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[F22 | R8 Blacksmith] Sentinel Armaments (Open)

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On 3/28/2024 at 9:19 PM, Wulfrin said:

Wulfrin looked over the request with intruigue. It was something he had not considered before, and thus presented a challenge, and Wulfrin loved challenging himself.

"It's not the usual request," Wulfrin said with a glint of excitement. "give me a few minutes, I'll have to start from scratch on this one."

 He disturbed the rest of his Phoenix Familiar, Solaris, who loved to use the flames of his forge as a nest. In a few minutes he returned with some rather ornate greaves. He placed them on his makeshift counter.

"Well," Wulfrin said taking off his thick gloved. "Here you are, one pair of greaves perfect for punting enemies as requested. I hope they serve you well."

* * *

Ready for Pick Up:

Battle Rabbit Heels | T1 Perfect Martial Arts Weapon | DMG III | Fusion ID [220903]
Item Description: A pair of reinforced-steel heels that could easily be mistaken for a pair of thigh-high greaves fit for a small woman. These are made specifically to reduce the strain on Tokki’s legs while kicking down her opponents. The steel make also makes it less pleasant to be punted by. Each strap is held together by a clasp bearing the phoenix symbol of Sentinel Armaments.

Tokki would wait patiently for her order, not having much to do anyways without the order. She peruses the selection he has and watches as he works. Once the order is finished, she returns to the counter and inspects the piece. "Hm." The girl takes them and equips them immediately, taking a few steps to ensure they were a good fit. Thankfully, they fit perfectly snug. Maybe the game was designed to fit clothing to the model of the player. "Perfect. When the time comes to upgrade I'll be sure to keep your shop in mind." The maid would say before heading out.

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The next point of his journey was Sentinel Armaments, the abode of Wulfrin. Morningstar entered through the front door and greeted his friend. At the counter, he filled out a custom order. He needed a straight sword, and rather than appraise his own, he thought it would be nice to commission someone else for a change. "Think you can do this?" He asked, listing the single enhancement that he needed.

"I've got some more errands to run, so shoot me a message whenever you're finished. I'll watch my mail," he smiled, leaving Sentinel Armaments behind.

He checked his list to see where his next appointment was.


Item Name: laurel straight sword.
Item Type: Straight Sword
Item Tier: 1
Item Quality: Perfect
Draft Item Description: a longsword with precise thickness and length. brass is used along the hilt in conjunction with silver. it is ornamented with leaves and vines.
Requested Enhancements: ACC III

- 500 col

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7 hours ago, Morningstar said:

The next point of his journey was Sentinel Armaments, the abode of Wulfrin. Morningstar entered through the front door and greeted his friend. At the counter, he filled out a custom order. He needed a straight sword, and rather than appraise his own, he thought it would be nice to commission someone else for a change. "Think you can do this?" He asked, listing the single enhancement that he needed.

"I've got some more errands to run, so shoot me a message whenever you're finished. I'll watch my mail," he smiled, leaving Sentinel Armaments behind.

He checked his list to see where his next appointment was.


Item Name: laurel straight sword.
Item Type: Straight Sword
Item Tier: 1
Item Quality: Perfect
Draft Item Description: a longsword with precise thickness and length. brass is used along the hilt in conjunction with silver. it is ornamented with leaves and vines.
Requested Enhancements: ACC III

- 500 col

"Seems simple enough," Wulfrin said looking over the order. "I'll give you a shout when it's finished."

Wulfrin was certain he had the pieces he would need to build the weapon. He usually liked to keep a variety of blank items near completion in case an order came in. After a few minutes he found a couple straight swords that would do the trick. It wasn't long after that Wulfrin finished the fusion process. He quickly applied the finishing touches and the ornately decorated sword took its final shape. After a final inspection that all attributes were in order, Wulfrin pulled up his friends list and navigated to send a message to Morningstar.

To: Morningstar
From: Wulfrin
Subject: Order for pickup

Hey Star,

As requested, this is your notice that your weapon is ready for pick up. No need to rush over. It'll be here when you're ready.

Appreciate your business,
Wulfrin, Blacksmith of Sentinel Armaments

 Wulfrin left Solaris, his phoenix familiar to watch over the craft until Morningstar arrived, and returned to some other projects he had going. He would return to the counter to see Morningstar off.

