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Nymoria [The Reticent]

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197661723_Nymoria(4).thumb.png.faf69f10f46cb0f84e77b145e2f3eaba.pngUsername: Nymoria
Real name: Nimori Ashigawa
Age: 28 > 30 (June 7, 1994)
Gender: Female
Height: 158cm (5.18ft)
Complexion: Pale
Defining Features: Freckles, single scar under right ear.
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Light Brown with Pink Highlights
Country of Origin: Japan
Profession: Artisan / Forager




Once there was nothing more than silence, but now hope finds a way to be heard... 




The Real World


Announcement & Aftermath

Nimori was born and raised in the town of Watari, within the Miyagi Prefecture, she was given what could be considered an average, if not somewhat difficult life from an early age. Born to a family tied to a balance of ancient customs and traditions, with the drive to live in the newfound world of technology and development, she was engaged with a number of experiences from a young age. Attending both cultural festivals that were considered to be slowly dying out, as well as new events focused on the modern world's enthralling features, Nimori found herself always involved in something.

Living in what would be considered a middling class lifestyle, Nimori spent her early days living with her family; her mother, who worked at a local travel experience for tourism and fishing, her father, who spent most of his days diving into the technological world of security and safety for online devices, and her older sister (Akane Ashigawa), who was two years her senior and her closest friend. While considered a normal family, Nimori found herself the target of bullying more often than not during her schooling years; a fact that came about due to her own disability - a birth defect that had left her deaf and incapable of common communication. Through various events, continuous transfers between schools and shifting of areas in the hopes of finding somewhere she could fit in, Nimori found herself losing the will to live. It was following a final event - one which left her sister tormented and her mother broken from anguish - that had pushed Nimori to the online world. Pulled from her regular classes and transferred to an online school, she found herself ostracised in truth from those around her - left only to engage with her immediate family.

In order to find some means of social engagement, Nimori found herself delving into the various aspects of online communities; joining forums, various groups, and eventually online games. It was during these online games that she found the truth behind her interests - roleplaying games, which allowed her to become someone else entirely. Nimori dove into the various fantastical worlds, excited and determined to leave herself behind in order to become someone else - someone who didn't have the disabilities and issues that she faced every day; a hope that relieved the pain, if only for a short time.

With the announcement of the virtual world of Sword Art Online, Nimori felt a single glimmer of hope - an area that would provide her the possibility to leave behind a limitation, and allow her to express herself as many others had. A world where she wouldn't need to communicate through signs and written word, where she wouldn't have to worry about the scars of bullying and the impacts of limitations on her chances of making friends.

Sword Art Online turned out to be both the freedom and escape that Nimori had been looking for in her attempt to escape the real world. As she had entered the world of Aincrad, a new discovery lay upon her - the ability to hear things. Where once silence had filled her ears, Nimori found herself capable of not only noticing the harsh vibrations that normally came across as sound for her, but also the minor details that would be lost to her disability - a true capability of hearing. While it was imperfect, and unknown to her far from a true normalcy, Nimori found herself ecstatic at the discovery.

Her first few hours were spent exploring the world by herself, silently greeting and passing by other players - with out a single word spoken. She quickly fell in love with the game, finding new pathways to explore and an entire world that allowed her to be someone else - someone other than who she had been in the real world. Through careful movements and testing, she quickly learnt the basics of the system that allowed a player to engage with the world, moving out of the Town of Beginnings with a light heart, and quickly becoming proficient at the most basic aspects.

Nirmori found the world not only an escape from the place that she no longer desired to be - but also a beautiful one, which she could appreciate and love with the hopes of a fresh start. Excitement, hope and happiness flooded her for the first time in a long time, and Nimori found the darkness within her heart left behind as she traversed the various grasslands and walkways alone, content for the time to simply experience the world as it was. As evening slowly approached within the game, and Nimori noticed that hours had passed already as she freely moved about, she made the hard decision to return to the real world - if only to eat and take care of her basic necessities, before returning to this newfound paradise. Her excitement and hope slowly faded away, however, upon the discovery of a singular fact - the button used for signing out, her one way out of the world, appeared disabled. The panic and fear was slow to approach, and Nimori sent off numerous messages to the administrators, without any response.

As her nerves began to take hold, and a true fear spread through her, Nimori found herself transported from the grasslands she had found refuge in during her attempt to log out, her body instantly joining the masses within the Town of Beginning's main square. As questions rose around her, and individuals nearby turned to her and others for explanations, Nimori found herself wondering if she hadn't made a mistake joining this world - a question which was slowly confirmed, when the announcement was given.

