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[SP-F03] Operation: Prison Break

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The forest canopy was a welcome sight to Wulfrin. He and Solaris had slipped away from Wulfrin's girlfriend, no she was his fiancé now. After all the two players had already completed the quest to plan the wedding, but now all Wulfrin want ed was some alone time. It had been a while since he had gone on a solo trip outside of the confines of floor twenty-two. When was the last time? Wulfrin couldn't recall exactly, but he was pretty sure the last adventure was when he went and faced off with The Gemini, but it could have very well been when he went off to find Solaris, his phoenix familiar. Time was proving harder and harder to track these days.

Wulfrin began traversing through the town of Flora, a small Fae village on the third floor of the floating castle. To the north was a sprawling forest shrouded in mists, and deep within was a labyrinth full of monsters and treasure ripe for the taking. The goal for today was to loot that forest for a bit of an experience point and materials gain.

"Well Solaris," Wulfrin spoke to his familiar roosting on his shoulder. "We'll be flying solo today. You ready to stretch your wings a bit?"

The red and gold plumed eagle took to the skies with a loud screech as the duo began to make some last minute preparations before leaving town.

* * *


Level: 27
Paragon Level: 0
HP: 570/570
EN: 72/72

Stat block


Wulfrin | HP: 570/570 | EN: 72/72 | DMG: 20 | MIT: 66 | EVA: 2 | ACC: 3 | BH: 11 | LD: 2 | BLD: 36 | REC: 3

Equipped Gear


Weapon: Wolf's Bite T3 Perfect SS ACC BLD 2
Armor: Armored Long Coat T3 Perfect LA MIT 2 REC 1
Misc: Feather T1 Perfect Trinket EVA 3



Light Armor R5
Straight Sword R5
Searching R2
Battle Healing R2

Active Mods


Night Vision

Inactive Mods






Active Extra Skills


Forgotten King’s Authority

Inactive Extra Skills



Familiar Skill


Rending Familiar

Battle Ready Inventory


Starter Healing Potions x3
T1 Uncommon Healing Potions x6
Teleportation Crystals x2

Housing Buffs


Rested: -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat
Clean: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down)
Working: +2 EXP per crafting attempt
Filling: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot.
Item Stash: +1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot
Tasty: Turn 2 identical food items into a Lesser Feast. A Lesser Feast contains 4 portions of the food items sacrificed.
Relaxed: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
Col Stash: +5% bonus col from monster kills and treasure chests
Angler: +1 material gained when fishing
Multipurpose: Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll



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"All right," Wulfrin spoke aloud as he exited a small boutique. "Got the meals Ciela made, handful of potions and crystals, and my gear's all in order. I think we're good to go."

An affirmative squawk came from the skies above as the phoenix circled above. Solaris preferred to keep moving as much as possible when not at home. The regal and sometimes quite ill tempered phoenix only really seemed to be content in the flames of Wulfrin's forge, but of course they weren't there at the moment. The duo began making their way towards the edge of town when Solaris let loose an alerting call that Wulfrin knew meant someone or something was approaching. The two had become quite the traveling pair. Wulfrin handled a majority of the ground combat and Solaris provided a well needed eye in the sky.

Wulfrin turned following the visual clues provide by Solaris just inside his peripheral vison above. Frantically approaching the swordsman was a frantic fae woman. Tears were streaking down her face as she stopped a mere handful of feet away from Wulfrin. Her yellow cursor identified her as an NPC immediately.

Looks like my plans are changing today. Wulfrin thought to himself as he prepared to take on whatever the NPC's request was.

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"You're an adventurer right?" The NPC asked as she stifled through tears. "I could really use your assistance."

"What seems to be the problem?" Wulfrin asked taking note of a piece of parchment clenched in her fist.

"Well," She composed her self before continuing. "Flora has been plagued by crime at the hands of the Faultwarren Bandits from the nearby Fort Faultwarren. Until now it was simple raids, but this last time they took a prisoner. My son, Kagamine."

"I'm terribly sorry to hear that," Wulfrin spoke with a solemn tone. "Did they leave anything like a ransom note or the like? If they did it could mean there is a chance to save him, otherwise I might only be going in to wipe them out as revenge for Flora."

"They only left this," The NPC opened her clenched fist allowing the parchment to unfurl. "They gave me instructions, but I don't have near enough Col to to pay their asking price."

"No worries," Wulfrin reassured the NPC"I'll do my best to get your son back. Can I get your name so he doesn't freak out when an armed man just rolls up claiming he's there to rescue him?"

"Oh I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself," The NPC said sheepishly. "My name is Issela."

"Name's Wulfrin," Wulfrin smiled as he accepted the quest via the window in his vision. "I'll be back as soon as I can."

