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[PP-F3] The One Hunts With A New Ally <<Feeding The Enemy>>

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Sotarou witnessed this woman take out one of the remaining wolves... and he took the dialogue moment to try and get a sneaky hit in from behind. "Hakaze!" The blade went forward and thrust fast and hard towards a vital spot on the wolf.

His aim was nice and true... but the wolf just barely noticed and dodged out of the way of his attack! "Oh come on! This is getting ridiculous! I've only hit twice today! Do I need to swap back to my Sokuchi...? Probably better to start with Raikiri, then swap to Sokuchi after... I'm still figuring out sword-swapping..." He just grumbled as he lamented his failure to finish this beast off! "You're probably having more luck than me today... this one's probably your kill..." He would still be ready to attack if she missed, of course... but she seemed to be doing better in the attacking department... such was life.


ID Battle Craft Loot MOB Character Link Purpose Time
218517 5 12 12 7 Sotarou http://www.cydel.net/images/saorpg/diceroll/Msg_hover2.png ST-I on Roaring Wolf 3 2023-10-24 15:29:24


[1-0] Sotarou | Lv. 3 | HP: 52/60 | EN: 17/24 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 0 | MIT: 6 | EVA: 1 (Quick Change Cooldown: 2 turns remain)
[0-0] Kylissia | Lv. 1 | 
HP: 15/20 | EN: 11/20 | DMG: 7 | MIT: 12 | THORNS: 9 | LD: 3


Roaring Wolf 2: HP 0/36 | 12 DMG
Roaring Wolf 3: 
HP 18/36 | 12 DMG

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                     The wolf looked to Kylissia after Sotarou spoke, it was probably making a connection to the situation...that is, that's what Kylissia had guessed when the wolf caught her blade in its jaw when she attempted to attack. "Oh...so you want to play then, do you?" She remarked, as her eyes narrowed and a smirk formed on her face. Taking full grip of the hilt, she was ready to keep this from going to the wolf's advantage. "Very well then, let's play!" She said as she began to swing around, to the point where the wolf could no longer hold a grip on her weapon, being flung a fair distance in meters. It tumbled as it landed on the ground, and it had some difficulty getting up, proceeding to try and shake itself off afterward. It must have been dizzy from this.

           Hopefully this would give Sotarou the opportunity he needed to finish it off.


ID# 218518 BD: 4(miss), MD: 1(Critical Fail)


[0] Sotarou | Lv. 3 | HP: 52/60 | EN: 17/24 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 0 | MIT: 6 | EVA: 1 (Quick Change Cooldown: 2 turns remain)
[0] Kylissia | Lv. 1 | 
HP: 15/20 | EN: 11/20 | DMG: 7 | MIT: 12 | THORNS: 9 | LD: 3


Roaring Wolf 3: HP 18/36 | 12 DMG

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The wolf spun like crazy with Kylissia's last attack! Hopefully it being dizzy would help with Sotarou's strike! Another technique is called out to the strike: "Hakaze!" A pair of strikes lashed out at the wolf... but Sotarou did have a little more frustration as to the fact of each of us missing like crazy... this was getting out of hand now... he then had a memory from his childhood, one where his dad was teaching him proper techniques to wield a Katana... he remembered being hit in the head with the wooden blade, and his father chastised him about being too reckless! Wild swings would just miss wildly... focus was necessary to wield the Katana with efficiency and grace... it wasn't a brutish weapon, it was a graceful dance partner. If you just swung your dance partner heavily around the place, it would never find its mark! Remembering that, he took a calming breath... and prepared to try again, in case Kylissia missed her strike. He sheathed his blade and it started glowing just a little bit...

