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[PP-F6] Grind and Grind and....

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Zelrius sat about the sixith floor. He stood in the small town just outside the Tower of Floor clearing, Or atleast that's what Zelrius called it. He sneezed and blew his nose with a handkercheif. It would seem this day was going incredibly slow. He walked about the streets a bit, Looking for anything to do. He just couldn't place his finger on it, But Zelrius thought something didn't feel right about this floor. The Jungle was normally extremely hot, But today he was shivering. On this moment, Zelrius didn't realize it but, The boy had a cold. So, There was nothing actually wrong with the floor, Zelrius was just under a sickness.

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Rebekah was looking for something different today, something that she normally does not do. She decided to make a rare trip up onto the 6th floor to see how it is like. It had been her goal to explore all the different parts of aincrad, and she could not stay on floor 1 forever. She was walking around the town, but even she could feel the humidity of the jungle nearby. It was hot, and ever since her desert trip, she had felt a lot better about dealing with the hot weather.

She continued walking in the town, until she saw someone who looked familiar. What was his name again?, she does not recall meeting him before.

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,Zelrius coughed and then wake his mouth with his sleeve. The blood buccaneer continued to shiver, and then hugged himself to add body warmth.Why is this floor so god dammed cold today? Zelrius wondered to himself silently. Normally this floor was so temperate and a hint of humidity. But for some reason he wasn't feeling any of it. After sneezing Zelrius walked out of the town only slightly and began making a fire.

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She continued exploring the town, but that got boring after a while, as there was no adventure inside. She looked up at the sky, and thought she saw some smoke. She decided to head over to where the smoke was, thinking that there might be a fire. She headed over to where the fire was originating from, and noticed that a player was building a campfire outside the town. This is odd, the town was suppose to be hot, but someone was building a fire.

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Zelrius kept rubbing his hands together and putting them near the fire to generate warmth. His detection skill allowed him to notice the player creeping up on him, and without turning toward her, Zelrius said Simply

"If you think you can Mug me, Think again. I'll inform you of who I am since, if you're that close, you must not know. I am the Blood Buccaneer. Zelrius, Level 30. I will not be afraid to chop you down quicker then you can blink, Regardless of your gender."

He put a hand to his sword and prepared a effect Cure Crystal. Just incase this newcomer wanted to pull a quick paralyze on him.

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She put her hands on handle of the rapier, ready at a moments notice to pull it out. It was dangerous wandering away from the safety of the towns, but at least she was just outside, and could get back inside at a moments notice. She glanced over at the growing fire.

"I was just wondering whose idea is it to build a big fire in one of the most hot and humid floors" she said, pointing up at the the trail of smoke that left the fire.

She had no intentions of mugging him, nor had she ever thought about it, but she suppose that it was better for him to be on the safer side than not. She knew that she was probably way under-leveled to even do much in situations like these, the best way for her is to defuse it.

"I guess you are feeling a bit cold?" she inquired.

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Zelrius was very annoyed by her question. Of course, only he felt it but at the time, Zelrius had no knowledge of being sick in game, so the boy just assumed everything was cold at the moment.

"Yes of course I am cold you dimwit. God damn, why the hell else would I build a fire on this usaualy burning hell hole." Zelrius had stated this, unaware of the lack of his usual arrogant and level headed tone.

Zelrius stood up and made his way to the jungle in order to blow off some steam that he had obtained because of how much of an annoyance she was bring already. He swung and struck a rat, dealing a good portion of damage. Next to the rat a great blob that seemed to be half left quid half solid.

Zelrius 63/63

Rebekah 17/17

Rat 6/15 paralyzed

Horgan 13/13

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"Most people are dying due to the humidity and the heat" she replied, as she tries to focus on the horgan. It was not a monster she had ever encountered before, and as she runs up and does her move. It did not do a thing against this higher level monster.