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Morningstar returned within thirty minutes, his bag about fifteen pounds heavier than it had been when he left. "You're quick," he laughed, stepping up to the counter to retrieve his sword. It looked even better than he had expected. Wulfrin was growing into quite the blacksmith. Star was impressed. "Nice twist with the bird," he said, in reference to the Sentinel Armaments logo engraved on the blade's guard. The vines matched the other item's he had ordered from NIGHT, as did the brass. It was a fine addition to his collection.

"Thanks. Got a quest in mind with your name on it, by the way. I'll ring ya in a little while," he said on his way out.

+1 laurel straight sword.

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DATE: [4/7/24]
RANK 6 BLACKSMITH | [EXP: 533/639] | Daily Crafting Attempts: 7

Ambition Tool +1 EXP per craft
Basic Workshop +2 EXP per craft

Crafting Tier 1 [Saber]s:

ID: 221549 | CD: 9 | Success | Uncommon
ID: 221550 | CD: 10 | Success | Rare
ID: 221551 | CD: 4 | Salvage | LD 1 | Material Lost
ID: 221552 | CD: 12 | Success| Perfect

Crafting Tier 2 [Saber]s
ID: 221553 | CD: 8 | Success | Uncommon
ID: 221554 | CD: 9 | Success | Uncommon
ID: 221555 | CD: 8 | Success | Uncommon

RESULT: +45 XP (3+5+2+8+3+3+3+21) | [EXP: 581/639]
-7 materials | sent to banker

New Items:

Uncommon T1 Saber ID: [221549]
Rare T1 Saber ID: [221550]
Perfect T1 Saber ID: [221552]

Uncommon T2 Saber IDs: [221553] [221554] [221555]

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She'd never before set foot on the twenty-second, and while it had been somewhat simple to find the smithy that she stepped into, she found herself stopping short at the appearance of the blacksmith. She'd expected to find the exact persona that worked the fires and anvil, and yet for reasons beyond her understanding, Nymoria found herself suddenly apprehensive and hesitant at approaching the man.

It was only his sudden call that broke the spell of pause thrown onto her, giving her the courage to step fully into the smithy's shop. She waited, patiently, for the man to finish his work before beginning her explanation, drawing forth a pre-designed sheet that she had brought with her. Her hands moved in basic sign as she stared at him with no expression, her lips remaining still even as her fingers spoke for her. Hi, I was hoping to order a new blade, one that would...well, here, I've written it all down. I hope this makes sense?

Item Name: Nymoria's Sabre
Item Type: Sabre
Item Tier: 1 
Item Quality: Rare
Draft Item Description: A simplistic, thin bladed weapon similar in length and design to a hand-and-a-half sword. It's narrow blade, and lightweight design provides for easier control and movement, allowing the nimble weapon to dance in the wielder's hand. A simple pink wrap decorates the grip of the weapon's hilt.
Requested Enhancements: DMG II

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Sign language was not one of Wulfrin's strengths, but he got the idea. He took a look at the prefilled form and eyed out the details. He did his best to convey a brief message with hand gestures, a salute, a quick hand up as if to say wait or hold, then his first finger signaling the number one. He went to his stock of premade blank weapons and found his few experiments at the slender sabers and returned to his forge, his phoenix begrudgingly leaving its roost in the flames. In but a few moments he returned with the requested weapon. There was one sign he did know, his hand flat like a blade placed against his chin then extending the arm out, the sign for thank you. The move was unpolished, but clear enough to convey his message. At least that was his hope.

* * *

Ready for pick up:

Nymoria's Sabre | Tier 1 Rare Sabre | DMG 2 | ID [221550]
Description: A simplistic, thin bladed weapon similar in length and design to a hand-and-a-half sword. It's narrow blade, and lightweight design provides for easier control and movement, allowing the nimble weapon to dance in the wielder's hand. A simple pink wrap decorates the grip of the weapon's hilt. Sewn into the pink wrap is a small and simple gold phoenix that serves as the signet for Sentinel Armaments.