ID Battle Craft Loot MOB Character Link Purpose Time
218519 4 8 6 10 Sotarou http://www.cydel.net/images/saorpg/diceroll/Msg_hover2.png ST-I on Roaring Wolf 3 2023-10-25 08:30:47

[0] Sotarou | Lv. 3 | HP: 52/60 | EN: 16/24 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 0 | MIT: 6 | EVA: 1 (Quick Change Cooldown: 1 turns remain)
[0] Kylissia | Lv. 1 | 
HP: 15/20 | EN: 11/20 | DMG: 7 | MIT: 12 | THORNS: 9 | LD: 3


Roaring Wolf 3: HP 18/36 | 12 DMG

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                       This wolf was a clever one, being able to tangle with Kylissia in a way that kept it from taking too many hits...but it's HP drained anyway because there was nothing it could do to prevent the thorns damage it suffered with each successful hit. 

          However, based on what happened next, it seemed like it was taking this problem into account and trying to make a last ditch effort to give itself a small chance of winning. The wolf began to circle around Kylissia, who just stayed on guard, waiting for the opportunity to strike where an opening is. The wolf gave itself a false opening, and Kylissia activated her sword art. The wolf jumped out of harm's way, and attempted a charge attack at Kylissia from behind.

                   How far have the players gotten away from the safe zone again? Ah, that's right, they were just getting past the other end of the bridge, the gap was still nearby...and the wolf's attack propelled Kylissia towards it. She grabbed hold of a large root sticking out of the ground, keeping her from having to deal with a fall into whatever was below. The wolf walked up to the edge, huffed at Kylissia, probably with the assumption that she wouldn't be getting up anytime soon, and then it turned its attention to Sotarou, despite becoming weary from the damage it has suffered from the thorns enhancement of Kylissia's armor.

         "I'm fine, finish it off while you can! I'll try to climb back up!" Kylissia called out. Once again, she'd been both lucky and unlucky at the same time. This wasn't new, but it was starting to happen more than usual since she'd been in this game.


ID# 218520 BD: 1(Critical Fail), MD: 6(hit)

Thorns Damage: Roaring Wolf takes 9 damage


[0] Sotarou | Lv. 3 | HP: 52/60 | EN: 16/24 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 0 | MIT: 6 | EVA: 1 
[0] Kylissia | Lv. 1 | 
HP: 14/20 | EN: 10/20 | DMG: 7 | MIT: 12 | THORNS: 9 | LD: 3


Roaring Wolf 3: HP 9/36 | 12 DMG

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Sotarou was still not reliable with the Quick Change system, but he figured it was an important tool! So Raikiri, before it could fully start glowing for the sword skill, swapped once more into the familiar Sokuchi. It then began to glow and Sotarou attempted ONCE AGAIN to strike at this wolf! Drawing the blade out of its sheathe for another skill, he called the name again: "Hakaze!" But for SOME REASON... some divine, all-seeing viewer from above decided that this wolf wouldn't die by our hands directly... because it had been bashing itself into Kylissia's thorns damage, which was the only thing that had harmed this wolf so far! "You've gotta be- what is this, Spider-Wolf or something!? Sit still, you mangy mutt!" What happened to being calm and focused...? This was getting aggravating... but the best thing he could do is just to either let it kill itself, or maybe Kylissia would get lucky and finish this thing off... at this point, he didn't care if it was him or Kylissia that finished it. If this thing finished itself only due to the Thorns damage, he was going to be MADLY pissed!


ID Battle Craft Loot MOB Character Link Purpose Time
218526 3 5 12 6 Sotarou http://www.cydel.net/images/saorpg/diceroll/Msg_hover2.png ST-I on Roaring Wolf 3, ACC +2 2023-10-25 16:42:14

[0] Sotarou | Lv. 3 | HP: 52/60 | EN: 15/24 | DMG: 5 | ACC: 2 | MIT: 6 | EVA: 1 (Quick Change Used: Swap Raikiri for Sokuchi) (Quick Change Cooldown: 3 Turns)
[0] Kylissia | Lv. 1 | 
HP: 14/20 | EN: 10/20 | DMG: 7 | MIT: 12 | THORNS: 9 | LD: 3


Roaring Wolf 3: HP 9/36 | 12 DMG

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                        Kylissia focused on climbing up and getting back onto solid ground while Sotarou attempted another attack. Once she'd managed to climb up and gat a footing, she noticed the wolf dodge Sotarou's attack...
         This was her chance.
       Kylissia wasted no time in activating her sword art. Her weapon glowed, she took position to swing...
    The wolf turned it's head just to meet Kylissia's weapon head on, it would not be around to see tomorrow.

