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[F22 | R5 Cook] Fondante's Inferno | Open

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DATE: [04/18/24]
Rank 5 Cook | [EXP: 186/319] | Daily Crafting Attempts: 6

(KitchenAid Mixer) (AT)=Ambition Tool +1 EXP per craft

Crafting T1 Snacks:
ID: 222853 | CD: 2 | LD: 11 (Fail. Materials Lost.)
ID: 222854 | CD: 10 | LD: 1 (Success. Rare snack. No additional snack.)
ID: 222855 | CD: 3 | LD: 6 (Salvage. Materials Lost.)
ID: 222856 | CD: 9 | LD: 20 (Success. Uncommon snack. 2 Additional snacks.)
ID: 222857 | CD: 10 | LD: 7 (Success. Rare snack. No additional snack.)
ID: 222858 | CD: 2 | LD: 4 (Fail. Materials Lost.)

RESULT: -6 Mats (Sent to Banker)
EXP: = 6 (AT) + 1 (Fail) + 5 (Rare) + 2 (Salvage) + 3 (Uncommon) + 5 (Rare) + 1 (Fail) = 23 EXP

New Items:
T1 Rare Snack: 222854
T1 Uncommon Snack: 222856
T1 Uncommon Snack: 222856-1
T1 Uncommon Snack: 222856-2
T1 Rare Snack: 222858

After Crafting Attempts:
Rank 5 Cook | [EXP: 209/319] (186+23)


Edited by KnightessCiela
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DATE: [05/7/24]
Rank 5 Cook | [EXP: 209/319] | Daily Crafting Attempts: 6*2 = 12 total

(KitchenAid Mixer) (AT)=Ambition Tool +1 EXP per craft
Crafter's Respite [192100-3] +6 Crafting Attempts

Crafting T1 Snacks:

  1. | ID: 223222 | CD: 8 | LD: 1 | (Success. Uncommon. No additional)
  2. | ID: 223223 | CD: 8 | LD: 7 | (Success. Uncommon. No additional)
  3. | ID: 223224 | CD: 11 | LD: 11 | (Success. Rare. No additional)
  4. | ID: 223225 | CD: 11 | LD: 11 | (Success. Rare. No additional)
  5. | ID: 223226 | CD: 10 | LD: 16 | (Success. Rare. 1 additional)
  6. | ID: 223227 | CD: 7 | LD: 10 | (Success. Uncommon. No additional)
  7. | ID: 223228 | CD: 7 | LD: 2 | (Success. Uncommon. No additional)
  8. | ID: 223229 | CD: 10 | LD: 20 | (Success. Rare. 2 additional)
  9. | ID: 223230 | CD: 12 | LD: 14 | (Success. Perfect. No additional)
  10. | ID: 223231 | CD: 10 | LD: 6 | (Success. Rare. No additional)
  11. | ID: 223232 | CD: 12 | LD: 2 | (Success. Perfect. No additional)
  12. | ID: 223233 | CD: 4 | LD: 3 | (Salvage. Lose Materials)

RESULT: -12 Mats (Sent to Banker)
EXP: = 12 (AT) + 3 (Uncommon) + 3 (Uncommon) + 5 (Rare) + 5 (Rare) + 5 (Rare) + 3 (Uncommon) + 3 (Uncommon) + 5 (Rare) + 8 (Perfect) + 5 (Rare) + 8 (Perfect) + 2 (Salvage) = 67 EXP

[Exp breakdown: 12 (Ambition Tool); 12 (Uncommon); 25 (Rare); 16 (Perfect); 2 (Salvage]

New Items:

  1. T1 Uncommon Snack: 223222
  2. T1 Uncommon Snack: 223223
  3. T1 Rare Snack: 223224
  4. T1 Rare Snack: 223225
  5. T1 Rare Snack: 223226
    1. T1 Rare Snack: 223226-1
  6. T1 Uncommon Snack: 223227
  7. T1 Uncommon Snack: 223228
  8. T1 Rare Snack: 223229
    1. T1 Rare Snack: 223229-1
    2. T1 Rare Snack: 223229-2
  9. T1 Perfect Snack: 223230
  10. T1 Rare Snack: 223231
  11. T1 Perfect Snack: 223232

After Crafting Attempts:
Rank 5 Cook 
| [EXP: 276/319] (209+67)


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DATE: [05/8/24]
Rank 5 Cook | [EXP: 276/319] | Daily Crafting Attempts: 6*2 = 12 total

(KitchenAid Mixer) (AT)=Ambition Tool +1 EXP per craft
Crafter's Respite [192100-2] +6 Crafting Attempts

Crafting T1 Snacks:

