Cardinal 0 Posted February 13, 2024 #1 Share Posted February 13, 2024 Floor 26 <<Trouble at the Skyport>> Party Limit: 4 | 20+ Posts Repeatable for standard thread rewards Rewards: 2,000 Experience Points (each) 4,000 Col (each) POTENTIAL REWARD | Each player receives: Skyrat Surcoat - Defeat Ulric Drell A tired looking marine captain’s surcoat replete with faded decoration T4 Perfect [Armor of Choice] with Mitigation I, Recovery II Not Transferrable Unlocks <<Bitter Winds: Mid Air Madness>> Quest Requirements: Roleplay meeting Dockmaster Ryland and listening to his rant Roleplay catching corrupt Guard Captain Calas making a deal with Ulric Drell while Skyrat pirates pillage the docks. Defeat Guard Captain Calas and 3 Corrupt Dock Guards. Defeat at least 8 Skyrat Pirates or accumulate a total of 100 LD (+20 per player in the thread) on escape rolls Hand over Ryland or defeat Ulric Drell Escape on the aerial skiff Thread closing must clearly state whether Ryland lived or died. Summary: By chance or appointment, the party meets Dockmaster Ryland who complains bitterly of grift and open corruption among the guards assigned to patrol his port. Too many served under former Emperor Razwell and his lackeys. Manpower is in short supply, so the new people in charge had no choice but to keep some of Razwell’s crew around to keep goods flowing. To make things worse, the Skyrat pirate gang has become an outright menace since the regime fell, brazenly raiding the docks on a regular basis. “Something must be done,” he declares, slamming down his ledger. Ryland suspects that a deal might soon be going down on one of the lower, commercial decks. He needs the players to back him up if things go sideways and offers to pay them for their efforts, provided they are willing to get their hands dirty. Upon their agreement, he leads the party to Span 17, an isolated arms in the lower reaches of the Ladonian Skyport. Skyrat pirates are already gleefully pilfering everything that isn’t bolted to the deck while guards count the bribe money being thrown their way. Two notable figures seem to be leading the show: a scruffy looking mariner with an overdeveloped five o’clock shadow and clean cut Ladonian guard captain whose polish has long since faded from his worn surcoat’s buttons. Ryland instantly loses his cool and calls the miscreants out, drawing their attention and several dozen blades to boot. Suddenly realising how badly outnumbered you are, things only get worse when the raiders cut off your retreat. “Get to that ship,” Ryland cries out, pointing to the far end of the span. The rickety service skiff in the distance lists heavily to one side as it floats in its grungy berth, but it may be your only hope. Outline: Part 1 | A Surly Heart of Gold The players encounter Dockmaster Ryland in his office, on the street, or by whatever means the players devise. His frustration with the state of affairs in the skyport is immediately apparent, and he intends to do something about it. Enlisting the players as muscle to counter the corrupt guards, he leads them up to Span 17 where they stumble right into a ripe mess. Ryland calls out Calas by name, and Drell by reputation, earning their ire. It’s instantly apparent that both intend to resolve the matter violently. Part 2 | Running the Gauntlet The docks are overrun with enemies too numerous for the party to overcome by force. The only remaining option is a running battle to the service skiff with pirates and guards giving chase. Once the battle begins, the party will be considered to be in combat until they reach the skiff. Use of battle ready consumables and skills is permitted, but players cannot otherwise access their inventories until the quest is complete. Guard Captain Calas and three of her Corrupt Dock Guards have the most to lose and are the first to respond. As Guard Captain Calas and her guardsmen are defeated, Skyrat Pirates will fill in their ranks and take over the chase. The party will always be facing four enemies on each turn. Once Guard Captain Calas is defeated, as a free skill action on their turn, each player may roll LD to work their way towards the skiff. Searching skill, consumable and equipment buffs apply. A combined total LD of 100, plus 20 per player in the thread is required to reach the skiff. Alternatively, if the party prefers to fight their way through, at least 8 Skyrat Pirates must be defeated, though more will continue to spawn without limit. Note that the pirates continue to attack even if the party chooses the LD option. Sadly, Ryland is a bureaucrat whose fighting days are long behind him. His spirit is willing, but he’s unarmed and his work clothes offer poor protection. He’s also