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[F22-PP] Unknown... (Making Vows) CANCELLED Problems Arising!!

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Ping, Ping, Ping...

Messages from Simmonè were blowing up her HUD. Sam hadn't been to the shop for weeks. Spending most of her days just wondering the fields around the guild hall. For now, sitting in her bed, sheets pulled up staring at the band in her hands. I really don't want to wait, but this has to be perfect recalling a memory just weeks after the last floor boss had been dealt with. "Why does she want to go..." Gripping that band in fists pulled up to her lips. Tears dripping down her face, "Why won't she listen..." sniffling, Sam knew that Kat was going to be here soon. For months now there has been no talking between the two, mainly because of Sam. Being so pissed off at Kat that she was afraid to say anything, not wanted to say something that wasn't meant. Sheets drentched in old tears, everynight for months now when Kat was not around. 

Why was she so mad at her, Sam should be supporting her not pushing her away... Dropping the blanket a sudden realization. This was the same argument that they had when Sam joined the last raid. "Oh god... What have I done..." Getting up from the bed and quickly running across the floor and right into the door frame of the bedroom. Catching herself as to not fall, scampering toward the kitchen. Rapidly going through the pantry, opening up her HUD to check the time. Sam had an hour before Kat would get home. Grabbing the rice, setting it on the counter. Getting into the fridge, grabbing eggs and a few other things. It had been a while since she had cooked for Kat, she was rusty. Starting to run hot water over the frozen pork to thaw it out. 

Sam has given the silent treatment to Kat all because what? She wanted to fight and help get out of this place. The more people that joined the raids the faster it would be over, the sooner they could get home and join eachother in the real world. That is what Kat and Sam wanted the entire time. Sam couldn't shake the feeling that she might lose the love of her life but she didn't want to dump Kat's comfidence in thoughts that it would effect the way that she fought in the Raid. That feeling of not wanting to live anymore because there was nothing left to live for. Sam didn't want to be the reason why Kat didn't try... 

Panic raced over Samantha trying to get this meal done before Katoka got home...

Time passed by and there was 15 minutes left on the counter down. Setting the plates across the table and three lit candles as center pieces that smelt like Kat's favorite flower. A bottle of expensive wine with two glasses. Katsudon set in the dish it was made in on the dark wood table. Sitting there on the sofa waiting for her love to walk through the door. Fear that Kat wouldn't forgive her or even not want to marry her any more came into mind. Tears start to run down Sam's cheeks again as she waits...

Sam | HP: 820/820 | EN: 100/100 | DMG: 23 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 4 | LD: 4 | AA | PHASE | REC: 8


Level: 32
Paragon Level: 45
HP: 820/820
EN: 100/100

Damage: 23
Mitigation: 20
Evasion: 3
Accuracy: 4
Loot Dice: 4
REC: 8

Equipped Gear:
Weapon: Oracle's Watch - Inquiry (THBA-T4-Demonic): Absolute Accuracy, Accuracy 2, Phase
Armor: Acolyte's Light (T4-Perfect-Cloth Armor): Evasion 1, Recovery 2
Misc: Gold Promise - Din's Flame (T1/Perfect):Accuracy 1, Evasion 2

Custom Skill:

Axe R5
Cloth Armor R5
Searching R4
Quick Change

Active Mods:
Surprise Attack (Trickster)

Inactive Mods:


Active Extra Skills:
Hiding R5

Inactive Extra Skills:

Battle Ready Inventory:
Analyst's Harvester - Lethargy (THBA-T4-Demonic): Envenom 1, Bleed 1, Frostbite 1, Static 1 x1
Hellish Bottomless-Pit of Curry +2 ACC Feast x

Housing Buffs:
Well Rested: -1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat
Squeaky Clean: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 25% (rounded down)
Hard Working: +2 EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day
Filling: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot.
Item Stash: +1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot
Delicious: Turn 3 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Feast. A Feast contains 6 portions of the food items sacrificed.
Relaxed: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
Skylight (-): +1 Rank to the - skill.
Angler: +1 material gained when fishing
Advanced Training: +10% Exp to a thread. Limit one use per month [1/1]
Multipurpose: Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll
Decor [(Potted Tanabata)]: This buff affects the player and their choice of up to two party members.

Guild Hall Buffs:
Lucrative: Reduce LD needed for Salvage by 5 (10+ for Alchemist crystals, 6+ for everything else). +2 EXP per craft. Rank 9 crafters receive +1 crafting attempt per day. Rank 10 crafters receive +2 crafting attempts per day.
Col Deposit: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.

Scents of the Wild:

Wedding Ring:

Edited by Sam
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Anxiety at away at Kat's insides. It felt like some sort of beast was trying to claw it's way from her stomach, fit to burst from her at any moment. She had spent the day on her shop, finishing up last minute potions that they might need for the raid. That and trying to avoid another fight, or more forced silence. She didn't know how much more of it she could take before she--

No, she wouldn't let it get that far. She as going over to Sam's house tonight, if it was another quiet filled evening she would just go home. Katoka didn't understand why Sam was so mad at her. Sam participated in raids, why couldn't Kat? She was stronger now. Faster. She could hold her own in a fight and not be scared like she used to be. Freyd told her she was ready and she believed him. Did Sam not thing she was strong enough?

Kat put the last of her things away before she left her shop, walking slowly to Sam's while staring at her feet. She wasn't going to back down, she was going to the raid. She needed Same to know that she wasn't a fragile piece of glass. She was a warrior. A fighter. A Samurai. She wanted to prove herself able to hold her own on the frontlines.

Kat hadn't realized it but she was already standing on the front steps to Sam's house. She bit her lip before taking a deep breath and then opening the door to step inside. "I'm home." she called out shyly, not eager to bring too much attention to herself. The smell of food hit her first, had she made? Kat shut the door and made her way to the dining area as her stomach growled from hunger this time. "Sam?"