The announcement and confirmation of their circumstances left the ten thousand players in a panic - a mass of emotions rolling over each and every single one who had been gathered and informed. Nimori was no exception to the experience, and she found herself moving through the crowd in a daze as she tried to understand what was occurring. The true horror, was yet to come however, as she approached a single individual who appeared outwardly calm and in control. Whether through blind fear, determination, or pure desperate hope, Nimori reached out to the individual with intent, speaking for the very first time since entering the game.

Fresh horror engulfed Nimori as strangled gasping sounds escaped her - words that came with little in the way of coherence or truly comprehensible annotations. The player before her, once calm and controlled, stared at Nimori with a concerned, almost horrified look at the thing in front of it, and Nimori found herself fleeing with a newfound fear. She was reminded, in that moment, that although her hearing had returned to a degree, the years of relying upon non-vocal forms of communication had left her without the ability to perform a basic action - that of performing the sounds required, and measured, in order to speak to another person. Once more, Nimori found herself ostracised; stuck in a world where she had been given a partial gift, and yet left with no way to properly engage with those around her.


Present Day



It had taken Nimori time to overcome the discovery of her limitations before she had made a return to the world in earnest. Calling it, within her mind, the Dark Days, Nimori had turned away from the world of Aincrad in the hopes of discovering exactly where her limitations lay. Although she had regained some of her capabilities to hear, it was imperfect. Nimori had spent may days discerning exactly where the extent of her newfound capabilities could reach, only coming to the conclusion that she was able to hear - to a degree. Enough that she could understand what others said to her, so long as they weren't too far away, and that it was more comprehensible if she was looking directly at them.

Although disappointment had swelled at her discoveries, she found herself realising that she had at least gained something - although she couldn't directly speak with others, a skill which she knew would take time to develop, she could at least hear what they had to say. It took time for Nimori to overcome the horror and disgust that she had felt following the announcement and the associated discovery of her own personal faults, but eventually she had made her way back into the world of Aincrad - learning that several floors had already been cleared while she had hidden away. In every corner she traversed, she came across players determined to push forwards, to find a way out - beacons of hope in an otherwise dark and despairing world.

She still wasn't entirely certain as to why, but something about the depression that she had encountered in others had affected her. Surprised, due to her history, Nimori had found herself instead focusing on gaining hope and drive, pushing outwards in an attempt to escape the world that had trapped her once more. Although she knew what awaited her in the real world, she found herself joining small groups of individuals looking to reach the frontlines, in the hopes of maybe helping others escape. Each day was a battle for those around her, but Nimori found herself struggling where others weren't - her hearing impairments still limiting her capabilities, leaving her with disadvantages that others never had; an uphill struggle that was made only worse by the semi-gift that she had been given. 

Time passed, and although Nimori fought her way through the first few floors, she found herself lagging behind - her abilities hindered as she tried to rely on senses that she had little experience with. As days slowly turned into months, and then years, Nimori found herself reaching the edges of despair, and although she continues to struggle forwards, she finds herself uncertain of her own skills and capabilities...






Honesty. For better or for worse, Nimori believes that honesty in entirety is the only way to communicate. Although she sometimes finds herself revealing too much information to others, she has always worn her heart on her sleeve, leaving secrets behind and providing others with the truth - whether they want to hear it or not. Although commended for her honesty, many have found the habit to be detrimental in their dealings, both for themselves and for Nimori. 

Loyalty. While she has always had a troubled past with creating and maintaining relationships, Nimori believes that loyalty to those whom you partner is paramount. Nimori has, during her time in Aincrad, developed the belief that those who agree to spend time with her are worth protecting. When given the opportunity, Nimori has proven her loyalty through her determination to help and protect those who trust her, as few as they may be. 

Bravery. While fear may surround her heart, Nimori is generally the first to step up and face danger when it presents itself. Capable of pushing down the fear that grips herself and others, she often attempts to instil her bravery on those around her - generally through her sheer presence. Though it may not be obvious through first interactions, Nimori has proven her bravery in various minor fights that she has engaged in, as simple as they may be. 

Selfless. Distaste and disgust for her own existence have lent Nimori a single beneficial cause; a selflessness that cannot be rivalled. While she cares little for herself and her own wellbeing, she is often seen giving to and for others without hesitation. This selflessness, although considered a virtue, has left Nimori abused by many others; her smile never broken regardless of how she's treated.