just painted the biggest and brightest target imaginable on his own back and his mouth keeps doubling down. Every post where it is the enemy’s turn to act, the player controlling that post must roll BD to check for the effect of Ryland’s Big Mouth. Part 3 | A Sudden Stop at the End Once all of the required Skyrat Pirates have been defeated or the combined LD total achieved, on the next post, Ulric Drell will order his crew to pull back and offer the players a deal. If he still lives, they can hand over Dockmaster Ryland and Drell will allow them to use the skiff to leave. If the party refuses, or Ryland is already dead, they must immediately face Ulric Drell in battle. The other Skyrat Pirates will not interfere. If they defeat Ulric Drell, the players are permitted to leave on the skiff, and take Ryland with them (if he survived). This battle counts as part of the ongoing combat from Part II without any opportunity for rest. If they hand over Ryland, Drell mockingly tells them to take the skiff and go. Allies: <<Dockmaster Ryland>> Principled and proud, Ryland was appointed to run the docks after the old imperial regime fell. He doesn’t much appreciate the old way of doing things and isn’t afraid to speak his mind about it. HP: 1000/1000 | DMG: 0 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 2 Abilities: Ryland’s Big Mouth | The dockmaster can’t help but give voice to his frustrations, cursing out the thieves even while threatened with death. Before mobs act on their turn, roll BD to determine hate generation for Ryland as noted above. BD 1: Either too winded or suppressed by other sounds, Ryland generates no hate that round. BD: 2-4: Ryland generates 2 hate. BD: 5-8: Ryland generates 3 hate. BD: 9-10: Oh, that was a good one. Ryland generates 4 hate and all other player hate values are halved. Staying Alive | Ryland can be healed by players’ skills and consumables as if he was a member of the party and can benefit from Barrier. Shut Yer Gob! | If a player uses a healing skill on Ryland, his hate is reduced by 4. This effect can only occur once per party rotation Enemies: <<Guard Captain Calas>> An equal opportunist, Calas never chose sides during the rebellion, allowing her to keep her post when most of the old guard were swept away. She’s used her contacts and influence to good effect, amassing quite the fortune through liberal application of grift. HP: 1000/1000 | DMG: 250 | | MIT: 100 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2 This boss uses its own MD roll when attacking. Abilities: Officer Training | While Guard Captain Calas remains in combat Corrupt Dock Guards are immune to disabling effects. Ready Riposte | Begins combat with Parry and Vengeful Riposte in effect. Once expended, Calas will regain those benefits on a CD 9+ when making an attack <<Corrupt Dock Guard>> Mercenaries in mien, these men are loyal to Calas because she feeds them and looked out for their interests when no one else would. HP: 600/600 | DMG: 220 | MIT: 100 | ACC: 2 | THORNS 30 Abilities: Old Blighty | Targets struck by a Corrupt Dock Guard have their mitigation reduced by 50 for 2 turns. This effect does not stack <<Skyrat Pirate>> Wearing patchwork gear made up of mostly scavenged or pillaged loot, these raiders gleefully cut down any who foolishly attempt to stand in their way. HP: 600/600 | DMG: 250 | MIT: 70 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 Abilities: Poisoned Blade | On MD 9-10, apply Toxic Venom 30 to the target for 3 turns. If already active, the effect refreshes. Blood Frenzy | While subject to any DoT effects, a Skyrat Pirate gains +2 ACC, +1 EVA and -20 MIT. <<Ulric Drell>> Notably calmer and more calculating than his brethren, Ulric Drell has a manner about him that speaks of a storied past. He’s candid, if gruff, but utterly ruthless and quick to violence. HP: 2000/2000 | DMG: 300 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 This boss uses its own MD roll when attacking. Abilities: Poisoned Blade | On MD 9-10, apply Toxic Venom 30 to the target for 3 turns. If already active, the effect refreshes. Whirling Dervish | On CD 11-12, Ulric Drell’s attack becomes an AoE effect that includes Dockmaster Ryland and all players in the party. Oddly Resilient | Ulric Drell heals 100 damage at the start of each of his turns, and reduces the duration of Bleed, Blighted, Toxic Venom and Envenomed effects by 1 turn. Captain’s Nerve | Ulric Drell cannot be disabled. But, each disabling effect instead reduces his ACC and EVA by 1 until the start of his next turn. This debuff can stack. Epilogue: If Ryland is killed trying to escape or the players refuse to turn over Dockmaster Ryland, then defeat Ulric Drell: Spoiler Sneering defiantly as the players whittle down the last of his health bar, the captain flourishes his longcoat with a spin. When the turn is complete, the navy blue garment falls to the heavy wood deck, but it’s occupant is gone. His goons still linger, but keep their distance, leaving the party little choice but to board and escape on the skiff before whatever will is holding them back loosens its grip. If the party turns Ryland over to Ulric Drell: Spoiler “Smart of you. Good choice,” Ulric says, smiling to reveal sharpened teeth. Four of his minions clasp irons upon the Dockmaster who glares at you with fury from beneath his brow. His hatred is palpable. “Come along, Ryland. There’s someone who’s been itching to meet you, and he’s not as patient as I am.” “What do we do with this lot, captain?” The skyrat rank and file press forward. “Can we Skewer’em now?!” Turning to follow his prisoner, Drell sounds oddly sentimental as he replies. “No. Let them go. I gave them my word. But, if they do anything other than leaving, shove’em over the edge.” Link to post Share on other sites
Cardinal 0 Posted February 13, 2024 Author #2 Share Posted February 13, 2024 Floor 26 <<Mid Air Madness>> Party Limit: 4 | 20 or 30 Posts Prerequisite: Must have completed <<Bitter Winds: Trouble At the Skyport>> Repeatable for standard thread rewards, Heart of Gold and Sordid Sea Chanty Rewards: 2,000 Experience Points (each) Each player receives: Sordid Sea Chanty A tale of woe and antics put to song and best delivered over a stiff drink When applied, the first critical hit made against the user in a thread becomes a normal hit. Additional effects that would trigger as a result of the mob’s dice rolls also do not trigger. Lasts for one thread. Consumed when applied. Not Transferrable POTENTIAL REWARD | Each player receives: Heart of Gold - Quest is completed in 20 posts. If Ryland survived the Trouble at the linked Skyport quest, this limit is extended to 30 posts. The Kalabor’s crew provides the players with 4,000 col if all four members of their team are saved within the allotted number of posts Unlocks <<Bitter Winds: Den of the Skyrats>> Quest Requirements: The Party Leader must link the final post from a closed thread for the Trouble at the Skyport quest. Its outcome must note whether Ryland survived, was killed during the escape, or turned over to Ulric Drell by the players. Roleplay boarding the Kalabor, either by convincing the pilot to drop the players off, or jumping as he flies by. Defeat the Skyrat Raiders, save the Kalabor’s crew and repair damage done to the ship before time runs out, or be forced to flee on an escape pod. You must conclude the thread on post #20 for full rewards. If Dockmaster Ryland was alive at the end of Trouble at the Skyport, this limit may be increased to 30 posts. Exceeding this post count limit will deny the players the Heart of Gold reward, but they can still complete the quest. Summary: Pirate raids have only grown bolder since the incident at Span 17. Local guards and militia remain disorganised in the aftermath of the emperor’s demise and struggle to respond. Commerce and trade waver under the strain, threatening an already threadbare stability. Everywhere you turn, someone is running a scam, pilfering a neighbour’s pockets or stealing goods from a sparsely stocked market stall. People are growing desperate and every new incident makes things feel even worse. You find yourself shuttling over Ladonia’s busy streets in an aerial taxi, traversing above the endlessly layered cityscape when your pilot spots a large merchant vessel under attack from various smaller skiffs. A local patrol craft attempts to respond and is instantly shot down leaving the cargo ship and its crew vulnerable. A mayday call crackles over local channels but abruptly falls silent as several explosions blast away portions of the ship’s hull. The players have a chance to save the beleaguered sky ship and crew, but must act quickly. Time is not in their favour. A combination of clever action, hard choices and sheer luck will be needed to save the day. Outline: Part 1 | Mind the Gap If the party leader successfully saved Dockmaster Ryland in Trouble at the Skyport, their pilot recognizes them and offers to fly them to the cargo ship Kalabor. “He’s as stubborn as a mule, but his heart’s always been in the right place. We all heard how you saved his backside against those pirates. Consider this a courtesy for looking after one of our own.” Make a CD roll, with -1 if wearing light armor, and -3 if wearing heavy armor. Must roll at least CD 7 or lose 25% of your max HP. If Ryland did not survive, the pilot will refuse to go anywhere near the battle, but