                Kylissia sheathed her weapon, now that all active enemies were slain. She sighed contently. "Well, that was a little fun, at least for me...though I really didn't appreciate that cliff scare...I should probably prepare myself and train further, if I'm do deal with more clever enemies like that little one later on..." She remarked. She then looked to Sotarou. "Are you alright? You're not too rattled, are you?" She asked, her expression leaking out some concern for the boy.


ID# 218527 BD: 8(hit), MD: 9(Critical! +1 DMG)

ID# 218528 CD: 8, LD: 16+3=19(252 Col, <<T1 Perfect Armor 218528a>>, <<T1 Perfect Trinket 218528b>>)

ST-I: 7x4=28 Damage to Roaring Wolf 3!


[0] Sotarou | Lv. 3 | HP: 52/60 | EN: 15/24 | DMG: 5 | ACC: 2 | MIT: 6 | EVA: 1 (Quick Change Used: Swap Raikiri for Sokuchi) (Quick Change Cooldown: 3 Turns)
[0] Kylissia | Lv. 1 | 
HP: 14/20 | EN: 7/20 | DMG: 7 | MIT: 12 | THORNS: 9 | LD: 3


Roaring Wolf 3: HP 0/36 | 12 DMG

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"Are you alright? You're not too rattled, are you?"

Sotarou gave a sigh as he sheathed his Katana again. He gave Kylissia a nod. "I'm alright... just... this was the annoyance I had dealt with the last time I had done this solo. Just me and the enemies all missing each other over and over again... dragged on forever... it was kinda why I asked you to come with. I didn't know your armor had Thorns, though. So that definitely helped to speed things up. But you do seem to have trouble holding aggro. I could make you a weapon to help with that, if you'd like." He took a calming breath afterwards and looked towards where the Wolves had spawned. "Might be wishful thinking, but I typically like to search spawn locations to see if treasure shows up at all. Watch my back real quick."

After searching the spot for a couple minutes, Sotarou returned, sighing wistfully. "Wishful thinking on my part. Oh well." He looked back to Kylissia. "So. This place was a bust. You wanna wait and rest up a bit? Get some hit points and energy back? I can take some time and chop a tree down to get some material and whatnot. Smithing doesn't just use metal alone, after all."


ID Battle Craft Loot MOB Character Link Purpose Time
218541 10 6 3 4 Sotarou http://www.cydel.net/images/saorpg/diceroll/Msg_hover2.png Treasure Roll 2023-10-26 02:54:54
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                             Kylissia was learning more and more about this boy the more she stuck around him. He was hopeful and intelligent, but terribly unlucky. He would not like Gacha Games...

                   Oddly enough, Sotarou seemed to have the impression that Kylissia was aiming for a Tank Build. "Oh, the Thorns? I have that on my armor because it can't use Evasion properly, I'm more of a damage dealer myself, the armor was just personal choice." Kylissia explained. "I'll definitely think about my build as I improve, of course, so maybe someday." She added.

                          He really wanted to make equipment for her, and Kylissia, while not saying it outright, was interested as to why. Was it a move to promote his business, an offer to help...or was there something else motivating him? She would figure this out eventually, one way or another. Who knows, if she adventured with this boy enough, maybe she could figure out why he was so lacking in his luck...


Kylissia | Lv. 1 | HP: 20/20 | EN: 8/20 | DMG: 7 | MIT: 12 | THORNS: 9 | LD: 3

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Sotarou gave a nod to Kylissia. "Fair enough, I suppose." At the same time, he was already going between the trees to find a good one to turn into Material. Can't be too big it might not work, but can't be too small that it would literally give nothing. After finding a smaller tree whose truck was about twice as thick as his forearm, he nodded. He took a few steps back from the tree and got into his horse stance. He took a breath... he had all the time in the world... no danger... no fear... no worry... his heartbeat was slowing back to a normal pace... resting heart rate... he could feel it... focusing on it, he could hear it echoing in his ears... thu-thump... thu-thump... thu-thu- on the beat, he had dashed forward and drawn his Katana in one swift motion... before sheathing the blade once more in its scabbard...

