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Sylumn's Journal

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General Info


Username: Sylumn

Real Name: TBD

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Height: 167cm (5.4 ft) (will tell you he is average height)

Style: Usually wearing darker clothing (uses the darker clothing to hide any stains)

Eye Color: Deep Piercing Blue

Hair: Medium length, jet black hair with fades on both sides and the back, with some red streaks throughout the top

Country of Origin: New Zealand

Profession: TBD



Before SAO

Sylumn came from a overall good background, he never had anything just handed to him, and it was driven into him from an early age, that if he truly wanted something then he must work towards it, so that once he achieved it, it was truly his. He had no siblings and his parents were just normal people. During his school years he began to see just how will people could be, but at the same time he was able to see the good within people as well. For every bully he saw, he also seen a friend helping the one being bullied. Being a quiet person himself, and somewhat a introvert, it wasn't long until he found himself in the sightlines of these bullies'. At first nothing they could do would affect him, but water running against a stone will eventually wear the stone down. His friends would keep him company and push the bullies away, but in time, Sylumn found himself becoming more and more secluded. He turned to art and gaming and found a solace in both. Art allowing him to get whatever he was feeling out, and gaming began to be his new way of socializing.


As his school years moved on, so did the bullies. He found himself being more social in the real world more then the digital, but he still made time for his art. He was never what he would call good, but he was still proud of what he was able to create. He had worked for this bit of talent and it was his,. it could not be taken away. While he still gamed he now also made time for real world friends again. Reconnecting with those he had lost contact with, and in the final years of his schooling, even making amends with a couple of the bullies and becoming friends with them. 


The real world came as a shock to him. The normal routine that had been school life had not prepared him for the insanity that was work life. After a year or so he was finally able to get into a proper routine. Get a social life going again, and find time for his hobbies once more. The daily grind of the 9-5 he worked was just that a grind, but he was able to have a somewhat comfortable life, so as much as it could irk him somedays he never let it deter him. He began to hear rumors on the web about this new game in development, Sword Art Online, it immediately caught his attention and as news kept coming out about it he devoured it all. He hadn't been this excited about a game since his teenage years. He made sure to get all the gear he needed well before the game came out, and was lucky enough to secure one of the first 10,000 copies. He let his friends know what he was up to, so that they wouldn't worry if they didn't hear from him for a day or 2, but planned to go out for dinner with them that weekend.

The day had come. He placed the nerve gear on, laid down, took a deep breath "Link Start"


The First Day


The sensation as he entered the world, the sights, the smells.... wait smells?? His mind was blown. He walked around in a bit of a stupor taking it all in. He didn't need to rush, he could take it all in. He already had so much inspiration for new drawings when he got out. He spent the day simply walking around the town of beginnings, meeting players, sending and receiving friend requests. Chatting to NPCs, checking out beginner quests. This day was something beyond what his imagination could have possibly come up with. It was everything he had ever wanted in a game. He was talking to a couple players when suddenly everyone was teleported to the center of town.


He heard the words being spoken, but it was as if time was slowing down, the words this grim figure consuming the sky weren't slowing down but as he looked around it was as if everyone was in a state of semi stasis. He saw people frozen looking at were the log out should be. Others freaking out and screaming. People terrified that their avatar was now themselves. He stood there, a dread weight consuming him as that figure just vanished, leaving them all to this fate of his design we are all pawns... we aren't here for our enjoyment.. we are here for theirs... in a moment he felt what felt like all his humanity leave him... he stood there unmoving for what must have been hours. he woke up the next day still in the same spot, he must have collapsed or something. He began to move dead eyed throughout the town. What was the point in anything, we are all just going to die.



The First Month


Many people banded together in the first days, Sylumn had no hope, he saw no point in any of this. We are lambs to the slaughter.


After a week, a group of 4 found him. They took him in and wouldn't hear none of Sylumn doom talk. Yea they were stuck, but what a world to be stuck in, and what is there to do but make the most of this. They each had their own plan and idea of what they wanted to do and kept asking Sylumn at every dinner if he had made a plan yet as well. He still had no answer, but he couldn't deny it anymore. His new friends energy was infectious, and maybe just maybe he was feeling his first glimpse of hope at this new life he was living


There were rumors going around that a party had discovered the first boss and that they were preparing to take it on. Sylumn couldn't help but find himself fantasizing about being in that battle. Heck what if he had even made some of the equipment they used. It had been 3 weeks since his group had found him, and brought him back from the brink. Through their help he had discovered Smithing, and possibly being able to use his talent for art within it as well. He had also taken to going leveling with them, and had found a sense of enjoyment in the fighting. He wasn't the best at either, but he knew if he stuck at them, he could definitely do something.


This world can be cruel though. As they were returning from a days farming, they were ambushed just outside of the safe zone. Outnumbered and already fatigued from the days farm, they could do little but run for their lives. Sylumn fell into the safe zone screaming for help as he turned to see an enemy swinging wildly  but unable to hit him. People ran past him attempting to get to his friends. One by one he watched in horror as unable to move he saw each of them shatter...


News came that the first floor boss had been defeated, the second floor had been opened, but what good was that. Yay more suffering had been opened. He stared at the roof, it had been 3 days since everything had happened and he hadn't moved, he ate when he got hungry, he could hear their voices telling him to eat..