Katoka | HP: 720/720 | EN: 106/106 | DMG: 23 | MIT: 78 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 5 | BH: 31 | AA | BLGT: 32 | P.V.O | REC: 8 | STK: 40


Katoka, The Cerulean Storm
Level: 32
Paragon Level: 12
HP: 720/720
EN: 106/106

Damage: 23
Mitigation: 78
Evasion: 1
Accuracy: 5
Battle Healing: 31
BLGT: 32
REC: 8
STK: 40

Equipped Gear:
Weapon: Raijin's Corruption | T4/Demonic/Katana | Abs.Acc, Blight, Para.Ven (off), Static
Armor: Oni Haori | T4/Demonic/Light Armor | MIT 2, REC 2
Misc: Aquamarine | T4 Demonic Trinket | ACC III, EVA I

Custom Skill:

Battle Healing R4
Katana R5
Light Armor R5

Active Mods:
Vengeful Riposte

Inactive Mods:


Active Extra Skills:
Forgotten King’s Authority

Inactive Extra Skills:

Battle Ready Inventory:
Teleportation Crystal x5
Starter Healing Potion x3

Housing Buffs:
Rested: -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat
Clean: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down)
Filling: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot.
Relaxed: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
Col Stash: +5% bonus col from monster kills and treasure chests
Basic Training: +5% Exp to a thread. Limit one use per month [0/1]

Guild Hall Buffs:
Lucrative: Reduce LD needed for Salvage by 5 (10+ for Alchemist crystals, 6+ for everything else). +2 EXP per craft. Rank 9 crafters receive +1 crafting attempt per day. Rank 10 crafters receive +2 crafting attempts per day.
Col Deposit: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.

Scents of the Wild:

Wedding Ring:


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It was dark in the house and all the lit the surrounding area was the candles set on the table. Kat walked past her sitting on the couch, it was obvious that she wasn't seen. "I was stupid," pausing and getting up from where she was planted. Not looking directly at Kat, "I know why I was so mad now." Sitting at one of the chairs as her love's face glows within the low lit light. "I didn't want you to join the raid because I almost died in the last one." Remembering her health getting too low for comfort, "I didn't want to see the same fate for you." Hearing a stomach growl that wasn't hers this time. "I see now that no matter what, you will be joining this raid," starting to cut a portion away to place on the plate. 

"I have been giving you the silent treatment for months now and it isn't fair," cutting another potion out and placing it on another plate. Grabbing the bottle of wine, popping the cork of the cap. "This is a repeat conversation when I decided to join the frontline last floor raid..." pausing there, pouring the ldeep red liquid into two glasses. "You told me that you didn't want me to go but it was okay that I did because you believed that I would come back to you." Tiny streaks of smoke fly up from the shifting flames, wax drips down slowly onto the table where they sat. Taking a deap breath a wipping her tears with her sleeve. "I have been pushing you away because I thought it would be easier if I did that now then to not ever see you come home to me again..." Sniffling saying this as her voice crackles under tone.

"I was trying so hard to think of ways to let you down easy so that I didn't get hurt, but everytime I thought about breaking it off it hurt worse," full fledge waterfall causing her clothing to become soaked. Sam gets on her knees in front of Kat now, head resting on Katoka's hip. "I can't live without Kitty Kat, i should have been cheering you on, not doing what I was doing." Wrapping her arms around Kat's waist now, "I am so sorry that I made you feel any different, please..." Sniffling gripping her tighter, "Please forgive me my tiny little rose samuri. Please..." nuzzling her head against Kat's tummy, "Please forgive me, I'm sorry," Sam just keeps repeating sorry in the smallest voice.

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Kat listened as Sam talked, letting her say what she needed to because she knew that Sam had to get it off her chest, and because she wanted to hear what she had to say. When she had finally finished and wrapped herself around her waist, Katoka pet her head as she cried. Her emotions were in an uproar, jumping around from one thing to the next, but she remained quiet as she took a deep breath and exhaled. "You should know by now that I know just as well as anyone how it feels for someone you love to take a great risk with their life on the regular."

Kat placed a hand under her chin to lift up her face so that she could look at her while she spoke, "I know how hard it is. It hurts you, deep inside. But you shouldn't have kept that from me. You know that you can talk to me about these things." She grabbed at the front of her own clothing over her heart, balling it in a fist, "It hurts me that you would keep that from me. That you felt that the only way you could deal with your own pain was to push me away and not talk to me."

The blonde felt her eyes well up and her voice began to waver despite her trying to feel as strong as possible. "When you love someone and you make a promise to marry them you don't push them away because you're scared to lose them. That's a part of being together. A piece of being partners. You work through things together." She shook her head as hot tears finally spilled down her cheeks. "You know I love you. And I want to forgive you, but it's going to take time."

Katoka pulled Sam to her feet so that they could look at each other, despite their noticeable height difference. "I need to know that you're going to be here when I come back, because I will be coming back from this fight. I don't want to come home and find that you've decided it's done. Especially not when you haven't made it up to me yet." She looked at the table of food, "This is a good start though. Let's eat."

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Listening to the love of her life speak, Kat wasn't wrong about anything that was said. The minute the woman walked through the door, Sam was thinking the worst. Name calling, taking a break, hell even getting punched and she would have deserved every bit of it. Sam now realized that all that was speaking very low of her fiancé. "I have never loved someone before, I know that's no excuse, but it's true." Sitting at one of the chairs staring at the dish she rushed to make just hoping that it was good enough. "Everyday that I wasn't talking to you, I wanted so badly to say something, but didn't because I didn't want to worsen the tension that I caused." Picking up the chopsticks, moving some rice around on the plate. 

