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[F21 | R8 Blacksmith] The Knight Shift (Open)

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Crafting rolls:

R6 Blacksmith (T5 gear max, 8 crafts/day - 7 from rank +1 from extended workshop)
Ambition Tool (+1 EXP per attempt)
Extended Workshop (+2 EXP per attempt)
Hephaestus' Hammer (+1 CD)

ID 213323 | CD 4+1=5 | Salvage (LD 3 | lose mat) (+5 EXP)
ID 213324 | CD 8+1=9 | T1 Uncommon Rapier (+6 EXP)
ID 213325 | CD 3+1=4 | Salvage (LD 3 | lose mat) (+5 EXP)
ID 213326 | CD 7+1=8 | T1 Uncommon Rapier (+6 EXP)
ID 213327 | CD 1+1=2 | Failure (+4 EXP)
ID 213328 | CD 11+1=12 | T1 Perfect Rapier (+11 EXP)
ID 213329 | CD 1+1=2 | Failure (+4 EXP
ID 213330 | CD 5+1=6 | T1 Uncommon Rapier (+6 EXP)

Cost: 8 materials

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Crafting rolls:

R6 Blacksmith (8 crafts/day - 7 from rank +1 from extended workshop)
Ambition Tool (+1 EXP per attempt)
Extended Workshop (+2 EXP per attempt)
Hephaestus' Hammer (+1 CD)

ID 213345 | CD 6+1=7 |  T1 Uncommon Rapier  (+6 EXP)
ID 213346 | CD 1+1=2 | Failure (+4 EXP)
ID 213347 | CD 10+1=11 | T1 Rare Rapier (+8 EXP)
ID 213348 | CD 1+1=2 | Failure (+4 EXP)
ID 213349 | CD 10+1=11 | T1 Rare Rapier (+8 EXP)
ID 213350 | CD 9+1=10 | T1 Rare Rapier (+8 EXP)
ID 213351 | CD 4+1=5 | Salvage (LD 3 | lose mat) (+5 EXP)

Cost: 8 materials

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Crafting rolls:

R6 Blacksmith (8 crafts/day - 7 from rank +1 from extended workshop)
Ambition Tool (+1 EXP per attempt)
Extended Workshop (+2 EXP per attempt)
Hephaestus' Hammer (+1 CD)

ID 213409 | CD 6+1=7 | T1 Uncommon Claws (+6 EXP)
ID 213410 | CD 7+1=8 | T1 Uncommon Claws (+6 EXP)  
ID 213411 | CD 8+1=9 | T1 Uncommon Claws (+6 EXP)
ID 213412 | CD 7+1=8 | T1 Uncommon Claws (+6 EXP)
ID 213413 | CD 6+1=7 | T1 Uncommon Claws (+6 EXP)
ID 213414 | CD 4+1=5 | Salvage (LD 11 | keep mat) (+5 EXP)
ID 213415 | CD 7+1=8 | T1 Uncommon Claws (+6 EXP)

Cost: 6 materials

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Crafting rolls:

R6 Blacksmith (8 crafts/day - 7 from rank +1 from extended workshop)
Ambition Tool (+1 EXP per attempt)
Extended Workshop (+2 EXP per attempt)
Hephaestus' Hammer (+1 CD)

ID 213485 | CD 2+1=3 | Salvage (LD 16 | keep mat) (+5 EXP)
ID 213487 | CD 4+1=5 | Salvage (LD 19 | keep mat) (+5 EXP)
ID 213490 | CD 1+1=2 | Failure (+4 EXP)
ID 213491 | CD 6+1=7 |  T2 Uncommon Dagger (+6 EXP)
ID 213492 | CD 5+1=6 | T2 Uncommon Dagger (+6 EXP
ID 213493 | CD 8+1=9 | T2 Uncommon Dagger (+6 EXP)
ID 213494 | CD 11+1=12 | T2 Perfect Dagger (+11 EXP)

Cost: 5 materials

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"Hey kid.  Good to see you again."  Freyd sauntered into The Knight Shift from a back corner that shouldn't have connected to anything.  "I've got a few favours to ask and figured that my apple fee covered the down payment."  Several parcels materialized from thin air onto Rencesvals' work bench, each carefully wrapped and labeled.  "There's some rush, but not tremendously.  I need these soon, I guess is what I mean."  Looking the blacksmith up and down for a moment, you could practically see the wheels turning behind the cowl.  "There might be a few other things that could benefit from your assistance.  Actually, forget what I said before: this is a rush job.  Because, as soon as you're done with it, you're coming with me."

