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[PP-F02] The Sword and The Bats | <<Let There Be Light>>

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Wulfrin and Ciela made their way back into Urbus from the monastery. They had spent the day tackling hard physical tests, sitting under waterfalls, and best of all, punching a boulder to pieces. The only thing missing was a chance to go home and recuperate after the long day of exercise and effort. Granted the trek down was much easier than up, since the quest allowed you to take a safer, but longer route back down to the city, but that didn't really make up for the day they had. 

"Well Ciela," Wulfrin said as he held his companion's hand as they traveled the ancient Japanese themed streets. "Shall we head back or do you want to hang around and see what else might come our way? Personally I'm fine either way. The Boulder wasn't too big of a threat for me, so I have plenty of gas left in the tank."

* * *


Stat block:
Wulfrin | Level 22 | HP: 470/470 | EN: 62/62 | DMG: 17 | MIT: 66 | ACC: 3 | BH: 4 | LD: 5 | BLD: 36 | REC: 3


  • Light Armor Rank 5
  • Straight Swords Rank 5
  • Searching Rank 2
  • Battle Healing Rank 1

Extra Skills (Max 3)

  • Concentration

Mods (Max 5)

  • Meticulous
  • Night Vison


  • Stamina
  • Precision
  • Ferocity
  • Resolve


  • None

Battle Ready Inventory

  • 3 Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 hp each)
  • 6 T1 Uncommon Health Potions: Heals 5% of Maximum HP.
  • 2 Teleportation Crystals
  • Protein Pancakes | [ID #219428a] | TIERLESS RARE MEAL | PROTEIN II
  • [desc.]: They're a little dry but they do the trick.
  • 2x Terra Firma Scale (equivalent to T3 MIT 1)


  • Armored Long Coat | T3 Perfect Light Armor | ID [220094]
    MIT 2 | REC 1
    [desc.] A long red leather coat with additional armor plates. The right pauldron has the signet of Sentinel Armaments emblazoned on it.

  • Wolf's Bite | T3 Perfect Straight Sword | ID [220774]
    ACC 1 | BLEED 2
    [desc.] Sharpened to a razor's edge, this blade cuts deep and leaves lasting wounds. It is well balanced to aid in attacks. The center of the cross guard is the signet of Sentinel Armaments.

  • Crystal | TIER 1 TRINKET | LD III | ID: #205224
    [desc.]: a blue crystal. scraps of a larger crafting component.

Estate Buffs

  • Bedroom: "Rested" -1 EN to first 2 combat expenditures each combat
  • Bathroom: "Clean" First DoT effect damage reduced by 20%
  • Basic Kitchen: "Filling" increases effectiveness of one food item by 1 T1 MIT slot (+5 MIT)
  • Storage Closet: "Item Stash" +1 Battle ready Inventory Slot
  • Living room: "Relaxed" +10 out of Combat healing, Energy full after 2 out of combat posts
  • Dining Room: "Tasty" Turn 2 identical food items into a lesser feast. (Feeds 4 players)
  • Attic (Storage): "Col Stash" +5% Col from monster loot
  • Basement: "Multipurpose" +1 LD, LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity (Once per thread)
  • Fishing Pond: "Angler" +2 Fishing Exp per attempt


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It was just another day in this death game when Etherial was settling on the 2nd floor of the game. That being said though she was still fairly low of a level to be fighting alone on this floor. But that didn't stop her from coming here. She love the scenery since it reminded her of home back in the real world.

That being said she was gazing down the street watching other players stroll by. The only difference is she sees an odd man that looks to be heading back from a long day of work. Or so it seems that is.

Walking up to him though she would ask him something.

"Hey there. You seem to be a high level player. I heard there's a good beginner's quest around here but was told it has some stronger monster's that would need to be slayed. Would you by any chance be able to help me with it?"

The white haired girl looked at him with basic gear and what looks like a rapier on her hip waiting to finally get this quest on the way.