As he sheathed his blade, the tree pixelated and disappeared... leaving nothing behind. He groaned. "I'd been practicing that technique, too... not clean enough of a cut..."

ID Battle Craft Loot MOB Character Link Purpose Time
218556 8 1 8 7 Sotarou http://www.cydel.net/images/saorpg/diceroll/Msg_hover2.png Gathering Roll: Choppin' Down a Tree Iaijutsu Style 2023-10-26 16:21:43
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       Trees were everywhere on this floor, not much stone to find and break down... While it was true that there are some more organically sourced parts for trinkets that exist, Kylissia would need precious stones and metals for the profession she was aiming for. She looked around the area as Sotarou was trying to cut a tree down with a katana...unless the world and weapon logic was the same as that in Breath of the Wild, that wasn't likely to work. Just as Kylissia noticed an odd stone nestled at a tree trunk, Sotarou made his attempt, but the entire tree was destroyed. Kylissia felt sorry for the boy and his dismal luck.
"Sometimes the strength of the katana is precision, rather than raw power, so I've heard." Kylissia chimed in. "Of course, not every tool is fit for every task, and not every tool is a weapon." She added, pulling out a small hammer tool from her inventory. She brought it close to the stone, waved it a little towards and away from the stone, then with a solid swing, the stone crumbled to pieces and a Lapis gemstone was uncovered for Kylissia to take. "Unfortunately I don't have any tools for woodcutting on me, I'd have done what I could to help if I were able to."


ID# 218557 LD: 12+3=15(Found one material)


Kylissia | Lv. 1 | HP: 20/20 | EN: 9/20 | DMG: 7 | MIT: 12 | THORNS: 9 | LD: 3

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Sotarou nodded to Kylissia's words. "Hence my focusing. And I can fell a tree no problem, but again. You said it yourself, it's all about precision. My strike was off-center, which damaged the tree. A weapon can be a tool if you know it inside and out." He holds the Katana out in front of him, examining it in earnest. "I know all my blades, because I craft them myself. Both Sokuchi here, as well as Raikiri. I know Sokuchi can handle the stresses of striking a tree. Raikiri wouldn't have the precision to handle such a feat." He takes one last look around the area a bit. "Well, seems luck is out on this spot. Guess we should see about another spot, then? This can't be the only spot the Roaring Wolves spawn at." He sheathed his blade and quickly adjusted his gear once more, making sure he had his Lucky Straights bracelet on and ready to go for this excursion. A silver bracelet with a black pearl centerpiece now adorned his left wrist. He needed to feel a little luckier today...



ID Battle Craft Loot MOB Character Link Purpose Time
218558 10 8 5 8 Sotarou http://www.cydel.net/images/saorpg/diceroll/Msg_hover2.png Feeding The Enemy: Lucky Straights +2 LD, LD 10+, Find 'Friendly' Familiar 2023-10-26 19:29:38
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                                  Kylissia understood what Sotarou meant. Of course, the mind was always the strongest tool of a human being, it could understand how a world works, and either create or find, then utilize something that allows them to affect the world around them to their benefit. This game was no different in terms of how the mind could survive out here. Make use of the skills, professions, and systems of the game, that they may be used to your advantage...of course, there was indeed something in charge that would probably notice if something ever got too broken.

                  "Well, this is one of the largest floors in the game, so it's likely that there will be plenty of different creatures roaming around, especially if we go deeper into the wilds...not that we should go too far, since we can tangle with this floor's common creatures, but little else." Kylissia explained when Sotarou considered searching in a different spot. "Since you want to find something to tame and ally with, it may be best you look for a creature with a neutral temperament, if not friendly. Hostile creatures, just like in any other game, will attack if you get too close or enter their line of sight. Approach slowly, see if it's willing to let you come near it or if it doesn't feel like letting a player near it. Observe its stance, is it wary or aggressive?" She added, essentially considering thoughts and rubber ducking the scenario based on what happened earlier.

