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[PP - F04] The Cold Never Bothered Me Anyway | <<Absolute Zero>>

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Ciela had somehow managed to get separated from Wulfrin and could not find him. "Well crap." She stood in the middle of Snowfrost. She had forgotten where he told her to go. She stood there and pondered for a moment, trying to think. She began to mutter to herself, "It was white something inn. Or was it Tavern?" She looked around and to no avail she couldn't find any shop or business with any names relatively close to that. "Maybe it's in a different area of the city. I don't wanna message him cause then he'll know I got lost." She let out a loud sigh and began to look around before bumping into someone. "Oh god! I'm so sorry I wasn't watching where I was going!" She hoped it was an NPC so that it wouldn't be so awful, she would die of embarrassment if it was a player.

* * *


Character Sheet:


KnightessCiela | Level 13 | HP: 290/290 | EN: 44/44 | DMG: 8 | MIT: 91 | ACC: 2 | FL. THRN: 4 | THRNS: 36


  • Honed Longsword | T2 Perfect Straight Sword | ID [220512] | ACC 2 | DMG 1
    [desc.] A simple steel longsword that prioritizes balance over damage. The center piece of the cross guard is the signet of Sentinel Armaments.
  • Duergar Battle Plate | [#220061d] | TIER 2 PERFECT HEAVY ARMOR | Flame Thorns, MIT, Thorns
    [desc.]: Forged deep below the surface, this black steel plate armor is fashioned with various spikes making it a guarantee that attacks will hurt the attacker more than you
  • Sentinel Shield | T2 Perfect Shield | ID [220639] | MIT 2 | Thorns 1
    [desc.] A kite shield emblazoned with the signet of Sentinel Armaments. Enemies will find quite the sting when they collide with this shield.





R5 Heavy Armor

MIT 25


Combat Mastery:



R1 - Novice

6*tier MIT per rank = 6 MIT



R3 Straight Swords

  • [x8] ST-I (8 EN) | A single-target sword art.
  • [x11] ST-II (11 EN) | A powerful single-target sword art. Only available for use when ST-I was used and successfully struck an enemy the previous turn or if ST-II had been used and had missed the previous turn.
  • [x7] AOE-I (7 + [2 * targets] EN) | AOE | A sword art that strikes multiple targets at once.
  • [x8] TECH-A (9 EN) | STUN | A single-target sword art that stuns an enemy.


  • [x8] TECH-F (8+2 * targets EN) | AOE STUN | A sword art that strikes multiple targets at once. All struck targets are stunned for one turn.



Iron Skin

+15 MIT and +15* Tier HP (30 HP)



None Yet



R1 Block
Passive, [Requires two Extra Skill slots], Requires an equipped shield. User’s evasion cannot be greater than 0 (can still be negative). Grants 5 mitigation                                              


Battle Ready Inventory:

  • (5) T1 Uncommon Health Potions: Heals 5% of Maximum HP
  • (1) T1 Uncommon Overhealth Potion: Adds 5% of Maximum HP to users Maximum HP for a thread.
  • (1) T1 Rare Health Potion: Heals 10% of maximum HP.
  • (3) Teleport Crystal


Edited by KnightessCiela
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The freezing wind bite into Kat as she stood in the middle of Snowfrost. She had gotten a message from Freyd that a couple of newer players needed some help taking out a certain giant ice cube, and that it was about time that she made an effort to mentor some babies. She knew that he was right of course, but she would have much rather had spent the day soaking in her tub and reading a good book. Instead she was freezing her butt off looking for the two players that her friend had sent here.

"This outfit was not made for this weather, especially when I can't use Survival to at least cut out a bit of the chill." she grumbled while rubbing her arms in an attempt to warm herself up. "Please hurry so that we can at least go inside the tavern for some warmth."

The small samurai continued to whine about the cold before she stopped, "What the hell were their names again? Shit..."

She stumbled forward as she felt someone run into her, the blonde turned around confused as to who it was when she saw a red haired knight that began to apologize profusely. She attempted to give her a warm smile, "It's no problem, accidents happen. You wouldn't happen to be meeting up with some people for a quest would you? Perhaps sent via a certain cowled man?"


Katoka consumes:

Draft of Keen Edge | Tier 1 | Damage 3 | 218093

Katoka | HP: 780/780 | EN: 112/112 | DMG: 26 | MIT: 78 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 5 | BH: 39 | AA | BLGT: 32 | P.V.O | REC: 8 | STK: 40


Katoka, The Cerulean Storm
Level: 33
Paragon Level: 20
HP: 780/780
EN: 112/112

Damage: 23+3=26
Mitigation: 78
Evasion: 1
Accuracy: 5
Battle Healing: 39
BLGT: 32
REC: 8
STK: 40

Equipped Gear:
Weapon: Raijin's Corruption | T4/Demonic/Katana | Abs.Acc, Blight, Para.Ven (off), Static
Armor: Oni Haori | T4/Demonic/Light Armor | MIT 2, REC 2
Misc: Aquamarine | T4 Demonic Trinket | ACC III, EVA I

Combat Mastery: Damage R3
Combat Shift: ST
Familiar Skill: Rending Familiar
Custom Skill:

Battle Healing R5
Katana R5
Light Armor R5

Active Mods:
Vengeful Riposte

Inactive Mods:


Active Extra Skills:
Forgotten King’s Authority

Inactive Extra Skills:

Battle Ready Inventory:
Teleportation Crystal x5
Starter Healing Potion x2

Housing Buffs:
Rested: -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat
Clean: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down)
Filling: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot.
Relaxed: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
Col Stash: +5% bonus col from monster kills and treasure chests
Basic Training: +5% Exp to a thread. Limit one use per month [0/1]

Guild Hall Buffs:
Lucrative: Reduce LD needed for Salvage by 5 (10+ for Alchemist crystals, 6+ for everything else). +2 EXP per craft. Rank 9 crafters receive +1 crafting attempt per day. Rank 10 crafters receive +2 crafting attempts per day.
Col Deposit: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.

Scents of the Wild:

Wedding Ring:


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Above the two of them was a ring of fire, created by the flight trail of a red and gold plumed eagle. Not long after the circle of flame appeared, a man approached the pair. He was adorned with a long red coat protected by armor plates on the shoulders and forearms as well as an ornate breast plate, emblazoned on which was a phoenix in flight. At his left side was a longsword. The man didn't appear to be immediately impeded by the cold, but upon a closer inspection one could see his visible discomfort.

"There you are," Wulfrin said to Ciela as he approached the group. "I managed to locate the White Rabbit Tavern, but we seemed to have gotten separated. Who's this you found?"

"Name's Wulfrin," The armored man said to the unfamiliar player. "You wouldn't happen to be Katoka would you? Freyd told us to meet up with you. Apparently we are likely to be drafted to the frontlines soon, so it's power level central. What's the quest this go round?"

* * *

Wulfrin consumes
Imperial Quarter Blend | Tierless Perfect Potion | DMG III | ID: [221146-1]
Great Basilisk Oolong Tea | T3 Perfect Salve | Toxic Venom III | ID: [222179]

Using 1 Yui's Grace (Donor Award) +600 Exp at end of thread

Wulfrin | HP: 490/490 | EN: 64/64 | DMG: 20 | MIT: 66 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 3 | BH: 4 | LD: 2 | BLD: 36 | REC: 3 | TXC VNM: 24


Stat Block
Wulfrin | Level 23 | HP: 490/490 | EN: 64/64 | DMG: 17 | MIT: 66 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 3 | BH: 4 | LD: 2 | BLD: 36 | REC: 3


  • Light Armor Rank 5
  • Straight Swords Rank 5
  • Searching Rank 2
  • Battle Healing Rank 1
  • Combat Mastery: Damage 2
  • Familiar Skill: Rending

Extra Skills (Max 3)

  • Concentration

Mods (Max 5)

  • Meticulous
  • Night Vison


  • Stamina
  • Precision
  • Ferocity
  • Resolve


  • None

Battle Ready Inventory

  • 3 Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 hp each)
  • 6 T1 Uncommon Health Potions: Heals 5% of Maximum HP.
  • 2 Teleportation Crystals
  • 2x Terra Firma Scale (equivalent to T3 MIT 1)

Armored Long Coat | T3 Perfect Light Armor | ID [220094]
MIT 2 | REC 1
[desc.] A long red leather coat with additional armor plates. The right pauldron has the signet of Sentinel Armaments emblazoned on it.

