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[BR-F27] Paving the Way to Floor 28 [Team Freyd]

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Watching the battle play out in the elementally divided spaces before them, Freyd knew that his team had things in hand.  Whether it was their first raid or not, they could be proud of their performance.  Glancing as he could, through shadow, hope was all that could be spared for the other teams.  NIGHT and Nari would pull them through.  They had to.  

Cries of triumph and zeal slices his daydreaming to ribbons, along with the overgrown chia pet the boss had unleased upon them.  Mina, Katoka, Elora and Morningstar pounded the thing between them like some sort of malicious pinata until it crashed and rolled to a stop right in front of him. 

"Head of butt, meet butt of head."

Wrenching his body back so far and taut that his back looked like his spine of made of wrung rubber, the truth was closer to a spring that suddenly lunged forward and drove his forehead right into the battered arboreal serpent.  It's face shattered and roared in frenzied outrage.  The boss'  bits were losing their shit.  

"Divided indeed.  Fortunately, we are not.  Forward!"


Freyd regains +4 EN
CD 9 (REC proc +8) ID #217238
Focused Howl CD [2/4], Grappling Familiar CD [5/5]

Post Action: TECH-B (12 EN, Delay): 12 EN - (Stamina) = 10 EN  (changed from basic attack per Raidou due to math error upstream)
Free Action: Uses mass healing crystal (heals group for 10% max hp)

ID# 217237 | BD 7+6=13 (hit) |DMG: 12*20=240-75 MIT =165+80 Hell=245 to Overgrowth (+2 Hate) (CD 5 | ST-B locked)

(10) FreydX |  HP: 1334/1334 | EN: 124/150 (122+4+8-10) | DMG: 20 | MIT: 188 | EVA: 6 | ACC: 5(6/AA) | BH: 73 | REC: 8 | THRN: 40 | PHASE | FLN: 8 | FRB: 40(-1) | ENV.O: 32 | V.O.: 146 | V.D.: 146 | HELL: 80 | STNG[x1] | LD: 8 | PRS: 3 | DOTE: 1/3
(0) Hirru | HP: 1104/1104 | EN: 94/104 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 182 | ACC: 2 | BH: 55 | REC: 8 | THRN: 76 | MENDING: 2 | HB: 44 | LD: 5 | DOTE: 1/3
(6) KatokaX | HP: 606/720 (527+72+7) | EN: 82/106 | DMG: 28 | MIT: 98 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 7(8/AA) | BH: 31 | REC: 8 | BLGT: 32 | P.V.O | STK: 40 | HELL: 80 | BRN 4 [112/0] | CONF [2/0] 
(6) MorningstarX | HP: 826/851 (733+85+8) | EN: 59/106 | DMG: 28 | MIT: 142 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 6(7/AA) | BH: 18 | STK: 40 | FRB: 40(-1) | VO: 140 | HELL: 80 | LD: 6 | BRN 4 [112/0] | CONF [2/0]
(6) Elora | HP: 693/700 (623+70) | EN: 55/104 | DMG: 26 | MIT: 98 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 7(8/AA) | BH: 35 | REC: 8 | FLN: 8 | BLGT: 32 | STK: 40 | LD: 3
(4) Tricolor_Mina | HP: 547/720 (475+72) | EN: 54/106 | DMG: 27 | MIT: 78 | ACC: 7 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRB: 40(-1) | V.D.: 72 | TXC.: 32 | BRN 4 [112/0] | CONF [2/0]

X denotes players with Survival active

Overgrowth | HP: 0/2000 (21-81) | DMG: 250 | MITI: 75 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 0 | Thorns 4 [144] [0/1] | Freeze 2 [96/2] 
[Matches Blight, Fallen, Thorns]

Edited by Freyd
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The serpent's head seemed to burn heavily from Freyd's headbutt, as it shattered.  The jagged branches would creak and crumble before slowly turning to ash.  Overgrowth's entire being seemed to go into an enraged state, literally flailing itself into the icy barrier itself.  It's roars mirroring that of another across the room.  Did another team finish their dragon head too?  It was starting to get dangerous

"So what do we do now?  This thing is keeping us in here with that, but how will be we deal with the thrashing?"

He called out before looking towards the rest of the group.  Freyd had used another crystal on the group, keeping their health above a fair amount.  Of course, Mina was still having trouble, so it would go to him about to set up a barrier while using another song on Mina.  Though, as he was about to set his shield high, something burned from his finger.  It was such an odd feeling that, as he pulled the song crystal out, he could feel the presence burn more and more.  It wasn't until the burning presence would burn forth from his hand, the ring in the shape of a shield would glow alight into an old familiar shape: a spectral blue tower shield.

"What the.. Fate's Armament?" worthyJust

The shield would spin around him as it normally did before, but not for long.  Hirru felt a compelling force pull from his shield hand, as if his casting of barrier was being taken over.  It was not unlike the system would for a sword art.  The motions seemed odd as he held the song crystal high above his shield, which began to glow dark blue.  The motion would continue as the song would start to play, but the direction wasn't right.  Instead of pointing the song towards Mina, the song would point towards.. the nature based dragon head. 

The thrashing would slow as the song would play, almost as if music would soothe the savage beast.  Slowly, it would stop before looking towards the source of the music, at which point the Fate's Shield would stop its revolution around Hirru.  Facing towards the natural beast of malefic intent, the Fate's Armament would mirror the position of Hirru's shield, as the Armament started to burn and glow the same dark blue.  As the art released, instead of a barrier appearing around just them, the barrier's energy would start to burn around them, as if the flames of Gabrandr were protecting them.

"I didn't.." releasespreadburn

Hirru said as he looked on at the shield that was flickering bit by bit.  The flaming barrier would grow, catching Overgrowth in it's path.  The creature of nature would not be able to handle the overwhelming flames that hellfire and fate would produce, and would be burned to ashes, leaving only a smoldering stump of charred wood.  The flames would then continue to spread outward until the icy walls that sealed them would melt, crack, and finally shatter to reveal the main body before them.

With it's work done, the shield would return back to its dormant state, back to the hunter's finger, where it would sleep.  Fate has dealt its hand, now for the players to deal theirs.

"I.. don't know how that happened.."

EN Regen: +4 EN
Recovery?: [ID: 217238][CD: 10] +8 EN (Max)
Free Action (Instant): Dear My Friend (HP Recov Instant Song 213960) -> Overgrowth [Flailing -> Cauterized]
Post Action: Breaking Containment [ID: 217238][LD: 18+5 (R5 Search) = 23 ] Cordoned Room is broken.  Team Freyd is out in the open
Cooldown: Hyperactive [2/3]

(10) FreydX |  HP: 1334/1334 | EN: 124/150 (122+4+8-10) | DMG: 20 | MIT: 188 | EVA: 6 | ACC: 5(6/AA) | BH: 73 | REC: 8 | THRN: 40 | PHASE | FLN: 8 | FRB: 40(-1) | ENV.O: 32 | V.O.: 146 | V.D.: 146 | HELL: 80 | STNG[x1] | LD: 8 | PRS: 3 | DOTE: 1/3
(0) Hirru | HP: 1104/1104 | EN: 104/104 (+12) | DMG: 1 | MIT: 182 | ACC: 2 | BH: 55 | REC: 8 | THRN: 76 | MENDING: 2 | HB: 44 | LD: 5 | DOTE: 1/3
(6) KatokaX | HP: 606/720 (527+72+7) | EN: 82/106 | DMG: 28 | MIT: 98 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 7(8/AA) | BH: 31 | REC: 8 | BLGT: 32 | P.V.O | STK: 40 | HELL: 80 | BRN 4 [112/0] | CONF [2/0] 
(6) MorningstarX | HP: 826/851 (733+85+8) | EN: 59/106 | DMG: 28 | MIT: 142 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 6(7/AA) | BH: 18 | STK: 40 | FRB: 40(-1) | VO: 140 | HELL: 80 | LD: 6 | BRN 4 [112/0] | CONF [2/0]
(6) Elora | HP: 693/700 (623+70) | EN: 55/104 | DMG: 26 | MIT: 98 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 7(8/AA) | BH: 35 | REC: 8 | FLN: 8 | BLGT: 32 | STK: 40 | LD: 3
(4) Tricolor_Mina | HP: 547/720 (475+72) | EN: 54/106 | DMG: 27 | MIT: 78 | ACC: 7 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRB: 40(-1) | V.D.: 72 | TXC.: 32 | BRN 4 [112/0] | CONF [2/0]

X denotes players with Survival active

Overgrowth | HP: 0/2000 (21-81) | DMG: 250 | MITI: 75 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 0 | Thorns 4 [144] [0/1] | Freeze 2 [96/2] | [Flailing Cauterized]
[Matches Blight, Fallen, Thorns]

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The walls had risen, the congregation of elements aligned and pulled into essence and being. All had arrived at the call and command of the great Commander of the Elements cry. The tiny specks, annoyance incarnate, should have fallen as they were besieged by the power of the natural forces that would envelop them, overpower them, bring them to a crushing end just as all things would; fallen before the might of the elemental order. There was nothing more for them but to submit.

The eyes stared down from behind the wall of protective ice, frustration and a tinge of displeasure shifting across them as it watched them not only resist, but succeed in doing the impossible. The impossible…felling a head, leaving it desecrated and tortured. Obliterated from its natural beauty, as if it were nothing more than a simple obstacle to be overcome.

"I don't want chaos."

    "This is a trust issue.”

The words seemed to echo through the hall, floating in as if from somewhere beyond. They lingered in Wushen’s ears, wrapping into its mind, causing it to pause. It glanced around, as if looking for something, shaking its head before turning back to the pests that scattered before it. Pests that stabbed at the heads that it had summoned, that it bore upon itself. Pests that worked together, that moved as one individual among a group of many.

It didn’t understand. It was all power, all controlling, the ruler of the elements. It would not be felled by these things. These things that should bow before it, should be thanking it for its mercy in ending them quickly. It did not understand how it could be…losing…?

