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[F03-PP] Once More Unto the Breach <<Search for the Hoya>>

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0ee2fa34e09f7341519fee051ecb75db.thumb.jpg.46d091ca1ea653fff0775f3f0afe51b9.jpgThis was to be the day.  Ren had already wandered through half the floors in the floating castle and The Knight Shift's business was quite busy.  It was about time he actually got his hands dirty.  To that end, he'd made his way to Aruyt on the third floor.  Rumour was that there was a maze of some sort near the main settlement that was regularly patrolled and cleared by players.  It was also a chance to try out his new gear.  Strapping on his shield, loosening the blade at his hip, Ren twisted from side to side under the assumption that he needed to loosen his muscles and reflexes.  Entering the central plaza, golden eyes naively gleeful in anticipation, his announcement threw more than a few locals for a loop.

"I'm heading for the Hoyas Labyrinth by the Forest of Wavering Mist.  Does anyone require an escort for the quest?  I'd be happy to assist anyone who requires aid, and can tank for any party we may form."

Helm tucked neatly under his arm while a shock of swept back short white hair wavered in the breeze, Ren cut a strange figure.  Not at all what you might expect from a tank, the man was seemingly too slight in build.  The purple coloring and trim of his outfit also carried a somewhat priestly appearance that might prove somewhat offputting to some.  Ren wasn't bothered, either way.  He was just eager to help.



Rencesvals | HP: 280/280 | EN: 46/46 | DMG: 10 | MIT: 61 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 3 | LD: 1 | BLD: 24 | HLY: 4 | PARA | TAUNT | THRNS: 18


Level: 14
Paragon Level: 0
HP: 280/280
EN: 46/46

Damage: 10
Mitigation: 61
Evasion: 1
Accuracy: 3
Loot Dice: 1
BLD: 24
HLY: 4

Equipped Gear:
Weapon: Durendal (v.II) | T2 Holy I | BLD I | PARA I | TAUNT
Armor: Black Regalia (v.II) | T2 MIT III | THORNS I
Misc: Lark & Nightingale Pin | ACC 3 | EVA 1

Straight Sword R5
Heavy Armor R4
Fighting Spirit

Battle Ready Inventory:
Starter Healing Potions x2

Housing Buffs:
Rested: -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat
Clean: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down)
Hard Working: +2 EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day
Filling: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot.
Item Stash: +1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot
Delicious: Turn 3 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Feast. A Feast contains 6 portions of the food items sacrificed.
Relaxed: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
Skylight (Searching): +1 Rank to the Searching skill.
Advanced Training: +10% Exp to a thread. Limit one use per month [1/1]
Multipurpose: Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll


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It was another day in the death game, Kyoto was traveling in some of the lower floors. Mostly because he was told there's a quest down here that he hasn't completed. It was only then while walking towards the center of the plaza that he heard a man probably around his age asking around if anyone needs an aid to come to a location in the area called Hoyas Labyrinth. Luckily that was where Kyoto was going.

"I could use some help. If you like to come along with me."

Kyoto said. Wearing his black coat as well as his sword to his right side of his hip. Even though Kyoto doesn't seem to be much of a strong player he has that cocky attitude going for him today. This could be the chance he can finally meet new friends after being busying with his shop.

"When were you wanting to start heading out? I'm ready whenever you are."

It didn't take much to get Kyoto pumped to go out for an adventure after all being stuck into his shop does tend to get boring after awhile.

«Kyoto» 280/280 | ENG: 46/46 | DMG: 6 | Keen: 2 | ACC: 3 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 3 | Bleed: 1 | Recover: 2 | Regen: 1


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"Rencesvals," the knight replied, offering a gauntlet in friendship.  "Most people just call me Ren.  We can head out whenever you would like.  The locals have provided some direction."  Producing a notebook from the ether, Ren flipped it open to a page with a crudely drawn map of Aruyt.  Several landmarks had been scrawled on the page to help him orient himself, without which they might easily have set off in the wrong direction.  

