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[BR-F28] Into the Woods [Labyrinth Boss]

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In the heart of the woods, where the sunlight couldn't permeated the canopy, darkness reigned. A dense layer of fog hung over the damp foliage, the scent of wet leaves thick and rotten. The air also held a strange chill, far cooler than one might expect, even in the shadows. Silence, as heavy as the fog, hovered in the forest. No birds chirped, no squirrels chittered, and no rustle of underbrush betrayed the location of other woodland creatures. For a Floor with such warmth and beauty, this transition into eerie cold was unmistakable. Something lurked here, and whatever it was, it wasn't wholly natural.

A sharp snort echoed like a gunblast.


  • The Labyrinth Guardian battle will begin when all four players have posted an introductory post, including their stats/equipment.
  • The scouting party may contact outside help, and swap out for a different Player.
  • Once all four participants have posted, the boss stats will be edited into this post, and the fight will begin.
  • Players will control the boss.
    • It will have its own rolls, but does not necessarily need its own posts.
    • Questions concerning the boss (stats, abilities, etc.) should be directed to staff.
  • Stats from the scouting thread (buffs, equipment swaps, etc.) may be carried over to this thread.
    • Equipment changes can still be made, and consumables taken, during the introductory round as well.
  • Once the boss has been beaten, another post will be made to end the fight and give the victorious party any pertinent details.




Owij’be The Indomitable
HP: 4000/4000 | DMG: 200 | MIT: 125 | ACC: 2 | Battle Healing: 220

Bloodied but Unbowed: For each source of damage dealt to Owij’be (Including DoT Effects), its mitigation is increased by 25. This fades at the start of Owij’be’s turn.

Unstoppable Force [AoE]: Every 3 turns, Owij’be will begin to rush through the arena. The blistering winds of The Cave will follow in its wake. Owij’be gains +2 accuracy and makes an attack against all targets, Dealing 300 damage on a success and inflicting [Bitter Chill] unless the target has [Antifreeze].

Titanic Bulwark [Equip]: Every 5th turn, Owij’be will gather nearby trees into its antlers and brandish them as a weapon. For as long as Owij’be has a branch in its antlers, it gains +50 Base Damage, +1 Accuracy on all of its attacks. This debris can be attacked like a normal creature to end this effect.

  • Titanic Bulwark | HP: 500/500

[Bitter Chill]: Target loses -2 evasion until removed, any further refreshes of this effect instead deal 100 unmitigated damage to the target. Purify will remove this debuff.

Demolish [AoE]: At any point a Titanic Bulwark loses more than half of its HP and is not destroyed or 4 turns have passed since its creation, Owij’be will use Demolish. This attack is an autohit dealing 300 unmitigated damage on all targets and inflicts [Bitter Chill].

Burned Hide | Owij’be loses -55 of its battle healing while burned.
Immovable Object | If Owji’be strikes a target who is under the effects of Rampart, it concusses itself and cannot act the following turn.
Dizzied | Delay pushes all of its turn based effects back a single turn.
Shocking | Stun (Familiar/Player) & Paralyze do not disable the boss, but instead remove/negate 3 stacks of Bloodied but Unbowed.
Frost Resistant | Cold Effects (Freeze & Frostbite) will not disable the boss, but will reduce its damage by 25 until the start of its next turn.

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Spewed forth from a harrowing dive through the thin veils and shades cast by the Magistrate's throne, Freyd had escaped a solo fight with a boss he felt might otherwise have been much beyond his own abilities.  Suppressive effects of the gossamer webs spanning the treetops about her lair prevented complete success and shunted him sideways into never-never land.  In this case, that meant emerging from a crook between two butt-cheeks of a particularly gnarled oak on the outskirts of the Fire Forest, darker, nastier cousin.  The Flaming Heebie-Jeebies Forest?

Farted out the ass of the tree, Freyd gracelessly tumbled the extra two dozen feet to the ground, thoughtfully snagging every single branch along the way.  So nice of them to try to break my fa...OUCH. A minor mushroom cloud formed from displaced fallen leaves marked the Whisper's unceremonious point of impact, feet and hands sticking out like he'd been drowned in a giant bowl of pretzels with his head and torso buried beneath the pile.


It was a long and exhausted groan, the type that often carried a story or twelve in its backstory, not that he had anyone yet available for the telling.  So, instead, he just flopped back and let his cowl rest upon the pillow provided by these ever-thoughtful trees and let the last of the lattice of razor-sharp cuts lacing his battered form heal while he took a much-needed moment for himself. And then a hand grabbed his and yanked him out of this cushy repose, because fuck if the universe can every grant a man even a fraction of a moment's rest.

"Oh, for the love of..."

The sword art already building in his other injured hand fizzled the moment he recognized the figure staring him in the face - or at least her chest was from this angle.

"Booba?!"  It was familiar.  "Wait. Mina?"  Something thumped him in the forehead as his rescuer dumped him back into the pile for his candor, sending up another crunchy puff of tree dandruff.  Yup.  Definitely Mina.

"What the fuck are you doing here?  Alone?!  ARE YOU NUTS?"  Scrambling awkwardly back to his feet, she could see that he was ripped and shredded, like he'd lost a fight against a swarm of bees, if bees were actually flying Ginsu knives.  It was rare to catch Freyd off guard.  It was even rarer - nay, unfathomable - to actually find him worried to any degree matching his present state.  And what could possibly have dealt him this kind of damage? His head snapped around to look up at the canopy, limned with the same familiar red-streaked gossamer drifting lazily in decay-scented breeze.

"Shit, Mina.  We can't be here.  Do you have any idea where you are?"


Sharing remaining portions of Gugnir’s Shard (Untradeable/Unique/Reusable Consumable): Crème Brûlée Tray | ACC 2 | Feast (5/6)

1. Mega Slime Farm activated (+10% EXP for thread)
2. CS is inactive for this thread
Stats retained from scouting thread: here.
4. Freyd also consumes Terra Firma scale from: here.
5. Changing totem from 
Yamata no Orochi to Tanos
6. Consumes Mega-Duper Anti-Everything Sauce (Salve) | Antidote 3 | 197145
7. Consumes Flavoured Yogurt Shot (snack) | T4 Perfect Snack | Probiotics 3 | 217008

Freyd | HP: 1311/1311 | EN: 152/152 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 123 | EVA: 5 | ACC: 5 | BH: 72 | LD: 12 | PROSP: 3 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16 | TXV: 32 | TRLBLD | PARA IMMUNE | REC: 8 | V.D.: 144 | Dote: 3/3 | Prob: 36

Full Stats:


Freyd, The Whisper in Shadow
Level: 33
Paragon Level: 124
HP: 1140/1140+171
EN: 152/152

Damage: 21+3
Mitigation: 20+60(+18)
Evasion: 4+2
Accuracy: 3+2
Battle Healing: 62
Loot Dice: 7+3+1+1+1 
FLN: 16
HLY: 16
REC: 8
V.D.: 125

Equipped Gear:
Weapon: Samael's Pride | T4 MA | FLN 2 | HLY 2
Armor: Black Cowled Traveling Garb | T4 CA | VD 2 | REC 2
Misc: Fight O'er Flight (ACC 2 | EVA 2)

Combat Mastery: Damage R3
Combat Shift: AOE
Familiar Skill: Grappling Familiar
Custom Skill: [not applicable]

Martial Arts R5
Battle Healing R5
Cloth Armor R5
Searching R4
Quick Change
Extended Mod Limit
Extended Weight Limit
Fighting Spirit

Active Mods:
Night Vision
Emergency Recovery

Inactive Mods:

Focused Howl

Active Extra Skills:
Forgotten King’s Authority

Inactive Extra Skills:
Frozen Hide
Hiding R2

Battle Ready Inventory:
Teleport Crystals x7
Mass HP Rec [Inst] (+10% HP) x7
T4 Vitality (+16 EN) x7
Crystal of Divine Light (Reusable) x1
Rhino's Horn (Reusable) x1
Hmr.Pk:  Hope's Covenant - Resolve +4 (T4 Demonic Weapon (MA) - AA, Phase, Frostbite, VO)  x1
EWL:  The Thing Behind All Lies (T4 Demonic MA, AA, Blight, Static, Para.Ven (Off))    x1
EWL: Shadowed Rose (ACC 3 | Para.Imm.) x1

Housing Buffs:
Rested: -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat
Clean: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down)
Hard Working: +2 EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day
Filling: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot.
Item Stash: +1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot
Delicious: Turn 3 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Feast. A Feast contains 6 portions of the food items sacrificed.
Relaxed: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
Skylight (Searching): +1 Rank to the Searching skill.
Angler: +2 Fishing EXP per attempt
Practiced Angler: +2 Fishing EXP per attempt, addition +1 LD/CD to fishing attempts
Advanced Training: +10% Exp to a thread. Limit one use per month [1/1] - ACTIVATED
Multipurpose: Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll
Decor [Potted Tanabata Bamboo Tree]: This buff affects the player and their choice of up to two party members.

Guild Hall Buffs:
Lucrative: Reduce LD needed for Salvage by 5 (10+ for Alchemist crystals, 6+ for everything else). +2 EXP per craft. Rank 9 crafters receive +1 crafting attempt per day. Rank 10 crafters receive +2 crafting attempts per day.
Col Deposit: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.

Scents of the Wild:
Yamata no Orochi Statue: +1 Loot Dice for a thread

Wedding Ring: n/a

Fishing: Level 4 | 461XP




Edited by Freyd
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"God damn- why is it always you!" Violet let out a frustrated sigh, sheathing her blade as she looked at Freyd. "I thought you were Hirru and Ariel..! I got separated from them earlier, and I haven't been able to find them since." Violet had lost her cloak, leaving her with just her breast plate and what clothing she was wearing underneath. Her mask was pulled to the side, her dark red eyes filled with worry as she looked her friend over. The deep scratches, and ragged clothes were making her concerned. "Freyd, are you ok..? What the hell happened!"

At his question at how she'd ended up down here alone, she let out a growl. "I was walking through a trap with the two of them, and we were going to open up a chest." she sighed, folding her arms over her chest, eyes narrowing slightly. "I saw something off in the distance looking like it was stalking us, so I went after it. I ended up getting snared by something, and the next thing I know I was getting yanked down here." she moved her hand, drawing open her menu. "I'm gonna try and see if I can't send an SOS ping to those two, this is probably gonna be a little rough."

her other hand moved to Lament, readying herself on the off chance that they were about to get Ambushed.

Yoinking a portion of Freyd's Gugnir Shard :D
Stats are retained from Labby search [LINK HERE]
Using Mega Slime Farm (+10% Exp for Thread!)

Tricolor_Mina | HP: 760/760 | EN: 110/110 | DMG: 21 | MIT: 138 | ACC: 7 | LD: 4 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRSTB: 40 | V.D.: 76

Full stats below :>


Tricolor_Mina, The Guiding Light
Level: 33
Paragon Level: 17
HP: 760/760
EN: 110/110

Damage: 21
Mitigation: 138
Accuracy: 7
Loot Dice: 4
BLGT: 32
BRN: 56
V.D.: 76

Equipped Gear:
Weapon: Jack's Burned Lament
Armor: Mask of Rose
Misc: Queen's Gambit

Custom Skill:

Saber R5
Light Armor R5
Quick Change
Searching R1

Active Mods:

Inactive Mods:

Field Medic

Active Extra Skills:
First Aid R5
Assault Mode

Inactive Extra Skills:

Battle Ready Inventory:

Housing Buffs:
Hard Working: +2 EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day
Filling: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot.
Item Stash: +1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot
Skylight (Searching): +1 Rank to the Searching skill.
Angler: +1 material gained when fishing
Advanced Training: +10% Exp to a thread. Limit one use per month [0/1]  USED

Guild Hall Buffs:

Scents of the Wild:

Wedding Ring:

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Posted (edited)

The two players were long from finding anyone particular, as the winding maze of bark and crimson passed on before them.  There were signs of storms in the distance, but nothing had reached them yet.  Could it have been whatever the players call, as sound effect?  The hunter could only ponder as his eyes were aglow a bright green.  Search was constantly on now, as their search for the labyrinth entrance had come to an unexpected halt.  Instead of continuing to find salvation, the two decided that it would be better to find their lost companions.

Hacking through some rough undergrowth and plowing through piles of dead leaves, the two scouts would trudge ahead.  The foliage would not hinder them in their search, as the green haired warrior kept his eyes on the prize: a set of footprints that would hopefully be one of their friends.  If only there were a better way to do this, as the menu's maps didn't seem to be showing friendly units in the area.  Probably something to do with this forest.  Due to that, he decided to take on some enhancement food.  Mainly just some rations and switched out his luck bracelet for his main armor.  The albino black bears and the mimic already showed that this place was ambush in nature, so it was better to be safe than sorry.

"We're almost there.  The tracks are getting fresher, I think."

The hunter spoke up to his current partner, Ariel.  One of the Chaos Sisters that the hunter could not still understand.  There were things that he wanted to speak to her about, but those things could wait.  He was not going to bring that up in the middle of a combat zone.  