is willing to perform a flyover and let the players jump down. How very gracious? No amount of arguing will dissuade him. Part 2 | Toil and Trouble A total of eight Skyrat Raiders have boarded the Kalabor and are scattered about harassing its crew or attempting to scuttle the ship. The players have limited time to find and slay all eight raiders, rescue the four members of the Kalabor’s crew and repair the engines and helm. On their turn, each player may choose to take one of the following post actions: Find the Raiders Roll LD. Standard LD modifiers apply. Hunting Familiar adds +3 to the roll. Divide the resulting roll by 5 and round down. This is the number of Skyrat Raiders found (maximum 4 per attempt, only a total of 8 are available to be found.) Find Kalabor Crew Roll LD. Standard LD modifiers apply. Scouting Familiar adds +5 to the roll. Divide the resulting roll by 10 and round down. This is the number of crew Kalabor crew found (a total of 4 are available to be found.) Heal Kalabor Crew Use an antidote or healing consumable to treat a member of Kalabor’s crew for injuries (must be in Battle Ready inventory). All four have been hurt. Players may also use the following skills: Healing Familiar, First Aid (Energize, Barrier or Field Medic) skill, Leadership (Rally and Inspiring Speech). Normal cooldowns apply. Attempt to repair the engines or helm Roll LD. Only the following modifiers apply: Professional Familiar grants +3; Lock Picking (including Dismantling); Detect mod and Reveal addon each grant +2. A roll of 15 or higher is required to repair each system. Each must be repaired separately. NPCs: <<Crew of the Kalabor>> Only a few of the ship’s original crew survived the Skyrat’s initial assault. Those that did are scattered throughout the burning vessel’s wreckage. You will need to rush and find them before the hull gives way and you all end up having a very bad day. Enemies: <<Skyrat Raiders>> Agile and daring, these cutthroats won’t hesitate to skewer anyone foolish enough to step between them and some ill-gotten booty. HP: 500/500 | DMG: 250 | MIT: 70 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 2 Abilities: Poisoned Blade | On MD 9-10, apply Toxic Venom 30 to the target for 3 turns. If already active, the effect refreshes. Blood Frenzy | While subject to any DoT effects, a Skyrat Pirate gains +2 ACC, +1 EVA and -20 MIT. Sordid Sea Chanty | Skyrat Raiders sing an unbearably bad rendition of a popular Galtean sailor’s tune as they fight. Players suffer -2 ACC on their first attack against any individual Skyrat Raider and cannot score a critical hit on that attack. All other skill and enhancement effects based on dice results trigger normally. Epilogue: After the harrowing rescue of the Kalabor, hidden among the loot and other assorted items collected in their desperate efforts to save the ship, each player finds copies of a tattered map pointing to a nearby peak. The location is annotated in code they cannot decipher, but is likely the pirates’ lair. Link to post Share on other sites
Cardinal 0 Posted February 13, 2024 Author #3 Share Posted February 13, 2024 Floor 26 <<Den of the Skyrats>> Party Limit: 4 | 20+ Posts Prerequisite: Must have completed <<Bitter Winds: Mid Air Madness>> Repeatable for standard thread rewards and to defeat Moxy the Were-Chef Rewards: 3,000 Experience Points (each) 10,000 Col (each) POTENTIAL REWARD | Each player receives: For Defeating <<Moxy the Were-Chef>>: Each player gains an additional 250 EXP * Player’s Tier. Unlocks <<Bitter Winds: Vermin’s Vengeance>> Quest Requirements: The party leader must link the final post from a closed thread for the Trouble at the Skyport quest. Its outcome must note whether Ryland survived, was killed during the escape, or turned over to Ulric Drell by the players. Using the map obtained from the Skyrat Raiders at the end of Mid Air Madness triggers the quest and summons an unmanned Skyrat Skiff that carries them to a quest-specific dungeon beyond the walls of Ladonia. Sneak into the base and search for clues. Defeat First Mate Fresco and 3 Skyrat Marines. Find the alchemy labs. Defeat High Alchemist Harbourne. If the party leader turned Dockmaster Ryland over to Ulric Drell during the linked Trouble at the Skyport quest, they must also fight The Rylander at the same time. The party must choose whether to save or abandon found prisoners and post their decision in the thread closing post. Summary: Having learned the potential location of the Skyrats’ lair from intel obtained at the end of the previous quest, the players are surprised to see one the pirates’ very own aerial skiffs land nearby, apparently summoned by their triggering of the next