With that Wulfrin took the parchment and began following its instructions into the Forest of Wavering Mists.

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Oddly enough the instructions were vague at best. There wasn't any real meaningful landmarks mentioned let alone a clear path laid out. Never the less, Wulfrin forged ahead into the mist covered forest. Solaris fluttered close by as the canopy in the forest's bounds was too thick for the duo to use their usual tactics. The two had been in close quarters combats before, but not with this level of low visibility. It was obvious Solaris wasn't too thrilled to be confined. The phoenix was fluttering around erratically trying not to ignite the entirety of the forest with its fire trail. As it stood Wulfrin felt like they were making little progress towards the fort, but he did his best given his limited knowledge. It helped that there was a bit more info to be gained from his quest log. Every so often Wulfrin would stop and toggle the quest between being actively tracked and not actively tracked, forcing the small temporary marker ping on his mini map to reappear.

"I might not be able to gauge distance," Wulfrin remarked as he held up an arm as a perch for Solaris. The phoenix took its place on his arm before slowly making its way to Wulfrin's shoulder. "But at least I can keep us from getting lost. Guess that's to be expected when the instructions were meant for an NPC."

* * *

Searching for the Fort (1/3)

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Something was starting to seem off to Wulfrin. The path was way off from any already mapped trails. Wulfrin had often found himself having to take small game trails, or even having to cut through brush himself. After what felt like a handful of hours, backed up by the brief peek Wulfrin took at the clock in his vision. It was about lunch time, and Wulfrin had planned to have already farmed at least a handful of mobs at this point, but alas that was not the case. Wulfrin scrolled through his inventory to find the small bundle Ciela had packed for him before he left. It's durability was nearing zero, so Wulfrin found a fallen log and began to eat the small sandwich provided to him. Even Solaris was thought of, and had a small rice cake specifically packed for him. Ciela never failed to include the familiar's in her meal preparations.

Wulfrin took the time to do a more thorough look over the parchment he was given. The details were still vague, but a couple new things stood out. The first was the exorbitant amount of col being asked. one million Col was so steep even Wulfrin couldn't afford the drop. The second was comparing the instructions with his map of the region. According to the instructions Issela was supposed to show up with the coin to some random clearing a good ways from the Fort itself.

"None of this adds up," Wulfrin muttered to Solaris. "Why wouldn't the bandits just have her come to the fort and pay the ransom. At worst she could be captured as well, or they could kill them both. This is clearly a trap for players, but at the same time I doubt I can circumvent the quest. Maybe it's meant to be an infiltration mission."

* * *

Searching for the Fort (2/3)

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Having wrapped up lunch and his deeper analysis of the ransom note a while back, Wulfrin finally noticed that the marker was finally updating directly on his map rather than just on the edge. It wasn't long before he entered the clearing. In the distance he could see Fort Faultwarren looming in the distance above the canopy. Cautiously, Wulfrin stepped out into the opening in the canopy. at the same moment Solaris took to the sky, no doubt enjoying the chance to properly stretch his wings. At the edge of the clearing Wulfrin scanned for any signs of an ambush. Content that none was present, Wulfrin stepped out into the clearing proper.

Despite the instructions clearly mentioning that someone would be present for the exchange, no one was in sight. That lingering feeling that something was way off crept back into Wulfrin's mind. Wulfrin drew his weapon as he stepped towards the center of the clearing.

"Alright," Wulfrin spoke out confidently into the ether. "I'm here for Kagamine! Show yourse-"

Wulfrin's challenge was cut short by the center of the clearing disappearing from underneath him causing him to fall into the depths of the pit bellow. The impact causing him to black out for a short time.

* * *

Searching for Fort (3/3)

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"What happened," Wulfrin groaned as he blinked back to consciousness.

His Night Vision mod quickly kicked in causing his vision to immediately adjust to the near complete darkness of his surroundings. He was in a prison cell. There was a small chamber pot and a roughly crafted bed suspended by angled chains to the wall to his right. A quick glance to his HP and Energy gauges and he let out a sigh of relief. He wasn't dead nor seriously injured. He did feel slightly lighter. Wulfrin did a thorough pat down of himself and shuddered at what he found. He was left without his sword or armor. His gaze finally fell past the wrought iron cell bars to the cell across from him. Inside curled up in the fetal position crying softly. The roughly teen aged boy had a yellow cursor above him marking him as an NPC.

"Hey kid," Wulfrin spoke in a soft almost whisper across the corridor. "Your name Kagamine?"

"Yeah," The teen fae said sheepishly through tears.

"Name's Wulfrin," Wulfrin replied staying hushed. "Your mom sent me to rescue you, but first we gotta get out of these cells."