Suddenly, he was starting to get something from his sonar like search pings.  He would get them regularly from creatures around the area, so they could avoid combat as much as possible.  This was not mob sized, though.  humanoid shapes.  He couldn't tell the exact dimensions, since he took off the bracelet, but they could not think this anyone else.  This was definitely Mina.

"I see something..  a figure at roughly.. mid right.. 2 o clock.. slightly down.  I haven't seen humanoid mobs in the area, so it may be Mina!  Let's go and investigaAAAA!"

He would call out as he pushed through some brush, finding himself realizing why they were below them a bit.  The brush had hidden a quick drop, to which the heavy armor of the hunter could not but give in to gravities pull.  Rolling along the steep drop, his armor clanging and buffeting him in unholy sounds.  Finally, noise would stop as he fell into something.  The feeling was soft, but crunchy.  A large pile of leaves had stopped his fall, but slapped him out of his Search skill.  To anyone that could see him, it would look like a fern had popped out of the red and brown leaves.

"Ooh ah.. I should stop using that setting.."

His vision would come back slowly as his awareness of the situation came back to him.  In front of him, were two figures of very familiar stature.  One was the missing partner for this scouting venture, and the one that he was probably following.  He would have said something to her in protest when he saw another player with her.  It was odd, he couldn't remember not seeing another figure.  This was not Bahr, that he had figured, but someone much more familiar to his eyes.  Someone that he would then understand why he couldn't sense him.

"Mina!  What the... Freyd?  How the.."

Hirru Stats


Hirru | HP: 1113/1113 | EN: 108/108 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 182 | LD: 8~11 | BH: 55 | HLY BLS: 44 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 36

Hirru Lvl 33 (PL 62)

1113 HP
108 Energy
1 Base Damage
182 Mitigation
8~11 Luck Die (8 normal / 11 lab search)
5% Battle Healing
4% Holy Blessing
8 Recovery
32 Thorns
20% Life Mend


Paladin's Oath ..................... // +4% Holy Blessing / +20% Life Mending
Light's Embrace .................... // +8 Recovery / 32 Thorns
Bulwark ............................ // +72 Mitigation
Blades Cloak ....................... // Vanity
Lun'Rael's Insignia ................ // Unique Vanity |
Fates Armament (Shield) ............ // Unique Vanity | 
Dimensional Backpack ............... // +1 B.R.I Slot

Battle Ready Inventory

<Teleportation Crystal> x5 ......... // Teleport to a town / out of a dungeon [Uses 2 posts: 1 for use, next to teleport]
<Favor of the Golden Dragon> ....... // +3 Loot Die
<Shelob's Fang> .................... // +1 Accuracy / +1 Paralyze / +32 Envenom Off
<Mass HP Recovery Crystal> x5 ...... // +10% AOE Heal
<Dear My Friend (Mass)> x5 ......... // +15% AOE Heal
<Dear My Friend (Instant)> x5 ...... // +15% ST Heal


Heavy Armor ........................ // Rank 5: +35 MIT
Battle Healing ..................... // Rank 5: +5% HP each turn
Search ............................. // Rank 5: +5 Loot Die / +5 Stealth Detection
Quick Change ....................... // Rank 0: Change items in B.R.I to equipment (Free Act)

Extra Skills (Max 4)

First Aid .......................... // Rank 5: +20% ST-H / -15 EN
Leadership ......................... // Rank 5: Command the Front w/ Buffs

Skill Mods / Addons (Max 5 Mods)

Iron Skin (Add on) ................. // +15 Mit / +60 HP
Field Medic (Add on) ............... // +25% AOE-H / -15 EN / 3 turn Cooldown
Hyperactive (Add on) ............... // +3 EN Regen for 3 turns / -5 EN / 3 turn Cooldown

Reveal (Add on)..................... // +2 to Dungeon, Labyrinth searches / Post 10 searches / 2 turn Labyrinth Cooldown

Barrier ............................ // -15% Dmg shield AOE / -15 EN / 2 turn Cooldown
Energize ........................... // +8 EN ST / -10 EN
Rally .............................. // +1 ACC AOE, -1 ACC self / -6 EN / 3 turn Cooldown
Press The Attack ................... // +(Target Tier) Dmg, -(Cumulative)Dmg / -10 En / 5 turn Cooldown

Detect ............................. // +1 to Labyrinth searches | +2 Stealth Detect

Housing / Buffs

Rested ............................. // -1 EN for 2 uses
Relaxed ............................ // OOC HP regen 5*tier Rec EN after 2 turns
Filling ............................ // Increase food by +1 T1 slot
Multipurpose ....................... // +1 LD, Stealth, Dection, or Prosperity to 1 post
Ambition Scales .................... // +1 EXP per crafting attempt (Appraiser)
Practiced Angler ................... // +2 EXP & +1 LD & CD to fishing attempts
Amphitrite's Net ................... // +1 CD to fishing attempts


Edited by Hirru
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As Ariel trudged alongside her companion, the dense foliage of the forest seemed to stretch endlessly before them. Despite the lush greenery and the gentle rustle of leaves in the wind, there was an eerie silence that hung heavy in the air, a stark reminder of their particular circumstances. Pushing through the undergrowth, Ariel kept her eyes peeled for any signs of their friends. Every rustle of leaves, every broken branch, could be a clue leading them closer to their goal. That is why, while Hirru was taking point she would follow up behind, keeping watching behind and on their flank with her search skill focused on detection rather than tracking.

Her hand remained outreached as she would only react to the names of their missing party members, her hand remaining outstretched as she watched Hirru loudly tumble down. She would then try to catch up, but her safe jumps were slower than the barrel rolling down the hill, that was her support. As she got close to the crash site, she would see the figures mentioned earlier but one of them didn't match the one in her memory.

"So you snuck away to have a make out session with your BF?" she asked @tricolor_mina with a sour mood, trying to deliver it as a joke. The 'sensei' in her wanted to chew Mina's ear out about disappearing without a warning during a mission, potentially putting herself and the rest of them in danger. But she took a deep breath and a long exhale with her eyes closed, them looked at Freyd's wounds: "I could've use that ferocity in the last fight..." she added, completing the joke but also hinting to her true thoughts.

  • Latest stats pulled from Scouting thread link
  • Using Mega Slime Farm (+10% Exp for Thread!)

Ariel | HP: 1035/1035 | EN: 108/108 | DMG: 29 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 5 | FLN: 16 | RSKY: 8 | BH: 56 | HLY BLS: 45 | PHASE | TXV [24/3] | AA | REC: 3 | LD: 8/11(+1 loot) | PROSP. 3

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Violet felt a wave of relief wash over her as she saw Hirru and Ariel approaching, a gentle smile crossing her face. "Thank god, I was starting to get worried about you two!" Much like herself and Freyd, they had taken a decent tumble thanks to the drop that was hidden by the foliage surrounding the area. "I got lost trying to track down Bahr, and I ended up running into Freyd instead! At least there's four of us again, right?"

Ariel's comment rubbed her the wrong way, her eyes darkening slightly as she looked at the blonde woman. "I didn't disappear on purpose, I got thrown down here with him." Violet folded her arms across her chest, tilting her head in freyd's direction. "Now isn't the time to be petty, we have to focus. Besides, I don't make a habit out of smooching taken men. Freyd already has a pretty lady waiting for him."


Violet stiffened as a loud series of thumps slowly started to make its way in their direction, growing in intensity and speed as it drew closer. "What the fuck..?" she murmured, eyes widening as she drew a hand to Lament in concern. "You guys hear that, right? I'm not imagining it?" A sharp snort was the only warning that she got as a particularly massive Moose charged from the woods, a loud bellow ripping from its chest. Violet felt herself moving without thinking, her actions automatic as she charged up a sword art. "Everyone, MOVE!!"

She lept onto Owij'be, releasing the sword art in a flurry of blows that had the Labyrinth boss roaring at everyone. As Lament bit into its virtual flesh, she noticed its skin starting to harden, making it much more difficult for her to cut. "Shit, it's got something that boosts its defense!"

Post action - AoE-I Vs Owij'be The Indomitable


Roll ID#: 223020, BD: 7 (7+7 = 14, HIT! 15*21 = 315 - 125 = 190 DMG to Owij'be The Indomitable! Bloodied but Unbowed Procs!
- 13 EN to Mina!

H: 0|0|1|0| Owij’be The Indomitable | HP: 3810/4000 | DMG: 200 | MIT: 125 150| ACC: 2 | Battle Healing: 220 [Bloodied But Unbowed Stacks: 1]

Bloodied but Unbowed: For each source of damage dealt to Owij’be (Including DoT Effects), its mitigation is increased by 25. This fades at the start of Owij’be’s turn.

Unstoppable Force [AoE]: Every 3 turns, Owij’be will begin to rush through the arena. The blistering winds of The Cave will follow in its wake. Owij’be gains +2 accuracy and makes an attack against all targets, Dealing 300 damage on a success and inflicting [Bitter Chill] unless the target has [Antifreeze].

Titanic Bulwark [Equip]: Every 5th turn, Owij’be will gather nearby trees into its antlers and brandish them as a weapon. For as long as Owij’be has a branch in its antlers, it gains +50 Base Damage, +1 Accuracy on all of its attacks. This debris can be attacked like a normal creature to end this effect.

  • Titanic Bulwark | HP: 500/500

[Bitter Chill]: Target loses -2 evasion until removed, any further refreshes of this effect instead deal 100 unmitigated damage to the target. Purify will remove this debuff.

Demolish [AoE]: At any point a Titanic Bulwark loses more than half of its HP and is not destroyed or 4 turns have passed since its creation, Owij’be will use Demolish. This attack is an autohit dealing 300 unmitigated damage on all targets and inflicts [Bitter Chill].

Burned Hide | Owij’be loses -55 of its battle healing while burned.
Immovable Object | If Owji’be strikes a target who is under the effects of Rampart, it concusses itself and cannot act the following turn.
Dizzied | Delay pushes all of its turn based effects back a single turn.
Shocking | Stun (Familiar/Player) & Paralyze do not disable the boss, but instead remove/negate a single stack of Bloodied but Unbowed.
Frost Resistant | Cold Effects (Freeze & Frostbite) will not disable the boss, but will reduce its damage by 25 until the start of its next turn.


Freyd | HP: 1311/1311 | EN: 152/152 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 123 | EVA: 5 | ACC: 5 | BH: 72 | LD: 12 | PROSP: 3 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16 | TXV: 32 | TRLBLD | PARA IMMUNE | REC: 8 | V.D.: 144 | Dote: 3/3 | Prob: 36
Ariel | 
HP: 1035/1035 | EN: 108/108 | DMG: 29 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 5 | FLN: 16 | RSKY: 8 | BH: 56 | HLY BLS: 45 | PHASE | TXV [24/3] | AA | REC: 3 | LD: 8/11(+1 loot) | PROSP. 3
Tricolor_Mina | HP: 760/760 | EN: 97/110 | DMG: 21 | MIT: 138 | ACC: 7 | LD: 4 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRSTB: 40 | V.D.: 76
Hirru | HP: 1113/1113 | EN: 108/108 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 182 | LD: 8~11 | BH: 55 | HLY BLS: 44 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 36

Edited by tricolor_mina
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A cry echoed through the foggy woodlands. The ground was damp and strewn with leaves that crunched beneath the swordsman's boots. His sight was limited to a small radius, a thick blanket of haze preventing him from looking any further. He thought he had been there before, but in a horror novel he'd read a dozen times as a teenager. It had a simple plot: a young girl and her dog move into a relative's house in the middle of a forest and spooky things happen.

The stark difference was that he had no dog; rather, he held a sword. It comforted him throughout his chilling escape from Glyndebourne and trek through the grueling labyrinth. Activating night vision shared the effect of turning on a flashlight in the mist—it was a hindrance. He settled for limited awareness of his surroundings.

Uneasiness crept up his spine concurrently. Every so often, he would spin around to clear his flank, but it always turned out to be his imagination. Another sound reverberated through the forest and he practically jumped out of his skin.

Questions rolled through his mind. What was making the noise? How far away was it? Did it know he was there? What would he do when they finally encountered each other?

They were wholly unanswerable.

The only sounds that filled his ears, aside from the horrifying and sporadic cries, came from himself. The melodic forest noise he was accustomed to was absent, and it caused his heavy breath and consistent march to sound louder. His heart pumped quickly, the result of mixing fear with cardiovascular activity. A third cry rang out.

This time, however, it was joined by voices. His hiking pace turned to a jog. He dodged low branches, roots, and large rocks, making his way towards the heart of the sounds. He broke through the fog just in time to see an unfamiliar player knocked aside by a rampaging moose. In a panic, she fumbled through her inventory, summoning a blue crystal and vanishing, as if she had never been there at all.

The beast had an uncanny appearance. He couldn't describe it, but it looked off. He had seen moose before and it was somehow different.

