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Wulfrin's Evaluations

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Item Fusion:

Fusing 2 Uncommon T1 Straight swords [229537] + [229538] -> T1 Rare Straight Sword
Fusing 2 Uncommon T1 Straight Swords [229539] + [229544] -> T1 Rare Straight Sword
Fusing 2 Rare T1 Straight Swords [First Fuse] + [Second Fuse] -> T1 Perfect Straight Sword | Fusion ID [229545]


Butterfly Cross-Blade | T1 Perfect Straight Sword | Fusion ID: 229545
Desc. A dazzling emerald-hued great sword who’s length could nearly match the height off its petite wielder. The hilt guard is shaped in a way to resemble the wing of a butterfly. The blade is marked just above the hilt guard with the phoenix signet of Sentinel Armaments, small enough to only be visible on close inspection.

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On 9/1/2024 at 11:41 AM, Wulfrin said:

Fusing two items:

Item Name: Jack's Plate
Item Tier: 4
Item ID: No ID, [Acquisition Link][Original Obtainment Link]
Item Type: Heavy Armor
Item Enhancements: Fl. Aura II; Taunt
Description: A dark full plate armor that has hotspot nearly burning and igniting flames. Small sparks fly with each movement of the armor.

Item Name: Griffin's Plate
Item Tier: 4
Item ID: 166087a
Item Type: Heavy Armor
Item Enhancements: Recovery II; Frost Aura
Description: A snug set of leather armor spotted with metal plate that keeps the cold insulated, making sure the users doesn’t burn up while wearing it.


Item Name: Borealis Plate  
Item Tier: 4
Rarity: Demonic
Item ID: 229256
Item Type: Heavy Armor
Item Enhancements: Frost Aura; Fl. Aura II; Rec I
Description: A snug set of leather armor spotted with metal plate that keeps the cold insulated, making sure the users doesn’t burn up while wearing it.


Cost: 1 Gleaming Scales and 1 Demonic Shard sent to banker

*note: 3 were sent as fusion rules were miss read need to refund 2 back to Wulfrin*


18 minutes ago, Wulfrin said:

Item Fusion:

Fusing 2 Uncommon T1 Straight swords [229537] + [229538] -> T1 Rare Straight Sword
Fusing 2 Uncommon T1 Straight Swords [229539] + [229544] -> T1 Rare Straight Sword
Fusing 2 Rare T1 Straight Swords [First Fuse] + [Second Fuse] -> T1 Perfect Straight Sword | Fusion ID [229545]


Butterfly Cross-Blade | T1 Perfect Straight Sword | Fusion ID: 229545
Desc. A dazzling emerald-hued great sword who’s length could nearly match the height off its petite wielder. The hilt guard is shaped in a way to resemble the wing of a butterfly. The blade is marked just above the hilt guard with the phoenix signet of Sentinel Armaments, small enough to only be visible on close inspection.


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Fusing The Following Items:

Borealis Plate | T4 Demonic Heavy Armor | ID: 229256
Item Enhancements: Frost Aura; Fl. Aura II; Rec I
Description: A snug set of leather armor spotted with metal plate that keeps the cold insulated, making sure the users doesn’t burn up while wearing it.

icicle. | [#205741] | TIER 4 HEAVY ARMOR | TAUNT, THORNS, FR.AURA
[desc.]: plate armor, lodged through by a shard of ice. the shard looks so good, it's begging to be broken.

Fusion Result:

A Paladin's Journey | T4 Demonic Heavy Armor | ID: 230245
Item Enhancements: Frost Aura II; Flame Aura II
Description: A coat of armor that has weathered more battles than can be counted multiplied by ten. Despite it's vetted longevity, it is one of the sturdiest piece of armor Aincrad has ever seen while boasting powerful elemental bite-back.

Cost: 1 Demonic Shard + 1 Gleaming Scale sent to banker (9/7/24)

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30 minutes ago, Wulfrin said:

Fusing The Following Items:

Borealis Plate | T4 Demonic Heavy Armor | ID: 229256
Item Enhancements: Frost Aura; Fl. Aura II; Rec I
Description: A snug set of leather armor spotted with metal plate that keeps the cold insulated, making sure the users doesn’t burn up while wearing it.

icicle. | [#205741] | TIER 4 HEAVY ARMOR | TAUNT, THORNS, FR.AURA
[desc.]: plate armor, lodged through by a shard of ice. the shard looks so good, it's begging to be broken.