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She watched in wonder as the man displayed what was, likely supposed to be some sort of sign language. Her head tilted to the side, confused for a moment before she burst out into a fit of laughter. Taking a pen and paper, she slid it across the table as he came back, a fit of giggles still taking over her ability to communicate. The page had a single sentence on it, roughly written and clearly jerked around as she laughed uncontrollably. 

System translates, simply watch fingers, hear words in head. As the man returned with her order, giving a rough version of a thank you, Nymoria gave a deep bow. Thank you for your craftsmanship, this is a lovely shop. I will return, one day again. Blessings upon you until then. Her fingers moved somewhat slower as she tried to convey the message in a way that he would be able to easily watch, her eyes filled with happiness at his action. Picking up the weapon, she turned and left the shop behind, the echo of her laughter drifting back in from the street as she went.

Nymoria pick-ups Nymoria's Sabre | Tier 1 Rare Sabre | DMG 2 | ID [221550]
Description: A simplistic, thin bladed weapon similar in length and design to a hand-and-a-half sword. It's narrow blade, and lightweight design provides for easier control and movement, allowing the nimble weapon to dance in the wielder's hand. A simple pink wrap decorates the grip of the weapon's hilt. Sewn into the pink wrap is a small and simple gold phoenix that serves as the signet for Sentinel Armaments.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Greetings." Onkei walked into the smithy, with his usual expression that showed his absolute boredom. He heard about this blacksmith named Wulfrin from a couple players in the starting town, who praised his products for their low price and for their reliability. Onkei appreciates cheap products, as he seems to value virtual money in the Death Game just as much as he valued money in real life before the incident. As he looked around, he could sense that the products on the racks were of good quality: for a moment he thought that the rumours he heard in Floor 1 were false and that he was going to be fleeced, and actually considered just leaving the smithy without saying anything, but his curiosity won over him. "You sure got some good stuff here, pal."
Once he made his mind regarding what he was going to ask for, Onkei started describing his ideal product: "As you can see, I have nothing on me, not even light armor; I'd like a good pair of knuckledusters that can increase my damage output: swinging swords ain't my thing. Unless you want to make them pink for some reason, I don't really care about their design, just make sure they hit hard. Oh, also please make me a breastplate, I'd rather not get my heart pierced."

Looking to purchase:
DPS Package (500 COL)

Item Name: Adamo
Item Type: Light Armor
Item Tier: 1
Item Quality: Perfect
Item Description: A pretty normal breastplate. The name "Adamo" refers to Adam, the first human created by God.
Requested Enhancements: Recovery 2, Mitigation 1

Item Name: Limbo
Item Type: Martial Arts Weapon
Item Tier: 1
Item Quality: Perfect
Item Description: A simple pair of metal brass knuckles. Their name "Limbo", taken from the first circle of Hell in Dante's Divine Comedy, represents them being the first of Onkei's weapons.
Requested Enhancements: Damage 3

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DATE: [4/21/24]
RANK 6 BLACKSMITH | [EXP: 581/639] | Daily Crafting Attempts: 7 x2 Using Crafter's Respite [192098-1] = 14

Ambition Tool +1 EXP per craft
Basic Workshop +2 EXP per craft

Crafting Tier 1 [Martial Arts Weapon]s:
ID: 222960 | CD: 2 | Fail | Materials Lost
ID: 222961 | CD: 6 | Success | Uncommon
ID: 222962 | CD: 6 | Success | Uncommon
ID: 222963 | CD: 2 | Fail | Materials Lost
ID: 222964 | CD: 2 | Fail | Materials Lost
ID: 222965 | CD: 11 | Success | Rare

Crafting Tier 1 [Light Armor]s
ID: 222966 | CD: 2 | Fail | Materials Lost
ID: 222967 | CD: 3 | Salvage | LD 3 | Materials Lost
ID: 222968 | CD: 7 | Success | Uncommon
ID: 222969 | CD: 5 | Salvage | LD 5 | Materials Lost
ID: 222970 | CD: 4 | Salvage | LD 4 | Materials Lost
ID: 222971 | CD: 12 | Success | Perfect

Crafting T3 [Martial Arts Weapon]s
ID: 222972 | CD 10 | Success | Rare
ID: 222973 | CD 3 | Salvage | LD 10 | Materials Lost