Without a second thought, he barreled down a steep hill and towards the group of players. As the moose charged at its next target, he whizzed by. A hefty slam of his blade redirected its assault, and it crashed headfirst into a thick-trunked tree. 


Post Action | TECH-D (x16, 16 EN): 16 - (Well Rested (3/3); Stamina) = 13 EN

ID223149 | bd5+6+1 = 12 | cd8 (st-b locked) | DMG: 28*16 = 448-155 = 293 -> Owij'be The Indomitable

Freyd | HP: 1311/1311 | EN: 152/152 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 123 | EVA: 5 | ACC: 5 | BH: 72 | LD: 12 | PROSP: 3 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16 | TXV: 32 | TRLBLD | PARA IMMUNE | REC: 8 | V.D.: 144 | Dote: 3/3 | Prob: 36
Tricolor_MinaHP: 760/760 | EN: 97/110 | DMG: 21 | MIT: 138 | ACC: 7 | LD: 4 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRSTB: 40 | V.D.: 76
HirruHP: 1113/1113 | EN: 108/108 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 182 | LD: 8~11 | BH: 55 | HLY BLS: 44 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 36

Morningstar | HP: 851/851 | EN: 99/112 | DMG: 28 | MIT: 60 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 6 | BH: 39 | LD: 5 (6) | REC: 4 | FLN: 16 | AA | PAR VEN

(0,1,0,1) Owij’be The Indomitable | HP: 3517/4000 | DMG: 200 | MIT: 125 155| ACC: 2 | Battle Healing: 220 | Shatter: -20 MIT (1/3) | [Bloodied But Unbowed Stacks: 2]

  • Bloodied but Unbowed: For each source of damage dealt to Owij’be (Including DoT Effects), its mitigation is increased by 25. This fades at the start of Owij’be’s turn.
  • Unstoppable Force [AoE]: Every 3 turns, Owij’be will begin to rush through the arena. The blistering winds of The Cave will follow in its wake. Owij’be gains +2 accuracy and makes an attack against all targets, Dealing 300 damage on a success and inflicting [Bitter Chill] unless the target has [Antifreeze].
  • Titanic Bulwark [Equip]: Every 5th turn, Owij’be will gather nearby trees into its antlers and brandish them as a weapon. For as long as Owij’be has a branch in its antlers, it gains +50 Base Damage, +1 Accuracy on all of its attacks. This debris can be attacked like a normal creature to end this effect.
    • Titanic Bulwark | HP: 500/500
  • [Bitter Chill]: Target loses -2 evasion until removed, any further refreshes of this effect instead deal 100 unmitigated damage to the target. Purify will remove this debuff.
  • Demolish [AoE]: At any point a Titanic Bulwark loses more than half of its HP and is not destroyed or 4 turns have passed since its creation, Owij’be will use Demolish. This attack is an autohit dealing 300 unmitigated damage on all targets and inflicts [Bitter Chill].
  • Burned Hide | Owij’be loses -55 of its battle healing while burned.
  • Immovable Object | If Owji’be strikes a target who is under the effects of Rampart, it concusses itself and cannot act the following turn.
  • Dizzied | Delay pushes all of its turn based effects back a single turn.
  • Shocking | Stun (Familiar/Player) & Paralyze do not disable the boss, but instead remove/negate a single stack of Bloodied but Unbowed.
  • Frost Resistant | Cold Effects (Freeze & Frostbite) will not disable the boss, but will reduce its damage by 25 until the start of its next turn.
ayawfa7.png | MORNINGSTAR
 | Lv. 55 >> P. 22, Lv. 33
 | Status: [ lfg ]

 replacing ariel and jumping right into combat

  Hide contents

Morningstar | HP: 851/851 | EN: 112/112 | DMG: 28 | MIT: 60 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 6 | BH: 39 | LD: 5 (6) | REC: 4 | FLN: 16 | AA | PAR VEN


  • Dying Sun
  • Red Longcoat
  • Sapphire

battle-ready inventory

  • Magdalyn's Cuckoo
  • teleport crystal x5
  • popcorn x10 | VIT II
  • dewdrop salve | HP III


  Hide contents

mod count: 3/5

  • 2HSS | RANK 5/5
    • precision, stamina, ferocity
    • shift: tech
    • athletics, nimble
  • SEARCHING | RANK 4/5 (5)
    • night vision, detect




  Hide contents


  1. Gugnir's Shard | ACC II
  2. Imperial Quarter Blend | DMG III
  3. Mortal Instants | MIT III
  4. Shadows Withal | OH III
  5. Breakfast Fry | PROTEIN II


  • Lv. 5 | Gain additional col equivalent to 15% of EXP earned in that thread.
  • Lv. 10 | +1 LD to looting.

sword arts

  Hide contents

en cost matches multiplier unless stated otherwise. shift underlined.

  • ST | x12 -> x15 | x20
  • AOE | x11 -> x14
  • TECH-A | x16 | STUN | 13EN
  • TECH-B | x16 | DELAY
  • TECH-D | x16 | SHATTER
  • TECH-F | x12 | AOE STUN

misc/housing buffs

  Hide contents
  • Dimensional Backpack | +2 Battle-Ready Inventory Slots.
  • Well Rested | -1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat.
  • Squeaky Clean | The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 25% (rounded down).
  • Filling | Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot. This can exceed normal Cook enhancement caps. Ex: A perfect T2 MIT food gives 35 MIT instead of 30.
  • Tasty | Turn 2 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Lesser Feast. A Lesser Feast contains 4 portions of the food items sacrificed. Lesser Feasts created this way cannot be used outside of the thread they are created. Limit 1 item created per thread.
  • Relaxed | Increases out-of-combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
  • Multipurpose | Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll.
  • Skylight (Searching) | +1 Expertise to declared utility skill. 




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The loud thudding was all the hunter could hear, as Mina shouted out to them to move.  He could not move so well in the end so instead of trudging through the pile, the hunter dug deep into the leaves.  He didn't see what happened to Ariel, nor did it matter.  All he knew was there was a giant something that was barreling towards them.  The charge blew through the pile, as if it were nothing.  Thankfully, the hunter was sprawled out on the bottom.  The smaller the target, the better; he thought.  The only thing that was left was a few things of leaves around him, but the fern in leaf pile still shown tall.  Weirdly enough, though.  The wind that fell in behind the charge was seeming a little cooler than normal.  Was it due to the stormy weather from earlier?  Couldn't be.

Popping his head up a bit to see, there seemed to be someone else here that wasn't before.  In fact, he could have sworn Ariel was with them a second ago.  Wait..

"How did you get here, Mornin?  Nevermind!"

The hunter quickly threw out a party invite to the man.  The hunter needed to have all health bars and buffs within his HUD, to accurately see who needed heals and who needed feels.  Though, that wasn't his only action.  While getting up from his natural camouflage, a small buff would ring around his arm three times over.  He would probably need the energy as they continued.

"Man, this forest is already making me dizzy.  Black bears that are white and a crazy deer with ugly antlers, that sounds a little like those bears."

He would say as he raised his shield up in a fighting stance, while holding a Mass Crystal like a sword, in the other.

EN: Null
Recovery?: Null
Post Action: Hyperactive -> Hirru | +3 EN Regen / -5 EN

Freyd | HP: 1311/1311 | EN: 152/152 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 123 | EVA: 5 | ACC: 5 | BH: 72 | LD: 12 | PROSP: 3 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16 | TXV: 32 | TRLBLD | PARA IMMUNE | REC: 8 | V.D.: 144 | Dote: 3/3 | Prob: 36
Tricolor_Mina HP: 760/760 | EN: 97/110 | DMG: 21 | MIT: 138 | ACC: 7 | LD: 4 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRSTB: 40 | V.D.: 76
Hirru HP: 1113/1113 | EN: 103/108 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 182 | LD: 8~11 | BH: 55 | HLY BLS: 44 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 36 | HYPE 0/3 //CD: 0/3

Morningstar | HP: 851/851 | EN: 99/112 | DMG: 28 | MIT: 60 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 6 | BH: 39 | LD: 5 (6) | REC: 4 | FLN: 16 | AA | PAR VEN

(0,1,0,1) Owij’be The Indomitable | HP: 3517/4000 | DMG: 200 | MIT: 125 155| ACC: 2 | Battle Healing: 220 | Shatter: -20 MIT (1/3) | [Bloodied But Unbowed Stacks: 2]

  • Bloodied but Unbowed: For each source of damage dealt to Owij’be (Including DoT Effects), its mitigation is increased by 25. This fades at the start of Owij’be’s turn.
  • Unstoppable Force [AoE]: Every 3 turns, Owij’be will begin to rush through the arena. The blistering winds of The Cave will follow in its wake. Owij’be gains +2 accuracy and makes an attack against all targets, Dealing 300 damage on a success and inflicting [Bitter Chill] unless the target has [Antifreeze].
  • Titanic Bulwark [Equip]: Every 5th turn, Owij’be will gather nearby trees into its antlers and brandish them as a weapon. For as long as Owij’be has a branch in its antlers, it gains +50 Base Damage, +1 Accuracy on all of its attacks. This debris can be attacked like a normal creature to end this effect.
    • Titanic Bulwark | HP: 500/500
  • [Bitter Chill]: Target loses -2 evasion until removed, any further refreshes of this effect instead deal 100 unmitigated damage to the target. Purify will remove this debuff.
  • Demolish [AoE]: At any point a Titanic Bulwark loses more than half of its HP and is not destroyed or 4 turns have passed since its creation, Owij’be will use Demolish. This attack is an autohit dealing 300 unmitigated damage on all targets and inflicts [Bitter Chill].
  • Burned Hide | Owij’be loses -55 of its battle healing while burned.
  • Immovable Object | If Owji’be strikes a target who is under the effects of Rampart, it concusses itself and cannot act the following turn.
  • Dizzied | Delay pushes all of its turn based effects back a single turn.
  • Shocking | Stun (Familiar/Player) & Paralyze do not disable the boss, but instead remove/negate a single stack of Bloodied but Unbowed.
  • Frost Resistant | Cold Effects (Freeze & Frostbite) will not disable the boss, but will reduce its damage by 25 until the start of its next turn.
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Posted (edited)

“We’re deep in this floor’s labyrinth,” Freyd began, by way of explanation to Mina’s query.  “And hip deep in a nest of spooky shit. This place is definitely hinky, in the darkest-side-of-Scooby-Doo kind of way.”  Hirru and Ariel showed up before their conversation could progress much farther, the latter mocking Mina for sneaking off with him for special nooky time.  A snorting grunt was all he could manage before Mina shot down the regal woman’s innuendo, hard.  He, meanwhile, looked forward to mentioning it to Elora, with certain dubious embellishments about the turnip-shade of red Mina’s face might have  fielded in response.  It would make great fodder for their next dinner date.  Hirru, by comparison, first and understandably seemed rather plainly confused.

“Bahr?  Uh… I think we were in a raid and event quest together ages ago, but I can’t say that I’ve seen him.  We can go searching for him, but this really isn’t the place to be wander-”  Some big, honking monstrous relative of Bulkwinkle’s came crashing through their clearing before he could finish his warning, making moot the attempt.  Ariel vanished amidst the explosion of fiery leaves, leaving Morningstar also suddenly among them and Mina buckling swash like a wild woman.

“Morning!?  Glad to see you made it, man, but also… what the f-”  Hardly an opportune moment for further introductions, The Lightbringer had already joined the fray and sundered some chunk off the beast’s shaggy hide.

“Awww… fuck it,” Freyd muttered to himself, rolling back to his feet from his initial dodge and resolved to sorting out details once the mob was actually down.  This one was looking especially nasty, and he’d only just recovered from his recent injuries in a narrow escape from Magistrate Aldenbrook’s lair.  Call it another item added to his ‘to-do’ list.  This was instantly more pressing and bumped up to the very top.

Keenly analyzing the mob with his appraiser’s ways, instincts dictated that this thing really needed crispifying.  Snaring a handful of drifting crimson leaves still drifting through the air, Freyd’s fists alighted in a blaze as his sword art empowered a quick series of blows swiftly transferring their essence onto the mob in the form of true flame.  