Sam's chest started to ache knowing that she had hurt the one that she promised never to hurt. "You have gotten stronger, there was never a moment that I didn't believe in you. I should have expressed that more and for that I am truly sorry." Sam's knees pull up to her chest, her heels resting on the edge of the chair with one arm wrapped around for balance. Eyeing her meal, suddenly not feeling much of an apatite which was normal these days for her. "I will spend every second of every minute of every day trying to make it up to you. To prove that I am worth the person that you fell in love with." They have been with one other for a while now, and it has always been ramped up to 11 since day one that Sam laid eyes on her. That first date was to the extreme and the best day of her life. It was a synergy that Samantha has never felt. Katoka knows everything about her, things that she has never told another living soul. Staring at the eggs as she moves the pork around the glass platter.

Setting the sticks down next to the plate, why... Why have they waited this long... They were suppose to have already been married by now, was said that after the last floor boss that they were going to walk down the isle... That was months ago before any of this happened... Closing her eyes, setting her hands on her lap... Taking a slow deep breath, every bone in her body was screaming at her to just do it, now was the time, before the next raid, before she walks out that door again... 

A hand goes into her inner pocket of her robe, "I will spend every day for the rest of my life proving how much I love you, ever then it would never be enough time" pulling out a tiny red velvet box, "We have waiting for far to long and I don't want to wait a moment longer to start our new life together," pushing herself off the chair and getting to one knee in front of Katoka. "My life began that first day I laid eyes on you," setting the tiny box in the palm of her left hand out reached toward her as she opens it with her right. "Please, Katsumi Kato, if you will still have me, marry me tonight." There was so much feeling going through her veins right now, terrified that Kat might ask to wait, or say no because of how bad Sam had hurt her. A small tear falls down her cheek, this is how she would start to make it up to the love of her life. No more waiting... 1935186990_KatokasWeddingRing.jpg.67a8c62c2854e6d409fc2a7de246a12e.jpg

(On the back on the heart it has -Katsumi Kato- engraved, the star had the words -My Forever- and on the moon -Love-. In complete it read -Katsumi Kato My Forever Love-)

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"You don't have to spend every second of every minute trying to make it up to me you goof." Kat placed a hand on her cheek, "It's going to take time, patience my love." She sat down at the table as she listened to Sam speak. It had been the most she had said to her in so long that she wanted to listen. She ate a small amount of rice with her chopsticks and watched as Sam pushed her food around her plate. Things really had gone fast for them. From the time they fist met to now it had only been a few months and they were already engaged. It wasn't uncommon during times of war for couples to get married on the fly, and this was very similar. Two soldiers in a war for their lives, falling in love and marrying so they didn't have to die alone.

It made her stop to think, would their marriage last after this game? She closed her eyes and let that pass, that wouldn't matter now. They would have each other for as long as they needed one another. When she opened her eyes again Sam was on her knee in front of her, pulling out a ring box. Katoka felt her eyes fill with tears again, but not out of anger or sadness. Her hands shot up to cover her mouth and she held back a sob that almost escaped.

She nodded as she extended her left hand to Sam, "Yes Sam, let's finally do this."

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A sigh of relief rolls over her entire being, Kat still wanted this as much as she did and it made her realize that this could be fixed. That damage she cause was redeemable, and whether Katoka wanted it or not, Sam was going to spoil the hell out of her. Taking the ring from the tiny box, setting the box on the table, Sam takes her left hand softly to her lips with a small kiss and places that ring on her finger. Grasping Kat's face in both her hands, gently pulling the woman into a kiss...

Overwhelming feeling that hasn't shown in some time came back to the surface, as her right hand slides on the back of her neck. God did she miss this feeling, after a few seconds Sam pulls away gazing into the watery eyes of the woman she loved most in the world. Sams right hand finds it way to the side of Kat's neck now as her thumb rubs softly against the cheek, her left does the same on the other side. A smile and in a soft voice, "You will be amazing in the raid, and you will come back to me for one simple reason..." pausing as she presses her forehead against her small little Samuri's eyes locked to hers. "So that we can live to see another day together, everyday, until we get out of this hell," stopping again, that heated, very welcoming feeling and she takes a soft breath. "I will travel a thousand miles just to see you again," closing her eyes. Sam presses her lips against Kat's forehead now, not want to disconnect but her stomach was now becoming hangry. 

Sam sits on the floor next to Kat's legs, reaching for her plate to eat. "We eat then we find the dude to marry us, don't worry about the cost. We invite a few people and be married by the morning." Taking a few bites of the pork, eating sorta quickly now not wanting to wait any longer. Excitement flows through as her dish was nearly gone in just a few minutes... Didn't really think about how hungry she actually was until now.  

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As she at her food Kat couldn't stop stealing glances at her hand. The ring would catch her eye and it would surprise her as she wasn't used to the sight yet. Each time though a smile would touch her lips and she would stare at it for just a bit too long before going back to her meal. It was finally happening. This had been a long time coming after all. This time there wouldn't be anything that would stop them, nothing to distract them from their plans or make them push the event back.

Aside from no one coming.

Kat quickly finished the food in her mouth, "Sam, what if it's too late for them to all come? It's already so late tonight." She would be upset if Elora or Freyd couldn't make it right then. Plus the food? The clothing? What would they do on such short notice?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sam had gotten up from the floor now, dish in hand, looking at her soon to be wife in full on panic mode. Sam simply smiles, "We will send the messages and even if one only shows, it will be the best damn night of our lives." Walking quickly to the sink and setting the dish in hot water, "I hope that they can come but it is late, and we only have the day after tomorrow. I want you, and to me even if no one shows, being next to you in a dress that is only half as beautiful as you are the only thing that matters to me." Sam wanted this to be perfect, but it was looking like it was going to be okay at best but for her that was fine, while Kat was fighting for us to get out of this game, Sam would be preparing the most wonderful honeymoon ever. That would be the perfect part, but to be honest, just being there with Kat, getting married, standing next to that podium was perfect enough for her. 