leg. It conveys the players beyond the normal boundaries of the zone to the hidden mountain retreat on a peak far from the Ladonian capital. The skiff deposits them on a small ledge partway down the slope to avoid immediate detection, and flies off to join other similar vehicles high overhead the moment the players disembark. From here the players must sneak into the Skyrat den and risk detection. Scouring their base reveals that the Skyrats were once Galtean soldiers under the command of King Gabrandr. They were ambushed and captured, then experimented on by Ladonian alchemists in the hopes of developing biological weapons for use against the Galteans during the war. Razwell’s discovery and use of the Scather made their efforts obsolete and the labs - including this facility - were abandoned. Some of the subjects eventually escaped, but the damage had been done. Lycanthropy had ravaged their ranks. Where the Skyrats were once a pestilence in name only, they had literally succumbed to their own moniker. Every last one of them is now a wererat, and they want vengeance. Clues scattered throughout the base point to Ulric Drell’s grand plan, and make reference to a turncoat called ‘Harbourne.’ High Alchemist Harbourne was born Ladonian and served at the Emperor’s pleasure, until he didn’t. His protests when the crown shut him down earned him a dose of his own medicine, plus a cocktail of other alchemical reagents for his trouble. The guards locked him in with his subjects when they abandoned the base, and he’s been plotting his revenge ever since. The Skyrats haven’t just been looting and pillaging, they’ve been collecting: tools, materials and test subjects. Harbourne is developing a more virulent strain of the virus that turned him and the Skyrats into their current state. Together with Ulric Drell, who apparently survived his earlier encounter with the players, they intend to unleash their plague upon Ladonia in the coming days. The full scope of the threat having been made clear, the players must rush to defeat High Alchemist Harbourne, free his prisoners and destroy his virus before Drell can implement their plan. Outline: PART I | Den of Secrets Having arrived the Skyrat lair, each player must spend a post action to roll stealth or searching while they explore the living quarters, training rooms, armories and workshops within. The party must roll at least once for each of these four areas. Players with the Disguise skill as an Extra skill in the thread, or a Hunting Familiar, may use them to bypass the need for this roll on their turns. Each bypass option can only be used once per thread. Stealth: All normal modifiers apply. Mob stealth detection in the base is 12. If the roll fails, use the CD value from the same roll and consult the table below. Searching: All normal modifiers apply, including enhancements and consumables. The Detect (mod), Reveal (addon) will each add +2 to the roll. Players must roll 21 or higher or they accidentally stumble somewhere or touch something they shouldn’t have. If the roll fails, use the CD value from the same roll and consult the table below. CD Result 1-3 Four Skyrat Marines are alerted and must be defeated before continuing with the mandatory rolls for Part I. 4-6 Toxic gas pocket. Each player takes 200 unmitigated damage. 7-9 Plague-fever. Each player is afflicted by a Blight effect. They suffer 20 damage each round and -20 to their MIT for the rest of the thread unless they use an antidote or are treated with the Purify skill. In this special case, a player using the Purify skill can affect all members of the party as a single post action, but must pay the skill’s energy cost for each targeted player. 10-12 Stumbled into Moxy the Were-Chef in his kitchen. The party must defeat him before continuing with the mandatory rolls for Part I. The party should roleplay their personal approach and discoveries as part of these posts prior to moving on to Part II. If all players in the party agree, if any players has successfully completed this quest before, they may link the thread closing in their post and choose to encounter Moxy the Were-Chef, bypassing the party’s needs to make the mandatory rolls in this part of the quest. PART II | Last Sentinels Upon completing all of the requirements of Part I, the players will move deeper into the Skyrats’ lair where they will inevitably be discovered and challenged by First Mate Fresco and 3 Skyrat Marines guarding the heart of the complex. Fresco, like any good villain and lackey, reveals that Ulric Drell lives and is already on his way to wreak vengeance on Ladonia for what they did to Galtea and the Skyrats. He goes on, at length, to reveal how High Alchemist