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[F21 | R8 Blacksmith] The Knight Shift (Open)

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He patiently waited for the possessions for to be done. Not much time would pass as he heard a man speaking and speaking toward him no less. With that, he would clear his throat and look down at the items that were presented. With astonishment, he touched the spear and the chest plate that he ordered. They were extraordinary and beyond what his dreams were. He hadn't expected such things to appear in his first gaming experience. 

His eyes would look up toward the blacksmith and speak to him. "Gracias, senor. Thank you for your hard work and keeping us safe." He stared once more before placing and equipping them in his inventory. He felt guilty for taking such things for newcomers. He looked at it in hand now before looking up at him. With one more bow, he would exit the shop feeling satisfied. 



Spear of Strength | T1 Perfect Weapon (Polearm) | DMG III
Silver handled spear with a red glow on the tip of the spear.
Fusion ID: 229232
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39172-rencesvals-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=685861

Odin's Chestpiece | T1 Perfect Armor (Heavy) | MIT III
Black chest piece with an eerie glow.
Fusion ID: 229233
Source:  https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39172-rencesvals-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=685861


Edited by Escudo de Protection
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On 9/1/2024 at 4:48 AM, Rencesvals said:

"Then they served their purpose," Ren replied, a beaming soot-stained smile returned from across the pile of trashed gear unceremoniously dumped on his doorstep.  The man had no illusions about his trade or the state in which it might end up.  "I make tools to help people survive.  The tools themselves can and should be sacrificed, if necessary, because the people cannot - must not."  

Grabbing a nearby wrought iron ladle, beaten and battered brutally into shape, Ren scooped it into a nearby barrel and poured its contents over his own head.  Steam and sizzle followed, as if the man were working the forges of Hell itself, yet doing so gladly.

"There will be no charge.  I do this for the cause, and not reward, and have reliable backers to assist with the expenses.  Thank others by helping them the same way, when the opportunity arises."  Gathering the order script, he nodded as he read, already plotting out his plans and how best to make them meet his customer's needs.  "Give me a bit."

It didn't take long.  Within a day, a message was issued back to Hanzoku informing him that his goods were ready for pickup.

When he returns, Hanzoku is already looking a bit better than the day before - moving more easily and no longer relying on the staff as much as he was. He runs his fingers over the newly crafted gear with reverence for the smith's craftmanship. "I'll keep your words in mind. I said it before - but if you ever need anything a performer can craft, just let me know."

He stops and looks at the smith and notices the dark circles under his eyes. "I'm a bit of a hypocrite to say it, but... don't ignore your own health. You do a lot to help others, but if you drive yourself into the ground doing so, you won't be able to do the same in the future." he says with some concern, as it takes a lot in this game to look as ragged as Ren looked.

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Once the hammering of steel stopped, Shay would leave her seat and head back in. The smithy was finished with the blade. The girl would inspect it carefully to its predecessor ensuring the quality. Luckily the man did not disappoint and the blade was nigh a perfect replica of the Muramasa as a side by side comparison would confirm.

”ありがとう。” The dark haired assassin will say simply and place the blades sheathe along with its sister sword on her belt. She’ll offer him a silent nod before being on her way. It was time that she got back to work.


Picking up Yatsufusa - Perfect T4 Katana ID#225986

Translation of ありがとう - “Thank you.”

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Acanthus strode back into Rencesvals’ shop. It seemed like a lifetime ago that she’d been in here, begging for whatever the veterans would provide for her. She recalled stumbling through the process, and being gently corrected when she’d requested unique enhancements on her crafted gear. That’s not me anymore.

She cleared her throat, talking firmly with whoever was available. “It’s been some time, but I am back. I’ve made it to the fourth tier, and would like a new sword and armor to keep me moving forward. I’ve drawn up a plan and some descriptions for you—everything should be in order. Let me know if it is not.”