«Etherial» 80/80 | ENG: 26/26 | DMG: 1 | Keen: 0 | ACC: 1 | MIT: 5 | EVA: 3 | Para: 2 |

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Ciela smiled at Wulfrin, "I'm down to do whatever. The boulder was tough but I'm tougher." She flexes her arms at him and smiles. "Super strong see?" She goes back to holding his hand, "The trek up the mountain was tougher than the boulder." They continued to walk through the town before they were approached by what seemed to be a new player. Ciela assumed so based on their gear. 

"He's pretty high level, I'm only a bit lower than him but what do you need help with? I'm sure we can attempt to help in some way. Should be no biggie." She was confident in her boasting about the two. She knew that Wulfrin could output some pretty good damage and she had high mitigation, so whatever lied ahead they could take on with minimal road bumps.

"Well I'm all for helping out. What about you sweetie?" She looked to Wulfrin.

* * *


Character Sheet:


KnightessCiela | Level 13 | HP: 290/290 | EN: 44/44 | DMG: 8 | MIT: 86 | ACC: 2 | FL. THRN: 4 | THRNS: 36


  • Honed Longsword | T2 Perfect Straight Sword | ID [220512] | ACC 2 | DMG 1
    [desc.] A simple steel longsword that prioritizes balance over damage. The center piece of the cross guard is the signet of Sentinel Armaments.
  • Duergar Battle Plate | [#220061d] | TIER 2 PERFECT HEAVY ARMOR | Flame Thorns, MIT, Thorns
    [desc.]: Forged deep below the surface, this black steel plate armor is fashioned with various spikes making it a guarantee that attacks will hurt the attacker more than you
  • Sentinel Shield | T2 Perfect Shield | ID [220639] | MIT 2 | Thorns 1
    [desc.] A kite shield emblazoned with the signet of Sentinel Armaments. Enemies will find quite the sting when they collide with this shield.





R5 Heavy Armor

MIT 25


Combat Mastery:



R1 - Novice

6*tier MIT per rank = 6 MIT



R3 Straight Swords

  • [x8] ST-I (8 EN) | A single-target sword art.
  • [x11] ST-II (11 EN) | A powerful single-target sword art. Only available for use when ST-I was used and successfully struck an enemy the previous turn or if ST-II had been used and had missed the previous turn.
  • [x7] AOE-I (7 + [2 * targets] EN) | AOE | A sword art that strikes multiple targets at once.
  • [x8] TECH-A (9 EN) | STUN | A single-target sword art that stuns an enemy.



Iron Skin

+15 MIT and +15* Tier HP (30 HP)



None Yet



None Yet



Protector Familiar Skill: Perlita, a small little sea otter protects Ciela with her life.
Gives Ciela a free action where Perlita diminishes her damage by 10%. Cooldown of 3 Posts made by Ciela. 


Battle Ready Inventory:

  • (5) T1 Uncommon Health Potions: Heals 5% of Maximum HP
  • (1) T1 Uncommon Overhealth Potion: Adds 5% of Maximum HP to users Maximum HP for a thread.
  • (1) T1 Rare Health Potion: Heals 10% of maximum HP.
  • (3) Teleport Crystal

* * *



ID: 222286 | CD: 8 | LD: 9
No Materials Found
No Additional Materials

Rank 1 Forager: [28/49 EXP] (25+3)


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"Sounds like we're in," Wulfrin said with a smile to the lower level player that had approached them. "Names Wulfrin and this is KnightessCiela. Most people just call her Ciela, since her username can sometimes be a mouthful in combat."

Wulfrin was confident in his level. Being this low on Aincrad meant that if even so much as sneezed the wrong way, most mobs would die without much effort. The only exception being the ones the system specifically crafted to fight him when he goes out looting. This Floor so far had not posed any danger at all to him, but he had also not done any quests here outside of the one where punching a boulder was a requirement. That meant he could reap the first time clear rewards, assuming the player didn't mean the boulder quest.