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Sotarou just looked weirdly at Kylissia as the pair began their trek to another area of the floor. "Uhh... did you already forget I was looking specifically for a Wolf or Dire Wolf-like creature to pair with? The whole leaving Koba behind in the real world thing...?" He just sighs. "It's fine if you forgot... we've all been in here for ages now... and it's difficult even, for me, to remember the real world... we've just been doing everything in here and gotten so used to it... I wonder... if we ever get out of here, will we keep forgetting we're in the real world and trying to pull up our menus? Heh..." He was just imagining trying to do the same sort of crafting he did here in the real world... his dad would have a FIT! He gave a very loud laugh at that! As he did so, a twig snap and snarling was heard nearby! Familiar snarling. Seems the prevalent mob in this place was Roaring Wolves. Sotarou immediately went into his horse stance and readied Sokuchi for a fight! "Well, that was short-lived. Let's get through this quickly. We're out in the open, I don't wanna encounter any other adds while we fight these things!" Those words spoken, he immediately ran towards the sound of the snarling, encounter another pack of Roaring Wolves. He quickly spun around as he met with the pack...! This was probably a bad idea... but he could take a few hits. "Fuko!" As he spun, he drew his blade from its sheathe in one fluid motion and cleaved towards all the wolves!
The first two wolves ran right into the very sharp blade, the strike dealing them some massive damage! The third one managed to avoid the strike, but the 4th wasn't fast enough, not realizing their prey was likely to strike back, and got clipped just by the edge of the blade as it tried to get away! A SOLID hit! The sudden appearance and attack of Sotarou did also throw the Wolves off quite a bit, causing them to stagger and not be able to immediately attack the nimble Samurai! "Feeling MUCH better now! Back in the swing of it!"

ID Battle Craft Loot MOB Character Link Purpose Time
218575 4 2 8 2 Sotarou http://www.cydel.net/images/saorpg/diceroll/Msg_hover2.png AoE-I on Roaring Wolf 4, Roaring Wolf 4's Attack 2023-11-03 06:13:42
218574 2 5 19 3 Sotarou http://www.cydel.net/images/saorpg/diceroll/Msg_hover2.png AoE-I on Roaring Wolf 3, Roaring Wolf 3's Attack 2023-11-03 06:13:23
218573 9 5 15 5 Sotarou http://www.cydel.net/images/saorpg/diceroll/Msg_hover2.png AoE-I on Roaring Wolf 2, Roaring Wolf 2's Attack 2023-11-03 06:12:59
218572 10 1 19 3 Sotarou http://www.cydel.net/images/saorpg/diceroll/Msg_hover2.png AoE-I on Roaring Wolf 1, Roaring Wolf 1's Attack 2023-11-03 06:12:35

[2, 2, 0, 1] Sotarou | Lv. 3 | HP: 60/60 | EN: 17/24 | DMG: 5 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | MIT: 6 | LD: 2
[0, 0, 0, 0] Kylissia | Lv. 1 | HP: 20/20 | EN: 20/20 | DMG: 7 | MIT: 12 | THORNS: 9 | LD: 3

AoE-I: 5x3=15 Damage to Roaring Wolf 4, Crit 6x3=18 Damage to Roaring Wolf 2, Crit+1 7x3=21 Damage to Roaring Wolf 1, 7 Energy Cost for 3 successful hits with technique

Roaring Wolf #5 | HP: 15/36 | DMG: 12 | MIT: 0 | EVA: 0
Roaring Wolf #6 | HP: 18/36 | DMG: 12 | MIT: 0 | EVA: 0
Roaring Wolf #7 | HP: 36/36 | DMG: 12 | MIT: 0 | EVA: 0
Roaring Wolf #8 | HP: 21/36 | DMG: 12 | MIT: 0 | EVA: 0

(( Staff, please ignore the attacks from the wolves here. I flubbed and accidentally had the wolves attack me, but forgot they don't go until the second person's turn... GOMENNASAI!!! ))

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  • 2 weeks later...