Highbourne switched sides after Razwell’s betrayal, and being left here to die. Lastly, he will reveal how they plan to unleash a new alchemical plague on Ladonia that turn everyone infected into more wererats, just like him. PART III | The Dirtiest Rat Entering High Alchemist Harbourne’s lab, the party will find a tall, lanky and humanoid rat waiting for them on a dais at the centre of the chamber. He will have heard their battle with Fresco and used his time to prepare. Unfortunately for him, the lack of alternate exits offers him no other options. Harbourne’s fur is slightly blue in colour and looks to be growing mold. Clearly, time has not been kind. He is perfectly lucid and willing to discuss his plans for revenge. As far as he’s concerned, every minute wasted talking is more time for Ulric Drell to enact his vengeance. If Dockmaster Ryland was handed over to Ulric Drell in the party leader’s linked thread closure for Trouble at the Skyport, they will find the man transformed into a rat-like monstrosity and standing at Harbourne’s side as his newest and most loyal pet. The party must fight both of them together. Wrought iron cages line alcoves in the the walls of the octagonal chamber and hang from the ceiling. Each contains human subject taken from Ladonia during the Skyrats’ raids. None are Galtean refugees, but cry out for aid once Harbourne is defeated. PART IV | Difficult Choices Time is of the essence. The entire party must agree to choose to stop and save the prisoners held in the lab, or to rush back to Ladonia in order to stop Ulric Drell. The party’s decision must be noted in the thread closing post. Players are encouraged to debate the moral dilemma. Enemies: <<Skyrat Marines>> Doing their part to swab the deck and making sure it's squeaky clean of infiltrators. HP: 750/750 | DMG: 250 | MIT: 120 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 Abilities: Poisoned Blade | On MD 8-10, apply Toxic Venom 30 to the target for 3 turns. If already active, the effect refreshes. Blood Frenzy | While subject to any DoT effects, a Skyrat Pirate gains +2 ACC, +1 EVA and -20 MIT. Martial Training | Skyrat Marines are veterans of a forgotten war, but their skills have hardly dulled. They will score a critical hit on MD 8-10, adding +10/+20/+30 to their damage, respectively. <<First Mate Fresco>> His bark is as good as his bite. HP: 1200/1200 | DMG: 280 | MIT: 200 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2 Abilities: Poisoned Blade | On MD 8-10, apply Toxic Venom 30 to the target for 3 turns. If already active, the effect refreshes. Blood Frenzy | While subject to any DoT effects, a Skyrat Pirate gains +2 ACC, +1 EVA and -20 MIT. Damn the Rules | First Mate Fresco gave up on fighting fair a long time ago. He will score a critical hit on MD 8-10, adding +20/+40/+60 to his damage, respectively. Prone to Monologue | First Mate Fresco is a blowhard and blabbermouth. If a player uses his post action to egg him on, he will be distracted and suffer a -2 ACC penalty to all attacks he makes on his next turn. This effect can only be triggered once and does not stack with Hypnosis. <<The Rylander>> There can be only one. And he’s really pissed at what you let them do to him. HP: 1800/1800 | DMG: 300 | MIT: 150 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2 This boss uses its own MD roll when attacking. Abilities: Payback | The Rylander makes two attacks in a round. The first is made against the player with the highest hate. The second is made against the player with the lowest hate. Savvy | If The Rylander misses, he gains +3 ACC and does not automatically miss on a natural MD roll of 1. Driven by Rage | The Rylander cannot be disabled. If subject to a disabling effect, he loses the second attack granted by Payback until his next turn. Unstable | The alchemical cocktails that turned Dockmaster Ryland into this monster were highly experimental. When The Rylander reaches 0 hit point, he explodes. The player dealing the damage that killed him rolls an AoE attack against each member of the party using whatever stats current apply for The Rylander. Player take 300 unmitigatable damage if he hits, or 100 unmitigatable damage if he misses. <<Moxy the Were-Chef>> [Secret Boss] Imagine the Pillsbury dough boy, but as a giant cheese elemental. Getting turned into a were-rat just made him look moldy, adding a surface layer of fuzz. HP: 2000/2000 | DMG: 360 | MIT: 160 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 | FIREPROOF This boss uses its own MD roll when attacking. Abilities: Best Before | Moxy the Were-Chef always acts first in combat and his first attack always triggers Frying Pan-Ultimate. Frying Pan-ultimate | On an