A few more days passed, he had been receiving notifications the entire time but hadn't paid any attention to them. He had one pop up and he couldn't help but stare at it. He had received a gift... from his friends... he opened it. A note appeared in his hands "Everything our up and coming smither needs" it was signed by his friends. He looked at everything and began to cry in earnest for the first time. Everything that had happened since the first day logging in, overflowing him and flowing out as he wailed in agony and misery. He had no idea how long he was crying, but it began to turn to laughter. Oh the state he was in. What would they say to him if they saw him like this after their gift. He felt a warmth inside himself. That hope that he thought he had started to gain but lost was still there. And now he had this from his friends. He searched his inventory and found a piece of something that each of them had given him. He would continue ion, he would make it to the frontlines and help end this. He would become a Smith and make some of the best equipment this world would ever see. And he would do it with his friends by his side



Current Day

Sylumn has began to make a name for himself both in the equipment he makes, and his beyond ridiculously cheap prices, and for his upcoming battle prowess. He has made himself a nice little shop, within which stands a shrine for those that have been lost, the center piece of the shrine is the note his friends left him, and surrounding it is the item he selected from each of them, and some other items here and there that people have asked to add to the shrine in remembrance. Customers who come to his shop have began to make it tradition too take a moment of silence in front of the shrine, as the names of the fallen scroll by.




Virtues/Flaws: Charitable- Virtue/Flaw - he truly believes that no one person should be without the ability to defend/ keep themselves safe and thus he sells all his wares at an extremely negative profit to himself. some people see this as an opportunity to gain better equipment without putting themselves in to much danger. even if he knows this is what happening, he will still not say no to them, even if his charity is being taken advantage of, at lest they are being well equipped for whatever they face in the future.
                         Hopeful - Flaw - for the first month being trapped within the game he was like many of the other players, no hope that they would ever escape, that this was now their life, and that they could only hope against hope that they would not be unplugged in the real world and die. As news began to travel that a team had defeated the first floor boss and the second level of Aincrad had been opened, he felt for the first time a sense of hope begin to build and swell within him. they could and would beat this game and make it back. He would be there beside them as much as possible and he had an idea to begin to learn black Smithing so that he may not only help in the fights but so that he may be able to help prepare them as well. No matter the situation or circumstances since, that hope has not left him, or shrunk, it has only grown, to the point where many see him as foolhardy and simply living in a dream that is unrealistic

                       Crafty/Resourceful - Virtue Knowing that he wanted to both ne on the frontlines but also a craftsman, he learnt how to do his trade with the bare minimum when needed. This has made him to be able to come up with quick solutions when it has come to customers wanted varied and unique equipment made. However he has found that it has had another impact in the fact that he has become a better critical thinker and able to help more so when it has come to puzzles and the such. He has also found ways to mitigate the financial loses he makes from selling his trade at such a low fee, so that no one gets impacted.

                        Determined - Flaw - Being so determined to make sure that anyone that enters his shop is able to leave with better equipment then when they entered has made him have to find ways to keep his shop going. This has led him to having to go resource hunting and take on quests when he is able to, to keep himself in a financial profit. Whether it be he goes a couple days without rest, or he pushes past his limits in a fight to make sure others survive. He knows hos determination is a flaw in himself, but he would much rather have that flaw and push himself, then to not and see the potential death around him. Not getting a good sleep will always be the preferred outcome to not seeing someone's face again

                      Adaptable - Virtue - Whether it is in battle, making a certain order, or in a social situation, he has learned to be adaptable. learning that it is the best way to keep peace at times, but also a good way of dealing with difficult customers, or potential deadly situations when out of the safe area. Through being adaptable he has also been able to make many connections with various guilds, and as such sometimes his shop is used as a meeting space for various reasons.

                       Sentimental - Virtue/Flaw - in the first month, he made friends with a couple other players. they were careful and weary and were extra diligent in every they done. Heading back to the town of beginnings after a day of grinding, they were ambushed. Sylumn was barely able to crawl within the safe barrier before dying. As he entered he turned round to see players rushing from the town to attempt to save his friends, but it was already to late as he seen all of them shatter. That was the day he lost everything till his hope came back. Everywhere he has gone since that day he has kept a piece of them with him. Miscellaneous items that hold no value top anyone else, but to him they are the only remainders of them. When he was able to finally open a shop he placed them, as a shrine, and as he was able to he improved upon the shrine, making it a true place of remembrance for all those that had been lost to the game. to a point where most visitors who come to his shop take a moment of silence at the shrine, as the names of the fallen scroll by. Every time he leaves the shop he takes the items with him, to keep his past friends with him, so that they may experience the ad=venture with him, and every time he returns, he places them back in there places on the shrine
Skills: Weapon Skill - Polearm

Rank 1

[x4] ST-I (4 EN) | A single-target sword art.
[x3] AOE-I (1 + [2 * targets] EN) | AOE | A sword art that strikes multiple targets at once.
[x4] TECH-A (5 EN) | STUN | A single-target sword art that stuns an enemy.

Inventory: DPS package

Rare Weapon of choice - 1 rare Scythe (Polearm)

                                          Effect: Gain +(1 * Tier) base damage per slot.

                                          Effect: Gain +(1 per slot) to the BD when attacking. Cannot be used to cause a critical hit.
(3) Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP)

2,500 Col and (10) Materials
Roleplay Log:




Edited by Sylumn
improving on things
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