"Ah, it's this way, and not far.  They said that Larbrook, a local warrior, would meet us there and help guide us about the place.  With my sense of direction, that's probably a good thing."  He laughed at his own expense, never having been particularly adept at navigating much of anything.  Dismissing his helmet, Ren quickly explained that it drove him crazy to wear the thing.  "You can't see anything in one of those things, and it feels like wrapping your head in a furnace.  I'm a smith, by the way, and always willing to help out a fellow adventurer if you need new weapons or armor.  No offense, my friend, but yours look like they might be from a patch or two back.  Are you just getting out into the field?"

The sun beat down as they walked together, keeping an eye open for the quest NPC, but neither being sure what he actually looked like.  Maybe he'd have a sign in front of him, or be wearing an advertising placard draped over his shoulders like some sort of pizza billboard.  


Post 3/5 until we can find one of the minotaurs.

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Kyoto watch as a man in purple introduced himself to Kyoto.

"Please to meet you name is Kyoto."

It didn't take to much time to introduce between the two of them. And it didn't take to much time for the two to get to the point of the quest that they're going to be on. And from what Ren had said it would be better for the two of them to take Larbrook as a guide through the mazes.

As Ren dismisses his helmet it didn't take to much time before he mentions about Kyoto's gear. It's true that it's outdated but it got him by through the major update a while ago.

"Yeah gear seems to be outdated but I guess that's what happens when you're stuck inside your shop all the time." He laughs a little before speaking again. "I'm a tailor but seems like bussiness has slowed down a lot so I decided to go out on the adventure and actually level up and finally reach to the front lines to help get out of this death game quicker."


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"I share the sentiment.  Most of my time has been spent pumping bellows or hammering some stick of metal on the anvil.  It's surprisingly more fulfilling than I expected.  The locals don't seem to appreciate the discounts I give to players who are just starting out on their journeys, but that seems surprisingly short sighted.  People without decent gear won't last long in the wilds of Aincrad, and dead people make for poor customers."  Beaming his companion a wry smile, the two of them soon reached the outskirts of the labyrinth, where a massive human NPC stood waiting for them.

"Larbrook, I assume?"

The big man just grunted at them, picking something out from between his teeth using the finely sharped edge of a massive great axe.

"We were told that you were the man to ask when it came to finding minotaurs that were plaguing the labyrinth."  The axe moved aside to reveal a broad, toothy grin and mischievous smile.  "Wait... this isn't the labyrinth, labyrinth, is it?  Like, the one that leads to the next floor, or however that works?"

"No fool.  That's over yonder, with the giant tower sticking out of its arse and connected to the sky-ceiling."  The barbarian's voice boomed with every syllable.  "But if yer' huntin' for bulls, I know where t'a find'em.  Jus' follow me."  

Without another word, he turned and wandered into the maze proper, expecting them to follow.

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  • 10 months later...

It amazed Kyoto how much him and Ren are when it came to work. Both spent so much time in there own shops just to make a living. It's always nice to get out once in a while though and actually partake in some quest or raids.

"That seems exciting. I always though blacksmiths are pretty cool. But we do need tailors as well so here I am."

Kyoto laughed a little before they approached a man that is bigger than the two of them combine. Or at least that's what it looked like from Kyoto's perspective.

Kyoto didn't do anything. He let Ren take care of the talking. Not because he was scared of the big guy but for the fact it's easier for one person to ask the questions than multiple at once. It stop confusion from happening.

After the conversation finally ended Ren started to follow the big man and so did Kyoto.

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Larbrook ignored their banter, clearly disinterested by the vaguaries of player trades and commerce.  'Big axe for smashing,' was much more up his alley.  

"Tailors are good.  You should be able to drum up some solid business. Few other players have been actively tending their shops lately.  Do you specialize in any particular style or garment?"  Good natured and jovial, by nature, Ren was genuinely interested in the man's work.

"Can you tell us anything about our targets, Larbrook? It might help to know what we're facing."

"Big.  Hairy.  Smelly.  Strong.  Don't let them hit you if you want to live."  That was it, apparently, their escort returning to reading unseen signs directing them towards their quarry.  Ren smiled, awkwardly, shrugging his shoulders and following the NPC's lead, glancing over at Kyoto to see what he thought.

"Unfortunately, I might have to sidestep that advice.  Tanks aren't usually lucky enough to avoid getting hit."


Post 3 of 5 before a minotaur can be found.