Can was almost done with her meal and after what her love said it got her thinking, "We do this tonight, with or without people there. You go off and save the world and everyone in it and I promise that I will have greatness waiting for you on the other side." Walking slowly to Kat now, a smile on her face as she takes whatever the lady was holding, setting in on the table and takes both her hands into her own. "And I know that you will come back to me, because you are one of the bravest most talented people I know. That strength will get you through anything Katoka and I know without a doubt that you will do amazing in the Frontline." Eyes locked on hers, "Believe in yourself like I believe in you," for a moment she lost in those eyes of hers, she really wanted to take Kat into the room, "Let us go get married..." pulling the love of her life up from the chair that she was sitting on and into her arms holding her in a hug. "I have a dress that might fit you. It may be sort of long, but I think it would look better on you than me." It was something that Eruda had made a while back for her when she was first talking about getting married, it was short on Sam but given the size difference, it would look great on Kat. Holding her love in her arms, Sam didn't want to let go but she did after a few minutes. 

After letting Kat go and letting her finish her meal, Sam started to send out messages. Tomorrow would be a new day, but a perfect day. Nothing was going to stop tonight from happening...


As they begin getting ready for the special moment, Sam realizes that she forgot something at the guild hall. Turning to Kat, "I need to go grab something. I will meet you on floor 1 and we can talk to James to get this started." Giving her love a kiss, she begins to head out. 

Getting to the Firm Anima building, standing there, staring at the from doors. Tears start to rush down her cheeks, "Why... why am I the one that has to wait for her to come back from war... why..." Falling to her knees, burrowing her face within her now soaked hands. "I can't... I don't..." saying in a gasping voice, trying to catch her breath. A few moments later, finding herself in the cold breeze of the missed forest, not realizing how she got there. Gasping for air between sobs as she finds a stump of a tree that never actually fabricated. "I thought... I was past this... I thought..." choking out as she stares out into the missed dark forest. 

-One week later-

"GET OUT" plates crashing against the wall and vanish into nothing. "If you'd just try to let me, explain, I" another dish whizzing past Sam exploding behind her. "We were getting married, and you left... You promised you would wait for me, and you were NOT HERE," another dish this time, a cup with liquid in it. Splashing the entirety of the content upon Sam as it clatters beneath her feet. Both of their face beat red from anger and sorrow. Sam turns to the door, opening it... "Are we still together," not looking back Sam says softly. No answer from Katoka. "Should I be back for my things?" This time something "Don't bother, not yet..." as Sam walks out the door slamming it behind her. 

-Days, Weeks, Months-

Sam remained living with Katoka, but when they were together nothing was said... Sam started to wake early so that she was not here when Kat woke. Sleeping on the couch, hoping that when the moment was right, they could talk... They needed to talk. It could not continue to be like this... It wasn't how it was supposed to be...

Edited by Sam
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  • 10 months later...
Posted (edited)

It had been... far to long.

Kat dreaded coming home at times. Anxiety gripped her stomach and twisted it into shapes that were far too complex. She had taken to going on long quests or staying away for as long as possible, only come home when she couldn't find an excuse to be away. She would cry in the shower as quiet as possible, making sure to show as little emotion as she could when they were around one another. It was easier to pretend than it was to confront. It always had been. She remembered doing something similar back in the real world. Putting on a mask and going through the motions until she could get back to her distractions. Here was no different.

The two would still occasionally eat together. If not then they would at least leave the other a plate of food for whatever meal they cooked. Katoka felt so alone despite being together. She couldn't bring herself to apologize now, not after so much time had passed. Not after she had just left like that. Every time she remembered standing there on the first floor, waiting for Sam for hours. It made her teeth start to grind again. There was no use in thinking about it all again. She would just get more and more worked up. She still couldn't bring herself to ending things. Despite everything, she still loved Sam. Still cared for her.

After a particularly long few days of crafting potions and gathering materials, Katoka arrived home to find Sam sitting in the living room on the couch. The couch she had taken up residence on. She felt her jaw clench ever so slightly as she walked passed. They exchanged their nearly robot like greetings as they always did. The blonde's eye twitched as she began to busy herself with washing dishes, doing anything to keep her hands busy. She would glance every so often into the living room to see Sam sitting, unmoving from the same spot. Letting out a sigh Kat stepped into the threshold and leaned against the frame drying her hands on a towel.

"Sam. I th-think we n-need to talk." the words had tumbled out of her mouth before she had the chance to stop them. At first she motioned to cover her mouth, the overwhelming sensation to flee from the situation was undeniably strong, but she lowered her hand and stood her ground. This had gone on long enough after all.

Edited by Katoka
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Sitting on the couch where she nursed a coffee cup in both hands. Staring at the photo of them on the side table right next to her. Hearing the door open, Sam knew that she had come home earlier than normal. Walking in, lifting her gaze from the photo as Kat walks by. Blank face, as her eyes veer back to the picture. Hearing the water in the kitchen for just a moment before it stops and Katoka's voice replaces it. Sam felt like her breathing had stopped with the sudden words, taking a deep breath. How did things get so messed up. Sam had spent most day with Lium who was trying to talk Sam down from breaking things off, crying herself to sleep, wanting so badly to just stay long enough to see Kat walk out the door for her daily things. To say something when they were eating together, but no words were found. Sam sits there, locked on the photo. Taking a long deep breath, setting her mug on the table, gets up and heads to their room. 

Digging through the drawers trying to find her dark purple robe. Clothing lands on the floor, when she doesn't find it there, she goes to the closet. Hanging on the far end to the right, there it was covered in dust. Taking it off the hanger, shaking it off, coughing. Putting it on, her mind was racing from before. It was clear that there was tension between the two and things were rushed. Sam wanted this to work, she was still madly in love with Katoka. Regardless though things had to change...