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These bandits must not be very smart, or at least overconfident in their abilities to keep prisoners in check. As Wulfrin gently pushed on his cell door, it opened with relative ease. Quickly he looked both ways down the cell block. Apparently guards weren't very regular either. Keeping as low as he could Wulfrin made his way to Kagamine's cell. Carefully he opened the door and ushered for Kagamine to follow.

"Keep quiet and stay behind me," Wulfrin ordered as the two started down the hall. "If a fight breaks out stay out of sight. I'm not in the mood to watch anyone die today."

"Okay," Kagamine nodded wiping away the tears.

Wulfrin carefully made his way through the halls looking for any indication of how to get out. The first step was finding Solaris and his gear. Something was telling Wulfrin that he wasn't getting out of here without a fight. After several minutes of ducking in and out of cover to avoid the few roaming bandits, that were more focused on gloating about their kill counts than making sure prisoners were in their proper places, the duo stumbled upon a room in stark contrast to the others. There was a fire light coming from inside and the sounds of an eagle screeching angrily. Wulfrin knew the sound too well.

"Enough of this," A feminine voice echoed from within the room. "Damn fire chicken is to much of a pain. It's not worth the asking price."

Wulfrin watched as a female warrior with a massive two handed blade on her back storming into the halls. Wulfrin kept the himself and Kagamine  pressed against the wall as she continued deeper into the cell blocks. Satisfied that the coast was clear and hearing no other movement inside, Wulfrin pushed into the well lit room. Inside he saw Solaris caged up and clearly wounded from being poked and prodded as well as his coat and sword, Wolf's Bite, on a desk not far from the wrought iron cage. Wulfrin wasted no time preparing for battle and freeing his familiar from his confinement. Screw the silent approach. They just made it personal.

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Gear and Familiar retrieved, Wulfrin felt a bit more confident in his ability to get the two of them to safety. Wulfrin drew his longsword and stepped into the cell block corridors. He and Kagamine walked for only a handful of minutes before stumbling on two Bandits.

"Hey you ain't supposed to be here!" One of the bandits yelled as they drew a hand axe from their belt.

"Yeah the two of you are supposed to be locked up!" The other chimed in, their club readied to attack.

"Remember," Wulfrin held his hand out urging Kagamine to take cover. "Stay out of sight and wait for me to deal with these clowns."

Kagamine ducked down behind a cluster of crates. Solaris took up a perch ready to defend their NPC charge. Satisfied Kagamine wasn't in any danger, Wulfrin charged forward. In one motion he flipped his blade into a reverse grip as the pommel glowed a vibrant gold. The cramped space was limiting his mobility and Wulfrin almost lost his footing causing him to go off course just a bit. Then his battle training against the slippery Gemini. Time seemed to slow as Wulfrin corrected his trajectory with ease, slamming the pommel of his weapon into the chest of the first and driving them into their ally. As Wulfrin prepared to strike again, the bandits shrugged off their stunned conditions and prepared to retort with a strike of their own.

* * *

Start of Combat


Recovery: not needed
Wulfrin is at full energy

Post Action: [x12] Tech-F vs Faultwarren Bandits A and B (11+4=15 En) -1 Rested (2/2) -2 Stamina = 12 EN
Free Action: Concentration
Cooldowns: Concentration (0/5)

ID: 223589 | CD: 12 | BD: 2+3+1 = 6 | 12*20= 240 - 40 = 200 DMG to F.Bandit A. Target is stunned. ST-B Unlocked
ID: 223590 | BD: 2+3+1 = 6 | 2*20= 240 - 40 = 200 DMG to F.Bandit B. Target is stunned.

Wulfrin | HP: 570/570 | EN: 60/72 (72-12) | DMG: 20 | MIT: 66 | EVA: 2 | ACC: 3 | BH: 11 | LD: 2 | BLD: 36 | REC: 3

[1] Faultwarren Bandit A HP: 150/350 (350-200) | DMG: 100 | MIT: 40 |ACC:  STUNNED
[1] Faultwarren Bandit B HP: 150/350 (350-200) | DMG: 100 | MIT: 40 |ACC: 1 | STUNNED

* * *

F.Bandit A and B are both stunned. Stun fades. Enemies gain P.StunImm

[1] Faultwarren Bandit A HP: 150/350 (350-200) | DMG: 100 | MIT: 40 |ACC: | P.StunImm (0/3)
[1] Faultwarren Bandit B HP: 150/350 (350-200) | DMG: 100 | MIT: 40 |ACC: 1 | P.StunImm (0/3)


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The two parties charged each other. The sounds of the conflict echoed through the stone corridors. Wulfrin effortlessly dodged and blocked the simple attacks the Bandits were throwing at him. His extra skill Concentration was pulling it's weight for sure. Just as Wulfrin's slowed perception of time began to fade, an opening appeared in the bandits' attacks. His blade began to glow a vibrant cerulean blue, as he danced around the bandits with little resistance. As he stood with his back to the combatants, a cerulean holographic square burst out from between the two signalling the completion of Horizontal Square. The bandits then quickly shattered into a shower of fractal motes leaving the path clear once more.