“Eyes on me, big guy,” he called out, the mob’s shadow angling oddly towards the Whisper as he spoke, like some unnatural draw was calling it to him and pulling its caster in for the ride.  A few quick finger flicks signalled the others to attack while he repositioned to place himself in a way to call off interest in their healer.  Here we go again…


Freyd's action:


Post Action | TECH-G (x12, 12 EN): 12 EN - (Rested 2/2; Stamina) = 9 EN.  
Free Action | None

ID #223151 | BD:2+5=7 (hit).  DMG (12*24=288-155=133) vs Owij'be.  BURN applied. (CD 3 | ST-B locked)

Freyd | HP: 1311/1311 | EN: 143/152 (152-9) | DMG: 24 | MIT: 123 | EVA: 5 | ACC: 5 | BH: 72 | LD: 12 | PROSP: 3 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16 | TXV: 32 | TRLBLD | PARA IMMUNE | REC: 8 | V.D.: 144 | Dote: 3/3 | Prob: 36
Tricolor_Mina HP: 760/760 | EN: 97/110 | DMG: 21 | MIT: 138 | ACC: 7 | LD: 4 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRSTB: 40 | V.D.: 76
Hirru HP: 1113/1113 | EN: 103/108 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 182 | LD: 8~11 | BH: 55 | HLY BLS: 44 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 36 | HYPE 0/3 //CD: 0/3

Morningstar | HP: 851/851 | EN: 99/112 | DMG: 28 | MIT: 60 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 6 | BH: 39 | LD: 5 (6) | REC: 4 | FLN: 16 | AA | PAR VEN

(2,1,0,1) Owij’be The Indomitable | HP: 3384/4000 (3517-133) | DMG: 200 | MIT: 125 155| ACC: 2 | Battle Healing: 220 | Shatter: -20 MIT (1/3) | BURN 54 (0/2) | [Bloodied But Unbowed Stacks: 2]

  • Bloodied but Unbowed: For each source of damage dealt to Owij’be (Including DoT Effects), its mitigation is increased by 25. This fades at the start of Owij’be’s turn.
  • Unstoppable Force [AoE]: Every 3 turns, Owij’be will begin to rush through the arena. The blistering winds of The Cave will follow in its wake. Owij’be gains +2 accuracy and makes an attack against all targets, Dealing 300 damage on a success and inflicting [Bitter Chill] unless the target has [Antifreeze].
  • Titanic Bulwark [Equip]: Every 5th turn, Owij’be will gather nearby trees into its antlers and brandish them as a weapon. For as long as Owij’be has a branch in its antlers, it gains +50 Base Damage, +1 Accuracy on all of its attacks. This debris can be attacked like a normal creature to end this effect.
    • Titanic Bulwark | HP: 500/500
  • [Bitter Chill]: Target loses -2 evasion until removed, any further refreshes of this effect instead deal 100 unmitigated damage to the target. Purify will remove this debuff.
  • Demolish [AoE]: At any point a Titanic Bulwark loses more than half of its HP and is not destroyed or 4 turns have passed since its creation, Owij’be will use Demolish. This attack is an autohit dealing 300 unmitigated damage on all targets and inflicts [Bitter Chill].
  • Burned Hide | Owij’be loses -55 of its battle healing while burned.
  • Immovable Object | If Owji’be strikes a target who is under the effects of Rampart, it concusses itself and cannot act the following turn.
  • Dizzied | Delay pushes all of its turn based effects back a single turn.
  • Shocking | Stun (Familiar/Player) & Paralyze do not disable the boss, but instead remove/negate a single stack of Bloodied but Unbowed.
  • Frost Resistant | Cold Effects (Freeze & Frostbite) will not disable the boss, but will reduce its damage by 25 until the start of its next turn.

Enemy's action:


Owij'be Turn 1.

Bloodied bu Unbound effect fades.
Owij'be takes 54 damage from Burn.
Burned Hide reduces Battle Healing by 55.
Owij'be recovers 165hp from Battle Healing.

ID #223152 | MD: 4+2-5=1 (miss) vs Freyd

Freyd | HP: 1311/1311 | EN: 143/152 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 123 | EVA: 5 | ACC: 5 | BH: 72 | LD: 12 | PROSP: 3 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16 | TXV: 32 | TRLBLD | PARA IMMUNE | REC: 8 | V.D.: 144 | Dote: 3/3 | Prob: 36
Tricolor_Mina HP: 760/760 | EN: 97/110 | DMG: 21 | MIT: 138 | ACC: 7 | LD: 4 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRSTB: 40 | V.D.: 76
Hirru HP: 1113/1113 | EN: 103/108 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 182 | LD: 8~11 | BH: 55 | HLY BLS: 44 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 36 | HYPE 0/3 //CD: 0/3

Morningstar | HP: 851/851 | EN: 99/112 | DMG: 28 | MIT: 60 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 6 | BH: 39 | LD: 5 (6) | REC: 4 | FLN: 16 | AA | PAR VEN

(2,1,0,1) Owij’be The Indomitable | HP: 3495/4000 (3384-54+165) | DMG: 200 | MIT: 125 | ACC: 2 | Battle Healing: 220 165 | Shatter: -20 MIT (1/3) | BURN 54 (1/2) 

  • Bloodied but Unbowed: For each source of damage dealt to Owij’be (Including DoT Effects), its mitigation is increased by 25. This fades at the start of Owij’be’s turn.
  • Unstoppable Force [AoE]: Every 3 turns, Owij’be will begin to rush through the arena. The blistering winds of The Cave will follow in its wake. Owij’be gains +2 accuracy and makes an attack against all targets, Dealing 300 damage on a success and inflicting [Bitter Chill] unless the target has [Antifreeze].
  • Titanic Bulwark [Equip]: Every 5th turn, Owij’be will gather nearby trees into its antlers and brandish them as a weapon. For as long as Owij’be has a branch in its antlers, it gains +50 Base Damage, +1 Accuracy on all of its attacks. This debris can be attacked like a normal creature to end this effect.
    • Titanic Bulwark | HP: 500/500
  • [Bitter Chill]: Target loses -2 evasion until removed, any further refreshes of this effect instead deal 100 unmitigated damage to the target. Purify will remove this debuff.
  • Demolish [AoE]: At any point a Titanic Bulwark loses more than half of its HP and is not destroyed or 4 turns have passed since its creation, Owij’be will use Demolish. This attack is an autohit dealing 300 unmitigated damage on all targets and inflicts [Bitter Chill].
  • Burned Hide | Owij’be loses -55 of its battle healing while burned.
  • Immovable Object | If Owji’be strikes a target who is under the effects of Rampart, it concusses itself and cannot act the following turn.
  • Dizzied | Delay pushes all of its turn based effects back a single turn.
  • Shocking | Stun (Familiar/Player) & Paralyze do not disable the boss, but instead remove/negate a single stack of Bloodied but Unbowed.
  • Frost Resistant | Cold Effects (Freeze & Frostbite) will not disable the boss, but will reduce its damage by 25 until the start of its next turn.


Edited by Freyd
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Posted (edited)

Violet tumbled out of the way, her eyes going wide at the speed that the labyrinth boss was moving at. Owji'be was already targeting Freyd, the massive beast bellowing as it swung its head with reckless abandon. The sword art she'd planned on using had completely fizzled out, and she ended up being forced to utilize the <<Charge>> skill to scramble out of the way. Ariel seemed to have completely elected to ignore her, instead choosing to teleport out of here and ditch them and let them fight the guardian all on their own. She finally skidded to a stop next to Hirru, letting out a sigh of relief as she de-activated her skill. "I'm so going to yell at her when I see her again!" she grumbled, her gaze catching on someone else.

Morningstar had been en-route, it seemed.

"Well, at least most of our old team is here!" her smile had returned, and she dipped into a crouch, watching as the blonde man engaged against the boss monster. "Hopefully that means we'll knock the bastard out nice and quick, yeah?"

Post action: AoE II + Charge


Mina Recovers +4 EN

Roll ID#: 223246, BD: 1 (Crit Miss! Mina Loses 10 EN (2 from failed SA, 8 from usage of charge skill), CD: 9

Freyd | HP: 1311/1311 | EN: 143/152 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 123 | EVA: 5 | ACC: 5 | BH: 72 | LD: 12 | PROSP: 3 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16 | TXV: 32 | TRLBLD | PARA IMMUNE | REC: 8 | V.D.: 144 | Dote: 3/3 | Prob: 36
Tricolor_Mina HP: 760/760 | EN: 91/110 | DMG: 21 | MIT: 138 | ACC: 7 | LD: 4 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRSTB: 40 | V.D.: 76 (Charge CD: 0/3)
Hirru HP: 1113/1113 | EN: 103/108 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 182 | LD: 8~11 | BH: 55 | HLY BLS: 44 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 36 | HYPE 0/3 //CD: 0/3

Morningstar | HP: 851/851 | EN: 99/112 | DMG: 28 | MIT: 60 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 6 | BH: 39 | LD: 5 (6) | REC: 4 | FLN: 16 | AA | PAR VEN

(2,1,0,1) Owij’be The Indomitable | HP: 3495/4000 (3384-54+165) | DMG: 200 | MIT: 125 | ACC: 2 | Battle Healing: 220 165 | Shatter: -20 MIT (1/3) | BURN 54 (1/2) 

  • Bloodied but Unbowed: For each source of damage dealt to Owij’be (Including DoT Effects), its mitigation is increased by 25. This fades at the start of Owij’be’s turn.
  • Unstoppable Force [AoE]: Every 3 turns, Owij’be will begin to rush through the arena. The blistering winds of The Cave will follow in its wake. Owij’be gains +2 accuracy and makes an attack against all targets, Dealing 300 damage on a success and inflicting [Bitter Chill] unless the target has [Antifreeze].
  • Titanic Bulwark [Equip]: Every 5th turn, Owij’be will gather nearby trees into its antlers and brandish them as a weapon. For as long as Owij’be has a branch in its antlers, it gains +50 Base Damage, +1 Accuracy on all of its attacks. This debris can be attacked like a normal creature to end this effect.
    • Titanic Bulwark | HP: 500/500
  • [Bitter Chill]: Target loses -2 evasion until removed, any further refreshes of this effect instead deal 100 unmitigated damage to the target. Purify will remove this debuff.
  • Demolish [AoE]: At any point a Titanic Bulwark loses more than half of its HP and is not destroyed or 4 turns have passed since its creation, Owij’be will use Demolish. This attack is an autohit dealing 300 unmitigated damage on all targets and inflicts [Bitter Chill].
  • Burned Hide | Owij’be loses -55 of its battle healing while burned.
  • Immovable Object | If Owji’be strikes a target who is under the effects of Rampart, it concusses itself and cannot act the following turn.
  • Dizzied | Delay pushes all of its turn based effects back a single turn.
  • Shocking | Stun (Familiar/Player) & Paralyze do not disable the boss, but instead remove/negate a single stack of Bloodied but Unbowed.
  • Frost Resistant | Cold Effects (Freeze & Frostbite) will not disable the boss, but will reduce its damage by 25 until the start of its next turn.
Edited by tricolor_mina
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Recalling the past few hours and his perilous journey, he replied to the party's curious inquiries. "I was in the area. Good to see you made it out of town, Freyd."

He kept it short. The heat of battle was no place for him to explain himself, although he did think it was among the most interesting stories of the day. A sliver of a space in between strikes was the perfect opportunity for Morningstar to move in. He slid past Mina, following her Charge with his own, and crashed into Owij'be The Indomitable with a fraction of his full force.

Leave it to luck.

The location and choice of monster for the labyrinth were perplexing. He had expected something consistent with the theme of red thread; a moose was not that. Reality brought forth a different idea—the boss and the thread were separate entities entirely. As shocking as it sounded, it was entirely possible that they had nothing to do with each other.

He clipped the moose one last time before retreating, dodging an attack on the way back.


ID223258 CD4 | Recovery Failed
Morningstar Recovers 4 EN

Post Action | Charge + TECH-D (x16, 16 EN): 16 + 8 - (Well Rested (2/3); Stamina) = 21 EN

ID223259 BD4+6+1=11 CD5 | DMG: (28+3)*16=496-110=386 to Owij'be The Indomitable

Freyd | HP: 1311/1311 | EN: 143/152 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 123 | EVA: 5 | ACC: 5 | BH: 72 | LD: 12 | PROSP: 3 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16 | TXV: 32 | TRLBLD | PARA IMMUNE | REC: 8 | V.D.: 144 | Dote: 3/3 | Prob: 36
Tricolor_Mina HP: 760/760 | EN: 91/110 | DMG: 21 | MIT: 138 | ACC: 7 | LD: 4 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRSTB: 40 | V.D.: 76 (Charge CD: 0/3)
Hirru HP: 1113/1113 | EN: 103/108 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 182 | LD: 8~11 | BH: 55 | HLY BLS: 44 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 36 | HYPE 0/3 //CD: 0/3

Morningstar | HP: 851/851 | EN: 82/112 (99+4-21) | DMG: 28 | MIT: 60 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 6 | BH: 39 | LD: 5 (6) | REC: 4 | FLN: 16 | AA | PAR VEN

(2,1,0,2) Owij’be The Indomitable | HP: 3,109/4000 (3496-386) | DMG: 200 | MIT: 125 110  | ACC: 2 | Battle Healing: 220 165 | Shatter: -40 MIT (2/3) | BURN 54 (1/2) | Bloodied but Unbowed (1): +25 MIT

  • Bloodied but Unbowed: For each source of damage dealt to Owij’be (Including DoT Effects), its mitigation is increased by 25. This fades at the start of Owij’be’s turn.
  • Unstoppable Force [AoE]: Every 3 turns, Owij’be will begin to rush through the arena. The blistering winds of The Cave will follow in its wake. Owij’be gains +2 accuracy and makes an attack against all targets, Dealing 300 damage on a success and inflicting [Bitter Chill] unless the target has [Antifreeze].
  • Titanic Bulwark [Equip]: Every 5th turn, Owij’be will gather nearby trees into its antlers and brandish them as a weapon. For as long as Owij’be has a branch in its antlers, it gains +50 Base Damage, +1 Accuracy on all of its attacks. This debris can be attacked like a normal creature to end this effect.
    • Titanic Bulwark | HP: 500/500
  • [Bitter Chill]: Target loses -2 evasion until removed, any further refreshes of this effect instead deal 100 unmitigated damage to the target. Purify will remove this debuff.
  • Demolish [AoE]: At any point a Titanic Bulwark loses more than half of its HP and is not destroyed or 4 turns have passed since its creation, Owij’be will use Demolish. This attack is an autohit dealing 300 unmitigated damage on all targets and inflicts [Bitter Chill].
  • Burned Hide | Owij’be loses -55 of its battle healing while burned.
  • Immovable Object | If Owji’be strikes a target who is under the effects of Rampart, it concusses itself and cannot act the following turn.
  • Dizzied | Delay pushes all of its turn based effects back a single turn.
  • Shocking | Stun (Familiar/Player) & Paralyze do not disable the boss, but instead remove/negate a single stack of Bloodied but Unbowed.
  • Frost Resistant | Cold Effects (Freeze & Frostbite) will not disable the boss, but will reduce its damage by 25 until the start of its next turn.