Ren was still struggling with where the man had come from, let alone processing the whirlwind of machinations that followed.  The best he could manage was a slow and uncertain nod, wondering just what he was getting into this time.





PH - VD armor 1
PH - VD armor 2

Cost: 1 gleaming shard, 1 demonic


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While wandering around the shops on the 21st floor, Enzo stumbled upon this smithy, a long journey from the beginning floor indeed. What could have brought this fellow into this shop? To buy equipment! In the midst of his exploration, a thought suddenly popped into his head… His lack of equipment. Distracted by his exploration, for a moment, he forgot what he was supposed to be doing, and that is to get stronger and clear the other floors with strong people. He thought he would need strong equipment before he starts to level up to lessen the risk of DYING in-game, which also means dying in real life. With much col to spend from the Starter Package, he decided to buy an armour set and enhancement for his sword. With a clear objective in mind, he entered the shop and went straight to the counter as the smell of smoke entered his nose as well, still feeling weird about how the nerve gear can be so accurate and how he can smell things as if they were real. 


"I would like to have my starting equipment made, a Rare 1 Handed Straight Sword, if possible, I'd like you to add enchantments to them, 2 slots of the Damage enhancement and to top it off, a light armour set, if it is crafted with an empty slot, add a Mitigation enhancement on it. That's all. How much will each of these cost? "


Talking at a moderate speed, making sure the blacksmith got it all on one go. 



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Crafting rolls:

R6 Blacksmith (8 crafts/day - 7 from rank +1 from extended workshop)
Ambition Tool (+1 EXP per attempt)
Extended Workshop (+2 EXP per attempt)
Hephaestus' Hammer (+1 CD)

ID 213572 | CD 8+1=9 | T1 Uncommon Light Armor (+6 EXP)
ID 213573 | CD 6+1=7 | T1 Uncommon Light Armor (+6 EXP)
ID 213574 | CD 7+1=8 | T1 Uncommon Light Armor (+6 EXP)
ID 213575 | CD 4+1=5 | Salvage (LD 4 | lose mat) (+5 EXP)
ID 213576 | CD 4+1=5 | Salvage (LD 17 | keep mat) (+5 EXP)
ID 213577 | CD 7+1=8 | T1 Uncommon Light Armor (+6 EXP)
ID 213578 | CD 11+1=12 | T1 Perfect 1HSS (+11 EXP)

Cost: 6 materials

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Crafting rolls:

R6 Blacksmith (8 crafts/day - 7 from rank +1 from extended workshop)
Ambition Tool (+1 EXP per attempt)
Extended Workshop (+2 EXP per attempt)
Hephaestus' Hammer (+1 CD)

ID 213805 | CD 5+1=6 | T4 Uncommon Light Armor (+6 EXP)
ID 213806 | CD 10+1=11 | T4 Rare Light Armor (+8 EXP)
ID 213807 | CD 8+1=9 | T4 Uncommon Light Armor (+6 EXP)
ID 213808 | CD 6+1=7 | T4 Uncommon Light Armor (+6 EXP)
ID 213809 | CD 8+1=9 | T4 Uncommon Light Armor (+6 EXP)
ID 213810 | CD 7+1=8 | T4 Uncommon Light Armor (+6 EXP)
ID 213811 | CD 1+1=2 | Failure (+4 EXP)

Cost: 7 materials

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The small samurai entered the shop with interest, she had wanted to stop by after a friend told her of the place. At first glace the place definitely seemed well worked in, however to any hard working crafter that would pose as a good sign. It meant the person that ran the shop was no slacker by any means. At that Katoka walked up to the front counter and called out, "Hello? Ren right? Freyd sent me, said he knows you. I'm sure you remember him, tall brooding, has a hood up like a hooligan. Anyways he said you were the man to see about some armor and I have a spooking looking shard that would make it extra special, you up for the sale?"