                      Kylissia chuckled, nearly a full-on laugh, as once again there was miscommunication. "Oh trust me, I haven't forgotten. I simply think there are more canine creatures that are potential familiars on this floor rather than the common wolf, is all, and some of them may be less aggressive than what we've just battled with." She noted, hoping to reassure him that she hadn't lost sight of his goal for the day. "Though I have my doubts that larger creatures like the dire wolves will be possible to ally with, from what I've heard, familiars all tend to be smaller..."

        Kylissia chuckled at Sotarou's remark of how the playerbase may get too used to this life by the time they return to the real one. "It's possible, there's only one way to find out..."

          Then more roaring wolves appeared. "Think they were in the same pack or family as the others? They don't seem to appreciate that we exist..." Kylissia remarked. She drew her blade, and made her attack after Sotarou had made his. Kylissia's sword was dodged by two of the Roaring Wolves, but the other two were not so fortunate. One was badly wounded with a major strike, while the other was stricken down by the end of her attack. The two wolves that Kylissia had missed immediately rushed towards Sotarou, and Kylissia prepared herself for the one whose ire she'd drawn. The attack had done hardly anything against her, and the thorns damage slayed the monster.
        Did the loot menu appear to show Kylissia what she'd gained from this wolf that had brought its own demise upon itself? Yes. Of course, for some odd reason, the loot also showed up physically, a small sack that kept up the momentum of the fallen entity that carried it, crashing into Kylissia's face so suddenly. There wasn't any damage, but it was definitely unexpected.


ID# 218599 BD: 4(miss), MD: 8-1=7(hit)

ID# 218600 BD: 3(miss), MD: 8-1=7(hit)

ID# 218601 BD: 10(Critical, +2 Base DMG), MD: 7(hit)

ID# 218602 BD: 7(Hit), MD: 5(miss)

AoE-I: 9x3=27 Damage to Roaring Wolf 7, 7x3=21 Damage to Roaring Wolf 8!

ID# 218603 CD: 8, LD: 4+3=7(288 Col, <<Unidentified T1 Rare Trinket 218603>>)

Thorns Damage: Roaring Wolf 7 takes 9 Damage

ID# 218604 CD: 6, LD: 1+3=4(180 Col, 2 Materials)


[2-2] Sotarou | Lv. 3 | HP: 48/60 | EN: 17/24 | DMG: 5 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | MIT: 6 | LD: 2
[0-0] Kylissia | Lv. 1 | HP: 19/20 | EN: 15/20 | DMG: 7 | MIT: 12 | THORNS: 9 | LD: 3


Roaring Wolf #5| HP: 15/36 | DMG: 12 | MIT: 0 | EVA: 0
Roaring Wolf #6 | HP: 18/36 | DMG: 12 | MIT: 0 | EVA: 0
Roaring Wolf #7 | HP: 0/36 | DMG: 12 | MIT: 0 | EVA: 0
Roaring Wolf #8 | HP: 0/36 | DMG: 12 | MIT: 0 | EVA: 0

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The wolves came. And they both hit pretty decently. He winced, but they were hits his armor was well equipped to handle. He quickly turned to let the most of the bite force be a scrape than a chomp. "Not today, pups." He quickly sheathed his blade as he finished his turn away from the wolves. "And another turn. Mangetsu!" The Fuko spin he'd done, his natural turn away from the wolves was the exact opposite, which he leaned into said spin, letting his blade turn and attempt to cleave into the two remaining wolves.
The first hit this fight left both these wolves decent marred by the damage of the blade. But the first wolf there was hurt even worse, and so the combo attack finishes it off handily. The second wolf was slightly more durable, but only slightly as the wolf had a large gash of pixels in its torso, while just BARELY hanging on! "Tougher than you look. You wish to finish it, Kylissia? Actually... that name feels a little bit of a mouthful to say each time. Mind if I call you Kyli?" Look at this guy! Midst of combat, and he was just still having a casual talk as if it were a normal afternoon stroll! It's not exactly clear if it's the crafts he wears, or his skill. Probably a mix of both, however he was looking like he was actually having the time of his life now! As opposed to his previously dour mood as the pair had left the city.