Wolf's Bite | T3 Perfect Straight Sword | ID [220774]
[desc.] Sharpened to a razor's edge, this blade cuts deep and leaves lasting wounds. It is well balanced to aid in attacks. The center of the cross guard is the signet of Sentinel Armaments.

Feather | TIER 1 TRINKET | EVA III | ID [205226]
[desc.]: a small feather. remnants of a long-forgotten entity.

Estate Buffs

  • Bedroom: "Rested" -1 EN to first 2 combat expenditures each combat
  • Bathroom: "Clean" First DoT effect damage reduced by 20%
  • Basic Kitchen: "Filling" increases effectiveness of one food item by 1 T1 MIT slot (+5 MIT)
  • Storage Closet: "Item Stash" +1 Battle ready Inventory Slot
  • Living room: "Relaxed" +10 out of Combat healing, Energy full after 2 out of combat posts
  • Dining Room: "Tasty" Turn 2 identical food items into a lesser feast. (Feeds 4 players)
  • Attic (Storage): "Col Stash" +5% Col from monster loot
  • Basement: "Multipurpose" +1 LD, LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity (Once per thread)
  • Fishing Pond: "Angler" +2 Fishing Exp per attempt


Edited by Wulfrin
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Violet's boots crunched in the snow, humming to herself as she walked through Snowfrost. The settlement had a small scattering of players, mostly some of the braver rookie players that littered the lower ten floors of Aincrad. She only went down here on behalf of Freyd, and a few of his associates, helping to drag any promising newbies through the wringer just to get them up to snuff for floor raids. Usually, she'd be keeping an eye out for anyone that she could recognize from the frontlines, as that would be a relatively dead giveaway.

She sipped away at the thermos of freshly brewed tea, a smile on her face as it warmed her from the inside out. She definitely needed to visit that tea shop more often, it had been so long since she'd had such high quality tea. Three other containers of tea were bouncing at her side, filled with the same defensive brew that she was currently sipping on. One of the most popular quest mobs to drag newer frontline-hopefuls through was a boss known as the <<Absolute Zero>>, the fearsome mutation of a mob known as the Avalanche. corrupted and melded by the shadow, it had become far more terrifying... far more lethal, than anything that would be on these lower floors, save for the field bosses that lurked throughout the many floors of Aincrad.

Violet perked up a bit, her dark red eyes catching the sight of a familiar woman, Kataoka if she recalled correctly. She remembered the blonde from the previous floor raid, the other woman having been one of the other DPS players within their squad. She adjusted her mask, making sure it covered the scarred half of her face, the pitch black skull glinting in the faint light cast down from the overcast sky. She was wearing her standard raid gear, her regal white leather armor underneath a modified version of her favorite cloaks, a charcoal grey draping with fluffy white fur lining the underside. Lament bounced on her hip, the dark-hued blade blending in with her clothes.

even for her normal standards, she looked fairly menacing at first glance.

As she approached Kataoka in an effort to speak with her, she noticed a pair of other players had approached her. A woman with short red hair, and soft brown eyes wearing what you would expect a classic knight to wear, and a man with dark brown hair and burning red eyes. Violet finished off the flask of tea, shivering as the effect finally took place, toughening her skin against dangerous attacks. She quietly strode forward, before sliding up to Kataoka, a catlike-grin on her face as she offered the other woman one of the flasks on her hip. "Did the shadow man get ahold of you?" she asked, sliding the tea into Kat's hands (whether she wanted it or not). "Drink up, blondie, you don't wanna catch frostbite, do you?"

she repeated the action with the other two players, passing them the tea flasks for them to enjoy. "If you three are after what I think you are, you probably don't have the survival skill, which means that you're not gonna be able to withstand the cold if ol' Avalanche gets its claws on you." she said dryly. "If you take an antidote with you, and chug it beforehand, it'll keep you nice and safe from status effects. In short, it'll help you stay alive. Keeps you warm, too."

She gave a feral smile, her arms folded across her chest. "The name's Tricolor_Mina, but you can just call me Mina, Alright? I'll be helping Kataoka here keep you gremlins alive!"

Mina consumes:
1x Fortaleza chai | TIERLESS PERFECT SALVE | ANTIDOTE III (ID#: 221242 )
1x imperial quarter blend | TIERLESS PERFECT POTION | DAMAGE III (ID#: 221147-1 )
1x Yomi dragon tea | TIER 4 PERFECT POTION | MITIGATION III {ID#: 221393 )

Mina gives the other players 1x Fortaleza chai (Perfect DOTE's) each (ID#s: 221243, 221244, 221245)

Tricolor_Mina | HP: 760/760 | EN: 110/110 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 138 | ACC: 5 | LD: 4 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRSTB: 40 | V.D.: 76 | Antidote: [3/3]

Battle Ready Shenanigans below uwu


Tricolor_Mina, The Guiding Light

Level: 33
Paragon Level: 17
HP: 760/760
EN: 110/110

Damage: 24
Mitigation: 138
Accuracy: 5
Loot Dice: 4
BLGT: 32
BRN: 56
V.D.: 76

Equipped Gear:
Weapon: Jack's Burned Lament
Armor: Mask of Rose
Misc: Queen's Gambit

Custom Skill:

Saber R5
Light Armor R5
Quick Change
Searching R1

Active Mods:

Inactive Mods:

Field Medic

Active Extra Skills:
First Aid R5
Assault Mode

Inactive Extra Skills:

Battle Ready Inventory:

Housing Buffs:
Hard Working: +2 EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day
Filling: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot.
Item Stash: +1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot
Skylight (Searching): +1 Rank to the Searching skill.
Angler: +1 material gained when fishing
Advanced Training: +10% Exp to a thread. Limit one use per month [0/1] Already in use in a different Thread...

Guild Hall Buffs:

Scents of the Wild:

Wedding Ring:


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"Yes actually! Are you Mina or Katoka?" She smiled, as her eyes met with the blondes eyes. Ciela wasn't expecting for the person she bumped into to be taller than her based on the stance that she was in. 

After a moment of chatting, she heard a familiar voice. It was Wulfrin. "Hi sweetie! I found Katoka!" She begins gesturing toward Katoka. "We're only waiting on Mina I believe." Right as Ciela finished speaking, she noticed another player approaching who seemed to know Katoka. The new companion introduced herself as Mina and thus their party was completed.

"I completely forgot to introduce myself," she smiled at the ladies. "I'm KnightessCiela, feel free to call me Ciela or you can nickname me whatever you want, I'm not picky."

Mina had offered the group tea, Ciela sipped on it and felt the warmth take over her body. "This is so tasty, thank you Mina!"

* * *


KnightessCiela consumes:
Fortaleza chai | ID: 221243
KnightessCiela | Level 13 | HP: 290/290 | EN: 44/44 | DMG: 8 | MIT: 91 | ACC: 2 | FL. THRN: 4 | THRNS: 36 | ANTIDOTE [3/3]


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The samurai blinked a few times at the flashy entrance of the red cloaked player, "Does he uh, always show up like this?"

She covered her mouth in an attempt to hold back a laugh, "Yes, I'm Katoka, Captain of the Assault Team in Firm Anima." she bowed and looked back at the two players, "It's a pleasure to meat you both. Any friends of Freyd are bound to be good people." her attention was pulled to the arrival of a familiar face that set her mind at ease. She didn't want to have to accompany two new people on her own.

"Mina! It's good to see you again." she accepted the tea she handed out, trying to hide the flush in her cheeks. She didn't want to look bad in front of the newbies but she hadn't thought about bringing antidotes. "What can I say? Haha, the cold isn't so bad!" A gust of frozen wind blew past the group and Kat felt the wind as it nearly blew up the front her clothing. She quickly drank the tea to try and hide her shivering.

