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Shadow Wolf [Shadows Aligned]

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634409488_ShadowWolf(JournalImage).png.4de85123e45b5bb5e4d9844405b7bf1e.pngUsername: Shadow Wolf
Real name: Yamakawa Natsuo
Age:  30 > 32 (November 14, 1994)
Gender: Male
Height: 152cm (5.11ft)
Complexion: Pale
Defining Features: Freckles, small scarring along left neckline
Eye Colour: Green
Hair Colour: Black
Country of Origin: Japan
Profession: TBD



With Endless Possibilities come the trials and trivial moments that we all find ourselves surrendered within. An expectation of success, an experience of loss, and so many more to come...




The Real World


Announcement & Aftermath

Natsuo was born to an mixed family, his father of pure Japanese decent while his mother came from an Irish-Japanese heritage that spanned a few generations back in their family lines. Natsuo had never cared to learn about his family heritage - in fact, he'd found himself avoiding it as much as he could, focusing instead on simply trying to fit into a world that cared little for him due to his differentness.

Growing up, Natsuo attended small schools within the Yamanashi prefecture, moving from one school with classmates who considered him odd and different, to the next. He found little solace in his school-aged years, with most individuals looking to him for his uniqueness - the green eyes that seemed to shimmer against his otherwise pale complexion - either in an attempt to despise him, or as if to collect him as part of some weird fantasy. He found himself becoming ostracised by his general peers, and excited to leave behind the school years for the adult world, moving into his college experiences without a single hesitation. Moving to Kōfu, Natsuo enrolled in the University of Yamanashi and pursued an education in basic business skills, setting himself up to entry the workforce as a low-levelled manager.

His college years opened Natsuo to an entirely new world - one where he was able to hide within his small corner away from those who would otherwise distract and cause problems for him, and instead placed him in an environment where he could thrive and be himself. Slowly, over time, he found himself introduced to a local roleplaying group where he made a small collection of friends. Branching from there, he moved into groups that played various online games, finding his interest in the stories and group work to be among his favourite moments.

After graduating, Natsuo moved on to a small company that sold game related materials, from the various board games and roleplaying games that he had enjoyed in his college years, to the various up and coming video games and assorted accessories that any true game lover would die to spend their days among. It was during his time working with the organisation that Natsuo came across the newly released Sword Art Online, finding in it the promises of everything the roleplaying games he had loved always offered - a world away, where one could begin anew. 

Natsuo entered the world of Sword Art Online, taking an online handle that had always been a favourite of his - Shadow Wolf. A common name, he was surprised to find it available at the time of signing up, exuberant about the occurrence and refusing to allow it to cause any doubt in the world that awaited him.

His first moments in the world were beyond anything that Natsuo could've imagined. He spent the first few hours simply wandering, learning the basics of the game and trying to piece together what he had found himself stumbling into - everything he found well beyond his own expectations. He found himself marvelling at the beauty of the world, as well as the in-depth level of experience that it provided, unable to determine which could be considered more impressive in his experience.

When the announcement came - the shocking revelation that seemed to hit everyone in varying ways, Natsuo found himself surprisingly calm. He despised the idea of being trapped anywhere, of being stuck in a world beyond the real one - and yet...he found himself upset not because they were stuck in the game, but because someone had made the choice for him. Left him with little option other than to accept his fate. What bothered him more than anything, was the fact that he was stuck in this world by someone else's choice - not his own, not his free will, but the will of another. Silently, he swore to fight against the world, to bring justice upon whomever had made the choice. Not for his freedom, or for anyone else's, but for a vendetta that he would never be able to explain to another soul.   

The announcement and confirmation of their circumstances left the ten thousand players in a panic - a mass of emotions rolling over each and every single one who had been gathered and informed. Natsuo was quickly left behind as those with more social connections, more awareness and more skill within the game's world rushed off to find the best areas of the game to begin their journey towards freedom. Subjugated to taking whatever was left, he quickly found himself outclassed by the players that had made their progress easily; a fact that brought small amounts of frustration from the man.

Still, Natsuo knew that there was little he could do beyond continuing to fight - and he'd long since decided that he wouldn't give up; not here, not in Aincrad. It was enough to launch him towards the future, to give him the purpose he needed to continue fighting. It was with this determination that he had left behind the court where they had first been informed of their new jail; a world that was cold and uncaring, and one that Natsuo swore he would escape from at all costs.


Present Day



Left with no alternative, Natsuo made his way into the world of Aincrad with a single purpose - to become strong enough to fight alongside those at the forefront of the push upwards. He made few friends along his path, turning away none in his attempt to over come the world - but also finding that he came close to none as well. A simple figure that seemed to flit about, doing what was necessary but making no real connections along the way...






Accepting. Although far from the most welcoming of souls, Natsuo often accepts the words and actions of others without complaint. Carefree in a sense, he looks to the behaviours of those who move alongside him, judging few of them unless they look to harm another without cause. In his mind, Natsuo has found that every individual has their own reasonings, and that no one person will always understand what those reasonings may be - or why they exist. In contrast, he has found that simply acknowledging them is far easier, and brings far less confrontation.

Confident. Far from the confidence seen in those who truly understand their own place in the world, Natsuo exudes the confidence of apathy. Grown to a point in his life where he no longer cares about the ideas, opinions of personal beliefs of others, he instead chooses to act his own way and suffer the consequences later on. Through this behaviour, Natsuo has convinced many that he is more emotionally and mentally confident than he truly is - a visage that he is more than happy to leave upon himself.