ID Battle Craft Loot MOB Character Link Purpose Time
218617 6 5 7 8 Sotarou http://www.cydel.net/images/saorpg/diceroll/Msg_hover2.png Looting Roaring Wolf 5 with +2 2023-11-14 08:18:18
218616 7 8 1 8 Sotarou http://www.cydel.net/images/saorpg/diceroll/Msg_hover2.png AoE-I on Roaring Wolf 6 2023-11-14 08:17:00
218615 4 3 10 1 Sotarou http://www.cydel.net/images/saorpg/diceroll/Msg_hover2.png AoE-I on Roaring Wolf 5 2023-11-14 08:16:37

AoE-I: 5x3=15 Damage to Roaring Wolf 5 and 6, 5 Energy Cost for 2 successful hits with technique. Roaring Wolf 5 killed.
Loot: 216 Col, 1 Rare Trinket

[3] Sotarou | Lv. 3 | HP: 48/60 | EN: 14/24 | DMG: 5 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | MIT: 6 | LD: 2
[0] Kylissia | Lv. 1 | HP: 19/20 | EN: 15/20 | DMG: 7 | MIT: 12 | THORNS: 9 | LD: 3


Roaring Wolf #5| HP: 0/36 | DMG: 12 | MIT: 0 | EVA: 0
Roaring Wolf #6 | HP: 3/36 | DMG: 12 | MIT: 0 | EVA: 0
Roaring Wolf #7 | HP: 0/36 | DMG: 12 | MIT: 0 | EVA: 0
Roaring Wolf #8 | HP: 0/36 | DMG: 12 | MIT: 0 | EVA: 0

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              Sotarou's impressive attack would damage both of the remaining wolves. One was slain, and the other was barely alive due to the amount of damage it had, leaving red marks that probably signaled grievous wounds on it. Sotarou offered for Kylissia to finish it, as well as a nickname option as well. "Kyli, hmm? I like it, it's a cute nickname." She thought. Now she wanted to do something for Sotarou. Considering his username and appearance, one easily came to mind...
          Looking to him with intrigued yet sultry eyes, and a grin that was warm yet somewhat playful, she placed her left index finger under her lips. "No worries, I don't mind. I don't mind at all...Sota-kun~"

                 She then turned her gaze to the wolf, ready to deal the finishing blow. With a swift swing and a cut from her blade, the wolf was slain without a chance to make an attack of its own. "Hm, not nearly as rough as those that came before you, I see." She remarked as the fallen wolf shattered.


ID# 218620 BD: 6(hit), MD: 4-1=3(miss) 

ID# 218621 CD: 3, LD: 12+3=15(180 Col, 2 materials, <<Unidentified T1 Rare Trinket 218621>>)


 Sotarou | Lv. 3 | HP: 48/60 | EN: 14/24 | DMG: 5 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | MIT: 6 | LD: 2
 Kylissia | Lv. 1 | HP: 19/20 | EN: 15/20 | DMG: 7 | MIT: 12 | THORNS: 9 | LD: 3

Roaring Wolf #6 | HP: 0/36 | DMG: 12 | MIT: 0 | EVA: 0

Edited by Kylissia
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Sotarou literally faltered just as Kylissia woulda finished the wolf off! Had she not finished it off, he likely woulda been dog chow from how hard he had froze from that nickname! "Wh-wha..." His previous hardened demeanor and dour mood gave way to embarrassment apparent, complete with a bright flush on his face. "O-o-okay, then...!"

This... was something he wasn't used to having happen to him. Girls never really paid attention to him in school, so... what was Kylissia thinking here...? Did she like him...? His embarrassment was increasing more and more by the second as different thoughts raced through his head... what the hell... he shook his head a bit. "S-sorry about that. Uhh... well, I guess... I guess we finished up here, then...?" He looked around a bit, his eyes every now and again being drawn back to Kylissia, but he was quick to turn his attention back to scanning the area... surely there was something other than a beautiful woman to look at...?