Fusion Result:

A Paladin's Journey | T4 Demonic Heavy Armor | ID: 230245
Item Enhancements: Frost Aura II; Flame Aura II
Description: A coat of armor that has weathered more battles than can be counted multiplied by ten. Despite it's vetted longevity, it is one of the sturdiest piece of armor Aincrad has ever seen while boasting powerful elemental bite-back.

Cost: 1 Demonic Shard + 1 Gleaming Scale sent to banker (9/7/24)


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New Item Evals:

Steel Axe | T1 Perfect Axe | ID: 230448 | DMG 3
Desc. A forty-one inch steel axe with a stained wood handle of simple design and singular purpose. Stamped into the metal is the symbol of Sentinel Armaments only visible under careful scrutiny.

Survival Armor | T1 Perfect Heavy Armor | ID: 230457 | MIT 3
Desc. Consists of heavy leather belt, gauntlets, and shoulder pauldron, reinforced with steel, fur, and iron rings. Worn with leather pants and boots. Doesn’t look too practical. Stamped into the metal is the symbol of Sentinel Armaments only visible under careful scrutiny.

Iron Shield | T1 Perfect Shield | ID: 230453 | Thorns 2 | Rec 1
Desc. A large shield for a large man, made of sturdy wood and reinforced with tempered iron. Heavy, but can be worn on the player's back for convenience. Stamped into the metal is the symbol of Sentinel Armaments only visible under careful scrutiny.

Post Link for above crafts: 


Materials sent to banker during crafting process.

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2 hours ago, Wulfrin said:

New Item Evals:

Steel Axe | T1 Perfect Axe | ID: 230448 | DMG 3
Desc. A forty-one inch steel axe with a stained wood handle of simple design and singular purpose. Stamped into the metal is the symbol of Sentinel Armaments only visible under careful scrutiny.

Survival Armor | T1 Perfect Heavy Armor | ID: 230457 | MIT 3
Desc. Consists of heavy leather belt, gauntlets, and shoulder pauldron, reinforced with steel, fur, and iron rings. Worn with leather pants and boots. Doesn’t look too practical. Stamped into the metal is the symbol of Sentinel Armaments only visible under careful scrutiny.

Iron Shield | T1 Perfect Shield | ID: 230453 | Thorns 2 | Rec 1
Desc. A large shield for a large man, made of sturdy wood and reinforced with tempered iron. Heavy, but can be worn on the player's back for convenience. Stamped into the metal is the symbol of Sentinel Armaments only visible under careful scrutiny.

Post Link for above crafts: 


Materials sent to banker during crafting process.


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New Item Craft

Everything Strange | T1 Perfect Throwing Weapon | BLD 2 | PARA 1
Desc. A collection of finely-crafted steel daggers. Their hilts are wrapped in black cloth and their short, sleek blades come to a fine point. Stamped into the metal is the signet of Sentinel Armaments only visible under close scrutiny. 

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32 minutes ago, Wulfrin said:

New Item Craft

Everything Strange | T1 Perfect Throwing Weapon | BLD 2 | PARA 1
Desc. A collection of finely-crafted steel daggers. Their hilts are wrapped in black cloth and their short, sleek blades come to a fine point. Stamped into the metal is the signet of Sentinel Armaments only visible under close scrutiny. 

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Woodsman's Rapier | T4 Perfect Rapier | #225873b | TAUNT, ACC II
Desc: A sleek, steel rapier commonly used by swordspeople from Taft.


Really Pointy Stick | T4 Perfect Rapier | #223896 | ACC, TAUNT, BLIGHT
Desc: Found in the woods outside Taft, this stick was naturally grown to look like a rapier.


Vicious Mockery | T4 Demonic Rapier | #231346 | ACC 2, TAUNT, BLIGHT
Desc: A masterful work of sheer craftsmanship and musical ingenuity. The weapon itself doubles as the bow of a violin; thin, seemingly indestructible hairs run parallel along the length of the blade that allows it to be safely pulled across the strings of its violin with perfect pitch and tone. The instrument serves to also house the blade when not in use, with a built in scabbard serving as the violin's neck.

Cost 1 demonic shard and 1 gleaming scale sent to banker

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7 minutes ago, Wulfrin said:

Woodsman's Rapier | T4 Perfect Rapier | #225873b | TAUNT, ACC II
Desc: A sleek, steel rapier commonly used by swordspeople from Taft.


Really Pointy Stick | T4 Perfect Rapier | #223896 | ACC, TAUNT, BLIGHT
Desc: Found in the woods outside Taft, this stick was naturally grown to look like a rapier.