Walking into the bathroom, pulling out her ponytail, brushing her hair. Eyes watching the person inside the mirror, and she begins buttoning the robe up. Closing her eyes now, leaning against the sink evening her breathing so that she didn't go into a full-on panic attack again. After a few minutes Sam walks back out to the kitchen standing right in from of Katoka now, holding out her hand toward her. "My name is Samantha Rose, I have a best friend named Lium, I am a very competitive video game player and..." pausing from a moment as she gages her reaction before saying, "and I have been a huge ass whole..." Sams lock to Kat's as her brows narrow.

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In the same way that a dog turns it's head in confusion at an odd sound, Katoka too shifted her head to the side. "I... What?" she felt as though she needed to reboot her brain to comprehend what was happening. "Sam I, I know who you are." Her hand still reached up and grasped onto Sam's and gave it a polite squeeze. "Can we just, sit down on the couch?"

The blonde led Sam over to the couch, still holding her hand with the lightest touch. It didn't feel like when they used to hold hands before. This was just to lead, not to show affection. Kat sat down on one end and turned to face Sam, sitting cross legged with a pained look on her face. "We. We both haven't exactly been the best to one another these past few months." she looked away from Sam as she spoke. "What you did. When you didn't show up. That hurt me more than anything Sam. You more or less left me at the alter."

Taking a deep breath to try and hide the pain in her voice, despite it cracking. "I was so angry. So hurt. I lashed out at you, threw things. I've never felt that violet with anyone. I didn't want to hurt you, but I could have. I don't like what I became after that." she shook her head as she felt her eyes well up with tears. Looking down at her own hands she clenched them open and closed, "Despite what had happened I almost hurt the person I was supposed to marry, and that's not ok." Looking up to meet her gaze Kat looked almost haunted, "And then I kept things from you. I kept you around because I was too scared to end them and I lied to Freyd when he would ask how things were going. What the hell happened? That's not the kind of person I am Samantha. I don't lie. I don't keep secrets. I don't try to hurt the people close to me." Her eyes had finally overflown, spilling down her cheeks like two raging rivers.

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Being pulled to the couch again, she knew that this might be how the conversation would turn out. Crisscrossing her legs, facing Katoka and she talked. Picking the coffee back up into her hands, gripping tightly. When Kat was finished talking, Sam takes a slow deep breath closing her eyes. There was not a moment that this was not thought about while they were semi apart. Silence filled the room now as she could practically feel the anger and pain steaming off the woman. Opening her eyes lightly, seeing that tears had soaked the clothing that she was wearing. Sam felt numb, like she had no more tears to give. Chest was tight, but her mind was somewhat clear. 

After a few minutes, taking a sip of the warm coffee now, setting it back on the table and places her hands into her lap that were bundled into fists. "I had every intention of meeting you that night," saying softly staring at her lap. "I got to my house, and then I found myself unable to move. Instead, I found refuge in the misted forest behind the Guild Hall." Lifting her head to meet the teary gaze, "I don't remember going there and unaware of how long I was there." Mind start to wonder back to that day, "I trashed my house when I returned, apparently I was missing for a week, or so that is what Freyd and Lium told me." Glancing down at the photo again, breathing became harsh as she struggles to talk. Feeling like she wanted to cry but nothing was coming out. 

"When I came to confront you that day, I knew that it might had been too early but I had to see for myself that you were okay, that you came back in one piece." Taking that cup, drinking the rest of the content she gets up and wonders to the kitchen for more. From the other room, "I spend weeks after that trying to rationalize why I didn't show up," saying as she returns to the comfort of the couch. "I have not slept much thinking about that night. Why I would be that stupid not to merry such a perfect woman." Eyes staring at the swirls in the cup, trying to get the words that she wanted out without sounding like a complete jerk. 

 "I was unable to figure out why, so I dug deeper. Trying to find the core of why I did what I did." Taking a sip of the warm fluid, placing it down. "I have told you the story about the boy that save my life when I was younger, but I didn't tell you the whole story." Turning her body to sit right on the sofa leaning her head against the back, half crossing her legs beneath the table. "After that day became someone that I was not proud of. Started fights and school, I was failing school, I hated to world... I hated myself...A few years after my parents decided to homeschool me, got me a computer and with the online service I became curious of the world." Turning her head slightly, knowing that this might be angering to her, not getting to the point, but she had to hear this. "By age 11 I was already graduated from high school through the online schooling because I final felt like I could focus. I was hard core gaming before I knew it. Calculated every mechanic of every game I ever played before I played it. That is around the time I met Lium..." Breaking that gaze to stare at the ceiling, "I was... I was no longer a part of the real world. I used gaming as a safe haven so that I wouldn't have to think about that day." 

Silence fell for a moment as she sits back up, grasping the mug once more. "Coming into SAO, it wasn't supposed to be different from the other games I've played. It was supposed to be straight forward, beat the game move on to the next." A small huff of breath, "I got into the game, lost contact with the only friends I ever had, had to adapt to a completely new environment and make new friends... It was hard enough finding the first ones. It took me months over months to feel comfortable inside the Firm Anima grounds." Pulling one leg under her shifting her body toward Kat again. "It took years in game to figure out how to be okay with that boy being dead and to trust Lium again after him explaining that he was looking for me. That was right around the same time I met you." Brows narrow a bit in sadness, "That perfect, sweet, kind, brave, warrior... Right then I became instantly confused because I was having feelings that I had never felt before. I was numb for so long that I had forgotten what it felt like to care about a human being." A small smile peers on Sams lips as she thinks about the amazing days that they had spent with one another. 