RESULT: +81 XP (1+3+3+1+1+5+1+2+3+2+2+8+5+2+42) | [EXP: 662/1279] RANK UP! -> R7
-14 materials | sent to banker

New Items:

Uncommon T1 Martial Arts Weapons [222961][222962]
Rare T1 Martial Arts Weapon [222965]

Uncommon T1 Light Armor [222968]
Perfect T1 Light Armor [222971]

Rare T3 Martial Arts Weapon [222972]

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4 hours ago, Onkei said:

"Greetings." Onkei walked into the smithy, with his usual expression that showed his absolute boredom. He heard about this blacksmith named Wulfrin from a couple players in the starting town, who praised his products for their low price and for their reliability. Onkei appreciates cheap products, as he seems to value virtual money in the Death Game just as much as he valued money in real life before the incident. As he looked around, he could sense that the products on the racks were of good quality: for a moment he thought that the rumours he heard in Floor 1 were false and that he was going to be fleeced, and actually considered just leaving the smithy without saying anything, but his curiosity won over him. "You sure got some good stuff here, pal."
Once he made his mind regarding what he was going to ask for, Onkei started describing his ideal product: "As you can see, I have nothing on me, not even light armor; I'd like a good pair of knuckledusters that can increase my damage output: swinging swords ain't my thing. Unless you want to make them pink for some reason, I don't really care about their design, just make sure they hit hard. Oh, also please make me a breastplate, I'd rather not get my heart pierced."

Looking to purchase:
DPS Package (500 COL)

Item Name: Adamo
Item Type: Light Armor
Item Tier: 1
Item Quality: Perfect
Item Description: A pretty normal breastplate. The name "Adamo" refers to Adam, the first human created by God.
Requested Enhancements: Recovery 2, Mitigation 1

Item Name: Limbo
Item Type: Martial Arts Weapon
Item Tier: 1
Item Quality: Perfect
Item Description: A simple pair of metal brass knuckles. Their name "Limbo", taken from the first circle of Hell in Dante's Divine Comedy, represents them being the first of Onkei's weapons.
Requested Enhancements: Damage 3

"You must be new then," Wulfrin said as he set aside his current project. "I mean to say you must be new to the combat scene."

Wulfrin took a look at the new player's order. They were purchasing one of his upgraded kits. That meant his spreading around of the info was reaching important ears. Some minor adjustments were made by this new player, but they weren't outrageous. Truthfully they were always meant to be more inspiration than anything. They also served as a nice transition to later game mechanics.

"A pink sword is doable I suppose," Wulfrin smirked. "But I think you made the right choice give me just a sec. Shouldn't take long though grab a seat and I'll come grab you when I'm done."

Wulfrin made his way back to his forge where he had to shoo off an eagle of red and gold plumage. Solaris, his phoenix familiar always preferred to roost in the flames. For about an hour or two Wulfrin slaved away at his fire and anvil. A few curses could be heard under his breath. It seemed today was not a good day for crafting, but despite the trouble he seemed to go through, Wulfrin placed the finished order on the counter.

"The system didn't seem to want to help me succeed today," Wulfrin sighed. "But I've never let it stop me before. Let's go over these items. As requested, your brass knuckles have been built to maximize your damage each swing. The breastplate has a small amount of damage reduction, but mostly serves to help you regain energy faster. I will note that unless you've beaten Breaking the Unbreakable on Floor 2, you won't get the full benefit from the knuckles. It can be a slog if you go alone. I don't mind tagging along if you need a hand. That is of course assuming you haven't already completed it."

* * *

Order Ready For Pick Up.

Limbo | T1 Perfect Martial Arts Weapon | ID [222974] | DMG III
Desc. A simple pair of metal brass knuckles. Their name "Limbo", taken from the first circle of Hell in Dante's Divine Comedy, represents them being the first of Onkei's weapons. Stamped on the inside is the signet of Sentinel Armaments.

Adamo | T1 Perfect Light Armor | ID [222971] | REC II | MIT I
Desc. A pretty normal breastplate. The name "Adamo" refers to Adam, the first human created by God. Stamped ion the inside its the signet for Sentinel Armaments

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  • 2 months later...