Item Name: Ajisai
Item Type: Hand-and-a-half sword (Straight sword)
Item Tier: 4
Item Quality: Perfect
Draft Item Description: A long cerulean blade. The pommel and hilt include subtle floral themes, evoking the remorse instilled by the sword’s name.
Requested Enhancements: PARA 2 | BLD 1

Item Name: Resilient Thistle
Item Type: Light Armor
Item Tier: 4 
Item Quality: Perfect
Draft Item Description: This simple breastplate features delicate engravings and patterns of the eponymous wildflower, accentuated by soft hues of green and violet. It bestows the thistle’s qualities upon the wearer.
Requested Enhancements: MIT 2 | EVA 1

(6) materials send to Rencesvals.

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Warmth and fulfillment filled Ren's eyes at the sight of a returning Acanthus, her skills having grown so quickly and given rise to her prominence.

"You've done well," he added, by way of compliment.  "It really doesn't seem like that long ago I was crafting some starting equipment to set you upon your journey.  Truly, it makes me feel like my efforts here in the forge amount to something, witnessing your achievements."  Taking the order slip, the white-haired smith nodded and smiled, appreciating her request.  

"This won't take too long.  You can either wait here, or try the tavern up the street.  Vengal's a decent sort, despite his rough exterior.  Don't let appearances fool you."


Rencesvals gives @Acanthus:

Ajisai | T4 Perfect Weapon (Straight Sword) | PARA II | BLD I
A long cerulean blade. The pommel and hilt include subtle floral themes, evoking the remorse instilled by the sword’s name.
Fusion ID: 231130
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39172-rencesvals-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=686708

Resilient Thistle | T4 Perfect Armor (Light) | IMT II | REC I
This simple breastplate features delicate engravings and patterns of the eponymous wildflower, accentuated by soft hues of green and violet. It bestows the thistle’s qualities upon the wearer.
Fusion ID: 231131
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39172-rencesvals-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=686708

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Acanthus returned from Vengal’s bar after a short while after receiving a message that her crafts were available. She looked over the product approvingly. “Thank you for your persistent efforts. I would not have made it this far without you, and many of the other players here.”

She drew Ajisai from its sheathe and drew her hand along the blade. [[You cannot damage a player in a safe zone]]. She smiled sadly. Looking back to Ren, she said, “please let me know if you ever need anything to keep your trade going. The more people we prepare for the game, the sooner we can all go home.”

Items Retrieved: Ajisai and Resilient Thistle

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Gust of wind came with as the white-haired wonder pushed open the door wandering inside the blacksmith. The smell of soot and metal filled his nostrils as he stared around with his oceanic blue crystal eyes. He let out a whistle out as he stared at the setting and took it all in. Step by step, he walked around looking at the wares and took in the ambiance of the game itself. It was real. Damn it was all real, he thought in his head. 

Never having experienced this in his life, he placed a finger across the glass tapping it slightly before reaching the counter. The texture of it was authentic. Was this like the real world? The smell, the sense of touch, the setting itself, and the noise all seemed foreign but yet he yearned to have it all.  No one would strip him of freedom anymore.

He outstretched his arms and looked down at the information that the form needed. He had come to the right place as he started scribbling down what he would like. He was hoping this would be achievable and free like the other newcomers had spoken of. He did have some things to trade but it was few.



Item Name: Force Dagger whip
Item Type: Whip
Item Tier: 1
Item Quality: Perfect
Draft Item Description: Chained linked whip with an attached small dagger at the end. Wrist strap on the opposite end for better control. 
Requested Enhancements: DMG 3

Item Name: Coat of Endurance

Item Type: Heavy Armor
Item Tier: 1
Item Quality: Perfect
Draft Item Description: A coat laced with chained link armor under the fabric to protect its wearer but still look a bit comfortable. 
Requested Enhancements: MIT 3

He slipped the paper on the table and waited patiently for the results. He was looking forward to going out and having a little bit of fun. 