"W-Well! Sh-Should we h-head over t-to the t-t-tavern now?" her teeth chattered as she spoke.


Katoka consumes:

Fortaleza chai | ID#: 221244

Katoka | HP: 780/780 | EN: 112/112 | DMG: 26 | MIT: 78 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 5 | BH: 39 | AA | BLGT: 32 | P.V.O | REC: 8 | STK: 40 | Antidote: [3/3]

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"No complaints from me," Wulfrin said as his familiar came to rest on his outstretched forearm. He walked beside Katoka, Solaris still slightly ablaze sharing his natural heat with those nearby. "I managed to locate it, but I lost my party member in the winding streets. Apparently she got to engrossed in that book of hers. If it weren't for Solaris here, I'd be one frozen solid and two unable to find you guys."

Truthfully he was just rambling. Everyone seemed to think his entrances were flashy despite most of them simply being his flaming eagle just pointing them out with a circular flight pattern. Small talk sometimes helped smooth over the oddities, but sometimes it also just made it that much more awkward. Thankfully his familiar, as displeased with the climate as he might be, seemed to be just what the group needed at the time. Was it as effective as being indoors? Absolutely not, but it was the next best thing the group had to stay warm. Wulfrin hoped this quest would be worth it. He had heard the fight would be rough, and had a much higher chance of going incredibly wrong than the others he had gone on, but he was still on board anyway.

* * *

Wulfrin Consumes:
Fortaleza chai | ID: 221245

Wulfrin | HP: 490/490 | EN: 64/64 | DMG: 20 | MIT: 66 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 3 | BH: 4 | LD: 2 | BLD: 36 | REC: 3 | TXC VNM: 24 | Antidote: [3/3]

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Ah, its no problem!" she gave Ciela a gentle smile. "I've been trying my best to make sure I come to these kinds of things a bit more prepared. The more prep that we - That is to say, people like me and Kat - do, the faster that we can get you guys out of there, and up to a higher level. Both of you are heading to the frontlines, yeah?"

She snickered as Kataoka shivered in the bitter cold, the blonde samurai stuttering that she was fine. "Really now? You're kinda quaking in your boots, Kat." she snarked, tapping away at her menu. "Here, have one of my spares. Hope you don't mind purple!" a soft, fluffy purple cloak popped out of her inventory, the cloak heavily resembling the one that Violet was currently wearing, except in a deep, royal purple color. "If you two want one as well, I've got more of them. It won't help you defensively, but it'll at least make it so you won't get frostbite while we walk there!" She retrieved a few other cloaks, one a pure white color, the other being a deep, forest green color.

"Now then, why don't you two go ahead and accept the quest, and we'll be on our merry way!" Violet adjusted her cloak, doing a quick once-over of her gear. 

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Ciela laughed at Katoka blinking at Wulfrin's ostentatious entrance, "Yes, that is a regular occurrence. If we get separated he uses his little fire chicken, Solaris to find me."

Ciela smiled at Mina. "I like to be prepared too. Here. It doesn't provide any mechanical benefits. But they are quite tasty." Ciela materializes a little tin for each of them. Inside was her specialty. Fresh and warm croissants with different flavors and fillings. She wasn't sure what they liked so she wanted to make sure all bases were covered. Wulfrin's croissants were sandwiches with ham and cheddar on them and he had two glazed donuts as a little treat. She also made sure to pack a treat for Solaris in Wulfrin's tin. Mina and Katoka's tins had croissants with different flavors such as chocolate, raspberry, blueberry, a regular cream filling, and two plain croissants with butter just in case.  "It's not much. I wasn't sure what y'all liked so I tried to cover all my bases." She smiled at Mina and Katoka.

When Mina pulled out the fluffy coats she immediately wanted to borrow the white one. "Could I have the white one? It looks so cozy." She put the fuzzy white coat offered by Mina on and immediately began petting the coat. "So soft.."

Ciela led the party into the tavern and approached the bar, looking for the quest giver. It was then she was met by the barkeep Alexander. He seemed to be polishing a mug as they approached. She spoke up, "We're looking for some information about an ice monster? You wouldn't happen to know anything would you?" 

The barkeep takes no time to spin a woeful tale to the party, to Ciela this seems oh so rehearsed. This is the guy. "You must be speaking of Absolute Zero, it's been spotted nearby recently." Alexander places the mug down on the bar top. "Will you please take care of it, for myself and the residents? We are concerned that it will make it's way to our quaint town and we won't be able to stop it."

Ciela nods and accepts the quest given by the barkeep. "Well, let's go kill an ice monster." Ciela then led them back out of the tavern and to the spot where Absolute Zero was rumored to spawn. And as they approached, the chill in the air was almost unbearable. They stand before a frozen lake and wait for Absolute Zero to emerge.

After a moment, the huge ice monster emerges from the ice and Ciela takes a defensive stance. She decided to make the first attack, hoping she wouldn't miss. She knows she won't do much damage, she's probably gonna have to be carried through this fight as usual. But.. if she can get off a stun, she can assist her party members in not getting attacked... this round at least.

Ciela runs towards the humungous ice monster and slips as the thud from his feet shake the ground beneath her. She mumbles a curse and retreats to safety. "Man, I feel like I'm on an ice physics level in a platforming game. This sucks! Well, y'all try to hit this hunk of ice. My abilities seem to be failing me." Ciela let out an exasperated sigh.

* * *



KnightessCiela is at full EN

Post Action: TECH-A vs Absolute Zero [x8] (9 EN)
Free Action: None

ID: 223221 | BD: 3 (+ACC 2 +(Absolute Zero -2 EVA)  = 7 | DMG: 64 - 200 MIT = 1 DMG MIN + Absolute Zero is Stunned

KnightessCiela | Level 13 | HP: 290/290 | EN: 35/44 (44-9) | DMG: 8 | MIT: 91 | ACC: 2 | FL. THRN: 4 | THRNS: 36 | ANTIDOTE [3/3]
Katoka | HP: 780/780 | EN: 112/112 | DMG: 26 | MIT: 78 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 5 | BH: 39 | AA | BLGT: 32 | P.V.O | REC: 8 | STK: 40 | Antidote: [3/3]
Wulfrin | HP: 490/490 | EN: 64/64 | DMG: 20 | MIT: 66 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 3 | BH: 4 | LD: 2 | BLD: 36 | REC: 3 | TXC VNM: 24 | Antidote: [3/3]
Tricolor_Mina | HP: 760/760 | EN: 110/110 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 138 | ACC: 5 | LD: 4 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRSTB: 40 | V.D.: 76 | Antidote: [3/3]


[1,0,0,0]Absolute Zero | HP: 999/1000 (1000-1) | DMG: 200 | MIT: 200 | ACC: 3 | EVA: -2 | Freeze (8-10) | STUNNED
(+50 DMG on natural 9, +100 DMG on natural 10)
This boss uses its own BD roll when attacking.


  • Grand Slam | On a natural CD of 12, this boss will raise its arm and crash it against the ice of the lake, sending a ripple through toward all of the players, dealing 200 mitigatable damage and Freezing everyone in place. This attack automatically hits.
  • Zero-Degree Weather | This boss changes the weather of the area into a blisteringly cold blizzard, lowering the EVA of all Players by -2. This effect can be ignored with the <<Survival>> skill.
  • Frozen Hide | If this boss is faced without Survival, the Player(s) will find it biting cold to the touch. It will gain 50 mitigation against attacks made by players without <<Survival>>, and deal 50 Frost Thorns damage on successful attacks - regardless of critical status.


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Now wrapped in her warm and fuzzy cloak, Katoka let out a content sigh of relief. "You're the best Mina. Someone needs to wife you already."

The trek to the frozen monster's lair brought back many memories to the samurai as she walked. She munched on the pastries that Ciela had given them as they trudged through the snow. She recalled the conversations she had with Freyd when they traversed the same path. They had both changed considerably since then, despite the short amount of time that had passed.