  1. | ID: 223234 | CD: 5 | LD: 16 | (Salvage. Keep Materials)
  2. | ID: 223235 | CD: 10 | LD: 13 |  (Success. Rare. No additional)
  3. | ID: 223236 | CD: 11 | LD: 10 | (Success. Rare. No additional)
  4. | ID: 223237 | CD: 11 | LD: 19 | (Success. Rare. 2 additional)
  5. | ID: 223238 | CD: 9 | LD: 13 | (Success. Uncommon. No additional)
  6. | ID: 223239 | CD: 4 | LD: 19 | (Salvage. Keep Materials)
  7. | ID: 223240 | CD: 6 | LD: 11 | (Salvage. Keep Materials)
  8. | ID: 223241 | CD: 9 | LD: 18 | (Success. Uncommon. 1 additional)
  9. | ID: 223242 | CD: 10 | LD: 20 | (Success. Rare. 2 additional)
  10. | ID: 223243 | CD: 11 | LD: 12 | (Success. Rare. No additional)
  11. | ID: 223244 | CD: 6 | LD: 8 | (Salvage. Lost Materials)
  12. | ID: 223245 | CD: 3 | LD: 13 | (Salvage. Kept Materials)

RESULT: -8 Mats (Sent to Banker)
EXP: = 12 (AT) + 2 (Salvage) + 5 (Rare) + 5 (Rare) + 5 (Rare) + 3 (Uncommon) + 2 (Salvage) + 2 (Salvage) + 2 (Salvage) + 3 (Uncommon) + 5 (Rare) + 5 (Rare) + 2 (Salvage) + 2 (Salvage)  = 55 EXP

[Exp breakdown: 12 (Ambition Tool); 6 (Uncommon); 25 (Rare); 12 (Salvage]

New Items:

  1. T1 Rare Snack: 223235
  2. T1 Rare Snack: 223236
  3. T1 Rare Snack: 223237
    1. T1 Rare Snack: 223237-1
    2. T1 Rare Snack: 223237-2
  4. T1 Uncommon Snack: 223238
  5. T1 Uncommon Snack: 223241
    1. T1 Uncommon Snack: 223241-1
  6. T1 Rare Snack: 223242
    1. T1 Rare Snack: 223242-1
    2. T1 Rare Snack: 223242-2
  7. T1 Rare Snack: 223243

After Crafting Attempts:
Rank 6 Cook 
| [EXP: 331/639] (276+55)


Edited by KnightessCiela
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  • 2 months later...

It took a while, but she finished the batch of Honey cookies that was requested. Ciela always baked love into her creations. This order was the biggest she's gotten so far, but she enjoyed making it. She worried about making Nari wait for the cookies and hoped she'd partake in the refreshments she laid out in the dining area. Each simple honey cookie was golden brown on the bottom with a soft core. The addition of more honey made them sweeter, a delight for any sweet tooth. As a final touch, each cookie was adorned with a drizzle of honey in the shape of a heart, adding a touch of charm and care to every bite. Ciela packaged them in her signature Fondante's Inferno tin and brought them out to the counter. "Here you go! Sorry it took a minute."

* * *

Items ready for pickup:
[x20] Honey Cookies | T1 Rare Snack| Vitality II | ID: 221142, 222065, 222280, 222303, 222303-1, 222471, 222473, 222850, 222854, 222857, 223224, 223225, 223226, 223226-1, 223229, 223229-1, 223229-2, 223231, 223235, 223236
[desc.] A simple honey cookie, golden brown on the bottom with a soft core. More honey makes it sweeter. Each cookie has a drizzle of honey in the shape of a heart on it.

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The shop had been almost identical to how the message had described it. Not that Nymoria was shocked by this, at this point in time. Whomever the benefactor player was, they had taken a liking to the hard of hearing individual whom they continued to gift things towards. This time, it would appear a collection of sweets were awaiting her, supposedly paid for and being held in another's name. Quickly moving to the counter, she spotted a familiar face, her hands moving in greeting as she flushed slightly.

Hey, Ciela. I'm here to pick up an order for a...Nari? Supposedly she placed it a while ago, but she's not available to collect it now...she sent me a message to say I could come get them. This message. She pulled up her messaging system, spinning it around for the cook to see just in case she didn't believe Nymoria. It's not the first time she's given me stuff like this, it's...weird...

Nymoria collects the order of Honey Cookies {20} | Vitality II

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DATE: [08/11/24]
Rank 6 Cook | [EXP: 331/639] | Daily Crafting Attempts: 7*2 = 14 total

(KitchenAid Mixer) (AT)=Ambition Tool +1 EXP per craft
Crafter's Respite [192100-1] +7 Crafting Attempts

Crafting T4 Desserts:

  1. | ID: 225178 | CD: 12 | LD: 14 | (Success! Perfect. 1 additional.)
  2. | ID: 225179 | CD: 10 | LD: 11 | (Success! Rare. No additional.)
  3. | ID: 225180 | CD: 12 | LD: 19 | (Success! Perfect. 2 additional.)
  4. | ID: 225181 | CD: 4 | LD: 8 | (Salvage. Materials lost.)
  5. | ID: 225182 | CD: 11 | LD: 16 | (Success! Rare. 1 additional.)
  6. | ID: 225183 | CD: 7 | LD: 8 | (Success! Uncommon. No additional.)
  7. | ID: 225184 | CD: 4 | LD: 9 | (Salvage. Materials lost.)
  8. | ID: 225185 | CD: 11 | LD: 2 | (Success! Rare. No additional.)
  9. | ID: 225186 | CD: 9 | LD: 1 | (Success! Uncommon. No additional.)
  10. | ID: 225187 | CD: 8 | LD: 4 | (Success! Uncommon. No additional.)
  11. | ID: 225188 | CD: 12 | LD: 4 | (Success! Perfect. No additional.)
  12. | ID: 225189 | CD: 2 | LD: 19 | (Fail. Materials lost.)
  13. | ID: 225190 | CD: 3 | LD: 15 | (Salvage. Materials saved.)
  14. | ID: 225191 | CD: 4 | LD: 8 | (Salvage. Materials lost.)