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It was quite impressive that someone actually is interested in the works of a tailor. But the one thing that caught his attention is when Ren mentions what kind of specialization does he work on. Kyoto had to think for a moment. It doesn't cross his mine that he doesn't really specialize in anything he just crafts what people request and then just stock what he needs for his shop.

"To be honest I don't think I specialize in anything. I kind of just craft what people are ordering. It's not really thrilling to hear but it is what it is."

Kyoto hopes that his answer satisfied the boy as it wasn't an impressive one to say the least.

After responding though he would hear Ren talk to the man escorting them and the big guy doesn't really seem to give out good information besides "Don't let them hit you if you want to live.". Kyoto smiled at Ren after hearing his response about being a tank. Kyoto other hand wasn't very tanky. So for him, avoiding getting hit is his top priority. Well between that and also dealing damage to the opponent as he is a DPS.

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Posted (edited)

Larbrook held up a large, meaty, mitt-like fist implying they should halt.  Ren nearly ran into it, face-planting into his own shield instead.

"Oof!"  He blinked a few times before peeking over the gigantic metal slab he somehow held aloft before him.  Game mechanics were always great when it came to endorsing the ridiculous.  There was no way, in real life, that he could ever hope to heft such a massive hunk of steel.  In here, as long as he equipped it, the system let him spin it around like it was a frisbee.

"Looks like you get the nimble one," Larbrook muttered, chuckling inexplicably to himself.  Before Ren could ask what that meant, the muscled NPC grabbed the top of his shield and tossed him roughly around the corner, causing more than enough noise to catch the mob's attention.  Its pale, coarse fur was matted in blood and sweat as it turned, steam rising from its bullish nose while angry crimson eyes bore down upon the fledgling tank.

"Oh, crap.  Things just got real!"  Reacting on instinct alone, Ren ran forward and drew his sword, swinging wildly in the least impressive attempt to trigger a sword art.  The blade didn't even come close to its mark, clanging unceremoniously against the labyrinth's stone walls.  Their enemy just snorted with derision, chuckling to itself.

"Good.  More meat."


Post 5/5.  Minotaur found.


Post Action | ST-I (x12, 12 EN): 12 EN - (Rested 2/2) = 11 EN.  (missed: -2 EN only)
Free Action | None

ID #223521 | BD:3+3-1=5 (miss).  

Rencesvals | HP: 280/280 | EN: 44/46 (46-2) | DMG: 10 | MIT: 61 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 3 | LD: 1 | BLD: 24 | HLY: 4 | PARA | TAUNT | THRNS: 18
«Kyoto» 280/280 | ENG: 46/46 | DMG: 6 | Keen: 2 | ACC: 3 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 3 | Bleed: 1 | Recover: 2 | Regen: 1

(1,0) <<Govarron, the Western Hoya Minotaur>> | HP: 150/150 | DMG: 45 | EVA: 1


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It wasn't much before the action begin. But as Kyoto was paying attention to Ren; but Ren wasn't paying attention to the big man letting them know to halt. It was quite funny but at the same time it looked painful. And not after all the commotion there was a Minotaur. It was pretty beefy and was already getting attacked by Ren.

Watching Ren swing aimlessly at the Minotaur, Kyoto looked at it trying to figure out what would be the best way to attack this thing. But once Ren finally finished his attack it was Kyoto's turn. And with that he charged up his sword with a sword skill.

Once ready though he charged into the line of sight of the Minotaur and yelled.

"Switch me Ren."

Diving right on top of the beast Kyoto did manage to make a hit on the large beast. After that though Kyoto stick his foot on the beast and pull the sword out while waiting to see what Ren.

"Still not use to getting hit. But at least I'm fine. It didn't take to much HP from me."

He mention to Ren as he waits to see if Ren takes another attack.

"So what's our plan with this? Seems like aimlessly swinging out swords wouldn't be the best tactic."

He says kind of mocking Ren with how he approached the beast.