Upon reaching the designated 'boss' area, Absolute Zero's hulking form was a large and frosty as it ever was. Letting Ciela take the lead Kat waited her turn, letting the tank chip away at the monster's health. She grinned as she stepped up, unsheathing her katana.

"I'll go next if you don't mind." she winked and there was a puff of snow and cracks that formed in the ground where she had previously stood. There was a loud crack, followed by a chunk of the creature's leg that thudded to the ground. Katoka could be seen sliding across the ice around him, attempting to keep her balance, "Damn ice physics, I could have hit him harder if I didn't slip!"




Post Action | [x15] ST-I (12 EN +2 ST Shift) 14 - (Rested 2/2; Stamina) = 11 EN 
Free Action | None

ID#: 223249 | BD: 1+5+1+2=9 HIT | 26*15=420-200 MIT=220 DMG vs Absolute Zero

KnightessCiela | Level 13 | HP: 290/290 | EN: 35/44 (44-9) | DMG: 8 | MIT: 91 | ACC: 2 | FL. THRN: 4 | THRNS: 36 | ANTIDOTE [3/3]
Katoka | HP: 780/780 | EN: 101/112 (112-11) | DMG: 26 | MIT: 78 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 5 | BH: 39 | AA | BLGT: 32 | P.V.O | REC: 8 | STK: 40 | Antidote: [3/3]
Wulfrin | HP: 490/490 | EN: 64/64 | DMG: 20 | MIT: 66 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 3 | BH: 4 | LD: 2 | BLD: 36 | REC: 3 | TXC VNM: 24 | Antidote: [3/3]
Tricolor_Mina | HP: 760/760 | EN: 110/110 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 138 | ACC: 5 | LD: 4 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRSTB: 40 | V.D.: 76 | Antidote: [3/3]


[1,0,0,0]Absolute Zero | HP: 779/1000 (999-220) | DMG: 200 | MIT: 200 | ACC: 3 | EVA: -2 | Freeze (8-10) | STUNNED
(+50 DMG on natural 9, +100 DMG on natural 10)
This boss uses its own BD roll when attacking.


  • Grand Slam | On a natural CD of 12, this boss will raise its arm and crash it against the ice of the lake, sending a ripple through toward all of the players, dealing 200 mitigatable damage and Freezing everyone in place. This attack automatically hits.
  • Zero-Degree Weather | This boss changes the weather of the area into a blisteringly cold blizzard, lowering the EVA of all Players by -2. This effect can be ignored with the <<Survival>> skill.
  • Frozen Hide | If this boss is faced without Survival, the Player(s) will find it biting cold to the touch. It will gain 50 mitigation against attacks made by players without <<Survival>>, and deal 50 Frost Thorns damage on successful attacks - regardless of critical status.



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"Guess that leaves me with the green one," Wulfrin shrugged.

Wulfrin took the offered green cloak. It was nice to have something else to keep him warm besides just Solaris. Wulfrin took up the rear of the group, as was his usual routine, to keep an eye out for anything that may jump at them. Yes they were in aa safe zone, but Wulfrin preferred to play cautiously in any new environment. He had learned the hard way once back when this game first started that even safe zones have small pockets where HP can drop to 0. Wulfrin was pretty much just along for the ride and to hit things hard, this quest was more about the experience for him as the Extra Skill at the end was geared towards his more tank oriented partner.

Ciela led the conversation well, much better than Wulfrin probably would have handled it. He hated admitting it, but Freyd was rubbing off on him in more ways than just knowledge. Many times, he found himself speeding through conversations with quest giving NPCs, saying just enough to trigger the quest flag. Ciela turned it into a full blown conversation though, probably her love for those novels she had taken to reading.

As is usual with a "go here, fight boss" style quest the trip to the frigid lair was uneventful. What Wulfrin didn't expect was how frigid it would be. The floors were slick with ice making movement difficult and even worse, under his cloak, Wulfrin still shivered as his insides felt like they were crystalizing. That feeling only got worse as Absolute Zero made it's presence known. The giant walking popsicle of a boss was more like a glacier with legs.

Ciela and Katoka were the first to jump into action. Both slipped and slid across the icy floor, but still managed to land hits on Absolute Zero, Katoka pulling most of the damage. Ciela did manage to land a stun, but with the minimal damage provided, Wulfrin held little hope. Never the less, he drew his sword and rushed the boss, ready to deal a blow of his own. Unfortunately he wasn't expecting to be playing with ice physics and nearly lost his footing. Had it not been for his training with The Gemini, Wulfrin likely would have missed his strike entirely. However, time seemed to slow briefly for Wulfrin as he replanted his feet, a direct reaction caused by his extended focus and concentration on the battle. He brought his cerulean glowing blade to bare against the frigid hide of Absolute Zero, a sharp pain of frigid air stinging his arm and turning his air way raspy. With his sword art completed, Wulfrin turned and looked at the HP of the boss for a brief moment. Not but the tiniest pixel of the bar moved, signaling to Wulfrin, he'll need to hit much harder.

"Not only ice physics," Wulfrin sighed. "But our attacks have recoil as well."

* * *


Post Action | [x12] ST-I (12 EN) 12 - (Rested 2/2; Stamina) = 9 EN 
Free Action | Concentration: AA; +1 BD.

ID#: 223250 | BD: 1+1+3+3=8 HIT| CD: 10 ST-B Unlocked | 20*12 = 240 - 250 = 1 DMG vs Absolute Zero | Wulfrin takes 50 DMG from Frozen Hide

KnightessCiela | Level 13 | HP: 290/290 | EN: 35/44 (44-9) | DMG: 8 | MIT: 91 | ACC: 2 | FL. THRN: 4 | THRNS: 36 | ANTIDOTE [3/3]
Katoka | HP: 780/780 | EN: 101/112 (112-11) | DMG: 26 | MIT: 78 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 5 | BH: 39 | AA | BLGT: 32 | P.V.O | REC: 8 | STK: 40 | Antidote: [3/3]
Wulfrin | HP: 440/490 | EN: 55/64 | DMG: 20 | MIT: 66 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 3 | BH: 4 | LD: 2 | BLD: 36 | REC: 3 | TXC VNM: 24 | Antidote: [3/3]
Tricolor_Mina | HP: 760/760 | EN: 110/110 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 138 | ACC: 5 | LD: 4 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRSTB: 40 | V.D.: 76 | Antidote: [3/3]


[1,0,1,0]Absolute Zero | HP: 778/1000 (778-1) | DMG: 200 | MIT: 200 | ACC: 3 | EVA: -2 | Freeze (8-10) | STUNNED
(+50 DMG on natural 9, +100 DMG on natural 10)
This boss uses its own BD roll when attacking.


  • Grand Slam | On a natural CD of 12, this boss will raise its arm and crash it against the ice of the lake, sending a ripple through toward all of the players, dealing 200 mitigatable damage and Freezing everyone in place. This attack automatically hits.
  • Zero-Degree Weather | This boss changes the weather of the area into a blisteringly cold blizzard, lowering the EVA of all Players by -2. This effect can be ignored with the <<Survival>> skill.
  • Frozen Hide | If this boss is faced without Survival, the Player(s) will find it biting cold to the touch. It will gain 50 mitigation against attacks made by players without <<Survival>>, and deal 50 Frost Thorns damage on successful attacks - regardless of critical status.


Edited by Wulfrin
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*Note: Edited everyone's EVA values, since we forgor about the zero-degree weather ability :).  Edited values are in Green! (Also fixed Kat's hate value since she hit, as well as both Ciela/Kat's HP values since the boss does 50 DMG if you hit it w/o survival.)

