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SAO-RPG New Player Guide

SAO-RPG is a text-based roleplay forum based on the popular anime franchise Sword Art Online. The game runs on a play-by-post format, incorporating elements of d20 systems to determine the outcome of various actions such as gathering, combat and search rolls. Most elements in SAO-RPG adhere to canon, however this roleplay does not specialize in canonical characters. 

Rules at a Glance

  • The username that you register with and use to log in will be the username of your character within Aincrad. Take care when registering your account to choose a proper username!
  • A user may have multiple characters, however they must be registered as separate accounts.
  • All roleplay posts must have a minimum of 150 words of IC text. Battle stats and OOC notes or comments do not count toward this minimum.
    • Posts in the Merchants and Shops sub-section, as well as posts in which your character is stunned or paralyzed, require only 100 words of IC text.
    • Posts in the Player Request Board sub-section, while regarded as in-character, do not have a word count requirement.
  • Posting twice or more in a row (double posting) is generally disallowed. The exception is in single-person, or "solo party" roleplays.
  • Spamming is not allowed under any circumstances.
  • Any form of cheating, intentional rule-breaking, or abuse of exploits or loopholes is strictly prohibited.
  • Keep all posts and journals PG-13. If you are unsure if any content you wish to write would go beyond PG-13, message a staff member for clarification. For any content intended above PG-13, please see the Unrestricted Chat Filter sub-section.

Guide Navigation
I. Character Creation
II. Getting Started
III. More Useful Tips
IV. Common Acronyms

This guide would not be possible without the tremendous efforts of Freyd and NIGHT. They managed to shrink a complex and lengthy system into something more manageable (and less intimating), and their contributions are invaluable.

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Character Creation
Before you can participate in any roleplaying threads, every player must fill out a Journal to create and manage your character. Imagine it to be like a character sheet. It should contain everything from their appearance, to their skills and stats, to their backstory and personality. We’ve provided a basic template, but you may edit the style to your liking (check out this thread for some ideas). Just be sure to include all the required information when creating your journal, and keep in mind these few restrictions.

  • Players cannot be beta testers for Sword Art Online. This will be your character’s first time playing SAO before becoming trapped in the game.
  • Players cannot be or have any relation to canon SAO characters (Kirito, Asuna, etc). SAO-RPG is its own universe, the only canon character that currently exists being Heathcliff. He does not have any previously-established relation to any players in or outside of SAO.
  • Players cannot be “hackers” in a way that allows them to tamper with SAO or the Cardinal system.


  1. Appearance:
  2. Profile:
  3. About:
  4. Virtues/Flaws: *
  5. Skills:
  6. Inventory:
  7. Roleplay Log:


  1. Friends List
  2. Relationships
  3. Story So Far

The last sections are optional, so feel free to remove them from your journal if you will not be using them. You can keep track of other players your character has met and major events that have happened to them. You can always edit your journal later and customize it to your liking, so long as key details are maintained. Check with staff, if you’re not sure what you can and cannot modify.

* Pick virtues and flaws that help you develop your character. This list can give you some inspiration!

Some players will track all of their information in their journal, while others prefer to do so on separate spreadsheets, Google sheets, etc.  All of these are acceptable. A Google spreadsheet character sheet had been developed and pinned in the #Frontlines channel on the SAO-RPG Discord. It can be very helpful, but it can also be a bit intimidating for new players. Please save a copy, rather than inputting your data into the template, if you choose to go that route.

You also get to choose a new character bundle. There's a Basic (Set A), DPS (Set B), Tank (Set C), and Support (Set D). You can read more about them below.


Set A | Basic Package:

  • Uncommon Weapon of choice
  • Uncommon Armor of choice
  • (5) Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP)
  • 2,500 Col and (10) Materials

Set B | DPS Package:

  • Rare Weapon of choice
  • (3) Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP)
  • 2,500 Col and (10) Materials

Set C | Tank Package:

  • Rare Armor of choice
  • (3) Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP)
  • 2,500 Col and (10) Materials

Set D | Support Package:

  • (3) Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP)
  • 2,000 Col and (25) Materials


Tip From a Veteran
Grab the Support Package. Players start out with an abundance of currency (col, materials) despite having little gear. This currency can be used to barter with existing players with professions in the Merchants and Shops section of the forum to gain better gear (of Perfect rarity, for example). There are also many in the community who would be more than happy to provide you with gear to get you started.

If you choose a package with armor or a weapon, you'll need to include what enhancements you want on them. For equipment of Uncommon or Rare quality, each of them can hold up to one (1) or two (2) enhancements respectively. Refer to the list below and declare them on your equipment when stating which package your character is picking up. Similar enhancements can take up multiple slots to further improve their effect. Vanity weapons do not benefit from this luxury.