RESULT: -13 Mats (Sent to Banker)
EXP: = 14 (AT) + 8 (Perfect) + 5 (Rare) + 8 (Perfect) + 2 (Salvage) + 5 (Rare) + 3  (Uncommon) + 2 (Salvage) + 5 (Rare) + 3  (Uncommon) + 3  (Uncommon) + 8 (Perfect) + 1 (Fail) + 2 (Salvage) + 2 (Salvage)= 71 EXP

[Exp breakdown: 14 (Ambition Tool); 24 (Perfect); 15 (Rare); 9 (Uncommon); 8 (Salvage); 1 (Fail)

New Items:

  1. T4 Perfect Dessert: 225178
    1. T4 Perfect Dessert: 225178-1
  2. T4 Rare Dessert: 225179
  3. T4 Perfect Dessert: 225180
    1. T4 Perfect Dessert: 225180-1
    2. T4 Perfect Dessert: 225180-2
  4. T4 Rare Dessert: 225182
    1. T4 Rare Dessert 225182-1
  5. T4 Uncommon Dessert: 225183
  6. T4 Rare Dessert: 225185
  7. T4 Uncommon Dessert: 225186
  8. T4 Uncommon Dessert: 225187
  9. T4 Perfect Dessert: 225188

After Crafting Attempts:
Rank 6 Cook 
| [EXP: 401/639] 


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It wasn't long after Ciela finished her last order that the mixer was finally done making Wulfrin's request. She pulled the cookie dough out the mixer and rolled the dough up into little balls. She put them in little cellophane wrappers and tied them shut with little bows. She met Wulfrin back at the counter and handed him the tin. "Here you go my love. I know how much you love cookie dough so I made some that can be baked if you ever want me to bake them for you." She placed a kiss on his cheek and fixed her display case.

* * *

Items ready for pickup:
[x6] Extra Chocolatey Chunky Cookie Dough Delights | T1 Perfect Snack | Prosperity III | IDs: 223230, 223232, 224756, 224757, 224758, 224759
Indulge in the delight of six extra chunky chocolate chip cookie dough balls, nestled within a charming pink tin adorned with an intricately crafted heart featuring the initials "FI" at its center, promising a sweet treat filled with love and flavor.

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Wulfrin recieved the notification that his order was ready just as he returned from his outing to Floor 3. On his way home he made sure to stop by his fiancé's little bakery to pick up another set of items.

"Glad to see you're making progress," Wulfrin complimented. "I hate to do this, but I'm going to need to place a much larger order this time. I've been getting pulled away more and more to help prepare for the raid and I think I might even be enlisted to fight, so I'm going to need every edge I can get. I don't have all the mats to cover it, but I hope col can help cover it. I'm even throwing in something for you now that you're tier 3."

Wulfrin placed the order slip on the counter with a sack of materials and a sack of col. Then he began to pull out a sword, shield, and new suit of armor and placed them on the counter as well.

"I tried to tailor them to tanking. You'll find most of your damage reduction comes from your skills now, and that means more room to play around with enhancements. Give this loadout a try and if you don't like it, we'll try something else. I'm just going to have to go grind some more lower monsters in between boss rushes."

* * *

Ordering the following:

6x T4 Perfect Mitigation 3 Deserts - 4800 col

6x Tierless Rare Evasion 2 Snacks - 6

6x Tierless Rare Accuracy 2 Snacks - 6

6x Tierless Perfect Overhealth 3 Meals - 18

6x Tierless Perfect Ambition Deserts - 12

Cost: 42 Mats and 4800 Col sent to Knightessciela on 8/9/24

Wulfrin Picks up the following:

[x6] Extra Chocolatey Chunky Cookie Dough Delights | T1 Perfect Snack | Prosperity III | IDs: 223230, 223232, 224756, 224757, 224758, 224759
Indulge in the delight of six extra chunky chocolate chip cookie dough balls, nestled within a charming pink tin adorned with an intricately crafted heart featuring the initials "FI" at its center, promising a sweet treat filled with love and flavor.