Pulling her other leg up, "Then I... I became afraid of those feeling. Eruda spent a great deal of time pinning for Raidou and kept being rejected, Freya and Gaius have spent years figuring their shit out. I was afraid that because we met one another, having all those amazing nights together and then went right into the marriage thing that maybe I was doing something wrong. We never fought, we never had real problems until I started making something be a problem out of nothing." It wasn't that she was angry that Kat wanted to go to war, it wasn't that she was afraid that Katoka wouldn't come back... "I am afraid of doing something wrong, and in that regard, I already done fucked things up because I wasn't ready. I was still trying to figure out who I was in a world full of people that are brutal and hateful and kill because they can. I was distant from society for so long that I forgot how to be human." Lost in thought for a moment, thinking of a way to put it that would make better sense... 

After a moment clearing her throat as she readjusts on the cushion. "Think about it this way, in another game there are factions. You join that faction not because you care about the people within that group but because you know that gear and equipment are needed to help you get to the next sequence in the game. You work with the others because you know that you can't beat the boss without the others help." Raising a brow, calculating what she just said and then adding, "Most people would bond and become friends, chit chat about life... I don't make those connections. It's almost like a computer getting a virus and the screen goes all fuzzy. That is what my brain is hardwired to do..." 

Trying to rationalize everything she just said, taking a deep breath, "When I told you that this," moves a finger back and forth between her and Kat, "was new, it meant that I needed to rehard wire my brain to make it okay to have those feelings. We moved super-fast and my brain glitched out. As much and I was trying, it wasn't working..." Taking that in for a moment, "I am sorry Katoka for what I did, and I do not expect you to forgive. To be honest I wouldn't either, but I need you to understand that it was truly me that fuck up and in no way was it you that cause anything that has happened. I want you to be happy, and I am sincerely trying to fix the fuckery in my brain. All I ask is for you to be a bit patient, that is if you still want this to work..."

Unbuttoning her robe now she digs into her jean shorts pocket and pulls out a golden heart shaped locket necklace with tiny diamond shards tracing the outline of the heart, "This is what I was going to grab that night. I thought it would have looked amazing with the dress." Opening it, there would be a picture of the two of them on the left and on the right, (Forever Love, S&K) carved within the gold. Setting it on the middle cushion between them, taking the mug and pressing it to her lips.

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The missing pieces of the puzzle felt like they were slowly falling into place now. Katoka listened as Sam spoke, grabbing onto one of the throw pillows on the couch to hold onto something. She could tell that she needed to tell her these things to try and get her to understand. Once she finished Kat looked down at the necklace between them. Her and reached out and she prodded it with a single finger, feeling the cool metal before withdrawing.

"A lot of what you told me makes sense." she began, wrapping her arms tightly around the pillow once again. "It's not uncommon for people to spontaneously get married before going to war, it happens all the time out there. That's basically what we do here monthly, weekly. Go to war. It only makes sense that it would happen here too." She attempted to smile. She felt the muscles in her face move just like they always did when she would smile, but there was no real emotion behind it.

"I think that we moved too fast. We fell in love and we just jumped feet first without really looking because we are in a place where war and battles are so commonplace that love is a fleeting and rare thing. Did you know that divorce rates spike just as much as marriages do during war? It's because the couples don't have the time they need to form bonds and learn about one another in a proper amount of time." she felt her hands grip the pillow as she spoke. "We went to fast. You panicked. It's that simple."

She glanced up at Sam, watching her briefly as she sipped at the drink in her hands. She remembered the time they had spent together, how happy they had been. If this had been in the real world, they could have taken their time with the relationship. Let it bloom slowly over time and then maybe they could have had a normal wedding. "What I haven't been telling you is that I've had a few close calls. I knew how you felt about me being on the frontlines, afraid that something might happen and that I would..." her voice trailed off and she buried her face into the pillow for a moment, taking a deep breath before coming back up, "I got hit really bad on the skydocks. I was with Freyd so I was safe for the most part but my heath dropped fairly low. It scared the shit out of me. And then about a week ago I ran into some weird shit in the Fire Forest on floor 28. These other players were setting up a weird trap that brought in these wolves that just wouldn't die." she felt her self shudder remembering the fight she had by herself. "They were... Scary. Really scary to be honest with you. They had these weird crystals growing out of them and just..."

Kat took a deep breath again, recognizing her anxiety was beginning to take hold of her. She closed her eyes and breathed in and out slowly, gathering herself before she continued. "I took the info and what I could find at the scene to Freyd since he seems to know a little bit about everything. But the point I'm trying to make is, I was too afraid to tell you. I kept it from you because I knew you would get upset and I didn't want to have another fight. That's not ok. When something happens like that you should be able to come to your significant other for comfort. Instead I hid from you more."

She hung her head in shame, but it felt good to get that off her chest. She had been holding it in for a while now. "I'm not going to step away from the frontlines. I'm not going to stop going out and fighting. I can't just sit at home and twiddle my thumbs while my friends and family fight for their lives out there." while she had no blood family here in Aincrad, there were people that were as close as they could be. "And Sam, I like it. I used to be so scared all the time, and I still get scared every now and then, but now I like it a lot. I enjoy going into battle with people I trust at my side. I love overcoming a difficult challenge with friends. I like this stupid fucking game and this idiotic life that we live now and I don't know what I'm going to do when we finally get out of here."

The samurai could feel her heartrate increasing the more she spoke, she was letting everything spill over now that she had been holding back. "I understand that you need time to figure things out. I understand that you need to sort out your feelings. I just need you to know that I don't know if I can. If we can continues with this. With us. I don't want to do it, but I know that I'm always going to wonder if you're going to disappear on me again. I'm always going to be afraid that I'll be at the alter alone, and a relationship can't be built on a damaged foundation." she could feel her eyes welling up again. "Sam I will always love you. I will always care about you. There will always be a part of you with me until the day that I die. But I think that it might be more healthy for the both of us if we..." she felt her arms squeeze the pillow in her arms once again. "If we end things."

