Cardinal 0 Posted July 21, 2024 #1 Share Posted July 21, 2024 Floor 1 <<The First Lesson>> Party Limit: 4 | 20+ Posts Repeatable only if escorting someone who has never run the quest. Escorts may not offer any aid, and only earn standard thread rewards. Welcome to the First Few Lessons quest! If you're here, it's likely because you're a newcomer to the floating castle. If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to ask (post in the Discord, or create a support ticket). Please be sure to remember this important information: This quest can only be completed for quest rewards once. However, you may run it again if you're escorting someone who has never taken it before. You will only receive standard thread rewards, not quest rewards, for escorting another player through. The quest is structured in parts that introduce new players to key aspects of the system, but can be undertaken at any time. It does not need to be your first quest. The requirements for the quest are per person. Each person must meet the demands themselves. For example, if four people take the quest together, each participant must perform the requirements of each part.. While you may roleplay helping your companions, you may not mechanically offer any aid to reach those requirements. Escorting players are not required to complete the quest requirements. Their role is to be mentors and provide moral support. Quest Rewards: Remember: these rewards are given to all participants completing the quest for the first time. They are in addition to the standard thread rewards. Be sure to track your potions somewhere (a spreadsheet, your journal, etc.). 800 Experience Points (Each) 2,000 Col (Each) Zackariah’s Special Draught (Each) A ruddy-colored drink mixture that looks like it definitely came out of an apprentice alchemy class. Tierless Perfect HP Recovery Potion) Initiate’s Draw (Each) A mundane but reliable bit of gear provided by Lyle Tealeaf for services rendered. T1 Perfect [Weapon of Choice], [Armor of Choice] or [Trinket of Choice] - type and standard enhancements (i.e. no unique enhancements) must be specified in thread closing. Big Bertha Braciole (Each) A restorative fish entrée that helps restore some spent vigor. (5x) T1 Rare Vitality Consumable (Snack) Treasure Chest Contents (Each) Keep all rewards found inside the treasure chest opened during Part 3 | The Third Lesson. POTENTIAL REWARD | Materials Equal to the number of successful foraging rolls made during Part 1 | The First Lesson, if any. Requirements: Must roleplay speaking to Dorian to receive the quest. Complete Part 1: Roleplay interacting with Zackariah. {Optional} partake of Zackariah’s fondue Make at least 3 gathering attempts (they do not need to succeed) Return to Zackariah with the materials. Complete Part 2: Roleplay interacting with Lyle Tealeaf Borrow a weapon and Bag of Tranquilizer Truffles from Lyle Defeat or sedate (3) boarlets (stats found below. Can be spawned individually or as groups.) Return boarlets and/or tusks to Lyle. Complete Part 3: Roleplay meeting Pete Larkin. Find a treasure chest Open a treasure chest Roleplay returning to Dorian in downtown Tolbana and giving him Pete Larkn’s letter. Summary: "You there! Stop, please!" A man approaches you with long, purposeful strides. "Pardon me, but I am in need of some assistance, and you appear quite capable." Giving the NPC your attention, he heaves a quick sigh, adjusting the monocle over his right eye. "My name is Dorian, and I am the mayor of this town. As part of those mayoral duties, I issued a small loan to a member of the community a few months ago. Well, the time to collect had come around and I-" Flustered, Dorian systematically runs his fingers over his perfect moustache. "You see, I've forgotten who it was I loaned the money to. Terribly embarrassing, I know, but I am a very busy man, and I cannot keep track of everything that happens. I'm sure you understand." With a wave of his hand, Dorian continues, "Should you be willing to track down the loan recipient for me, and collect the col, I would be eternally grateful. Just, maybe don't let anyone else know I forgot who the loan went to?" Upon acceptance of the quest, Dorian nods. "Excellent, I knew I could count on you! You might start with Zackariah, the alchemist. He's often doing projects for the town, so it may have been him that borrowed the money." The player(s) will be sent to aid various NPCs around Tolbana, starting with Zackariah, then Lyle Tealeaf, and finally Pete Larkin. Each will require a task or service to be performed which will help introduce you to various aspects of the system, and provide some basic tools to help get started you on your adventures in Aincrad. Outline: PART I | THE FIRST LESSON As you enter Zackariah’s shop, you are met with shelves and shelves of colorful potions in various vials and jars. “Oh, hello," comes the distracted greeting from behind the counter. A man with a long, snow-white beard glances up from a bubbling cup of sweet-smelling purple liquid. "Are you here to order something? I’m sorry, but I am currently swamped with orders, and I’m running out of supplies.” Light comes into the man's dark eyes, a lightbulb going off to signify a brilliant idea. “Would you gather a few materials for me? Flowers, herbs, rare woods, whatever you can find outside the city walls. I promise I’ll help you fill your order as soon as you return. In fact, I would be willing to show you how to do it yourself.” Zackariah offers each player a sample from a small bubbling pot of fondue in the back of his shop. Those who accept are granted a +3 to their Loot Die scores for rest of the quest. This effect counts as a consumable enhancement and will not stack with other LD consumables. Eating the fondue is optional, but requires a post action. Players must update their stats on the same post where they partake, to reflect this change. Escorts gain no benefit, but may roleplay their participation, should they desire. After receiving your instructions from Dorian and Zackariah, head out into the wilds of Floor One and roleplay attempting to gather the necessary components. An LD roll of 15 or higher is required