"So newbie," Wulfrin said as he started navigating through menus. "what's your name and what quest are we going on today?"

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  • 3 weeks later...

It didn't take long before the two of them reconized her needing help. She was thankful actually as she was wanting to get in a few levels before helping MorningStar out more with there little adventure.

"My name is Etherial. And the quest I'm partaking is 'Let There Be Light.'."

She wasn't to confident in doing this quest by herself. In matter of fact she was almost certain if she attempt it on her own she would of killed herself. It would potentially partake into suicide and she wasn't about to become another victim to this death game.

"Thank you so much for helping me. I only have to say one thing. I won't be much help in combat. I'm more of a support player than a combat but I'll try my best in any way I could."

She's hoping that wont change their minds since she'll pretty much be paper weight at this time. But there again this is the only way she can really level up is by asking for help something she never thought about doing in the real world.

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"Let There Be Light," Wulfrin mumbled as he began turning through his internal rolodex of quests. "Can't say I've done that one yet. I haven't the slightest clue how to start that one."

He looked at Ciela, who was looking about as confused as he was. Neither of them had really done much questing save a few tiny things here and there to get Ciela some fairly nice experience gains, so this would likely be a new experience for the both of them as well. The conversation began to shift to that concerning of their roles in combat. Wulfrin let out a small chuckle at the notion that the new player wouldn't be doing much to help in combat. In the back of his mind, he knew full well that anything on this floor, save some freak boss mob or errant mob sent by Cardinal for him to loot for gear, was unlikely to stand up to even a single strike from the swordsman in red.

"You needn't worry about combat friend," Wulfrin chuckled as he navigated his menus. "This will most likely be a power trip for me, as I am likely to drop most things on this floor with a single strike."

A party invite window would appear before Etherial. Upon accepting the quest, the proof to back the claim would appear alongside the health and energy bars of the two higher level players.

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Ciela waved slightly at Etherial after being introduced to their new party member by Wulfrin, "You'll be fine, between me tanking hits and Wulfrin doing damage, you just have to sit there and look pretty." She smiled at Etherial. "We would much rather keep you safe."

She looked over to Wulfrin and her palm collided with her hand, "You didn't research the quest before coming down here?" She shook her head and made a tsk noise. "Mr. I'm always prepared." She mocked him and chuckled. Unfortunately she didn't think to put any research into it either since Wulfrin usually knows what he's doing. She beat herself up a little on the inside.

Ciela began flitting through the menus. "It looks like we're looking for... uhhh..." She squinted her eyes. "The town of Urbus? Which is where we are. But we haven't encountered the quest giver yet... huh. That's peculiar." Ciela scratched her head in confusion.

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Etherial was relieve knowing that these two are capable in protecting her. After all she have no capability to make any combat moves. While she was waiting to see what everyone else was doing she was checking to make sure she was good to go on her gear before they started hearing out.

While doing that though she sees the two constantly teasing each other. Make her wonder if these two are actual couples in the real world as well.

With a giggle she looks at the two. "Seems like you two have good charisma with each other. That's always good especially when you're in combat. Makes it easy knowing the person that got your back is the people you love."

Etherial doesn't have that... Matter of fact she doesn't think she'll ever find anyone like that while playing this game. But expected when you're wanting to be a support player. Everyone needs you so you'll be matched with different players each time you're on an adventure.

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"You know what they say," Wulfrin shrugged. "Teamwork makes the dream work."

As Wulfrin began to walk the group through town, the sounds of a panicking woman filled the air. The woman was running down the street in a hysterical fit of tears and fear. She ran up to the group in absolute terror and confusion. She ran directly into Wulfrin sending him recoiling briefly.

"Woah there lady," Wulfrin said placing his hands on her shoulders in an attempt to comfort her. "Slow down a sec. We're adventurer's, tell us what's wrong and we'll do our best to help you out."