Post Action | ST-I (x12, 12 EN): 12 EN - (Rested 2/2) = 11 EN.  (missed: -2 EN only)
Free Action | None

ID #223522 | BD:4+3-1=6 (hit).  (6 x 12 = 72)

ID #223523| MD: 6 - 3 = 3 (EVA) (Miss)

Rencesvals | HP: 280/280 | EN: 44/46 | DMG: 10 | MIT: 61 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 3 | LD: 1 | BLD: 24 | HLY: 4 | PARA | TAUNT | THRNS: 18
«Kyoto» 280/280 | ENG: 44/46 (46-2) | DMG: 6 | Keen: 2 | ACC: 3 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 3 | Bleed: 1 | Recover: 2 | Regen: 1

(1,1) <<Govarron, the Western Hoya Minotaur>> | HP: 78/150 (150 - 72) | DMG: 45 | EVA: 1


Edited by Kyot0
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"Uh..." Ren seemed to hesitate for a moment, never having actually had to make decisions for others in the middle of combat.  "Oh, hell..."

Stepping forward, the slender white-haired knight slammed his tower shield hard into the minotaur's flank.  Already distracted by Kyoto's attack, it swung high and wide, glancing off the top of the shield and giving Ren the opening he'd hoped to create.  Shifting his stance, his protective slab turned away while Durendal struck true, straight into the mob's chest.  It looked surprised, for an instant, before its entire body collapsed into a pile of glittering fractal shards that vanished as soon as they hit the floor.

"Right," Ren blurted, surprised that his tactics had worked.  "Or we could, y'know... just kill it?"  He blinked twice, still wondering how it had actually happened.

Larbrook rounded the corner, palming his face in disappointment.  

"Do you even realize you had your eyes closed?"  Muttering followed, masked by his meaty palm, but sounding like something about newbs.



Note: corrected Kyoto's EN based on a hit instead of miss on previous post.

Ren regains +2 EN

Post Action | ST-I (x12, 12 EN): 12 EN - (Rested 1/2) = 11 EN. 
Free Action | None

ID #223534 | BD: 7+3-1=9 (hit).  DMG (12*10=120) to Govarron.  Dies.

Rencesvals | HP: 280/280 | EN: 35/46 (44+2-11) | DMG: 10 | MIT: 61 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 3 | LD: 1 | BLD: 24 | HLY: 4 | PARA | TAUNT | THRNS: 18
«Kyoto» 280/280 | ENG: 34/46
(46-12 last post) | DMG: 6 | Keen: 2 | ACC: 3 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 3 | Bleed: 1 | Recover: 2 | Regen: 1

(4,1) <<Govarron, the Western Hoya Minotaur>> | HP: 0/150 | DMG: 45 | EVA: 1 (78-120)

Note: Govarron does not meet Ren's loot minimum requirements.

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Kyoto chuckled a little after watching Ren defeat the beast. His response to the plan would be valid.

"Well that was surprisingly easy. Sad thing is there's much more to do before we finish."

Kyoto gets up and dust off the dirt off of him.

"So you guys ready to continue?"

Kyoto was little eager to get things going as he gather his attention to Ren and the big guy. Waiting to see what is planned, Kyoto ready himself as he continue to catch up to Ren.

Kyoto never was a leader and you'll never see him upfront of anything. He never volunteer to take charge or anything he only wanted to survive and follow the order of everyone else. So he waiting to see where they're heading next. Continuously patting himself off from the attack he did.

"So are you ready to go back to your shop after this Ren; or are you going to continue with your travels?"

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"Wait... what?"  Confused and still a little dazed, Ren struggled to believe what Larbrook just declared.  Had he really closed his eyes?  True, he really wasn't accustomed to this kind of violence, but these were just mobs.  It wasn't like they were attacking actual people.  "My shop?"  Kyoto's question had pierced the cloudy haze in his mind and lured him successfully back to the present.  "Uh... I guess?  I go where I'm needed, though there hasn't been much demand for adventuring of late."  Looking a bit sheepish, he scratched at the mop of shock white hair on his head with a gauntleted fist.  "Honestly?  I really haven't done that much fighting, to date.  It might be fairer to say that I'm working on being a tank than to claim that I know all the tricks of the trade.  But we all start somewhere, right?"

Larbrook glanced sideways at them, possibly respecting the admission.  Too many players walked around with giant chips on their shoulders and got people killed.   Ren was newb, but he knew it, and wasn't afraid to admit it or to learn.