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Freezing, cup half tilted against her lips. The worst outcome out of the many she thought would transpire tonight. Setting her cup on the table slowly. It was all her fault... This worst-case scenario was her own doing and it would be Sam's undoing. Just when she didn't think crying was possible, eyes begin to swell... Closing them as drips fall lightly down her cheeks. It hurt, it hurt so much... Scooching now toward Katoka pulling her and the pillow into a hug, placing her head on top of Kats. There were no words that Sam would be able to say to convince her not end things. The damage had already been done. It was mentioned on their first date that Sam had not a clue how to do this. Right here, right now, that was proof. It got heated way to fast, they never had a chance to properly be friends. "You will always be my first love Katsumi Kato," saying in a soft voice as Sam just holds her tight in her arms. "I cannot say this is for the best, or even that I want this, but I understand. I am truly sorry," closing her eyes now.

Sam done messed up, the only thing in her life that felt right, the only one that she truly felt safe with. Sam couldn't be okay with Katoka going to war until now. Bitch of a timing Samantha... Putting a hand on Kat's head rubbing softly, "I guess I better get going..." tears had long dried while they just sat there for over an hour. Sam didn't want to leave, but if she didn't then she wouldn't. Let's go of the little Samurai, standing up grabbing the cup. Rinsing it out before setting it on the drying rack. Making her way toward the room, opening the closet, placing her clothes in the inventory. Seeing the wedding dress that Simmone's dresser made. Feeling wetness on her cheek again. Picking it of the hanger slowly, feet find the edge of the bed before sitting, crying into the dress now. 

A bit of time would pass before Sam would find her way back to the living room were Kat would be now laying on the couch, pillow still in hand. "You can keep the necklace and the ring. I had them made for you..." Walking to the couch she bends slightly to give her a kiss on the head. "I would say that we should be friends, but I don't know how to do that with you..." She didn't want to be just her friend. They had been through so much, Sam's first for everything. If they were together there would be no telling that they wouldn't just jump each other. It would best to just walk away and not look back... It's what Katoka wants, and Sam would do anything for her now. Sam just wished that she knew this before she hurt the love of her life. 

Turning toward the door, soft foot fall toward the door. Deep inside she hoped that Kat would stop her from leaving, to tell her it would all be alright. Tears falling down to the floor as she opens the door and steps out. Leaning against the closed door now, unable to stop the waterfall as she buttons the robe back up. Closing her eyes and leaning her head against the door as she slides to the floor, trying to figure out how to breathe again. It hurt so much... 

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As Sam moved to pull her in to a hug Kat almost flinched away. She had thought she would be mad. She expected her to yell or plead or throw something, but when her arms wrapped around her she could feel her pain. Katoka's eyes once again filled with tears but she held them back, trying to stay stronger than she felt in that moment. "You will always be my first everything Sam. I don't want to forget the times we had together, so I won't." her voice was soft, her words bitter sweet on her lips.

She looked down at the floor as Sam rose to go into the kitchen, her footsteps sounding as hollow as Kat's heart felt. "You don't have to do that." she thought as she heard her rinsing out her cup like she always did. "You can be angry." she listened to her go upstairs to retrieve her things. "You can yell. You can scream." she let her body fall onto the couch. "It would make it so much easier if you hated me." she felt Sam's lips on the top of her head. The samurai clenched her eyes tight, afraid that all the moisture in her body was going to rush out if she didn't.

The sound of the door opening caused her to take a deep breath and old it in, waiting for the the cacophonous sound that would follow. But it never came. Just the light footsteps and soft click on the latch. Her eyes snapped open, and she was alone. She felt her hand raise, reaching out towards the door as if to stop Sam, but she knew it was too late. She knew that this was it. It was finally over. She had been thinking of ending it for so long now that she had expected things to end in a loud and destructive way. She had played out so many scenarios in her had that were all so bad, but deep down she knew how it was actually going be resolved.

With a mournful kiss, and an empty house.

Katoka cried. She cried harder than she ever had. She let everything out. All the anger, all the pain, all the suffering. She stood up and threw the pillow she had been clutching at the nearby wall with a yell. She grabbed the edge of the coffee table in front of her and flipped it into the nearby wall. She smashed, and punched, and screamed. The Cerulean Storm rumbled, letting loose a squall in her own home that would have made any floor boss second guess challenging her. And when she was done, she collapsed onto the floor with nothing left.

Kat took one last shuddering breath and exhaled slowly. She would sleep in the midst of the wreckage of her home, and in the morning she would clean. She would gather her things thereafter, and she would return to her place on the frontlines.

Katsumi Kato was heartbroken, but she would recover from the pain and be stronger because of it. She had to be.

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Posted (edited)

Sitting against the only thing between her and her lost love, hearing things being thrown, screaming... Cringing at each impact, -it's time to get up- thinking as Sam get to her feet, turning toward the door. Inhaling deep, the floor was soaked where she had been sitting. Hand moves to her pocket, a key being pulled out. Finally exhaling as she leans forward sliding it under the door. Placing a hand on the closed door, she didn't want to leave. Wanting so badly to open that door and hold Katoka in her arms even if it meant for one last time. Sam did this... caused this pain that Kat was feeling... Suddenly shifting her body and running the other way. 

Arriving home, standing in front of the door. Handle grasped, there was so many memories here. Closing her eyes, twisting the nob before the door lightly becomes ajar. Stepping in slowly, eyes shifting and pausing everywhere that Kat was in the house (Everywhere). A constant splat to the floor as she feels like she's walking into the past. Finding herself eventually in the room that they shared, pulling a sweatshirt from the closet. A small smile as this was one that Kat hated most. Saying that it made her feel like a poodle, suggesting to Kat that she should take everything else off but that. Glancing to the bed with the smallest of chuckles underneath all the pain in her lungs.