Wulfrin donates the following: 

Frightening Rosethorn| T3 Perfect Heavy Armor | ID: [220898]
Enhancements: Taunt | Thorns II
Desc: A suit of heavy plate armor decorated with images of roses on thorny vines. On the left Pauldron is the phoenix signet of Sentinel Armaments

Rejuvenating Kite Shield | T3 Perfect Shield | ID: [223883]
Enhancements: Recovery | Regen II
Desc: A shield designed to bolster it's user's health and energy regen. On the front is the phoenix signet of Sentinel Armaments

Defender's Longsword| T3 Perfect Straight Sword | ID: [220779]
Enhancements: ACC II | DMG I
Desc: A longsword designed to strike true. At the center of the cross guard is the phoenix signet of Sentinel Armaments

x5 Crafter's Respite | IDs: [192096], [192108], [192118-1], [192118-2], [192098-1]

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DATE: [08/17/24]
Rank 6 Cook | [EXP: 401/639] | Daily Crafting Attempts: 7*2 = 14 total

(KitchenAid Mixer) (AT)=Ambition Tool +1 EXP per craft
Crafter's Respite [192098-1] +7 Crafting Attempts

Crafting T4 Desserts:

  1. | ID: 226847 | CD: 6 | LD: 13 | (Success! Uncommon. 1 Additional.)
  2. | ID: 226848 | CD: 7 | LD: 18 | (Success! Uncommon. 2 Additional.)
  3. | ID: 226849 | CD: 7 | LD: 14 | (Success! Uncommon. 1 Additional.)
  4. | ID: 226850 | CD: 12 | LD: 20 | (Success! Perfect. 2 Additional.)
  5. | ID: 226851 | CD: 2 | LD: 16 | (Fail. Materials lost.)
  6. | ID: 226852 | CD: 2 | LD: 17 | (Fail. Materials lost.)
  7. | ID: 226853 | CD: 6 | LD: 5 | (Success! Uncommon. No additional.)
  8. | ID: 226854 | CD: 12 | LD: 4 | (Success! Perfect. No additional.)
  9. | ID: 226855 | CD: 12 | LD: 3 | (Success! Perfect. No additional.)
  10. | ID: 226856 | CD: 10 | LD: 12 | (Success! Rare. No additional.)
  11. | ID: 226857 | CD: 1 | LD: 5 | (Critical fail. Materials lost.)
  12. | ID: 226858 | CD: 2 | LD: 5 | (Fail. Materials lost.)
  13. | ID: 226859 | CD: 4 | LD: 3 | (Salvage. Materials lost.)
  14. | ID: 226860 | CD: 9 | LD: 7 | (Success! Uncommon. No additional.)

RESULT: -14 Mats (Sent to Banker)
EXP: = 14 (AT) + 3 (Uncommon) + 3 (Uncommon) + 3 (Uncommon) + 8 (Perfect) + 1 (Fail) + 1 (Fail) + 3 (Uncommon) + 8 (Perfect) + 8 (Perfect) + 5 (Rare) + 1 (Fail) + 1 (Fail) + 2 (Salvage) + 3 (Uncommon) = 52 EXP

[Exp breakdown: 14 (Ambition Tool); 24 (Perfect); 5 (Rare); 3 (Uncommon); 2 (Salvage); 4 (Fail)]

New Items:

  1. T4 Uncommon Dessert: 226847
    1. T4 Uncommon Dessert: 226847-1
  2. T4 Uncommon Dessert: 226848
    1. T4 Uncommon Dessert: 226848-1
    2. T4 Uncommon Dessert: 226848-2
  3. T4 Uncommon Dessert: 226849
    1. T4 Uncommon Dessert: 226849-1
  4. T4 Perfect Dessert: 226850
    1. T4 Perfect Dessert: 226850-1
    2. T4 Perfect Dessert: 226850-2
  5. T4 Uncommon Dessert: 226853
  6. T4 Perfect Dessert: 226854
  7. T4 Perfect Dessert: 226855
  8. T4 Rare Dessert: 226556
  9. T4 Uncommon Dessert: 226860

After Crafting Attempts:
Rank 6 Cook 
| [EXP: 453/639] 


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DATE: [11/10/24]
Rank 6 Cook | [EXP: 453/639] | Daily Crafting Attempts: 7

(KitchenAid Mixer) (AT)=Ambition Tool +1 EXP per craft

Crafting T1 Desserts:

  1. | ID: 237380 | CD: 3 | LD: 14 | (Salvage. Materials saved.)
  2. | ID: 237381 | CD: 7 | LD: 20 | (Success! Uncommon. 2 Additional.)
  3. | ID: 237382 | CD: 3 | LD: 15 | (Salvage. Materials saved.)
  4. | ID: 237383 | CD: 4 | LD: 19 | (Salvage. Materials saved.)
  5. | ID: 237384 | CD: 9 | LD: 8 | (Success! Uncommon. No additional.)
  6. | ID: 237385 | CD: 7 | LD: 1 | (Success! Uncommon. No additional.)
  7. | ID: 237386 | CD: 12 | LD: 9 | (Success! Perfect. No additional.)

RESULT: -4 Mats (Sent to Banker)
EXP: = 7 (AT) + 2 (Salvage) + 3 (Uncommon) + 2 (Salvage) + 2 (Salvage) + 3 (Uncommon) + 3 (Uncommon) + 8 (Perfect) = 30 EXP

[Exp breakdown: 7 (Ambition Tool); 8 (Perfect); 0 (Rare); 9 (Uncommon); 6 (Salvage); 0 (Fail)]

New Items:

  1. T1 Uncommon Dessert: 237381
    1. T1 Uncommon Dessert: 237381-1
    2. T1 Uncommon Dessert: 237381-2
  2. T1 Uncommon Dessert: 237384
  3. T1 Uncommon Dessert: 237385
  4. T1 Perfect Dessert: 237386