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Crafting rolls:

R8 Blacksmith (11 crafts/day - 9 from rank +1 from extended workshop +1 from Lucrative)
Ambition Tool (+1 EXP per attempt)
Ambition Food (+1 EXP/craft) | 170115-2
Extended Workshop (+2 EXP per attempt, +1 attempt/day)
Hephaestus' Hammer (+1 CD)
Lucrative (+2 EXP/craft, Salvage on LD 6+, +1 attempt/day)
Crafter's Respite | 215832

ID 232209 | CD 7+1=8 | LD 18 | T1 Uncommon Armor (+9 EXP
ID 232210 | CD 11+1=12 | LD 10 | T1 Perfect Armor (+13 EXP
ID 232211 | CD 4+1=5 | LD 11 | T1 Uncommon Armor (+9 EXP
ID 232212 | CD 4+1=5 | LD 14 | T1 Uncommon Armor (+9 EXP
ID 232213 | CD 9+1=10 | LD 2 | T1 Rare Armor (+11 EXP
ID 232214 | CD 5+1=6 | LD 15 | T1 Uncommon Armor (+9 EXP
ID 232215 | CD 4+1=5 | LD 18 | T1 Uncommon Armor (+9 EXP
ID 232216 | CD 12+1=13 | LD 9 | T1 Perfect Armor (+13 EXP
ID 232217 | CD 4+1=5 | LD 2 | T1 Uncommon Armor (+9 EXP
ID 232218 | CD 4+1=5 | LD 3 | T1 Uncommon Armor (+9 EXP
ID 232219 | CD 7+1=8 | LD 2 | T1 Uncommon Armor (+9 EXP

ID 232220 | CD 10+1=11 | LD 2 | T1 Rare Weapon (+11 EXP
ID 232221 | CD 8+1=9 | LD 18 | T1 Rare Weapon (+11 EXP
ID 232222 | CD 8+1=9 | LD 18 | T1 Rare Weapon (+11 EXP
ID 232223 | CD 10+1=11 | LD 1 | T1 Rare Weapon (+11 EXP
ID 232224 | CD 8+1=9 | LD 18 | T1 Rare Weapon (+11 EXP
ID 232225 | CD 1+1=2 | LD 20 | Salvage (+8 EXP) - keep mat
ID 232226 | CD 4+1=5 | LD 15 | T1 Uncommon Weapon (+9 EXP
ID 232227 | CD 12+1=13 | LD 14 | T1 Perfect Weapon (+13 EXP
ID 232228 | CD 8+1=9 | LD 12 | T1 Rare Weapon (+11 EXP
ID 232229 | CD 9+1=10 | LD 6 | T1 Rare Weapon (+11 EXP
ID 232230 | CD 12+1=13 | LD 16 | T1 Perfect Weapon (+13 EXP

Total Cost: 21 materials

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Joking around with several other smiths with whom he was sharing the shop today, they'd agreed to do so as a means of swapping lore and techniques, but also build comraderie.  Each shared a passion for their chosen trade, had different experiences and specializations, yet were all prepared to work towards a common goal and benefit.  This was the very essence of The Knight Shift at play and filled Ren's heart with warmth, beyond that provided by the fuming furnace in the far corner.

"Here you are, my friend," he offered, pushing the requested goods across the workbench with a master's confidence, not quite fully achieved.  "I hope these will serve you well out there.  Can't say we get a lot of calls for whips, but we appreciated the opportunity.  I'd love to know how it performs in the field.  And if it needs and tweaks, just bring it back.  I'll stand by my work, though.  You shouldn't need more than standard care and maintenance."


Rencesvals gives @Sphix:

Force Dagger Whip | T1 Perfect Weapon (Whip) | DMG III
Chained linked whip with an attached small dagger at the end. Wrist strap on the opposite end for better control. 
Crafting ID: 224002
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39172-rencesvals-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=687383

Coat of Endurance | T1 Perfect Armor (Heavy) | MIT III
A coat laced with chained link armor under the fabric to protect its wearer but still look a bit comfortable. 
Crafting ID: 232210
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39172-rencesvals-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=687383

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Transfixed on some of those high-quality weapons on the wall, he was too busy admiring them before he noticed anyone speaking to him. He noticed a man through his periphery and turned his head to the smith who had a chain and his coat. Astonished, he lost interest on the wall mounted items before gazing upon his new items. This place was great. 