"Come.  This way.  The second bullman isn't far."

Ren locked eyes with Kyoto, his own wide, wondering what had changed their guide's tone and demeanor.

"Maybe I should keep adventuring?  I don't know.  What are you planning to do?"


Second Minotaur found 2/5
Full EN Regen 1/2

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Watching Ren looked shocked about what Larbrook said about him fighting with his eyes close was something he's never seen before. Most people normally play it off like they did nothing wrong and that what they did was intentional. Ren pulled off the 'I'm not sure what happen and I'm not afraid to admit that.' kind of vibe. Which is always good.

Listening to Ren's response was an interesting one and there's nothing wrong with his decision. Although as they started to head to the next destination, Ren changed his response.  He seem uncertain what he should do. In Kyoto's case though he was more wanting to do adventures.

"To be honest I want to do more adventures. Get to the frontlines so I can help the people still stuck on floor 1 to get back home."

His response was common. A lot of players that want to help other's want to get to the frontline. There's nothing wrong with having the same idea as other's. It just shows how many people want to help people get out of this death game.

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A modest smile crossed the man's face, as if appreciating the sincerity of Kyot0's reply.  Yes, it was a common one, but that alone gave him hope.

"A lot of people say that, which is actually a good thing, when you think about it.  Isn't it inspiring that so many people are willing to work towards a common goal?  Outside, people and society were often described as being selfish and obsessed with gain.  Here, I see people seeking to gain power for the benefit of others.  It's why I setup my shop and offer to help anyone I can: to make them stronger.  If I can do that, even in some small way, it helps us all."

Larbrook gave no indication that he paid anything the players said any heed, but a gradual change in his demeanor suggested otherwise.  Ren and Kyot0 seemed to be changing his opinion of them, just by speaking candidly and optimistically about their prospects.

"What's your story, Larbrook?"  An unanticipated question directed at a dour NPC who offered no real evidence of willingness to share.  'Then why was he even here,' Ren questioned, internally.  'Surely there must be some reason?'

The giant barbarian paused, glancing over his broad, muscled shoulder at the scrawny player in priest-like garb.  By his gaze, he seemed to be debating the merits of offering any response.

"I made a vow," he replied, offering little more.  Ren was simply stunned that he'd gotten an answer.


Second Minotaur found 4/5
Full EN Regen 2/2

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Kyoto listen to Ren. What he was saying is true.

"Yeah. I feel like in the situation we're in, people with common goals would be better. We all have that one goal of saving everyone trapped in here. I don't see it as us showing our ego but the one's that are wanting to be saviors if thousands of people."

Kyoto smiled as he listen to Ren talking to Larbrook. The fact the big fellow even gave an answer was a shock to the both of them.

"Is that all you have to say? There has to be more to your story than that."

At least that's what he thinks. The game could have him program to just say basic things if the player tries to interact with him while partaking the quest.

"So do you know how much further we are before we encounter another Minotaur?"

The young white haired boy question toward the other two but mainly Larbrook. He wouldn't think that Ren would know but at the same time he doesn't really know if Ren has partake in this quest before or not.

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Posted (edited)

A massive armored form burst through the wall, immediately to their right, before Larbrook or Ren could utter a response to Kyot0.  The answer made itself self-evident as the hulking form of Kantaras burst through the masonry and flattened Larbrook against the opposite wall face, the barbarian's axe skittering across the flagstone flooring as he crumpled under the assault.

"Larbrook!"  Ren flung himself forward, raising his shield just in time to spare the NPC a potentially lethal blow as their assailant brought down its oversized bastard sword.  Pushed to his knees by the sheer weight and force of the strike, Ren braced his leg against the wall and pushed.  Gaining just enough momentum, he managed to redirect the minotaur's blade and craft an opening for his own attack. Durendal,  gleaming in the streaming lines of line filtering from above, bit deep as it stole a hefty chunk from their enemy's flank.  Kantaras hunched, injured and unable to properly raise his shield arm in defense.  He was vulnerable.

"Ky!  Get'em from the side, if you can.  I'll cover Larbrook!"