After Crafting Attempts:
Rank 6 Cook 
| [EXP: 483/639] 



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 Empty Crafting Log


DATE: [xx/xx/xx]
Rank x Cook | [EXP: xxx/xxx] | Daily Crafting Attempts: x

(KitchenAid Mixer) (AT)=Ambition Tool +1 EXP per craft
Crafter's Respite [x] + x Crafting Attempts

Extended Workshop +2 Crafting EXP per attempt & +1 Crafting Attempt per day

Crafting T4 Desserts:

  1. | ID: | CD: | LD: | (Blank.)
  2. | ID: | CD: | LD: | (Blank.)
  3. | ID: | CD: | LD: | (Blank.)
  4. | ID: | CD: | LD: | (Blank.)
  5. | ID: | CD: | LD: | (Blank.)
  6. | ID: | CD: | LD: | (Blank.)
  7. | ID: | CD: | LD: | (Blank.)
  8. | ID: | CD: | LD: | (Blank.)
  9. | ID: | CD: | LD: | (Blank.)
  10. | ID: | CD: | LD: | (Blank.)
  11. | ID: | CD: | LD: | (Blank.)
  12. | ID: | CD: | LD: | (Blank.)
  13. | ID: | CD: | LD: | (Blank.)
  14. | ID: | CD: | LD: | (Blank.)

RESULT: -x Mats (Sent to Banker)
EXP: = x (AT) + x  = x EXP

[Exp breakdown: x (Ambition Tool); x (Perfect); x (Rare); x (Uncommon); x (Salvage); x (Fail)]

New Items:

  1. x

After Crafting Attempts:
Rank x Cook 
| [EXP: xxx/xxx] 


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  • 2 months later...

DATE: [11/14/24]
Rank 6 Cook | [EXP: 483/639] | Daily Crafting Attempts: 7

(KitchenAid Mixer) (AT)=Ambition Tool +1 EXP per craft
Crafter's Respite [Vanilla Extract [225490]] + 7 Crafting Attempts

Crafting T1 Desserts:

  1. | ID: 237652 | CD: 5 | LD: 17 | (Success! Salvage. Materials saved.)
  2. | ID: 237653 | CD: 5 | LD: 10 | (Success! Salvage. Materials lost.)
  3. | ID: 237654 | CD: 9 | LD: 15 | (Success! Uncommon. 1 Additional.)
  4. | ID: 237655 | CD: 1 | LD: 7 | (Critical failure. Materials lost.)
  5. | ID: 237656 | CD: 4 | LD: 5 | (Fail. Materials lost.)
  6. | ID: 237657 | CD: 2 | LD: 6 | (Fail. Materials lost.)
  7. | ID: 237658 | CD: 9 | LD: 13 | (Success! Uncommon. 1 additional.)
  8. | ID: 237671 | CD: 9 | LD: 18 | (Success! Uncommon. 2 additional.)
  9. | ID: 237672 | CD: 3 | LD: 7 | (Salvage. Materials lost.)
  10. | ID: 237673 | CD: 5 | LD: 3 | (Salvage. Materials lost.)
  11. | ID: 237674 | CD: 2 | LD: 14 | (Fail. Materials lost.)
  12. | ID: 237675 | CD: 5 | LD: 12 | (Salvage. Materials saved.)
  13. | ID: 237676 | CD: 9 | LD: 15 | (Success! Uncommon. 1 additional.)
  14. | ID: 237677 | CD: 7 | LD: 16 | (Success! Uncommon. 1 additional.)

RESULT: -12 Mats (Sent to Banker)
EXP: = 7 (AT) + x  = 36 EXP

[Exp breakdown: 7 (Ambition Tool); 0 (Perfect); 0 (Rare); 15 (Uncommon); 10 (Salvage); 4 (Fail)]

New Items:

  1. T1 Uncommon Dessert: 237654
    1. T1 Uncommon Dessert: 237654-1
  2. T1 Uncommon Dessert: 237658
    1. T1 Uncommon Dessert: 237658-1
  3. T1 Uncommon Dessert: 237671
    1. T1 Uncommon Dessert: 237671-1
    2. T1 Uncommon Dessert: 237671-2
  4. T1 Uncommon Dessert: 237676
    1. T1 Uncommon Dessert: 237676-1
  5. T1 Uncommon Dessert: 237677
    1. T1 Uncommon Dessert: 237677-1

After Crafting Attempts:
Rank 6 Cook 
| [EXP: 519/639] 


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Astra walked into Fondante's Inferno, sitting quietly on the serene and lush floor 22. Immediately the sensational aroma of sweets and treats filled his nostrils and brought him into some sort of food heaven. He had heard of this shop before, because the owner and the cook extraordinaire was Ciela, who happened to be married to Wulfrin, who happened to be teaching Astra the ropes of SAO

He took in the sights of the adorned walls, and the rustic comforting feeling of the shop. This was a place to buy goods, but it also felt like another home. He hadn't officially met Ciela yet, but the shop decor and vibe gave him just enough of an idea to the type of person she was. 

As he approached the counter, he began to speak: "Hi! Ciela, right? We haven't met officially before, but I've seen you as you brought treats into the orphanage in the Town of Beginning's. It's nice to meet you!" He raised his hand to wave, and offered a kind smile. 