Vicious Mockery | T4 Demonic Rapier | # | ACC 2, TAUNT, BLIGHT
Desc: A masterful work of sheer craftsmanship and musical ingenuity. The weapon itself doubles as the bow of a violin; thin, seemingly indestructible hairs run parallel along the length of the blade that allows it to be safely pulled across the strings of its violin with perfect pitch and tone. The instrument serves to also house the blade when not in use, with a built in scabbard serving as the violin's neck.

Cost 1 demonic shard and 1 gleaming scale sent to banker


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Item Crafts:

Rune-Forged Axe | T3 Perfect Axe | ID 231985 | DMG 3
Desc. An axed forged from the sharpest steel. Etched into the head are intricate runes designed to make the weapon as ornate as it is functional. Stamped into the metal is the signet of sentinel armaments only visible under close scrutiny.

Guardian Shield | T3 Perfect Shield | ID 231986 | Taunt | Thorns 2
Desc. An intricate collapsible shield that can be stored away for easy travel. Stamped into the metal is the signet of sentinel armaments only visible under close scrutiny.

Exile's Armor | T3 Perfect Heavy Armor | ID 232016 | Heavy Momentum 2 | Recovery
Desc. A well crafted set of heavy armor consisting of thick leathers and furs reinforced by a sturdy pauldron. Stamped into the metal is the signet of sentinel armaments only visible under close scrutiny.



Fusing 2 Rare Throwing Weapons [232022] + [232023] -> T3 Perfect Throwing Weapon [232026]

Vicious Throwing Daggers | T3 Perfect Throwing Weapon | ID 232026 | Paralyze 2 | Bleed 1
Desc. A set of throwing daggers designed to wound and debilitate any foe. Stamped into the metal is the signet of sentinel armaments only visible under close scrutiny.

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20 hours ago, Wulfrin said:

Item Crafts:

Rune-Forged Axe | T3 Perfect Axe | ID 231985 | DMG 3
Desc. An axed forged from the sharpest steel. Etched into the head are intricate runes designed to make the weapon as ornate as it is functional. Stamped into the metal is the signet of sentinel armaments only visible under close scrutiny.

Guardian Shield | T3 Perfect Shield | ID 231986 | Taunt | Thorns 2
Desc. An intricate collapsible shield that can be stored away for easy travel. Stamped into the metal is the signet of sentinel armaments only visible under close scrutiny.

Exile's Armor | T3 Perfect Heavy Armor | ID 232016 | Heavy Momentum 2 | Recovery
Desc. A well crafted set of heavy armor consisting of thick leathers and furs reinforced by a sturdy pauldron. Stamped into the metal is the signet of sentinel armaments only visible under close scrutiny.



Fusing 2 Rare Throwing Weapons [232022] + [232023] -> T3 Perfect Throwing Weapon [232026]

Vicious Throwing Daggers | T3 Perfect Throwing Weapon | ID 232026 | Paralyze 2 | Bleed 1
Desc. A set of throwing daggers designed to wound and debilitate any foe. Stamped into the metal is the signet of sentinel armaments only visible under close scrutiny.

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Fusion 1:
Fusing 2 Uncommon T1 Hammers [232715] + [232727] -> T1 Rare Hammer
Fusing 2 Rare T1 Hammers [232723] + [above fusion] -> T1 Perfect Hammer [232784]

Vanguard’s Hammer | T1 Perfect Hammer | ID: [232784]
Enhancements: Accuracy 3
Desc. A hammer designed to be perfectly balanced to ensure you hit your strikes. The Phoenix Signet of Sentinel Armaments can be found emblazoned on it.


Fusion 2:
Fusing 2 T1 Rare Shields [232773] + [232776] -> T1 Perfect Shield [232785]

Vanguard’s Shield | Tier 1 Perfect Shield | ID: [232785]
Enhancements: Thorns 2 Taunt
Desc. Designed to be on the front lines, its wielder will find their enemies recoiling from their own strikes and foes more drawn to attacking into their impenetrable defense. The Phoenix Signet of Sentinel Armaments can be found emblazoned on it.


Fusion 3:
Fusing 2 T1 Uncommon Heavy Armors [232777]+[232778] -> T1 Rare Heavy Armor
Fusing 2 T1 Rare heavy Armors [232780] + [above fusion] -> T1 Perfect Heavy Armor [232786]

Vanguard’s Heavy Plate | T1 Perfect Heavy Armor | ID: [232786]
Enhancements: Mitigation 3
Desc. Top of the line plate armor capable of absorbing even the toughest of blows. The Phoenix Signet of Sentinel Armaments can be found on the pauldrons.