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Events unfolded before the hunter.  The moose had smashed Ariel out of existence, or was it more that she was sent away?  He knew much better than some others that she would not run away from a fight like this.  There are some fights.. ..you can't run from.  The chilled air seemed to be getting more apparent, as the burning effect from Freyd's attack and the shattering effect from probably Mornings' attack combined.  The protective hide of the creature seemed to be melting and cracking, but was reforming just as quickly.  One could see the heat rise from it, as if the cold around was making it's body heat fall off.  Was this thing healing from the cold?  Freyd must have seen that, and used fire against it.  Always good thinking, that one.  Though, there was something much worse.  The cold air was getting stronger with each charge.  He could feel it from when it passed over him to this time when it rushed Freyd.

The issue comes from when it rushes.  As the hunter watched, he could see that both Freyd and Mornin's attacks were doing something else.  It was hard to see, especially with the ever changing properties of damage values between players, and the unknown amount of health that a new boss may have.  They had burned through nearly a fourth of its health.  Sure, it was healing, but something else was going on.  Their attacks were not doing as much as they should.  He remembered how well everyone in the group performed in the floor boss raid, and even with non-max stats, he could work around certain stats parameters that they should have.  So why.. was this thing not past the quarter threshold?  His eyes went back to the visible air around the boss, then back to the wounds that they had given it so far.  Orange streaks fell over several parts of its body, but some were.. changed.  No longer orange and seeping crystalline data, or whatever Shield put it.  No, the data had stood still and seemed cooler in color.  As if it were.. frozen.  Was that how it was healing and protecting itself?  It was only after it smashed into something that the frozen parts seemed to fall off, as if the wound was never there.  The only wounds that seemed to have more effect were Morning's shattered strikes and Freyd's burned areas.  Sadly, Mina's strikes were mostly healed over by now.

"Freyd, are you seeing this?  The fucked up antelope is pulling the chilled air around it to chill the wounds it gains.  The wounds become icy armor that encase the wound and allow it to heal them!"

Pointing it out to the group, he would then raise his shield to Mornin'.  His energy reserves would need some help, if he is to keep the fractures up.  A yellow light would befall the shield and the first ring around the hunter's arm would shatter.  Morningstar would then gain a bit of energy back.  Not much, but it is something.

"Mornin' can you keep up the shattering?  It's doing work on fracturing the ice armor.  Freyd, can you do something about the air?  It seems to be getting colder and colder, and that's making it stronger."

Looking to Mina, whom didn't have any specialty except for her abundance of AOE potential that was being squandered.  She talked about the old team, possibly from the raid.  He couldn't agree more.

"Mina!  Hit it hard, just like back then.  We'll have it down in no time."


EN Regen - 4+3(hyper) = 7 (max)
Recovery - Null (maxed)
Post Action - Energize -> Morningstar | +8 EN // -10 EN

Freyd | HP: 1311/1311 | EN: 143/152 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 123 | EVA: 5 | ACC: 5 | BH: 72 | LD: 12 | PROSP: 3 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16 | TXV: 32 | TRLBLD | PARA IMMUNE | REC: 8 | V.D.: 144 | Dote: 3/3 | Prob: 36
Tricolor_Mina HP: 760/760 | EN: 91/110 | DMG: 21 | MIT: 138 | ACC: 7 | LD: 4 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRSTB: 40 | V.D.: 76 (Charge CD: 0/3)
Hirru HP: 1113/1113 | EN: 98/108 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 182 | LD: 8~11 | BH: 55 | HLY BLS: 44 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 36 | HYPE 1/3 //CD: 1/3

Morningstar | HP: 851/851 | EN: 90/112 (99+4-21+8) | DMG: 28 | MIT: 60 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 6 | BH: 39 | LD: 5 (6) | REC: 4 | FLN: 16 | AA | PAR VEN 

(2,1,0,2) Owij’be The Indomitable | HP: 3,109/4000 (3496-386) | DMG: 200 | MIT: 125 110  | ACC: 2 | Battle Healing: 220 165 | Shatter: -40 MIT (2/3) | BURN 54 (1/2) | Bloodied but Unbowed (1): +25 MIT

  • Bloodied but Unbowed: For each source of damage dealt to Owij’be (Including DoT Effects), its mitigation is increased by 25. This fades at the start of Owij’be’s turn.
  • Unstoppable Force [AoE]: Every 3 turns, Owij’be will begin to rush through the arena. The blistering winds of The Cave will follow in its wake. Owij’be gains +2 accuracy and makes an attack against all targets, Dealing 300 damage on a success and inflicting [Bitter Chill] unless the target has [Antifreeze].
  • Titanic Bulwark [Equip]: Every 5th turn, Owij’be will gather nearby trees into its antlers and brandish them as a weapon. For as long as Owij’be has a branch in its antlers, it gains +50 Base Damage, +1 Accuracy on all of its attacks. This debris can be attacked like a normal creature to end this effect.
    • Titanic Bulwark | HP: 500/500
  • [Bitter Chill]: Target loses -2 evasion until removed, any further refreshes of this effect instead deal 100 unmitigated damage to the target. Purify will remove this debuff.
  • Demolish [AoE]: At any point a Titanic Bulwark loses more than half of its HP and is not destroyed or 4 turns have passed since its creation, Owij’be will use Demolish. This attack is an autohit dealing 300 unmitigated damage on all targets and inflicts [Bitter Chill].
  • Burned Hide | Owij’be loses -55 of its battle healing while burned.
  • Immovable Object | If Owji’be strikes a target who is under the effects of Rampart, it concusses itself and cannot act the following turn.
  • Dizzied | Delay pushes all of its turn based effects back a single turn.
  • Shocking | Stun (Familiar/Player) & Paralyze do not disable the boss, but instead remove/negate a single stack of Bloodied but Unbowed.
  • Frost Resistant | Cold Effects (Freeze & Frostbite) will not disable the boss, but will reduce its damage by 25 until the start of its next turn.


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Posted (edited)

"Wait?  What?  Morning?  How the heck did your end up - WHOA!"

The mutant Bullwinkle nearly gored him while he gawked, glad that his companion had made it safely out of Glyndebourne after their ambush, but curious as to how he'd ended up so far in the woods.  Taking a moment to dodge, refocus and reposition himself to better control the field, it was Hirru's words which brought him fully back into the fold.

"Freyd, are you seeing this?  The fucked up antelope is pulling the chilled air around it to chill the wounds it gains.  The wounds become icy armor that encase the wound and allow it to heal them!"

He was right.  This thing was playing by a different set of rules than those allotted to common mobs.  Try as he might, Freyd simply couldn't get close enough to land a proper blow without frost beginning to form on his extremities.

"Alright.  New plan.  Hirru, keep back and call it as you see it.  You'll have a better vantage.  Mina and Morning keep doing your thing.  We just need to get out footing and pacing, and then we'll own this thing."

Freyd, how about you just stop fucking up for a change, and then maybe that will all actually be true.


Freyd's Action:


Correction: Shatter still at 1/3 until Owij'be acts again.

Freyd regains +4 EN
CD 4 (No REC proc) ID #223265

Post Action | TECH-D (x12, 12 EN): 12 EN  - (Rested 1/2; Stamina) = 9 EN.  Charge (+8 EN, CD 0/3) (missed, 0 EN)
Free Action | None

ID #223266 | BD: 1 (miss). Yay.

Freyd | HP: 1311/1311 | EN: 143/152 (147+4-0) | DMG: 24 | MIT: 123 | EVA: 5 | ACC: 5 | BH: 72 | LD: 12 | PROSP: 3 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16 | TXV: 32 | TRLBLD | PARA IMMUNE | REC: 8 | V.D.: 144 | Dote: 3/3 | Prob: 36
Tricolor_Mina HP: 760/760 | EN: 91/110 | DMG: 21 | MIT: 138 | ACC: 7 | LD: 4 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRSTB: 40 | V.D.: 76 (Charge CD: 0/3)
Hirru HP: 1113/1113 | EN: 98/108 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 182 | LD: 8~11 | BH: 55 | HLY BLS: 44 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 36 | HYPE 1/3 //CD: 1/3

Morningstar | HP: 851/851 | EN: 90/112 | DMG: 28 | MIT: 60 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 6 | BH: 39 | LD: 5 (6) | REC: 4 | FLN: 16 | AA | PAR VEN 

(3,1,0,2) Owij’be The Indomitable | HP: 3,109/4000 (3496-386) | DMG: 200 | MIT: 125 110  | ACC: 2 | Battle Healing: 220 165 | Shatter: -40 MIT (1/3) | BURN 54 (1/2) | Bloodied but Unbowed (1): +25 MIT

  • Bloodied but Unbowed: For each source of damage dealt to Owij’be (Including DoT Effects), its mitigation is increased by 25. This fades at the start of Owij’be’s turn.
  • Unstoppable Force [AoE]: Every 3 turns, Owij’be will begin to rush through the arena. The blistering winds of The Cave will follow in its wake. Owij’be gains +2 accuracy and makes an attack against all targets, Dealing 300 damage on a success and inflicting [Bitter Chill] unless the target has [Antifreeze].
  • Titanic Bulwark [Equip]: Every 5th turn, Owij’be will gather nearby trees into its antlers and brandish them as a weapon. For as long as Owij’be has a branch in its antlers, it gains +50 Base Damage, +1 Accuracy on all of its attacks. This debris can be attacked like a normal creature to end this effect.
    • Titanic Bulwark | HP: 500/500
  • [Bitter Chill]: Target loses -2 evasion until removed, any further refreshes of this effect instead deal 100 unmitigated damage to the target. Purify will remove this debuff.
  • Demolish [AoE]: At any point a Titanic Bulwark loses more than half of its HP and is not destroyed or 4 turns have passed since its creation, Owij’be will use Demolish. This attack is an autohit dealing 300 unmitigated damage on all targets and inflicts [Bitter Chill].
  • Burned Hide | Owij’be loses -55 of its battle healing while burned.
  • Immovable Object | If Owji’be strikes a target who is under the effects of Rampart, it concusses itself and cannot act the following turn.
  • Dizzied | Delay pushes all of its turn based effects back a single turn.
  • Shocking | Stun (Familiar/Player) & Paralyze do not disable the boss, but instead remove/negate a single stack of Bloodied but Unbowed.
  • Frost Resistant | Cold Effects (Freeze & Frostbite) will not disable the boss, but will reduce its damage by 25 until the start of its next turn.

Enemy's Action:


Owij'be turn 2

Bloodied but Unbowed fades.
Owij'be regains 165 hp from BH.
Owij'be suffers 54 burn.  Burn fades.