"I've heard a lot of good things about your work. I'm actually looking to purchase two LD +3 treats, if you have any available."

He was looking to have some tasty snacks to help him in his endeavors, and this was the perfect place to be it seemed. 


Astra requests 2x LD 3+ desserts 

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Ciela spun through the bakery with the energy of a whirlwind, singing a cheerful tune as she refilled the teas, coffees, and free samples. She twirled between the tables, her movements as fluid as the melody she sang. The cozy atmosphere of the bakery was alive with the scent of fresh pastries and brewing coffees. Just as she was about to restock the display case, the soft "ding" of the front door caught her attention. 

She spun toward the counter with a radiant smile. "Hi sweetie! What can I- Oh, wait! I know you!" Her brown eyes sparkled, lighting up with recognition. "Siren and Wulfrin told me about you!" The warmth in her voice was contagious, filling the room with a sense of welcome and familiarity.

Ciela clasped her hands together. "Oh! That's amazing, I've been noticing more and more people going by the orphanage more and more recently. It warms my heart. I feel like it gives people hope." 

As Astra placed an order, requesting some LD treats, Ciela's face lit up even more. "You're not going to believe this," she said with a playful twinkle in her eye. "I just finished making some." With a graceful spin, she got to work, packing up his order with practiced precision. Her hands moved quickly and skillfully, as though she were crafting something special, not just assembling a bag of treats. In no time, she handed over a small pink baggie filled with bite-sized meringue cookies. The bag was adorned with her signature logo, the emblazoned heart with FD in the middle, a neat black bow securing the bag.

"Here you go," Ciela smiled. She placed the bags in Astra's hand. "I hope you enjoy these, and don't worry about paying. They're on the house. Anything for a friend of my best friend and my husband." Her warm smile remained, attempting to give Astra more than just cookies, she wanted him to feel the kindness and joy that she infused into everything she did.

* * *

Ciela gives Astra:
[x2] Starlight Meringue Kisses | T1 Perfect Dessert | LD III | IDs: 237386, 237686
These light, airy meringue cookies are infused with a hint of vanilla, love, and laughter. They are dusted with edible glitter, making them look heavenly and magical. They are perfect for the sweet dreamer looking for a little more luck in their life.

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As Ciela spun towards him, Astra could tell that her demeanor was infectious. Watching her spin and work around the store was not only inspiring, but also let him know that he was in the right kind of place. The kind of place where a good attitude and friendship meant something. 

As she expressed her recognition of him, Astra couldn't help but blushed. People had talked about him? Especially Siren and Wulfrin, who he regarded highly. "Hopefully they've said good things," he laughed. "They've been great to me so far. Really helping me find my footing." 

On the topic of the orphanage, Astra agreed with everything Ciela said. "For sure, it's great to see people coming around there. I couldn't offer much, but I at least tried to entertain the kids. I know your snacks went a long way though!" What he expressed was true, whenever he was at that orphanage the talk of the place would be Ciela's treats that she would bring. Even Astra would take part in them at times, and as someone who loved food, he found them divine. 

As she offered him the bag of treats, Astra couldn't believe his ears when she said that they were on the house. "W-wait, are you sure? I can definitely pay, I wouldn't want you to go unpaid for your hard work. I really truly appreciate it though, you're one of a kind." Astra's heart was filled with warmth from the act of kindness. A big smile crept across his face, he just couldn't hold back. 

"I'll make sure these won't go to waste. Thanks again, really! Hopefully I can see you again soon!" With that Astra waved at the red haired chef and made his way to the door. He didn't expect all of this kindness from Ciela, though he already knew good things about her. One thing's for sure, he definitely won't ever forget it, and the new friend he's made. 


Astra obtains: 

[x2] Starlight Meringue Kisses | T1 Perfect Dessert | LD III | IDs: 237386, 237686
These light, airy meringue cookies are infused with a hint of vanilla, love, and laughter. They are dusted with edible glitter, making them look heavenly and magical. They are perfect for the sweet dreamer looking for a little more luck in their life.

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  • 4 weeks later...

"Hey uh..." Wulfrin announced himself as he entered the familiar kitchen of Fondante's Inferno through the back entrance. "I've got a favor to ask."

His darling wife was slaving over another beautiful assortment of deserts and pastries, as was her usual routine. Wulfrin, as was his routine, snagged one of the treats for some "quality assurance testing".

"So uh..." He continued with his mouth full of frosted cupcake. "If you still have that demonic shard from your gathering quest, do you think I could bother you to use it on me? It would be going towards a reusable charcuterie board kinda like Freyd's Crème Brule tray. Naturally I could think of no other cook than you to perform the creation of this demonic tear feast, but I'm lacking one shard for the process, since you need two identical plates for the feast. I'm going on a farming run soon, so I'll pay you back of course. I'll also front the crafting materials, just let me know how much you need."

* * *

Wulfrin requests:

Charcuterie Tray | Teir 1 Demonic Feast (snack) | ACC 2 | EVA 2
Desc: A large spread of assorted artisan meats and cheeses accompanied by additional fruits, dips, and crackers. A welcoming sight in an otherwise dreary death game.