It would burn them with venom, with toxins, with the very liquids of the elemental plane that would leave any beast screaming for a release from the torment. It would end them through excruciating pain and suffering, leaving nothing but their ephemeral screams to echo in the instance that they disappeared, forever.

Through thimble and thistle, it would quake fear into the beings that had dared to stand before it. It would remind them of the single instance of truth. Nature would not yield to the very creatures it created, allowed to live, and cared little for. It would ignore them no longer, and they would learn to regret it.

The very essence of Terra would be called forth through the form of Overgrowth, and they would beg for a reprieve, an end, to the torment that they would face. Wushen growled in anticipation, its eyes darting across the field. When it looked back, it could only shiver in an unfamiliar way as it saw the dispersing form of its once great incarnation; little more than a drift of memories upon the non-existent wind. It would get revenge, against these things that dared to harm the natural order. It would find a way…

  • Freyd | Focused Howl CD [2/4], Grappling Familiar Refreshed. Note: Requested higher sword art usage using same roll, given pacing and damage issue upstream.
  • Hirru | Hyperactive Refreshed
  • Elora | Note: Overgrowth Immune to Fallen Damage, Damage Adjusted.
  • Tricolor_Mina | Hyperactive Duration [2/3]

Overgrowth Felled, Transitions to -> Flaling
Flailing Cauterized -> Flailing Becomes Inactive
Cordoned Room Fades

Beyond Care: -1 Hatred to Freyd
ID#217257 | BD:8+4-6=6(hit), Wushen vs. Freyd Dealing 200-188=12 Damage
Beyond Care: -2 Hatred to Freyd (Attack Target)
Keen 3 Activated, Focus Activated! (via Alkor)

(7) Freyd |  HP: 1326/1334 | EN: 124/150 | DMG: 20 | MIT: 188 | EVA: 6 | ACC: 5(6/AA) | BH: 73 | REC: 8 | THRN: 40 | PHASE | FLN: 8 | FRB: 40(-1) | ENV.O: 32 | V.O.: 146 | V.D.: 146 | HELL: 80 | STNG[x1] | LD: 8 | PRS: 3 | DOTE: 1/3
(0) Hirru | HP: 1104/1104 | EN: 94/104 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 182 | ACC: 2 | BH: 55 | REC: 8 | THRN: 76 | MENDING: 2 | HB: 44 | LD: 5 | DOTE: 1/3
(6) Katoka | HP: 606/720 | EN: 82/106 | DMG: 28 | MIT: 98 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 7(8/AA) | BH: 31 | REC: 8 | BLGT: 32 | P.V.O | STK: 40 | HELL: 80
(6) Morningstar | HP: 826/851 | EN: 59/106 | DMG: 28 | MIT: 142 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 6(7/AA) | BH: 18 | STK: 40 | FRB: 40(-1) | VO: 140 | HELL: 80 | LD: 6
(6) Elora | HP: 693/700 | EN: 55/104 | DMG: 26 | MIT: 98 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 7(8/AA) | BH: 35 | REC: 8 | FLN: 8 | BLGT: 32 | STK: 40 | LD: 3
(4) Tricolor_Mina | HP: 547/720 | EN: 54/106 | DMG: 27 | MIT: 78 | ACC: 7 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRB: 40(-1) | V.D.: 72 | TXC.: 32

Overgrowth | HP: 0/2000 | DMG: 250 | MITI: 75 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 0 | Thorns 4 [144] [0/1] | Freeze 2 [96/2]
[Matches Blight, Fallen, Thorns]

Fist of Terra (Standard Attack): deals 250 damage to highest hate, Overgrowth gains thorns 4 until the end of its next turn.
Grasp of Gaea (Critical Attack): deals 100 unmitigated damage to all members of the team, and applies Freeze 2

  • Freeze 2: 96 damage when struck by an attack, cannot act for 2 turns or until hit.

Flailing | HP: 0/2000 | DMG: 200 | MITI: 75 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 0

Flailing: Cannot be targeted by any post action unless it is a direct healing effect.
Last Ditch (Standard Attack): deals 200 damage to highest hate
Bulldoze (Critical Attack) deals 100 unmitigated damage to highest hate and inflicts [Stunned]

Wushen, Elemental Warlord | HP: ????/???? | DMG: 200 | MITI: 75 | ACC: 4(+3) | EVA: 0
[Can be Targeted with Attacks]


  • Using [Delay] sword arts (Does not stack) will reduce the next BD 9-10 effect that a head will produce to BD:10 only, making a BD: 9 a normal attack.
  • In addition, a player using a Mass Healing Crystal without any hatred generation skills/enhancements gain +2 Hatred.
  • BD 9-10, Applies Keen 3 and Focus to Wushen, Brimstone, Caustic, Novalite, Serration, Overgrowth

Beyond Care:

  • Each round at the start of the bosses turn before its post action, the highest hate from each group decays by -1. In the event of a draw then this ability targets the player that has any hatred generation skills/enhancements. If none is present it will be the last player to generate hatred outside of attacking.
  • In addition, every successful attack made against the player with the highest hate by Wushen directly reduces their hatred by -2

Larger than Life:

  • DoT’s last half as long.
  • Wushen is immune to disables. However, when a Disable is applied, DoT effects applied in the same round will last their full duration. This also breaks Wushen's concealment on his HP Bars
  • Enhancement effects that match the element of a head are ineffective. Please see the head in question to see what enhancements it matches. 

During Phase 2, A number of different heads will cycle to each available party. One of the following heads will become targetable by a team: Brimstone, Caustic, Novalite, Serration, Overgrowth. If this head is felled, but any other remain standing it will become Flailing. These heads utilize Wushen's hatred values. The total HP of Wushen are shared with Heads, destroying one of the heads deals its full maximum to Wushen when felled.

After a head enters the Flailing state where it cannot be targeted except by healing effects, it remains at 0 HP. Using the First Aid skill or a healing item directly targeting (No Mass Heals/Field Medic target a specific creature) it will close off the wound and stop it from attacking temporarily. Using these effects on a Flailing head does not restore the bosses HP.

Cordoned Room:
During Phase 2, The entire chamber will be closed off in sections using ice isolating the parties from interacting with heads not within their reach. This barrier can be conversed through but cannot be passed. Once a party's head (
Brimstone, Caustic, Novalite, Serration, Overgrowth) has been felled, players can as a post action begin to work to lower the barrier. Burning holes through the ice walls in some way by obtaining a combined LD total of 15 will melt them. Only LD bonuses from the following apply:

  • Nimble Addon
  • Searching Skill
  • Scouting Familiar Skill

This action must be done to continue to attack the body by each party once the head has been destroyed.

Total Destruction:

  • When all spawned heads are felled, the boss will attempt to regenerate them as a post action.
  • In addition, Cordoned Room will be re-activated

- Players will have until 11:59 PM EDT on AUGUST 31st to make their posts. 
- Please post only in your respective party's thread.
- All questions should be directed to the #askastaff channel is Discord, or Lessa.
Countdown Timer

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Violet watched as Hirru approached the flailing head, using a healing crystal on the severed wounds, and making the head vanish. A few moments later, the ice started to crack and splinter, watery chunks of cold fractals spilling around everyone. "Good work, dude!" she called out to the green haired man, watching as the barrier finally shattered, revealing the giant dragon to them once more. "Oh hey big guy, welcome back~!"

Her weapon glinted as she slashed into it, a grin on her face. "Here's a little payback from Earlier!!" she made her way back to the group, her armor gleaming with a deep red light, restoring her health. They were probably starting to approach the home stretch, and every hit was going to count at this point. If even one person from their teams missed, then they were going to be missing out on a massive chunk of damage.

Attacking the Wooshy boi with AoE II, vampy proc check

Roll ID#: 217311, BD: 7 (HIT!) 18*27 = 486 - 75 = 411 DMG to Wushen! 14+2+2 = 18! Mina loses 18 EN and gains 7 (Hyper fades away...)

217312, CD: 12 - Mina Heals for 72 HP!

(7) Freyd |  HP: 1326/1334 | EN: 124/150 | DMG: 20 | MIT: 188 | EVA: 6 | ACC: 5(6/AA) | BH: 73 | REC: 8 | THRN: 40 | PHASE | FLN: 8 | FRB: 40(-1) | ENV.O: 32 | V.O.: 146 | V.D.: 146 | HELL: 80 | STNG[x1] | LD: 8 | PRS: 3 | DOTE: 1/3
(0) Hirru | HP: 1104/1104 | EN: 94/104 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 182 | ACC: 2 | BH: 55 | REC: 8 | THRN: 76 | MENDING: 2 | HB: 44 | LD: 5 | DOTE: 1/3
(6) Katoka | HP: 606/720 | EN: 82/106 | DMG: 28 | MIT: 98 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 7(8/AA) | BH: 31 | REC: 8 | BLGT: 32 | P.V.O | STK: 40 | HELL: 80
(6) Morningstar | HP: 826/851 | EN: 59/106 | DMG: 28 | MIT: 142 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 6(7/AA) | BH: 18 | STK: 40 | FRB: 40(-1) | VO: 140 | HELL: 80 | LD: 6
(6) Elora | HP: 693/700 | EN: 55/104 | DMG: 26 | MIT: 98 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 7(8/AA) | BH: 35 | REC: 8 | FLN: 8 | BLGT: 32 | STK: 40 | LD: 3
(5) Tricolor_Mina | HP: 619/720 (+72) | EN: 43/106 (+7, -18) | DMG: 27 | MIT: 78 | ACC: 7 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRB: 40(-1) | V.D.: 72 | TXC.: 32

Edited by tricolor_mina
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The ice walls had fallen, their designated head felled. Katoka set her sights once again on Wushen. She fell into the familiar rhythm that this raid had settled into, attack and keep attacking. That's all they really could do at this point.

The samurai closed the distance in no time flat, her katana shining a bright and brilliant blue as her sword art gathered it's energy. She let out a yell as her arm swung seemingly on it's own, the blade tearing into virtual flesh once again. Kat hoped that they were making progress. That their efforts wouldn't remain in vain and that this creature would just die already.