"Pl-please," the woman begged, "I've been trying to find someone to help me all day. My child--" she paused, trying to regain her composure. "She-- she was playing in one of the caverns in the mountains with her friend. I-I told her not to go but she didn't listen to me!" 

"Alright," Wulfrin said trying his best to keep her talking. "Anything else you can tell us?"

* * *

Choshi RP Posts (1/3+)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Ciela smiled at Etherial, "Teamwork does make the dreamwork, although we are in a relationship so the charisma does come quite naturally in that regard." She then smiled at Wulfrin. 

A woman approached the trio panicking. She was scrambling and trying to find her child. Wulfrin attempted to calm Choshi but to no avail. Ciela knew when it comes to a woman worrying for her child, it's very hard to calm them down. Wulfrin was attempting to keep her talking to maybe attempt to call her down, where she then admitted through tears, "Her friend came back to me just this moment a-and said that they were attacked by monsters! T-the beast is still in there with her, please, I don't know how long my Koko can last in a place like that!" 

Ciela rubbed Choshi's back as she continued to tell them information about her daughter. "What was she wearing?? I know it may not seem important in the moment but any and every detail you can give us is helpful."

Choshi then explained, "Koko was wearing a yellow dress with a little white collar." Ciela then nodded, taking a mental note of that so they knew for sure when they eventually found her.


* * *

Choshi RP Posts (2/3+)

Edited by KnightessCiela
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It wasn't to long before the three of them started to gather information about the mother's missing child. the only thing is what was the environment like where her daughter and her friend was playing in. With that Etherial starts to and the simple question. At the surprise the fact that the friend told Koko's mother where was more brave than just telling a lie.

"The two of them were playing near a cave and chased inside by the beast."

The mother then sounded more scared knowing the fact that you can't see anything inside a cave without some type of light source.

"Thanks for the information. I'm sure we'll be able to find your daughter in a reasonable amount of time."

The only thing is. Etherial doesn't have any way to see in the dark. And she's not sure about her new partners. The other thing that surprised herself is the fact that the Mother wasn't curious why the children were playing near a cave in the first place. But... they are only AI and probably don't know any better.

Choshi RP Posts (3/3+)

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"Fantastic!" Wulfrin clapped his hands. "Find the cave, find the kid piece of cake!"

Wulfrin took the lead out of Urbus and back into the mountains. It hadn't been long, only a couple hours, since he and Ciela had left the mountains. At least they didn't have to climb anything, at least that was the hope. Hearing that they were going into a dark cave Wulfrin double checked that his Night Vision mod was active from his Searching skill. He knew it would be as he had no other skill to use in its place, but it never hurt to double check. The trio was wandering through the mountains for a while before eventually stumbling on a cave relatively low to the ground, practically begging for some random child to enter its dark void of an inside. Cautiously Wulfrin moved up towards the mouth.

"If you don't have a way to see in the dark hang out here," Wulfrin whispered. "I've got dark vision, so let me take the lead. Only come running if I scream out in pain. Or I yell Jenga really loud."

Having said his piece, Wulfrin began to slink into the cavern. He knew there was little chance Ciela would head the warning, she was stubborn like that, but Wulfrin at least held out hope that the lower level player would follow the gentle order. The cave was in fact pitch dark, the slight inclined path just inside the mouth making the rest of the dark and dank cave fall into the darkest of black. Wulfrin's eyes adjusted quickly, Night Vision starting to pull its weight. As if looking through a pair of Night Vision goggles, the entirety of the cavern was layered with a slight green hue, allowing the details to become visible.

But you can only see so much. Without warning a massive form detached from the ceiling and swooped towards Wulfrin. Wulfrin rolled out of the way and drew his sword in retaliation. With a cerulean light that illumated the cave, Wulfrin struck the giant beast far more than he probably should. Horizontal Square was way over kill as after merely the first strike the beast popped into a shower of fractal motes of light, the system however needed to finish its thing. Not having broken a sweat, Wulfrin scanned the room more thoroughly as it fell back into pure darkness.