ID #223266 | MD: 2+2-5=-1 (miss)

Freyd | HP: 1311/1311 | EN: 147/152 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 123 | EVA: 5 | ACC: 5 | BH: 72 | LD: 12 | PROSP: 3 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16 | TXV: 32 | TRLBLD | PARA IMMUNE | REC: 8 | V.D.: 144 | Dote: 3/3 | Prob: 36
Tricolor_Mina HP: 760/760 | EN: 91/110 | DMG: 21 | MIT: 138 | ACC: 7 | LD: 4 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRSTB: 40 | V.D.: 76 (Charge CD: 0/3)
Hirru HP: 1113/1113 | EN: 98/108 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 182 | LD: 8~11 | BH: 55 | HLY BLS: 44 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 36 | HYPE 1/3 //CD: 1/3

Morningstar | HP: 851/851 | EN: 90/112 | DMG: 28 | MIT: 60 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 6 | BH: 39 | LD: 5 (6) | REC: 4 | FLN: 16 | AA | PAR VEN 

(3,1,0,2) Owij’be The Indomitable | HP: 3,220/4000 (3109+165-54) | DMG: 200 | MIT: 125 65  | ACC: 2 | Battle Healing: 220 165 | Shatter: -40 MIT (2/3) | BURN 54 (2/2) 

  • Bloodied but Unbowed: For each source of damage dealt to Owij’be (Including DoT Effects), its mitigation is increased by 25. This fades at the start of Owij’be’s turn.
  • Unstoppable Force [AoE]: Every 3 turns, Owij’be will begin to rush through the arena. The blistering winds of The Cave will follow in its wake. Owij’be gains +2 accuracy and makes an attack against all targets, Dealing 300 damage on a success and inflicting [Bitter Chill] unless the target has [Antifreeze].
  • Titanic Bulwark [Equip]: Every 5th turn, Owij’be will gather nearby trees into its antlers and brandish them as a weapon. For as long as Owij’be has a branch in its antlers, it gains +50 Base Damage, +1 Accuracy on all of its attacks. This debris can be attacked like a normal creature to end this effect.
    • Titanic Bulwark | HP: 500/500
  • [Bitter Chill]: Target loses -2 evasion until removed, any further refreshes of this effect instead deal 100 unmitigated damage to the target. Purify will remove this debuff.
  • Demolish [AoE]: At any point a Titanic Bulwark loses more than half of its HP and is not destroyed or 4 turns have passed since its creation, Owij’be will use Demolish. This attack is an autohit dealing 300 unmitigated damage on all targets and inflicts [Bitter Chill].
  • Burned Hide | Owij’be loses -55 of its battle healing while burned.
  • Immovable Object | If Owji’be strikes a target who is under the effects of Rampart, it concusses itself and cannot act the following turn.
  • Dizzied | Delay pushes all of its turn based effects back a single turn.
  • Shocking | Stun (Familiar/Player) & Paralyze do not disable the boss, but instead remove/negate a single stack of Bloodied but Unbowed.
  • Frost Resistant | Cold Effects (Freeze & Frostbite) will not disable the boss, but will reduce its damage by 25 until the start of its next turn.


Edited by Freyd
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  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Violet sprung forward, her blade easily biting into the side of the field boss. Their work was paying off, and the boss finally dipped below 3,000 HP thanks to their concerted efforts. Morningstar showing up was a very good thing, seeing as they didn't have any other DPS players in the party - Freyd needed to keep his focus on keeping aggro for the boss, or they would be risking their safety more than usual. "Alright, Keep at it everyone!" she called out, looking back to Freyd and Morningstar. "We're almost at the halfway point, so lets try to get some more fire on it!"

She took in a deep breath, before punching her fists together, a flare of dark red energy swirling around her as she activated Assault Mode, her body becoming lighter. "The faster we can get this done, the quicker we can get this party started for real!"


Mina Recovers 4 EN!

Post action: AoE-II against Owij'be The Indomitable
Roll ID#: 223488, BD: 3 (3+7= 10, HIT! 18*21 = 378 - 313 DMG to Owij'be! Bloodied but Unbowed Procs! Mina loses 18 EN!

Mina Procs <<Assault Mode>> : Mina's Acc and EVA values are Switched until her next turn! Mina Loses 5 EN!

Freyd | HP: 1311/1311 | EN: 147/152 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 123 | EVA: 5 | ACC: 5 | BH: 72 | LD: 12 | PROSP: 3 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16 | TXV: 32 | TRLBLD | PARA IMMUNE | REC: 8 | V.D.: 144 | Dote: 3/3 | Prob: 36
Tricolor_Mina HP: 760/760 | EN: 72/110 | DMG: 21 | MIT: 138 | ACC: 7 
0| EVA: 0 7 | LD: 4 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRSTB: 40 | V.D.: 76 (Charge CD: 1/3) (Assault Mode CD: 0/4)
Hirru HP: 1113/1113 | EN: 98/108 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 182 | LD: 8~11 | BH: 55 | HLY BLS: 44 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 36 | HYPE 1/3 //CD: 1/3
Morningstar | HP: 851/851 | EN: 90/112 | DMG: 28 | MIT: 60 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 6 | BH: 39 | LD: 5 (6) | REC: 4 | FLN: 16 | AA | PAR VEN 

(3,2,0,2) Owij’be The Indomitable | HP: 2,907/4000 (3,220 - 313) | DMG: 200 | MIT: 125 90  | ACC: 2 | Battle Healing: 220 165 | Shatter: -40 MIT (2/3) |[Bloodied But Unbowed Stacks: 1]

  • Bloodied but Unbowed: For each source of damage dealt to Owij’be (Including DoT Effects), its mitigation is increased by 25. This fades at the start of Owij’be’s turn.
  • Unstoppable Force [AoE]: Every 3 turns, Owij’be will begin to rush through the arena. The blistering winds of The Cave will follow in its wake. Owij’be gains +2 accuracy and makes an attack against all targets, Dealing 300 damage on a success and inflicting [Bitter Chill] unless the target has [Antifreeze].
  • Titanic Bulwark [Equip]: Every 5th turn, Owij’be will gather nearby trees into its antlers and brandish them as a weapon. For as long as Owij’be has a branch in its antlers, it gains +50 Base Damage, +1 Accuracy on all of its attacks. This debris can be attacked like a normal creature to end this effect.
    • Titanic Bulwark | HP: 500/500
  • [Bitter Chill]: Target loses -2 evasion until removed, any further refreshes of this effect instead deal 100 unmitigated damage to the target. Purify will remove this debuff.
  • Demolish [AoE]: At any point a Titanic Bulwark loses more than half of its HP and is not destroyed or 4 turns have passed since its creation, Owij’be will use Demolish. This attack is an autohit dealing 300 unmitigated damage on all targets and inflicts [Bitter Chill].
  • Burned Hide | Owij’be loses -55 of its battle healing while burned.
  • Immovable Object | If Owji’be strikes a target who is under the effects of Rampart, it concusses itself and cannot act the following turn.
  • Dizzied | Delay pushes all of its turn based effects back a single turn.
  • Shocking | Stun (Familiar/Player) & Paralyze do not disable the boss, but instead remove/negate a single stack of Bloodied but Unbowed.
  • Frost Resistant | Cold Effects (Freeze & Frostbite) will not disable the boss, but will reduce its damage by 25 until the start of its next turn.
Edited by tricolor_mina
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  • 1 month later...

The moose, Owij'be, tossed its antlers to and fro, unable to settle on a specific target. Muddy fur over decaying skin smelled of rot, catching Morningstar off guard every time he got too close. The forest canopy caged them in, like a demented WWE spin-off. Swishing blonde locks from just above his eyeline, he dove headfirst into the wild fight, moving just behind Mina and delving his blade into the beast's hairy back.

It was a beefy opponent they had encountered. It shrugged off attacks that lesser foes would crumble beneath. Shatter activated on impact, shredding an insignificant ounce of its wall of mitigation.

Exhausted, he barely sidestepped a frustrated stomp from The Indomitable, moving back behind their trusty healer, Hirru. Once he felt safe, he gave his back a short stretch.

"Nine more business days and we'll be done," Morningstar laughed at his own unfunny attempt at a joke.


Morningstar Recovers 4 EN!
Recovery ID223511 CD5

Post action: TECH-D against Owij'be The Indomitable
Roll ID#: 223511, BD: 1+6+1=8, HIT! 28*16 = 448-95=353 DMG to Owij'be! Bloodied but Unbowed Procs! Morningstar loses 13 EN!

Freyd | HP: 1311/1311 | EN: 147/152 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 123 | EVA: 5 | ACC: 5 | BH: 72 | LD: 12 | PROSP: 3 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16 | TXV: 32 | TRLBLD | PARA IMMUNE | REC: 8 | V.D.: 144 | Dote: 3/3 | Prob: 36
Tricolor_Mina HP: 760/760 | EN: 72/110 | DMG: 21 | MIT: 138 | ACC: 7 
0| EVA: 0 7 | LD: 4 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRSTB: 40 | V.D.: 76 (Charge CD: 1/3) (Assault Mode CD: 0/4)
Hirru HP: 1113/1113 | EN: 98/108 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 182 | LD: 8~11 | BH: 55 | HLY BLS: 44 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 36 | HYPE 1/3 //CD: 1/3
Morningstar | HP: 851/851 | EN: 81/112 | DMG: 28 | MIT: 60 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 6 | BH: 39 | LD: 5 (6) | REC: 4 | FLN: 16 | AA | PAR VEN 

(3,2,0,3) Owij’be The Indomitable | HP: 2,554/4000 (2,907 - 353) | DMG: 200 | MIT: 125 95  | ACC: 2 | Battle Healing: 220 165 | Shatter: -60 MIT (2/3) |[Bloodied But Unbowed Stacks: 2]

  • Bloodied but Unbowed: For each source of damage dealt to Owij’be (Including DoT Effects), its mitigation is increased by 25. This fades at the start of Owij’be’s turn.
  • Unstoppable Force [AoE]: Every 3 turns, Owij’be will begin to rush through the arena. The blistering winds of The Cave will follow in its wake. Owij’be gains +2 accuracy and makes an attack against all targets, Dealing 300 damage on a success and inflicting [Bitter Chill] unless the target has [Antifreeze].
  • Titanic Bulwark [Equip]: Every 5th turn, Owij’be will gather nearby trees into its antlers and brandish them as a weapon. For as long as Owij’be has a branch in its antlers, it gains +50 Base Damage, +1 Accuracy on all of its attacks. This debris can be attacked like a normal creature to end this effect.
    • Titanic Bulwark | HP: 500/500
  • [Bitter Chill]: Target loses -2 evasion until removed, any further refreshes of this effect instead deal 100 unmitigated damage to the target. Purify will remove this debuff.
  • Demolish [AoE]: At any point a Titanic Bulwark loses more than half of its HP and is not destroyed or 4 turns have passed since its creation, Owij’be will use Demolish. This attack is an autohit dealing 300 unmitigated damage on all targets and inflicts [Bitter Chill].
  • Burned Hide | Owij’be loses -55 of its battle healing while burned.
  • Immovable Object | If Owji’be strikes a target who is under the effects of Rampart, it concusses itself and cannot act the following turn.
  • Dizzied | Delay pushes all of its turn based effects back a single turn.
  • Shocking | Stun (Familiar/Player) & Paralyze do not disable the boss, but instead remove/negate a single stack of Bloodied but Unbowed.
  • Frost Resistant | Cold Effects (Freeze & Frostbite) will not disable the boss, but will reduce its damage by 25 until the start of its next turn.


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Posted (edited)

Everyone was doing their part well enough, but there were still many things that needed to be done.  The unbending branches that one would call antlers were swaying and freezing along with half of the body.  There wasn't much time until something would happen, but what was there to do?  He couldn't do much at this point, at all.  Keeping everyone's energy up while they fought was about the only thing he could keep up with, but as Morning circled behind him for protection, the hunter was reminded of what he could do.  He had a very particular skill that he could employ at times like this.

The icy wind seemed to be getting worse as the hunter held his shield before him.  He was no tank, but he could do something to protect Freyd and the others from this freezing cold.  His barrier from the raid.  Fate's Armament was used back then to add those flames to the barrier that he could make, but the issue was that the spectral shield was dormant now.  His ring had done nothing since then, so he had no proper way of getting it to work, nor did he know how he got it to work in the first place.

"Get behind me to stave off the cold, I'm gonna see if Barrier will help us through this."

The ugliest mountain goat seemed to be charging and raging and them, but it was mostly Freyd running in to take the brunt of any attack.  Though, it may not be possible to keep it up.  There was definitely an Area Attack coming with this icy wind.  Focusing on the skill, Hirru planted his shield down to brace for impact.worthy?not  In doing so, a projection of light would fall over them, giving them a small amount of protection.  This was not what the hunter wanted though.  Fate's Armament was not helping with the projection, so his barrier was not going to be as powerful as before.