Not bothing to take anything off, Sam walks to the bathroom and turns on the shower. Climbing in with the bittersweet scent of her love, it was all she had left, a smell. Sitting in the tub now, curled into a ball, leaning sideways against the interior. Letting the water from above pour down on her, making it nearly impossible to tell which could be tears. Feeling the weight of the soaked clothing upon her frame, compared to the weight she felt on her heart. Sitting there for a while, skin began to burn but it was nothing compared to the damage that she had done to the one person that meant the world to her.

Edited by Sam
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Lying in bed, blanket wrapped around her frame. Not remembering how she had gotten there, that has been a thing as of late. Not remembering things that she should be. Glancing around the room, eyes still blurred, sun from the side window blaring in the eyes. How long was she out... Suddenly she hears a clash from downstairs. Pulling the blanket off, realizing that she was wearing just a plain white t-shirt. What the hell happened to her cloths???

Getting up from the bed slowly, it was clear that there was someone downstairs... Looking around the room, pulling her weapon out. Slowly walking down the stairs, back against the wall. Turning the corner, it was metal that sounded like made the noise, whoever it was must be in the kitchen. Was it Kat? Did she change her mind, a smile peers across her face as she lowers her weapon and rushes the rest of the way. Seeing Lium, the weapon goes back up as she stares daggers in his direction. 

Lium turns hearing the sudden stubble down, finding Sam. "Good morning sleepy head. Did you have a good 3-day nap?" Holding a pan in his hand with scrambled eggs done. "You hungry?"

Pointing her Axe in his direction, "What did you do with cloths Lium," he couldn't help but smile in her direction as he starts pouring the eggs on a plate. "I simply changed you out of the wet clothing. Don't worry, you were facing away from me the entire time and I never once looked down. You were freezing after being in the water for god knows how long. Makes me sorta wonder what your intentions were when you passed the fuck out a never woke." Setting a few cups on the table. "I am not sure..." Sams voice lowers trying to figure out an answer to the question. Kat had just broken things off, did she really want to die because of it. Weapon drops to the floor next to her feet now, eyes start to swell up. 

Lium walks to her and brings her into a hug and she lets him but just stands there with her hands to the sides. "I guess this means that you guys are done?" Lium would feel a small nod in his shoulder blade. Giving a long inhaling sigh, "You will be okay Sammy, I have you." Sams body goes limp within his grasp as they lower to the ground.

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Sitting on the couch with a blanket wrapped around her again, plate sitting on her lap as she moves the pieces on food around on the glass. Lium sits on the other side with a mug in his hand, it was noticeably steaming. "So, Samantha Rose, I ask you again, what was your intention?" She sighs a bit staring at the glass, her legs were holding the flat dish up. "I don't want to be in a world that Kat and I are not together..." a sniffle before setting the plate on the table. 

Silence illuminated the room as Lium takes that in. Taking a sip of his coffee, glancing in her direction. "I don't believe that, I won't believe that." Setting the mug down before giving the girl his full attention. "All this time that I have known, you were never the one to be hooked so badly on someone that you could no longer function." Sam slowly looks up to meet his gaze now, plain face. "You always told me that it made you weak, that love made you weak, said it was the reason why you never bothered trying. You wanted to stay focused on your work, no distractions. What happened to that Sam, what happened to my Sam?" Lium shifts his body to turn toward her. A curious expression upon his face awaiting an answer that would be reason enough.

You could practically hear the crickets outside. Veering her eyes away, looking at seemingly nothing but everything at the same time. "Answer the question, Rose." This was said in a stern voice this time. A deep breath comes out from the girl, "I saw everyone being happy around me, I wanted to know what it felt like to be loved. I just wanted to know..." Tears began to fall again...

"You came into this excited, focused on all the content that you had learned about. It was all you talked about over the mic before coming here. When you met Kat, your focus started to edge toward her. You worried about her more than you did about Firm Anima and stopped being helpful. Even Simmone was complaining that you were getting lazy." Lium was trying to make a point. "But the other 2 power couples could do it..." 

Lium shakes his head now in complete and utter disappointment. "They could work with one other but even they know that they were not the only people fighting in the war Sam. They know that they had other people than just each other that they had to keep alive. Firm Anima watches everyone's back and they all know that in battle, everyone protects everyone, not just one person." Shaking her head, "But I love her and I don't want to see her..." Lium cuts her off, "You were smothering Kat. When is the last time you saw her fight, when is the last time you went on a quest with her. You treat Katoka like a fragile piece of merchandise that needs to stay in a protective case. In your mind you were playing house in a perfect world where nothing goes wrong." Lium says this because she needs to hear this. Sam had been in this funk for far too long and someone had to be brutally honest with her.

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Sam sat there is silence, nursing a cup of coffee, one that Lium had made with her food that was getting cold. Was she really doing that to Kat, making her feel that way. Did Simmone really think that she was getting lazy? Was that focus no longer there... So many things now that she had to think about. Was it that Sam just didn't want to fight anymore, that she was tired of being in this game. Losing interest that would normally thrive that drive in her head. Sam didn't know when this all started getting so surreal. It was nothing that was really thought about till now. When did everything start going so wrong...

Pondering so intently, when did it start getting this bad? When did she start losing interest in the game... "I..." Trying to figure out the answers to her own questions... Setting the mug on the table after taking another drink. It was clear what Lium said was right. Sam didn't know how to get that drive back though. "That door that I stared at, the white and gold framed door. I feel like I have to go back there. There was something about that door that made me feel unnerved. For some reason I feel like it will help me with all these unanswered questions I have about simply existence..." A grin appears on Lium's face now.

Sam was starting to realize that she had a real problem. That was the first step...

Walking into the Forest of Memories once more, to find that door that she had stumbled upon. Maybe then she would finally get those answers that were needed... Maybe then she would get back to her old self.

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