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Wulfrin's Evaluations

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50 minutes ago, Wulfrin said:

New Item Crafts:

Sentinel Shield | T2 Perfect Shield | ID [220639]
MIT 2 | Thorns 1
[desc.] A kite shield emblazoned with the signet of Sentinel Armaments. Enemies will find quite the sting when they collide with this shield.

Honed Longsword | T2 Perfect Straight Sword | ID [220512]
ACC 2 | DMG 1
[desc.] A simple steel longsword that prioritizes balance over damage. The center piece of the cross guard is the signet of Sentinel Armaments.

Armored Long Coat | T3 Perfect Light Armor | ID [220094]
MIT 2 | REC 1
[desc.] A long red leather coat with additional armor plates. The right pauldron has the signet of Sentinel Armaments emblazoned on it.

Wolf's Bite | T3 Perfect Straight Sword | ID [220774]
[desc.] Sharpened to a razor's edge, this blade cuts deep and leaves lasting wounds. It is well balanced to aid in attacks. The center of the cross guard is the signet of Sentinel Armaments.

All Materials paid during the crafting process

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New Item Craft

Nymoria's Sabre | Tier 1 Rare Sabre | DMG 2 | ID [221550]
Description: A simplistic, thin bladed weapon similar in length and design to a hand-and-a-half sword. It's narrow blade, and lightweight design provides for easier control and movement, allowing the nimble weapon to dance in the wielder's hand. A simple pink wrap decorates the grip of the weapon's hilt. Sewn into the pink wrap is a small and simple gold phoenix that serves as the signet for Sentinel Armaments.

Cost Paid During Crafting Process.

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5 minutes ago, Wulfrin said:

New Item Craft

Nymoria's Sabre | Tier 1 Rare Sabre | DMG 2 | ID [221550]
Description: A simplistic, thin bladed weapon similar in length and design to a hand-and-a-half sword. It's narrow blade, and lightweight design provides for easier control and movement, allowing the nimble weapon to dance in the wielder's hand. A simple pink wrap decorates the grip of the weapon's hilt. Sewn into the pink wrap is a small and simple gold phoenix that serves as the signet for Sentinel Armaments.

Cost Paid During Crafting Process.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Two Uncommon T1 Martial Arts Weapons [222961] + [222962] -> Rare T1 Martial Arts weapon
Two Rare T1 Martial Arts Weapons [222965] + [Above Fusion] -> Perfect T1 Martial Arts Weapon


Limbo | T1 Perfect Martial Arts Weapon | ID [222974] | DMG III
Desc. A simple pair of metal brass knuckles. Their name "Limbo", taken from the first circle of Hell in Dante's Divine Comedy, represents them being the first of Onkei's weapons. Stamped on the inside is the signet of Sentinel Armaments.

New Item Crafts:

Adamo | T1 Perfect Light Armor | ID [222971] | REC II | MIT I
Desc. A pretty normal breastplate. The name "Adamo" refers to Adam, the first human created by God. Stamped ion the inside its the signet for Sentinel Armaments

Phoenix Dusters | T3 Rare Martial Arts Weapon | ID [222972] | BLD 2
Desc. A pair of knuckle dusters each shaped like a phoenix. They serve only one purpose: Bleed a rock to death.

All costs paid during crafting progress.



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3 hours ago, Wulfrin said:


Two Uncommon T1 Martial Arts Weapons [222961] + [222962] -> Rare T1 Martial Arts weapon
Two Rare T1 Martial Arts Weapons [222965] + [Above Fusion] -> Perfect T1 Martial Arts Weapon


Limbo | T1 Perfect Martial Arts Weapon | ID [222974] | DMG III
Desc. A simple pair of metal brass knuckles. Their name "Limbo", taken from the first circle of Hell in Dante's Divine Comedy, represents them being the first of Onkei's weapons. Stamped on the inside is the signet of Sentinel Armaments.

New Item Crafts:

Adamo | T1 Perfect Light Armor | ID [222971] | REC II | MIT I
Desc. A pretty normal breastplate. The name "Adamo" refers to Adam, the first human created by God. Stamped ion the inside its the signet for Sentinel Armaments

Phoenix Dusters | T3 Rare Martial Arts Weapon | ID [222972] | BLD 2
Desc. A pair of knuckle dusters each shaped like a phoenix. They serve only one purpose: Bleed a rock to death.

All costs paid during crafting progress.




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  • 3 months later...

Fusing 2 Rare T1 Straight Swords [219824] and [219826] -> 1 Perfect T1 Straight Sword

New Item Result:
Accruer | Fusion ID: [223653] | T1 Perfect Straight Sword
Enhancements: DMG III
Desc. A longsword with a black blade. Adorned on the hilt is a little triangle shaped indent with a simple looking grey handle. Average weight with good reach. Stamped into the leather just below the cross guard is a phoenix with it's wings splayed out in flight, the signature of Sentinel Armaments.