Zelrius 63/63

Rebekah 17/17

Rat 6/15 paralyzed

Horgan 13/13

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The Horgan charges right for the weak girl, who had just missed her attack on her a bit earlier. However, she managed to jump out of the way, allowing it to swing and miss in the open air. Both the girl and monster had failed their attacks on one another.

Zelrius 63/63

Rebekah 17/17

Horgan 13/13

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After that initial round, she was determined to finally get the Horgan this time, she knew that she need to show Zelrius, that she was not just a weak player from the first floor. She held her rapier up, and attacked the monster when it had a small lapse of focus.

Zelrius 63/63

Rebekah 17/17

Horgan 10/13

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Zelrius yawned deeply, now sleep was becoming a factor of his weakness. The boy refused to sleep though, Whatever sickness he had gave paranoia of the strangest things. This time beings, That if he slepts he'd wake up tied to his bed, His own blanket ready to kill him if the Blood Buccaneer did not reveal where the pancakes were hidden. And, Zelrius who at this point was completely irrational, would often whisper to himself quitely "I refuse to feed the bed"".

Thus, he had just whispered that as he charged forward to swing Sange at the Horgan.

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The Horgan ran directly at the girl, and charged right at her trying to knock her off her feet. Rebekah was not expecting such an aggressive move from such a big monster, as she was thrown backwards from that collision. It had caught the girl at the exact moment when she was not 100% focused at the battle.

Zelrius 63/63

Rebekah 14/17

Horgan 10/13

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Rebekah picked herself off her ground, and ran directly back at the monster. She was determined to get the monster this time, with her attack, as she charged directly towards it, and attacked it with her rapier. She knew that she needed a response against the monster after that attack, to show that she was not weak.

Zelrius 63/63

Rebekah 14/17

Horgan 7/13

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Zelrius jumped back, landing and sliding on one knee, to which he simply said "Ouch" as his HP only slightly depleted from that little mauever. Now he got back up on two feet and charged forth once more, Determined to kill this Horgan in short time. However, As he charged, Zelrius stopped and coughed violently into his shoulder. One his little fit of coughing was over, Zelrius resumed his attack.

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The monster dashes towards the girl once again, and knocks her back with its attack. She looks up at the monster, it was going to take quite a while before she could finish it off, as she was having no luck at all in this battle. Maybe both of them can land their attacks to finish it off.

Zelrius 63/63

Rebekah 13/17

Horgan 7/13

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Rebekah looks for her opportunity to fight, and she got hers, as she charges right for the monster before it could react. She had heard about an attack move that would work on a rapier, and decides to try it out. She jumps up and stabs the monster multiple times in the back, before landing nearby. It had actually work, she never ever has any luck with any new skill moves, but she was sure to try this out a bit more.

Zelrius 63/63

Rebekah 13/17

Horgan 4/13

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Zelrius brought his sword up over his head and down. Thus far this girl who he had ran into had been rather impressive in her own manevuers. Or maybe that was because he was sick, and now he realized that he was infact sick. After a quick sneexing fit then a coughing one Zelrius stopped and had his first Rational thought all day. He swung his sword ready to kill this Horgan and then move on with his life.

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The Horgan had managed to evade another attack from the stronger male player that tried to attack it. It took a minute to pause before deciding which one to attack. It's target was once again the weaker girl who tried to kill it, as it was the first person to attack it. The Horgan threw itself at her, trying to do as much damage as possible. Without any armour, she had no way of defending herself from the attack.

Zelrius 63/63

Rebekah 10/17

Horgan 4/13

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Rebekah had gotten back to her feet, and she looked over at Zelrius. He must have been a little sick, as he must have missed multiple attacks in a row. It must be affecting him, she knew she had to finish up this battle first, before checking up on him. She could not recall the last time she had taken so much damage from any monster, and she jumped up to try to end this battle with one of her favourite moves on her rapier. She sets up one of her skills with the help of the combat assist, and thrusts her weapon into the Horgan. She had finally slain this monster, and turned over to Zelrius, "Are you alright?"

Zelrius 63/63

Rebekah 10/17

Horgan 0/13

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