"Alright Kagamine," Wulfrin said towards the NPC's hiding spot. "Let's keep moving. We'll be out of here in no time. Especially if they are all this inept at keeping the peace."

Solaris followed behind Kagamine as the NPC made his way to Wulfrin's side. The three of them continued deeper into the dark cells of Fort Faultwarren.

* * *


Recovery: ID: 223591 | CD: 12 | +3
Wulfrin regains 3+3=6 EN

Post Action: [x11] AOE-I vs Faultwarren Bandits A and B (11+4=15 En) -1 Rested (1/2) -2 Stamina = 12 EN
Free Action: none
Cooldowns: Concentration (1/5)

ID: 223589 | CD: 6 | BD: 4+3 = 7 | 11*20= 220 - 40 = 180 DMG to F.Bandit A. Target is dead.
ID: 223590 | BD: 10 (Major Crit +2 DMG) | 13*20= 260 - 40 = 220 DMG to F.Bandit B. Target is dead.

Wulfrin | HP: 570/570 | EN: 54/72 (60+6=66-12=54) | DMG: 20 | MIT: 66 | EVA: 2 | ACC: 3 | BH: 11 | LD: 2 | BLD: 36 | REC: 3

[2] Faultwarren Bandit A HP: 0/350 (150-180) | DMG: 100 | MIT: 40 |ACC: | P.StunImm (0/3) | DEAD
[2] Faultwarren Bandit B HP: 0/350 (150-220) | DMG: 100 | MIT: 40 |ACC: 1 | P.StunImm (0/3) | DEAD


Enemies did not meet loot minimums

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Wulfrin was keeping vigilant, but he was starting to become overly cautious. Yeah the bandits were push overs, pretty much everything down this low was, but they were taking more hits than most things did this low in floors. Wulfrin eyed his energy meter in his vision. Ever since he had picked up his Tech shift, his attacks hit a bit harder, but at the same time there was a much larger drain on his energy meter. The bandits weren't completely unskilled. By Wulfrin's estimate, they at least had some bonuses to their accuracy. They weren't just wildly swinging, instead there was the smallest hint of of competency. It wasn't anything he couldn't handle, but Wulfrin would still have to be somewhat mindful of his situations.

"You okay?" Kagamine asked with a worried expression.

"Yeah no worries," Wulfrin reassured. "Just trying to come up with a way to beat these guys."

* * *

Cooldowns: Concentration (2/5)
HP: Full
Energy: 54+1=55
Full EN Recovery Posts (1/2)

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"Maybe you could take out their leader," Kagamine suggested. "You seem like you can handle yourself in a fight."

"I mean its possible," Wulfrin replied. "The only problem is I have no idea who or where their leader is."

"I think their leader was that mean lady."

"Could be. She did seem to have a bit more put together than the others."

Now Wulfrin's attention had shifted to the end goal. If that was the leader that walked out of the office where they recovered Wulfrin's gear and familiar, Wulfrin couldn't wait for the chance to take her down. She had been hurting Solaris and to Wulfrin that was an offense worth the death penalty. The duo ducked into a small supply closet. Wulfrin could hear footsteps approaching and he wasn't ready for another scrap just yet. Thanks to the boosts from being a home owner, he was recovering more rapidly than he had before, but it still required time. The trio waited in silence as the footsteps grew closer. Then Wulfrin's energy meter hit max.

* * *

Cooldowns: Concentration (3/5)
HP: Full
Energy: Full
Full EN Recovery Posts (2/2)

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Wulfrin leapt from the closet as the group of four bandits converged on their hiding spot. Solaris followed suit choosing to focus on his own target. Wulfrin swung Wolf's Bite in a wide arc, its blade wreathed in the vibrant gold of his Meteor Blow Sword Art. Three of the four bandits were left reeling one of which seemed to be nicked more violently causing them to blead a bit more. The bleeding opponent shattered into fractal motes as Wulfrin pivoted quickly to redirect the incoming attack form Solaris's bandit. 

One down. Wulfrin thought to himself as he readied his next attack. Two targets would be able to be felled with a Horizontal Square, but the one Solaris was dealing with was way better off.

It would take two more arts either way. Best make the most of the stunned ones and deal with the more healthy one. Wulfrin took a stance in preparation for a one on one duel.