MD 9-10, Moxy the Were-Chef’s attack becomes an AoE. Roll against each player separately. Damage is resolved normally. Not’yo Cheese | Players that successfully hit Moxy the Were-Chef have their weapons coated in ewy-gooey melted cheese, suffering -2 ACC on their next attack which also cannot benefit from absolute accuracy. Critical hits do not trigger this effect. Environmental Effect: If You Can’t Stand the Heat | Moxy’s kitchen is absolutely sweltering. Each player suffers 50 unmitigatable damage per turn while in this room, or 100 unmitigatable damage per turn if wearing heavy armor. This damage is halved by the Survival Extra skill, and can then be further reduced by Probiotics. The Fireproof provides a player with immunity from this effect. <<High Alchemist Harbourne>> Harbourne’s experiments took a toll on his body long before lycanthropy made things worse. He’s been twisted and become literally rotten to the core. HP: 2000/2000 | DMG: 360 | MIT: 160 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 This boss uses its own MD roll when attacking. Abilities: Thine Own Medicine | High Alchemist Harbourne reduces total DoT damage he suffers each round by 40, to a minimum of 0. Life Leech | High Alchemist Harbourne regains 200 hit points when he successfully hits a target. Spore Loser | The mold in High Alchemist Harbourne’s fur is a natural defense mechanism. When a player hits him with an attack, on a CD 7+, they suffer Blight 40 and their MIT is reduced by 20 for two turns. This effect will not stack with itself, but can be refreshed. This effect will stack with Plague-Fever from Part I. Environmental Effect: Reactive Spore Cloud | The mold growing on High Alchemist Harbourne pervades the entire lab and is part of the delivery vector for the new plague he and Ulric have been developing. Battle healing will not function for the duration of this battle. Any player that benefits from the Regen, Vampiric (Offensive) or Vampiric (Defensive) enhancements finds their maximum health reduced by 30 for the balance of this thread, for each and every occurrence. Consumables, Healing skills and Holy Blessing are only half as effective (round down), but do not reduce a player’s maximum hit points. Epilogue: If the players take the time to save the prisoners: Spoiler Desperate pleas for help become sobbing thanks as you free the Skyrats’ captives from their pens and cages. Merchant sailors and citizens taken from docks and ships raided by the pirates, all echo the horrors they witnessed at the High Alchemist’s vile whims. Once enough are freed and organised, they promise to release the rest so that the players can rush to save their friends and families back in Ladonia. If the players leave the prisoners and rush back to Ladonia to stop Ulric Drell: Spoiler The good of the many over the good of the few. But what happens when even the few are so many? Whether through callous disregard or the necessity of an impossible choice, you leave the prisoners to their fates. Maybe there will be time enough to return once the capital is saved? Judging by the state of some, they might not have that long. Link to post Share on other sites
Cardinal 0 Posted February 13, 2024 Author #4 Share Posted February 13, 2024 Floor 26 <<Vermin’s Vengeance>> Party Limit: 4 | 20+ Posts Prerequisite: Must have completed <<Bitter Winds: Den of the Skyrats>> Repeatable for standard thread rewards and Harbourne’s Cure Rewards: 3,000 Experience Points (each) 5,000 Col (each) POTENTIAL REWARD | Each player receives: Harbourne’s Cure- Defeat Ulric Drell before the post deadline The crazy old coot had a cure after all. It tastes strangely like blue cheese. Consumable. Single use. Grants the user immunity to Toxic Venom and Envenom. Effect lasts for one thread. Not Transferrable Requirements: The party leader must link the final post from a closed thread for the Den of the Skyrats quest. Its outcome must note whether the players took the time to free the Skyrats’ prisoners or left them to their fates. Travel back to Ladonia and scour the sewers in search of their quarry. Defeat Wererat Captain Drell by no later than post #25. If the Ladonian prisoners were saved at the end of Den of the Skyrats, the party will only have until the end of post #20. Taking longer does not result in quest failure, only reduced rewards. Summary: Notes found in High Alchemist Harbourne’s laboratory pinpoint the preferred location within the sewers of Ladonia for Ulric Drell to unleash the wererat plague. Unfortunately, the details are rather vague and sewers are a literal maze. The quest gathers the party and an outfall near the noble district where the grates have been recently cut to provide access. Fresh