Hyperactive EN: +7 EN
Recovery?: [ID: 223533][CD: 2] No
Post Action: Barrier -> Party | -15% Dmg for 1 turn / -15 EN

Freyd | HP: 1311/1311 | EN: 147/152 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 123 | EVA: 5 | ACC: 5 | BH: 72 | LD: 12 | PROSP: 3 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16 | TXV: 32 | TRLBLD | PARA IMMUNE | REC: 8 | V.D.: 144 | Dote: 3/3 | Prob: 36
Tricolor_Mina HP: 760/760 | EN: 72/110 | DMG: 21 | MIT: 138 | ACC: 7 
0| EVA: 0 7 | LD: 4 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRSTB: 40 | V.D.: 76 (Charge CD: 1/3) (Assault Mode CD: 0/4)
Hirru HP: 1113/1113 | EN: 80/108 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 182 | LD: 8~11 | BH: 55 | HLY BLS: 44 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 36 | HYPE 2/3 //CD: 2/3 | BARR CD: 0/2
Morningstar | HP: 851/851 | EN: 81/112 | DMG: 28 | MIT: 60 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 6 | BH: 39 | LD: 5 (6) | REC: 4 | FLN: 16 | AA | PAR VEN 

(3,2,0,3) Owij’be The Indomitable | HP: 2,554/4000 | DMG: 200 | MIT: 125 95  | ACC: 2 | Battle Healing: 220 165 | Shatter: -60 MIT (2/3) |[Bloodied But Unbowed Stacks: 2]

  • Bloodied but Unbowed: For each source of damage dealt to Owij’be (Including DoT Effects), its mitigation is increased by 25. This fades at the start of Owij’be’s turn.
  • Unstoppable Force [AoE]: Every 3 turns, Owij’be will begin to rush through the arena. The blistering winds of The Cave will follow in its wake. Owij’be gains +2 accuracy and makes an attack against all targets, Dealing 300 damage on a success and inflicting [Bitter Chill] unless the target has [Antifreeze].
  • Titanic Bulwark [Equip]: Every 5th turn, Owij’be will gather nearby trees into its antlers and brandish them as a weapon. For as long as Owij’be has a branch in its antlers, it gains +50 Base Damage, +1 Accuracy on all of its attacks. This debris can be attacked like a normal creature to end this effect.
    • Titanic Bulwark | HP: 500/500
  • [Bitter Chill]: Target loses -2 evasion until removed, any further refreshes of this effect instead deal 100 unmitigated damage to the target. Purify will remove this debuff.
  • Demolish [AoE]: At any point a Titanic Bulwark loses more than half of its HP and is not destroyed or 4 turns have passed since its creation, Owij’be will use Demolish. This attack is an autohit dealing 300 unmitigated damage on all targets and inflicts [Bitter Chill].
  • Burned Hide | Owij’be loses -55 of its battle healing while burned.
  • Immovable Object | If Owji’be strikes a target who is under the effects of Rampart, it concusses itself and cannot act the following turn.
  • Dizzied | Delay pushes all of its turn based effects back a single turn.
  • Shocking | Stun (Familiar/Player) & Paralyze do not disable the boss, but instead remove/negate a single stack of Bloodied but Unbowed.
  • Frost Resistant | Cold Effects (Freeze & Frostbite) will not disable the boss, but will reduce its damage by 25 until the start of its next turn.


Edited by Hirru
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Almost?  Halfway?!

Freyd knew that Mina meant to be motivating them, but he was struggling to feel it in the midst of dodging lethal antlers and mossy hair extensions that were hellbent on gutting his innards.  "Maybe we can catch a lucky break and motivate this thing towards a hastier demise?" Angry braying broke his concentration as the Whisper contorted himself unnaturally to dodge the guardian's latest charging strikes.  "How does this thing even move this fast?  It's like Bambi's mom's ex drank ninja turtle mutagen and went on a bender after finding out it still had feelings for her, except we're getting all the blame!"

Hoofs were hefted towards his private parts, spared only by a quick split that carried their own consequences, Freyd grimacing and doubting whether he should have just taken the hit.  "Wait.  Real Party?!  WTF?  I just got away from another boss to run right into this one.  Can't we at least call a timeout or coffee break first?"  Morningstar's quip about timing carried a more believable vibe, though less desirable.

Feeling the barrier go up, it felt like his tank improv routine required him to stay in harm's way. Delaying wasn't likely an option or Hirru's protective efforts would go to waste.  Better to keep its healing suppressed.  Diving left and dipping into a roll, Freyd drove his fist into one of the larger nearby trees, its fiery leaves and boughs bowing under the pressure of his sword art.  Unleashed through the tree's sinuous veins, its power ignited and flung forth its fronds like blazing  shuriken, redirecting the Whisper's attack in the form of flaming foliage.  Owij'be didn't appreciate the artistry, gathering the surrounding frost-laden wind as it tore through their ranks.  Everyone dodged, except the dude in heavy plate, poor Hirru getting trampled by the beast, yet saved from serious injury by his own defensive efforts.

"Can we narrow it down, maybe just a bit?  How does seven business days sound?  Or, maybe three?" 


Freyd's Action:


Freyd regains +4 EN
CD 12 (No REC proc) ID #223536
Cooldowns: Charge (1/3)

Post Action | TECH-G (x12, 12 EN): 12 EN  - (Stamina) = 10 EN. 
Free Action | None

ID #223535 | BD: 3+5=8 (hit)  DMG (12*24=288-95-50=143) to Owij'Be.  Burn applied. (CD 2 | ST-B locked)

Freyd | HP: 1311/1311 | EN: 149/152 (147+4+8-10) | DMG: 24 | MIT: 123 | EVA: 5 | ACC: 5 | BH: 72 | LD: 12 | PROSP: 3 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16 | TXV: 32 | TRLBLD | PARA IMMUNE | REC: 8 | V.D.: 144 | Dote: 3/3 | Prob: 36
Tricolor_Mina HP: 760/760 | EN: 72/110 | DMG: 21 | MIT: 138 | ACC: 7 
0| EVA: 0 7 | LD: 4 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRSTB: 40 | V.D.: 76 (Charge CD: 1/3) (Assault Mode CD: 0/4)
Hirru HP: 1113/1113 | EN: 80/108 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 182 | LD: 8~11 | BH: 55 | HLY BLS: 44 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 36 | HYPE 2/3 //CD: 2/3 | BARR CD: 0/2
Morningstar | HP: 851/851 | EN: 81/112 | DMG: 28 | MIT: 60 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 6 | BH: 39 | LD: 5 (6) | REC: 4 | FLN: 16 | AA | PAR VEN 

(5,2,0,3) Owij’be The Indomitable | HP: 2,411/4000 (2554-143) | DMG: 200 | MIT: 125 95  | ACC: 2 | Battle Healing: 220 165 | Shatter: -60 MIT (2/3) | Burn 56 (0/2) | [Bloodied But Unbowed Stacks: 2]

  • Bloodied but Unbowed: For each source of damage dealt to Owij’be (Including DoT Effects), its mitigation is increased by 25. This fades at the start of Owij’be’s turn.
  • Unstoppable Force [AoE]: Every 3 turns, Owij’be will begin to rush through the arena. The blistering winds of The Cave will follow in its wake. Owij’be gains +2 accuracy and makes an attack against all targets, Dealing 300 damage on a success and inflicting [Bitter Chill] unless the target has [Antifreeze].
  • Titanic Bulwark [Equip]: Every 5th turn, Owij’be will gather nearby trees into its antlers and brandish them as a weapon. For as long as Owij’be has a branch in its antlers, it gains +50 Base Damage, +1 Accuracy on all of its attacks. This debris can be attacked like a normal creature to end this effect.
    • Titanic Bulwark | HP: 500/500
  • [Bitter Chill]: Target loses -2 evasion until removed, any further refreshes of this effect instead deal 100 unmitigated damage to the target. Purify will remove this debuff.
  • Demolish [AoE]: At any point a Titanic Bulwark loses more than half of its HP and is not destroyed or 4 turns have passed since its creation, Owij’be will use Demolish. This attack is an autohit dealing 300 unmitigated damage on all targets and inflicts [Bitter Chill].
  • Burned Hide | Owij’be loses -55 of its battle healing while burned.
  • Immovable Object | If Owji’be strikes a target who is under the effects of Rampart, it concusses itself and cannot act the following turn.
  • Dizzied | Delay pushes all of its turn based effects back a single turn.
  • Shocking | Stun (Familiar/Player) & Paralyze do not disable the boss, but instead remove/negate a single stack of Bloodied but Unbowed.
  • Frost Resistant | Cold Effects (Freeze & Frostbite) will not disable the boss, but will reduce its damage by 25 until the start of its next turn.

Enemy's Action:


Owij'be turn 3

Bloodied but Unbowed fades.
Owij'be regains 165 hp from BH.
Shatter fades.
Owij'be suffers 56 burn. 

Unstoppable Force triggers due to turn 3.

ID #223537 | MD: 2+4-5=1 (miss) vs Freyd
ID #223538 | MD: 2+4-7=-1 (miss) vs Tricolor_Mina
ID #223539 | MD: 3+4=7 (hit) vs Hirru.  Owij'be takes 36 damage from Thorns.  Bitter Chill applied.  Hirru takes (300-182=118-15%=100) damage. 
ID #223540 | MD: 2+4-4=2 (miss) vs Morningstar

Freyd | HP: 1311/1311 | EN: 149/152 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 123 | EVA: 5 | ACC: 5 | BH: 72 | LD: 12 | PROSP: 3 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16 | TXV: 32 | TRLBLD | PARA IMMUNE | REC: 8 | V.D.: 144 | Dote: 3/3 | Prob: 36
Tricolor_Mina HP: 760/760 | EN: 72/110 | DMG: 21 | MIT: 138 | ACC: 7 
0| EVA: 0 7 | LD: 4 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRSTB: 40 | V.D.: 76 (Charge CD: 1/3) (Assault Mode CD: 0/4)
Hirru HP: 1013/1113 (1113-100) | EN: 80/108 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 182 | LD: 8~11 | BH: 55 | HLY BLS: 44 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 36 | HYPE 2/3 //CD: 2/3 | BARR CD: 0/2 | Bitter Chill (EVA -2)
Morningstar | HP: 851/851 | EN: 81/112 | DMG: 28 | MIT: 60 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 6 | BH: 39 | LD: 5 (6) | REC: 4 | FLN: 16 | AA | PAR VEN 

(5,2,0,3) Owij’be The Indomitable | HP: 2,484/4000 (2411+165-56-36) | DMG: 200 | MIT: 125  | ACC: 2 (+2) | Battle Healing: 220 165 | Shatter: -60 MIT (3/3) | Burn 56 (1/2) 

  • Bloodied but Unbowed: For each source of damage dealt to Owij’be (Including DoT Effects), its mitigation is increased by 25. This fades at the start of Owij’be’s turn.
  • Unstoppable Force [AoE]: Every 3 turns, Owij’be will begin to rush through the arena. The blistering winds of The Cave will follow in its wake. Owij’be gains +2 accuracy and makes an attack against all targets, Dealing 300 damage on a success and inflicting [Bitter Chill] unless the target has [Antifreeze].
  • Titanic Bulwark [Equip]: Every 5th turn, Owij’be will gather nearby trees into its antlers and brandish them as a weapon. For as long as Owij’be has a branch in its antlers, it gains +50 Base Damage, +1 Accuracy on all of its attacks. This debris can be attacked like a normal creature to end this effect.
    • Titanic Bulwark | HP: 500/500
  • [Bitter Chill]: Target loses -2 evasion until removed, any further refreshes of this effect instead deal 100 unmitigated damage to the target. Purify will remove this debuff.
  • Demolish [AoE]: At any point a Titanic Bulwark loses more than half of its HP and is not destroyed or 4 turns have passed since its creation, Owij’be will use Demolish. This attack is an autohit dealing 300 unmitigated damage on all targets and inflicts [Bitter Chill].
  • Burned Hide | Owij’be loses -55 of its battle healing while burned.
  • Immovable Object | If Owji’be strikes a target who is under the effects of Rampart, it concusses itself and cannot act the following turn.
  • Dizzied | Delay pushes all of its turn based effects back a single turn.
  • Shocking | Stun (Familiar/Player) & Paralyze do not disable the boss, but instead remove/negate a single stack of Bloodied but Unbowed.
  • Frost Resistant | Cold Effects (Freeze & Frostbite) will not disable the boss, but will reduce its damage by 25 until the start of its next turn.

Note: Bloodied But Unbound (BBU) function clarified by staff after this post.  Staff directed that past errors can be disregarded to preserve the thread integrity.  BBU is set at zero from this post and to be adjusted correctly from end of this post forward.

Edited by Freyd
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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Note: Please remember to proc all instances of Bloodied But Unbowed <3 Color-coded DoT effects for convenience

Violet swore under her breath as Owij'be began to charge around the field, swinging at everyone in the area with its massive antlers. She barely dodged out of the way of its charge, the boost from Assault Mode having made her far more nimble in exchange for neutering her accuracy. Morningstar and Freyd had also dodged out of the way, easily dancing out of reach of the charge... but poor hirru ended up being thrown around by the rampage. "Hirru, Watch yourself!" she shouted, skidding to a stop by Freyd. "It's probably going to be a bit before it uses that again, we need to be prepared to move out of the way the instant it gets ready to swing!"

"Let's go straight to 1, I don't want to fight this thing for that long!" she quipped back, elbowing freyd gently in the ribs. "It'd be lovely if you could pull a nuke out of your ass again, but we could only be so lucky in one go, hmm?" Lament had begun to smoke, before erupting in a burst of tri-colored flames that licked across the entire blade. "There we go..!" she breathed, before sprinting forward, drawing her blade across the length of Owij'be's body, a grin on her face as the boss roared in anger and pain from the fiery display. She landed a short distance away, landing next to Hirru. "You okay? you look like you're freezing half to death, buddy!"

post action: AoE-I against owij'be


Mina recovers 2 EN, Assault Mode fades. . .

Roll ID#: 223746, BD: 9 (Minor Crit! +1 to Mina's DMG. 15*22 = 330 - 175 = 155 DMG to Owij'be! Blight Proc! Burn Refreshed! Frostbite Proc! Owij'be loses 20 (5*4 = 20) MIT! Mina loses 15 EN!