Her energy levels were getting low, bit not terribly so. Her armor was netting her extra energy pretty regularly, however she wasn't sure how long that would last. She looked to her companions, they were battered and singed and panting, but they were determined. She grinned, her own determination spreading through her once again. They would finish him. They would slay this dragon.

"Keep it up gang! We can kill this wanna be skittle snake!"


Katoka regains +4 EN
CD 1 (no REC proc ID# 217314)
Katoka regains 31 HP from BH

Post Action | [x15] ST-I (12 EN + 2 Shift EN) = 14 EN - (Rested 0/2; Stamina) = 12 EN
Free Action | N/A

ID:217315 | BD:5+5+1=11, CD: 3, HIT Using [x15] ST-I vs. Wushen |  28*15=420-75=345+80 HELL = 425 DMG to Wushen

(7) Freyd |  HP: 1326/1334 | EN: 124/150 | DMG: 20 | MIT: 188 | EVA: 6 | ACC: 5(6/AA) | BH: 73 | REC: 8 | THRN: 40 | PHASE | FLN: 8 | FRB: 40(-1) | ENV.O: 32 | V.O.: 146 | V.D.: 146 | HELL: 80 | STNG[x1] | LD: 8 | PRS: 3 | DOTE: 1/3
(0) Hirru | HP: 1104/1104 | EN: 94/104 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 182 | ACC: 2 | BH: 55 | REC: 8 | THRN: 76 | MENDING: 2 | HB: 44 | LD: 5 | DOTE: 1/3
(7) Katoka | HP: 637/720 (606+31) | EN: 74/106 (+4) (-12) | DMG: 28 | MIT: 98 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 7(8/AA) | BH: 31 | REC: 8 | BLGT: 32 | P.V.O | STK: 40 | HELL: 80
(6) Morningstar | HP: 826/851 | EN: 59/106 | DMG: 28 | MIT: 142 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 6(7/AA) | BH: 18 | STK: 40 | FRB: 40(-1) | VO: 140 | HELL: 80 | LD: 6
(6) Elora | HP: 693/700 | EN: 55/104 | DMG: 26 | MIT: 98 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 7(8/AA) | BH: 35 | REC: 8 | FLN: 8 | BLGT: 32 | STK: 40 | LD: 3
(4) Tricolor_Mina | HP: 619/720 | EN: 43/106 | DMG: 27 | MIT: 78 | ACC: 7 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRB: 40(-1) | V.D.: 72 | TXC.: 32

Edited by Katoka
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With the ethereal head felled, Elora resolved to land another blow on Wushen. The elven player spared no hesitation before wailing on the monster with her higher sword art. Administering several slashes to the side of her target proved less effective than she had hoped. At least, he didn't seem to much react from the attack that was causing her to lose a substantial amount of energy. It's got to be nearly dead -- just keep kitting it., she tried to encourage herself. Despite her best efforts, Elora had already begun to teeter from the creeping fatigue. How did the other players seem to land hit after hit, all the while barely dipping into their energy? She spared a glance at Mina, who seemed to be showing some signs of exhaustion. Sick as it was, she felt some relief from that. At least I'm not the only one... Planting her heals once more into the soil below, Elora attempted to quell her nerves and prepare for whatever heads would rear themselves next.



Post Action: [x18] AOE-II (14 + 2(Enemy) + 2(Shift)= 18 EN)
Free Action: N/A

ID# 217316 | BD 5+8=13 HIT | DMG: 18*26=468 - 75 MIT = 393 DMG to Wushen

ID# 217317 | CD1 Failed recovery check, Elora recovers +4 EN passively

Elora regains +35HP from Battle Healing

(7) Freyd |  HP: 1326/1334 | EN: 124/150 | DMG: 20 | MIT: 188 | EVA: 6 | ACC: 5(6/AA) | BH: 73 | REC: 8 | THRN: 40 | PHASE | FLN: 8 | FRB: 40(-1) | ENV.O: 32 | V.O.: 146 | V.D.: 146 | HELL: 80 | STNG[x1] | LD: 8 | PRS: 3 | DOTE: 1/3
(0) Hirru | HP: 1104/1104 | EN: 94/104 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 182 | ACC: 2 | BH: 55 | REC: 8 | THRN: 76 | MENDING: 2 | HB: 44 | LD: 5 | DOTE: 1/3
(7) Katoka | HP: 637/720 (606+31) | EN: 74/106 (+4) (-12) | DMG: 28 | MIT: 98 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 7(8/AA) | BH: 31 | REC: 8 | BLGT: 32 | P.V.O | STK: 40 | HELL: 80
(6) Morningstar | HP: 826/851 | EN: 59/106 | DMG: 28 | MIT: 142 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 6(7/AA) | BH: 18 | STK: 40 | FRB: 40(-1) | VO: 140 | HELL: 80 | LD: 6
(7) Elora | HP: 700/700(+35) | EN: 41/104(+4)(-18) | DMG: 26 | MIT: 98 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 7(8/AA) | BH: 35 | REC: 8 | FLN: 8 | BLGT: 32 | STK: 40 | LD: 3
(4) Tricolor_Mina | HP: 619/720 | EN: 43/106 | DMG: 27 | MIT: 78 | ACC: 7 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRB: 40(-1) | V.D.: 72 | TXC.: 32

Edited by Elora
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Despite Overgrowth falling to their hands, the battle was far from over. Wushen was open to attacks, so Morningstar charged in alongside the rest of his team.

He swung hard, the weight of his sword doing the majority of the work. He felt it clash with the armored scales, cutting through despite the beast's iron defense.

His teammates' attacks did the trick as well, their damage adding up to quite a lot. From opposite sides of the boss room, he could see the faces of other players in different teams making moves as well, although there was no time to stop and speak to any of them. 

How much longer could they hold out for? How was their health looking? Team Freyd was in the green, it seemed, for the time being. Hirru truly was a great healer. He hoped the best for the other squads, praying that they would all live through the fight.


Post Action: TECH-D vs Wushen
Free Action: N/A

ID# 217320 | BD 3+6+1=10 | DMG: 28*16=448-55+80= 473 DMG to Wushen | SHATTER PROC

(7) Freyd |  HP: 1326/1334 | EN: 124/150 | DMG: 20 | MIT: 188 | EVA: 6 | ACC: 5(6/AA) | BH: 73 | REC: 8 | THRN: 40 | PHASE | FLN: 8 | FRB: 40(-1) | ENV.O: 32 | V.O.: 146 | V.D.: 146 | HELL: 80 | STNG[x1] | LD: 8 | PRS: 3 | DOTE: 1/3
(0) Hirru | HP: 1104/1104 | EN: 94/104 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 182 | ACC: 2 | BH: 55 | REC: 8 | THRN: 76 | MENDING: 2 | HB: 44 | LD: 5 | DOTE: 1/3
(7) Katoka | HP: 637/720 (606+31) | EN: 74/106 (+4) (-12) | DMG: 28 | MIT: 98 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 7(8/AA) | BH: 31 | REC: 8 | BLGT: 32 | P.V.O | STK: 40 | HELL: 80
(7) Morningstar | HP: 844/851 (+18) | EN: 50/106 (+4) (-13) | DMG: 28 | MIT: 142 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 6(7/AA) | BH: 18 | STK: 40 | FRB: 40(-1) | VO: 140 | HELL: 80 | LD: 6
(7) Elora | HP: 700/700(+35) | EN: 41/104(+4)(-18) | DMG: 26 | MIT: 98 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 7(8/AA) | BH: 35 | REC: 8 | FLN: 8 | BLGT: 32 | STK: 40 | LD: 3
(4) Tricolor_Mina | HP: 619/720 | EN: 43/106 | DMG: 27 | MIT: 78 | ACC: 7 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRB: 40(-1) | V.D.: 72 | TXC.: 32

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With the barrier between them shattered, the hunter would take a moment to get his bearings back before looking on as the rest of the group set upon the main body.  It looked like they didn't need too much direction at all, it seemed.  Though, they could still let the hunter know if they were about to get their finisher set up.  That wouldn't matter though, as the fight raged on.

"Morningstar!  You're getting the next Hyperactive!  Don't squander it!  Mina, get healed up!"

He would call out to him before sending yet another healing song towards Mina.  Although Fate's Armament had him use the song on the overgrown tangled mess of a head, it would warrant to proceed with caution for the rest of his stock.  He only had two more left.  He would have to wait until another head to come by.  He was sure that the next one to attack them would not go in his favor, this time.  Dormant Fate's Armament didn't seem to give him any indication that he could do anything with it.

It would only leave Hirru with a sigh.  '

At least one of these boss items has done something'

EN Regen: +4 EN
Recovery?: [ID: 217321][CD: 7]  +8 EN (Max)
Free Action (Instant): Dear My Friend (HP Recov Instant Song 213123) -> Mina + 108*1.2 (LM)= 129 HP
Post Action: Hyperactive -> Morningstar +3 (+7) EN Regen | -5 EN -> Hirru
Hyperactive CD [0/3]

(7) Freyd |  HP: 1326/1334 | EN: 124/150 | DMG: 20 | MIT: 188 | EVA: 6 | ACC: 5(6/AA) | BH: 73 | REC: 8 | THRN: 40 | PHASE | FLN: 8 | FRB: 40(-1) | ENV.O: 32 | V.O.: 146 | V.D.: 146 | HELL: 80 | STNG[x1] | LD: 8 | PRS: 3 | DOTE: 1/3
(0) Hirru | HP: 1104/1104 | EN: 99/104 (+12-5) | DMG: 1 | MIT: 182 | ACC: 2 | BH: 55 | REC: 8 | THRN: 76 | MENDING: 2 | HB: 44 | LD: 5 | DOTE: 1/3
(7) Katoka | HP: 637/720 (606+31) | EN: 74/106 (+4) (-12) | DMG: 28 | MIT: 98 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 7(8/AA) | BH: 31 | REC: 8 | BLGT: 32 | P.V.O | STK: 40 | HELL: 80
(7) Morningstar | HP: 844/851 (+18) | EN: 50/106 (+4) (-13) | DMG: 28 | MIT: 142 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 6(7/AA) | BH: 18 | STK: 40 | FRB: 40(-1) | VO: 140 | HELL: 80 | LD: 6
(7) Elora | HP: 700/700(+35) | EN: 41/104(+4)(-18) | DMG: 26 | MIT: 98 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 7(8/AA) | BH: 35 | REC: 8 | FLN: 8 | BLGT: 32 | STK: 40 | LD: 3
(4) Tricolor_Mina | HP: 720/720 (619+129) | EN: 43/106 | DMG: 27 | MIT: 78 | ACC: 7 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRB: 40(-1) | V.D.: 72 | TXC.: 32

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Freyd felt somewhat drab and clownish, sauntering slowly through the ample chaos of battle, kicking along a few stray pebbles on the ground and tempted to chalk out a layout for hopscotch just to pass the time.  Everyone else was doing their thing: going all out, looking super-tense with layer upon layer of sincere courage and desperation.  So epic.  He just didn't feel it.  The vibe just wasn't there.  So he casually strolled through the melee instead, tilting his head a little here or there to satisfy the need for near misses.  The ground exploded once or twice for no real reason, just like it used to do in those superhero movies he would watch as a kid.  Cool.

