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[PP-F6] Grind and Grind and....

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Zelrius dropped his arrogant attitude when she asked if he was alright. Zelrius did his normal rude introduction that he usually opened with. At this point, He did not care whether or not the person he was talking to was a female or not. No, This point in the game everyone had turned out to be an utter waste of time, So like so The Blood Buccaneer responded "What's it to you whether or not I am 'Okay' or not?" His annoyed expression showing a bit of hate as he had just been shown up by a girl.

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Oh well She made a minor note in her head, never to ask him anything like that. I guess he is another one of those people who do not like people inquiring if they are alright, especially if they are higher level than her. Besides, she was the one who nearly lost half her health trying to fight a monster. She looked at the ground, looking for the right words in this situation, but nothing came out.

She decided against saying anything, because the less she says, the better the situation at the moment.

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Zelrius broke into a violent shudder and had to sit for a moment. Now on the ground he looked about and decided that he ought to make atleast some sort of small talk with this girl. Looking to her with his arrogant gaze, Zelrius asks. "So who are you, How did you find me, and why did you help me?" As it was rather odd that she was even within his area beings the boy was a Organe cursored player. A renowned PKer at that.

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Rebekah looked up at the guy. Oh wait, why did I not see that he was orange... She did not pay attention to that during the entire battle until now. She was not exactly sure how she would answer his question, but she started, "I'm Rebekah, a player trying to get stronger. I found you because I thought someone was going to destroy the town with a big fire."

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Zelrius had to laugh at her final statement. And he did so, For a little longer then expected. It was amazing how naive some people on this game just were about mechanics and such. Walking back over to his fire he picked up one of the flaming sticks and poked into the side of the building. The stick just sat there in the building, Both the small wheat and wooden hut and the small stick just with the <> signs flying about them. "I can try and try and try as hard as I want, But I cannot Burn down anything. Anyhow good day Rebekah, But it would seem I have some sort of sickness to cure." He said now walking off into the wilderness that they had just fought in.

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She took a second to think about what she would do next, before going into the jungle after him. She had nothing else better to do, other than potentially train and get better at combat. She looked up at the sky, it was still early enough for her to leave before it gets too dangerous later at night. Besides he was right, she was a bit too naive at times in this game, and needed to learn to actually use her brain at times.

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