* * *



Recovery: not needed
Wulfrin is at full energy

Post Action: [x12] Tech-F vs Faultwarren Bandits C D E and F (11+8=19 En) -1 Rested (2/2) -2 Stamina = 16 EN
Free Action: Rending Familiar
Cooldowns: Concentration (4/5) Rending Familiar (0/5)

ID: 223594 | CD: 11 | BD: 4+3 = 7 | 12*20= 240 - 40 = 200 DMG to F.Bandit A. Target is stunned. ST-B Unlocked
ID: 223595 | BD: 6+3 = 9 | 12*20= 240 - 40 = 200 DMG to F.Bandit B. Target is stunned.
ID: 223596 | BD: 10 Major Crit +2 DMG | 14*20= 280 - 40 = 240 DMG to F.Bandit B. Target is stunned. Target takes 36 Bleed Damage
ID: 223597 | BD: 2+3= 5 miss | No DMG to F.Bandit F. Target takes 21 Rending Familiar Damage

Wulfrin | HP: 570/570 | EN: 56/72 (72-16) | DMG: 20 | MIT: 66 | EVA: 2 | ACC: 3 | BH: 11 | LD: 2 | BLD: 36 | REC: 3

[1] Faultwarren Bandit C HP: 150/350 (350-200) | DMG: 100 | MIT: 40 |ACC: STUNNED
[1] Faultwarren Bandit D HP: 150/350 (350-200) | DMG: 100 | MIT: 40 |ACC: 1 | STUNNED
[2] Faultwarren Bandit E HP: 34/350 (350-280-36) | DMG: 100 | MIT: 40 |ACC: STUNNED BLD 36 (1/2)
[0] Faultwarren Bandit F HP: 329/350 (350-21) | DMG: 100 | MIT: 40 |ACC: 1 | REND 21 (1/2)

* * *

F.Bandits C D and E are stunned. Stun fades. Targets gain P.StunImm (0/2)

F.Bandit F attacks Wulfrin
ID: 223598 | MD 4+1=5-2=3 miss

F.Bandit E takes 36 Bleed Damage. Target Dies

F.Bandit F takes 21 Rending Damage. Rend fades

Wulfrin | HP: 570/570 | EN: 56/72 (72-16) | DMG: 20 | MIT: 66 | EVA: 2 | ACC: 3 | BH: 11 | LD: 2 | BLD: 36 | REC: 3

[1] Faultwarren Bandit C HP: 150/350 (350-200) | DMG: 100 | MIT: 40 |ACC: P.StunImm (0/3)
[1] Faultwarren Bandit D HP: 150/350 (350-200) | DMG: 100 | MIT: 40 |ACC: 1 | P.StunImm (0/3)
[2] Faultwarren Bandit E HP: 0/350 (34-36) | DMG: 100 | MIT: 40 |ACC: P.StunImm (0/3) | DEAD
[0] Faultwarren Bandit F HP: 308/350 (329-21) | DMG: 100 | MIT: 40 |ACC: 1 |

F.Bandit E dies but does not meet loot minimums

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Wulfrin leapt forward. He needed to put some damage on this near uninjured bandit. His blade became wreathed in a crimson hue and almost seemed to hum like it couldn't wait to sink into the bandit's flesh. Wulfrin unleashed the move that only bosses at this point had survived. Was the strongest single target Sword Art in his possession, Nova Ascension, a bit overkill? Maybe, but Wulfrin had no other choice. The longer he let the battle go on, the worse off he could be. Energy to Wulfrin was expendable, Hp was not. If he could keep his hyper offense moving, he would leave fewer openings for the bandits to exploit. The consecutive strikes of Nova Ascension each landed with little resistance from the bandit.

As his target scattered into the familiar fractal motes, Wulfrin turned to redirect the attacks from his two remaining foes. Their attacks were wild yet each was fairly well placed. They just didn't have the skill to keep up with Wulfrin.

Two down. Two still standing. You've got this.

* * *


Recovery: ID: 223609 | CD: 5 | +0 EN
Wulfrin regains 3 EN

Post Action: [x20] ST-B vs Faultwarren Bandit F (20 EN) -1 Rested (1/2) -2 Stamina = 17 EN
Free Action: none
Cooldowns: Concentration (5/5) Rending Familiar (1/5)

ID: 223608 | BD: 5+3= 8 hit | 20*20 = 400 - 40 = 360 DMG to F.Bandit F. Target Dies