Self Loathing. Although she has never told another living being in Aincrad, Nimori holds a hatred for her very existence. While this hatred is hidden behind her false smiles, it is one which reaches to her very core. More often than not, she acts out in ways that are purposefully meant to harm herself - ways in which are often mistaken for bravery, loyalty, or a desire to protect others. 

Communication. Due to the years of impairment that Nimori has experienced, she remains incapable of speaking in a truly coherent manner. The few times she does speak aloud, forgoing sign language in a desperate attempt to get her point across, her words often come out slurred and barely comprehensible. This has left her unwelcomed in many parties, due to the limitations it provides in combat and exploring. 

False Happiness. Times over and again Nimori has been complimented and praised for her eternal happiness, and the way she seems to approach every aspect with a smile on her face. While the pain within is hidden from those around her, Nimori has never once shown a single sign of the depression she feels every moment. Instead, she focuses on keeping her appearance one which helps those around her; smiling even when they pain her.

Stubborn Determination. No matter the challenge that Nimori faces, she does so with pure determination to over come it. What many don't know, is that she does this in order to help and appease others, going so far as to give up for herself that which could benefit another. More often than not, this has been mistaken for her selfless and caring nature, a mistake which leads to a darker secret.





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16/185 Skill Points

Sword Arts
[x12] ST-I (12 10 EN) | A single-target sword art.
ST-II (15 13 EN) | A powerful single-target sword art. Only available for use when ST-I was used and successfully struck an enemy the previous turn or if ST-II had been used and had missed the previous turn.
ST-B (20 18 EN) | A devastating single-target sword art. Can only be used if the sword art used the previous turn is not ST-B and had rolled a natural CD9+. When performing an AoE attack, this CD check applies to only the first roll.
[x15] AOE-I (13 11 + [2 * targets] EN) | AOE | A sword art that strikes multiple targets at once.
AOE-II (16 14 + [2 * targets] EN) | AOE | A powerful sword art that strikes multiple targets at once. Only available for use when AOE-I was used and successfully struck an enemy the previous turn or if AOE-II had been used and had missed all intended targets the previous turn.
[x12] TECH-A (13 11 EN) | STUN | A single-target sword art that stuns an enemy.
TECH-B (13 11 EN) | DELAY | A single-target sword art that, on a successful strike, applies [Delay] on the enemy. [Delay] is a debuff that reduces the enemy’s ACC by 1 for one turn.
8 6 + [2 * targets] EN) | AOE STUN | A sword art that strikes multiple targets at once. All struck targets are stunned for one turn.

Utility Skills
Extended Weight Limit [Active: Passive. Effect: +2 additional Battle-Ready inventory slots.]
[Rank: 5. 
Active: Passive. Effect: +1 LD per rank. +1 to Stealth Detection per rank.]
[Rank 3 Searching Mod] Detect [
Active: Passive. Effect: Grants +2 Stealth Detection. Grants +1 LD when searching for dungeons and labyrinths.]  
[Rank 5 Searching Addon] Reveal [Active: Passive. Effect: +2 LD when searching for dungeons and labyrinths. You may also search for a dungeon once every 10 posts (instead of 15). Reduces the personal post cool down when searching for a labyrinth to 3 posts (instead of 5).]  

Combat Skills
Energist [Active: Passive. Effect: Increase base Energy by 5*Tier.]

Weapon Skills
Daggers [Rank: 5. 
Active: Passive. Effect: +7 DMG]
[Rank 5 Weapon Addon] Stamina [
Active: Passive. Effect: Reduces EN of all attacks by 2.]
[Rank 5 Weapon Addon] Precision [
Active: Passive. Effect: +1 ACC.]
[Rank 5 Weapon Addon] Rapier Ferocity [
Active: Passive. Effect: +2 DMG when using the weapon of your choice. Players cannot use Focus and Ferocity at the same time for the same Weapon Type.]
[Rank 5 Shift] AOE Specialist [
Active: Passive. Effect: For the following Sword Arts, +4 to multipliers and +2 to EN cost; AoE-I, AoE-II. No other Shifts may be taken.]

Armour Skills
Unhindered [Active: Passive. Effect: +1 Accuracy, +1 Loot Dice, +1 Evasion, +5*Tier HP. Your mitigation is capped at 0 equipment slots.]

