kindle's Wrath | T1 Perfect Shield | Flame Aura I | Thorns II
"And if it doesn't, I'll hurt them more than they hurt me."
Fusion ID: 


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"Ah!  Mister Oz.  How nice to see you again.  You've certainly been keeping me busy of late.  Let's see what we have to work on today."  Retrieving the proffered goods, Ren examined each in turn, spinning and turning them round to gauge how best to combine their different elements.  Tiny imperfections could mar the merging process, and he'd built a reputation that now needed to be maintained. 

"Shouldn't be a problem.  Though I suppose this means you'll be heading back out to grind another dozen waves of mobs into paste, if you're out of scales.  Throwing knives and shields also make for strange pairings.  Are you looking for a novel build, or making for a friend?"

Disassembling the items and recombining their desired parts was a slightly magical process to behold, excess materials turning to dust as it was discarded.  Somehow one item always managed to maintain its integrity while the other fell away.

"This should about do it, I think.  And not so defenseless at all, but mum's the word."  A knowing wink and the goods were returned to their owner with naught but a wry grin to follow.

Ren gives @Oz:

Kindle's Wrath | T1 Perfect Shield | Flame Aura I | Thorns II
"And if it doesn't, I'll hurt them more than they hurt me."
Fusion ID: 226921
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39172-rencesvals-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=684729

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"Very much appreciated, Ren," Oz mumbled as he looked the finished product over. A fiery aura imbued into the equipment strangely didn't burn him as he held it - a trait he hoped wouldn't extend to his enemies. "Temporary arrangement," he admitted, "This gear would only serve me for the next level or two. Just enough time to get my hands on more materials, I'd think." He gave the shield a good swing, its sharp edges whistling as they sliced through the air. "I'm frail, you know. In my old age. Best to bring protection."

He stowed the new artifact in his inventory and offered the young blacksmith a wave. "You've been invaluable."

Oz acquires:


Kindle's Wrath | T1 Perfect Shield | Flame Aura I | Thorns II
"And if it doesn't, I'll hurt them more than they hurt me."
Fusion ID: 226921
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39172-rencesvals-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=684729


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hanzoku limps into the smithy, impressed as always by how busy it is in here. Not too surprising - the master smith in charge was both friendly and skilled, and it turned into a steady supply of customers.

Once it is his turn at the counter, he summons his gear from the inventory, the mangled masses of metal landing with a dull thud on the counter top. His sword is cracked and chipped down its whole length, and his shield is worried and ragged, many of the spikes snapped off or shorn away. The heavy plate armor is the worst though, bearing gouges and claw marks that ripped through the heavy steel like tinfoil, and despite vigorous cleaning, the metal is stained by something dark that was splashed and sprayed over his armor.

"Sorry for not taking better care of your work - but whatever the hell I ran into was determined to kill me, and they gave their lives defending mine." he apologized, rubbing gingerly at a bandage on his forearm, one of many covering the majority of his visible skin.

"That said, I'm hoping to commission a new set from you. I hit Tier 2 from that fight, so I was thinking mythril plate this time. I picked up the trick of the damage enchantment, so if my sword provides a boost to accuracy, I can do some real damage. And as for my shield - well, the thorns of the old one were really helpful. so I was thinking more of the same - and if I need a shield, taunting whatever I'm fighting makes sense." he explained as he handed over the filled out order forms.

"I'm not sure if the materials cost is different for Tier 2 items then Tier 1. Let me know what you need and I'll happily pay the price."

Item Name: Edge of Focus
Item Type: Straight Sword
Item Tier: Tier I
Item Quality: Perfect
Draft Item Description: A perfectly balanced bastard sword, with a hilt long enough to grasp with one hand or two.
Requested Enhancements: ACC III

Item Name: Knight's Determination
Item Type: Heavy Armor
Item Tier: Tier II
Item Quality: Perfect
Draft Item Description: A reforged suit of armor, incorporating mithril to enhance its qualities. Some impurity in the original metal has stained it a dull grey.
Requested Enhancements: MIT III

Item Name: Spiteful Bulwark
Item Type: Shield
Item Tier: Tier II
Item Quality: Perfect
Draft Item Description: a heavy shield with a snarling visage worked into its surface. It challenges enemies to strike, then its spikes punish them for doing so.
Requested Enhancements: THORNS II / TAUNT

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"Then they served their purpose," Ren replied, a beaming soot-stained smile returned from across the pile of trashed gear unceremoniously dumped on his doorstep.  The man had no illusions about his trade or the state in which it might end up.  "I make tools to help people survive.  The tools themselves can and should be sacrificed, if necessary, because the people cannot - must not."  