Opening up her inventory and scrolling through, she placed the Demonic Shard on the counter along with a slip of paper with the enhancements she was hoping for, "Thank in advance kid!"


Item Name: Oni Haori
Item Type: Light Armor
Item Tier: 4
Item Quality: Demonic
Draft Item Description: An exquisitely crafted traditional Japanese haori. The cloth is silky soft the to touch, yet will not rip or tear easy. The fablic itself was blessed by a priest while the inks used to dye the patterns on the outside were made using the blood of high ranking Oni Warlords on the upper floors. 
Requested Enhancements: MIT 2, REC 2


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Crafting rolls:

R6 Blacksmith (8 crafts/day - 7 from rank +1 from extended workshop)
Ambition Tool (+1 EXP per attempt)
Extended Workshop (+2 EXP per attempt)
Hephaestus' Hammer (+1 CD)

ID 213905 | CD 3+1=4 | Salvage (LD 6 | lose mat) (+5 EXP)
ID 213906 | CD 11+1=12 | T4 Perfect Light Armor (+11 EXP)
ID 213907 | CD 11+1=12 | T4 Perfect Light Armor (+11 EXP
ID 213908 | CD 2+1=3 | Salvage (LD 6 | lose mat) (+5 EXP)
ID 213909 | CD 9+1=10 | T4 Rare Light Armor (+8 EXP)
ID 213910 | CD 10+1=11 | T4 Rare Light Armor (+8 EXP)
ID 213911 | CD 12+1=13 | T4 Perfect Light Armor (+11 EXP)

Cost: 7 materials

R7 Blackmithing reached

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A pleasant, friendly smile, seemingly permanently affixed to his features, Ren thanked @Katokafor the order and immediately pulled a broad assortment of materials from all around the shop.  Each was quickly added to the rest and within a matter of minutes the order was already complete.  Though it had barely been a matter of weeks since The Knight Shift opened, its proprietor had been working relentlessly to perfect his trade.  

"Here you go miss.  Thank you for your business and send my compliments to our common friend.  He's... an unusual fellow."  Ren's golden eyes smiled as he laughed, sooty white hair bobbing as his whole body seemed to join in.  

"Be sure to come again!"


Item provided to @Katoka

Name: Oni Haori
ID: 213906
Roll: CD12
Item Type: Light Armor
Tier: 4
Quality: Demonic
Enhancements: MIT 2, REC 2
Description: "An exquisitely crafted traditional Japanese haori. The cloth is silky soft the to touch, yet will not rip or tear easy. The fabric itself was blessed by a priest while the inks used to dye the patterns on the outside were made using the blood of high ranking Oni Warlords on the upper floors."
Post Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39172-rencesvals-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=673764

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"I have another one for you, Ren."  So many trips to this one shop of late, but with Tristram Steel silent, Freyd had little choice.  "This piece is especially sentimental.  I know you pour your heart into each one and so needn't ask for your best."  Ren collected the script and reviewed, noting how detailed the specifications were, right down to tailored measurements.

"And, If she ever comes asking you how I got those, just tell her you have no idea."

Ren's brow furrowed.  "But, I'm not even sure who we're talking about."

"Exactly!"  Freyd replied, clapping his hands excitedly.  "Just like that.  You're a natural!"

Something clattered loudly on the far side of the forge.  By the time Ren returned his gaze, his customer was gone, only to pop his head back in through the main door.

"Oh, and charge it to my tab."