Getting close enough to Wushen's massive form to do the deed, he flicked the requisite mental switch, a sword art activating and lacing his arm with consequential power.

*BOP*  One-punch man would be proud.  Kinda.  It lacked oomph, but remained effective.

He'd barely felt it, pressing his hand against the boss with nary recognition that it was even there, yet lines of splintering carnage spreading from the point of impact regardless.  Would Wushen even notice?  What did it matter?  The mob seemed permanently lost in its own head.  Likewise, his illusion taunting the giant dragon's elemental thing with his own brand of blasé disinterest.  Real Freyd was already elsewhere searching to find them all an exit.


Freyd regains +4 EN
Freyd regains 73 HP from BH (maxed out)
CD 6 (No REC proc) ID #217322
Focused Howl CD [3/4], Disguise CD [0/5]

Post Action | TECH-D (x12, 12 EN, Shatter): 12 EN - (Stamina) = 10 EN.  
Free Action | Activates Disguise (CD 0/5)

ID #217323 | BD:5+7=12 (hit).  DMG (20*13=260-35=225+80 Hell=305) to Wushen.  Shatter 2 proc applied.

(9) Freyd |  HP: 1334/1334 (1326+73) | EN: 118/150 (124+4-10) | DMG: 20 | MIT: 188 | EVA: 6 (+1) | ACC: 5(6/AA) | BH: 73 | REC: 8 | THRN: 40 | PHASE | FLN: 8 | FRB: 40(-1) | ENV.O: 32 | V.O.: 146 | V.D.: 146 | HELL: 80 | STNG[x1] | LD: 8 | PRS: 3 | DOTE: 1/3
(0) Hirru | HP: 1104/1104 | EN: 99/104 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 182 | ACC: 2 | BH: 55 | REC: 8 | THRN: 76 | MENDING: 2 | HB: 44 | LD: 5 | DOTE: 1/3
(7) Katoka | HP: 637/720 | EN: 74/106 | DMG: 28 | MIT: 98 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 7(8/AA) | BH: 31 | REC: 8 | BLGT: 32 | P.V.O | STK: 40 | HELL: 80
(7) Morningstar | HP: 844/851  | EN: 50/106  | DMG: 28 | MIT: 142 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 6(7/AA) | BH: 18 | STK: 40 | FRB: 40(-1) | VO: 140 | HELL: 80 | LD: 6
(7) Elora | HP: 700/700 | EN: 41/104 | DMG: 26 | MIT: 98 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 7(8/AA) | BH: 35 | REC: 8 | FLN: 8 | BLGT: 32 | STK: 40 | LD: 3
(4) Tricolor_Mina | HP: 720/720 | EN: 43/106 | DMG: 27 | MIT: 78 | ACC: 7 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRB: 40(-1) | V.D.: 72 | TXC.: 32

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Pestilence. They were a pestilence. There was nothing more that they could be, nothing more that they deserved to be. They were here to torture it, until its final moments. Destroying what it was, what it controlled, what it saw over. Only a pestilence would do such a thing to the forces of nature. Only a pestilence could break down its forms in such a manner.

It would rid the world of this pestilence. It would tend to the natural order, return things to the ever flowing chaos that was and should be. The chaos that bred life, bred continuation, bred ending. It was that ending. It would not be ended by such…such disgusting things.

Wushen leaned back and roared, roared as the pestilence crept ever closer. Roared in anger, in fury, in torment. Roared in horror, in refusal, in despair. Roared, to bring fear upon that which appeared fearless. It would not fall here, not this time, not ever.

They came as if flies released from the sack that had housed them. Flittering, dipping beneath, biting at its scales. As much the pests as they appeared. They gnawed with their long claws, their teeth and beat with their limbs in ways that caused stings upon Wushen’s flesh. They were unbearable beneath its form, berating it without end. 

Wushen felt the roiling within itself again, the desire to do nothing more than swat them all away. The desire to end their pitiful lives; lives wasted upon their attempts to overcome it. Lives which amounted to nothing in comparison to Wushen’s own. Lives that were beginning to give it a sense of danger…

image.pngA silvery liquid, reminiscent of the properties of mercury, oozes from the dark scales of Wushen, promptly adhering and solidifying to form an additional armored layer over the dragon's already formidable hide. The faint glow within the cavern reflects off its surface, revealing a lustrous, metallic sheen. In the blink of an eye, the liquid armor shapes into long, slender spikes, capable of piercing even the sturdiest of armors if anyone happened to stand too close.

A  ghostly, serpentine image of an imposing dragon head now appears beside its physical counterpart, covered in a gleaming armored layer. Its large mouth opens gradually, revealing a frightening array of razor-sharp teeth. With a savage and threatening demeanor, it lunges towards the players, unleashing its primal fury. The creature, aptly named Serration, bears its deadly presence, as indicated by the health bar hovering above it.



  • Freyd | Focused Howl CD [3/4], Disguise CD [1/5]
  • Hirru | Hyperactive CD [1/3]
  • Morningstar | Hyperactive Duration [0/3]
  • Tricolor_Mina | Hyperactive Fades

Beyond Care: -1 Hatred to Freyd
All Heads Felled, Wushen uses Total Destruction:
Cordoned Room Activated
Serration has appeared!
Shatter 2 applied to Wushen -> Applied to Serration
 is immune to Shatter -> Shatter 2 Fades from Serration
Focused [1/2] Applied to Wushen -> Applied to Serration
Keen 3 Fades from Wushen

(8) Freyd |  HP: 1334/1334 | EN: 118/150 | DMG: 20 | MIT: 188 | EVA: 6 (+1) | ACC: 5(6/AA) | BH: 73 | REC: 8 | THRN: 40 | PHASE | FLN: 8 | FRB: 40(-1) | ENV.O: 32 | V.O.: 146 | V.D.: 146 | HELL: 80 | STNG[x1] | LD: 8 | PRS: 3 | DOTE: 1/3
(0) Hirru | HP: 1104/1104 | EN: 99/104 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 182 | ACC: 2 | BH: 55 | REC: 8 | THRN: 76 | MENDING: 2 | HB: 44 | LD: 5 | DOTE: 1/3
(7) Katoka | HP: 637/720 | EN: 74/106 | DMG: 28 | MIT: 98 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 7(8/AA) | BH: 31 | REC: 8 | BLGT: 32 | P.V.O | STK: 40 | HELL: 80
(7) Morningstar | HP: 844/851  | EN: 50/106  | DMG: 28 | MIT: 142 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 6(7/AA) | BH: 18 | STK: 40 | FRB: 40(-1) | VO: 140 | HELL: 80 | LD: 6
(7) Elora | HP: 700/700 | EN: 41/104 | DMG: 26 | MIT: 98 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 7(8/AA) | BH: 35 | REC: 8 | FLN: 8 | BLGT: 32 | STK: 40 | LD: 3
(4) Tricolor_Mina | HP: 720/720 | EN: 43/106 | DMG: 27 | MIT: 78 | ACC: 7 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRB: 40(-1) | V.D.: 72 | TXC.: 32

Serration | HP: 2000/2000 | DMG: 250 | MITI: 75 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 0 | Shatter [-20] | FOCUSED [1/2]
[Matches Holy, Bleed, Shatter, Phase]

Bladed Teeth (Basic Attack): deals 250 damage to highest hate, and applies Shatter
Storm of Knives: (Critical Attack) deals 100 unmitigated damage to all members of the team, and applies Bleed 4 & Laceration

  • Bleed 4: 96 damage per turn for two turns.
  • Laceration: For the next two turns, all passive healing effects (VD/VO/BH/HB) are halved.

Flailing | HP: 0/2000 | DMG: 200 | MITI: 75 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 0

Flailing: Cannot be targeted by any post action unless it is a direct healing effect.
Last Ditch (Standard Attack): deals 200 damage to highest hate
Bulldoze (Critical Attack) deals 100 unmitigated damage to highest hate and inflicts [Stunned]

Wushen, Elemental Warlord | HP: ????/???? | DMG: 200 | MITI: 35 75 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 0 | Shatter 2 [1/3] | FOCUSED [1/2]
[Cannot be Targeted with Attacks]


  • Using [Delay] sword arts (Does not stack) will reduce the next BD 9-10 effect that a head will produce to BD:10 only, making a BD: 9 a normal attack.
  • In addition, a player using a Mass Healing Crystal without any hatred generation skills/enhancements gain +2 Hatred.
  • BD 9-10, Applies Keen 3 and Focus to Wushen, Brimstone, Caustic, Novalite, Serration, Overgrowth

Beyond Care:

  • Each round at the start of the bosses turn before its post action, the highest hate from each group decays by -1. In the event of a draw then this ability targets the player that has any hatred generation skills/enhancements. If none is present it will be the last player to generate hatred outside of attacking.
  • In addition, every successful attack made against the player with the highest hate by Wushen directly reduces their hatred by -2

Larger than Life:

  • DoT’s last half as long.
  • Wushen is immune to disables. However, when a Disable is applied, DoT effects applied in the same round will last their full duration. This also breaks Wushen's concealment on his HP Bars
  • Enhancement effects that match the element of a head are ineffective. Please see the head in question to see what enhancements it matches. 