Violet happily distributed the rest of the cloaks, a gentle smile on her face. "The boss is still going to be very cold, please keep that in mind. Between the tea and our fluffy cloaks, we should be ok, but the boss can still freeze us solid if we aren't careful." she looked over at kataoka with a faint grin. "That said though, Kat and I can probably deal with it within a couple of rotations, so just focus on not drawing its aggro, ok? If anyone starts getting really low, I'll swap to healing, and let Kat focus on whacking it down to size." After the rookie pair finished interacting with the Quest NPC, they set out for the boss mob, trekking through the snowy cold.

 when the boss came to life, violet could feel the burning chill of its area effect, the frozen air causing her virtual muscles to stiffen. That wasn't going to stop her from swinging on it, though. "Let's do this." she breathed, before sprinting at the massive ice monster. Lament bit into its icy body, shards of its form smacking into her body. She made sure to check everyone's health, wincing when she realized that Ciela would be in extreme danger if the boss activated any of its special abilities. "Mind your health, Ciela! you might have more MIT than Kat and Wulfrin, but you're a whole hell of a lot more squishy than they are! If that thing sneezes on you, you're gonna be hurting real bad, alright?" she called out, crouching a slight ways away. "Kat, keep smacking it as hard as you can, and try to sneak in a shatter if possible! I'll monitor everyone's health, and top people off as-needed!"

AoE-I vs Absolute Zero


Roll ID#: 223261, BD: 4 (4+5= 9, HIT! 15*24 = 360 - 250 = 110 DMG to Absolute Zero!)

Mina takes 50 Thorns DMG, and loses 15 EN

Absolute Zero was stunned, and takes no action this turn

KnightessCiela | Level 13 | HP: 240/290 | EN: 35/44 (44-9) | DMG: 8 | MIT: 91 | ACC: 2 | EVA: -2 | FL. THRN: 4 | THRNS: 36 | ANTIDOTE [3/3] [Zero Degree weather]
Katoka | HP: 730/780 | EN: 101/112 (112-11) | DMG: 26 | MIT: 78 | EVA: -1 | ACC: 5 | BH: 39 | AA | BLGT: 32 | P.V.O | REC: 8 | STK: 40 | Antidote: [3/3] [Zero Degree weather]
Wulfrin | HP: 440/490 | EN: 55/64 | DMG: 20 | MIT: 66 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 3 | BH: 4 | LD: 2 | BLD: 36 | REC: 3 | TXC VNM: 24 | Antidote: [3/3] [Zero Degree weather]
Tricolor_Mina | HP: 710/760 | EN: 95/110 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 138 | ACC: 5 | EVA: -2 | LD: 4 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRSTB: 40 | V.D.: 76 | Antidote: [3/3] [Zero Degree weather]


[1,1,1,1]Absolute Zero | HP: 668/1000 (778-1) | DMG: 200 | MIT: 200 | ACC: 3 | EVA: -2 | Freeze (8-10) | STUNNED  (Cooldown 0/3)
(+50 DMG on natural 9, +100 DMG on natural 10)
This boss uses its own BD roll when attacking.


  • Grand Slam | On a natural CD of 12, this boss will raise its arm and crash it against the ice of the lake, sending a ripple through toward all of the players, dealing 200 mitigatable damage and Freezing everyone in place. This attack automatically hits.
  • Zero-Degree Weather | This boss changes the weather of the area into a blisteringly cold blizzard, lowering the EVA of all Players by -2. This effect can be ignored with the <<Survival>> skill.
  • Frozen Hide | If this boss is faced without Survival, the Player(s) will find it biting cold to the touch. It will gain 50 mitigation against attacks made by players without <<Survival>>, and deal 50 Frost Thorns damage on successful attacks - regardless of critical status.
Edited by tricolor_mina
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  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Ciela definitely felt the cold sting of Absolute Zero's chilly bite back. She thought to herself that this must be what enemies feel like when they hit her and take damage. She decided to take Mina's advice and took a few steps away from Absolute Zero. "You are absolutely right, that is damage I absolutely can't mitigate. I'm going to take a step back."

She really didn't want to just there while her companions do all the work, she also didn't want to exit combat as she didn't know how that would go. She knew she really didn't have a choice in either since she and Wulfrin are attempting to skyrocket in levels. She glared at Absolute Zero for a moment, trying to melt his icy core with just her gaze. The ice monster then met it's eyes with hers and it's icy gaze sent a chill down her spine.

Not being able to do much else, she grabbed a handful of snow and began to make an itty bitty snowman. As she sculpted her tiny snow man she watched her companions fight the ice monster, feeling bad that she couldn't help due to the extra damage that Absolute Zero does. Plus how little damage she actually does to the monster.

* * *


KnightessCiela gains 2 EN

Post Action: Ciela glares at Absolute Zero menacingly
Free Action: None

KnightessCiela | Level 13 | HP240/290 | EN: 37/44 (35+2)| DMG: 8 | MIT: 91 | ACC: 2 | EVA: -2 | FL. THRN: 4 | THRNS: 36 | ANTIDOTE [3/3] [Zero Degree weather]
Katoka | HP730/780 | EN: 101/112 (112-11) | DMG: 26 | MIT: 78 | EVA: -1 | ACC: 5 | BH: 39 | AA | BLGT: 32 | P.V.O | REC: 8 | STK: 40 | Antidote: [3/3] [Zero Degree weather]
Wulfrin | HP440/490 | EN: 55/64 | DMG: 20 | MIT: 66 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 3 | BH: 4 | LD: 2 | BLD: 36 | REC: 3 | TXC VNM: 24 | Antidote: [3/3] [Zero Degree weather]
Tricolor_Mina | HP: 710/760 | EN: 95/110 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 138 | ACC: 5 | EVA: -2 | LD: 4 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRSTB: 40 | V.D.: 76 | Antidote: [3/3] [Zero Degree weather]


Edited by KnightessCiela
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The storm that raged around them all had kicked up enough snow that it was difficult to see, thankfully their opponent was large enough that it didn't matter much. Katoka did her best to find her footing on the next attack, though she still managed to slip here and there, as the all too familiar sound of her sword art charging was barely perceivable through the loud wind. She cursed under her breath as she planted her foot and swung her blade, feeling her stance was off as the attack barely managed to connect. "Remind me to not fight this damn monster ever again!"

The creaking groan of ice rubbing against itself reverberated around them as the monstrosity turned and swung wildly at the annoying gnats that chipped away at it's hide. "Watch it! This ice cube hits harder than you think!" she called to Wulfrin and Ciela. The samurai jumped out of it's lumbering path, digging her heels into the ground in an attempt to control her trajectory. Her gaze fell on Ciela as she pouted while building a snowman. Kat stifled a laugh, "We'll get you up to snuff before long."



Katoka regains +4 EN
Katoka regains 42 HP from BH
CD 3 (NO Rec Proc) ID#: 223501

Post Action: [x18] ST-II (15 EN +2 ST Shift) 17 - (Rested 1/2; Stamina) = 14 EN
Free Action: None

ID#: 223502 | BD: 3+5=8 HIT! | 26*18=468-250= 218 DMG vs Absolute Zero

Katoka takes 50 DMG via Frost Thorns!

KnightessCiela | Level 13 | HP240/290 | EN: 37/44| DMG: 8 | MIT: 91 | ACC: 2 | EVA: -2 | FL. THRN: 4 | THRNS: 36 | ANTIDOTE [3/3] [Zero Degree weather]
Katoka | HP722/780  (730+42-50) | EN: 91/112 (101+4-14) | DMG: 26 | MIT: 78 | EVA: -1 | ACC: 5 | BH: 39 | AA | BLGT: 32 | P.V.O | REC: 8 | STK: 40 | Antidote: [3/3] [Zero Degree weather]
Wulfrin | HP440/490 | EN: 55/64 | DMG: 20 | MIT: 66 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 3 | BH: 4 | LD: 2 | BLD: 36 | REC: 3 | TXC VNM: 24 | Antidote: [3/3] [Zero Degree weather]
Tricolor_Mina | HP: 710/760 | EN: 95/110 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 138 | ACC: 5 | EVA: -2 | LD: 4 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRSTB: 40 | V.D.: 76 | Antidote: [3/3] [Zero Degree weather]


[1,2,1,1]Absolute Zero | HP450/1000 | DMG: 200 | MIT: 200 | ACC: 3 | EVA: -2 | Freeze (8-10) | STUNNED  (Cooldown 0/3) (668-218)
(+50 DMG on natural 9, +100 DMG on natural 10)
This boss uses its own BD roll when attacking.