Extra Skills
Concentration [
Active: Free Action. Cooldown: 5 turns. Effect: As a free action, gain Absolute Accuracy on your next attack. In the case Absolute Accuracy is already present, increase your Accuracy by 1 instead. Effect lasts until the start of next turn.]
Frozen Hide [
Active: Free Action. Energy: 5 EN. Cooldown: 4 turns. Effect: As a free action, apply one slot of Frost Aura and one slot of Frost Thorns equal to your tier to yourself until the start of your next turn.]
Leadership [Rank: 3. Active: Passive. Effect: Gain access to Leadership Arts every rank. In order to use a Leadership Art, it must take up a mod slot. Each Leadership Art takes up a different mod slot. Leadership Arts from different sources do not stack.]
[Rank 1 Leadership Art] Elusive [Active: Post Action. Energy: 4 EN. Cooldown: 2 turns. Effect: Increase the Evasion of all players in your party by 1 for a single turn.]
[Rank 2 Leadership Art] Rally [Active: Post Action. Energy: 6 EN. 
Cooldown: 2 turns. Effect: Increase the Accuracy of all players in your party by 1 for a single turn.]
[Rank 3 Leadership Art] Steadfast [Active: Post Action. Energy: 8 EN. 
Cooldown: 3 turns. Effect: Status Effects that would be applied to the party for the next two turns would instead be applied to the user instead (normal rules for how status effects refresh instead of stacking apply).]
Meditation [Active: Post Action. Energy: 0 EN. Cooldown: 3 turns. Effect: Recover an additional (4xTier) energy.]
Survival [Active: Passive. Effect: Increases Healing effects received from all sources by 10%. Grants immunity to all damage dealing environmental attacks/effects.]

Combat Mastery
Damage [Rank: 3. Active: Passive. Effect: Gain +1 * Tier additional Base Damage per rank. Ranks of this Skill obey Damage enhancement caps.]

Familiar Skills
Hunting Familiar [
Active: Free Action. Cooldown: 5 turns. : Effect: Your familiar has a nose for treasure. Roll LD/CD (without bonuses) as if you had slain a loot-minimum mob.]

Estate Buffs

Shizuka [Home]

Master Bedroom [-1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat.]
Living Room [
Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.]

Atelier (Extended Workshop) [+2 Crafting EXP per crafting attempt & +1 crafting attempt per day.]
Greenhouse [+2 Gathering EXP per Attempt and additional +1 LD & CD to gathering attempts.]
Storage Closet [+1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot.]
Attic (Storage) [+5% bonus col from monster kills and treasure chests.]





Familiar Name: Shōkan

Familiar Description: An eight tailed kitsune. Its form seems to shift as smoke from a fire, an odd measure of material and ethereal in its very existence. A familiar hint of cherry blossoms seems to follow it's form, as if left behind in memory. 

Familiar Skill: Hunting Familiar

Familiar Image


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[1,455/2,559 EXP] Rank 8 - Provisional Master Artisan: Able to craft Tier 8 equipment. 9 crafts per day. 

Crafting Buffs
Aphrodite’s Magnifier [Crafting Tool. Meticulous: +1 CD when crafting in one’s workshop.]
Custom Ambition Tool [
Crafting Tool. Effect: Gain +1 bonus crafting EXP for each crafting attempt.]

Atelier (Extended Workshop) [+2 Crafting EXP per crafting attempt & +1 crafting attempt per day.]

 Rank 8
[1] = Critical Fail (Lose materials)
[2-4] Salvage (Keep materials on LD 11+)
[5-8] = Uncommon item (1 slot)
[9-11] = Rare item (2 slots)
[12+] = Perfect item (3 slots)

Critical Fail and Fail crafts: +1 4 EXP
Salvage crafts, regardless of success: +2
Uncommon crafts: +3 
Rare crafts: +5
Perfect crafts: +8
11 EXP


[502/500+ EXP] Rank 5 - Grand Master Forager: Successfully forage for materials on an LD 10+.
Gain ability to find a Demonic Shard on a LD 17+ and CD 12+.

Foraging Buffs
Greenhouse [+2 Gathering EXP per Attempt and additional +1 LD & CD to gathering attempts.]  

 Rank 5
[1-4] = No additional materials.
[5-6] = 1 additional material, 1,000 col.
[7-9] = 2 additional materials, 2,500 col.
[10+] = 3 additional materials, 3,000 col.