Wulfrin | HP: 570/570 | EN: 42/72 (56+3=59-17) | DMG: 20 | MIT: 66 | EVA: 2 | ACC: 3 | BH: 11 | LD: 2 | BLD: 36 | REC: 3

[1] Faultwarren Bandit C HP: 150/350 (350-200) | DMG: 100 | MIT: 40 |ACC: P.StunImm (0/3)
[1] Faultwarren Bandit D HP: 150/350 (350-200) | DMG: 100 | MIT: 40 |ACC: 1 | P.StunImm (0/3)
[2] Faultwarren Bandit E HP: 0/350 (34-36) | DMG: 100 | MIT: 40 |ACC: P.StunImm (0/3) | DEAD
[0] Faultwarren Bandit F HP: 0/350 (308-360) | DMG: 100 | MIT: 40 |ACC: 1 | DEAD

* * *

F.Bandit C attacks Wulfrin. The attack Misses
ID: 223610 | MD: 6 +1 = 7-2 = 5 Miss

F.Bandit D attacks Wulfrin. The attack Misses
ID: 223611 | MD: 1 Crit Miss

Wulfrin | HP: 570/570 | EN: 42/72 | DMG: 20 | MIT: 66 | EVA: 2 | ACC: 3 | BH: 11 | LD: 2 | BLD: 36 | REC: 3

[1] Faultwarren Bandit C HP: 150/350 (350-200) | DMG: 100 | MIT: 40 |ACC: P.StunImm (1/3)
[1] Faultwarren Bandit D HP: 150/350 (350-200) | DMG: 100 | MIT: 40 |ACC: 1 | P.StunImm (1/3)
[2] Faultwarren Bandit E HP: 0/350 (34-36) | DMG: 100 | MIT: 40 |ACC: P.StunImm (0/3) | DEAD
[0] Faultwarren Bandit F HP: 0/350 (308-360) | DMG: 100 | MIT: 40 |ACC: 1 | DEAD

F.Bandit F dies. Target does not meet Loot Minimums.

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The Horizontal Square was just what Wulfrin needed. The Cerulean light of his blade filled the vacant halls as Wulfrin danced around his final two targets. With a satisfying pop the remaining bandits burst into a shower of fractal motes of light leaving Wulfrin and Solaris alone in the hall.

"Alright Kagamine," Wulfrin said as he began to turn. "Let's get go-"

Wulfrin's sentence was cut off by a terrifying sight. The woman that had been torturing Solaris now had a knife to Kagamine's throat.

"Now now mister swordsman," The woman smirked. "You have been causing quite the stir in my fort."

"You and your crew are done with harming Flora," Wulfrin replied through gritted teeth. "I'll be walking out of here with Kagamine and your whole operation in shambles."

"Oh? You think you can take me down? How cute. Tell you what, I've yet to have a decent fight since we rolled into town. How bout I give you the chance to put your money where your mouth is." She gestured to the vacant cell next to Wulfrin. "Why don't you sit tight. I'll send someone to collect you. We'll fight one on one, win and you and the boy go free. Lose and well." She gestured with her thumb across her neck.

* * *


Recovery: ID: 223612 | CD: 5 | +0 EN
Wulfrin regains 3 EN

Post Action: [x11] ST-B vs Faultwarren Bandit F (11+4=15 EN) -2 Stamina = 13 EN
Free Action: none
Cooldowns: Rending Familiar (2/5)

ID: 223613 | CD: 4 | BD: 7+3 = 10 | 11*20= 220 - 40 = 180 DMG to F.Bandit C. Target dies. ST-B remains locked
ID: 223614 | BD: 6+3 = 9 | 11*20= 220 - 40 = 180 DMG to F.Bandit D. Target dies.

Wulfrin | HP: 570/570 | EN: 32/72 (42+3=45-13=32) | DMG: 20 | MIT: 66 | EVA: 2 | ACC: 3 | BH: 11 | LD: 2 | BLD: 36 | REC: 3

[1] Faultwarren Bandit C HP: 150/350 (150-180) | DMG: 100 | MIT: 40 |ACC: P.StunImm (1/3) | DEAD
[1] Faultwarren Bandit D HP: 150/350 (150-180) | DMG: 100 | MIT: 40 |ACC: 1 | P.StunImm (1/3) | DEAD
[2] Faultwarren Bandit E HP: 0/350 (34-36) | DMG: 100 | MIT: 40 |ACC: P.StunImm (0/3) | DEAD
[0] Faultwarren Bandit F HP: 0/350 (308-360) | DMG: 100 | MIT: 40 |ACC: 1 | DEAD

* * *


F.Bandits C and D die. Targets do not meet loot minimums

Bandits defeated (6/6)

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Wulfrin was secretly grateful for the reprieve. His energy was not there to take on the leader right then and there, but once she left with Kagamine in tow, Wulfrin sat on the makeshift bed in the cell. Solaris stamped nervously around the floor of their new cell. At least they weren't separated. Wulfrin sat in silence watching his energy meter slowly climb back up. It wasn't ideal, but he didn't see another way. From the way she presented herself, the leader of the Faultwarren Bandits seemed to have some semblance of honor. It more likely that Wulfrin had stumbled onto some sort of alternate ending to the quest, but nothing was certain. At any rate, he sat in silence alone with his thoughts. He played various scenarios through his head. Something told him that this fight would not be as easy as the others.