Vanity Tag: @Elora

Cost: 1 demonic shard


Item Name: Defense Mechanism
Item Type: Light Armor
Item Tier: T4 
Item Quality: Perfect
Draft Item Description: An armored set of obsidian-colored greaves, gauntlets, and breastplate. The smooth outer rims of each curvaceous segment are purposely interrupted by decorative spikes. Comparable to the thorns of a rose, they seem to suggest a level of care is to be taken before approaching its wearer.
Requested Enhancements: MIT 2, REC 1

Upgrade to demonic shard and increase to MIT 2, REC 2.


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Crafting rolls:

R7 Blacksmith (9 crafts/day - 8 from rank +1 from extended workshop)
Ambition Tool (+1 EXP per attempt)
Extended Workshop (+2 EXP per attempt)
Hephaestus' Hammer (+1 CD)

ID 213983 | CD 3+1=4 | Salvage (LD 16 | keep mat) (+5 EXP)
ID 213984 | CD 5+1=6 | T1 Uncommon 1HSS (+6 EXP)
ID 213985 | CD 10+1=11 | T1 Rare 1HSS (+8 EXP)
ID 213986 | CD 5+1=6 | T1 Uncommon 1HSS (+6 EXP)
ID 213987 | CD 7+1=8 | T1 Uncommon 1HSS (+6 EXP)
ID 213988 | CD 10+1=11 | T1 Rare 1HSS (+8 EXP)
ID 213989 | CD 5+1=6 | T1 Uncommon 1HSS (+6 EXP)
ID 213990 | CD 12+1=13 | T1 Perfect 1HSS (+11 EXP)
ID 213991 | CD 9+1=10 | T1 Rare 1HSS (+8 EXP)

Cost: 8 materials

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Packages ready and bundled for receipt, Ren immediately notified his customers for pickup.

To: @Enzo

From: Rencesvals

Your weapon and armor are ready to be collected at your convenience.  Please swing by the shop whenever you have a moment.  I trust that they will suit your needs.  As is our custom at The Knight Shift, there is no charge for equipment provided to new adventurers.  

P.S.  Please also let me know if you have need of assistance on any quests.  I've been told that I make an adequately sturdy meat shield.

Items provided to Enzo:


Delulu #1 (Abyssal Blade) | T1 Perfect Weapon (1HSS) | DMG 3
Crafting ID 213578 | A straight sword with an all black blade and a leather-wrapped handle. 
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39172-rencesvals-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=673812

Delulu #2 (Light Armor) | T1 Perfect Light Armor | MIT 2, REC 1
Crafting ID 213982 | A black leather suit with white hood and trim.
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39172-rencesvals-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=673812

To: @Freyd

From: Ren

Your special order is ready.  I hope it doesn't disappoint.


Item provided to Freyd:


Defense Mechanism | T4 Demonic Light Armor | MIT 2, REC 2
Crafting ID: 213911 | An armored set of obsidian-colored greaves, gauntlets, and breastplate. The smooth outer rims of each curvaceous segment are purposely interrupted by decorative spikes. Comparable to the thorns of a rose, they seem to suggest a level of care is to be taken before approaching its wearer.
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39172-rencesvals-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=673812


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"Always a pleasure, my friend.  I'm sure that she will appreciate this and your fine craftsmanship."  Turning to leave, the Whisper paused.  "That reminds me.  There is another matter in which I may require your assistance, though this one if of a more combative nature.  Interested?"

Ren, who'd already begun working on another project, ceased his rhythmic pounding of hammer on anvil.  Their last outing was both heart-racing and extremely educational.

"I am interested.  Where shall I meet you this time?" 

Hook snared, Freyd offered a wry grin and the rap of his spider-like fingers against the timber jamb of the shop door.  "I'll send you details shortly.  It's a bit of a rush job, I'm afraid."