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                          Oh...the look on his face...adorable and priceless. "Oh, how cute!" Kylissia thought. "My words dug right down to him, and the way he's blushing...!" 
        Kylissia loved seeing how people reacted to her whenever she took opportunities to flirt or tease, she found it all endearing. She'd been close to having a lover or two before, and she loved nothing more then making their hearts melt...and she was very fond of people she believed to be endearing. As endearing as Kylissia currently thought Sotarou to be, there was the reality that the two were merely acquainted, and to try for affecting his heart fully may be too soon. She was just enjoying her playful antics for the time being...nothing truly serious...

                  Kylissia noticed further evidence of how she'd affected him thus far, in how the boy kept looking back to her. So she wanted to see how he was holding up. "Sota-kun," She began. "Are you alright? You seem a little uneasy..." She waited for a second or two to see if he'd turn his eyes back towards her again. "What's on your mind, is something bothering you?" She added, slowly batting her eyes once or twice.

     Now to see what happens next...


Kylissia | Lv. 1 | HP: 20/20 | EN: 16/20 | DMG: 7 | MIT: 12 | THORNS: 9 | LD: 3

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  • 4 weeks later...

It wasn't so much her calling him Sota-kun as much as the WAY she said it... something about it... Sotarou felt a little... off by it. He hadn't really thought much about girls growing up, his responsibilities were always on the forefront of his mind. But since coming to this place, those responsibilities were more in the back of his mind, reminders of his dog, of his dad, of the forge back home... and yet here he was now, those thoughts pushed back and all he could think to say was "I-I'm okay! Perfectly fine! Just... y-you threw me off a bit there... calling me Sota-kun..." He seemed a fair bit fidgety after that... "L-let's just... let's just keep moving, yeah?" The nervousness in his voice was VERY apparent! That confident Samurai was long gone now, replaced with a timid 'boy'. Though calling him a boy was a stretch, considering he was 20 years old...

Sotarou continued to lead the way along the path in the hopes of finding a lead to a Familiar he could befriend... but he was getting distracted by the thoughts racing in his head...
Does she like me like that?
Nah, can't be. She's way too out of my league...
But what if?
What about it?
Well, if she does like us like that, wouldn't it be nice to know?
Come on, we've only just met today! These feelings you have... they're not actual love! You have to focus!
But she's so prettyyyyy...
FOCUS! If we lose focus, we die! Then we don't get to even think about how pretty she is!

There seemed to be SOME manner of internal dialogue going on in his head as he seemed to almost be spacing out but just continuing on the path like he was paying attention... as the saying goes, the lights are on, but nobody's home.

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  • 4 weeks later...

                      "Oh, my~" Kylissia thought. "Someone's nervous...have I gotten to him?" She wondered, reveling in the thought of possibly having gotten to him so easily. Sotarou had proven himself to be unnerved just by his reaction alone. The question was, had he become scared or infatuated? Both, perhaps? Maybe Kylissia was reading into it too much...but now she was curious about him. She wanted to know more about him, especially now that in her mind, she saw him as...easy. It was tempting to make a real attempt, but she was far from that position, she didn't know enough about him just yet to know if he'd be worth it.

         And the only way to know more for sure would be to continue traveling with him, be his ally, invite him to hang out with her, even if others had to be involved, learn more about him. He had her curiosity, she'd found him endearing. All that's left now is to take a step back, and take her time to gauge the scenario and the possible outcomes from here. "Very well," she began. "If there's a need to talk, I'm here." She noted, with an interested gaze and a caring smile.


           Kylissia noticed that Sotarou's attention seemed to be waning, so she decided to keep her eyes peeled and remain vigilant for his sake, that nothing hostile would catch him off guard. She'd gone and teased him, which may have resulted in the state he's in, so she should take responsibility for her actions and make sure he's safe.

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