Materials paid to banker in the crafting process.
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20 minutes ago, Wulfrin said:

Fusing 2 Rare T1 Straight Swords [219824] and [219826] -> 1 Perfect T1 Straight Sword

New Item Result:
Accruer | Fusion ID: [223653] | T1 Perfect Straight Sword
Enhancements: DMG III
Desc. A longsword with a black blade. Adorned on the hilt is a little triangle shaped indent with a simple looking grey handle. Average weight with good reach. Stamped into the leather just below the cross guard is a phoenix with it's wings splayed out in flight, the signature of Sentinel Armaments.

Materials paid to banker in the crafting process.
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looks good here. approved

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Fusing 2 Rare Polearms IDs: [223532] and [223532] into 1 Perfect Polearm

New item result

Herding Wolf | T1 Perfect Polearm | Fusion ID: [223747]
Enhancements: DMG II, PAR I
Description: A short wooden staff. Silver is used for the handle, and formed to look like the head of a wolf. Branded into the wooden handle below the figure head is the phoenix signet of Sentinel Armaments.


Materials paid during crafting process.
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8 minutes ago, Wulfrin said:

Fusing 2 Rare Polearms IDs: [223532] and [223532] into 1 Perfect Polearm

New item result

Herding Wolf | T1 Perfect Polearm | Fusion ID: [223747]
Enhancements: DMG II, PAR I
Description: A short wooden staff. Silver is used for the handle, and formed to look like the head of a wolf. Branded into the wooden handle below the figure head is the phoenix signet of Sentinel Armaments.


Materials paid during crafting process.
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New Item Creations. Materials sent during crafting process.

Frightening Rosethorn| T3 Perfect Heavy Armor | ID: [220898]
Enhancements: Taunt | Thorns II
Desc: A suit of heavy plate armor decorated with images of roses on thorny vines. On the left Pauldron is the phoenix signet of Sentinel Armaments
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Rejuvenating Kite Shield | T3 Perfect Shield | ID: [223883]
Enhancements: Recovery | Regen II
Desc: A shield designed to bolster it's user's health and energy regen. On the front is the phoenix signet of Sentinel Armaments
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Defender's Longsword| T3 Perfect Straight Sword | ID: [220779]
Enhancements: ACC II | DMG I
Desc: A longsword designed to strike true. At the center of the cross guard is the phoenix signet of Sentinel Armaments
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11 minutes ago, Wulfrin said:

New Item Creations. Materials sent during crafting process.

Frightening Rosethorn| T3 Perfect Heavy Armor | ID: [220898]
Enhancements: Taunt | Thorns II
Desc: A suit of heavy plate armor decorated with images of roses on thorny vines. On the left Pauldron is the phoenix signet of Sentinel Armaments
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Rejuvenating Kite Shield | T3 Perfect Shield | ID: [223883]
Enhancements: Recovery | Regen II
Desc: A shield designed to bolster it's user's health and energy regen. On the front is the phoenix signet of Sentinel Armaments
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Defender's Longsword| T3 Perfect Straight Sword | ID: [220779]
Enhancements: ACC II | DMG I
Desc: A longsword designed to strike true. At the center of the cross guard is the phoenix signet of Sentinel Armaments
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New Item Craft:

Vanguard's Heavy Plate | T1 Perfect Heavy Armor | ID: [224101] | MIT 3
Desc. Top of the line plate armor capable of absorbing even the toughest of blows. The Phoenix Signet of Sentinel Armaments can be found on the pauldrons.
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Fusing 2 Uncommon T1 SS [219825] + [224097] -> Rare T1 SS
Fusing 2 Rare SS [224098] + [above] -> T1 Perfect SS

Vanguard's Sword | T1 Perfect Straight Sword | ID [224106] | ACC 3
Desc. A straight sword designed to be perfectly balanced to ensure you hit your strikes. The Phoenix Signet of Sentinel Armaments can be found emblazoned on it.
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2 Uncommon T1 Shields [220394] + [220395] -> Rare T1 Shield
2 Rare T1 Shields [224102] + [Above] -> Perfect T1 Shield

Vanguard's Shield | T1 Perfect Shield | ID: [224107] | Thorns 2 | Taunt
Desc. Designed to be on the front lines, its wielder will find their enemies recoiling from their own strikes and foes more drawn to attacking into their impenetrable defense.
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All Materials Paid during crafting process


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36 minutes ago, Wulfrin said:

New Item Craft:

Vanguard's Heavy Plate | T1 Perfect Heavy Armor | ID: [224101] | MIT 3
Desc. Top of the line plate armor capable of absorbing even the toughest of blows. The Phoenix Signet of Sentinel Armaments can be found on the pauldrons.
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Fusing 2 Uncommon T1 SS [219825] + [224097] -> Rare T1 SS
Fusing 2 Rare SS [224098] + [above] -> T1 Perfect SS

Vanguard's Sword | T1 Perfect Straight Sword | ID [Pending] | ACC 3
Desc. A straight sword designed to be perfectly balanced to ensure you hit your strikes. The Phoenix Signet of Sentinel Armaments can be found emblazoned on it.
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2 Uncommon T1 Shields [220394] + [220395] -> Rare T1 Shield
2 Rare T1 Shields [224102] + [Above] -> Perfect T1 Shield