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6 hours ago, Wulfrin said:

Fusion 1:
Fusing 2 Uncommon T1 Hammers [232715] + [232727] -> T1 Rare Hammer
Fusing 2 Rare T1 Hammers [232723] + [above fusion] -> T1 Perfect Hammer [232784]

Vanguard’s Hammer | T1 Perfect Hammer | ID: [232784]
Enhancements: Accuracy 3
Desc. A hammer designed to be perfectly balanced to ensure you hit your strikes. The Phoenix Signet of Sentinel Armaments can be found emblazoned on it.


Fusion 2:
Fusing 2 T1 Rare Shields [232773] + [232776] -> T1 Perfect Shield [232785]

Vanguard’s Shield | Tier 1 Perfect Shield | ID: [232785]
Enhancements: Thorns 2 Taunt
Desc. Designed to be on the front lines, its wielder will find their enemies recoiling from their own strikes and foes more drawn to attacking into their impenetrable defense. The Phoenix Signet of Sentinel Armaments can be found emblazoned on it.


Fusion 3:
Fusing 2 T1 Uncommon Heavy Armors [232777]+[232778] -> T1 Rare Heavy Armor
Fusing 2 T1 Rare heavy Armors [232780] + [above fusion] -> T1 Perfect Heavy Armor [232786]

Vanguard’s Heavy Plate | T1 Perfect Heavy Armor | ID: [232786]
Enhancements: Mitigation 3
Desc. Top of the line plate armor capable of absorbing even the toughest of blows. The Phoenix Signet of Sentinel Armaments can be found on the pauldrons.


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Variable Half-Plate | T1 Perfect Light Armor | ID: 223885
Enhancements: Mitigation 2 Recovery 1
Desc. A set of half-plate protecting the user’s chest and legs, making sure not to hinder the wearer’s mobility. The Phoenix Signet of Sentinel Armaments is emblazoned on the chest.
Post Link: 


Mechanic’s Tool Set | T1 Perfect Thrown Weapon | ID: 231298
Enhancements: Accuracy 1 Damage 2
Desc. A set of tools one would only expect to find outside of the game. Though they serve no purpose in Aincrad, if thrown they could certainly leave a mark. All of the sockets in the set are 10mm. The signet of Sentinel Armaments is stamped into each piece of the set.
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41 minutes ago, Wulfrin said:

Variable Half-Plate | T1 Perfect Light Armor | ID: 223885
Enhancements: Mitigation 2 Recovery 1
Desc. A set of half-plate protecting the user’s chest and legs, making sure not to hinder the wearer’s mobility. The Phoenix Signet of Sentinel Armaments is emblazoned on the chest.
Post Link: 


Mechanic’s Tool Set | T1 Perfect Thrown Weapon | ID: 231298
Enhancements: Accuracy 1 Damage 2
Desc. A set of tools one would only expect to find outside of the game. Though they serve no purpose in Aincrad, if thrown they could certainly leave a mark. All of the sockets in the set are 10mm. The signet of Sentinel Armaments is stamped into each piece of the set.
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Fusion Eval:

Daywalker +5 | T4 Perfect Straight Sword | #215741e | HLY, VAMP-O, BURN
Desc: A weapon of both light and shadow, perfect for those who walk the line between the two. Its blade is a sleek silver, and its hilt is black with runes unreadable to the human eye.


Concord | T4 Perfect Straight Sword | #225876b | TAUNT, PAR, HLY
Desc: A silver-bladed longsword with hints of gold along the hilt and cross guard. It hums when demonic entities are near.


Daywalker +5 | T4 Demonic Straight Sword | #233185 | HLY 2, VAMP-O, BURN
Desc: A weapon of both light and shadow, perfect for those who walk the line between the two. Its blade is a sleek silver, and its hilt is black with runes unreadable to the human eye.

-1 Demonic Shard, -1 Gleaming Scale

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4 minutes ago, Wulfrin said:

Fusion Eval:

Daywalker +5 | T4 Perfect Straight Sword | #215741e | HLY, VAMP-O, BURN
Desc: A weapon of both light and shadow, perfect for those who walk the line between the two. Its blade is a sleek silver, and its hilt is black with runes unreadable to the human eye.


Concord | T4 Perfect Straight Sword | #225876b | TAUNT, PAR, HLY
Desc: A silver-bladed longsword with hints of gold along the hilt and cross guard. It hums when demonic entities are near.


Daywalker +5 | T4 Demonic Straight Sword | #233185 | HLY 2, VAMP-O, BURN
Desc: A weapon of both light and shadow, perfect for those who walk the line between the two. Its blade is a sleek silver, and its hilt is black with runes unreadable to the human eye.

-1 Demonic Shard, -1 Gleaming Scale

thumbs up emoji

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