During Phase 2, A number of different heads will cycle to each available party. One of the following heads will become targetable by a team: Brimstone, Caustic, Novalite, Serration, Overgrowth. If this head is felled, but any other remain standing it will become Flailing. These heads utilize Wushen's hatred values. The total HP of Wushen are shared with Heads, destroying one of the heads deals its full maximum to Wushen when felled.

After a head enters the Flailing state where it cannot be targeted except by healing effects, it remains at 0 HP. Using the First Aid skill or a healing item directly targeting (No Mass Heals/Field Medic target a specific creature) it will close off the wound and stop it from attacking temporarily. Using these effects on a Flailing head does not restore the bosses HP.

Cordoned Room:
During Phase 2, The entire chamber will be closed off in sections using ice isolating the parties from interacting with heads not within their reach. This barrier can be conversed through but cannot be passed. Once a party's head (
Brimstone, Caustic, Novalite, Serration, Overgrowth) has been felled, players can as a post action begin to work to lower the barrier. Burning holes through the ice walls in some way by obtaining a combined LD total of 15 will melt them. Only LD bonuses from the following apply:

  • Nimble Addon
  • Searching Skill
  • Scouting Familiar Skill

This action must be done to continue to attack the body by each party once the head has been destroyed.

Total Destruction:

  • When all spawned heads are felled, the boss will attempt to regenerate them as a post action.
  • In addition, Cordoned Room will be re-activated

- Players will have until 11:59 PM EDT on SEPTEMBER 5th [EXTENDED DUE TO HOLIDAY] to make their posts. 
- Please post only in your respective party's thread.
- All questions should be directed to the #askastaff channel is Discord, or Lessa.
Countdown Timer


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Just as the fighting was getting good, the dragon boss would start up another round of Domes and Dragons.  This round though, they were not met with the nature blessed head of bark and wood.  No, this one was made of metal, though it seemed to be liquid in a way.  What metal could be liquid as the same time, he thought before pulling out a little seed.  He had two of these seeds in total, but they would be enough.

"You think the elements are on yours to control?  We have the burning passion of fire, the fortitude of earth, the resilience of metal, the persistence of water."

Dropping the seed to the ground, it would drive a hole into the earth.  In no time, a sapling would sprout from the hole.  By forces unknown, the sapling would grow at an exponential pace, ingraining its roots around the hunter as it did so.  It wouldn't matter much to him, as long as those that needed energy or healing would come close to him.  The branches and twigs would sprout into a full canopy of leaves before bursting, showering them all in leaves as the shield would come into affect.  Blessing of the Wood, a barrier based item that can tank quite a bit of damage from several attacks until it's own hit points were diminished.  It was much more powerful than his simple barrier, though he didn't know how it would fair with what Fate's Armament had accomplished.

"And the life given by nature itself!  You think you control what we have in plenty?!"

EN Regen: +4 EN
Recovery?: [ID: 217429][CD: 6] Nope
Free Action (Instant): 
Post Action: Use Blessing of the Wood -> Team Freyd  | 250 Shield | 0 EVA -> Hirru (already at 0)

Blessing of the Wood | 250/250 | The user roots themselves into the ground, providing a party wide shield that will absorb up to 250 DMG before breaking at the cost of the user’s EVA being reset to 0 while the shield is up.

(8) Freyd |  HP: 1334/1334 | EN: 118/150 | DMG: 20 | MIT: 188 | EVA: 6 (+1) | ACC: 5(6/AA) | BH: 73 | REC: 8 | THRN: 40 | PHASE | FLN: 8 | FRB: 40(-1) | ENV.O: 32 | V.O.: 146 | V.D.: 146 | HELL: 80 | STNG[x1] | LD: 8 | PRS: 3 | DOTE: 1/3
(0) Hirru | HP: 1104/1104 | EN: 103/104 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 182 | ACC: 2 | BH: 55 | REC: 8 | THRN: 76 | MENDING: 2 | HB: 44 | LD: 5 | DOTE: 1/3
(7) Katoka | HP: 637/720 | EN: 74/106 | DMG: 28 | MIT: 98 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 7(8/AA) | BH: 31 | REC: 8 | BLGT: 32 | P.V.O | STK: 40 | HELL: 80
(7) Morningstar | HP: 844/851  | EN: 50/106  | DMG: 28 | MIT: 142 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 6(7/AA) | BH: 18 | STK: 40 | FRB: 40(-1) | VO: 140 | HELL: 80 | LD: 6
(7) Elora | HP: 700/700 | EN: 41/104 | DMG: 26 | MIT: 98 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 7(8/AA) | BH: 35 | REC: 8 | FLN: 8 | BLGT: 32 | STK: 40 | LD: 3
(4) Tricolor_Mina | HP: 720/720 | EN: 43/106 | DMG: 27 | MIT: 78 | ACC: 7 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRB: 40(-1) | V.D.: 72 | TXC.: 32

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Yet another head. At this rate they would need to each fight their own separate heads, if it had that many. "I really hope it doesn't have that many." As they all continued their onslaught of attacks it seemed as though progress was being made. If only they could see it's health bar, that was the most annoying part of this fight. Other than the multiple heads of course.

"Rinse and repeat, time to slap the tin head!" Katoka called, advancing to her target. She passed Hirru as he put on display his magnificent green thumb. "Holy hell, is that a whole tree?!"

Leaping into the air Kat brought her blade down on the metal dragon's head, slamming it's upper jaw down into it's lower causing an audible thunk clang to resonate through the battle field. She hoped that would disorient the creature a bit, knowing that most things having their head smacked down hard enough would confuse them.


 Katoka regains +4 EN
CD 2 (no REC proc ID# 217435)
Katoka regains 31 HP from BH

Post Action | [x18] ST-II (15 EN + 2 Shift EN) = 17 EN - (Rested 0/2; Stamina) = 15 EN
Free Action | N/A

ID:217436 | BD:5+5+1=11, CD: 9, HIT Using [x18] ST-II vs. Serration | 18*28=504-75=429+ 80 HELL = 509 DMG | ST-B Unlocked

(8) Freyd |  HP: 1334/1334 | EN: 118/150 | DMG: 20 | MIT: 188 | EVA: 6 (+1) | ACC: 5(6/AA) | BH: 73 | REC: 8 | THRN: 40 | PHASE | FLN: 8 | FRB: 40(-1) | ENV.O: 32 | V.O.: 146 | V.D.: 146 | HELL: 80 | STNG[x1] | LD: 8 | PRS: 3 | DOTE: 1/3
(0) Hirru | HP: 1104/1104 | EN: 103/104 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 182 | ACC: 2 | BH: 55 | REC: 8 | THRN: 76 | MENDING: 2 | HB: 44 | LD: 5 | DOTE: 1/3
(8) Katoka | HP: 668/720 (637+31) | EN: 63/106 (+4) (-15) | DMG: 28 | MIT: 98 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 7(8/AA) | BH: 31 | REC: 8 | BLGT: 32 | P.V.O | STK: 40 | HELL: 80
(7) Morningstar | HP: 844/851  | EN: 50/106  | DMG: 28 | MIT: 142 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 6(7/AA) | BH: 18 | STK: 40 | FRB: 40(-1) | VO: 140 | HELL: 80 | LD: 6
(7) Elora | HP: 700/700 | EN: 41/104 | DMG: 26 | MIT: 98 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 7(8/AA) | BH: 35 | REC: 8 | FLN: 8 | BLGT: 32 | STK: 40 | LD: 3
(4) Tricolor_Mina | HP: 720/720 | EN: 43/106 | DMG: 27 | MIT: 78 | ACC: 7 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRB: 40(-1) | V.D.: 72 | TXC.: 32

Serration | HP: 1491/2000 | DMG: 250 | MITI: 75 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 0 | Shatter [-20] | FOCUSED [1/2] (2000-509)

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Another head..., sighed Elora, How many more are there gonna be? She did her best to straighten her stance, recenter her wavering focus. The rest of her team seemed to be handling it well. She spared a moment to glance at each of them. Freyd was stalling for something, Hirru was doing his best to keep everyone alive, the rest of them were relentless in their attacks. They were back to beating on an apparition that didn't have a health bar. "Is this thing gonna die already, or what?", she spat in frustration. Hell, even when she had been able to see the boss's stats, the progress felt slow. It didn't matter how much energy she put behind her swings, the damage was negligible. Was she really contributing to this fight? You're the weakest member of the team..., her conscious was quick to remind, Gotta do more...

Again, she stabbed at Wushen -- Serration -- whatever it was. Her spear made contact with the thing's golden scales, slicing them open to unleash a spray of reflective pixels. The chime denoting a critical attack did little to alleviate her encroaching doubts.