to successfully find a material. Players with the Forager profession may use their current proficiency with that skill instead. Note that Zackariah’s fondue helps with gathering rolls, but not the foraging profession. After everyone has made at least 3 attempts, excluding any escorts, return to Zackariah. Should you fail to return with any materials, he glances at you over his glasses with fatherly disappointment, but you suffer no other consequences. Either way, he responds the same way to your queries about Dorian’s debts: "Leave it to Dorian to forget something so important. No, I'm afraid it wasn't me that borrowed the col. You might try Lyle, the blacksmith. I've seen him talking with the mayor frequently the past month or so, and he's just up the road. I wish you luck!" PART II | THE SECOND LESSON The steady clang of metal on metal greets you as you enter the dimly lit shop. A man stands behind the anvil, rhythmically striking a heavy hammer against his newest project. Like Zackariah, the man sports a long white beard, and is pushing seventy years old. Unlike Zackariah, there is no warmth or gentleness in the NPC's eyes. Instead, Lyle regards you with annoyance, bordering on disgust. "I'm busy," he states tersely. As you attempt to explain the situation or introduce yourself, he will cut you off with a wave of his leathery hand. "I don't do anything without payment. Go deal with a few of those pesky boarlets for me, and bring them back whole or else just their tusks. I don’t care which. They're pretty weak, so even you shouldn't have any trouble. Do that, then I'll hear you out." Lyle will loan each player the following, which disappear at the end of the thread: T1 Perfect [Weapon of Choice] | ACC 2 | DMG 1 Bag of Tranquilizer Truffles (puts a boarlet to sleep on BD 5+, requires a post action to attempt using) A post action is required for any player to equip the borrowed weapon, at which time they must also update their combat stats. Each player must choose to kill and/or sedate three boarlets. A mix of both approaches is acceptable. Note that boarlets will become hostile and attack if you attempt to sedate them, generating 2 hate with every attempt as you taunt them with those sweet, sweet num-nums. Sedated boarlets are not eligible to be looted. Slain boarlets each drop a set of tusks. When you return with your task complete, Lyle gives a curt nod of approval. "I use these on hilts," he explains simply, before setting any tusks aside. Any whole boarlets might very well be turned into dinner instead, after parting with theirs. "Now, I'll have you know that I don't take loans from anyone, especially men the likes of Dorian White. You might try old Pete Larkin. He spends all his time fishing for river monsters or some such nonsense." With a scoff, he adds, "Without a real job, the man could probably use the charity." Lyle turns back to his work. PART III | THE THIRD LESSON You find the rugged old fisherman on the end of the dock, just tying off his small boat and ready to unload an assortment of traps recently retrieved from the bottom of the lake. Like the two men you’ve just previously assisted, Pete sports a long white beard. You can't help but think it likely that they must all be related somehow? When you explain why you're there, Pete looses a deep, hearty belly-laugh. "Yer tellin' me Mayor Dorian's taken to sending players to do his dirty work? Fine, fine, he’ll get his money, as soon as ye help me finish pulling it out of the drink!” Pointing to his catch, you find glimpses of metal concealed amidst the traps. It seems Pete has been pulling up more than crustaceans. As part of a single post action, players must roll LD to search the pile of netting, traps, and goodness knows what else Pete has stashed in the back of his rickety old boat. Repeat the roll as part of that same post until you get at least an LD of 15+ (all rolls in one post). Each player must find their own chest. Escorts cannot find a chest in this manner, but could still do so per the normal rules, if the thread meets the requirements. Chests found as part of the quest do not count against searching for one in the normal manner. Note that players who partook of Zackariah’s fondue still retain their +3 bonus to LD to find their chest! A second post is required for each player to open their chest. Each player must roll LD and obtains treasure according to the the treasure chest table in the Site Guide and Rules. Note that, while opening chests, only the LD bonuses from the Picking skill, Dismantling mod and key sold by the general merchant apply. The bonus from Zackariah’s Fondue does not. With a grin so bright it rivals the sun, Pete bestows upon you a sealed letter for Dorian, saying that its contents will more than settle his debts. He wipes it against a stale barrel of day-old catch before handing over to you. “That should serve Dorian right, for how he treats his debtors,” spitting into the lake to accentuate his dislike. NPCs: <<Dorian White>> A mayor of Tolbana. A pleasant enough man, though he seems a bit absent-minded, and he's always in a hurry. <<Zackariah Stroll>> An older gentleman, and expert alchemist. He is kind, intelligent, and speaks softly. <<Lyle Tealeaf>> An old blacksmith. He's set in his ways, with a bit of a temper, and a tough exterior. <<Pete Larkin>> An old fisherman with years of experience, the aspiration of the biggest catch keeps him going. Enemies: <<Boarlet>> They've killed more players than all of the floor bosses combined. Don't let the cuteness deceive you. HP: 5/5 | DMG: 3 Epilogue: Spoiler When you return and hand the stinking letter over to Mayor Dorian, he eyes it dubiously before opening it. "Well, yes," he stammers, "I suppose that's a fair trade. Truth be told, I don't quite remember how much we loaned him, anyway." Delicately, with two fingers, Dorian sets the parchment aside. "Uh, alright, that's all, then. Thank you for your help. If you ever need anything in this town, do not hesitate to drop my name. I'm sure that's far more valuable than any monetary reward I could offer you, anyway." Link to post Share on other sites
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