"All clear!" Wulfrin shouted once he was satisfied there would be no more unwelcome visitors. He waited patiently for the other two to join him before speaking again. "Let's see if our friend Koko wandered in here."

* * *



Recovery: +0
Roll: not needed
Wulfrin is at full energy

Post Action: ST-I vs Giant Bat (x12, 12 EN) -2 Stamina, -1 Rested (2/2) = 9 EN
Free Action: none

ID: 223485 | BD: 6+3=9 | CD: 1 | 17*12 = 204 DMG to Giant Bat

Wulfrin | Level 22 | HP: 470/470 | EN: 53/62 (62-9) | DMG: 17 | MIT: 66 | ACC: 3 | BH: 4 | LD: 5 | BLD: 36 | REC: 3
«Etherial» 80/80 | ENG: 26/26 | DMG: 1 | Keen: 0 | ACC: 1 0 | MIT: 5 | EVA: 3 | Para: 2 |
KnightessCiela | Level 13 | HP: 290/290 | EN: 44/44 | DMG: 8 | MIT: 86 | ACC: 2 1 | FL. THRN: 4 | THRNS: 36

Environmental Effect:

  • It's Dark in There | Players without a glowstone, the Night Vision mod, or some other means to aid with sight will suffer a -1 to ACC.

[0,0,0] Giant Bat | HP 0/75 (75-204) | DMG 35 DEAD



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  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Ciela stepped just inside the entrance of the cave just to spite Wulfrin's warning. She's nothing if not extremely stubborn. She waited for the all clear sign, as she did she read her book that she's been working on for a while.

As Wulfrin gave the all clear Ciela stepped further in, motioning for Etherial to follow. She followed the wall and yelled out to Wulfrin, using that to find him in the cave. As she and Etherial finally caught up with Wulfrin, she  went further and yelled for Koko. After a moment she could've sworn she saw a child, but as she approached she realized that it was just a rock.

"Well that's a little disappointing, but we will find her soon." She looked around and listened to make sure she would hear if Koko would have yelled out. After a moment there was still nothing. "Poor Koko, I'm sure she's so scared." She furrowed her brow with worry.

* * *


Looking for Koko
ID: 223587 | LD: 13 (Fail. Success on LD 15+)


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It wasn't to long before Wulfrin killed the first bat and yet told them to stay back until he gave the signal. With that though she would wait and stare into the darken cave in hopes to hear the child scream for help.

Finally after hearing Wulfrin give them the signal, Etherial would follow Ciela into the cave slowly stepping in the same spot as Ciela to make sure they were still together. With that though they both paused and Ciela called out for Koko. But yet no luck as either both of them could see nor hear the little girl.

With that though Etherial attempt to do it as well.

"Koko are you there? Please say something."

Etherial didn't hear any crying either and decided to keep behind Ciela.

"Do you think she'll be alright Ciela? I hope so I can't imagine what her mother would be like know she could of lost her child."

Etherial understood how that felt. There's times where children go out and never return and then the parent lose all hope on ever seeing there children again.


ID# 223656 | LD: 12 (Failed)


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His two companions now in tow, Wulfrin began to press deeper into the cave network. While yes the immediate threat was eliminated the deeper the group traveled, the more likely they were to find more trouble. His priority list was simple, find the kid, get the other two players out. Ciela should be fine Etherial though, that was unclear. Wulfrin had not witnessed their combat capabilities, and frankly hoped he wouldn't have to.

"Koko!" Wulfrin called out then went silent. The main reason was to listen for anything stirring, the second was listening for a response for Koko. Not hearing anything initially, Wulfrin continued. "We're hear to help you get home! Your mom is worried!"

No response.

Wulfrin pressed deeper into the cave system watching for any hiding places that a small child could have snuck into.

I hate caving unprepared.

Wulfrin regrouped with his party and pulled out a small box from his inventory.

"Here try one of these," Wulfrin handed each of the players in his party a pretzel. "Maybe their luck can rub off on us."