  • Damage
    Effect: Gain +(1 * Tier) base damage per slot.
    Applicable to: Weapons

  • Accuracy
    Effect: Gain +(1 per slot) to the BD when attacking. Cannot be used to cause a critical hit.
    Applicable to: Weapons

  • Paralyze
    Effect: Natural critical attack rolls of 9-10 (1 slot) or natural successful attack rolls of 8-10 (2 slots) remove the enemy’s action on their next turn. Paralyzed opponents lose any evasion properties.
    Applicable to: Weapons, Shields

  • Bleed
    Effect: Natural critical attack rolls of 9-10 (1 slot) or natural successful attack rolls of 8-10 (2 slots) deal (12 * Tier) unmitigated bleed damage each enemy turn for 2 turns. Bleed damage does not stack, but can be refreshed.
    Applicable to: Weapons

  • Keen
    Effect: After a successful attack, gain +(1 per slot) BD until your next successful attack, at which point this bonus is removed. Another successful attack will reactivate this enhancement.
    Applicable to: Weapons

  • Taunt
    Effect: +1 Hate generated from Howl, Focused Howl, and successful attacks.
    Applicable to: Weapons, Heavy Armor, Shields

  • Mitigation
    Effect: Prevent (9 per slot * Tier) damage from successful attacks against you.
    Applicable to: Light Armor, Heavy Armor, Shields

  • Regen
    Effect: After taking damage, gain Regen at the beginning of your next turn. Heal (5 per slot * Tier) every turn for three rounds. Damage over time effects (Bleed, Poison) will not trigger Regen. Does not stack with Battle Healing. Taking damage while Regen is active will refresh it to its full duration.
    Applicable to: Light Armor, Heavy Armor, Shields

  • Recovery
    Effect: Regain (1 per slot * Tier) additional energy on natural CD rolls of 6+.
    Applicable to: Light Armor, Heavy Armor, Shields

  • Thorns
    Effect: Successful non-critical attacks against you deal (9 per slot * Tier) unmitigated damage to the attacking enemy. Only activates on damage dealing, melee attacks.
    Applicable to: Heavy Armor, Shields

  • Heavy Momentum
    Effect: After an unsuccessful attack, gain +(1 per slot * Tier) base damage until your next successful attack, at which point this bonus is removed. Another unsuccessful attack will reactivate this enhancement. [For Area of Effect attacks: This effect only activates if you miss all enemies targeted by the attack.]
    Applicable to: Heavy Armor

  • Light Momentum
    Effect: After an unsuccessful attack, gain +(1 per slot) to the BD until your next successful attack, at which point this bonus is removed. Another unsuccessful attack will reactivate this enhancement. Cannot be used to cause a critical hit. [For Area of Effect attacks: This effect only activates if you miss all enemies targeted by the attack.]
    Applicable to: Light Armor

  • Evasion
    Effect: Reduces the die value by (1 per slot) on an enemy’s attack against you. Cannot be used to avoid a critical hit.
    Applicable to: Light Armor

  • Savvy
    Effect: When an enemy misses an attack against you, gain +(1 per slot) to the BD until your next successful attack, at which point this bonus is removed. Being missed by another attack will reactivate this enhancement. Cannot be used to cause a critical hit. Can only trigger once per turn.
    Applicable to: Light Armor

  • Loot Die
    Effect: Gain +(1 per slot) to the LD.
    Applicable to: Light Armor

In addition, all players are allotted 5 skill points (SP) for each new character they make. These skill points can be invested into a variety of skills found here. Players may choose to invest these skill points now or hold them for a later date. Any skill that requires five (5) ranks to master will have an entry investment of exactly 5 SP. New players are especially recommended to invest their points into the first rank of a weapon skill. Since weapon skills are tied to their sword arts, one may also turn to the Sword Art list located here for more information regarding their preferred weapon skill.

Posting Your Journal
When your character is to your liking, you'll need to submit it. A staff member will give it a look-over, and reach out if any changes need to be made. Please inform them of your journal’s completion when it is ready for approval. The quickest way to get into contact with them is via the roleplay’s Discord server, however they may also be contactable via site DMs on the forum. You may refer to a list of staff here.

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Getting Started
The easiest and most beneficial starting point for new players is to complete the <<First Few Lessons>>.  These have been deliberately written to help familiarize you with some basic game systems.

You could also write a thread entirely focused on narrative roleplay.  Don’t feel like you need to restrict yourself to the lower floors, or cannot write as if your character engages in combat.  Just be careful about actually engaging in system-based combat when you are first starting out.

Tip From a Veteran
Other early recommended quests include the following, though you may want to party with other players, earn a few levels and/or upgrade your gear before taking some of them on: <<Feeding Your Enemy>>, <<Earning a Living>> 
(Note that each player is limited to knowing only one crafting and one gathering profession at any time.), <<Breaking the Unbreakable>>, <<Let There Be Light>>, <<Search for the Hoya>>, <<What We Fight For>>, and <<The Mysterious Divide>> (Watch out for combat in the later quests in the chain.)