Standing on the outskirts of the Forest of Memories, Freyd's stern gaze pierced the distant foliage with a jumbled mixture of emotion.  He'd fought too many enemies in those woods, and too many friends.  Firm Anima's guild hall lay within its bounds, yet he found himself there less frequently these days.  Too many tasks required him to remain active in the field, or carving out a path for the front lines.  He'd never truly envisioned himself as the tip of the spear in such things, but fate could be a fickle bitch.  He should know, having met her in person more than a few times.

The gentle rap of pommel against timber announced his arrive, the gift wrapped and sealed within its scabbard to prevent anyone else from tainting its initial use.  That right and privilege was reserved for its new owner, when he was ready.  Clearing his throat, the Whisper emerged from long shadows clouding the threshold between forest and forge to stand awkwardly in the light.  Wulfrin had proven resourceful, and true: a good egg.  They needed more of those.

"I brought you something," he added, plainly spoken and straight to the point. "For when you're ready.  I trust that its craftsmanship will meet with your professional standards," nudging to their surroundings with his gaze.  "It looks as though you've been making excellent progress.  Consider this a gift for your efforts, and an invitation.  When you're ready to wield it, there will be a place waiting for you on the front lines.  We're going to need you."

Gently laying the weapon on a nearby worktable, Freyd nodded curtly, yet respectfully, and made his exit without another word.


Freyd gives @Wulfrin:

Icingdeath +4 | T4 Demonic Weapon (SS) | Frostbite | AA | Freeze 2
Fusion ID: 223477
Description: The blade of this longsword is made of silver with a diamond edge. Its blackened metallic hilt is bound with a light blue almost white leather wrapping. Its pommel resembles that of a white dragon’s head crest. Rumor has it that the blade itself was forged from parts of such a dragon, but none can confirm it.
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19579-freyds-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=681155

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  • 4 weeks later...

DATE: [7/19/24]
RANK 7 BLACKSMITH | [EXP: 662/1279] | Daily Crafting Attempts: 8 

Ambition Tool +1 EXP per craft
Basic Workshop +2 EXP per craft

Crafting Tier 1 [Polearm]s:
ID: 223525 | CD: 5 | Salvage | LD: 13 | Material Saved
ID: 223526 | CD: 4 | Salvage | LD: 4 | Material Lost
ID: 223527 | CD: 2 | Fail | Material Lost
ID: 223528 | CD: 9 | Success | Rare
ID: 223529 | CD: 11 | Success | Rare
ID: 223530 | CD: 10 | Success | Rare
ID: 223531 | CD:  10 | Success | Rare
ID: 223532 | CD: 10 | Success | Rare

RESULT: +54 XP (2+2+1+5+5+5+5+5+24) | [EXP: 716/1279]
-7 materials | sent to banker

New Items:

T1 Rare Polearms
IDs: [223528] [223529] [223530] [223532] [223532]

* * *

The work started early, as is typical for the blacksmith that resided in the woods of floor 22. Most days the work was simple crafts, nothing substantial enough to add points to his experience gauge, for the NPCs. Today was a bit different, as Wulfrin had the urge to craft some new blades. The few trips he had made to the Town of Beginnings lately had all seen more newbies leaving on their own adventures for the first time, most of which were accompanied by some of the higher level players, but some still dared to face their grim reality alone. Today his task was to create some new low tier polearms to help build a back stock. Eventually he had the goal of having some blank items waiting in his storage of each weapon type for finalization when a player took him up on his new starter kits.

Solaris was shooed from his favorite roosting spot within the forge's fires as Wulfrin set to work. Just as he was about to strike the first blank into creation, he heard the sound of a muffled voice clearing their throat. The shock cause Wulfrin to botch his first attempt, but there were still plenty more to come. He turned his attention to the voice, to find The Whisper himself having materialized seemingly form nowhere. A neat trick in Wulfrin's eyes, but also one that never failed to catch him off guard.

"I'll be sure to put it to good use." Wulfrin smiled as he examined the blade on the counter. By the time he looked up again, The Whisper had vanished once again. "Thanks for stopping by Freyd." Wulfrin signed into the ether.