* * *


Looking for Koko
ID: 223657 | LD: 8+2=10 (Fail. Success on LD 15+)

Wulfrin offers to the party:
Jackpot Pretzel | T1 Perfect Snack | LD III | IDs: [221827] [222283]
[desc.] A salty pretzel that is fresh from the oven and has been made with love. It has been shaped into the form of a heart, each pretzel having a small FI branded on it for Fondante's Inferno.

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"I'm sure Koko will be fine." Ciela furrowed her brow. "I'm more worried about Choshi. It's very hard for a mother to recover from losing their child, NPC or not." With how inconsolable Choshi was when she only thought Koko was missing, she didn't even wanna think about how Choshi would react if they managed to not find Koko and have to return to Choshi without Koko. 

As Ciela and Etherial finally caught up with Wulfrin, "No luck finding her either?" She called out once more for Koko, "Koko! If you can hear this follow my voice, your mom is worried! It's time to come home!" Ciela listened to her voice echo throughout the cave. After a moment, no response, no Koko. Ciela began worrying even more. There's no way a small child wandered that far into the cave without being in serious danger. She worried about what the state of the little girl would be when or if they would finally reach Koko.

Ciela knew it wasn't smart for her to go ahead. She let Wulfrin lead the group. She hoped he or Etherial would have more luck calling for Koko. 

* * *


Knightessciela consumes x1 Jackpot Pretzel | T1 Perfect Snack | LD III | ID: [221827]
[desc.] A salty pretzel that is fresh from the oven and has been made with love. It has been shaped into the form of a heart, each pretzel having a small FI branded on it for Fondante's Inferno.

* * *


Looking for Koko

ID: 223821 | LD: 4 + 3 (Jackpot Pretzel) = 7 (Fail.)


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  • 2 weeks later...

It wasn't long before the three of them were getting unlucky finding Koko. In MMO games though it happens when you have to rely on RNG to progress you in the game, and from previous adventures Etherial has; her RNG hasn't been the greatest.

"I'm hoping we can find her soon. I really don't want her mother to worry anymore than she has to."

Even though the mother is an NPC, it's still the same feeling that you get when you lose your own. Etherial doesn't know the feeling of being a mother. But she does know the feeling of losing something that is very close to you and that is including her cat that she lost when she was younger.

"Wulfrin do you by any chance know where she could be hiding? I figured since you're able to see better than me and Ciela you might have a chance to see her move around or something."


Looking for Koko

ID: 232767 | LD: 4 + 3 (Jackpot Pretzel) = 7 (Fail.)


Etherial consumes x1 Jackpot Pretzel | T1 Perfect Snack | LD III | ID: [221827]
[desc.] A salty pretzel that is fresh from the oven and has been made with love. It has been shaped into the form of a heart, each pretzel having a small FI branded on it for Fondante's Inferno.


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  • 1 month later...

"Let me get back to you on that," Wulfrin said as he began pressing deeper. "Look for small crevices or similar spots. That bat was huge, so I'd assume she'd try and find somewhere they couldn't get to."

Wulfrin did just that and started eyeing the cavern walls. Even with his Night Vision mod active, it was still incredibly hard to pick out the finer details of the cave. Then Wulfrin heard a small sheepish yelp. It sounded human, followed by the sound of shifting stones and dirt. Something was near by. Wulfrin stopped dead in his tracks.

"Koko?" Wulfrin asked into the darkness. "Your mom sent us to get you. Come on out and we'll see you back in her arms."

On queue, as young girl crawled out of a small crevice in the wall, holding tightly to a small stuffed animal. There was remnants of tears running down her face as she clung to Wulfrin's leg and began to weep more. Wulfrin scooped her up and began to make his way back to his companions.

"Found her," Wulfrin said as he guided the group back to the entrance. "Now let's get out of..."

He was cut off by the sounds of a shrill shriek and the sounds of wingbeats coming from behind them.

"Double time it!" Wulfrin said as he held the girl tighter. "We've got another monster incoming."