"Thank you kindly." He spoke happily accepting the two items he requested for. It was indeed beyond his wildest dreams as he felt the coat and realized it wasn't heavy. Perhaps it was part of the systems game where he would find it lighter. He looked over to the chain whip next and admired the weight and texture. It felt real. He looked up one more time to the blacksmith and bowed his head admiring him. "It looks great and of high quality. I appreciate the help you offer." He would speak to him. 

He equipped the items through his screens before parting ways. A simple wave goodbye was made as he left the premises. 


Action: Accepted 

Force Dagger Whip | T1 Perfect Weapon (Whip) | DMG III
Chained linked whip with an attached small dagger at the end. Wrist strap on the opposite end for better control. 
Crafting ID: 224002
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39172-rencesvals-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=687383

Coat of Endurance | T1 Perfect Armor (Heavy) | MIT III
A coat laced with chained link armor under the fabric to protect its wearer but still look a bit comfortable. 
Crafting ID: 232210
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39172-rencesvals-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=687383

Edited Thursday at 09:53 PM by Rencesvals


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  • 2 weeks later...

“Back again,” she announced, stepping into the Knight Shift once more. “I’ve been doing my best to get suited up for the floor boss coming up, which means looking for some of the more powerful enhancements.” She did her best to forget about how she’d barged in here as a new player, thinking that they were something as simple as merely crafting them into the original weapon.

“Riardon found some light armor with just the right enhancement. Not as powerful as I’d like, but I’m not going to complain. The armor itself is close to what I’m looking for, but I need to clean up some of the other effects using the armor I have right now. Light momentum is, pardon my bluntness, useless.”

Request for Fusion:
Enduring Thistle +3 | T4 Perfect Light Armor | ID 226823a | Rec | Vamp Def | Light Momentum


Resilient Thistle | T4 Perfect Armor (Light) | Mit II | Rec I
This simple breastplate features delicate engravings and patterns of the eponymous wildflower, accentuated by soft hues of green and violet. It bestows the thistle’s qualities upon the wearer.
Fusion ID: 231131

To create:
Enduring Thistle | T4 Perfect Armor (Light) Vamp Def I | Mit I | Rec I
This simple breastplate features delicate engravings and patterns of the eponymous wildflower, accentuated by soft hues of green and violet. It bestows the thistle’s qualities upon the wearer.

Payment. 1 gleaming scale to Rencesvals

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Ren practically beamed at the sight of Acanthus, eager and ready to take on the Frontlines after so short a time.  Her comments about the uselessness of certain enhancement had him burst into full-blown guffaws.  

"Yes.  You're quite right, though it's refreshing to hear other players say so.  Regeneration falls into the same trap.  Even Heavy Momentum is largely useless.  I'm not a big fan of systems cluttered with junk options, but it's not like we have much of a choice.  Kayaba also appears to have deleted the suggestion box."  Smirking slightly at the joke, he gathered up the items she had brought and double-checked her order to ensure he had it right.

"Give me a few moments with these.  It shouldn't take long."

True to his word, the white-haired smith returned to where she was waiting after only a few minutes, the armor reforged and cleaned.

"Good luck out there, Acanthus.  And please, stay safe."


Ren gives Acanthus:

Enduring Thistle | T4 Perfect Armor (Light) Vamp Def I | Mit I | Rec I
This simple breastplate features delicate engravings and patterns of the eponymous wildflower, accentuated by soft hues of green and violet. It bestows the thistle’s qualities upon the wearer.
Fusion ID:  234598
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39172-rencesvals-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=688804

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Acanthus returned to the shop once she heard Ren’s work was done. She stepped into the Knight Shift yet again. If she kept pestering him for more work, eventually she would need to look into getting more permanent lodging down here just to save on time and travel costs. Then again, she did enjoy the climate and feel of floor 24 much more—maybe she could convince Ren to move upstairs. She wouldn’t have any problem bankrolling the move, but Rencesvals didn’t seem the type that was attracted to money. Even after all this time, he was still crafting armor for new players. Someone had to do it.