Wulfrin hefted the sheathed blade off the counter. It was heavy, too heavy in fact, it was all Wulfrin could do to move it out of the way of his current design plans. An examination of the weapon revealed the intent of the gift even more so than the offer to join the frontlines from his longest running mentor. This blade was intended to be his primary once he hit the fourth tier, which wasn't too far off. Freyd must be checking my progress via the friends list, he thought to himself. The blade was more ice themed than Wulfrin's current loadout, but from a number crunching standpoint, a more effective set up than his current one. His Tech specialization would bring the benefits of the Fire Based attacks and the blade would bring a more frigid damage angle. The poem Fire and Ice by Robert Frost finally came to his mind from way long ago. Perhaps he could lean into that a bit more.

New item safely stowed away in his inventory, Wulfrin returned to his crafting for the day. It took a bit to get back in rhythm, but once he was there the new weapon blanks were ready to become new gear for some new player looking for an edge in the early game.

* * *

Wulfrin receives from Freyd:

Icingdeath +4 | T4 Demonic Weapon (SS) | Frostbite | AA | Freeze 2
Fusion ID: 223477
Description: The blade of this longsword is made of silver with a diamond edge. Its blackened metallic hilt is bound with a light blue almost white leather wrapping. Its pommel resembles that of a white dragon’s head crest. Rumor has it that the blade itself was forged from parts of such a dragon, but none can confirm it.
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19579-freyds-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=681155

Edited by Wulfrin
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  • 2 weeks later...

Floor 22 was uncharted territory for Euled. He'd heard getting to the town was easy enough, without any monster run ins. The sword that he had gotten way back at the Town of Beginnings was good, but it felt weak compared to some of the players he'd battled enemies with. Soon, Euled was craving an upgrade. Perusing the town, a smithery caught his eye, one by the name of Sentinel Armaments. It looked good enough, so he decided to enter, his fluffy black coat draped over his shoulders. It looked like a normal smithery like one you would see from an RPG. Armor sets and swords were strewn around, but Euled decided to go up to the young man managing everything.

"Yo. I'd like to place a custom order."

From his pocket he pulled out a scrap bit of paper with all the details.

Item Name: Accruer

Item Type: One Handed Straight Sword 

Item Tier: 1

Item Quality: Perfect 

Draft Item Description: A longsword with a black blade. Adorned on the hilt is a little triangle shaped indent with a simple looking grey handle. Average weight with good reach.

Requested Enhancements: DMG III

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"Alright," Wulfrin replied placing his current project to the side. "Let's see what we're working with."

Wulfrin carefully studied the specifications of the player's request. They were hastily written, but detailed enough he could get the gist. The crumpled paper wasn't helping much to the readability either.

"I believe I might have this pretty much ready to go already. Grab a seat on that bench over there. It shouldn't be too terribly long."

Wulfrin was clever about his waiting area. It had a fantastic view of the nearby fishing pond for those who wanted to experience the tranquility of Floor 22 or you could face the other direction and have a clear view of the entirety of the forging area. Often times Wulfrin performed demos to new players wanting to learn some craft skills, but maybe hadn't decided which one to go with. He thumbed through some weapon racks until he retrieved two very crude straight swords and used them to shoo a red and gold eagle from the flames of his forge. Solaris, his familiar, never could stay away form the forge for long. After a few minutes the two blanks were made into one pristine blade. Using the still hot flames, Wulfrin pulled a brand out of the fire and pressed it into the leather of the hilt.

"Here you are. " Wulfrin announced calling attention back to the sales counter. "Cost will be either 500 Col or 5 Materials. Normally I take the payment up front, but I had the pieces in stock so it wasn't a big deal. I hope it meets your expectations, and don't forget to stop by again if you need arms or armor."

* * *

Ready for Pickup

Accruer | Fusion ID: [223653] | T1 Perfect Straight Sword
Enhancements: DMG III
Desc. A longsword with a black blade. Adorned on the hilt is a little triangle shaped indent with a simple looking grey handle. Average weight with good reach. Stamped into the leather just below the cross guard is a phoenix with it's wings splayed out in flight, the signature of Sentinel Armaments.

Edited by Wulfrin
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Floor 22 was a lot more calm and peaceful than he thought. Euled took a seat at the place he had been instructed to wait at, taking a minute to survey the views. This was a smart waiting spot; he could see the forging process and a pond nearby. Eventually, the crafting process had been completed. Standing up, he walked over to Wulfrin, rummaging around and grabbing a few materials to pay, putting it in the blacksmith's hands.