Post Action: [x15] AOE-I (11 + 2(Enemy) + 2(Shift)= 15 EN)
Free Action: N/A

ID#217523 | BD 10+8=18 Critical Hit | DMG: 15*28=420 - 75 MIT = 345 DMG to Serration

ID# 217522 | CD6 Failed recovery check, Elora recovers +4 EN passively

(8) Freyd |  HP: 1334/1334 | EN: 118/150 | DMG: 20 | MIT: 188 | EVA: 6 (+1) | ACC: 5(6/AA) | BH: 73 | REC: 8 | THRN: 40 | PHASE | FLN: 8 | FRB: 40(-1) | ENV.O: 32 | V.O.: 146 | V.D.: 146 | HELL: 80 | STNG[x1] | LD: 8 | PRS: 3 | DOTE: 1/3
(0) Hirru | HP: 1104/1104 | EN: 103/104 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 182 | ACC: 2 | BH: 55 | REC: 8 | THRN: 76 | MENDING: 2 | HB: 44 | LD: 5 | DOTE: 1/3
(8) Katoka | HP: 668/720 (637+31) | EN: 63/106 (+4) (-15) | DMG: 28 | MIT: 98 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 7(8/AA) | BH: 31 | REC: 8 | BLGT: 32 | P.V.O | STK: 40 | HELL: 80
(7) Morningstar | HP: 844/851  | EN: 50/106  | DMG: 28 | MIT: 142 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 6(7/AA) | BH: 18 | STK: 40 | FRB: 40(-1) | VO: 140 | HELL: 80 | LD: 6
(9) Elora | HP: 700/700 | EN: 31/104 (+4)(-15) | DMG: 26 | MIT: 98 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 7(8/AA) | BH: 35 | REC: 8 | FLN: 8 | BLGT: 32 | STK: 40 | LD: 3
(4) Tricolor_Mina | HP: 720/720 | EN: 43/106 | DMG: 27 | MIT: 78 | ACC: 7 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRB: 40(-1) | V.D.: 72 | TXC.: 32

Blight and Static applied to Serration

Serration | HP: 1146/2000 | DMG: 250 | MITI: 75 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 0 | Shatter [-20] | FOCUSED [1/2] (2000-509)

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*Note: I made a fuckup and targeted the Wushy in my roll instead of Serration, MB gamers :'3

Violet let out a sigh as a second wall of ice seemed to shimmer into view, forcing them to focus on another head. It was like Wushen wanted to play a game of hide and seek rather than face them head on like it had been before. However, that wasn't the only barrier that seemed to have come into play. A beautiful oaken barrier seemed to sprout from the ground at Hirru's urging, the elegant tree protecting them from being wounded further by the dragon.

Violet launched forward, skirting around the barrier so that she could get at the metallic head that was looming over them. Despite the shiny coat making it seem almost impenetrable, she knew her blade was going to cut right through. It had to, she couldn't afford to miss her aim, to have her hands falter. "Alright, Serration... lets see what You're Made of!" she snarled, kicking off of its neck to land on the edge of the barrier, scowling underneath her mask.

Post action - ST-1 VS Serration

Roll ID#: 217648, BD: 3 (3+7=10, HIT! 12*27= 324-75 = 249 DMG to Serration! Mina loses 12 EN!

(8) Freyd |  HP: 1334/1334 | EN: 118/150 | DMG: 20 | MIT: 188 | EVA: 6 (+1) | ACC: 5(6/AA) | BH: 73 | REC: 8 | THRN: 40 | PHASE | FLN: 8 | FRB: 40(-1) | ENV.O: 32 | V.O.: 146 | V.D.: 146 | HELL: 80 | STNG[x1] | LD: 8 | PRS: 3 | DOTE: 1/3
(0) Hirru | HP: 1104/1104 | EN: 103/104 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 182 | ACC: 2 | BH: 55 | REC: 8 | THRN: 76 | MENDING: 2 | HB: 44 | LD: 5 | DOTE: 1/3
(8) Katoka | HP: 668/720 (637+31) | EN: 63/106 (+4) (-15) | DMG: 28 | MIT: 98 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 7(8/AA) | BH: 31 | REC: 8 | BLGT: 32 | P.V.O | STK: 40 | HELL: 80
(7) Morningstar | HP: 844/851  | EN: 50/106  | DMG: 28 | MIT: 142 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 6(7/AA) | BH: 18 | STK: 40 | FRB: 40(-1) | VO: 140 | HELL: 80 | LD: 6
(9) Elora | HP: 700/700 | EN: 31/104 (+4)(-15) | DMG: 26 | MIT: 98 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 7(8/AA) | BH: 35 | REC: 8 | FLN: 8 | BLGT: 32 | STK: 40 | LD: 3
(5) Tricolor_Mina | HP: 720/720 | EN: 35/106 (+4, - 12) | DMG: 27 | MIT: 78 | ACC: 7 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRB: 40(-1) | V.D.: 72 | TXC.: 32

Serration | HP: 897/2000 | DMG: 250 | MITI: 75 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 0 | Shatter [-20] | FOCUSED [1/2] (2000-509)

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Morningstar swung high, activating another sword art. The dragon head, ghostly and transparent, loomed above the players. It was less intimidating after they had fell the last. Still, it was a threat.

He cut through with a stun, although he assumed the effect would be lessened considering what they were up against. Serration's health bar dipped low but not quite to zero. He caught his breath, only now realizing how fatigued the fight had made him.

The Soulcursed Blade carried something dark within it, something that pulled at him from a deep place. He struggled to fight it off but tried his best to keep a straight face. The heads appearing did nothing but set it off even more. It was like each one had a life force of its own that the weapon yearned to consume. He winced.

"Keep it up, team," he managed to say, pain digging into his arms.


Post Action | TECH-A vs Serration
Free Action | N/A

ID217736 BD: 2 CD: 2 | 27*16=432-75+80=437 DMG | STUN ACTIVATED

(8) Freyd |  HP: 1334/1334 | EN: 118/150 | DMG: 20 | MIT: 188 | EVA: 6 (+1) | ACC: 5(6/AA) | BH: 73 | REC: 8 | THRN: 40 | PHASE | FLN: 8 | FRB: 40(-1) | ENV.O: 32 | V.O.: 146 | V.D.: 146 | HELL: 80 | STNG[x1] | LD: 8 | PRS: 3 | DOTE: 1/3
(0) Hirru | HP: 1104/1104 | EN: 103/104 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 182 | ACC: 2 | BH: 55 | REC: 8 | THRN: 76 | MENDING: 2 | HB: 44 | LD: 5 | DOTE: 1/3
(8) Katoka | HP: 668/720 (637+31) | EN: 63/106 (+4) (-15) | DMG: 28 | MIT: 98 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 7(8/AA) | BH: 31 | REC: 8 | BLGT: 32 | P.V.O | STK: 40 | HELL: 80
(8) Morningstar | HP: 844/851  | EN: 44/106 (+7) (-13)  | DMG: 28 | MIT: 142 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 6(7/AA) | BH: 18 | STK: 40 | FRB: 40(-1) | VO: 140 | HELL: 80 | LD: 6
(9) Elora | HP: 700/700 | EN: 31/104 (+4)(-15) | DMG: 26 | MIT: 98 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 7(8/AA) | BH: 35 | REC: 8 | FLN: 8 | BLGT: 32 | STK: 40 | LD: 3
(5) Tricolor_Mina | HP: 720/720 | EN: 35/106 (+4, - 12) | DMG: 27 | MIT: 78 | ACC: 7 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRB: 40(-1) | V.D.: 72 | TXC.: 32

Serration | HP: 460/2000 | DMG: 250 | MITI: 75 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 0 | Shatter [-20] | FOCUSED [1/2]

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Listening to Hirru speak was inspiring.  Though he’d likely deny it, the man was a good leader and also clever.  “An elemental barrier of our own?  Nicely done, my friend.  Keep it up as long as you can.  We must be nearing the end of this fight.”  

Secretly and only to himself, Freyd’s thoughts bore a graver degree of concern.  Yes, they were managing these spiritual noggins he was spawning, but for how long?  Two more rounds? Maybe three at the utmost?  Then their collective wells would run dry.  The mob wouldn’t have to win.  They would simply run out of steam and sputter, only the most veteran among them remaining capable of any serious output.  It would be tantamount to scratching on the eight ball.  Sucky way to lose, watching victory get snatched away by math beyond your knowledge or control.

Frustration clear in Elora’s voice, and tension growing in the others, he needed to maintain pace and morale.  This was a chess game now, with few pieces remaining on the board.  Every move would count.

“Well done, all of you.  We’ve kited this one well and can finish it off in a moment.  Elora, I may ask you to do the deed and fell this thing so that Hirru can seal its fate.  I can carve a path through the ice.  Morningstar will be my backup in that regard.  Mina and Katoka, get ready to wipe the grin off that stupid raid boss’ face.”

Freyd reached into a pocket and grabbed the bowl of ether he kept Elsewhere for his familiar, tossing it like a frisbee and watching it shatter across the metal mob's ugly mug. Persi just lost it, like a feline dumped into a basket full of catnip she raked up one side of Serration's face and down the other.  A whirling maelstrom of shadowy mauling rent the elemental's features apart, gnawing and nipping at every groove and seam.  Pulling and tugging at anything that could come loose, Persi made sure that anything not nailed down was torn off amidst her snacking frenzy.  Freyd nearly felt sorry for the proxy-boss, but not quite.


Freyd regains +4 EN
CD 5 (No REC proc) ID #217743
Focused Howl CD [4/4], Disguise CD [2/5]

Post Action | Basic Attack (1 EN) 
Free Action | Grappling Familiar

ID #217744 | BD: 9 (Crit +1).  DMG (2-75=1+80 Hell=81) to Serration.  Grappling Familiar applies stun.  Frostbite (40/2) and Envenom (32/4) applied. +3 Hate. (CD 11 | ST-B unlocked)

(11) Freyd |  HP: 1334/1334 | EN: 121/150 (118+4-1) | DMG: 20 | MIT: 188 | EVA: 6 | ACC: 5(6/AA) | BH: 73 | REC: 8 | THRN: 40 | PHASE | FLN: 8 | FRB: 40(-1) | ENV.O: 32 | V.O.: 146 | V.D.: 146 | HELL: 80 | STNG[x1] | LD: 8 | PRS: 3 | DOTE: 1/3
(0) Hirru | HP: 1104/1104 | EN: 103/104 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 182 | ACC: 2 | BH: 55 | REC: 8 | THRN: 76 | MENDING: 2 | HB: 44 | LD: 5 | DOTE: 1/3
(8) Katoka | HP: 668/720 | EN: 63/106  | DMG: 28 | MIT: 98 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 7(8/AA) | BH: 31 | REC: 8 | BLGT: 32 | P.V.O | STK: 40 | HELL: 80
(8) Morningstar | HP: 844/851  | EN: 44/106 | DMG: 28 | MIT: 142 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 6(7/AA) | BH: 18 | STK: 40 | FRB: 40(-1) | VO: 140 | HELL: 80 | LD: 6
(9) Elora | HP: 700/700 | EN: 31/104 | DMG: 26 | MIT: 98 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 7(8/AA) | BH: 35 | REC: 8 | FLN: 8 | BLGT: 32 | STK: 40 | LD: 3
(5) Tricolor_Mina | HP: 720/720 | EN: 35/106 | DMG: 27 | MIT: 78 | ACC: 7 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRB: 40(-1) | V.D.: 72 | TXC.: 32

Serration | HP: 379/2000 | DMG: 250 | MITI: 75 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 0 | Shatter [-20] | FOCUSED [1/2] | FRB 40 [0/2] | ENV.O 32 [0/4] | BLGT 32 [0/2] | STC 40 [0/2] (460-81)


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Relentlessly, these loathsome insects persisted, an enduring source of vexation that never ceased to trouble Wushen. They were an unyielding obstacle, a veritable plague that cried out for total annihilation from the very fabric of existence. In Wushen's grand design for utter mayhem and disarray, they were the solitary stumbling block, an obstinate band of warriors, adventurers, and misfits, defiantly standing in his path.