* * *

Looking for Koko
ID: 233112 | LD: 13+5 = 18 Koko Found 

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Wulfrin finally found Koko after the three of them looked for what seemed like ages. After Wulfrin announced an enemy incoming Ciela immediately jumped in front of them all. Knowing she would be taking whatever enemy was coming her way. As the wingbeats approached she activated her sword art and prepared to lay an attack into whatever was approaching. "Stay behind me for now! Wulfrin, I'll hold onto Koko after I'm done."

The Giant Bat approached and she swiped graciously and ferociously at the bat, taking away a majority of it's health. It was on the ropes, although she didn't know if Etherial could finish the monster off. She knew for sure Wulfrin could though, without even a thought. She figured that Wulfrin could finish it off and we could return this sweet baby to her mom.

Ciela was saddened at the thought of Choshi and her broken heart if she and the others weren't able to find Koko. A mothers love is the most pure love out there, once that's broken it's very hard to come back from that. Ciela held her shield up and backed up behind Etherial and Wulfrin. She pulled Koko next to her and materialized a cookie for a child. She knew Koko was an NPC but it wouldn't diminish her motherly love for all children. No matter what, children should be made to feel safe. No... matter... what.

* * *



KnightessCiela is at full EN

KnightessCiela's Turn:

Post Action: ST-I [x8] (8 EN) vs Giant Bat
Free Action: None

ID: 223617 | BD: 8 + 2 ACC = 10 | DMG: 8*8 = 64 DMG

KnightessCiela | HP: 290/290 | EN: 44/44 | DMG: 8 | MIT: 86 | ACC: 2 | FL. THRN: 4 | THRNS: 36
Wulfrin | HP: 470/470 | EN: 62/62 | DMG: 17 | MIT: 66 | ACC: 3 | BH: 4 | LD: 5 | BLD: 36 | REC: 3
Etherial | HP: 80/80 | ENG: 26/26 | DMG: 1 | Keen: 0 | ACC: 1 | MIT: 5 | EVA: 3 | Para: 2 |

[1,0,0] Giant Bat | HP: 11/75 (75-64) | DMG: 35

  • It's Dark in There | Players without a glowstone, the Night Vision mod, or some other means to aid with sight will suffer a -1 to ACC.


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It wasn't to long after Etherial asked Wulfrin her question he manage to find the little girl. And not so long after that Ciela sprung into action as a bat attempted to attack Wulfrin and Koko.
With her successfully hitting the bat her and Wulfrin would switch but in the middle of it Etherial decided to take her chance to attack the bat but fail to do so.

"Well I guess this is why I'm more of a support than a frontliner."

Etherial wasn't upset the fact she missed. In fact she kind of expected it as she would jump back after and watch Wulfrin and Ciela take care of the bat as she stayed in the back with Koko.

"Looks like it's all yours Wulfrin."

With no doubt she knew that Wulfrin will take care of the bat with no hesitation and they can finally get out of the cave and back to Koko's mother.


Post Action | ST-I (x4, 4 EN): 4EN
Free Action | None

ID #233883| BD: 2 + 1 (acc) - 1 (It's Dark in There) (Failed).

KnightessCiela | HP: 290/290 | EN: 44/44 | DMG: 8 | MIT: 86 | ACC: 2 | FL. THRN: 4 | THRNS: 36
Wulfrin | HP: 470/470 | EN: 62/62 | DMG: 17 | MIT: 66 | ACC: 3 | BH: 4 | LD: 5 | BLD: 36 | REC: 3
Etherial | HP: 80/80 | ENG: 22/26 | DMG: 1 | Keen: 0 | ACC: 1 | MIT: 5 | EVA: 3 | Para: 2 |

[1,0,0] Giant Bat | HP: 11/75 |

  • It's Dark in There | Players without a glowstone, the Night Vision mod, or some other means to aid with sight will suffer a -1 to ACC.


Edited by Etherial
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