Post Action | ST-I (x12, 12 EN): 12 EN - (Rested 2/2) = 11 EN. 
Free Action | None

ID #223576 | BD: 3+3=6 (hit).  DMG (12*10=120) to Kantaras

Rencesvals | HP: 280/280 | EN: 35/46 (46-11) | DMG: 10 | MIT: 61 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 3 | LD: 1 | BLD: 24 | HLY: 4 | PARA | TAUNT | THRNS: 18
«Kyoto» 280/280 | ENG: 46/46
 | DMG: 6 | Keen: 2 | ACC: 3 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 3 | Bleed: 1 | Recover: 2 | Regen: 1

(3,0) <<Kantaras, the Eastern Hoya Minotaur>> HP: 30/150 | DMG: 45 | ACC: 1 (150-120)


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Posted (edited)

It wasn't to much longer until action kicked in when both Larbrook and Ren get's smashed by the wall next to them. Looking over after the dust cleared he sees Ren making his attack toward the Minotaur, Kyoto would hear Ren yell at Kyoto to attack from the side. Kyoto nodded then start to shift his direct to the side of the Minotaur before activating his sword art though he notice Ren was having a hard time trying to hold it off.

Charging in to attack the Minotaur though he manage to crit it as the Minotaur vanish into millions of pixelated shard pieces. Kyoto looked over at Ren.

"You okay there?"

Kyoto slice his sword in the air before sheathing it.

"This could of went way worse depending on our positioning huh?"

Kyoto lend a hand to Ren helping him up if needed.

"These things are quite annoying after a while don't you think? Good thing they're fairly easy to beat."


Post Action | ST-I (x12, 12 EN): 12 EN
Free Action | None

ID #223576 | BD: 9+3=12 (Crit).  DMG (12*(6+1 (Crit))=84) to Kantaras

Rencesvals | HP: 280/280 | EN: 35/46 (46-11) | DMG: 10 | MIT: 61 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 3 | LD: 1 | BLD: 24 | HLY: 4 | PARA | TAUNT | THRNS: 18
«Kyoto» 280/280 | ENG: 34/46
 | DMG: 6 | Keen: 2 | ACC: 3 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 3 | Bleed: 1 | Recover: 2 | Regen: 1

(3,0) <<Kantaras, the Eastern Hoya Minotaur>> HP: -54/150 | DMG: 45 | ACC: 1 (30-84)


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Grateful for the help, Ren took Kyot0's offer to regain his footing.  

"Larbrook!"  Odd that he would turn with such concern for an NPC, but the tank seemed to have a big heart, regardless of the nature of his wards.  Their ally was slowly finding his own footing, his head having left quite the crater in the stone wall where it had first impacted.  "It's a damned good thing you had your helm on," Ren offered, bracing him as he stood.  You're right, Kyo.  That could have been a lot worse.  Lesson learned.  I need to be more watchful, and should have been standing up front."  A mild blush of embarrassment washed over his pale features, which he humbly accepted as penance for someone else taking blows meant for him.  It had happened twice in this outing alone.

"Okay.   I think we're gone through the worst of it.  If our large friend here can guide us back out, I'll take point and make sure that any further surprises strictly come my way."  Shoulders set with surprising determination, Ren waited for the others to be ready, then strode boldly forward, shield held high and ready for any further trouble.

Larbrook patted him on the shoulder with one of his large, heavy hands, gripping it tightly, but without his previous harshness.

"You did well.  As did you, Kyot), coming to your friend's aid.  This is how teammates should be.  Remember that."

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Kyoto smiled as he saw the embarrassed Ren get so flustered. But then they both looked over at Larbrook and Kyoto crucked a little after hearing what Ren had to say to him.

"You know this was quite fun and eventful. Probably been the most fun I'd had in a long time."

With that Kyoto patted off  some of the dirt from Ren before they headed off once more this time Kyoto stuck in the back keeping Larbrook in the middle.

While on the move Kyoto would hear Larbrook pointed out how he did a good job. Aiding his teammate when they're needing it.

"It was nothing. I couldn't have Ren deal with all the work while I stand here and do nothing now could I?"

Kyoto smiled once more.

"And Ren If you're ever want to go on another adventure just hit me up on a DM alright."

Kyoto open up his friends list and added Ren into his friends list.

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