“Good work as always, Ren. I may be back to finish up the rest of my build once I get a few more enhancements to choose from. I’ll keep in touch.”

Picked up item:
Enduring Thistle | T4 Perfect Armor (Light) Vamp Def I | Mit I | Rec I
This simple breastplate features delicate engravings and patterns of the eponymous wildflower, accentuated by soft hues of green and violet. It bestows the thistle’s qualities upon the wearer.
Fusion ID:  234598

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  • 2 weeks later...

Crafting rolls:

R8 Blacksmith (13 crafts/day - 9 from rank +1 from extended workshop +3 from Trading Hall III)
Ambition Tool (+1 EXP per attempt)
Ambition Food (+1 EXP/craft) | 170116
Extended Workshop (+2 EXP per attempt, +1 attempt/day)
Hephaestus' Hammer (+1 CD)
Lucrative (+2 EXP/craft, Salvage on LD 6+, +1 attempt/day)
Crafter's Respite | 215832-1

ID 235799 | CD 8+1=9 | LD 17 | T2 Rare Weapon (+11 EXP
ID 235800 | CD 1+1=2 | LD 16 | Salvage (+8 EXP) - keep mat
ID 235801 | CD 8+1=9 | LD 18 | T2 Rare Weapon (+11 EXP
ID 235802 | CD 2+1=3 | LD 2 | Salvage (+8 EXP) - lose mat
ID 235803 | CD 3+1=4 | LD 13 | Salvage (+8 EXP) - keep mat
ID 235804 | CD 1+1=2 | LD 2 | Salvage (+8 EXP) - lose mat
ID 235805 | CD 12+1=13 | LD 7 | T2 Perfect Weapon (+13 EXP
ID 235806 | CD 6+1=7 | LD 16 | T2 Uncommon Weapon (+9 EXP
ID 235807 | CD 3+1=4 | LD 12 | Salvage (+8 EXP) - keep mat
ID 235808 | CD 6+1=7 | LD 1 | T2 Uncommon Weapon (+9 EXP
ID 235809 | CD 10+1=11 | LD 8 | T2 Rare Weapon (+11 EXP
ID 235821 | CD 6+1=7 | LD 11 | T2 Uncommon Weapon (+9 EXP
ID 235822 | CD 1+1=2 | LD 6 | Salvage (+8 EXP) - keep mat

ID 235810 | CD 2+1=3 | LD 13 | Salvage (+8 EXP) - keep mat
ID 235811 | CD 2+1=3 | LD 13 | Salvage (+8 EXP) - keep mat
ID 235812 | CD 12+1=13 | LD 8 | T2 Perfect Armor (+13 EXP
ID 235813 | CD 5+1=6 | LD 1 | T2 Uncommon Armor (+9 EXP
ID 235814 | CD 8+1=9 | LD 6 | T2 Rare Armor (+11 EXP
ID 235815 | CD 1+1=2 | LD 11 | Salvage (+8 EXP) - keep mat - mislabeled as by Freyd
ID 235816 | CD 4+1=5 | LD 20 | T2 Uncommon Armor (+8 EXP
ID 235817 | CD 9+1=10 | LD 16 | T2 Rare Armor (+11 EXP
ID 235818 | CD 10+1=11 | LD 20 | T2 Rare Armor (+11 EXP
ID 235819 | CD 7+1=8 | LD 1 | T2 Uncommon Armor (+9 EXP
ID 235820 | CD 6+1=7 | LD 13 | T2 Uncommon Armor (+9 EXP
ID 235823 | CD 1+1=2 | LD 12 | Salvage (+8 EXP) - keep mat
ID 235824 | CD 3+1=4 | LD 3 | Salvage (+8 EXP) - lose mat

Total Cost: 18 materials

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Item Name: Benedikta Harmon
Item Type: Straight Sword
Item Tier: 3
Item Quality: Perfect
Draft Item Description: A black steel sword that's 4 feet long and it's hilt is black with gold trim.
Requested Enhancements: Bleed | Bleed | Para




Item Name: Benedikta Projex
Item Type: Light Armor
Item Tier: 3
Item Quality: Perfect
Draft Item Description: Black jacket with a breast plate over the right breast with black hood with carbon fiber horns on each side of the hood and a carbon fiber face mask
Requested Enhancements: MIT | MIT | Recovery




Teleporting to the 21st floor Kyoto felt confident for once in a very long time. Finally it was a day he's able to upgrade his gear and he knew exactly who to go see. While walking up to the shop of his guild mate Ren he grab a hold of the sheet to fill out his order before calling out to Ren to let him know that he has a couple of new orders coming his way.

