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Character Sheet Template


  • Tables can be edited using Ctrl + Right Click, Table Properties.
  • Temporary images have been included where images are usually used.
  • Colours have been used in a basic sense. These can be changed as desired (of course).
  • Font: The templates use a specialised font, which may/may not default upon being copied. 
  • Custom line breaks (horizontal rule) have been included between sections, using the HR BBCode.
  • Table sizes vary between 450 and 650 px in the below templates, but can be adjusted as desired.

 The Basics

Create a Anime Girl Hair Tier List - TierMaker

Introductory sentence can go here. 

Username: [Username]
Real name: [Real Name]
Age: [Date of Birth]
Gender: [Gender]
Height: [Height]
Complexion: [Complexion]
Defining Features: [Defining Features]
Eye Colour: [Eye Colour]
Hair Colour: Light Brown with Pink Highlights
Country of Origin: Japan
Profession: TBD / TBD






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Create a Anime Girl Hair Tier List - TierMaker
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Create a Anime Girl Hair Tier List - TierMaker


Equipment (Stored) 

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