Wushen harbored an insatiable desire to obliterate them, to reduce their existence to nothing more than a gruesome tapestry of lifeless, mutilated remains strewn across the landscape. If only they would acquiesce to stillness, but alas, they persisted in their relentless pursuit of thwarting his malevolent ambitions, their ceaseless motion mocking his every nefarious intent.

How dare they.

How dare they defy the might of Serration – of Wushen himself.

How dare they make a mockery of the elemental form of metal, who wanted nothing more than to cut through these pathetic fools like a hot knife through butter.

But their constant actions, their constant strategizing.. Serration could only look on, its metallic form creaking as it attempted to move, its razor sharp teeth chattering within its gaping maw, just meters away from closing down on any one of these players and ripping them to shreds.

The damage had already been done, by the time Serration found movement in its body once more. But they would not have seen the last of this form. No, they would yet face its fury.


  • Freyd | Focused Howl Refreshed, Disguise CD [2/5], Grappling Familiar CD [1/5]
  • Hirru | Hyperactive CD [2/3]
  • Morningstar | Hyperactive Duration [1/3] Note: BLGT mitigation reduction missed, Damage Dealt Adjusted
  • Tricolor_Mina | Note: BLGT mitigation reduction missed, Damage Dealt Adjusted

Serration is [Stunned], Takes no Action. Stun fades and is replaced with Stun Immunity [0/3]
Serration Sustains 40 via Frostbite
Serration Sustains 32 via Envenom
Serration Sustains 32 via Blight

Beyond Care: -1 Hatred to Freyd
ID#217882 | BD:3+4-6=1 (missed), Wushen, Elemental Warlord vs. Freyd
Beyond Care (Target): -2 Hatred to Freyd
Keen 3, Focused Activated (Team NIGHT) -> Applied to Wushen, Brimstone, Overgrowth, Serration

(8) Freyd |  HP: 1334[250]/1334 | EN: 121/150 | DMG: 20 | MIT: 188 | EVA: 6 | ACC: 5(6/AA) | BH: 73 | REC: 8 | THRN: 40 | PHASE | FLN: 8 | FRB: 40(-1) | ENV.O: 32 | V.O.: 146 | V.D.: 146 | HELL: 80 | STNG[x1] | LD: 8 | PRS: 3 | DOTE: 1/3
(0) Hirru | HP: 1104[250]/1104 | EN: 103/104 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 182 | ACC: 2 | BH: 55 | REC: 8 | THRN: 76 | MENDING: 2 | HB: 44 | LD: 5 | DOTE: 1/3
(8) Katoka | HP: 668[250]/720 | EN: 63/106  | DMG: 28 | MIT: 98 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 7(8/AA) | BH: 31 | REC: 8 | BLGT: 32 | P.V.O | STK: 40 | HELL: 80
(8) Morningstar | HP: 844[250]/851  | EN: 44/106 | DMG: 28 | MIT: 142 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 6(7/AA) | BH: 18 | STK: 40 | FRB: 40(-1) | VO: 140 | HELL: 80 | LD: 6
(9) Elora | HP: 700[250]/700 | EN: 31/104 | DMG: 26 | MIT: 98 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 7(8/AA) | BH: 35 | REC: 8 | FLN: 8 | BLGT: 32 | STK: 40 | LD: 3
(5) Tricolor_Mina | HP: 720[250]/720 | EN: 35/106 | DMG: 27 | MIT: 78 | ACC: 7 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRB: 40(-1) | V.D.: 72 | TXC.: 32

Serration | HP: 339/2000 | DMG: 250 | MITI: 55 75 | ACC: 4(+3)(-1) | EVA: 0 | Shatter [-20] | FOCUSED [1/2] | Stun Immunity [0/3] | FB [40/1] | ENV. [32/3] | BLGT [32/1]
[Matches Holy, Bleed, Shatter, Phase]

Bladed Teeth (Basic Attack): deals 250 damage to highest hate, and applies Shatter
Storm of Knives: (Critical Attack) deals 100 unmitigated damage to all members of the team, and applies Bleed 4 & Laceration

  • Bleed 4: 96 damage per turn for two turns.
  • Laceration: For the next two turns, all passive healing effects (VD/VO/BH/HB) are halved.

Flailing | HP: 0/2000 | DMG: 200 | MITI: 75 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 0

Flailing: Cannot be targeted by any post action unless it is a direct healing effect.
Last Ditch (Standard Attack): deals 200 damage to highest hate
Bulldoze (Critical Attack) deals 100 unmitigated damage to highest hate and inflicts [Stunned]

Wushen, Elemental Warlord | HP: ????/???? | DMG: 200 | MITI: 35 75 | ACC: 4(+3) | EVA: 0 | Shatter 2 [2/3] | FOCUSED [1/2]
[Cannot be Targeted with Attacks]


  • Using [Delay] sword arts (Does not stack) will reduce the next BD 9-10 effect that a head will produce to BD:10 only, making a BD: 9 a normal attack.
  • In addition, a player using a Mass Healing Crystal without any hatred generation skills/enhancements gain +2 Hatred.
  • BD 9-10, Applies Keen 3 and Focus to Wushen, Brimstone, Caustic, Novalite, Serration, Overgrowth

Beyond Care:

  • Each round at the start of the bosses turn before its post action, the highest hate from each group decays by -1. In the event of a draw then this ability targets the player that has any hatred generation skills/enhancements. If none is present it will be the last player to generate hatred outside of attacking.
  • In addition, every successful attack made against the player with the highest hate by Wushen directly reduces their hatred by -2

Larger than Life:

  • DoT’s last half as long.
  • Wushen is immune to disables. However, when a Disable is applied, DoT effects applied in the same round will last their full duration. This also breaks Wushen's concealment on his HP Bars
  • Enhancement effects that match the element of a head are ineffective. Please see the head in question to see what enhancements it matches. 

During Phase 2, A number of different heads will cycle to each available party. One of the following heads will become targetable by a team: Brimstone, Caustic, Novalite, Serration, Overgrowth. If this head is felled, but any other remain standing it will become Flailing. These heads utilize Wushen's hatred values. The total HP of Wushen are shared with Heads, destroying one of the heads deals its full maximum to Wushen when felled.

After a head enters the Flailing state where it cannot be targeted except by healing effects, it remains at 0 HP. Using the First Aid skill or a healing item directly targeting (No Mass Heals/Field Medic target a specific creature) it will close off the wound and stop it from attacking temporarily. Using these effects on a Flailing head does not restore the bosses HP.

Cordoned Room:
During Phase 2, The entire chamber will be closed off in sections using ice isolating the parties from interacting with heads not within their reach. This barrier can be conversed through but cannot be passed. Once a party's head (
Brimstone, Caustic, Novalite, Serration, Overgrowth) has been felled, players can as a post action begin to work to lower the barrier. Burning holes through the ice walls in some way by obtaining a combined LD total of 15 will melt them. Only LD bonuses from the following apply:

  • Nimble Addon
  • Searching Skill
  • Scouting Familiar Skill

This action must be done to continue to attack the body by each party once the head has been destroyed.

Total Destruction:

  • When all spawned heads are felled, the boss will attempt to regenerate them as a post action.
  • In addition, Cordoned Room will be re-activated

- Players will have until 11:59 PM EDT on SEPTEMBER 9th to make their posts. 
- Please post only in your respective party's thread.
- All questions should be directed to the #askastaff channel is Discord, or Lessa.
Countdown Timer

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Violet drew her blade in front of her, black smoke wafting from the hilt of her blade as she held it up close to eye level. They were slowly starting to run dry on their energy reserves, with only a few sparks left for them to gather. Their entire party was trying their best, just to cleave their way through the last little bit of health. Only two bars out of the original six were left, and they were fully in the home stretch.

The smoke from lament seemed to erupt into purple and red flames, licking across the blade hungrily, just itching for a release.

No faltering here, they had to finish this soon. Before everyone ran out of steam, and they were forced to retreat. They would be losing the faith of the people, the ones that they were fighting for the freedom of. Serration was bearing down on their team, its razor fangs trying to find purchase against the wooden barrier.

Violet let out a bellow, before launching herself at it, the red and purple mixing with the glow of a critical blow. Serration let out a Wail of pain, thrashing as Lament bit through its thick metal scales and drew out the last embers of its life. Now, She just had to rely on her team to keep up the good work.