"Hey Ren. Long time no see. I see you're still going at it with your shop. Great news... Got new order for you hope it's not to impossible to create."

Kyoto smirks before handing Ren the slip as well as the required materials for his order.


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"KyotO, right?  It has, indeed!  Glad to see you've been making your way through the castle with success.  Onwards and upwards.  Let me see what you've brought us."  Spinning the order around to glance across its requirements, Ren's matted white hair stuck to his brow with sweat as he nodded affirmation and understanding.  "Bear with me for just a short time.  I believe we have what we need to make these quickly."

Gathering his fellow craftsmen and walking through the required tasks, each set to work and returned promptly for final assembly. Huddled around the work table, thick leather aprons draped around each of their neck, master and apprentices cobbled together the order in record time.  

"Here you go, my friend.  Good luck out there, and return to us safe and sound."

Smiling proudly at their success and speed, Ren's team bantered as they dispersed across the forge and smithy once more.  The group were learning to function as a well-oiled machine, able to pull together requests faster and with better quality, exactly as their leader had aspired to do.


Ren provides @Kyot0:

Benedikta Hormon | T3 Perfect Weapon (Straight Sword) | PARA I | BLD II
A black steel sword that's 4 feet long and it's hilt is black with gold trim
Crafting ID: 226388
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39172-rencesvals-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=691616

Benedikta Projex | T4 Perfect Armor (Light) | MIT II | REC I
Black jacket with a breast plate over the right breast with black hood with carbon fiber horns on each side of the hood and a carbon fiber face mask.
Fusion ID: 238911
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39172-rencesvals-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=691616

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It was a quick and simple task for Ren enough for Kyoto to hang around. 

Receiving his order Kyoto looked at it with a smile.

"Everything looks great! Good job once more Ren"

After putting the gear in his inventory he pulls out the materials he owes and lays it and extra down on the counter. As he heads out the door.  

"Hope you have a great one Ren. Give me a message if you want to go on another adventure again."

He smirks as he quickly walks out the door shutting the door on the way out before heading to the teleport platform.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The shop had been referred to her by another player that Morrígan had come to make acquaintances with, although she knew better than to call them anything beyond that. It was a quaint locale, one which would likely bring fond memories or feelings to most who experienced it. Morrígan, however, found her eyes flowing around and over the areas, passing over details that would likely be considered cute or interesting to most others.

Spotting the man within the smithy - one that carried an elegance that even Morrígan couldn't ignore fully - she moved forwards and raised her voice, curtsying once he turned to face her. 'Good day, sire. My name is Morrígan, and I wish to procure your services for a creation, if you have the time and patience. It's a simple item, but one that I would like to include in my current repertoire, should it be plausible to do so...'

Opening her menu, she turned a detailed digital drawing of the item in question - a simple kite shield that contained a purple front, with a black raven silhouette upon its front, and two sets of leather straps of varying lengths, clearly designed to tie around the arm or back as required for carrying. She gave the blacksmith a small smile, before nodding her head towards the furnace and anvil he had been attending prior to her distraction. 'It's a bit more complicated than a simple piece, perhaps...so I'm willing to cover any required costs. I'm aware of what the signage outside states, but I believe in charitableness where applicable, and remuneration where righteous.'