Grabbing a nearby wrought iron ladle, beaten and battered brutally into shape, Ren scooped it into a nearby barrel and poured its contents over his own head.  Steam and sizzle followed, as if the man were working the forges of Hell itself, yet doing so gladly.

"There will be no charge.  I do this for the cause, and not reward, and have reliable backers to assist with the expenses.  Thank others by helping them the same way, when the opportunity arises."  Gathering the order script, he nodded as he read, already plotting out his plans and how best to make them meet his customer's needs.  "Give me a bit."

It didn't take long.  Within a day, a message was issued back to Hanzoku informing him that his goods were ready for pickup.


Rencesvals gives @Hanzoku

Edge of Focus | T2 Perfect Weapon (Straight Sword) | ACC III
A perfectly balanced bastard sword, with a hilt long enough to grasp with one hand or two.
Crafting ID: 213149
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39172-rencesvals-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=685798

Knight's Determination | T2 Perfect Armor (Heavy) | MIT III
A reforged suit of armor, incorporating mithril to enhance its qualities. Some impurity in the original metal has stained it a dull grey.
Fusion ID: 229073
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39172-rencesvals-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=685798

Spiteful Bulwark | T2 Perfect Shield | Thorns II, Taunt
A heavy shield with a snarling visage worked into its surface. It challenges enemies to strike, then its spikes punish them for doing so.
Fusion ID: 229075
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39172-rencesvals-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=685798

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Having not been shopping before, he wanted to explore various places. Eventually, players had directed him to this particular shop that would help out new players. Hands would push open the door and he would glance over to the shop keep. He had noticed there was also an order form while the blacksmith was hammering away. He would clear his throat a bit as he didn't wish to disturb the blacksmith. "Perdon, Senor." He would take the pencil and start scribbling down the information needed to get the specifications.


Item Name: Spear of Strength
Item Type: One-Handed Spear
Item Tier: Tier 1
Item Quality: Perfect
Draft Item Description: Silver handled spear with a red glow on the tip of the spear.
Requested Enhancements: DMG 3

Item Name: Odins Chest Piece

Item Type: Heavy Armor
Item Tier: Tier 1
Item Quality: Perfect
Draft Item Description: Black chest piece with an eerie glow
Requested Enhancements: MIT 3

He soon placed the paperwork in the submission and smiled awkwardly since his face didn't seem to fit a smile. "I hope this is suitable, amigo." He would brush his hair out of his face. 

Edited by Escudo de Protection
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Notice was issued promptly upon the works' completion, Ren opting to place orders before sleep.  The very thought that someone might get injured, or worse, though his own negligence or laziness haunted the man to this day.

"Not on my watch," he'd told his apprentices as they headed home for the night, trying to convince him to do the same.  "Whether at the forge or in the field, my duties are the same.  A shield made here can be as valuable as holding my own between companions and the mobs that assail them.  Arguably moreso, as it places more defenders in play to serve as sentinels."

It was near midnight by the time the work was done, but what would that even mean in a subterranean floor devoid of sunlight.  He'd just had an extra long shift.

"Here you are, my friend."  Weary, but satisfied, Ren passed the packages over to his patron with thanks.  "And good luck to you out there."


Rencesvals gives @Escudo de Protection

Spear of Strength | T1 Perfect Weapon (Polearm) | DMG III
Silver handled spear with a red glow on the tip of the spear.
Fusion ID: 229232
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39172-rencesvals-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=685861

Odin's Chestpiece | T1 Perfect Armor (Heavy) | MIT III
Black chest piece with an eerie glow.
Fusion ID: 229233
Source:  https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39172-rencesvals-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=685861

Edited by Rencesvals
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