  • Grand Slam | On a natural CD of 12, this boss will raise its arm and crash it against the ice of the lake, sending a ripple through toward all of the players, dealing 200 mitigatable damage and Freezing everyone in place. This attack automatically hits.
  • Zero-Degree Weather | This boss changes the weather of the area into a blisteringly cold blizzard, lowering the EVA of all Players by -2. This effect can be ignored with the <<Survival>> skill.
  • Frozen Hide | If this boss is faced without Survival, the Player(s) will find it biting cold to the touch. It will gain 50 mitigation against attacks made by players without <<Survival>>, and deal 50 Frost Thorns damage on successful attacks - regardless of critical status.


Edited by Katoka
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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

The frigid blizzard ravaged Wulfrin's virtual form. The terrain was becoming more difficult to traverse the longer the battle raged. Absolute Zero, the walking glacier that it was, was showing several signs of its HP dropping. The phoenix that fluttered elegantly around Wulfrin was very quickly becoming agitated with the troublesome airspace. Katoka shouted something as the lumbering titan unleased a sweeping arm across the battlefield. The howling wind made it damn near impossible to make out what their samurai protector was saying, but Wulfrin was able to get the gist.

As the sound of shifting ice shook the very ground the party, Wulfrin noticed an opening. Absolute Zero paused briefly after its strike creating a nice little runway for the swordsman to rush up. Wulfrin took the chance and began darting up the titan's icy body. As he prepared to strike, the titan began to move again causing Wulfrin to lose his footing, sending him swiftly to the glacial arena floor. In a final desperate play to keep the damage flowing onto the boss, Wulfrin let loose a shrill whistle. Immediately after which, Solaris wreathed himself in a brighter raging cloak of fire and began to orbit the icy titan's head, or what Wulfrin assumed was the closest to one.

Wulfrin ended up face down in the snow disrupting his beloved's very finely detailed snow man.

"Ow," Wulfrin let out a muffled groan from the snow. He pulled himself free of the newly formed snowdrift. The shocked and very angry face of Ciela, sent a shiver down his spine greater than Absolute Zero had. "Sorry...."

I hate ice levels. Wulfrin silently thought to himself, trying his best to smooth things over with Ciela.

* * *


Recovery | ID: 223507 | CD: 11 | +3 EN
Wulfrin regains 6 EN

Post Action | [x20] ST-B (20 EN) 20 - (Rested 1/2; Stamina) = 17 EN | crit miss = 2 EN - (Rested 1/2; stamina) = 0 EN
Free Action | Rending Familiar - 7*3= 21 Damage
Cooldowns | Concentration (1/5) | Rending Familiar (0/2)

ID#: 223506 | BD: 1 (crit miss) | Absolute Zero takes 21 Damage from Rending Familiar

KnightessCiela | Level 13 | HP240/290 | EN: 37/44| DMG: 8 | MIT: 91 | ACC: 2 | EVA: -2 | FL. THRN: 4 | THRNS: 36 | ANTIDOTE [3/3] [Zero Degree weather]
Katoka | HP722/780  | EN: 91/112 (101+4-14) | DMG: 26 | MIT: 78 | EVA: -1 | ACC: 5 | BH: 39 | AA | BLGT: 32 | P.V.O | REC: 8 | STK: 40 | Antidote: [3/3] [Zero Degree weather]
Wulfrin | HP440/490 | EN: 55/64 | DMG: 20 | MIT: 66 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 3 | BH: 4 | LD: 2 | BLD: 36 | REC: 3 | TXC VNM: 24 | Antidote: [3/3] [Zero Degree weather]
Tricolor_Mina | HP: 710/760 | EN: 95/110 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 138 | ACC: 5 | EVA: -2 | LD: 4 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRSTB: 40 | V.D.: 76 | Antidote: [3/3] [Zero Degree weather]


[1,2,1,1]Absolute Zero | HP429/1000 | DMG: 200 | MIT: 200 | ACC: 3 | EVA: -2 | Freeze (8-10) | STUNNED  (Cooldown 0/3) | Rend: 21 (1/2) | (450-21)
(+50 DMG on natural 9, +100 DMG on natural 10)
This boss uses its own BD roll when attacking.


  • Grand Slam | On a natural CD of 12, this boss will raise its arm and crash it against the ice of the lake, sending a ripple through toward all of the players, dealing 200 mitigatable damage and Freezing everyone in place. This attack automatically hits.
  • Zero-Degree Weather | This boss changes the weather of the area into a blisteringly cold blizzard, lowering the EVA of all Players by -2. This effect can be ignored with the <<Survival>> skill.
  • Frozen Hide | If this boss is faced without Survival, the Player(s) will find it biting cold to the touch. It will gain 50 mitigation against attacks made by players without <<Survival>>, and deal 50 Frost Thorns damage on successful attacks - regardless of critical status.


Edited by Wulfrin
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  • 3 weeks later...

PSA: Please let the person doing the rolls for mobs do DoT procs, Mobs only take DoT DMG at the start of their turn even if you proc them on your turn <3

Violet winced as poor wulfrin went flying into a drift of snow, plowing right through the poor snowman that Ciela was trying to make. "Careful!, the ground is really slippery!" she called out, crouching as she prepared to activate the <<Charge>> skill, a faint sheen of steam hissing off of her body. "Kat, I'm counting on you to finish it off on your go, this should cut it down to size pretty quick!" She got herself into position, her eyes narrowed in concentration.

It wasn't getting away.

She shot forward, sprinting towards Absolute Zero with a laugh as <<Charge>> carried her body forward. "Eat shit, you overgrown Ice-cube!" she shouted, lament biting into its icy flesh. A wince crossed her face as she reached the upper half of its arm, the icy thorns biting into her skin and slowing her down. Just enough for its fist to come flying at her, swatting her to the ground like a bug that had been annoying it. "Oh fuck-!" Her body landed in another drift of snow, a plume of powder flying into the air from the impact.

AoE-II (+ Charge) vs Absolute Zero + Absolute Zero Attacks


Mina gains 4 EN!

Roll ID#: 223764, BD: 4 (4 - 1 = 3 + 5  = 8 + 2 = 10, HIT! 27*18 = 486 - 250 = 236 DMG to Absolute Zero! Mina takes 50 Unmitigable damage! Mina loses 26 Energy!

Roll ID#: 223765, BD: 8 (8 + 2 + 3 = 12, HIT! 200 - 138 = 62 DMG to Mina!

KnightessCiela | Level 13 | HP240/290 | EN: 37/44| DMG: 8 | MIT: 91 | ACC: 2 | EVA: -2 | FL. THRN: 4 | THRNS: 36 | ANTIDOTE [3/3] [Zero Degree weather]
Katoka | HP722/780  | EN: 91/112 (101+4-14) | DMG: 26 | MIT: 78 | EVA: -1 | ACC: 5 | BH: 39 | AA | BLGT: 32 | P.V.O | REC: 8 | STK: 40 | Antidote: [3/3] [Zero Degree weather]
Wulfrin | HP440/490 | EN: 55/64 | DMG: 20 | MIT: 66 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 3 | BH: 4 | LD: 2 | BLD: 36 | REC: 3 | TXC VNM: 24 | Antidote: [3/3] [Zero Degree weather]
Tricolor_Mina | HP: 598/760 | EN: 73/110 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 138 | ACC: 5 | EVA: -2 | LD: 4 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRSTB: 40 | V.D.: 76 | Antidote: [3/3] [Zero Degree weather]

[1,2,1,2]Absolute Zero | HP193/1000 | DMG: 200 | MIT: 200 | ACC: 3 | EVA: -2 | Freeze (8-10) | STUNNED  (Cooldown 1/3) | Rend: 21 (1/2) | (450-21)
(+50 DMG on natural 9, +100 DMG on natural 10)
This boss uses its own BD roll when attacking.