Prove to yourself that this world has no hold on you. Reclaim your humanity.

* * *

Cooldowns: Rending Familiar (3/5)
HP: Full
Energy: 32+1=33
Full EN Recovery Posts (1/2)

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Wulfrin's energy continued to climb rapidly. The dank cell was musty and dark, but Solaris was able to keep it somewhat habitable. The cooldown on Solaris's assist was dropping quickly as well. It wouldn't be long before he was at peak performance again. The upcoming battle was for the safety of Flora. Wulfrin had to win. He hated bullies that picked on people weaker than them. It's partly why he had a target on his back from one of the NPCs from Floor 5.

"You in the coat," A burly voice snapped Wulfrin back to reality. "The boss is ready for you. Hope you've made piece with your gods."

"Your boss had better have made her peace," Wulfrin retorted with venomous intent. "I'll be walking away from the battle with Flora freed of your torturous ways."

Wulfrin stood and walked behind his bandit escort. His guide led him to a large open arena, the canopy broken in only a few places over head letting the red light of dusk flood the sandy battle arena.

* * *

Cooldowns: Rending Familiar (4/5)
HP: Full
Energy: Full
Full EN Recovery Posts (2/2)

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The iron bars closed and locked behind Wulfrin as he stepped out into the sandy battle arena. About 30 feet above him was a multitude of NPC spectators. In one of the noble viewing boxes, Wulfrin picked out a familiar face. Abdullah, the merchant prince that had left such a lasting impression on Wulfrin, that every time he returned to the Floor Wulfrin either went out of his way to be inconspicuous or make it clear how many leagues he was above the guards in the merchant's employ. Abdullah did everything in his power to slow Wulfrin down at every chance he could get. Wulfrin constantly kept his eye out for any signs of Abdullah's tyranny and made an effort to crush it ever since Abdullah had tried to take Solaris for himself.

"I hope you don't mind," The bandit leader smirked. "I invited a few spectators."

"It makes no difference," Wulfrin replied anger filling his eyes. "They're just more eyes to witness your death."

Solaris screeched with affirmation. The Phoenix was just as eager for revenge as Wulfrin was. Wulfrin drew Wolf's Bite and prepared to make the first move. The leader responded in kind by drawing her greatsword. Now that he had a better look, Wulfrin could easily identify the blade. It was a zweihander. The blows from that blade were going to be swift and painful. There would be no room for error.

With the sound of a gong in the distance, the fight was on. As Wulfrin suspected, the leader moved with speed and agility. Wulfrin opened with his stunning Tech art, but the bandit leader elegantly dodged the blow and began to counter with her own. Instinctively, Wulfrin pivoted and parried her strike himself. This battle was going to be a good one. Wulfrin couldn't help but smile.

* * *



Recovery: not needed
Wulfrin is at full energy

Post Action: [x16] Tech-A vs Faultwarren Leader (16 En) -1 Rested (2/2) -2 Stamina = 13 EN
Free Action: None
Cooldowns: Rending Familiar (5/5)

ID: 223615 | CD: 12 | BD: 1 Crit Miss | No DMG to F.Leader. ST-B Unlocked.  EN Cost for miss 2 EN - 1 Rested (2/2) -2 Stamina = 0 EN

Wulfrin | HP: 570/570 | EN: 72/72 | DMG: 20 | MIT: 66 | EVA: 2 | ACC: 3 | BH: 11 | LD: 2 | BLD: 36 | REC: 3

[0] Faultwarren Leader HP: 600/600 | DMG: 125 (150 on a 9-10) | MIT: 60 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 1

* * *

F.Leader attacks Wulfrin. The attack misses
ID: 223616 | MD: 5+1=6-2=4 miss

Wulfrin | HP: 570/570 | EN: 72/72 | DMG: 20 | MIT: 66 | EVA: 2 | ACC: 3 | BH: 11 | LD: 2 | BLD: 36 | REC: 3

[0] Faultwarren Leader HP: 600/600 | DMG: 125 (150 on a 9-10) | MIT: 60 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 1


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As the two separated after the initial clash, Wulfrin noticed something disappear from his vision. A closer look revealed the cooldown queue had emptied. Solaris let off a bright light over head as Wulfrin began to charge. Wulfrin had also managed to unlock the use of Nova Ascension on his last attack even though it failed to land. Wulfrin let out a sharp whistle call. In a flash, a streak of fire began to hurdle towards the bandit leader. The leader became distracted and Wulfrin saw his opening.