Put in this:

Gungir Shard ID 239050

Wulfrin offers:
To cover crafting expenses (just let me know how many mats you use)
1 Demonic Shard (hoping Ciela will front the other and Wulfrin can pay her back)
Many hugs and kisses <3

Also this to help with crafts

Festive Lassi (1) | Consumable
+1 CD for one thread or a day's worth of crafts/appraisals.

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DATE: [12/15/24]
Rank 6 Cook | [EXP: 519/639] | Daily Crafting Attempts: 7 + 1 + 7

(KitchenAid Mixer) (AT)=Ambition Tool +1 EXP per craft
Vanilla Extract [225489] + 7 Crafting Attempts
Extended Workshop +2 Crafting EXP per attempt & + 1 Crafting Attempt per day
Festive Lassi +1 CD for a days worth of crafting

Crafting T1 Snacks:

  1. | ID: 238988 | CD: 2 (+1) = 3 | LD: 10 | (Salvage. Materials Lost)
  2. | ID: 238989 | CD: 8 (+1) = 9 | LD: 11 | (Success! Uncommon, No additional)
  3. | ID: 238990 | CD: 9 (+1) = 10 | LD: 14 | (Success! Rare, 1 Additional)
  4. | ID: 238991 | CD: 2 (+1) = 3 | LD: 14 | (Salvage, Materials Saved)
  5. | ID: 238992 | CD: 11 (+1) = 12 | LD: 7 | (Success! Perfect, No additional)
  6. | ID: 238993 | CD: 1 (+1) = 2 | LD: 2 | (Fail, Materials Lost)
  7. | ID: 238994 | CD: 2 (+1) = 3 | LD: 15 | (Salvage, Materials Saved)
  8. | ID: 238995 | CD: 6 (+1) = 7 | LD: 6 | (Success! Uncommon, No additional)
  9. | ID: 238996 | CD: 2 (+1) = 3 |LD: 6 | (Salvage, Materials Lost)
  10. | ID: 238997 | CD: 9 (+1) = 10 | LD: 3 | (Success! Rare, No additional)
  11. | ID: 238998 | CD: 3 (+1) = 4 | LD: 14 | (Salvage, Materials saved)
  12. | ID: 238999 | CD: 12 (+1) = 13 | LD: 9 | (Success! Perfect, No additional)
  13. | ID: 239000 | CD: 6 (+1) = 7 | LD: 11 | (Success! Uncommon, No additional)
  14. | ID: 239001 | CD: 10 (+1) = 11 | LD: 17 | (Success! Rare, 1 Additional)
  15. | ID: 239002 | CD: 6 (+1) = 7 | LD: 1 | (Success! Uncommon, No additional)

RESULT: -12 Mats (Sent to Banker)
EXP: = 15 (AT) + 30 (EW) + 2 (Salvage) + 3 (Uncommon) + 5 (Rare) + 2 (Salvage) + 8 (Perfect) + 1 (Fail) + 2 (Salvage) + 3 (Uncommon) + 2 (Salvage) + 5 (Rare) + 2 (Salvage) + 8 (Perfect) + 3 (Uncommon) + 5 (Rare)  + 3 (Uncommon) = 99 EXP

[Exp breakdown: 30 (Extended Workshop); 15 (Ambition Tool); 16 (Perfect); 15 (Rare); 12 (Uncommon); 10 (Salvage); 1 (Fail)]

New Items:

  1. T1 Uncommon Snack: 238989
  2. T1 Rare Snack: 238990
    1. T1 Rare Snack: 238990-1
  3. T1 Perfect Snack: 238992
  4. T1 Uncommon Snack: 238995
  5. T1 Rare Snack: 238997
  6. T1 Perfect Snack: 238999
  7. T1 Uncommon Snack: 239000
  8. T1 Rare Snack: 239001
    1. T1 Rare Snack: 239001-1
  9. T1 Uncommon Snack: 239002

After Crafting Attempts:
Rank 6 Cook 
| [EXP: 618/639] (So close ;~;)


Edited by KnightessCiela
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DATE: [12/22/24]
Rank 6 Cook | [EXP: 618/639] | Daily Crafting Attempts: 8

(KitchenAid Mixer) (AT)=Ambition Tool +1 EXP per craft

Extended Workshop +2 Crafting EXP per attempt & +1 Crafting Attempt per day

Crafting T1 Desserts:

  1. | ID: 239145 | CD: 1 | LD: 15 | (Critical Fail. Materials Lost.)
  2. | ID: 239146 | CD: 3 | LD: 17 | (Salvage. Materials Kept.)
  3. | ID: 239154 | CD: 12 | LD: 17 | (Success! Perfect. 1 Additional.)
  4. | ID: 239155 | CD: 8 | LD: 5 | (Success! Uncommon. No Additional)
  5. | ID: 239156 | CD: 1 | LD: 7 | (Critical Fail. Materials Lost.)
  6. | ID: 239158 | CD: 9 | LD: 9 | (Success! Uncommon. No Additional)
  7. | ID: 239159 | CD: 8 | LD: 16 | (Success! Uncommon. 1 Additional)
  8. | ID: 239160 | CD: 5 | LD: 8 | (Salvage. Materials Lost.)