Item Name: Raven Shield
Item Type: Shield
Item Tier: 1
Item Quality: Perfect
Draft Item Description: A simple kite shield which contains a purple facing behind a black raven's silhouette. Two pairs of straps, clearly designed for tying to arm or back, line the inside of the shield's form. 
Requested Enhancements: Paralyse I | Thorns II

(Note: The craftsman reserves the right to make minor edits to the item description as a means of 'signing' his work)

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Crafting rolls:

R8 Blacksmith (13 crafts/day - 9 from rank +1 from extended workshop +3 from Trading Hall III)
Ambition Tool (+1 EXP per attempt)
Ambition Food (+1 EXP/craft) | 170477-2
Extended Workshop (+2 EXP per attempt, +1 attempt/day)
Hephaestus' Hammer (+1 CD)
Lucrative (+2 EXP/craft, Salvage on LD 6+, +1 attempt/day)
Crafter's Respite | n/a

ID 239425 | CD 4+1=5 | LD 10 | T1 Uncommon Shield (+9 EXP
ID 239426 | CD 2+1=3 | LD 6 | Salvage (+8 EXP) - keep mat
ID 239427 | CD 8+1=9 | LD 3 | T1 Rare Shield (+11 EXP)
ID 239428 | CD 6+1=7 | LD 11 | T1 Uncommon Shield (+9 EXP
ID 239429 | CD 6+1=7 | LD 5 | T1 Uncommon Shield (+9 EXP
ID 239430 | CD 5+1=6 | LD 14 | T1 Uncommon Shield (+9 EXP
ID 239431 | CD 4+1=5 | LD 2 | T1 Uncommon Shield (+9 EXP
ID 239432 | CD 12+1=13 | LD 5 | T1 Perfect Shield (+13 EXP)
ID 239433 | CD 5+1=6 | LD 14 | T1 Uncommon Shield (+9 EXP
ID 239434 | CD 1+1=2 | LD 11 | Salvage (+8 EXP) - keep mat
ID 239435 | CD 11+1=12 | LD 1 | T1 Perfect Shield (+13 EXP)
ID 239436 | CD 4+1=5 | LD 14 | T1 Uncommon Shield (+9 EXP
ID 239437 | CD 5+1=6 | LD 16 |T1 Uncommon Shield (+9 EXP

Total Cost: 11 materials

Fuse 4x T1 Uncommon Shields [239425, 239428, 239429, 239430] into T1 Perfect Shield [239438a]
Fuse 4x T1 Uncommon Shields [239431, 239433, 239436, 239437] into T1 Perfect Shield [239438b]

Edited by Rencesvals
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Ren had only just returned from floor 9, his arctic white hair covered in more soot than usual and the whole of him smelling like scorched dog.  Tossing the ruined remnants of his own table-sized shield in the corner, he glossed over how its individual pieces further crumbled and collapsed into the least ceremonial pile of kindling imaginable.  Not the best ending to one of his first works, and an embarrassment in the field.

He was far from prepared to turn and find a customer waiting with an order, and an uncharacteristic air of formality and distinction about her.  If the curtsy had his eyebrows at half mast, her speech and mannerism had them reaching for the clouds.

"Morrigan?  As in the Celtic goddess of war, death and fate?"  He blinked in sheer admiration, his own academic interests piqued at the chance encounter.  Wiping his grimy hands on a nearby leather apron - far from clean itself - he took her order and marveled at the level of detail.  "A kite shield?  Simple enough to fabricated and assemble, though I'm impressed by the quality of your submission.  Few customers put in this amount of effort."

Snaring his hammer and apron with renewed vigor and determination, it would not be long before the order was completed to spec and the highest possible quality.

"M'Lady," he offered, with a craftsman's pride and twinkle restored behind his eyes.  "My days as a tank may be behind me, but I'll vouch that this will serve you well.  No payment will be required.  I consider this a matter of personal honor."


Ren gives Morrigan the following:

Raven Shield | T1 Perfect Shield | Paralyze I | Thorns II
A simple kite shield which contains a purple facing behind a black raven's silhouette. Two pairs of straps, clearly designed for tying to arm or back, line the inside of the shield's form. 
Crafting ID: 239432
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39172-rencesvals-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=692146

Edited by Rencesvals
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