  • Grand Slam | On a natural CD of 12, this boss will raise its arm and crash it against the ice of the lake, sending a ripple through toward all of the players, dealing 200 mitigatable damage and Freezing everyone in place. This attack automatically hits.
  • Zero-Degree Weather | This boss changes the weather of the area into a blisteringly cold blizzard, lowering the EVA of all Players by -2. This effect can be ignored with the <<Survival>> skill.
  • Frozen Hide | If this boss is faced without Survival, the Player(s) will find it biting cold to the touch. It will gain 50 mitigation against attacks made by players without <<Survival>>, and deal 50 Frost Thorns damage on successful attacks - regardless of critical status.
Edited by tricolor_mina
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Ciela continued her snowman, just putting the little buttons and smoothing out the edges. She heard a slight whistle noise as Wulfrin collided into her freshly built snowman. Ciela glared at Wulfrin, as she looked down at him covered in the corpse of her freshly built snowman. "I-I was gonna name him Kenton. I even had a little hat and everything." Ciela pulled out a tiny cowboy hat that fit perfectly in the palm of her hand. Ciela kicked a bit of snow at Wulfrin. "Now I have to think of a new name." She crossed her arms and pouted. Once Wulfrin had gotten up from his slaughter, She began to rebuild in a huff. Still glaring daggers at him as he rushed back into the fray, Ciela would begin to formulate her plan for revenge. She decided to make a snow woman this time. This one would be better than the last.

She took extra care when crafting this one and looked over at Kat, Wulfrin, and Mina deep in battle with the overgrown ice cube. She felt bad that she wasn't really able to help but she figured it's better for her to just stay out of harms way versus getting into trouble. After being deep in thought for a moment, she finally got to the torso which she made extra curvy. Why the hell not right? She swiftly finished the torso and moved onto the head. She paid a lot of detail to the head, giving it human like features and even made a snow hairstyle. As she finished she smiled and placed the tiny cowboy hat on top of the snow woman's head, "I dub thee, Lumi the snow lady." She hoped this one would survive longer than a few minutes and not get destroyed by Wulfrin again.

* * *


KnightessCiela gains 2 EN.

Post Action: Rebuild Snowman.
Free Action: None

KnightessCiela | Level 13 | HP240/290 | EN: 39/44| DMG: 8 | MIT: 91 | ACC: 2 | EVA: -2 | FL. THRN: 4 | THRNS: 36 | ANTIDOTE [3/3] [Zero Degree weather]
Katoka | HP722/780  | EN: 91/112 (101+4-14) | DMG: 26 | MIT: 78 | EVA: -1 | ACC: 5 | BH: 39 | AA | BLGT: 32 | P.V.O | REC: 8 | STK: 40 | Antidote: [3/3] [Zero Degree weather]
Wulfrin | HP440/490 | EN: 55/64 | DMG: 20 | MIT: 66 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 3 | BH: 4 | LD: 2 | BLD: 36 | REC: 3 | TXC VNM: 24 | Antidote: [3/3] [Zero Degree weather]
Tricolor_Mina | HP: 598/760 | EN: 73/110 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 138 | ACC: 5 | EVA: -2 | LD: 4 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRSTB: 40 | V.D.: 76 | Antidote: [3/3] [Zero Degree weather]

[1,2,1,2]Absolute Zero | HP193/1000 | DMG: 200 | MIT: 200 | ACC: 3 | EVA: -2 | Freeze (8-10) | STUNNED  (Cooldown 1/3) | Rend: 21 (1/2) | (450-21)
(+50 DMG on natural 9, +100 DMG on natural 10)
This boss uses its own BD roll when attacking.


  • Grand Slam | On a natural CD of 12, this boss will raise its arm and crash it against the ice of the lake, sending a ripple through toward all of the players, dealing 200 mitigatable damage and Freezing everyone in place. This attack automatically hits.
  • Zero-Degree Weather | This boss changes the weather of the area into a blisteringly cold blizzard, lowering the EVA of all Players by -2. This effect can be ignored with the <<Survival>> skill.
  • Frozen Hide | If this boss is faced without Survival, the Player(s) will find it biting cold to the touch. It will gain 50 mitigation against attacks made by players without <<Survival>>, and deal 50 Frost Thorns damage on successful attacks - regardless of critical status.


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They had spent far too long in this area and it was beginning to get on Katoka's nerves. She hated sliding around on ice, and she hated Absolute Zero even more. Having nearly figured out when to stop so that she could slide in the correct direction, Kat managed to connect with where a normal living things hamstrings would have been. This apparently still had some sort of effect since her sword art cracked the ice around the things ankle and sent a ringing sound echoing through the area. The creature stumbled forward and dropped to a knee, the sound of grinding ice reminding the samurai of a wounded monster groaning.

Watching the things health drop into the red and stop caused Katoka to groan in annoyance. "You have to be kidding me. I hate this guy! Wulfrin you're up!" she yelled as she kicked a chunk of ice that had crumbled off of Absolute Zero and landed near her.



Katoka regains +4 EN
Katoka regains 42 HP from BH
CD 1 (No Rec Proc) ID#: 224050

Post Action: [x15] ST-I (12 EN +2 ST Shift) 14 - (Stamina) = 12 EN 
Free Action: None

ID#: 224051 | BD: 7+5= 12 HIT! | 26*15=390-250=140 DMG vs Absolute Zero

Katoka takes 50 DMG via Frost Thorns!

KnightessCiela | Level 13 | HP240/290 | EN: 39/44| DMG: 8 | MIT: 91 | ACC: 2 | EVA: -2 | FL. THRN: 4 | THRNS: 36 | ANTIDOTE [3/3] [Zero Degree weather]
Katoka | HP714/780 (722+42-50)  | EN: 83/112 (91+4-12) | DMG: 26 | MIT: 78 | EVA: -1 | ACC: 5 | BH: 39 | AA | BLGT: 32 | P.V.O | REC: 8 | STK: 40 | Antidote: [3/3] [Zero Degree weather]
Wulfrin | HP440/490 | EN: 55/64 | DMG: 20 | MIT: 66 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 3 | BH: 4 | LD: 2 | BLD: 36 | REC: 3 | TXC VNM: 24 | Antidote: [3/3] [Zero Degree weather]
Tricolor_Mina | HP: 598/760 | EN: 73/110 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 138 | ACC: 5 | EVA: -2 | LD: 4 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRSTB: 40 | V.D.: 76 | Antidote: [3/3] [Zero Degree weather]

[1,3,1,2]Absolute Zero | HP53/1000 | DMG: 200 | MIT: 200 | ACC: 3 | EVA: -2 | Freeze (8-10) | STUNNED  (Cooldown 1/3) | Rend: 21 (1/2) | (193-140)
(+50 DMG on natural 9, +100 DMG on natural 10)
This boss uses its own BD roll when attacking.


  • Grand Slam | On a natural CD of 12, this boss will raise its arm and crash it against the ice of the lake, sending a ripple through toward all of the players, dealing 200 mitigatable damage and Freezing everyone in place. This attack automatically hits.
  • Zero-Degree Weather | This boss changes the weather of the area into a blisteringly cold blizzard, lowering the EVA of all Players by -2. This effect can be ignored with the <<Survival>> skill.
  • Frozen Hide | If this boss is faced without Survival, the Player(s) will find it biting cold to the touch. It will gain 50 mitigation against attacks made by players without <<Survival>>, and deal 50 Frost Thorns damage on successful attacks - regardless of critical status.


Edited by Katoka
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On command Wulfrin charged once more into the frigid aura of Absolute Zero. Katoka had set him up perfectly for an attack. One problem though, his last attack whiffed hard. His highest leveled sword art remained locked to him after his absolute failure to hit. Despite this he charged in, hoping to maybe trigger the bleed effect on his blade, but only managed to glance off the glacial hide. The recoil from the attack sent him flying back into the snow. At this point he had done maybe two damage to the boss. Absolute Zero on the other hand had been doing some significant damage to him.