RESULT: -7 Mats (Sent to Banker)
EXP: = 8 (AT) + 16 (Ext. WS) + 1 (Fail) + 2 (Salvage) + 8 (Perfect) +  3 (Uncommon) + 1 (Fail) + 3 (Uncommon) + 3 (Uncommon) + 2 (Salvage) = 47 EXP

[Exp breakdown: 8 (Ambition Tool); 16 (Extended Workshop); 8 (Perfect); 0 (Rare); 9 (Uncommon); 4 (Salvage); 2 (Fail)]

New Items:

  1. T1 Perfect Dessert: 239154
    1. T1 Perfect Dessert: 239154-1
  2. T1 Uncommon Dessert: 239155
  3. T1 Uncommon Dessert: 239158
  4. T1 Uncommon Dessert: 239159
    1. T1 Uncommon Dessert: 239159-1

After Crafting Attempts:
Rank 7 Cook 
| [EXP: 665/1279] 


Edited by KnightessCiela
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Wandering into the cosy bakery for the first time, Freyd was quick to spot familiar telltale signs of its ownership and the outpouring of self she placed into every aspect of her chosen craft.  A few locals were even out on the porch savoring her sweeter confections, which instantly reminded him of why he'd come.

"Good morning, Ciela.  Looks like you have quite the crowd today."  Still dressed in his red Hawaiian shirt with white print palm trees, she'd recognize his ridiculous getup from their shared time fishing and floundering.  For him, the two often went hand in hand.  "I have a special request, and suspect you will appreciate it.  No one else could quite do it justice." 

Well, maybe one person could, but she and her lanky soon-to-be-husband hadn't been scouring the backburner together for some time.  It didn't feel right to bother them, and Ciela had done an admirable job replacing Freya as his primary source of honey buns to feed his growing addiction.

"I can swing by and pick them up after the raid, if that suits you?"


Payment: 20 materials, 1 demonic shard

Item Name: Smokin' Hot Honey Bun Tray
Item Type: Feast
Item Tier: 1
Item Quality: Perfect
Draft Item Description: A mouth-watering tray of Ciela's gourmet honey buns, based on the recipe Freyd shared from Freya.  Delicious and heartwarming, their scent would make a boss bear weep from twenty paces away.
Requested Enhancements: ACC II | EVA I

Upgrade using Demonic Shard to:

Item Name: Smokin' Hot Honey Bun Tray
Item Type:  Feast
Item Tier: 1
Item Quality: Demonic
Draft Item Description: A mouth-watering tray of Ciela's gourmet honey buns, based on the recipe Freyd shared from Freya.  Delicious and heartwarming, their scent would make a boss bear weep from twenty paces away.
Requested Enhancements: ACC II | EVA II

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DATE: [12/24/24]
Rank 7 Cook | [EXP: 665/1279] | Daily Crafting Attempts: 9

(KitchenAid Mixer) (AT)=Ambition Tool +1 EXP per craft
Extended Workshop +2 Crafting EXP per attempt & +1 Crafting Attempt per day

Crafting T1 Snacks:

  1. | ID: 239180 | CD: 12 | LD: 3 | (Success! Perfect. No additional.)
  2. | ID: 239181 | CD: 12 | LD: 14 | (Success! Perfect. 1 additional.)
  3. | ID: 239182 | CD: 7 | LD: 4 | (Success! Uncommon. No additional.)
  4. | ID: 239183 | CD: 9 | LD: 16 | (Success! Rare. 1 Additional.)
  5. | ID: 239184 | CD: 7 | LD: 10 | (Success! Uncommon. No additional.)
  6. | ID: 239185 | CD: 4 | LD: 7 | (Salvage. Mats Lost.)
  7. | ID: 239186 | CD: 7 | LD: 1 | (Success! Uncommon. No additional.)
  8. | ID: 239187 | CD: 5 | LD: 15 | (Salvage. Mats Kept.)
  9. | ID: 239188 | CD: 9 | LD: 5 | (Success! Rare. No additional.)

RESULT: -8 Mats (Sent to Banker)
EXP: = 9 (AT) + 18 (Ext. WS) + 8 (Perfect) + 8 (Perfect) + 3 (Uncommon) + 5 (Rare) + 3 (Uncommon) + 2 (Salvage) + 3 (Uncommon) + 2 (Salvage) + 5 (Rare)  = 66 EXP

[Exp breakdown: 9 (Ambition Tool); 18 (Extended Workshop) 16 (Perfect); 10 (Rare); 9 (Uncommon); 4 (Salvage); 0 (Fail)]

New Items:

  1. T1 Perfect Snack: 239180
  2. T1 Perfect Snack: 239181
    1. T1 Perfect Snack: 239181-1
  3. T1 Uncommon Snack: 239182
  4. T1 Rare Snack: 239183
    1. T1 Rare Snack: 239183-1
  5. T1 Uncommon Snack: 239184
  6. T1 Uncommon Snack: 239186
  7. T1 Rare Snack: 239188

After Crafting Attempts:
Rank 7 Cook | [EXP: 731/1279] 


Edited by KnightessCiela
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