Vanguard's Shield | T1 Perfect Shield | ID: [pending] | Thorns 2 | Taunt
Desc. Designed to be on the front lines, its wielder will find their enemies recoiling from their own strikes and foes more drawn to attacking into their impenetrable defense.
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All Materials Paid during crafting process


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Fusing 2 Rare T1 Light Armors

Name: Loki's Memoir
ID: 119452
Item Type: Light Armor
Tier: 1
Quality: Rare
Enhancements: +2 EVA
Description: "This coat is crimson in coloration with metal accents on the arm guards. It will make you as elusive as a shadow in the night."
Post Linkhttp://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17882-f1-r4-tailor-the-crusty-bahrnacle/?do=findComment&comment=576758


Phoenix Down | [ID #219428b] | TIER 1 RARE LIGHT ARMOR | FIREPROOF, REGEN
[desc.]: A set of simple leather armor that has woven patterns of flames. It is said that it carries the protective and regenerative properties of a phoenix.
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Phoenix Memoir | Tier-less Perfect Light Armor | ID: [224108] | Fireproof | Eva 2
Desc. This coat is crimson with metal accents on the armguards. It boosts the wearer's speed in combat as well as protect from the hottest environments.

cost: 1 Gleaming Scale - sent to banker 8/4/24

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39 minutes ago, Wulfrin said:

Fusing 2 Rare T1 Light Armors

Name: Loki's Memoir
ID: 119452
Item Type: Light Armor
Tier: 1
Quality: Rare
Enhancements: +2 EVA
Description: "This coat is crimson in coloration with metal accents on the arm guards. It will make you as elusive as a shadow in the night."
Post Linkhttp://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17882-f1-r4-tailor-the-crusty-bahrnacle/?do=findComment&comment=576758


Phoenix Down | [ID #219428b] | TIER 1 RARE LIGHT ARMOR | FIREPROOF, REGEN
[desc.]: A set of simple leather armor that has woven patterns of flames. It is said that it carries the protective and regenerative properties of a phoenix.
post link: 


Phoenix Memoir | Tier-less Perfect Light Armor | ID: [224108] | Fireproof | Eva 2
Desc. This coat is crimson with metal accents on the armguards. It boosts the wearer's speed in combat as well as protect from the hottest environments.

cost: 1 Gleaming Scale - sent to banker 8/4/24

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  • 2 weeks later...

New Item Craft:

unevaluated T4 Perfect Light Armor [220473] to the following:

Warrior's Chestplate | T4 Perfect Light Armor | ID 220473 | MIT 2 | REC 1
Desc. Simple breastplate allowing superior defense without sacrificing agility.

Cost: Materials paid during crafting process

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7 hours ago, Wulfrin said:

New Item Craft:

unevaluated T4 Perfect Light Armor [220473] to the following:

Warrior's Chestplate | T4 Perfect Light Armor | ID 220473 | MIT 2 | REC 1
Desc. Simple breastplate allowing superior defense without sacrificing agility.

Cost: Materials paid during crafting process

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  • 3 weeks later...

New Item Craft:

Duelist's Rapier | T1 Perfect Rapier | ID [221552] | DMG 3
Desc. This elegant rapier is designed for speed and precision, capable of dealing devastating strikes. The guard around the hand is an intricate weave of thin metal bands that takes the form of a phoenix.

Cost: Materials paid during crafting process.
Post Link (Note: item listed as a Saber in craft attempts as it was made before the rework): 


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3 hours ago, Wulfrin said:

New Item Craft:

Duelist's Rapier | T1 Perfect Rapier | ID [221552] | DMG 3
Desc. This elegant rapier is designed for speed and precision, capable of dealing devastating strikes. The guard around the hand is an intricate weave of thin metal bands that takes the form of a phoenix.

Cost: Materials paid during crafting process.
Post Link (Note: item listed as a Saber in craft attempts as it was made before the rework): 


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Fusing two items:

Item Name: Jack's Plate
Item Tier: 4
Item ID: No ID, [Acquisition Link][Original Obtainment Link]
Item Type: Heavy Armor
Item Enhancements: Fl. Aura II; Taunt
Description: A dark full plate armor that has hotspot nearly burning and igniting flames. Small sparks fly with each movement of the armor.

Item Name: Griffin's Plate
Item Tier: 4
Item ID: 166087a
Item Type: Heavy Armor
Item Enhancements: Recovery II; Frost Aura
Description: A snug set of leather armor spotted with metal plate that keeps the cold insulated, making sure the users doesn’t burn up while wearing it.


Item Name: Borealis Plate  
Item Tier: 4
Rarity: Demonic
Item ID: 229256
Item Type: Heavy Armor
Item Enhancements: Frost Aura; Fl. Aura II; Rec I
Description: A snug set of leather armor spotted with metal plate that keeps the cold insulated, making sure the users doesn’t burn up while wearing it.


Cost: 1 Gleaming Scales and 1 Demonic Shard sent to banker

*note: 3 were sent as fusion rules were miss read need to refund 2 back to Wulfrin*

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