Is this what it feels like to hit a brick wall?

Wulfrin got up and readied for another strike. Solaris continued to do laps around the glacial titan. At least the damage Solaris did was not subject to the same restrictions Wulfrin was. Perhaps Mina could finish it up with the phoenix's help.

"Didn't get the proc I needed!" Wulfrin yelled over the blizzard. "Just need a bit more an my familiar can finish it off I think! Mina end the dude!"

* * *


Recovery: ID: 224089 | CD: 12 | +3 EN
Wulfrin regains 6 EN

Post Action: [x12] ST-I vs Absolute Zero (12 EN) 12 - (Stamina) = 10 EN 
Free Action: None
Cooldowns | Concentration (2/5) | Rending Familiar (1/2)

ID: 224088 | BD: 7 + 3 + 2 = 12 Hit! | CD: 10 | 240 - 250 = 1 DMG vs Absolute Zero | ST-B Unlocked

Wulfrin takes 50 DMG via Frost Thorns!

KnightessCiela | Level 13 | HP240/290 | EN: 39/44| DMG: 8 | MIT: 91 | ACC: 2 | EVA: -2 | FL. THRN: 4 | THRNS: 36 | ANTIDOTE [3/3] [Zero Degree weather]
Katoka | HP714/780 | EN: 83/112 (91+4-12) | DMG: 26 | MIT: 78 | EVA: -1 | ACC: 5 | BH: 39 | AA | BLGT: 32 | P.V.O | REC: 8 | STK: 40 | Antidote: [3/3] [Zero Degree weather]
Wulfrin | HP390/490 | EN: 51/64 | DMG: 20 | MIT: 66 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 3 | BH: 4 | LD: 2 | BLD: 36 | REC: 3 | TXC VNM: 24 | Antidote: [3/3] [Zero Degree weather]
Tricolor_Mina | HP: 598/760 | EN: 73/110 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 138 | ACC: 5 | EVA: -2 | LD: 4 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRSTB: 40 | V.D.: 76 | Antidote: [3/3] [Zero Degree weather]

[1,3,2,2]Absolute Zero | HP52/1000 | DMG: 200 | MIT: 200 | ACC: 3 | EVA: -2 | Freeze (8-10) | STUNNED  (Cooldown 1/3) | Rend: 21 (1/2) | (53-1)
(+50 DMG on natural 9, +100 DMG on natural 10)
This boss uses its own BD roll when attacking.


  • Grand Slam | On a natural CD of 12, this boss will raise its arm and crash it against the ice of the lake, sending a ripple through toward all of the players, dealing 200 mitigatable damage and Freezing everyone in place. This attack automatically hits.
  • Zero-Degree Weather | This boss changes the weather of the area into a blisteringly cold blizzard, lowering the EVA of all Players by -2. This effect can be ignored with the <<Survival>> skill.
  • Frozen Hide | If this boss is faced without Survival, the Player(s) will find it biting cold to the touch. It will gain 50 mitigation against attacks made by players without <<Survival>>, and deal 50 Frost Thorns damage on successful attacks - regardless of critical status.


Edited by Wulfrin
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*Note: I was allowed a second roll because I made a fucky wucky and lost my old roll

Mina let out a groan of frustration as she pulled herself out of the snow, a pained look on her face. "God damnit, that hurt..!" she grumbled, shivering. "Alright you shitty ice-cube, you're dead!" She sprinted forward with a yell, charging at the ice golem with a scowl. Kataoka and Wulfrin had been having trouble with trying to hit it for enough damage, especially considering the extra armor it was able to sprout thanks to the cold.

Lament bit into its icy flesh, the ice cracking and groaning as she pierced through its body. "Now, DIE!" It's body shattered completely, glowing blue polygons flying everywhere as the boss mob evaporated into nothing. As the <<Quest Complete!>> Sigil flashed across their screens, Violet turned to the trio behind her, giving them a shaky thumbs up. "Now that he's dealt with, you guys wanna go back to town with me and warm up? I'm Freezing!"

Thread Closing:

KnightessCiela receives:
2,017 EXP (Word Count [5173/1020.5] + Quest [1500]) 2,600 col (1 page [100] + Quest [2500])
Zero Degree Icicle | T2 Rare [Weapon of Choice] | Freeze | Accuracy I
Frozen Hide Extra Skill unlocked
Katoka receives:
1,551 EXP (Word Count [5173/1060.5] + Quest [0]) 332 col (1 page [100] + Quest [0] + 15% P5 Reward [232])
Frozen Hide Extra Skill unlocked
Wulfrin receives:
2,875 EXP (Word Count [5173/1030.5] + Quest [1500] + Yui’s Grace [600]) 2,600 col (1 page [100] + Quest [2500])
Zero Degree Icicle | T2 Rare [Weapon of Choice] | Freeze | Accuracy I
Frozen Hide Extra Skill unlocked
Tricolor_Mina receives:
2,782 EXP (Word Count [5173/1050.5] + Quest [1500]) 6,017 col (1 page [100] + Loot [3000] + Quest [2500] + 15% P5 Reward [417])
4 Mats (Loot [4])
Zero Degree Icicle | T2 Rare [Weapon of Choice] | Freeze | Accuracy I
Frozen Hide Extra Skill unlocked
T4 Perfect Trinket 224887a
T4 Perfect Weapon 224887b


Mina recovers 4 EN!
Action: AoE-I Vs Absolute Zero

224812, BD: 7 (7+5 = 12 + 2 = 14, HIT! 15*24 = 360 - 250 = 110 DMG to Absolute Zero!) Mina takes 50 DMG! Mina loses 15 EN

Absolute Zero is Slain~

KnightessCiela | Level 13 | HP240/290 | EN: 39/44| DMG: 8 | MIT: 91 | ACC: 2 | EVA: -2 | FL. THRN: 4 | THRNS: 36 | ANTIDOTE [3/3] [Zero Degree weather]
Katoka | HP714/780 | EN: 83/112 (91+4-12) | DMG: 26 | MIT: 78 | EVA: -1 | ACC: 5 | BH: 39 | AA | BLGT: 32 | P.V.O | REC: 8 | STK: 40 | Antidote: [3/3] [Zero Degree weather]
Wulfrin | HP390/490 | EN: 51/64 | DMG: 20 | MIT: 66 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 3 | BH: 4 | LD: 2 | BLD: 36 | REC: 3 | TXC VNM: 24 | Antidote: [3/3] [Zero Degree weather]
Tricolor_Mina | HP: 598/760 | EN: 77/110 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 138 | ACC: 5 | EVA: -2 | LD: 4 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRSTB: 40 | V.D.: 76 | Antidote: [3/3] [Zero Degree weather]

[1,3,2,3]Absolute Zero | HP-58/1000 | DMG: 200 | MIT: 200 | ACC: 3 | EVA: -2 | Freeze (8-10) | STUNNED  (Cooldown 1/3) | Rend: 21 (1/2) | (53-1)
(+50 DMG on natural 9, +100 DMG on natural 10)
This boss uses its own BD roll when attacking.


  • Grand Slam | On a natural CD of 12, this boss will raise its arm and crash it against the ice of the lake, sending a ripple through toward all of the players, dealing 200 mitigatable damage and Freezing everyone in place. This attack automatically hits.
  • Zero-Degree Weather | This boss changes the weather of the area into a blisteringly cold blizzard, lowering the EVA of all Players by -2. This effect can be ignored with the <<Survival>> skill.
  • Frozen Hide | If this boss is faced without Survival, the Player(s) will find it biting cold to the touch. It will gain 50 mitigation against attacks made by players without <<Survival>>, and deal 50 Frost Thorns damage on successful attacks - regardless of critical status.

Looting AZ

ID: 224887 | LD: 17+6=23 | CD:3+0=3 | Col:3000, Mats:4, [224887a] T4 Perfect Trinket, [224887b] T4 Perfect Weapon

Edited by tricolor_mina
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