 Foraging attempts: +3 5 EXP
Successful Forage: +8
10 EXP
Critical Forage (additional materials/Demonic Shards): +16
18 EXP


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Just Up the Street... |  <<The Second Lesson>>
Weasling the Truth Out |  <<Feeding Your Enemy>>
The Jewel of My Heart |  <<Earning a Living: Artisan>>
Peace Among the Plains |  <<Earning a Living: Forager>>
Stone Reflection |  <<Breaking the Unbreakable>>
Patience, Hunter |  <<Training Your Friend>>
Caught in a Trap |  <<Captured>>
The Silent Cloak |  <<The Gemini>>
Specks Across the Sands |  <<The Traveller>>
A Gem Among Jewels |  <<Challenge of Olympus: Artisan>>
Into the Flames |  <<Into the Fire | Guardian of the Fire>>
Silent Fields |  <<Nature's Treasure>>
Darkness |  <<Solo Grind Thread>>
Purge, Release, Return...|  <<Calming the Soul>>
Link, Restart |  <<Solo Grind Thread>>
The Bear Necessities |  <<Scents of the Wild: Ferocious Foe>>
The Maze |  <<Search for the Hoya>>
Among the Shadows |  <<Feeding Your Enemy>>
Creating Bonds |  <<Nature's Treasure: Little Eden>>
Woodland Wars |  <<Elvish Rivalries>>
Garden Retreat |  <<Nature's Treasures>>
Repetition |  <<Nature's Treasures>>

Don't Fear the Depths |  <<The Third Lesson>>
A Prisoner's First Steps |  <<Scents of the Wild>>
Curious Beginnings |  <<The First Lesson>>
Rooks on the Seventh |  <<Betrayal of the King>>
Dark Roasted |  <<Social Thread>>
In The Cold |  <<Absolute Zero>>
Every Journey Begins with a First Step |  <<The First Few Lessons>>

Collection Time |  <<Consumable Hunting>>
Grains to Gemstones |  <<Nature's Treasure>>
Return to the Flames |  <<Into the Fire: Guardian of Fire>>
Necessary Treachery |  <<The Iron Guardian>>
Quiet Confidence |  <<Scents of the Wild: Leeching Nightmare>>
Desert Captives |  <<Arabian Nights: The First of Many>>

  TBD |  <<TBD>>   Newfound Bravery |  <<The First Few Lessons>>


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Nymoria | Lv. 34 | P. 15 | HP [760/760] | EN [112/112] | ACC [4] | DMG [22] | EVA [4] | Bleed [36] | LD [+6] | SD [+7] | Prosperity [2] | Quality [1]



  • [Theme]
  • Tier 4 | Tier 5
  • Laurel Wreath (15% EXP in Col)
  • +1 LD to Looting


  • Kamoku [Dagger | Tier 4] Enhancement: Accuracy [2 Slots] Enhancement: Bleed [1 Slot]
  • Ring of Evasion
    [Jewellery | Tier 1]
    Enhancement: Evasion [3 Slots] 
  • Quality Bracelet [Jewellery | Tier 3]
    Enhancement: Prosperity [2 Slots] 

    Enhancement: Quality [1 Slot] 

Battle-Ready Inventory

  • Dear My Friend {5} [Support Song | Tier 4 | HP Recovery III | Mass]
  • Honey Cookie {5} [Snack | Tier 1 | Vitality II]
  • bento {1} [Meal | Tierless | Oveerhealth III]
  • Honey Cookie {5} [Snack | Tier 1 | Vitality II]
  • Chocolate Truffles {4} [Dessert | Tier 3 | Vitality II]
  • Dear My Friend {3} [Support Song | Tier 4 | HP Recovery III | Instant]
  • Teleport Crystal {1}
  • Crystal of Support | [3/3 charges]
    Heals the user and each party member for (50 * Target's Tier) HP. Requires a Post Action to use. 



Utility Skills
Extended Weight Limit [Active: Passive. Effect: +2 additional Battle-Ready inventory slots.]
[Rank: 5. 
Active: Passive. Effect: +1 LD per rank. +1 to Stealth Detection per rank.]
[Rank 3 Searching Mod] Detect [
Active: Passive. Effect: Grants +2 Stealth Detection. Grants +1 LD when searching for dungeons and labyrinths.]  
[Rank 5 Searching Addon] Reveal [Active: Passive. Effect: +2 LD when searching for dungeons and labyrinths. You may also search for a dungeon once every 10 posts (instead of 15). Reduces the personal post cool down when searching for a labyrinth to 3 posts (instead of 5).]  

