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[PP-F26] Dead in the Sky | <<BW: Mid Air Madness>>

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"Left it is then," Morningstar agreed.

Left happened to be the direction the footsteps were coming from. They turned the corridor, running face first into a trio of Skyrat Raiders. Each one held an old, rusty dagger, and grinned menacingly at the sight of the rushing players.

"Lookie here laddies," the middle pirate said to the others, "we've got ourselves a couple of-"

He was interrupted by a swift punch to the jaw and crumbled to the ground. The pirates stared down at their comrade, sprawled out and holding his face. Each one was stunned by shock, looking back and forth between the punched and the punchee. Morningstar rubbed his fist. He thought it should have hurt more, but that was the plus side of being in a video game.

The fallen pirate stared up at the others as if they were both idiots. "Don't just stand there! Get 'em!"


Note: Removing Skyrat Raider 9 as quest specifies that a total of 8 are available to be found

Morningstar | HP: 720/720 | EN: 90/110 | DMG: 26 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 4 | BH: 39 | LD: 5 (6) | REC: 4 | FB: 40 | BLD: 48 | +8 EN -1 EN
Nari-Lanreth | Lv. 33 | HP [918/940] | EN [102/106] | ACC [4] | DMG [9] | MIT [179] | F.AURA [16 DMG] B.Healing [+51] | STEALTH [-5] |  FRSTBT [40 DMG | -1 ACC] | THORNS [72] | PARA [8+] | HM [+4 B.DMG] | +4 EN +51 HP
[0,0] Skyrat Raider 6 | HP: 500/500 | DMG: 250 | MIT: 50 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 2
[0,0] Skyrat Raider 7 | HP: 500/500 | DMG: 250 | MIT: 50 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 2
[0,0] Skyrat Raider 8 | HP: 500/500 | DMG: 250 | MIT: 50 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 2
Poisoned Blade | On MD 9-10, apply Toxic Venom 30 to the target for 3 turns.  If already active, the effect refreshes.
Blood Frenzy | While subject to any DoT effects, a Skyrat Pirate gains +2 ACC, +1 EVA and -20 MIT. 
Sordid Sea Chanty | Skyrat Raiders sing an unbearably bad rendition of a popular Galtean sailor’s tune as they fight. Players suffer -2 ACC on their first attack against any individual Skyrat Raider and cannot score a critical hit on that attack. All other skills and enhancement effects based on dice results trigger normally.

ID225960 | CD: 9 | Recovery | Successful
ID225961 | BD: 4+4-4=6 | Miss
ID225962 | BD: 4+4-4=6 | Miss

ID225963 | BD: 1 | crit miss


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They came around the two of them, taunting the players and goading them into a fight. One which Star was clearly more than happy to provide. Before Nari could say anything to stop him, the man's fist had slammed into the closest of the pirates - knocking the pirate to the floor, and leaving the trio before them confused and befuddled. Nari barely managed to break the confusion herself, staring at the entire scene playing out before her, only belatedly remembering that they were facing down a collection of pirates on an exploding ship.

"Well, that settles it." She said as she launched herself into motion, her weapon coming up and stabbing out at each of the trio, hoping to stun them into place long enough for Star to work up his more deadly attacks. Even as she was moving, her words continued, a plethora of curses and comments about their current situation. "This whole fucking trip sucks. I want nothing more than. To never step onto another fucking. Airship. Ever. A. Fucking. Gain."



Morningstar | HP: 720/720 | EN: 90/110 | DMG: 26 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 4 | BH: 39 | LD: 5 (6) | REC: 4 | FB: 40 | BLD: 48
Nari-Lanreth | Lv. 33 | HP [940/940] | EN [91/106] | ACC [4] | DMG [9] | MIT [179] | F.AURA [16 DMG] B.Healing [+51] | STEALTH [-5] |  FRSTBT [40 DMG | -1 ACC] | THORNS [72] | PARA [8+] | HM [+4 B.DMG] | +4 EN +51 HP -15 EN
[0,0] Skyrat Raider 6 | HP: 430/500 | DMG: 250 | MIT: 50 30 | ACC: 2 3 | EVA: 2 0 | Frostbite [40 DM | -1 ACC | 0/2] | Stunned | Blood Frenzy
[0,0] Skyrat Raider 7 | HP: 442/500 | DMG: 250 | MIT: 50 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 2 0 | Stunned
[0,0] Skyrat Raider 8 | HP: 430/500 | DMG: 250 | MIT: 50 30 | ACC: 2 3 | EVA: 2 0 | Frostbite [40 DM | -1 ACC | 0/2] | Stunned | Blood Frenzy
Poisoned Blade | On MD 9-10, apply Toxic Venom 30 to the target for 3 turns.  If already active, the effect refreshes.
Blood Frenzy | While subject to any DoT effects, a Skyrat Pirate gains +2 ACC, +1 EVA and -20 MIT. 
Sordid Sea Chanty | Skyrat Raiders sing an unbearably bad rendition of a popular Galtean sailor’s tune as they fight. Players suffer -2 ACC on their first attack against any individual Skyrat Raider and cannot score a critical hit on that attack. All other skills and enhancement effects based on dice results trigger normally.