Freyd collects:

Defense Mechanism | T4 Demonic Light Armor | MIT 2, REC 2
Crafting ID: 213911 | An armored set of obsidian-colored greaves, gauntlets, and breastplate. The smooth outer rims of each curvaceous segment are purposely interrupted by decorative spikes. Comparable to the thorns of a rose, they seem to suggest a level of care is to be taken before approaching its wearer.
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39172-rencesvals-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=673812

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"Free of charge? Nice" He muttered to himself as he went up the counter to collect his newly crafted equipment. "Thank you for your service, you seem like a great blacksmith. Expect me to come back here every once in a while for more crafting and enhancing. I trust that you will not let me down with these items you made." 


He collected the items and scrolled through his inventory to equip them. He took a good grip at the handle and smiled softly. The handle felt comfortable to his hand and was excited to try it out. The armor also fit him perfectly and got it just how he wanted them to look like. Overall, Enzo was very contented with what he had for his starting equipment and felt like he could defeat all enemies. "A great craftsman indeed!" He gives Rencesvals a thumbs up. "Well, I should go now, thank you again" He walks out of the shop with great pleasure, ready to start his journey. 




Collected Items:


Delulu #1 (Abyssal Blade) | T1 Perfect Weapon (1HSS) | DMG 3

Crafting ID 213578 | A straight sword with an all black blade and a leather-wrapped handle. 

Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39172-rencesvals-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=673812


Delulu #2 (Light Armor) | T1 Perfect Light Armor | MIT 2, REC 1

Crafting ID 213982 | A black leather suit with white hood and trim.

Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39172-rencesvals-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=673812


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Vanessa confirmed that she had finally made it to her destination with the sign in front of her and peeped through the blinds of the shop. Is this really going to happen or am I having my leg pulled? There was no reason for the kind soul at Freyd Edges to pull one over her, especially after giving her such a head start. She calmly took a breath, preparing herself before she would enter. Maybe I can get some equipment that better fits my needs... It was a long shot, but there was no way on Aincrad that she could turn this opportunity down.

Opening the door, she quietly observed the surroundings. This shop felt quite cozy, but she felt as if she was being singed by the smell in the air somehow. She made her way up to the counter, but not before being distracted by a couple of the pieces showcased on display. They were well above her tier, equipment that she could not even bear to wield yet even if she wanted to. It certainly made her feel behind the curve, but everyone had to start from somewhere. She pipped up and politely asked for her ideal gear, "Excuse me, are you Ren? I was sent here by a gentleman named Freyd. He said I could put some stuff on his tab, I'm assuming the two of you are good friends...? I was looking for some bulky armor, something to make sure I can survive no matter what challenges I come across. I'm also in need of a sharp one-handed straight sword and a strong shield." She let out a small sigh, hoping that this wouldn't put too much on Freyd's bill with all he's done for her so far. "I've never really been out in the wild so I want to be prepared."


Order Request:


Item Name: Malignant Blade
Item Type: One-Handed Straight Sword
Item Tier: 1
Item Quality: Perfect
Draft Item Description: A fairly simple sword mounted on a black hit with guard, containing an amethyst within the pommel.
Requested Enhancements: Damage (3)

Item Name: Unyielding Bastion
Item Type: Heavy Armor
Item Tier: 1
Item Quality: Perfect
Draft Item Description: A shining set of silver knight's armor, thick and durable. It bears some ornate, curved etchings for flair, but does not have any particular theme. The full helm has large slits for visibility, but can be latched upwards for a better view.
Requested Enhancements: Mitigation (3)

Item Name: Barbed Rose
Item Type: Shield
Item Tier: 1
Item Quality: Perfect
Draft Item Description: A medium-sized metal shield bearing a red rose crest on an eggplant background with a wine colored metallic edging.
Requested Enhancements: Thorns (2),  Taunt (1)


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The Knight Shift's heavy oak door slammed shut behind @Van as she entered and delivered her polite introductions.  Freyd was also revealed to Ren, who spotted him over the woman's shoulder with widening eyes.  The Whisper did have a habit of just showing up at the strangest times, and quite frequently in his shop of late.  A deliberate cough revealed his presence as he casually sauntered up to join the conversation.  