Combat Skills
Energist [Active: Passive. Effect: Increase base Energy by 5*Tier.]

Weapon Skills
Rapiers [Rank: 5. 
Active: Passive. Effect: +7 DMG]
[Rank 5 Weapon Addon] Stamina [
Active: Passive. Effect: Reduces EN of all attacks by 2.]
[Rank 5 Weapon Addon] Precision [
Active: Passive. Effect: +1 ACC.]
[Rank 5 Weapon Addon] Rapier Ferocity [
Active: Passive. Effect: +2 DMG when using the weapon of your choice. Players cannot use Focus and Ferocity at the same time for the same Weapon Type.]
[Rank 5 Shift] AOE Specialist [
Active: Passive. Effect: For the following Sword Arts, +4 to multipliers and +2 to EN cost; AoE-I, AoE-II. No other Shifts may be taken.]

Armour Skills
Unhindered [Active: Passive. Effect: +1 Accuracy, +1 Loot Dice, +1 Evasion, +5*Tier HP. Your mitigation is capped at 0 equipment slots.]

Active Extra Skills
Concentration [Active: Free Action. Cooldown: 5 turns. Effect: As a free action, gain Absolute Accuracy on your next attack. In the case Absolute Accuracy is already present, increase your Accuracy by 1 instead. Effect lasts until the start of next turn.]
Leadership [
Rank: 3. 
Active: Passive. Effect: Gain access to Leadership Arts every rank. In order to use a Leadership Art, it must take up a mod slot. Each Leadership Art takes up a different mod slot. Leadership Arts from different sources do not stack.]
[Rank 1 Leadership Art] Elusive [Active: Post Action. Energy: 4 EN. Cooldown: 2 turns. Effect: Increase the Evasion of all players in your party by 1 for a single turn.]
[Rank 2 Leadership Art] Rally [Active: Post Action. Energy: 6 EN. 
Cooldown: 2 turns. Effect: Increase the Accuracy of all players in your party by 1 for a single turn.]
[Rank 3 Leadership Art] Steadfast [Active: Post Action. Energy: 8 EN. 
Cooldown: 3 turns. Effect: Status Effects that would be applied to the party for the next two turns would instead be applied to the user instead (normal rules for how status effects refresh instead of stacking apply).]
Survival [Active: Passive. Effect: Increases Healing effects received from all sources by 10%. Grants immunity to all damage dealing environmental attacks/effects.] 

Inactive Extra Skills 
Frozen Hide [Active: Free Action. Energy: 5 EN. Cooldown: 4 turns. Effect: As a free action, apply one slot of Frost Aura and one slot of Frost Thorns equal to your tier to yourself until the start of your next turn.]
Meditation [
Active: Post Action. Energy: 0 EN. Cooldown: 3 turns. Effect: Recover an additional (4xTier) energy.]

Combat Mastery
Damage [Rank: 3. Active: Passive. Effect: Gain +1 * Tier additional Base Damage per rank. Ranks of this Skill obey Damage enhancement caps.]

Familiar Skills
Hunting Familiar [
Active: Free Action. Cooldown: 5 turns. : Effect: Your familiar has a nose for treasure. Roll LD/CD (without bonuses) as if you had slain a loot-minimum mob.]

Sword Arts


[x12] ST-I (12 10 EN) | A single-target sword art.
ST-II (15 13 EN) | A powerful single-target sword art. Only available for use when ST-I was used and successfully struck an enemy the previous turn or if ST-II had been used and had missed the previous turn.
ST-B (20 18 EN) | A devastating single-target sword art. Can only be used if the sword art used the previous turn is not ST-B and had rolled a natural CD9+. When performing an AoE attack, this CD check applies to only the first roll.
[x15] AOE-I (13 11 + [2 * targets] EN) | AOE | A sword art that strikes multiple targets at once.
AOE-II (16 14 + [2 * targets] EN) | AOE | A powerful sword art that strikes multiple targets at once. Only available for use when AOE-I was used and successfully struck an enemy the previous turn or if AOE-II had been used and had missed all intended targets the previous turn.
[x12] TECH-A (13 11 EN) | STUN | A single-target sword art that stuns an enemy.
TECH-B (13 11 EN) | DELAY | A single-target sword art that, on a successful strike, applies [Delay] on the enemy. [Delay] is a debuff that reduces the enemy’s ACC by 1 for one turn.
8 6 + [2 * targets] EN) | AOE STUN | A sword art that strikes multiple targets at once. All struck targets are stunned for one turn.