Action - AoE I Vs Serration

217894, BD: 8 (Minor Crit! [Focus]) 28*15= 420 - 55 = 365 DMG to Serration! Serration goes down~ | Mina Recovers 4 EN, and loses 15 EN(11 + 2 +2 = 15)

(8) Freyd |  HP: 1334[250]/1334 | EN: 121/150 | DMG: 20 | MIT: 188 | EVA: 6 | ACC: 5(6/AA) | BH: 73 | REC: 8 | THRN: 40 | PHASE | FLN: 8 | FRB: 40(-1) | ENV.O: 32 | V.O.: 146 | V.D.: 146 | HELL: 80 | STNG[x1] | LD: 8 | PRS: 3 | DOTE: 1/3
(0) Hirru | HP: 1104[250]/1104 | EN: 103/104 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 182 | ACC: 2 | BH: 55 | REC: 8 | THRN: 76 | MENDING: 2 | HB: 44 | LD: 5 | DOTE: 1/3
(8) Katoka | HP: 668[250]/720 | EN: 63/106  | DMG: 28 | MIT: 98 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 7(8/AA) | BH: 31 | REC: 8 | BLGT: 32 | P.V.O | STK: 40 | HELL: 80
(8) Morningstar | HP: 844[250]/851  | EN: 44/106 | DMG: 28 | MIT: 142 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 6(7/AA) | BH: 18 | STK: 40 | FRB: 40(-1) | VO: 140 | HELL: 80 | LD: 6
(9) Elora | HP: 700[250]/700 | EN: 31/104 | DMG: 26 | MIT: 98 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 7(8/AA) | BH: 35 | REC: 8 | FLN: 8 | BLGT: 32 | STK: 40 | LD: 3
(7) Tricolor_Mina | HP: 720[250]/720 | EN: 24/106 | DMG: 27 | MIT: 78 | ACC: 7 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRB: 40(-1) | V.D.: 72 | TXC.: 32

Serration | HP: -26/2000 | DMG: 250 | MITI: 55 75 | ACC: 4(+3)(-1) | EVA: 0 | Shatter [-20] | FOCUSED [1/2] | Stun Immunity [0/3] | FB [40/1] | ENV. [32/3] | BLGT [32/1]
[Matches Holy, Bleed, Shatter, Phase]

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Ingrained into the ground, stalwart and hardy.  A sturdy tree, breaking through even the strongest of concrete.  The shield that cloaked them would not be touched, even by the likes of the metal elemental head.  Stunned and disheveled, pained and broken.  This head would become like the other, oozing its metal all over before suddenly coming to a slow halt.  Just like before, a song would play out from the paladin like player.  His shield would be raised, but not aglow.  The metal would slop and goop to the floor while trickling along the icy walls itself.  Although it didn't seem like anything significant, as the metal was not melting the ice, more like the ice was freezing the metal?  Soon, the head would break freeze and fall from the weight of itself, shattering upon the ground.  It would leave a crack in the ice wall, where it once emerged.

"So the song does do it, not the armament?  So how do we take care of the wall?"youhelpedmeletmehelpyou

Something burned from his forehead, it felt like where he placed the insignia of the Queen of the Dark Elves.  An image burned into Hirru's mind, one that he would remember quite well.  A valiant dark elf royal guard that protected those they care for.  The ability of that knight would be the same as what the hunter had obtained, roots ingraining into the surface to protect everyone.  If she had that, would she be able to use it offensively?  With a mental push, he tried to picture it.  The roots twisting and writhing.  Moving to a goal. 

To the hunter's suprise, it was working.  The engrained roots would spread.  Further and further before starting to break through the lower parts of the ice walls, and further still into the large cracks.  The walls would fall soon after from the structural damage to its base and Serration's parting gift.

"*sigh* I had to concentrate on that one."

En Regen: +4 (max)
Recovery?: [ID:217919][CD: 6] No
Free Action (instant item): Dear My Friend Instant Song [212285]-> Serration [flailing-> cauterized]
Post Action: Breaking Containment [ID:217920][LD:20+5=25] Success

Cordoned Room broken again

Wushin is targetable again

(8) Freyd |  HP: 1334[250]/1334 | EN: 121/150 | DMG: 20 | MIT: 188 | EVA: 6 | ACC: 5(6/AA) | BH: 73 | REC: 8 | THRN: 40 | PHASE | FLN: 8 | FRB: 40(-1) | ENV.O: 32 | V.O.: 146 | V.D.: 146 | HELL: 80 | STNG[x1] | LD: 8 | PRS: 3 | DOTE: 1/3
(0) Hirru | HP: 1104[250]/1104 | EN: 104/104 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 182 | ACC: 2 | BH: 55 | REC: 8 | THRN: 76 | MENDING: 2 | HB: 44 | LD: 5 | DOTE: 1/3
(8) Katoka | HP: 668[250]/720 | EN: 63/106  | DMG: 28 | MIT: 98 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 7(8/AA) | BH: 31 | REC: 8 | BLGT: 32 | P.V.O | STK: 40 | HELL: 80
(8) Morningstar | HP: 844[250]/851  | EN: 44/106 | DMG: 28 | MIT: 142 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 6(7/AA) | BH: 18 | STK: 40 | FRB: 40(-1) | VO: 140 | HELL: 80 | LD: 6
(9) Elora | HP: 700[250]/700 | EN: 31/104 | DMG: 26 | MIT: 98 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 7(8/AA) | BH: 35 | REC: 8 | FLN: 8 | BLGT: 32 | STK: 40 | LD: 3
(7) Tricolor_Mina | HP: 720[250]/720 | EN: 24/106 | DMG: 27 | MIT: 78 | ACC: 7 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRB: 40(-1) | V.D.: 72 | TXC.: 32

Cauterized Flailing Serration | HP: -26/2000 | DMG: 250 | MITI: 55 75 | ACC: 4(+3)(-1) | EVA: 0 | Shatter [-20] | FOCUSED [1/2] | Stun Immunity [0/3] | FB [40/1] | ENV. [32/3] | BLGT [32/1]
[Matches Holy, Bleed, Shatter, Phase]

Wushen is targetable

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The exhaustion that gripped her body was undeniable in its subjugation. By now, buckled limbs and belated gasps had become a phantom of the past. Elora couldn't recall a time that she had felt this haggard, not since her fledgling days in SAO. Back then, every swing seemed to fully deplete her stamina in a moment's notice. I'm supposed to be better now., she reflected remorsefully, I need -- I need to prove that I'm meant to be here, that I can handle everything a boss has to throw at me. Or else, how could I even call myself a 'Frontliner?'

Bright flashes commanded her focus once more -- The battle!  While she was once again spiraling in self-doubt, Mina had, blessedly, mowed over the remainder of Serration's noodley body. The thing wriggled and writhed around before eventually dissipating into an array of pixels. Thank god..., Elora tiredly observed, I wasn't paying enough attention -- someone could have gotten hurt...We can finally wail on this edgy lizard again. That means--

"This is my turn", Elora told the rest of her team with a determined expression.

Reading her stance, she charged foreword, unleashing the next AoE attack in her sequence. With a somewhat-tipsy pirouette, Elora carried her weight forward, then plunged her spear into the abdomen of the beast. The serrated blade of her spear carved through Wushen's scales like butter on a hot knife. Or maybe, was it the other way around?

For what felt like an average attack, Elora was surprised to see that it had done more damage than any previous. "Guess I've been saving the best for last", she joked through a sequence of staggered steps. It was always her nature to save face during moments like this, times when vulnerability rose to the surface, threatened to cannibalize what little self-worth she'd scavenged together over the previous days, months, years. "And next round -- I'm gonna kill this motherfucker!" She needed to put up shields and prove to them that she was impenetrable. If she didn't, who knows what they would say, what they would do. Any fissure of weakness could be pried open just like the scales of their serpentine friend. 

Blurry vision framed the battlefield like a watery vignette. She raised a rattled hand and smeared it across her eyes just in time to regard the oncoming retribution. Wushen, still giant, but exponentially more pissed, had finally come to rest his sights on her.

Just. Her.

A heavy heave caught in her throat as she stood, clutching her spear like some sort of pathetic toy soldier. Ohhh...fuck me..., her mind immediately rebounded from its previous standoffishness. Sensations of searing flesh returned to her conscious, twisting up her skin and causing all of her hairs to stand on end. Try as she might, her fear of being targeted again had begun to overwhelm her.

So, there she was, communing with judgement through an unbreakable stare of terror. Rather than running, she felt completely immobilized in her position. There was no where to run. No, this was her role -- You fucked up. This is what you deserve.

"I don't think I've got much more in me, guys...", she quietly admitted in leu of her fate,  I'm sorry to leave you all hanging like this..."



Post Action: [x18] AOE-II (14 + 2(Enemy) + 2(Shift)= 18 EN)
Free Action: N/A

ID#217921 | BD 8+8=16 Hit | DMG: 18*35=630 - 35 MIT = 595 DMG to Wushen

Blight and Static applied to Wushen! CD 11, ST-B unlocked for next round!

ID# 217922| CD6 Failed recovery check, Elora recovers +4 EN passively

(8) Freyd |  HP: 1334[250]/1334 | EN: 121/150 | DMG: 20 | MIT: 188 | EVA: 6 | ACC: 5(6/AA) | BH: 73 | REC: 8 | THRN: 40 | PHASE | FLN: 8 | FRB: 40(-1) | ENV.O: 32 | V.O.: 146 | V.D.: 146 | HELL: 80 | STNG[x1] | LD: 8 | PRS: 3 | DOTE: 1/3
(0) Hirru | HP: 1104[250]/1104 | EN: 104/104 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 182 | ACC: 2 | BH: 55 | REC: 8 | THRN: 76 | MENDING: 2 | HB: 44 | LD: 5 | DOTE: 1/3
(8) Katoka | HP: 668[250]/720 | EN: 63/106  | DMG: 28 | MIT: 98 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 7(8/AA) | BH: 31 | REC: 8 | BLGT: 32 | P.V.O | STK: 40 | HELL: 80
(8) Morningstar | HP: 844[250]/851  | EN: 44/106 | DMG: 28 | MIT: 142 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 6(7/AA) | BH: 18 | STK: 40 | FRB: 40(-1) | VO: 140 | HELL: 80 | LD: 6
(11) Elora | HP: 700[250]/700 | EN: 17/104(+4)(-18) | DMG: 26 | MIT: 98 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 7(8/AA) | BH: 35 | REC: 8 | FLN: 8 | BLGT: 32 | STK: 40 | LD: 3
(7) Tricolor_Mina | HP: 720[250]/720 | EN: 24/106 | DMG: 27 | MIT: 78 | ACC: 7 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRB: 40(-1) | V.D.: 72 | TXC.: 32

Wushen, Elemental Warlord | HP: ????/???? | DMG: 200 | MITI: 35 75 | ACC: 4(+3) | EVA: 0 | Shatter 2 [2/3] | FOCUSED [1/2]

Edited by Elora
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