Bloodied but Unbowed Procs! Owij'be gains 25 MIT!

Freyd | HP: 1311/1311 | EN: 149/152 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 123 | EVA: 5 | ACC: 5 | BH: 72 | LD: 12 | PROSP: 3 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16 | TXV: 32 | TRLBLD | PARA IMMUNE | REC: 8 | V.D.: 144 | Dote: 3/3 | Prob: 36
Tricolor_Mina HP: 760/760 | EN:
59/110 | DMG: 21 | MIT: 138 | ACC: | EVA: 0 | LD: 4 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRSTB: 40 | V.D.: 76 (Charge CD: 2/3) (Assault Mode CD: 1/4)
Hirru HP: 1013/1113 | EN: 80/108 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 182 | LD: 8~11 | BH: 55 | HLY BLS: 44 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 36 | HYPE 2/3 //CD: 2/3 | BARR CD: 0/2 | Bitter Chill (EVA -2)
Morningstar | HP: 851/851 | EN: 81/112 | DMG: 28 | MIT: 60 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 6 | BH: 39 | LD: 5 (6) | REC: 4 | FLN: 16 | AA | PAR VEN 

(5,2,0,3) Owij’be The Indomitable | HP: 2,329/4000 (2411+165-56-36) | DMG: 200 175 | MIT: 125 180| ACC: 2 (+2) | Battle Healing: 220 165 | Shatter: -60 MIT (3/3) | Burn 56 (0/2) |Blight (-20 MIT) (0/2) | FRSTB (0/2)| Bloodied But Unbowed: 75

  • Bloodied but Unbowed: For each source of damage dealt to Owij’be (Including DoT Effects), its mitigation is increased by 25. This fades at the start of Owij’be’s turn.
  • Unstoppable Force [AoE]: Every 3 turns, Owij’be will begin to rush through the arena. The blistering winds of The Cave will follow in its wake. Owij’be gains +2 accuracy and makes an attack against all targets, Dealing 300 damage on a success and inflicting [Bitter Chill] unless the target has [Antifreeze].
  • Titanic Bulwark [Equip]: Every 5th turn, Owij’be will gather nearby trees into its antlers and brandish them as a weapon. For as long as Owij’be has a branch in its antlers, it gains +50 Base Damage, +1 Accuracy on all of its attacks. This debris can be attacked like a normal creature to end this effect.
    • Titanic Bulwark | HP: 500/500
  • [Bitter Chill]: Target loses -2 evasion until removed, any further refreshes of this effect instead deal 100 unmitigated damage to the target. Purify will remove this debuff.
  • Demolish [AoE]: At any point a Titanic Bulwark loses more than half of its HP and is not destroyed or 4 turns have passed since its creation, Owij’be will use Demolish. This attack is an autohit dealing 300 unmitigated damage on all targets and inflicts [Bitter Chill].
  • Burned Hide | Owij’be loses -55 of its battle healing while burned.
  • Immovable Object | If Owji’be strikes a target who is under the effects of Rampart, it concusses itself and cannot act the following turn.
  • Dizzied | Delay pushes all of its turn based effects back a single turn.
  • Shocking | Stun (Familiar/Player) & Paralyze do not disable the boss, but instead remove/negate a single stack of Bloodied but Unbowed.
  • Frost Resistant | Cold Effects (Freeze & Frostbite) will not disable the boss, but will reduce its damage by 25 until the start of its next turn.
Edited by tricolor_mina
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"One's pushing it," Star said to Mina. "I'm sure it would accept three, though."

Hirru's barrier gave them the confidence to play closer to the moose. Engulfed in light, the blonde swordsman dashed in. It swung at him with its massive set of antlers. They acted like miniature spears, threatening to pierce him if he stepped incorrectly. Star toyed with the beast, ducking and weaving around each attack like he was weightless. Fed up with his antics, it charged. Morningstar fled, rolling to the side, and Owij'be crashed into a heavy tree.

It wiggled its head, trying to free itself from the tree. It was stuck, Morningstar realized. The opportunity was perfect. He dove back in, swiping Owij'be across the torso before dropping down and nicking his leg. It let out a roar, either from pain or rage, and yanked itself from the tree. 

Star braced himself, but hoped to avoid repercussions. 


ID: 223757 CD: 10 (+4 EN from Recovery)

POST ACTION | TECH-A (x16, 16 EN): 16 - (Stamina) = 14 EN

ID: 223756 BD: 10 (Major Crit!) | (28+2)*16 = 480 - 180 = 300 DMG to Owij'be! | STUN PROCPAR VEN PROC

Bloodied but Unbowed Procs! Owij'be gains 25 MIT!
TECH-A Procs Shocking! Owij'be loses 75 MIT!
PAR VEN Procs Shocking! Owij'be loses 25 MIT

Freyd | HP: 1311/1311 | EN: 149/152 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 123 | EVA: 5 | ACC: 5 | BH: 72 | LD: 12 | PROSP: 3 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16 | TXV: 32 | TRLBLD | PARA IMMUNE | REC: 8 | V.D.: 144 | Dote: 3/3 | Prob: 36
Tricolor_Mina HP: 760/760 | EN: 
59/110 | DMG: 21 | MIT: 138 | ACC: | EVA: 0 | LD: 4 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRSTB: 40 | V.D.: 76 (Charge CD: 2/3) (Assault Mode CD: 1/4)
Hirru HP: 1013/1113 | EN: 80/108 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 182 | LD: 8~11 | BH: 55 | HLY BLS: 44 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 36 | HYPE 2/3 //CD: 2/3 | BARR CD: 0/2 | Bitter Chill (EVA -2)
Morningstar | HP: 851/851 | EN: 75/112 (+8-14) | DMG: 28 | MIT: 60 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 6 | BH: 39 | LD: 5 (6) | REC: 4 | FLN: 16 | AA | PAR VEN 

(5,2,0,5) Owij’be The Indomitable | HP: 2,028/4000 (2411-300) | DMG: 200 175 | MIT: 125 | ACC: 2 (+2) | Battle Healing: 220 165 | Burn 56 (0/2) |Blight (-20 MIT) (0/2) | FRSTB (0/2)| Bloodied But Unbowed: 0

  • Bloodied but Unbowed: For each source of damage dealt to Owij’be (Including DoT Effects), its mitigation is increased by 25. This fades at the start of Owij’be’s turn.
  • Unstoppable Force [AoE]: Every 3 turns, Owij’be will begin to rush through the arena. The blistering winds of The Cave will follow in its wake. Owij’be gains +2 accuracy and makes an attack against all targets, Dealing 300 damage on a success and inflicting [Bitter Chill] unless the target has [Antifreeze].
  • Titanic Bulwark [Equip]: Every 5th turn, Owij’be will gather nearby trees into its antlers and brandish them as a weapon. For as long as Owij’be has a branch in its antlers, it gains +50 Base Damage, +1 Accuracy on all of its attacks. This debris can be attacked like a normal creature to end this effect.
    • Titanic Bulwark | HP: 500/500
  • [Bitter Chill]: Target loses -2 evasion until removed, any further refreshes of this effect instead deal 100 unmitigated damage to the target. Purify will remove this debuff.
  • Demolish [AoE]: At any point a Titanic Bulwark loses more than half of its HP and is not destroyed or 4 turns have passed since its creation, Owij’be will use Demolish. This attack is an autohit dealing 300 unmitigated damage on all targets and inflicts [Bitter Chill].
  • Burned Hide | Owij’be loses -55 of its battle healing while burned.
  • Immovable Object | If Owji’be strikes a target who is under the effects of Rampart, it concusses itself and cannot act the following turn.
  • Dizzied | Delay pushes all of its turn based effects back a single turn.
  • Shocking | Stun (Familiar/Player) & Paralyze do not disable the boss, but instead remove/negate 3 stacks of Bloodied but Unbowed.
  • Frost Resistant | Cold Effects (Freeze & Frostbite) will not disable the boss, but will reduce its damage by 25 until the start of its next turn.


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As the beast rammed the shielding, the icy wind would bite against him as it enveloped the air around him.  He could feel himself slow down more and more, but it didn't seem to really affect his abilities.  A quick bucking of antlers and slamming of hooves, the attack would be over.  Hirru was glad to have the ability to reduce that damage, but there would have to be some thing done about it.  This chill was causing him to be an easier target, but he wasn't the issue.  If any of the others got hit with that, especially Freyd, there would be more damage to them than what he could probably save.  Keeping track of the healing implements he had in his favor, he still had quite a few mass and solo heals that didn't need concentration for.  Instead, he had to focus on the quickly reducing energy stock piles that everyone was losing.  In particular, he had to make sure that Mina wasn't blowing her load too fast.

"I'm good, but you need to watch your energy usage."

Three yellow rings would form around his free arm, as he touched her arm for a moment.  The rings would transfer to her arm now, giving an indicator of when the effect pops off.  It wasn't an energize, but her passive will help when he does start energizing her.  Ice was slowly forming over his joints, and they would creak as he moved.  He could not be slow or he wouldn't be able to heal them when they need it.

Morning's attack did something that he wasn't expecting though.  It was definitely a stunning attack, but the abominable snow deer didn't stop.  However, what did stop was the ice armor that was accumulating.  How was this working?  Could a stun be removing the icy armor that the grotesque branches for ears thing.

"Morning, can you keep that going?  That's breaking the armor better than shatter is!  Freyd!  Big slap!"




Regen - +7 EN (hyperactive ends - cooldown ends)
Damage taken -> BH / HB proc -> +99 HP recovery
Recovery?: [ID: 223759][CD: 8] +8 EN
Post Action: Hyperactive (-5 en) -> Mina | +3 passive EN regen 

Freyd | HP: 1311/1311 | EN: 149/152 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 123 | EVA: 5 | ACC: 5 | BH: 72 | LD: 12 | PROSP: 3 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16 | TXV: 32 | TRLBLD | PARA IMMUNE | REC: 8 | V.D.: 144 | Dote: 3/3 | Prob: 36
Tricolor_Mina HP: 760/760 | EN: 
59/110 | DMG: 21 | MIT: 138 | ACC: | EVA: 0 | LD: 4 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRSTB: 40 | V.D.: 76 " HYPE 0/3 | (Charge CD: 2/3) (Assault Mode CD: 1/4)
Hirru HP: 1112/1113 | EN: 90/108 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 182 | LD: 8~11 | BH: 55 | HLY BLS: 44 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 36 | HYPE CD: 0/3 | BARR CD: 1/2 | Bitter Chill (EVA -2)
Morningstar | HP: 851/851 | EN: 75/112 (+8-14) | DMG: 28 | MIT: 60 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 6 | BH: 39 | LD: 5 (6) | REC: 4 | FLN: 16 | AA | PAR VEN 

(5,2,0,5) Owij’be The Indomitable | HP: 2,028/4000 (2411-300) | DMG: 200 175 | MIT: 125 | ACC: 2 (+2) | Battle Healing: 220 165 | Burn 56 (0/2) |Blight (-20 MIT) (0/2) | FRSTB (0/2)| Bloodied But Unbowed: 0

  • Bloodied but Unbowed: For each source of damage dealt to Owij’be (Including DoT Effects), its mitigation is increased by 25. This fades at the start of Owij’be’s turn.
  • Unstoppable Force [AoE]: Every 3 turns, Owij’be will begin to rush through the arena. The blistering winds of The Cave will follow in its wake. Owij’be gains +2 accuracy and makes an attack against all targets, Dealing 300 damage on a success and inflicting [Bitter Chill] unless the target has [Antifreeze].
  • Titanic Bulwark [Equip]: Every 5th turn, Owij’be will gather nearby trees into its antlers and brandish them as a weapon. For as long as Owij’be has a branch in its antlers, it gains +50 Base Damage, +1 Accuracy on all of its attacks. This debris can be attacked like a normal creature to end this effect.
    • Titanic Bulwark | HP: 500/500
  • [Bitter Chill]: Target loses -2 evasion until removed, any further refreshes of this effect instead deal 100 unmitigated damage to the target. Purify will remove this debuff.
  • Demolish [AoE]: At any point a Titanic Bulwark loses more than half of its HP and is not destroyed or 4 turns have passed since its creation, Owij’be will use Demolish. This attack is an autohit dealing 300 unmitigated damage on all targets and inflicts [Bitter Chill].
  • Burned Hide | Owij’be loses -55 of its battle healing while burned.
  • Immovable Object | If Owji’be strikes a target who is under the effects of Rampart, it concusses itself and cannot act the following turn.
  • Dizzied | Delay pushes all of its turn based effects back a single turn.
  • Shocking | Stun (Familiar/Player) & Paralyze do not disable the boss, but instead remove/negate 3 stacks of Bloodied but Unbowed.
  • Frost Resistant | Cold Effects (Freeze & Frostbite) will not disable the boss, but will reduce its damage by 25 until the start of its next turn.



Edited by Hirru
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