Housing Buffs


Shizuka [Home]

Master Bedroom [-1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat.]
Living Room [
Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.]

Atelier (Extended Workshop) [+2 Crafting EXP per crafting attempt & +1 crafting attempt per day.]
Greenhouse [+2 Gathering EXP per Attempt and additional +1 LD & CD to gathering attempts.]
Storage Closet [+1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot.]
Attic (Storage) [+5% bonus col from monster kills and treasure chests.]







Anime Storage Room Background


Equipment (Stored) 
N/A {0} [Type | Tier | Enhancement(s)] [ID]

Reticent [Rapier | Tier 4] Enhancement: Accuracy [2 Slots] | Enhancement: Bleed [1 Slot]
Rare Weapon {4} [ID241451 , 241521, 241522 ]

Perfect Armour/Shield {1} [Type | Tier | Enhancement(s)] [ID241449 [a]]

Watch of Wealth [Trinket | Tier 3 | Prosperity II | Quality I]
Hearing Aid [Trinket | Tier 1 | Accuracy III]
Recovery Aid [Trinket | Tierless | Recovery II | Keen I]
Locator Ring [Trinket | Tierless | LD III]
Prosperous Ear [Trinket | Tierless | Prosperity III]

Perfect Trinket {1} [ID241449 ]

N/A {0} [Type | Tier | Enhancement(s)] [ID]

Alchemic Consumables
Basilisk Venom {2} [Potion | Tier 1 | Toxic Venom] [ID179021, 179289]

Cook Consumables
Honey Cookie {9} [Snack | Tier 1 | Vitality II]

Performer Consumables
Dear My Friend {1} [Support Song | Tierless | HP Recovery I | Instant] [ID212280]
Dear My Friend
{3} [Support Song | Tierless | HP Recovery III | Mass] [ID213940, 213953, 213954, 213955, 213956, 213957, 213958, 213959]
March to the Dawn
{1} [Support Song | Tierless | HP Recovery III | Mass] [ID239811]
Eleanór a Rún
{2} [Support Song | Tierless | HP Recovery III | Mass] [ID209019, 209473]
Mob Fortuna
{1} [Support Song | Tierless | Monster's Fortune | Mass] [ID235042]
Voices of the Chord 
{9} [Debuff Song | Tierless | Incarceration | Instant] [ID221478, 221479, 2214780, 221296, 221302, 221307, 221380, 221261, 221271]
Chain Melody
{1} [Debuff Song | Tierless | Incarceration | Instant] [ID234615]
Minimalistic Etude
{3} [Debuff Song | Tierless | Hypnosis] [ID227790, 226910, 234753]
Minimalistic Etude
{3} [Debuff Song | Tierless | Hypnosis | Instant] [ID234747]
Studies in Impressionism
{3} [Debuff Song | Tierless | Misperception] [ID234614, 234611, 234751, 234749]

Miscellaneous Consumables
Uncommon Consumable {4} [ID241450, 241451 [a], 241521 [a], 241522 [a]]
Consumable {1} [ID241448]
Random Dungeon Map 
{1} | T4 Unique Consumable | ID240887
Blank Dungeon Map {2} | T3 Unique Consumable | Assign a successful sub-dungeon search roll to a blank map in order to explore the dungeon in another thread. When used, apply the dungeon difficulty and roll ID (Ex. Intermediate Dungeon Map #12345). Can only hold the location of one sub-dungeon that matches the Tier of the map.

Cerberus Soul {2} | T1 Unique Consumable | For the duration of a thread, natural successful attack rolls of 8-10 deal 12 unmitigated Burn damage each enemy turn for 2 turns. Burn damage does not stack, but can be refreshed. The Burn enhancement overrides this effect.
Elven Armor Salve | T1 Unique Consumable [Re-usable] | Once applied to the user’s armor, all attacks they perform will generate +1 hate. Does not stack with Fighting Spirit. [Misses generate 1 hate, hits 2 hate, and crits 3 hate.]

Matriarch’s Stinger {1} | T1 Unique Consumable | Increases Multiplier of SA attacks by 1 for the duration of one thread. ([DMG*(SA Multiplier)] becomes [DMG*(SA Multiplier + 1)]).

Edited by Nymoria
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