ID226045 | BD: 9+4-2=11 | <<Tech-F vs. Skyrat Raider 6>> | Minor Critical Hit: [(9+1)x12-50] = 70 damage | Frostbite [40 DM | -1 ACC | 0/2]Stunned
ID226046 | BD: 5+4-2=7 | <<Tech-F vs. Skyrat Raider 7>> | Hit: [9x12-50] = 58 damage | Stunned
ID226047 | BD: 9+4-2=11 | <<Tech-F vs. Skyrat Raider 8>> | Minor Critical Hit: [(9+1)x12-50] = 70 damage | Frostbite [40 DM | -1 ACC | 0/2]Stunned

Edited by Nari-Lanreth
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Nari successfully stunned the trio of pirates, allowing Morningstar to get in some free hits. He slashed at them relentlessly, his blade a blur of silver as it cut through the dim, smoke-filled air. Each pirate recoiled under the force of his strikes, their grins of bravado fading into grimaces of pain. But the respite was brief—too brief. As the stun began to wear off, the pirates shook themselves free, their eyes narrowing with renewed focus as they readied their knives, gleaming wickedly in the flickering light.

"Yeah, I'm with you. No more airships. No more pirates. I'm retiring," Morningstar muttered, his voice laced with exhaustion. He didn't take his eyes off the pirates, his grip tightening on his sword.

The ship swayed violently beneath their feet, groaning as its structural integrity continued to fail. The hull was now on the verge of collapse. Metal beams creaked ominously overhead, and the deck was littered with debris—splintered planks, broken crates, and loose cables sparking with electricity. Steam hissed from ruptured pipes, clouding the air with scalding vapor that obscured their vision and burned their skin.

They didn’t have much longer. The ship was a ticking time bomb, deteriorating with every passing second. Morningstar could hear the ominous rumble deep within the bowels of the vessel, the unmistakable sound of the engines reaching their breaking point. They were running out of time—fast.


Morningstar | HP: 720/720 | EN: 81/110 | DMG: 26 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 4 | BH: 39 | LD: 5 (6) | REC: 4 | FB: 40 | BLD: 48 | +4 EN -13 EN
Nari-Lanreth | Lv. 33 | HP [940/940] | EN [91/106] | ACC [4] | DMG [9] | MIT [179] | F.AURA [16 DMG] B.Healing [+51] | STEALTH [-5] |  FRSTBT [40 DMG | -1 ACC] | THORNS [72] | PARA [8+] | HM [+4 B.DMG]
[1,3] Skyrat Raider 6 | HP168/500 | DMG: 250 | MIT: 50 30 | ACC: 2 3 | EVA: 2 0 | Frostbite [40 DM | -1 ACC | 0/2] | Stunned | Blood Frenzy
[1,2] Skyrat Raider 7 | HP180/500 | DMG: 250 | MIT: 50 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 2 0 | Stunned
[1,3] Skyrat Raider 8 | HP: 136/500 | DMG: 250 | MIT: 50 30 | ACC: 2 3 | EVA: 2 0 | Frostbite [40 DM | -1 ACC | 0/2] | Bleed [48 DM | 0/3] | Stunned | Blood Frenzy
Poisoned Blade | On MD 9-10, apply Toxic Venom 30 to the target for 3 turns.  If already active, the effect refreshes.
Blood Frenzy | While subject to any DoT effects, a Skyrat Pirate gains +2 ACC, +1 EVA and -20 MIT. 
Sordid Sea Chanty | Skyrat Raiders sing an unbearably bad rendition of a popular Galtean sailor’s tune as they fight. Players suffer -2 ACC on their first attack against any individual Skyrat Raider and cannot score a critical hit on that attack. All other skills and enhancement effects based on dice results trigger normally.

ID226048 | BD: 3+4=7 | <<Tech-F vs. Skyrat Raider 6>> | Hit: [26x12-50] = 262 damage
ID226049 | BD: 2+4=6 | <<Tech-F vs. Skyrat Raider 7>> | Hit: [26x12-50] = 262 damage
ID226050 | BD: 9+4=13 | <<Tech-F vs. Skyrat Raider 8>> | Minor Critical Hit: [(26+1)x12-30] = 294 damage | Bleed [48 DM | 0/3]


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