Euled took the blade in his hands: it had a nice feel to it and a simple yet sleek look.


Accruer | Fusion ID: [223653] | T1 Perfect Straight Sword

Enhancements: DMG III

Desc. A longsword with a black blade. Adorned on the hilt is a little triangle shaped indent with a simple looking grey handle. Average weight with good reach. Stamped into the leather just below the cross guard is a phoenix with it's wings splayed out in flight, the signature of Sentinel Armaments.

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His next stop was Floor Twenty-two. His grocery shopping was slower than anticipated, with many stops and interruptions along the way. It was his fault, of course. He simply couldn't stay away from the goods.

He wandered into a blacksmith he'd never seen before. "How long's this place been here?" Kingsley muttered to himself.

The man at the front counter was a stranger to him. He was young and clad in red. "Hello there, young man. Am I correct to assume that you are the owner of this establishment?"

"If you'd be so kind to help an old man, I am in the market for a new walking stick."

He held up his current cane to show off the damage. Sharp chunks were missing, like an animal had clawed at it. "Everyday wear-and-tear, really."


Order Form


Item Name: Herding Wolf
Item Type: Polearm
Item Tier: T1
Item Quality: Perfect
Draft Item Description: A short wooden staff. Silver is used for the handle, and formed to look like the head of a wolf.
Requested Enhancements: DMG II, PAR I


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"I think I can manage that," Wulfrin said with a smile, setting aside a current project. "It'll be 500 col or 5 materials once I'm all wrapped up. Feel free to wait over there. Great view of the pond over there or the forging process. Take your pick. It'll just be a few minutes."

Wulfrin turned to his trunks of unused items that he uses for fusing. He had an assortment of unidentified polearms already in stock so it truly wouldn't take long at all. It was maybe five minutes before Wulfrin returned to the counter with the completed item in tow.

"Here you are sir," Wulfrin smiled presented the walking stick to his patron. "I hope it meets your expectations. Come back anytime."

* * *

Ready for pick up

Herding Wolf | T1 Perfect Polearm | Fusion ID: [223747]
Enhancements: DMG II, PAR I
Description: A short wooden staff. Silver is used for the handle, and formed to look like the head of a wolf. Branded into the wooden handle below the figure head is the phoenix signet of Sentinel Armaments.

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"Thank you, thank you."

He took up Wulfrin's offer and waited by the pond, watching the serene, still water. There was a slight breeze, and the occasional fish could be spotted poking out from the pond. After some time, Wulfrin returned with his walking stick. It was more beautiful than Kingsley could have imagined.

"Ah, yes. Very nice. The wolf's head is magnificent. Thank you again, sir," he grinned ear to ear, paying Wulfrin the 500 col he was owed.

Then, he bid the man farewell, wandering off to Floor Twenty-eight, where he would return to his busy tea shop.

+1 Herding Wolf

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DATE: [8/2/24]
RANK 7 BLACKSMITH | [EXP: 716/1279] | Daily Crafting Attempts: 8 

Ambition Tool +1 EXP per craft
Basic Workshop +2 EXP per craft

Crafting Tier 3 [Shield]s:
ID: 223882 | CD: 2 | Fail | Material Lost
ID: 223883 | CD: 12 | Success | Perfect

Crafting Tier 1 [Light Armor]s
ID: 223884 | CD: 5 | Success | Uncommon
ID: 223885 | CD: 12 | Success | Perfect
ID: 223886 | CD: 6 | Success | Uncommon
ID: 223887 | CD: 6 | Success | Uncommon
ID: 223888 | CD:  9 | Success | Rare
ID: 223889 | CD: 5 | Success | Uncommon

RESULT: +55 XP (1+8+3+8+3+3+5+3+24) | [EXP: 771/1279]
-8 materials | sent to banker

New Items:

T3 Perfect Shield
ID: [223883]

T1 Uncommon LAs
IDs: [223884] [223886] [223887] [223889]

T1 Rare LA
ID: [223888]

T1 Perfect LA
ID: [223889]

Edited by Wulfrin
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