"Good choices, don't you think, Ren?"  The blacksmith looked both stunned and confused as to why Freyd would send her here, then also show up himself.  Freyd nodded 'yes', prompting the man's addled brain to restart while also agreeing with him.  "You might also try an accuracy 3 trinket from The Evening Star.  @NIGHT, the proprietor is quite busy at the moment, but she tends to be among the best stocked artisans around."  Pausing, he gently laid two pair of wraps on the counter, a certain careful reverence clear in his manner.  

Sparing a moment to scrawl a quick script and transfer payment, The Whisper in Shadows then turned to resume whatever other business he might be about and made for the exit.

"You're in good hands, my dear," he offered to Van, followed by a respectful nod to Ren.  "See you both around."


Placing fusion order:



Hope's Covenant - Resolve +4 (T4 Perfect Weapon (MA) - AA, Phase, Para)
Acquisition ID [201052a] | Roll ID: 214230, 214231, 214232 | Reroll IDs: 214233, 214234, 214235, 214236
Worn and beaten handwraps stained red with blood and brutal necessity then tempered by the scent of blossoms and the pure silence and clarity of the frozen morn.  They look to have once been part of a larger garment since adapted to another's use and legacy.


Deathgrip +4 (T4 Perfect Weapon (MA) - Frostbite, VO, ACC)
Acquisition ID [201035b] | Roll ID: 214188, 214189, 214190 | Reroll IDs: 214191, 214192, 214193, 214194
Frigid blue-black gloves that steam and crackle like ice in warm air.

to produce:

Hope's Covenant - Resolve +4 (T4 Demonic Weapon (MA) - AA, Phase, Frostbite, VO)
Fusion ID (tbd)
Worn and beaten handwraps stained red with blood and brutal necessity then tempered by the scent of blossoms and the pure silence and clarity of the frozen morn.  They look to have once been part of a larger garment since adapted to another's use and legacy.

Cost: 1 demonic shard, 1 gleaming scale.


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It hadn't been long since Fae and Nari had fought and killed the Stone Troll on the first floor, and she couldn't get the beauty and grace of her party member out of her mind, picturing the way the she twirled and moved with the scythe in her hands as she killed the creature that had been haunting Fae for years. Fae was lost in thought as she found herself coming to a blacksmith that had been highly recommended to her, someone that did quality work for a reasonable price. "Hey, is Ren in?" the sound of Fae's voice rang out through the seemingly empty building before she found the man she was looking for "Hello, I was hoping to commission a new weapon, if you think you'd have the time or ability." Fae pulled out a sketch of the weapon she was looking for and passed it over to the man, glad to hear that he would be able to do it.


Item Name: Verdant Watcher
Item Type: Polearm
Item Tier: 1
Item Quality: Perfect
Draft Item Description: 1763320033_FaerieScythe.thumb.jpg.fa1c0eaba34cea3e5146b8139f061a27.jpg
Requested Enhancements: Damage (3)

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Crafting rolls:

R7 Blacksmith (9 crafts/day - 8 from rank +1 from extended workshop)
Ambition Tool (+1 EXP per attempt)
Extended Workshop (+2 EXP per attempt)
Hephaestus' Hammer (+1 CD)

ID 214264 | CD 6+1=7 | T1 Uncommon Shield (+6 EXP)
ID 214265 | CD 11+1=12 | T1 Perfect Shield (+11 EXP)
ID 214266 | CD 4+1=5 | T1 Uncommon Heavy Armor (+6 EXP)
ID 214267 | CD 3+1=4 | Salvage (LD 17 | keep mat) (+5 EXP)
ID 214268 | CD 12+1=13 | T1 Perfect Heavy Armor  (+11 EXP)
ID 214269 | CD 3+1=4 | Salvage (LD 14 | keep mat) (+5 EXP)
ID 214270 | CD 1+1=2 | Failure (+4 EXP)
ID 214271 | CD 3+1=4 | Salvage (LD 9 | lose mat) (+5 EXP)
ID 214272 | CD 5+1=6 | T1 Uncommon Heavy Armor (+6 EXP)

Cost: 7 materials

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