Creating a Thread
You can start or join threads in the Beginner Floors and Intermediate Floors sections. Rules and instructions for naming and writing threads can be found here


Here are a few of the highlights:

  1. Make sure that you post your combat stats in your first post made as part of any thread.  
  2. Make sure that you record your current and active skills and worn gear as part of that first post.
  3. Players often use their first post to apply buffs from consumables.  You can use multiple consumables in one post, but only when when outside of combat.

Sample Post
A sample first post template might look something like this:

[Insert minimum 150 words here, excluding any quoted text.]

[Player Name] consumes:

[Player Name] | HP: # / # | EN: # / # | DMG: # 

[Note skills known, SP expenditures, gear worn and carried, etc.]

Feel free to copy and paste this template and use it, or check out how other players have done this in recent forum threads for examples.

Tip From a Veteran
Do not use your site signature to convey these details. Signature are always current, even in old threads. If you have multiple open threads, but keep updating your signature, the info shown will change to match. The purpose of posting your skills and combat stats in your first is to ensure that they remain consistent for the duration of that individual thread.

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More Useful Tips

  • Don’t worry about having to learn everything all at once.  As with most game systems, it’s best to give yourself time and explore at your own pace.
  • We recommend that you avoid actual combat (i.e. involving the Dice Roller and math) until you hit at least level 5, unless you like risk and a slow grind. The roller can be unforgiving to new characters who may be poorly prepared.  Feel free to roleplay your participation in combat as part of your narrative.
  • Look at other player’s journals and threads for samples and inspiration.  
  • Remember that each thread post requires a minimum of 150 words, excluding words quoted from quests or other players. Check your word count by using WordCounter (this site is the one staff will use to verify your count).
  • Check out local player shops  in the Merchants and Shops forum for cheap starting gear.  Useful early items include:
    • Tier 1 perfect weapon with damage 3 (DMG 3) enhancement (from a blacksmith)
    • A perfect trinket with Loot Dice 3 (LD 3) to help you find/loot things in early quests (from an artisan)
    • A perfect trinket with Accuracy 3 (ACC 3) to help you hit things in combat (from an artisan)
    • Tier 1 perfect armor, ideally with a bit of mitigation (MIT) to absorb some hits.  Armor is obtained from tailors and blacksmiths, with shields made only by the latter.
    • Note that you can only equip three pieces of gear at a time, including only 1 weapon, 1 armor and 1 shield, but any number of trinkets.  The system doesn’t distinguish between 1-handed and 2-handed weapons. Lists of permitted enhancement can be found under crafting professions (here).
  • Don’t underestimate the value of consumables.  Their bonuses stack with your gear and can make a big difference during quests.
  • Enhancements are capped to a number of slots by the type and quality of item to which they are applied (e.g. Evasion and Accuracy enhancements are capped at 3 slots across all worn equipment, and up to 2 slots on consumables.)  Make sure you check what can and cannot stack.  Ask, if you’re not sure.
  • Note that system rules and resources are found in the Tutorials forum, and organized by content types in two threads
    • 3.1 | SAO-RPG Site Guide & Rules
    • 3.1 | SAO-RPG Resource List
  • Levels are gained by earning experience (EXP).  You earn EXP by completing and closing threads, based on a combination of word count, quest rewards and other similar rewards.  Note that combat does not directly grant any EXP, unless it is part of a quest, dungeon, raid or a field boss.  Staff will send EXP rewards to your character when a thread is approved and closed.  
  • You can earn EXP faster in solo threads, whereas group threads require less personal effort but tend to take longer.  The system is designed to encourage group play.
  • You can see your current total EXP on the left sidebar next to any of your posts on the site.  The EXP levelling chart is in a spoiler window near the top of the Resource List, in the Tutorial forum (here).
  • Each character can learn one crafting profession and one gathering profession.  
  • Ask for help!  We all welcome new players and many veteran players and staff will go out of their way to help you.
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Common Acronyms


Full Name

Basic Meaning


Absolute Accuracy

A unique weapon enhancement that means you won’t automatically miss when rolling BD 1.



Adds a bonus to your attack roll.


Battle Die

One of the columns on the dice roller used by the site.  Typically used to resolve attacks.


Craft Die

One of the columns on the dice roller used by the site.  Typically used to determine crafting results, or for miscellaneous abilities in combat.


Critical Hit

Means an automatic hit when making an attack, typically the result of rolling BD 9 or 10.



Used flexibly to reference the damage enhancement, your base damage score for calculations, and the actual number of hit points you remove from a target that you hit with an attack.



A measure of fuel for your sword arts and other special abilities.  When it runs out, you can no longer use them.  Typically restored by time, skills or consumables.



Applies a penalty to attacks made against a target.


Hit Points

A measure of your health.  If you reach 0 HP, your character dies instantly.  Typically restored by healing effects or time.


Loot Die

One of the columns on the dice roller used by the site.  Typically used to determine looting results, or for miscellaneous abilities in combat.


Monster Die

One of the columns on the dice roller used by the site.  Typically used to resolve enemy attacks.



A measure of armor or resilience. Raw damage is typically reduced by a target’s mitigation.

A more thorough glossary of terms can be found here.

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