tracks are visible in some of the firmer muck and sludge spilling out of the tunnel and match Drell and his compatriots. Players must then defeat Wererat Captain Drell and his pack of most devout followers. The enemy has gathered in a large underground chamber situated over a major cistern fed by various aqueducts that supply the city with most of its water. The players’ search of the sewers leads them upwards to this location through various service tunnels where they might otherwise have expected to be bound for the depths. It is precisely why this location best suits their plan. Small casques filled with Harbourne’s engineered plague are stacked near the access hatches and ready to be delivered. Revealing his true form, the party must defeat Wererat Captain Drell within the allotted time before his minions manage to loose any of their vile brew.“No more games. No more hiding,” says the former Galtean captain as he turns to face off against you. “Finish it, lads. The rest of us will hold off these lap dogs.” His form shifts as he speaks, sprouting fur and broad whiskers as his eyes turn blood red. Ulric’s teeth elongate and his fingers grow claws, revealing his cursed appearance. Outline: PART I | Desperate Search The players must roll LD to search for and find the central chamber where the Skyrats plan to unleash their weapon. A combined total LD of at least 50 is required to locate him. Standard modifiers for Searching rolls apply. Use of the Tracking mod eliminates the need for LD rolls. PART II | Desperate Plan The players must face off against Wererat Captain Drell and his endless horde of Skyrat Fanatics. Only killing the boss will vanquish their zeal and send them skittering back into the sewers. Enemies: <<Skyrat Fanatic>> Fully committed to their captain, these zealots long ago gave up their claim to humanity and embraced the curse flowing through their veins. They will give their lives to see it spread across Ladonia. HP: 250/250 | DMG: 250 | MIT: 80 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 1 Abilities: Poisoned Blade | On MD 8-10, apply Toxic Venom 30 to the target for 3 turns. If already active, the effect refreshes. Fanatic Blood Frenzy | While subject to any DoT effects, a Skyrat Pirate gains +3 ACC, +2 EVA and -20 MIT. Martial Training | Skyrat Fanatics are veterans of a forgotten war, but their skills have hardly dulled. They will score a critical hit on MD 8-10, adding +10/+20/+30 to their damage, respectively. <<Wererat Ulric Drell>> Once a gallant Galtean hero, Ulric Drell was consumed by a need for vengeance well before Harbourne’s disease ravaged his flesh. Now, all that matters to him is sharing his pain with everyone else. HP: 3000/3000 | DMG: 300 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 3 This boss uses its own MD roll when attacking. Abilities: Poisoned Blade | On MD 9-10, apply Toxic Venom 30 to the target for 3 turns. If already active, the effect refreshes. Whirling Blade and Teeth | On CD 11-12, Ulric Drell’s attack becomes an AoE effect. Roll against each player separately. Hits ignore half of the target’s Mitigation. Oddly Resilient | Ulric Drell heals 100 damage at the start of each of his turns, and reduces the duration of Bleed, Blighted, Toxic Venom and Envenomed effects by 1 turn. Captain’s Nerve | Wererat Captain Drell cannot be disabled. But, each disabling effect instead reduces his ACC and EVA by 1 until the start of his next turn. This debuff can stack. For the Cause | At the start of his turn, Wererat Captain Drell calls in more of his minions to replenish the number of Skyrat Fanatics back up to three. While any Skyrat Fanatics are active in battle, Wererat Captain Drell cannot be targeted by any attacks, skills, items or effects. The players must clear away his allies each turn in order to leave him exposed. Epilogue: If the players defeat Wererat Captain Drell before their post deadline: Spoiler The Skyrat plot has been foiled. Everyone in the city is grateful to the players for their aid and thanks them repeatedly. Some are willing and able to learn, preferring to bury past grievances for a chance at a better future. The streets of Ladonia are more peaceful, at least for awhile. If the players fail to defeat Wererat Captain Drell before their post deadline: Spoiler Sickness spreads in all districts of Ladonia. Galtean refugees are blamed by the local populace, encouraged by those with axes to grind or something to gain by assigning scapegoats. Many go missing, and rumours spread of more wererats gathering beneath the city, The cycle of vengeance and persecution persists. Link to post Share on other sites
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