"You should pay attention to your proper opponent!" Wulfrin shouted as he unleashed the full power of his strongest sword art. It collided flawlessly with his target shaving a large portion of her HP gauge away.

"And you need to learn to keep your guard up," The leader retorted as she drove her blade into Wulfrin's back. 

Wulfrin wasn't surprised in the slightest though. The only reason the attack went through was his inability to move due to the system's imposed limitations. The leader's HP continued to drop thanks to Solaris before the phoenix pulled away.

* * *


Recovery: not needed
Wulfrin is at full energy

Post Action: [x20] ST-B vs Faultwarren Leader (20 En) -1 Rested (1/2) -2 Stamina = 17 EN
Free Action: Rending Familiar.
Cooldowns: Rending Familiar (0/5)

ID: 223617 | BD: 8+3=11-1=10 hit | 20*20=400-60=340 DMG to F.Leader. Target takes 21 Rending damage

Wulfrin | HP: 570/570 | EN: 55/72 (72-17) | DMG: 20 | MIT: 66 | EVA: 2 | ACC: 3 | BH: 11 | LD: 2 | BLD: 36 | REC: 3

[1] Faultwarren Leader HP: 239/600 (600-340-21) | DMG: 125 (150 on a 9-10) | MIT: 60 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 1 |  Rend 21 (1/2) |

* * *

F. Leader attacks Wulfrin. Attack deals 59 DMG to Wulfrin. F.Leader takes 21 DMG from Rending Familiar. Rend fades
ID: 223618 | MD: 8+1=9-2=7 hit. | 125-66=59 DMG to Wulfrin

Wulfrin | HP: 511/570 (570-59) | EN: 55/72 | DMG: 20 | MIT: 66 | EVA: 2 | ACC: 3 | BH: 11 | LD: 2 | BLD: 36 | REC: 3

[1] Faultwarren Leader HP: 218/600 (239-21) | DMG: 125 (150 on a 9-10) | MIT: 60 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 1 |  Rend 21 (2/2) |


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Wulfrin recovered from the blow dealt to him with a roll. The big sword being swung around by the leader was doing just as Wulfrin had hoped. She was moving slow. Her last attack left just enough of an opening that Wulfrin could exploit to his advantage, but he would need a bit of a safety net in the event that her HP didn't deplete fully. Wulfrin's blade shined with a golden light as he drove the sword into the leader's chest. The Sword Art connected with a tremendous force sending the leader staggering backward. Wulfrin watched as his opponent fell to the ground and shattered into fractal motes of cerulean light, her HP completely depleted.

An update window appeared in front of Wulfrin. It contained information on the loot dropped by the leader as well as a notification that the quest can be completed. The crowd began to disperse clearly dissatisfied with the result. A gate to his right opened and Kagamine stumbled out. He was a bit roughed up, but otherwise seemed unharmed.

"Come on Kagamine," Wulfrin said helping the kid back to his feet. "Let's get you home."

* * *


Recovery: ID: 223620 | CD: 5 | No Additional energy
Wulfrin regains 3 energy. Wulfrin regains 11 HP from Battle Healing

Post Action: [x16] Tech-A vs Faultwarren Leader (16 En) -2 Stamina = 14 EN
Free Action: None
Cooldowns: Rending Familiar (1/5)

ID: 223619 | CD: 9 | BD: 6+3=9-1=8 Hit | 16*20=320-60=260 DMG to F.Leader. ST-B Unlocked. Target is dead

Wulfrin | HP: 522/570 (511+11) | EN: 41/72 (55-14) | DMG: 20 | MIT: 66 | EVA: 2 | ACC: 3 | BH: 11 | LD: 2 | BLD: 36 | REC: 3

[1] Faultwarren Leader HP: 0/600 (218-260) | DMG: 125 (150 on a 9-10) | MIT: 60 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 1 | DEAD

* * *

F.Leader dies. Target meets the Loot Minimum HP: >= 324 | DMG >= 108



Looting Faultwarren Leader
ID: 223621 | CD: 6 | LD: 11+2=13

CD even +2 Materials
LD odd +1200 Col
Col Stash: +120 Col
Loot Table: 1 Rare Weapon and 1 Uncommon Consumable

Final Totals:

Col: 2400 + 1200 + 120 = 3,720
Materials: 2
T3 Rare Weapon | ID: 223621a
T3 Uncommon Consumable | ID: 223621b

* * *

Reward Totals this thread


Col: 3,720
Materials: 2
T3 Rare Weapon | ID: 223621a
T3 Uncommon Consumable | ID: 223621b


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