Content Follower. While he may exude confidence, Natsuo is far from a leader. Preferring to follow others or himself - if no others are there to offer suggestions - Natsuo can often be considered a secondary in most situations. When offered a plan of action, he is more commonly seen to simply accept it rather than try to overturn it or argue it, choosing to simply find a way to make it work. Although he'll never admit it, Natsuo knows within his heart that his behaviour stems from his desire to avoid confrontation when possible when it comes to other people.

Integrity and Respect. When it comes to his general behaviour towards others, Natsuo has always been considered respectful. Even growing up, it was always stated that he showed a manner of good will towards others, and an integrity in his words that bespoke an honest, kind soul. While Sword Art Online may have broken many others, Natsuo has maintained his dignity and integrity - going so far as to protect unknown players from dangers well beyond his own skill set, simply because he feels it is the right thing to do.


Blunt. Growing up, Natsuo was instructed and taught the general mannerisms that were expected within his culture and heritage. While he has shown his capabilities of acting appropriately within those expectations, he has also grown to be far blunter with his responses and words than some would enjoy - never quite passing beyond the realm of respectable, but also ignoring the normal social expectations of restricting one's opinions and words. While he is careful never to cause direct offense, he also has developed a way of stating exactly what is being thought, without a need to veil it beyond any sophistication.

Idealistic. Many may not paint the man as idealistic, but Natsuo carries with him the beliefs of how the world should work. While those ideals may not be perfect, he finds that he is ironed into their reasoning, and rarely deviates from his own beliefs. While he is far from blinded by his ideals, Natsuo has been known to act in manners unbecoming when those ideals are challenged, or when another acts in a way that he finds to be counter to how he thinks they should be acting.

Perfectionist. Whether it was due to his upbringing, or a natural desire within himself, Natsuo has always been a perfectionist by nature. Unable to leave something alone until it has been completed in its entirety, he is often found mulling over things that others have moved on from long ago. Whether it be puzzles that were already solved, or events that have occurred and he considers imperfect in hindsight, Natsuo focuses on coming up with and resolving all outcomes in order to find the way in which it could be handled better in the future.

Social Etiquette. When it comes to social etiquette, Natsuo has shown an almost obsessive perfectionism with his behaviours. Going so far as to consistently provide formal greetings with individuals that he is less acquainted with, to requesting permission to use uncommon names, or names beyond the handlebars of those he is communicating with. Many have described his behaviour as overbearing, and a few have even complained about his habits of correcting what he sees as inappropriate social actions.





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1/5 Skill Points

Sword Arts 
[x4] ST-I (4 EN) | A single-target sword art.
[x3] AOE-I (1 + [2 * targets EN]) | AOE | A sword art that strikes multiple targets at once.
[x4] TECH-A (5 EN) | STUN | A single-target sword art that stuns an enemy.

Utility Skills

Combat Skills

Weapon Skills
Straight Sword [Rank: 1. Active: Passive. Effect: +3 DMG]

Armour Skills

Active Extra Skills

Inactive Extra Skills 

Combat Mastery

Familiar Skills

Estate Buffs





Familiar Name: TBD

Familiar Description: TBD

Familiar Skill: TBD

Familiar Image


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[0/0 EXP] Rank 0 - ???: TBD

Crafting Buffs

N/A [N/A]

 Rank 0
[?] = Critical Fail (Lose materials)
[?] = Fail (Lose materials)
[?] = Salvage (Keep materials on LD 11+)
[?] = Uncommon item (1 slot)
[?] = Rare item (2 slots)
[?] = Perfect item (3 slots)
[?] = Result.
[?] = Result.

Critical Fail and Fail crafts: +1 +1 EXP
Salvage crafts, regardless of success:
+2 EXP
Uncommon crafts:
+3 EXP
Rare crafts: 
+5 EXP
Perfect crafts:
+8 EXP


[0/0 EXP] Rank 0 - ???: TBD

Crafting Buffs

N/A [N/A]

 Rank 0
[?] = Critical Fail (Lose materials)
[?] = Fail (Lose materials)
[?] = Salvage (Keep materials on LD 11+)
[?] = Uncommon item (1 slot)
[?] = Rare item (2 slots)
[?] = Perfect item (3 slots)
[?] = Result.
[?] = Result.

Critical Fail and Fail crafts: +1 +1 EXP
Salvage crafts, regardless of success:
+2 EXP
Uncommon crafts:
+3 EXP
Rare crafts: 
+5 EXP
Perfect crafts:
+8 EXP




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Shadow Wolf | Lv. 1 | HP: 20/20 | EN: 20/20 | DMG: 4 | LD: 3
Tier 1





  • Crystal
    [Tier 1 Trinket; Perfect]
    Enhancement: Loot Die [3 Slots]

battle-ready inventory

  • N/A {0} N/A {0} | N/A


  Hide contents

Utility Skills

Combat Skills

Weapon Skills
Straight Sword [Rank: 1. Active: Passive. Effect: +3 DMG]

Armour Skills

Active Extra Skills

Inactive Extra Skills 

Combat Mastery

Familiar Skills

sword arts

  Hide contents

[x4] ST-I (4 EN) | A single-target sword art.
[x3] AOE-I (1 + [2 * targets EN]) | AOE | A sword art that strikes multiple targets at once.
[x4] TECH-A (5 EN) | STUN | A single-target sword art that stuns an enemy.


  Hide contents

Estate Buffs
N/A [N/A]







Anime Storage Room Background


Equipment (Stored) 





Alchemic Consumables

Cook Consumables

Performer Consumables

Miscellaneous Consumables



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